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tv   Today  NBC  December 30, 2015 10:00am-11:00am CST

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( "the price is right" theme playing ) >> george: here it comes, from the bob barker studio at cbs in hollywood, it's "the price is right!" monica logan, come on down. ( cheers and applause ) david wipperfurth, come on down. ( cheers and applause ) mary ann johnson, come on down. ( cheers and applause ) and aaron robinson, come on
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( cheers and applause ) you are the first four contestants on "the price is right." and now, here's your host, drew carey! >> drew: hello, everybody! (cheers and applause) amber lancaster, everyone! say hi to george gray! >> george: drew! hey, buddy! how's it going? morning, momma mai! >> drew: welcome to the show, everybody! nice to see you! let's get the show started with the first prize up for bid on "the price is right"! >> g grge: we're going totoick it off with new countertrt appliances and cookware! ( cheers and applause ) make cooking simpler with this collection from t-fal. cludes a rice- & multi- cooker, bread-maker, indoor grill, and a 12-piece cookware set.
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everybody! (cheers and applause) rachel reynolds! hey, raich. how you doioi? nice to see youou good morning. all this goes to whoever bids closest to the actual retail price without going over. monica, we'll start with you. what do you think? >> $600. >> drew: $600. good luck. david? >> $790. >> drew: $790. mary? >> $850. >> drew: $850. aaron? >> $851. >> drew: $851! actual retail price... $610! monica! (cheers and applause) monica! what's up, beautiful? nice to see you! (cheers and applause) you made i i >> i made it! >> drew: you made it! george, let's start the show
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what do we have for her? >> george: monica, we've got stylish his and her designer watches! ( cheers and applause ) arrive on time and in style wearing these michael kors stainless steel timepieces. includes a rose-gold plated watch with pav\ stones for her, and a sleek gun-metal style with beveled edges for him. but, you know what, monica? if you don't really care what time it is, or you've got nowhere to be, just relax...
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>> jenny, i'm sorry. >> don't. >> love means never having to say sorry which i think is the dumbest line ever. love means you are to say you are sorry forever. >> don't. love means never having to the say sorry. >> the beautiful ali mcgraw and -- >> wow. >> i have to show you a picture of mine in high school for five minutes i looked like here. and i was snotty nosed, too. >> and what is that? >> really? >> i feel the need. >> yes. >> the need for speed.
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number one movie quote -- >> frankly my dear, i dodot give aa damn. "gone with the wind." >> frankly my dear, i don't give a damn. >> i beat your egyptian butt. >> yes, you did. and it felt good. >> you like when i spank. >> and more people are getting $% into the spanking tuesday and so that is something that we have to tap the brakessn the spanking tuesday. >> then i will move it on a different day. and what people assume is an interesting concept, because are you always comfortable in your own skin, hoda, but do you wonder walking in, i wonder what they are thinking right now. >> ion't think. so i don't think they are think thing of me when i walk in. >> of course they are. >> not me. i don't think that going to the par party, but people do judge quickly when they see you
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so you need to learn a couple of things. >> it is called binge splicing. >> it is when you make split decisionon about people who know them. >> and when a person look ss you in the eye. >> they are smart. >> and it is raised by parents who say, when they say el hello to someone, ok them in the eye. >> if a person does, they are dominant and strong. >> yes. if they are in a tailored suit, they are successful. >> or european. europeans always wear. >> and if they wear name brand schools, they are high status. >> or full of themselves. >> and rich. >> and if they walk with a looser gait, they rare loose.
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i don't know it is true, but. >> and have you ever seen some makeup trends that youh want to come back like the blue eye adow in the '80s. >> who wants that back. >> these are a look through the ages. >> one of the earliest societies to use makeup. >> and eyebrows can be removed by using cork. >> and they can be distasteful to sinful. >> the foundation to be wearing. >> the mid-18th sencentury was renouned when the blush overload was common. >> and the victorian proclamation that makeup was vulgar andunlady l le led to the unpainted face. >> and the film industry led to the change and perception of makeup. >> wow. what did you think was the most beautiful?
