tv KWWL News at Ten NBC January 4, 2016 10:00pm-10:34pm CST
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to kwwl about this page and said this: enough is enough. we've blurred out the name of the page -- so it doesn't get any publicity. in the early morning hours of january second - a disturbing new page hit the world of facebook -- a page with the sole purpose of promoting and encouraging the violence and killing of waterloo police officers. (trelka 14:32:15 - :19) some may say this is free speech. it is not. it's what can be seen in the about section of this page -- that is beyond alarming for waterloo police chief dan trelka...youcan see the mission statement here ...we've obviously blurred d ut some words...but one part is crystal clear: you kill us, we kill you. trelka believes it's these picturs -- with th caption -- $& i got my eyes on you -- hashtag busted d - that prompted this new page -- (14:30:29 - 14:30:44) those photos show a suspect getting taken into custody and a weapon was found...immediately following a shooting in
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downtown waterloo that photo was taken. moments before those pictures were taken in the early mrning hours of new years day -- it was chaos in downtown waterloo - - (nats of 9-1-1 call) although the caption of these pictures that went viral reads "busted" - trelka tells me - these officers were caught doing their job. (14:30:45 - :14:30:51) and that is prococdure? they were doing their job? yes. they did their job very well that night. this controversy started to bubble on what should be a celebratory night for the city of waterloo -- with the swearing in of new mayor quentin hart. we caught up with mayor hart moments after he was sworn in -- ana he said this page and what it stands
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for - goes against everything he stands for. (mayor hart 19:19:21) i am not in agreement with any kind of page like that. i denounce it completely. i believe in working togther to move this community forward.. i reached out to the woman who posted those photos of the officers with their guns drawn -- i assed her if she knew these pictures were now on a page dedicated memes of people who were shot and killed by police officers across the country. chief trelka says he dsn't uuderstand what that has to do with advocating attacking and killing waterloo police officers...but says if you're involved with this page, you are close to engaging in criminal behavior. there some reports of freezing fog in some parts of eastern iowa - let's go to storm track seven chief meteorologist mark schnackenberg now who's tracking it all. from the kwwl stormtrack here is additional forecast information from the kwwl
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stormtrack 7 weather team: the weather remains dry through wednesday morning. temperatuues will be near normm to slightly above normal through this time. we are tracking the potential of a light rain/snow mix wednesday afternoon into thursday. there is a little better chance of rain/snow friday. friday night turns colder and any precipitation would be in the storm tracks away from iowa. the big story for the weekend and early next week is the cold. this will be the coldest air of the season with highs near 10 and lows below zero for the firsttime this seasoso.the weather remains dry through wednesday morning. temperatures will be near normal to slightly above normal through this time. we are tracking the potential of a light rain/snow mix wedneday afternoon into thursday. there is a litte better chance of waterloo. quentin hart sworn in as the first black mayor of waterloo. kwwl's jessica hartman was there to witness the historical moment and also #aught up with hart earlier today to talk about what the community can expect to see during his term. ongratulations mr. mayor." a historic moment - - but one quentin hart hopes is
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of his skin. at the center of his focus on change - - creating an "i wnt to represeet the entire city of waterloo and you can't represent him, if you don't know the people, so i am trying to get out there and meet people." and he is starting with waterloo's religious ommunities - - visitinin various denominations of churches like the ones here on church row." "i think if there is an area where we can pull together. we can see some common ground is to waste this opportunity - as mayor he hopes to create a momo postive city image - - is with regaurds to our faith based community." hart is determined not to waste this opportunity - - as mayor he hopes to create a more postive city image - - an image residents can be proud to be apart of. "changing and helping give people a little bit of hope and optimism about the community the senior living centers and
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what's on their mind and hearts." in waterloo - - ssica hartman kwwl news. hart won the december run off against tim hurley. dubuque police are investigating a shooting that left a two year old boy with serious injuries. it happened sunday night...just before midnight on the 900 block dubuque police say a two year old boy was hurt in a shooting apartment. according to the police rereort -- he has facial wounds. they say several people were inside...including other children. right now...they're trying to figure out what exactly happened. "some of the initial indications were thatatuh, this could've been possibility we're looking at, but we allso don't want to
