tv KWWL News at Noon NBC December 29, 2015 12:00pm-1:00pm CST
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the winter storm... although conditions outside are better today.... it's still important to be careful drivvg.... kwwl's amanda gilbert joins us live in waterloo with more about today's weather and road conditions... ally- right now roads are starting to clear .... i've seen plows out all morning... now many roads may still be covered with a thin layor of ice or snow.... so it is important to be cautious while driving today... . i've been saying this a lot... this is video caught by a winneshiek couuty deputy... first yyu can see a car swerving... it starts to go in the other lane.... but it recovers... then wait alittle longer... and you see another car loose this car sn't as lucky..... it swerves... vers off to the
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competee 90 degree turn.... goes into the other lane... amd ends up i the ditch... and you can't t ee it in the video... but there was actually another car office wrote: let this be a reminder to slow down.... we've got you covered... live in waterloo... amanda gilbebet...kwwl news. thanks aanda a university of iowa student has died in a charter bus crash in chicago. police say the burlington trailways bus crashed into a sign on an interstate. the woman -- nicole underwood -- from des moines -- was taken to the hospital -- where she died. she was 21 years old. the bus was traveling from omaha to chicago. tt city of dubuque had crews out taking care of primary and secondary streets. dubuque has a lot of hills... which make things even trickier for drivers... "i couldn't make it to the it ttthe top and inally a guy jumped out of his car...he was coming down the hill, i was going up."
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the dubuque area yesterday. the dubuque county sheriff's office says a@14- year-old was pinned under a car after a crash. it happened yesterday morning on highway 61. the car went into a ditch a rolled. the teenager was taked to the hospital with injuries to his legsgs the b by's father was ticketed for failing to maintain control. the roads were slick at the time. snow and ice may have led to a gas station capy collapsing in wisconsin yesterday. two cars were trapped beneath it. one was destroyed, the other damaged.... but no one was injured. the gas station will be`closed today... bur owners hope tl re-open as soon as possible. and weather also impacting presidential campaigning in iowa this week. we'll have to see if visits go as scheduled today. republican canddate marco rubio has a very busy schedule in iowa today -- inccuding stops n clclnton, sioux c cty -- and a town hall at the waterloo center for the arts this afternoon. chris christie had to cancel an event in dubuque yeerday. today, he's scheduled to be in muscatine, iowa city and cedar rapids. also in muscatinenetoday
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sanders. the northeast is now bearing the brunt of a wnter storm that just won'tuit. normally,y,the first snoofall of the season is cause for be deadly. ron mott reports for us. this morning .. battle preps .. as the northeast and new england brace for the first from the deadly mess leftbehind over thh st several days. (nats) in iowa, whiteout conditions .. wind and ice making for trrcherous travee. rainfall .. claiiing at least 10 lives .. the going tough .. to several days. and the threat is clearly not over next door .. a bus was swept away in floodwaters in illinois... emergency responders rescuing al the teenagers aboard. in oklahoma .. a state of (sot- krrty kimmel, ukon, ok resident) like they did down in the dallas look emerged at the devastation of at least nine tornadoes after riding out saturday's tornado in her bathroom. so long, to lose practically
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the stuff you see on tv, you don't think it's gonna happen to you elsewhere around the state .. rcord snow .. lubbock saw blizzard nditions .. stranding motorists .. closing roads .. the mayor declaring a state of emergency set to last all week. and some areas of new mexico .. buried under two feet of snow. most of today's snow is expected to fall outside of boston, which broke a record last season with
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we're into day four of our rose bowl coverage as the hawkeyes are getting ready for the rose bowl. and some bars are getting ready, including this bar in santa monica. it's one of the more popular iowa bars on the west coast, and they're getting rey for a bi rush this week. they say the bar fills up to max capacity during every game, and everyday we're going to be packed, i think bigger and everyday." they've stocked up on plenty of beer and are well staffed, ready for the big iowa crowd. and we'll be hearing from mark woodley and tte rest of the e rew throughout the week -- leaaing up to the game on friday. tomorrow night at 6:30. coming up... if you're traveling for new year's, have you packed yet? a new suuvey finds what most people won't leave behind... and free two-day shipping sounds pretty nice -- and apparently a lot of people think so. people are flocking to amazon...
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cordes: most nurses are tough. they're problem-solvers. they like making things better. people don't have access to healthcare because they just can't afford it. bernie sanders understands how pharmaceutical companies and major medical companies are ripping us off. bernie tells the truth, and he's been consistent. he understands that the system is rigged, and he's the only one who can bring real change.