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not the no makeup. wow. that is amazing. her face looked like a different person every single titi. >>hat is one of the trends that i am happy to see, bye-bye. >> es pesh areally the blue eye shadow, that was not a good one. and if you are go ging out and you want to meet a guyuyn new year's eve, there are things that you should look out for and there are certain things that are approachable and not approachable. >> yes, here are some things. $% >> really, here is what he said, sosoone who is always smiling, you want to approach, because you are enjoying yourself, and even if bou turned him down for to a conrsation or date. >> it won't be emembarrassing, because you are nice. >> and somebody who is always looking like they are having a great time is hoda. >> and looking bored is snobby. >> and yes, sometimes you are bored. then what are you supposed to do? >> give them the fun face. >> the dance pants. >> and look at them.
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>yeah, you'd like him. >> true. >> you noeknow what frank taught cassidy to do when she was like 3? to do this to a man. i said, what are you teaching her her? and he said, it works ery time. and cass would go like this. >> that is creepy. and so, men don't like a lot of makeup, so don't pile it on. >> right. >> and they said not to wear sksk tight clothes because guys think that you only want to date guys in a suit. for every man here. >> does that make sense to anybody here? no shgs no, no. >> and the worst thing is to be surrounded by lots of your girlfriend, because th guys cannot infiltrate the group. >> it is not a pack of wolves, but a bunch of women. all right all righty.
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tuesday, we are going to give it ay again. you have begged for it. >> and you can enter once a week, and if you did not win last week, en the ter again. >> and for the complete rules and regulations and a chance to enter for this week's prize go to k and hit the ep enter buttonon >> and w wwill look back to the big stars that dropped by the
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quilted northern works so well people can forget their bathroom experience. but sir froggy can never forget. "what's worse", he thinks... "that my arms can never relax or my eyes can never look away?" the flu virus hits big. with aches, chills, and fever, there's no sucthing as a little f. and it needs a big solution: an antiviral. so when the flu hits, call your doctor right away and up the ante with antiviral tamiflu. prescription tamiflu is an antiviral that attacks the flu virus at its source and helps stop it from spreading in the body. tamiflu is fda approved to treat the flu in people two weeks of age and old whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu, tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing, have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a sesere rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately.
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may be at an increased risk of seizures, confuon, or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. anti-flu? go antiviral with tamiflu. all new dirt snuggler! the dirt snuggler gently removes dirt ile polishing the floor at the same time. why would you want to treat dirt "gently"? this isn't c caning and polishing is it? no, but we both know what does.
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only kraft natural cheese has a touch of philadelphia cream cheese, so whater you make,
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you know what theyhsay, the der you get the faster time flies. >> don't i know that. >> and this year has totally whipped by. >> did you say whip? yes, and it is loud and wacky at times. >> and especially with the spanky spank thrown in. >> what is with you and the spanking. and we got the sit down with russl crow and john stamos. >> and helen mirren and so many stars. >> and we had fun with them the only w we know how. >> it almost see like it can't be true, the frivolity and the silliness, and the fun. >> how do we d dit day after day.
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>> hi. i'm john stamos. >> and have you had to wear that estrogen patch? >> no. >> and my wife did and it came off, and i rolled over on it and it was crazy, i could not stop crying and i was having a hot flash. >> i am so surprise e d that i have not been on the show. i'm a virgin. >> well, there you go, that makes one of us. >> i like filth. and we went on the air ande talkededbout "50 shades" and how much you love it, and you kept saying behind kathie lee's back filth, filth, filth. >> and what am i doing over here? >> it is all love. >> oh! #
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>> ow! >> hi, everybody. welce to my show. >> hello. >> we need a ather one. >> we love him. >> hello, ladies. >> do you ever drink at 10:00 in the morning, regis? >> never. >> and n sin is delicious. i want to the take a bath in this, and i will. >> oh, there is another one of those. you are missing it, mate. come on, bring the other way. >> what! >> there you go. >> we are going to play a game. >> i love your games, and they are so m mh fun. in is called hoda or yoda. these are real quotes. i think that fat guys are sexy. >> oh a that is hoda. >> and rianna or beyonce. >> okay. riaonce. >> i'm a three-time rom in roll champion, and i don't have to
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>> and sing with the banana. >> and hoda, you suck, and that is good. i don't know what to tell you [ laughter ] >> this is growth, and i once had a purse with shoulder pad ss and string cheese in it. ta that is hoda! >> oh!! >> this is the weirdest of places. and honest to god, i have never seen anything like it. >> she likes our show. >> i love your show. >> w w knew? >> what do you think? >> you are my favorite. >> that is what we wanted for the reel. >> wow. >> oh. >> wow. >> so o ch fun. wonder were exhausted. it is a long year. and we sure have shared a lot of
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wereust sitting here in n r chair.r. >> don't'torget some of our most unforgettable moments after this. >> that was awesome.c on our clothes, ruining them forever. sweaters stretch into muumuus. ananpilled cardigans become pets. but it's not you, it's the laundry. protect your clothes from stretching, fading, and fuzz. ...with downy fabric conditioner... it not only softens and freshens, it helps protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes.
