tv KWWL News at Six NBC December 16, 2015 6:00pm-6:30pm CST
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sky remains mostly cloudy overnight with a gusty west wind. clouds gradually clear thursday as high temperatures stay close to normal, near 30 degrees, for this time of year. the coldest day of te next seven will be friday as high tempeetures remain ii the 20s. the cold doesn't last long as high temperatures return to the low 40s sunday through at least the middle of next clear thursday as high temperatures stay close to normal, near 30 degrees, for this time of year. the coldest day of the next seven will be friday as high temperatures remain in the 20s. the cold doesn't last long as high remains mostly cloudy overnight with a ggty west wind. clouds gradually clear thursday as high temperatures stay close to normal, near 30 video from an officer involved shooting in march it happened in cedar rapids near the 800 block between centerpoint road and daniels street northeast. 27-year-old kyle orth drove a bmw towards officers when he was
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kwwl had a crew on the scene afterwards and saw the car riddled with bullets and a large emergency presence investigating. since march the dash cam video from the scene has been part of the investigation... you are seeing this for the first time today along with us nearly 9 months later.... kwwl's istin rogers has been sifting through the large amount of video we were given, for hours... that's right, i went clip by clip to try and show you guys what happpped....what exxctly led up to police officers shooting kyle orth. take a look.... officers are rushing to the sceme from differnt locations street lights are sttl flashing, his happened just after 2 a-m this particular clip shows an officer following orth who is in an orange bm orth quickly speeds up and whips around a corner... orth eventualll ended up in this alley way crashed into a lightpole in the
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accident earlie this month orrh was sentenced to 18080ays in jail and three years probabtion. we've got you covered in cedar rapids, kristin rogers ...kwwl news. thanks kristin. a waterloo woman has her holiday spirit back...and her christmas lights. the community is coming together- after a grincc stole her laar light display earlier this week. kwwl's lauren moss joins us now live from the woman's home- and lauren it's a different scene than yesterday. amanda, marilyn walther's was sad and her home was dark- after someone stole more than her christmas lights from her...but look at this scene tonight. it's beautiful all thanks to some kind strangers. we brought you marilyn's story last night- after she was devvtated that someone stole her laser light
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christmas lights mean a lot to marilyn- they remind her of her late these lights were special to hee.and someonee stole them right off r front lawn. laser lights are sold out at majority of stores..but get this: when the story aired we had several phone calls and messages from people asking how they can lp... last night, two strangers donated two laser light sets for marilyn- restoring her christmas spirit. "i just kept getting the calls about them and i thought by golly there is a god hahah wow and yeah it restores your ith in the community that everybody isn't a grinch." her grandson and daughter in law stopped by earlier today to help set up the new display.. they said they had no idea marilyn would connect with so many people - they are amazed at the community's response.. as you can see, marilyn is all set
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her christmas party this saturday- she's expecting more than 60 family members to come by... and the grinch better think again if he triee to steal thesese lights- marilyn has set up video cameras to keep an eye out. we've got you covered, lauren moss kwwl news. make s sre you keep an eye on those lights like marilyn..cedar falls police say they have also had reports of stolen laser lights this season. crews were needed to corral pipi this morning after a semi crash. the semi crash took place on the westbound loop ramp for interstate 380 and highway 30 in cedar rapids. after the semi crashed, all of the pigs got out of tteir ailers. kirkwood college sent workers with a trailer and fences to help capture and load the pigs. a former national park superintendent who stole ancient native american remains will plead guilty. 76-year-old thomas munson,
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effigy mounds state park, had his first court appearance today in federal court. he's charged with stealing concealald ancient native american remains and keeping them in his garage. munson intends to plead guilty. (kevin techau/u.s. attorney for nortrn district of iowa) "the united states has requestt ththt a guilty plea hearing be set in this important matter at the earliest possible date." techau said he couldn't comment on many specifics of the caseein this stage of the proceedings... but did say the artifacts are now secured back in the park's collection. one perrn is dead ollowing a head on collision. the accident took place tuesday on highway 151 north of main amana. according to the iowa state patrol, 43-year-old johnny bagwell junior crossed over into the way of a semi tractor driven by 73-year-old eldon arnold. bagwell junior was pronounced dead on scene. a ffw independence business owners are back to work after a
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according to independence police -- the driver of a car hit a gas main outside city hall after nine this morning. police evacuated city hall and nearby businesses as a precaution. according to police -- the driver's gas peddle stuck while driving -- when she ht the main. that's when business owner -- jean siomon called police. "we left the building, and they evacuated our block and the block down." business owners were evacuated for about an hour -- until they were let ack inside. with the help of taxpayers -- waterloo schools hopes to move forward with a new 35-millon dollar career center. after nearly threeyears of researching w were to build it, how to pay for it, and reviewing similar models -- educators say they now have a kwwl's macleod hageman visits des moines' central campus wth local eeucators -- toounderstand why waterloo needs a career center. he joins us live in the newsroom mac. amanda -- waterloo educators say
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to prepare students after high school -- that doesn't put all high school from the outside -- but behind these doors -- it's creative, it's one of a kind; but they also recieve dual-college credits." des moines central campus assistant director -- courses like photography (nats... flash) marine biology (nats... bubbling water) -- or even the medical field. "it's nice to have experiences like this that'll carry you through med school, when you this will help you reflect onon it, and really want this." veronica smith - senior, east high school veronica smith says the hands-on experience helps her retain more than a traditional classroo. "i know college students whoho even haven't had opportunities like i have." "when they're out there, and they're see ing a vaginal birth, come into the emergencyroom their eyes are open, and the them all is tte marine bbology program. with a waiting list year, educators say students can't wait to take the course every semester."