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storm track seven forecast. a few snw showers are trying to getting colder. i'll have details coming up. "you're watching kwwl. we've got you covered, with ally crutcher and meteorologist "now your srm track 7 forecast on kwwl." from the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team. see the screen for your complete weather information. here is additional forecast information from the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather tetem: snsnwfall totalssranged mainly between 3 and 10 inches with the lower amounts mixed with sleet and ice. a few snow owers will track through the area over the next couple of days, but we ww't see as muuh as we did yesterday.... roads are showing a lot of improvement with the main roads mainly wet. stormtrack7 live weather network cameras will be much better than yesterday. temperaqures aren't changing too much with looto mid 20s across the staae. winds are much lighter... they are mainly 5 to 15 mph and should stay
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die down even more tonight. the strong low is dying out as it tracks through the ggat lakes, but we ll keep a lobe of it weak disturbance will track in from the southwest tomorrow and squeeze out a few more snow showers.... accumulations should stay less than an inch between the two. today we will have mostly loudy skies with those stray snow showers. highs will be in the mid 20s to low 30s with northwest winds around 5 to 15 mph. winds will die doww tonight and lows will dip into theemid teens to m md 20s and a few snsnw showers will track through on wednesday with highs in the mid 20s to around 30. it gets cold for the changing of the year... highs will ly be into the weekend. we will get back to the mid 200 for the weekeed and the beginning of next week. coming up.... a new survey finds what most
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dietetics": found that people who drank a lot of diet drinks more and load up on high-calorie foods like e hips, cookies a ad ice cream. the researchers looked at the food and drink alcohol and sugary beverages had the largest increase in calories... no surprise there. however, those who drank the diet drinks or coffee $& ate more unhealthy foods, like those loaded with fat and sugar. the researchers say those wanting to eat healthy should consider what they drink in relatton to their overall eating habits. for today's health minute, i'm holly firfer. & might be something to keep in coming up.... how coffee can keep you going while at the gym and,
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boundnd a live report coming up where the largest charter is taking off to bring fans to sunny this is kwwl-- we'll be right back. and when you see news - or if you have pictures or video to share... you can do that by going to our page on facebook. you can also "like" our page to stay up to date on breaking news
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if you want to bundle great tv with high-speed inteteet, then call centurylink at... ask for the directv entertainment package, bundled with centurylink internet. you get all the channels you love, plus hbo, starz, showtime, and d nemax at no extra cost for the first three months. and you also get up to 12 megs of internet. all for about 45ucks a month for 12 months. this deal sounds great, especially if yoyolove sports. [ sports announceroice ] get all the channels you love, plus up to 12 megs of internet for about $45 a month for 12 months. score! [ normal voice ] or, if you love great movies... [ cowboy voice ] hey, clementine, bundle all the channels you love, plus up to 12 megs of internet for about $45 a month for 12 mons.
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get the directv entertainment package plus centurylink internet for about $45 a month for 12 months. speed d y not be available in your areaea only from centurylink. call and switch today. tripadvisor has announced its travel trends for 2016 and found the travelers won't leave home without. topping the list is toiletries... 77 percent will be sure to pack their own. second on the list is... of course... a smartphone to stay connected... 74 percent will do that. and 57 percent will be sure to pack a camera to capture the mories. with the temptation of free two-day shipping just before christmas... amazon says more than three million new members signed up for its prime service in the third week of december alone. new subscribers to "prime" get a free month trial of the service.. no telling how many of those new members will continue the
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amazon says there are "tens of millions" of prime members.. but have not given a more exact number. need more pep in your step for that work out? grab a cup of joe beforehand. researchers at the university of georgia say they've found drinking coffee can enhance your endurance. the group took a closer look at previous studies on caffeine, coffee and sports. hey found significant improvements in endurance performance in five of nine studies. there is moderate evidence that drinking coffee improves endurance... specifically in cycling and running. coming up on kwwl, the mister food test kitchen....if you hate washing pots and pans, you won't want to miss what we're cooking up today. bb first, a look at your latestst
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one big thing we always keep few pots and pans as possible. thatats why we love one-pot on average, it takes three hundred americans working for a solid year, to make as much money as one top ceo. it's called the wage gap. and the republicans will make it worse by lowering taxes for those atathe top and letting corporations write their own rules. hillary clinton will work to close the wage gap. equal pay for women to raise incomes for families, a higher minimum wage, lower taxes for the middle class. she gets the job done for us.