10:19 am
feel a cold coming on? new zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a anap, and reduce s sptom severity byby5%. shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam. after trying brookside crunchy clusters, @carlybeyar tweeted: at this point,t, i should just be a brookside chocolate ambassador. well, i am sorry, carly... it's something you earn. brookside. talklkbout delicious. yeah, i'm married. does it matter? you'd do that for me? really? yeah i'd like that. who are you talking to? uh, it's jake from state farm. sounds like a really good deal. jake from state farm, at three in the morning? who is this? it's jake from state farm. what are you wearing jake from state farm? uh, khakis. she sosods hideous.
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another reason more people stay with state farm. get to a better state. when i is your time to shine you want to feel good from head to toe... including your nails. introducing the latest innovation from amop\. the amop\ electronic nail care system. the fast wayayo file, buff, and shine for effortless, shiny wow nails! so you can step out with t tt amop\ confidence and shine on! the new electronic nail care system from amop\. save now at our digestivivsystems handle a a t over the holidays.s. 20 hours of anxiously fighting crowds to find the perfect gifts. cooking for family meals where we eat over 15 pounds of turkey and sides. no wonder after all that our digestive systems can act up. so try activia for 2 weeks! enjoying activia t tce a day for two o eks
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discomfort or rumbling. try activia. dannon so here is a question. how much do you remember from pop culture this year? >> i have a lot that i want to rget. >ell, here is a littltltrivia totoet you thinking of the last game of who knew for the year.
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the top ten films in 2015. was itt chris pratt, jeremy renner or sandra bull lock. >> we willell you after the break. so brush up on your musicians as
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>> thank you. bleeding gums? you may think it's a result of brushing too hard. it's not. it's a sign of early gum disease... listerine(r) can help reverse... early gum disease in just two wes. listerine(r).
10:24 am
why threat tracker is in the yellow. tomorrow, we'll see a little bit more sunshine with partly cloudy skies, but it will be cold. these cold conditions will continue into the
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as far as the snowfall totals, they will be light. most areas ` snow, with isolated areas getting an inch, maybe an inch and a half with the modererte bursts of snow. stoo track 7 live doppler radar shows the snow moving into the viewing area. this is all tracking off to th northeast through iowa with a quick moving system. by lunchtimm, the snow willbe ending but this will impact the morning commute. as far as road conditions go, the roads are becoming partially to fully snow covered where the snow is falling. this is also creating araras of reduced v vsibility across the state of iowa. so use caution as you head out for your wednesday morning commute. why threat tracker is in the yellow. tomorrow, we'llllsee a little bit more sunshine with partly cloudy skies, but it will be cold. these cold conditions will continue into the day on friday. as far as the snowfall totals, they will be light. most areas will see less than an inch of snow, with isolated areas getting an inch, maybe an inch and a half with the moderate bursts of
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storm track 7 l if you want to bundle great tv with high-speed inxernet, then call centurylink at... ask for the directv entertainment package, bundled with centurylink internet. you get all the channels you love, plus hbo, starz, swtime, and cinemax at n nextra cost for the first three months. and you also get up to 12 megs of internet. all for about 45 bucks a month for 12 months. this dl sounds great, especially if you love sports. [ sports announcer voice ] get all the channels you love, plus up to 12 megs of internet for about $45 a month for 12 months. score! [ normalaloice ] or, if you love great movies... [ cowboy voice ] hey, clementine, bundle all the channels you love, plus up to 12 megs of internet for about $45 a month for 12 mths. hyah! [ whip cracks ] [ normal voice ] just call... get the directv entertainment package plus centurylink internet for about $45 a month for 12 months. speemay not be available in your area. only from centurylink.
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it is winesday wednesday and it is time for the pop culture who knew. and kathie lee is across the street to hand out 11 $100 for anybody who gets the s sg right or a signed c.d. if they don't. and joining me is our fandango correspondent. and now, we asked this question, this actor appeared in two of the top ten films of 2015. was it chris pratt or jeremy renner or sandra bullock?