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program. the programs for our students to learn here life- changing. second, they immedicately add value to the surrounding businesses and industries that are in great demand." according to des moines educators -- several high school seniors graduate from central cammus-- and are classified as juniors in college without spending a dime on tuition. if waterloo taxpayers approve a similar campus -- the building would break ground on land the district already owns -- neaacentral middle school. we've got you covered live in the newsroom -- macleod hageman -- kwwl news. local voters will decide whether to move forward with the project -- by casting ballots february second. if approved -- the district will also add air-conditioning
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the fifth republican presidential debate featured sharp excnges between senators ted cruz and marco rubio. cruz and rubio sharply criticizing each other's truthfulness ... and issues ranging from immigration to the collection of meta-data. cruz blasted rubio for sponsoringgthe immigration reform bill that many republicans think is too soft on the issue of undocumented imigrants. and rubio accused cruz of voting for a bill that limits the data that can be collected.. and could compromise national security. we asked our political analyst, "i think he held his own. there are questions about his stance on the usa freedom act in just hours after last night's republican debate concllded in las vegas.. marco rubio was campaigning in iowa. the florida senator gave a
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and acknowledged the first-in-the-nation iowa caucuses are rapidly approaching. the debate clashes between rubio and senator ted cruz over u-s surveillance laws were echoeoe today.. as rubio warned that americans expect rigorous monitoring to stop terrorist plots. s/ sen. marco rubio / (r) question everyone of you is going to have is 'why didn't we and the answer better not be because we took away a tool that we need to confront it before it grows larger and more dangerous. rubio's cross- country campaigning continues later wednesday.. with a stop in new hampshire. on the democratic side, hillary clinton made a stop in eastern iowa today. the democratic presidential frontrunner was in iowa city tonight for a town hall meeting. stay ttned for our tt o'clock show as ronnteele sits down with hillary clinton for a one-on-one interview. coming up on kwwl, the salvation
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and - desmond king's fantastic "winner of the regional emmy for outstanding newscast. you're watching kwwl. we've got you covered. "n your storm track 7 forecast on kwwl." anncr: when the attacks come here..... ...the person behind this desk will have to protect your family. will he be impulsive and reckless, like donald trump? will he have voted to dramatically weaken counter-terrorism surveillance, like ted cruz? will he have skipped crucial national security hearings and votes just to campaign, like marco rubio? 27 generals and admirals support jeb bush. because jeb has the experience and knowledge
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weather information. heris additional forecast information from the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team: the sky remains mostly cloudy overnight with a gusty west wind. clouds gradually clele thursday as igh temperatures stay close to normal, near 30 degrees, for this time of year. the coldest day of the next seven will be friday as high temperatures remain in the 20s. the cold doesn't last long as high temperatures return to the low 40s sunday through at least
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remains mostly cloudy overnight with a gusty west wind. clouds s adually clear thursday as high temperatures stay close to normal, near 30 degrees, for this time of year. the coldest day of the nnt seven will be friday as high temperatures remain in the 20s. the cold doesn't last long as high temperatures return to the low 40s sunday through at leasthe middle of nexteek.the sky remains mostly cloudy overnight with a gusty west wind. clouds gradually clear thursday as high temperatures stay close to normal, near 30 degrees, for this tine of year. the coldest day of the next seven will be friday as high temperatures remain in the 20s. the cold doesn't last long as high temperatures return to the low 4 sunday through at least the middle of next week.the sky remains mostly cloudy overnight with a gusty west wind. clouds gradually clear thursday as high temperatures stay close t/ normal, near 30 degrees, for this time of yeaa. the coldest
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friday as high temperatures remain in the 20s. the cold doesn't last long as high temperatures return to the low 40s sunday hrough at least the middle of next week.the sky remains mostly cloudy overnight with a gusty west wind. clouds gradually clear thursday as high temperatures stay close to normal, near 30 degrees, for this time of year. the coldest day of the next seven will be friday as high temperatures remain in the 20s. the cold doesn't last long aa high temperatures return to the low 40s ssday through at least the middle of next week.the sky remains mostly cloudy overnight with a gusty west wind. clouds gradually clear thursday as high tempeatures stay close to normal, near 30 degrees,,for this time of year. the coldest day of the next seven will be friday as high tempertures remain in the 20s. the cold doesn't last long as high temperatures return to the low 40s sunday through at least the middle of next week.the sky