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coat some boneless chicken breasts in a bit of sssoned flour and browned it in a little the pan and add in some mushrooms, chopped green peppers, onions, and fresh garlic. w'll let that cock until the veggies are tender before stirring in some beef broth, our ready to serve as is, or if you want, over some rice or maybe pasta, which will help soak up all the flavors. i hope you'll go online and get a copy of our, "chicken cacciatore one pot"
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ighbors have been dealing with this week... welcome back to the news at noon.. i'm ally crutcher let's go to storm track seven meteoologist eileen n an now for your fiit forecast. roads are getting better, although there are still some areas with snow and ice... especially backroads. iowa dot snowplow cams are showing what a great have a few snow showers that may track through, but for the most part it will stay dry this afternoon with temps very slow to climb... we have a few holes trying to break through the clouds, but we have quite a bit snow showers again tomorrow. i'll have more on that coming up in a few minutes. iowa wasn't the only state deling with snow. the snow and sleet also led to traffic troubles for drivers in madison, wisconsin. the wintry mix and gusty winds caused several cars to spin out and off the roads.
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down in mid- missouri, flooding is a mmjor issue. at least six people are dead iowa wasn't the only state dealing with snow. the s sow and sleet also led to traffic troubles for drivers in madison, wisconsin. the wintry mix and gusty winds caused several cars to spin out and off the roads. no serious injuries wer reportete. down in mid- missouri, flooding is a major issue. at least six people are dead after high waters flooded the area. auauhorities there say more than a dozen homes are underwater. police confirm at least six people died when their vehicles were swept away by the rushing flood waters. they say the water levels are abnormally high and very deceiving... "there's normally just low water determine just how much or the depth. you don't ven know if the road is existing underneath the water." some people say they stood in
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hours before they were vacuated. continuing coverage now of a story we brought to you ast week... a boy scout leader was attacked by a bear. today-- - uthorities in new jersey have releaaed the 9-1-1 calls of that bear attack. several scouts called 9-1-1 to report the attack, as well as help resuers find and save their leader. tony aiello ports. it ended with a rescsce - scout leaeaer chris petronino frantic hour and 20 minutes - recorded "9-1-1 where's the emergency? we're in split rock reservoir on and a bear is in the cave with three oung scouts watched in horror as a bear (911 1 ound) "i think the bear's on top p f him. the bear's on top of him? yeah, i think so." the young scouts - sounding nervous but staying emergency. (911 sound)
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food into the cave." first leaving sandwiches near the cave trance to draww the bear out - then - taking action to signal fire right now. okay, we'll keep it contained and make it a lot of smoke. okay." as rescuers closed in - of this alive, i love you guys." the nose with a rock hammer. he too called 9-1-1. (911 sound) "i'm sorry about thh. what's that? i'm sorry about all this - he pulled me into the cave where are you bleeding? your leg, your arm? llt arm. lefttleg. neck and head. he got me good." one of the scouts who saved the
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the leader's friends have posted on social media that he is recovering. more trouble hovering over -- what had been a treneny pick for christmas. a new jersey family is cleaning up after a hoverboard burst into flames in their home. family members say they saw it catch fire as it was charging... "i started to see sosoe sparks and i yelled and he was running in the room, and we just heard a loud bang." the fire burned the kitchen floor -- and left the living room covered in residue. federal regulators issued a warning about hoverboards earlier this month. the government is investigating 22 reported fires. one person is hurt after a woman crashes her s-u-v into a new york storefront. surveillance video shows the 88- year-old woman pulling into the parking lot when she apparently hit the gas instead offthe brake... sending her vehicle over the curb and plowing through the front of the store.