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in aavengers" and he will was in "mission imimssible." there is a a new sequel to both of those coming out in 2016. >> "25" by adele became the top selling album of all time, and how many days did it take? >> three days. >> very smart lady. >> that is amazing when you think of it. >> taylor swift would have had the best selling album in two years in a row, but then -- >> adele caughter her. >> and which television series topped the nielsen ratings for the 2014015season? "empire" or "the voice" or
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>> they are going to love it, because it sis their era. >> and so what is it? >> sunday night football is the number one show, and footbaba was a ao numberr three, and six and 11. >> and "empire" is not that shabby either. >> right. >> and who topped the forbes youtube top paid star of 2015. was it pewdepe, smosh or glozell. >> glozell. >> no, it is the f fst one. we love glozell, but it is not the answer. and it is the first one. >> yes, it is pewdepe. he has more than 10 billion views. this is why he is successful. what he is, he is really most
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which is sort of like mystery science 3000 with a lot of profancy. >> i@ is called pewdepe. okay. where are you from? >> florida. >> who took home the most awards for 2015 at the grammies? >> taylor swift. > no, it is sam smith. >> yes, and taylor is looking good for the 2016 grammys with seven nominations. and kendrick lamar has 11. >> thank you, kendra. it is one of the favorite parts of the show, a a a look at some of the funniest and the whackiest moments from our show in a segment called "the talk." right after this. help a body thrive.
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i recommend nature made vitamins. because i trust their quality. they were the first to have a vitamin verified by usp. an independent organization that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the number one pharmacist recommended letter vitamin brand. i'm billy, and i quit smoking with chantix. i don't know that i can put into words how happy i was when i quit. it's like losing some baggage, i don't have to cay it around with menymore. chantix made it possible for me to quit smoking.
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is proven to help people quit smoking. chantix definitely helped reduce my urge to smoke. some people dad changes in behavior, thinking or momo, hostility, agitataon, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. some had seizures while taking chantix. if you have any of these, stop chantix and call yourrdoctor right away. ll your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse or of seizures. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you have these, stop chantix and call your ctor right away as some can be life-threreening. tell your doctor if you have heart or blood vessel problems, or develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution n en driving or operating machinery. most common side effect is nausea. man, i love being a non-smoker.
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you know what, hoda woman? >> what? >> i love to start my day with >> and i love us together and i love the laughs and the jokes. expense. >> most. >> and mostly we kid each other, we want evevybody to know. >> yes. >> and we want to look back at a some memorable moments from "the talk." >> hey, everybody, it is fupy mondayay >> no, you are not looking at two big daffodils, it is boozeday tuesday. >> and hello, all of you.
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>> and it sis funday friday. >> the american journal of medical association reports that on average women are sufficienting from menopause. >> crank it, beyonce style. >> you do, kath. >> i had great legs and then great knees and now ankles. >> and dickies, when you are menopausal, you should wear them in about 1919. >> andnde was born in the 13th century -- >> i dated him. >> yes.
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>> the naked ow. >> ta-da! women without clothes. imagine that. >> i like pornostuff. >> we are yen and yang. >> that is not a push-up. >> i can do 60 of them. this. >> oath, both of them, are you kidding me? >> that is not weird, okay. >> that is amazing. >> oh, it was good. >> awesome. >> mashables made a sound track for this rap and we ink it is important that you see it. we don't have it? well, we don't think it is that important. >> my neck i i so bad, and so i
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it is on the top. >> that was4:00. . >> how did we get on the air, hoda? >> oh, shades. >> they rare cute. >> i look like ozzy osbourne. >> i wanted to know who amamaa was, because it looked like a people are coming in from all of opinions. >> and take a big bite. >> oh, my gosh. >> you is have are to do the eyes wit. >> and let ees have a little ihoda fun. >> what's go-go. >> you noeknow, that is the thing, i get a lot of people who say, why do you roll your eyes at hoda's music? becaususi like it. >> hoda, what did the grape say when he was 10? >> what? >> nothing, he gave a little whine.
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>> okay, i will sing for you. >> everyday is a second chance. that's itit >> . >> i love you. >> oh. >> more! >> why do people watch us. believe it or not, the lauaus are nonoover yet. >> a lot more fun right after this. after trying ookside chocolate, people talk about it online. love at first taste. i would liquefy it and bathe in it. curse you, brookside! your nefarious plans have succeeded. nefarious? are we s sll talking about t ocolate? brookside. talk about delicious. after trying brookside crunchy clusters, @carlybeyar tweeted: at this point, i should just be a brookside chocolate ambassador. well, i am sorry, carly... it's something you earn. brookside.