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narrow ourselves down that much at this point." as for the little boy -- he initially was taken to finley hospital in dubuque, but then air-lifted to university of iowa hospitals in hospital in dubuque, but then air-lifted to university of iowa hospitals in iowa city...because his injuries were so severe. polilie say they're conducting interviews to determine what happened. at this point -- no charges are filed...and no one is arrested investigators are trying to figure out if a deadly shooting in nashua was an accident...or intentional. it happned in the 100 block of saint lawrence street over the weekend. cording to theeowa division of criminal investigation, a 56- year-old man was shot in the head. the suspected shooter is intified but no charges are filed. iowa's s ivision of criminal investigations confirmed the autopsy will be preformed today. auauorities find the person they
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were looking for in the coralville resevoir after a canoe capsized. it happened yesterday bear the heights in solon we a ae told the body is tanner wymer, a 17-year-old solon student. michael felton, who is in fifties was also in the canoe at the time, but he was able to swim to shore and was pullededout of the watatr by neighbors. after working late into the night last night emergency crews were back at this morning. workers had to get through an inch of ice to be able to gege boats on the water once they did, dive teams were able to search. wymer's body was found just after eleven this morning we are told felton and wymer were in the canoe to take a picture of a nearby home. it is believed a combination of the current, wind and waves caused the canoe to turn over. felton was taken to the hospital to be evaluated after he was pulled from the water, tonight, students at tte solon hihi school held a vigil to remember wymer. the autopsy results are still pehding in the death of an
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eastern iowa teen. the state medical examiner results from the moe sed autopsy could take between six weeks to two months. moe sed's body was found in the cedar river near gilbertville in early december. decision 2016... while her husband made his mpaign debut in new hampshire.. democratic frontrunner hillary clinton was on the trail in iowa. clinton began her day strongly supporting president obama's consideration of executive actions to expand background checks on some gun purchases. clinton also argued that a republican presidential win in 2016 would probably mean the end of bebeefits under the affordable care act. on the republican side, presidential candidate ted cruz says he hopes protesters who've taken over a building onona federal natiinal wildlife refuge in oregon will "stand down peaceably."
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cruz told reporters in boone that wile everyone has a constitutional right to protest.. nobody has the right to threaten force on others. republican presidential candidate donald trump has debuted his first campaign ad, which issset to air in iowa and new hampshire. trump says he will begin spending at least $2 million per week on his campaign, with $1.1 million allocated to tv ads in iowa. the initial ad is scheduled to begin airin on tomorrr. iowans can now register to vote online. secretaryof state paul pate showed off the electronic voter registration system today.. iowans with a driver's license or state i.d. can use the system to register to vote or update information. the online registration is one of six options for iowans. coming upn kwwl... fr the third day, armed prrtesters are occupying buildings on a federal wildlife refuge in rural oregon
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the butterburgereris made of just three cuts of freshhmidwest beef. nothing more, nothing less. so we got the sirloin, the chuck and the plate. no fillers; that's it. all prized cuts, all well-marbled for richness and flavor. this is whwhe those three wonderful cuts of beef come together. you can just tell that blend is working in there. and we sear them, and that seals in the juices of the burger. ititoesn't get any better than that. and that's the culver's butterburger. welcome to delicious! through this time. we are tracking the potential of a light rain/snow mix wednesday afternoon into thursday. there is a little better chance of for of snow at ttis point and continue into saturday as the
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big story for the weekend and early next week is the cold. this will be the coldest air of the season with highs near 10 and lows below zero for the first time this season.the weather remains dry through wednesday morning. temperatures will be near normal to slightly above normal through this time. we are tracking the potential of a light rain/snow mix wednesday afternoon into thursday. there is a little better chance of rainnsnow friday. friday night turns cooer and any precipitation would be in the for of snow at this point and continue into saturday as the storm tracks away from iowa. the big story for e weekend and early next week is the cold. this will be the coldest air of the season with highs near 10 and lows below zero for the first time this season.the weather remains dry throug wednesday morning. temperatures will be near normal to slightly above normal through this time. we are tracking the potential of a light rain/snow mix wednesday afternoon intnt thursday. ththre