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be alive" since he had left the "i got a guardian angel. i got a guardii angel because that two seconds late then i would've been hit." the driver and a passenger were not hurt. so far, no charges have been filed. police are trying to get to the bottom of a bizarre series of church thefts. baby jesus statues have been stolen from five catholic churches since christmas eve. this is happening in new jersey. police are trying to figure ou if the thefts are related, and what the motive is. church officials say they hope the thefts are nothing more than pranks, and would like the statues returned. now you may remember last year, a baby jesusswas stolen from a nativity outside a church in dubuque. you can see a woman in the video jump out of the passenger seat and grab it before jumping back into the car. the two women turned the figurine days later and turned
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both were charged with theft. a property investor in oregon who kicked homeless man off his newly purchased property had a change of heart. he gave him a temporary jjb -- and a room to stay -- at the house where he was squatting on the (jennifer dowling/ portland, or) james eppler grew up in chance meeting brought the two men together. (james eppler/ looking for permanent job, home) i would just sleep right here in the huddled here, trying to keep out of the property and started cleaning the place up, throwing away their bedding. (james eppler/ looking for on a friday, chris found the two trying to figure out how items. (james eppler/ loing for permanent job, home) when chris came up we were just sitting right here. when chris explained that the men had to go - (james eppler/ looking for what james did next about it and thanked me as i
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sure, thank you for not having a decided to go back... (james eppler/ looking for (james eppler/ looking for permanent job, home) it's almost like a dream come true to a degree. ironically, he would be cleaning up and restoring the place he'd been displaced from. nats james was supposed to be in at 8:33. nats he owed up at 7:45. (chris crever/ property owner) he seems to want it, he seems to have the desire. with james still sleeping under a bridge and here, and a nearby place to humiliating noo being able to homeless. (james eppler/ looking permanent job, home) like we necessarily money, but being able to have a place to go, to ke a shower every day and be chris is challenging others to step in help to finn james who has worked as a cook and now in maintenance, permanent work. he's posted his contact information on social media. (james epuler/ looking for the communityto find james permanentt affordable housing. (chris crever/ property owner) maybe he gets a job at a home
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future, something in the service you to help others who need a that it's around christmas time, you know, i was raised with christmas every year, it's was a huge thing, it's almost like god smiling down. a great storyryfor the holiday season. a unique restaurant brings technology to the table, turning dinner with friends into a high-tech experience a new cafe in russia has no paper menus or wine lists to choose from, but
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touch screens give ccstomers the chance to watchchtheir meals being cooked -- or they can get online and send messages to other tables. cards. so for example, if ou have a 1- card, the company would exchange it for an 85 dollar target gift card. target will exchange gift cards frommore than 6- hundred brands. the ppgram is available at over 15-hundred target stores. coming up ... adult coloring books are a popular gift this holiday season. and one presidential candidate iseven being featured in one. nd when you see news - or if you have pictures or video to share... you can do that by going to our page on facebook. you can also "like" our page to stay u to date on bbaking news and weather information. and stormtrack seven meteorologist will be back with your storm track seven day
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"now your storm track 7 forecast on kwwl." from the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team. see the screen for your complete weather information. here is additional forecast information from the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team: snowfall totals ranged mainly between 3 and 10 inches with the lower amounts mixed with sleet and ice. a few snow showers will track through the area over the next coupleef days, but e won't see as much as we did yesterday.... roads are showing a lot of improvement with the main roads mainly wet. stormtrack7 live weather network cameras will e much betterrthan yesterday. temperatures aren't changing too much with low to mid 20s across the state.
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much lighter... they are mainly 5 to 15 mph and should stay manageable through the day and die wn even more onight. the strong low is dying out as it tracks through the great lakes, but we will keep a lobe of it tracking through today providing a few snow#showers. a weak disturbance ill track in from the southhst tomorrow and squeeze out a few more snow showers.... accumulations should stay less than an inch between the two. today we will have mostly)cloudy skies with thohoe stray snow showerr highs will be in the mid 20s to low 30s with northwest winds around 5 to 15 mph. winds will die down tonight and lows will dip into the mid teens to mid 20s and a ew snow showers will track through on wednnsday with highs in the mid 20s to around 30. it gets cold for the changing of the year... highs will only be in the mid teens with lows in the single digits as we head intt the weekend.
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team. see the screen for your complete weather information. here is additional forecast infororation from t te kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team: snowfall totals ranged mainly between 3 and 10 inches with the lower amounts mixed with sleet days, but we won't seeas much as we did yesterday.... roads are showing a lot of improvement with the main roads mainly wet. stormtrack7 live weather network cameras will be muchhbetter than yesterray. temperatures aren't changing too much with low to mid 20s across the state. winds are much lighter... they are mainly 5 to 15 mph and should stay mangeable through out as it tracks through the great lakeses but we will keep a lobe weak disturbance will track in from the scuthwest tomorrow and squeeze and a big part of celebrating
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new year is new years eve. times square will host its annual confetti test today in preparation for the big celebration. three-thousand pounds will be released when the clock strikes midnight on january 1st. the confetti will include piecee with handwritten wishes from people who submitted them at the wishing wall. coming up after the break-- a live report from cedar rapids
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iowa fans are gathering at ththe rose bowl and cheer on their hawkeyes. the largest charter flying out today will carry 470 fans from snowy iowa to sunny pasadena. kwwl's kristin rogers is live at the airport. kristin, you've been talking with fans who are feeling the excitement. flights started leaving at 5 this morning, and two have left in the last hour, hundreds of hawkeye fans are making their way to california today. fans are obviously excited, many of them snapping photos in the airport and sporting their hawkeye gear.
