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tv   KWWL News at Ten  NBC  December 1, 2015 10:00pm-10:34pm CST

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history in the making: quentin hart will become the first african- of waterloo. ron steele. and i'm amanda godman. thanks fofojoining us. . kwwl's olivia mancino and nikki newbrough spoke with the two waterloo mayoral candidates following the election results. they will both join us shortly. numbers -- in his history- making victory tonight, quentin hart got 59 percent of the vote in his win over former 3- term mayor tim hurley, who received 41- percent. as you see, of the 8,836 votes cast, hart picked up 5-thousand two hundred and 22 of those votes... kwwls olivia mancino was at hi election party, she joins us now live
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ramada tonight for hart's win of course i had to ask him how he feels tonight, he says nothing has soaked in yet, but saying he's very thankful for the community support. here's a look at his party over at the ramadadain waterloo-- he was greeted with hugs and when he walked in hart has promised to bring a waterloo mayor's office but he says with experience as well-- he's served six years as the vice mayor and is familiar with the city's operations i asked him what the first thing "the firss thing i want to do is have a conversation with staff, we have a great hardworking continue to understand how important they are to the community, i want to talk to new to see" hart has made history tonight -- in
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he has said diversity is his strength, and hees going to use hart telling me tonight he's going to enjoy this win but before he steps into office, he wants to take his family on vacation -- he has a wife and six months, and he's ready for a little break -- not too long though, he will let's head over to nikki wbrough who spoke witt tim hurley earlier, tim hurley says he's proud to be a "footnote" to waterloo history. and, hurley says quentin hart's victory may be the breakthrough for the future of waterloo here's video of hurley calling hart and congratulating him. hurley says they both have the same views on a lot of things and he believes the city is in gogo hands. you see, hurley knows what it's like having been in that mayor seat, and he says quentin seems prepared to take the job. hurley says he's glad he ran, served
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oking forwarr to speaking with hart often. "he had a surperb organization and a great campaign. he's articulate. he stayed with his won and so i think the whole city needs to get behind him." hurley says he will continue his active involvement in the waterloo community. as for if hurley will run for here to support quentin. i'm here to support waterloo." we've got you covered live in the nenesroom - nikki newbrough- kwwl news in addition to the historic mayor's runoff, waterloo voters elected jerome amos, junior, to the 4th ward city council seat. amos garnered 60-per cent of the vote in an 899 to 592 victory over chris schwartz. also tonight -- the cedar falls
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here's how they turned out -- jim brown coming in way ahead of month -- and a write-in. brown saying he's excited and humbled. "it's very exciting; very humbling. not only towards the support behind me, but also the support throughout th community humbling." brown will officially start his term january first. some scattered snow flurries continuing -- let's go to storm track seven chief meteorologist mark schnackenberg now who's tracking it. from the kwwlwlstormtrack 7 weather team. see the screen for your complete weather information. here is additional forecast scattered snow showers and flurries linger through the overnight. snow accumulations will remain less than 1". roads so use caution. one more cloudy day ahead with a few lingering flurries wednesday before the clouds clear wednesday night. thursday through early next week will be dry and ild. high through the overnight. snow accumulations will remain less
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times as temperatures drop into the 20s, so use caution. one more cloudy day ahead thursday through early next week will be dry and mild. high temperatures will be in the low to mid 40s fri-tue. a young woman accused of trying to take a nine-yer- old oy from a bus stop is ow undergoinn mental evaluation the incident happened at the corner of denver and 2nd in waterloo. the child was waiting for the school bus...just down the street from his home the woman allegedly told his bus driver, that the boy needed to go with her. she told police she thought the boy needed help. luckily, the boy said he never met the woman before --and the bus driver then called police.