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overnight with a gusty west and soon, when it comes to its red kettle campaign. for the last few years... a mysterious donor has dropped gold coins into these red kettles... as amanda gilbert reports - the coins are worth a lot -- and the fact that the salvation army hasn't seen any coins isn't helping their goal. nat sound the familiar sound of bells ringing... as strangers knows what to do when they see us." but ttere's something missing... this year.... "in the past three years... two of the past three years we have recieved 12 gold coins in the kettle during the red kettle season. last year....those coins showed up during the last 12 days of thhred kettle campaign....but so far nothing yet... "we're still hoping and praying that the giver is willing and able..." this gold coin giver is a mystery...... "it's the fun part of it.... it keeps the mystery in the e gic into two silver coins this year... they aren't
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dropped these off either..." show up...." whether they are silver or gold... the salvation army says they could use the extra help this year... "we haven't been able to staffy every kettle site.... we've been struggling across the board... the campaign is down..." leaving them wondering where and who is the mysterious donor..... and this isn't just a ppobelm here in with the salvation armies in .... so far no gold coins there either.... they also say they are struggling to find volunteers and reach their money goals this year. coming p... kirk ferentz pulls
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it's sixteen days and coonting until the hawkeyes meet up with stanford out in pasadena -- national coach of the year kirk fentz is getting set to lead a team innhe rose bowl for the first time as a head coach -- and as for that national coach of the year part -- well -- that happened today -- the football writers association of america selected ferentz as this year'r' recipent of the eddiee robinson award -- given to the top coach in the fbs division -- he's the first hawkeye ever to receive the award in its 59 year history -- he was named the a-p coach of the year in 2002 when he led that iowa team in to the orange bowl -- hawkeye defensive back desmond king -- today -- completed the sweep earning all-american honors from the afca -- making him the 23rd hawkeye in
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-- making all 5 honor squads -- quite the junior season for king -- as he gets settfor the grandaddy of them all -- which is what we're doing as well -- our entourage is heading west with live reports fro the coast starting the day after christmas -- well at least 3 uni nthers -- jeremy morgan, wes washpun, and matt bohannon -- will have a little extra fire when they meet iowa state on saturday -- those three were on the uni ttam that lost an 18 point lead and bohannon says making up for that has been in the back of his mind for quite some time -- it's something that hasn't been to kind of get that opportunity again. hopefully on saturday we'll be ready to show them what it's all about. of course uni already took down north carolina this year -- and offensively -- coach ben jacobson says
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similar -- saturday's game tips around 6 oh clock in des moines -- wisconsin's bo ryan gave us quite a bit of a shock last night -- announcing his resignation -- effective immediately -- ryan's stepping away mid-seasasn -- in part to let top assistant greg gard prove that he's ready to lead the badger program -- ryan was in his 15th season -- having led wisconsin to a school recood 364 ns -- when you've been doing something for 40 some years, i knew it would come. it's just we can't always do it the way we like, but greg's ready. whether or not gard retains the head cooch job likely depends on what happens the next couple months --
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reaches beyond the playing field. and last night in chicago was one of those moments. during the second intermission of the blackhawks game, 9-year old cancer survivor madison dempsey earned herself an arena full of cheering fans when she took part in the 'shoot the puck' contee. with her third attempt from the blue line... madison absolutely nailed it and the crowd erupted. let's go to storm track seven chief
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paris: there's a lot to do on a dairy farm. nobody's gonna do it for you. you have to get out there anando it yourself. bernie sanders is a a ll-known friend of family farms. bernie cannot be bought out by big money. bernie's opinion cannot be purchased. it's time for our next president to get in ^here, roll up his slves, take off the gloves, and take on wall street, take on big business, take on big money, and get the working class back to where they should be. he's a rock.
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