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to a number of hawkeye games at the granddaddy of them all, and watch their team take on stanford in the rose bowl. (cg: christine e ummers/ hawkeye fan) "i cannot wait it's the great trip and to get to see the parade as well as the game, we're super excited.." some fans even got jacket printed to show off their excitment for the rose bowl, many fans lined up, as we mentioned hundreds are expected to fly ou day. i will have more with fans flying out to the rose bowl tonight at 5 &6. for now, we've got you covered, kristin rogers...kwwl news. thanks kristin our crew that has been in califonia covering the hawkeyes since saturday-- found some bars are getting ready for the big game-- including
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in santa monica. it's one of the more popular iowa bars on the west coast, and they're getting ready for a big rush this week. they say the bar fills up to max capacity during every game, and they expect to see big crowds all week loo... everyday we're going to be packed, i think bigger and bigger as people get into town. we're definitely the place to be, so we're going to be packed everyday." they've stocked up on plenty of beer and are well staffed, ready for the big iowa crowd. and we'll be hearing from mark woodley and the rest of the crew throughout the week -- leading up to the game on friday. and d n't forget toocheck out our road to the rose bowl show. that's tomorrow night at 6:30.
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state mogul, a ndidate -- and now.a coloring book. cnn's jeanne moos has more. hello donald trump is used interactive. you can color him donld as the statue of liberty,on mount rushmore, on the million dollar bill....donald with his wife melania...donald arm wrestling hillary...donald as a beatle. (jeanne moos) i never thought i'd be coloring donald trump's fig leaf (laugh) donald on the sistine chapel. i colored my way through the entire interview
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of the trump coloring book. book? (anthony ziccardi) i'm not so it turns out adult coloring oks are the hottest category in publishing right now so cashing in on trump made sense. there's also the off color coloring book featuring notable trump quotes... mr. trump? yes. are you but who needs a whole box of crayons... (anthony ziccardi) which is the beauty of thths coloring book. you really only need one or two colors. (jeanne moos) you only need orange and yellow. that's pretty much it and you're good to go. but we weren't good to go, almost from the get go... (jeanne moos) snap oops. oh stub was enough to get to the roots of the donald's hair on the page he shared with albert einstein. (jeanne moos) i'm just doing einsteen's tongue laugh 25,000 copies will be shipped just in time for
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a fishing net befoo handing it oof to authorities. if the mascot thing doesn't work, the coyote can always fall back on a career in critter control. a few snow showers will track through today and tomorrow with mainly dry weather for the beginning of the new year. highh will drop from the 20s today and tomorrow into the mid teens for
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if you want to bundle great tv with higigspeed internet, then call centurylink at... ask for the directv entertainment package, bundled with centurylink internet. you get all the channels you love, plus hbostarz, showtime, and cinemax at no extra cost for the first three months. and you also get up to 12 megs of internet. all for about 45 bucks a month for 12 months. this deal sounds g gat, especially if you love sports. [ sports announcer voice ] get all the channels you love, plus up to 12 megs of internet for about $45 a month for 12 months. score! [ normal voice ] or, if you love great movies... [ cowboy voice ] hey, clementine, bundle all the channels you love, plus up to 12 megs of internet
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hyah! [ whip cracks ] [ normal voice ] just call... get the directv entertainment package plus centurylink internet for about $45 a month for 12 months. speed may not bebevailable your area. only from centurylink. call and switch today. [tv playing music] [theresa sniffles] >> brady: you all right? [theresa clears throat] theresa? >> uh-oh, uh-oh >> theresa: what? >> brady: what's going on? >> theresa: brady, come on. hey, look, i'm fine, all right? you didn't have to turn it off. i just-- what, the movie just got to me, okaka it's--it's sad. >> brady: it's sad? anna kendrick, she just got everything she's ever wanted. >> theresa: yeah, including her dream job. and she's singing about it.. >> brady: uh, yeah, okay.
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