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all: milk! milk! milk! milk! milk! okay! fun's over. aw. aw. thirsty? they said it would make me cool. they don't s snd cool to m m guess not. you got to stick up for yourself,
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people tell us their budget, not the other way around. aren't you lactose intolerant? this isn't lactose. it's milk. oh, here comes nancy. wow, she's'sure making a splashh in that designer d dss! and with a thicker, more fabulous formula, she's not splashing. you can wear anything and pour bleach. and her whiter whites, just dazzling. clorox splash-less bleach.
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we have been having a lot of fun strolling down memory lane looking back at the good times we have had in 2015. >> and we are silly around here, and sometimes we are funnien when we don't mean to be. >> you remember your first kiss. >> i was 12. i smacked him.
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>> and kathie lee in the closet? >> when kathie lee comes out of thth closos, you are going to know it. >> have any of you ever relieved yourself in the pool or the >> have you? >> absolutely. >> ocean seems so vast. it seems l le there are whales in there doing it. >> everybody else. >> the sharks. >> i'm the most embarrassed bathroom person. i can hardly use the public babaroom. look, if it is -- i am just not comfortable with sounds. >> look at what they have done. >> nestle comes out with new cookie flavors. >> and regis. >> nobody wants to see that. >> e whoa! >> i want to have what hoda is having. #
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>> when we get down to the middle, we kiss. >> we kiss. >> does joynow you are doing this? i don't -- who cares. go. >> she is doing all of the work. >> oh. oh. >> oh, my god. >> oh, yeah. oh, yeah. oh, hoda is leaning in. >> time to do it. >> hey, i want one. get me a twizzler. >> i don't knono what h hpened over there. >> can i the tell you something? i would sit here even if i didn't have to go. >> and oh! oh, one of the legs fell ofof >> that is just a little piece of astroturf.
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>> oh, my gosh. i was going to say, but i can't say it. every time we have had a beaver in here, it has reeked. >> it really has. >> i dont't hear it. oh! >> and you have to warm them, and this sis the perfect dish for the job. oh, this is fantastic. i didn't think it was possible. >> and come here. come on. >> is it better when you are dancing? >> oh, yeah. >> that is the way you do it. >> so much fun. >> yes. >> wow. >> we want to give a big, big thank you to our producer vivian. will you come out. >> and yes, demarre and also jim murphy.
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before you deliver the baby? >> yes, this is it. >> thank you, sweetheart. >> thank you for everything that you did. >> and come back soon, okay. don't take a year off. it is not necessary. >> all right. love you, honey. >> we have to go to commercial. >> we do? okay. we will be back in a moment.
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nbc.c. it is so true what we say around here, we are truly famamy both in front of the camera and behind it. this year we lost an important part of our family, and so we want to look back and honor frank gifford, father, son, friend, football legend and a truly special man. >> we are in the 29th year of marriage, andou know whaha you that frank. >> congratulations. >> and these have have been recycled yet ain.
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thank you, eetheart. >> i'm goioi to get frank to do a calendar. >> he is smoking. >> he is smoking hot. >> i'd buy that cal enendar. >> and you better pray you look is good at 83. hi, sweetheart. i'm proud of you. >> you guys by now have heard the news about frank givefford who passed a away and kath, i don't know if you are watching, and you are probably not, but i miss you and i love you. >> this sis a man who was at complele peace at his life. he would want you all to know that when he was a little boy, they had nothing, but they had their faith, and every time they moved to a new town, his mother and father would go to church that kept them together as a family through the darkest, darkest times. he was so ateful. he knew what h hd work was, and he never had an entitled moment in his life.
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take him the way that he wanted to go, and so i thank the lord for that, and for his grace to us as a family. and i pray his grace on all of you as well, thank you. >> last night, kathie lee and frank gifford were both inducted into the hall of fame. >> i am truly the most blessed woman on the earth. i had 29 years of my incredible husband and i remember thinking when we were getting married, i said, lord, if you will just give me ten with that amazing man.
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more.slick spots on the roadways. we're looking at our storm track 7 live weather network cameeas showing traffic moving slowly y s we do
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