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tv   The Steele Report  NBC  December 7, 2015 3:35am-4:00am CST

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floria gave up a name. jeff. ring a bell? no. tao: hey, come here.
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gabriel: ah. ahem! excuse me. lieutenant? um... no offense, but i thought the chief said that you couldn't return to work. well, uh, we need flynn to i.d. this guy. and then i'mut of here. okay, fine, i didn't see you, but i would be looking out for captain raydor. raraor? well, she k kws we're here. she's coming in herself in a minute. uh, jeff, darling, um, i hate to call you, but something has come up, and, um, i need to see you. but you can't come to my house. yeah, if you could meet me tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. in front of 412 azalea lane. it's just, uh, two blocks from my house. yeah, i'll be in a friend's prius, um, with the license plate "el buzzo." i'll be wearing a scarf over my head, darling. bye. floria, we can't keep meet-- hi. who the hell are you? you're not -- floria. i know.
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yeah. she told m myour name. floria told me a lot of things about you, jeff. ohh, she's getting crumbs everywhere. who are you? where's floria? car's self-parking, not self-cleaning. that's the guy. i'm deputy chief brenda leigh johnson, l.a.p.d. flynn: that's the guy who i talked to after the a.a. meeting. but you and i need to talk. about what? well, thank you, lieutenant. and as we agreed earlier, you can go home now. okay. but i should tell yoyo i'm moving really slowly. [ locks click ] floria told me you paid her a lot of money to get her to change her testimony in the rick zuman trial. i never gave floria a dime! oh, please, that's not even worth lying about. but the real issue here... is someone tried to kill a friend of mine. a police officer who is also due to testify in the rick zuman retrial -- lieutenant andy flynn. oh, my god. oh, my god! okay, before you completely freak out, why don't you ask yourself this question first? "like, why am i here, "instead of the back of a squad car? why aren't i already under arrest for murder?" i didn't kill anybody!
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he's who you hired to kill lieutenant flynn, isn'he? you know what i have in my purse? a warrant to search your caca oh... what if i used that warrant and found dead bob's blood or his dna in your vehicle? i didn't kill him. i swear -- that cop shot him! i just... you just drove around for an hour, past 30 hohoitals, until l bled out! and then you dumped his body in san bernardino. if it's not murder, it's the worst case of littering i've ever seen. okay, what do you want? okay, what do you want? now, that's the right question. i want what you gave bob... and floria. only i want a lot more of it. $100,000. oh! and then rk zuman goes on to re-trial, a aplanned. or...i turn you in. [ exhales sharply ] i need time. you've got three hours. you know what i don't undersrsnd, jeff? is why you care so much about rick zuman getting out of jail. you're free. you know where the money is. some people care about more than just money.
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you've got until 7:00 to get me that money. or the next time we talk, things will end differently. [ locks click ] [ beeping ] are the bags i gaveveim transmitting? clear as day. okay, good. then tell lieutenant provenza to sng by and pick up rick zuman.
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drop the bag! put your hands in the air. what's this about? officers, please escort this gentleman d dntown. [ handcuffs click ] special agent howard, would you like to examine those bills? yes, i would. tao: excuse me, captain. shouldn't we have waited until he delivered the money to chief johnson? well, if i were going to charge him with bribing a police officer, yes, but under these circumstances, simply finding the fbi money ties jeff to murder, tempted murder, and witness intimidation. not to mention a missing fbi informant who seems increasingly like a possible homicide victim. yeah, some of these bills match up. good. i think this closes my casas against lieutenant flynn for witness tampering.
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of an fbi informant. ricky! so sorry for all the boxes. we're still moving in to our new facility. have you met andy flynn's partner, lieutenant provenza? he's been so looking forward to meeting you. how's solitary been? provenza: must be hard. you don't seem to be a guy who likes to be alone. now, why would you think that? just that you're used to having company. while in county, you had 32 roommates. some of themem must have e en special to you. weren't they, ricky? i'm not sure what you're getting at. well, you wouldn't trust a stranger to kill lieutenant flynn. oh, my. has anyone ever explned to you the concept of ineffective repetition? oh, i'm so sorry. i forgot. uh, you're better with faces. this is...jeff darby. he was your roommate for four months. that's a long time. your next closest roommate lasted only three weeks. jeff must have been special. hmm. not really.
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...and he visited you even after he got out. you and jeff roomed together as cellmates for 123 days straight. provenza: in fact, you were more than just roommates, weren't you? you and jeff formed a-a real bond between you. if you're implying a physysal relationship.... okay. you were in love with jeff darby. [ chuckles ] no. but i'm in prison. jeff relelved the tedium. jeff feels differently. in fact, he's been very cooperative. ok, i'm not sure what lies je's been telling you, but he was obsessed with me. at first i felt sorry for him, but then he got all clingy. to be fair, he's young and lis older guys. i get it. but in kind of the same way i feel about you, i wish he'd just go away.