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thought the boy was her relative..that he was in trouble..hurt..and needed her help......but that was not the case at all. as you can imagine, thh boy's "my son made it on the bus. me really scared because what happens next time you know what if that child decides to go with that person.." police chief dan trelka says they are still investigating the situation. however -- no charges are pendinggat this time because the boy was hurt. a local teen has died from injuries sustained in a thanksgiving day car accident. officials confirm he died last night at the hospital in iowa city. 16-year-old justin shaffer was hit by another car in rural dubuque county after he overcorrected
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kwwl's brad hanson joins us live now from the t-h media newsroom in downtown dubuque. and brad, you spoke with weetern dubuque's superintendent today about yet another tragedy in their district. yeah, there's no doubt this has been a tough yearrand a half for that district. they've now seen six student deaths since august of 2014. a tough day at cascade high school, as students mourn the @bhansonkwwl))"it was near this intersection behind me in rural dubuque county on thursday when officials say shaffer's car went onto the right shoulder, he overcorrected his car started on fire. meanwhile, his mother telling our coverage partners at th media that he was on his way to a family gathering." western dubuque superintendent rick colpitts. (rick colpitts, western dubuque superintendent) "our hearts really go out to the family and friends of justin and to colpitts. (rick colpitts, western dubuque superintendent) "our hearts really go out to the
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to take care of the students. "we had additional counselors that were available. they had a pretty structured day with the kids as far as a normal scscol day, but there were groups of helping the students and supporting the students today." a you-caring campaign has also been started to help shaffffr's family wiih expenses--organizers noting this type of loss is particularly hard around the holidays. a group made t- shirts back in april to help support cole haan's family after he died. i asked colpitts if something like that will happen again--he believes something will, aad at it will most likely be student driven. and of course, as soon as we learn what that is, we'll pass that on to
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we've got you covered live from the t-h media newsroom in dubuque, brad hanson, kwwl news. the man driving the other car was also taken to the hospital in iowa city. we're told he's in stable condition. the university of iowa is looking into apparent racist messages on the campus -- and investigating it as a hate crime. the university did not say what was said -- but it was found carved on the inside of a bathroom door in ence laboratooies. maintenance crews were quickly alerted to sand off the comment -- and police began investigating. students were then notified of the incident by new president bruce harreld. (cg: uzair ahmedd student) "i think with what the type of negativity around campus and i think it shows this is not what the school is about this is not what the school represents." charges could be pursued if police find the person who did it --
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being pursued as a hate crime. decision 2016... republican presidential candidate jeb bush making a few stops in eastern iowa today -- making a statement about his potentiil vicc president. he first visited the university of dubuque for his cffee and donuts event this morning. the former florida governor spoke to a full room of supporters on a variert of topics -- including immigration, health care and tional security. but what everyone was talking about was his vicee presiddnt comment. president... i think she would be a great partner... i mean did i say that out loud?" bush also campaigned at the five sullivan brothers center in waterloo and was in newton afterwards. fellow republican candidate mike
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earlier today. the arkansas governor holding his "the huck stops here" campaign event in mount ayr. coming up n kwwl... a major change in law enforcement following the release of the laquan mcdonald shooting video.. plus. a tataer catches fireein the middle of the highway. here's a live look at the storm track 7 live doppler radar....storm track seven's chief meteorologist mark schnackenberg has your full forecast, ccming up... "you're watching kwwl. we've got you covered. with ron steele, amanda goodman, chief meteorologist mark schnackenberg and sports with rick coleman. this is the kwwl
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(vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase?at enterprise, we guguantee it. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone...