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i'd like to go now. okay. wait, wait, wait a minute, detective sanchez. how about... how w out i bet you 20 bucks... i can get you to confess? now you're just embarrassing yourself. okay, what if we raised the stakes? what if i bet you $100 you'd confess? i'd just be taking your money. hardly seems fair. chief, i think we should, uh, up the ante here a bit. how about this? how about $10,000? you know what? [ slaps table ] let's make it $400,000 i can get you to tell me everything i want to know. fine. i'll take that bet. what do you got? [ box thuds ] jeff darby led me to your storage space. whoo-hoo! i'm a winner... because i'm still not confessing.
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because when i'm free, i'm going to count every single bill and make sure that you didn't slide a few of them into your cheap purse. there's nothing illegal about a citizen keeping cash in a storage space. well, that's'srue... ususlly. but all this money? it's marked! you may not realize this, but in 1995, you took $400,000 from an fbi informant. and every one of these old bills is completely traceable to him. by saying this is your money, you just confessed not only to money laundering, but to selling drugs... and to bribing a witness... and conspiracy to murder a police officer! so, whoo-hoo! i win! you owe me $400,000. i'll tell you what -- i'll give all this money back to the fbi, you spend the rest of your life on death row,
3:45 am
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golden and warm and luminescent. luminous color isn't luck, it's preference. l'oreal. hair colorist. paris [ knock on doooo] i thought that you might like this back. flynn's package. he's completely cleared. thank you. mm-hmm. so, uh, what's...been going on? why have you been so nice? i could ask the same about you. i've been nice? no. uh, well, cooperative. i had a thought. while chief delk is completing his transition plans, maybe you and i could figure out a way r f.i.d. and major c cmes to better shshe their cases. say, uh, over a -- i don't know -- working lunch or... lunch? great. i'll set it up. oh! agent howard. by the way, nice working with you.
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anyou, captain. is everything all right? i think so. yes. look, i know you don't want to hear this, but, uh... you should really start thinking about... which one of pope's drawers you want to fill up with candy. that's not funny. [ drawer slams shut ] brenda, come on. it wouou be great. and besides, think about it. if someone less qualified takes over from pope, you'll be miserable. so get ready. [ indistinct talking ] e day, sooner than you think, chief delk is gonna offer you the job of assistant chief of police. provenza: buy you a drink. [ indistinct talking ] so you better figure out what you want.
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[ speaking indistinctly ] i already know what i want. what's that?
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so that i can be able to preach something. and then when the wind and the rain and all this happened, then my generator, it burned my
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doesn't have regular power as such, so it was a big challenge. and at that time, also, you know financial challenges in the world. when the finances has gone down, so i was really afraid about that, and i said, well, where will i get people who will help me, who will support me? because there's no way it can just be me. i know the riches we have in the people and they have the faith, but, you know, we have to have some, some external support, either financial, technical, and this is what -- that was my fear. >> ron: now, sudan went through over 40 years of civil war. >> bishop peni: 55 years. >> ron: 55 years total. now, the fighting was supposed to have ended in 2005 and then it took another six or seven years for south sudan to gain its independence and be created. what is the status of the fighting right now and are t(ere
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still amongach others? i think iowans and people in america don't understand that there are different tribes and different nations within the tribes that fight against each other, right? >> bishop peni: yes. >> ron: how that is going now and how can you as someone concerned about peace and justice, can you bring that fighting to a stop? >> bishop peni: you know, after we got our independence, it seemss likike the church, the international communities, the friends of south sudan, went on vacation. >> ron: went on vacation, yeah. >> bishop peniniwe thought everything is done, everybody was happy. we didn't know that in only two years from when we got our independence, there's going to be another bloody war. >on: exacacy. >> b bhop peni: we didn't know that. when it came, now it took everyone by surprise. when it came, even as churches, we didn't know, because this brought a different nature. the nature of this crisis was
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the past war, we as sth sudan std as one body. we were united, you know, looking for our freedom from the northerners, but when we got our independence, now there seemed to be confusion on the issue of identity, crisis of identity, because when it started, it was political, but very soon went as tribal, and then people retreated to their tribes. another thing was people retreated to their regions because they have three main regions in south sudan. and then thethird, which is very sad, is, you know, m my denominations, christian denominations belong to different regions, and therefore belong to different tribes. and because of this, the conflict, everyone, even church
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they could not speak with one voice. this made it even very difficult. and for us, you know, for me and as a chair for justice, peace and conciliation commission within the episcopal church, unity of church leaders, unitit of our leaders, unity of our people is key for success. >> ron: so when you get back home, what will you be d dng right away? we have about one minute here to go, so tell us your next plans to try to help your people back home and bring about an end to the violence and end to the poverty in your nati, in your region. >> bishop peni: when i go home now, what we got to do is we want to roll out a program which we have come up with in theext three yeararto go to the churches, call the community
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the county level, so that we can train them on peace-building and conciliation, forgiveness, so that they can stay as a united body. form a peace committee that can address issues on all the regions so we can be able to address the issues of peace at that level. >> ron: well, thank you so much, bishop samuel peni, for taking the time to be on the steele report. wish you a safe trip back home. >> bishop peni: thank you to give us our time as well. thank you very much. bye-bye. >> ron: we'll see you next week
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. it's monday, december 7th. coming up on "early today," terrorism is evolving but beatable, says president obama, as he works to reassure americans the nation is ready to take on terror involving threats. >> this was an act of t trorism designed to kill innocent
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our nation has been at war with
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