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ow your storm t tack 7 forecast on kwwl." from the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team. see the screen for your complete weather information. here is addixional forecast scattered snow showers and flurries linger through the overnight. snow accumulations will remain less than 1". roads will be slick at times as temperatures drop into the 20s, lingering flurries wednesday before the clouds clear wednesday night. thursday through early next week will be dry and mild. high temperatures will be in the low through the overnight. snow accumulations will remain less than 1". roads will be ahead with a few lingering flurries wednesday before the clouds clear wednesday night. thursday through early next week will be dry and mild. high snow showers and flurries linger through the overnight. snow accumulations will remain less than 1". roads will be ahead with a few lingering flurries clear wednesday night. thursday through early next week will be dry and mild. high snow showers and flurries
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snow accumulations will remain less than 1". roads will be one more cloudy day ahead wiwih a few lingering flurries wednesday before the clouds clear wednesday night. thursday through early next week will be dry and mild. high snow showers and flurries linger through the overnight. drop into the 20s, so use caution. oneeore cloudy day ahead with a few lingering flurries wednesday before the clouds temperatures will be in the low to mid 40s fri-tue.scattered snow showers and flurries linger through the overnight. snow accumulations will remain less than 1". roads will be one more cloudy day ahead with a few lingering flurries wednesday before the clouds clear wednesday night. thursday through early next week will be dry and mild. high snow showers and flurries linger through the overnight. drop into the 20s, so use caution. one more cloudy day ahead with a few lingering flurries wednesday before the clouds clear wednesday night. thursday through early next week will be dry and mild. high snow showers and flurries linger through the overnight. snow accumulations will remain less than 1". roads will be caution. one more cloudy day ahead with a few lingering flurries wednesday before the clouds clear wednesday night. thursday through earlyyext week will be dry and mild. high temperatures will be in the low
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coming up on kwwl... a couple makes a rather generous donation in a salvation army red kettle. weather information. here is additional forecast flurries linger through the flurries wednesday before the temperatures will be in the low the 20s, so use caution. one temperatures will be in the low the 20s, so use caution. one wednesday night. to mid 40s fri-tue.sctered than 1". roads ill be slick at to mid 40s fri-tue.scattered than 1". roads will be slick at to mid 40s fri-tue.scattered than 1". roads will be slick at thursday through early next week will be dry and mild. high slick at times as temperertures ddp into the 20s, so use week will be dry and mild. high temperatures will be in the low slick at times as temperatures flurries wednesday before the clouds clear wednesday night. thursday through early next week will be dry and mild..high temperatures will be in the low to mid 40s fri-tue.
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a couple makes a rather generous donation in a salvation army red kettle. this holiday, ford america's best-selling brand is giving you more. the ford holiday sales event... with 0% financing for 60 months on 2015 f-150 and focus and 2016 fusion and escape. plus 1,000 dollars holiday bonus cash on 2015 focus and 2016 fusion and escape. it's the best gift ever. now during the ford holiday sales event get 0% financing for 60 months s us 1,000 dollars holiday bonus cash on select vehicles.
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at t t first world confereree on climate change, the challenge seemed insurmountable. but today, as world leaders come together in paris, the solutions are clear. with a real commitment to clean energy, we can tackle the climate crisis, end our dependence on oil from foreign countries, and create millions of american jobs. but none of it will happen unlele america leads.
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jeb bush: here's the truth you will not hear from our president: we are at war with radical islamic terrorism. it is the struggle that will determine the fate of the free world. the united states should not delay in leading a global coalition to take out isis with overwhelming force. their aim is our total destruction. we can't withdraw from this threat or negotiate with it. we have but one choice: to defeat it. vo: right to rise usa is responsible
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superintendent. this happening after the unrest stemming from the release of the video showing an officer shoot a teen 16 times. mayor rahm emanuel had high praise for garry mccarthy but ultimately felt it was time for a change following the release "superintendant mccarthy and i began a discussion, sunday, the leadership of the department has been shaken, and eroded. superintendent, garry's record is a strong one, and one that he can be proud of." emanuel went on to say the department needs fresh leadership to deal with the challenges the city and the department are currently facing. a gas tanker catches fire -- exploding in the middle of the
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here in southern california -- shutting down both directions of the freeway. the tanker was carrying more fuel when a tire shredded -- leading to the fire. lcukily -- no injuries were reported. of civil rights activist rosa parks refusing to give up her seat to a white man on a public bus in montgomery, alabama. although parks was arrested for violating the city's racial segregation laws -- the simple act is looked at as a pivotal event in the civil rights movment. it led to a year- long boycott of the buses -- organized by martin luther king junior. the supreme court of course later banishing the bus laws in part to parks' acts. you may have noticed it's that time of the year again -- the salvation army red kettle's are out. and one couple is already making a rather generous donation.
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check for 500- thousand dollars over the weekend. they want to remain anonymous but did say in a statement that they know what it's like to stuggle to make ends meet. one of their fathers was also a veteran -- serving in world war one. the iowa hawkeyes announcing their honorary kid captain for this week's big ten championship game against michigan state. 12-year-old kaelea butterfield, of marion, picked to travel to indianapolis for the game. she had a difficulty breathing at a young age -- and was hospitalized five times. she was later diagnosed with asthma. now at the age of 12 -- kaelea will be able to help cheer on the hawkeyes in the big ten championship game on saturday. coming up next... we'll hear from the hawkeyes as championship saturday against michigan state sits just four days away --
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state basketball team looks to the bison of north dakota state -- mark woodley joins us next on kwwl.
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championship week's gotten off to a good start for the hawkeyes -- yesterday -- desmond king was named the big ten's defensive back of the year -- today -- it's kirk ferentz getting the honor -- named the conference coach of the year for grant knows -- winning in indianapolis
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thanks alot mark, well its probably one of the bigger games state in this weekends big ten to prove everybody wrong and really its about what we do and its about us falling back on our fundamentals and preparations and be the best team we can be week to week." and these hawkeyes no they will have to be at there best in this weekend big ten championship game. despite being undefeated the hawks open as four point underdogs. well be on the big stage this is our chance to prove ourselves to everybody who doesnt have alot of hands on expiernece with the big ten or doesnt see us week to week. the big matchup to watch is iowas run offense vs the tough run defense of the spartans. i done all season. " four us when we have that motivation that they are gonna be tough to run against that pushes us in practice."
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on how good the regulars season has been sot for us were happy we finished the season undefeated but theres one more trophy we want and thats the big ten respect " whether or not this game gets football." in iowa city im zach grant kwwl news thank you zach -- well new iowa state coach matt campbell has his first commit -- and it's waterloo west's devon moore -- the junior quarterback already had offers from both iowa state and toledo -- and when campbell made the move from ohio to ames i was talking to my parents a going to get the job. that's really when i found out that i wanted to be an iowa state cyclone.
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year after breaking a leg in a game in october -- he expects to get the cast off in the next couple taste of hilton magic -- 5th ranked cyclones looking to stay perfect against north dakota state -- in transition in the first half -- monte morris leaves it for jameel mc-kay -- iowa state would lead by 6 at the halftime break -- bison though -- keeping it close -- x x with the spin move -- makes it a 2 point game with 12 minutes to go -- but iowa state rolls down the stretch -- jameel mckay -- 15 points, 19 boards -- cyclones by six -- then -- abdul nader from deep for 3 of his team high 21 tonight -- cyclones outscor the bison 32, 14 in the final 12 minutes --
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thanks rick. this holiday, ford america's best-selling brand is giving you more. the ford holiday sales event... with 0% financing for 60 months on 2015 f-150 and focus and 2016 fusion and escape. plus 1,000 dollars holiday bonus cash on 2015 cus and 2016 fusion and escape. it's the best gift ever. now during the ford holiday sales event get 0% financing for 60 months plus 1,000 dollars holiday bonus cash on select vehicles.
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it's called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. most new wealth flows to the top 1%. it's a system held in place by corrupt politics where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. my campaqgn is powered by over a million small contributions, people like you who want to fight back. the truth is you can't change a corrupt stem by taking its money. i'm bernie sanders. i approve this message.
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a final look at your forecast.
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news at ten. today in iowa starts at four thirty a.m.
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