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rain/snow friday. friday night turns colder and any precipitation would be in the for of snow at this point and continue into saturday as the storm tracks away from iowa. the big story for the weekend and early next week is the cold. this will be the coldest air of the season with highs near 10 and lows below zero for the firrt time this eason.the weather remains dry through wednesday morning. temperatures will be near normal to slightly above normal through this titie. we are tracking the potential of a light rain/snow mix wednesday afternoon into thursday. there is a little better chance of rain/snow friday. friday night turns older and any prprcipitation would be in the for of snow at this point and continue into saturday as the storm tracks away from iowa. the big story for the weekend ad early next week is the cold. this will be the coldest air of the season with highs near 10 and lows below zero for the first time this season.the weather remains dry through
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wednesday morning. temperatures will be near normal to slightly above normal through this time. we are tracking the potential of a light rain/snow mix wednesday afternoon into thursday. there is a little better chance of rain/snow friday. friday night turns colder and any precipitation would be in the for of snow at this point and continue into saturday as the orm tracks awayayfrom iowa. the big story for the weekend and early next week is the cold. this will be the coldest air of the season with highs near 10 and lows below zero for the first time thii season.the weather remains dry through wednesday morning. temperatures will be near normal to slightly above normal through this time. we are tracking the potential of a light rain/snow mix wednesday afternoon into thursday. there
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for strictprprsident. the presdient meeting with some of the nation's top law enforcement officials today -- and they gave him several options for gun control meassres he could take without congressional approval. he's expected to announce executive actions tomorrow. mister obama didn't specify what the moves are but could include panding backggound cehcks, nd forcing more sellers to register as federally licensed gun dealers. for the third day, armed protesters are occupying
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federal wildlife refuge in rural oregon, while law enforcement officials say they're trying to end the standoff quickly and peacefully. here's the laaest from national corrrrpondent leannn gregg. this is the federal wildlife refuge near burns, oregon, occupied by a group of group set up an armed compound saturday,. (s/ ammon bund/ group leaer :14 - :21) "our purpose as we have shownwnis to restorereand defend of cliven bundy, who had his own standoff with the federal government last year then, is a decades long fight over the use of public lands in the west. (s/ ammon bundy / group (s/ ammon bundy / group leader 37 - :45) then, is a decades long ght then, is a decades long fight leader :37 - :45) "this effort started by understanding that a ranching family has been put under duress by multiple federal agencies. the occupiers say they're supporting two local ranchers, dwight and steven hammond who own land adjacent
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to the refuge and were sentced to federal prison for setting public land on fire. the hammond family has said the group does not speak on their behalf and today reported to prison. (s/ sheriff david ward / harney county sheriff 1:02 - 1:03) "the hammonds have turned themselves in, and it's time for you to leave our community." law enforcement is kekeing its distance while trying to diffuse the occupation. unsettling for local residents, where the county canceled school all week out of concern for safety. (s/ sheriff david ward / harney the occupiers say they're prepared to stay for months, even years, as the fbi, local and state authorities work to resolve the standoff. leanne gregg. nbc news. the attorney for the hammonds says they will seek further legal actions in their case .. including appealing for executive clemency from president obama. thousands of people attended a memorial serrce for the viccims bernnrdino. the mourners gathered at the
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citizens business bank arena in ontario on the same day that hundreds of workers returned to work at the inland regional center for the first time since the attack the memorial featured a religious speech, inspirational music, and remars by former new york city mayor rudy giuuiani, who led the city in the aftermath of s/rudy giuliani / former new york city mayor :27 second worst attack in our history. i began that prayer on september 11th. and i'm afrbid i or you may be lled upon to do this for somebody else someday because of what's going on in theeworld." giuliani received a standing ovation during his remarks on terrorism. coming up next... it's rutgers at iowa on the court -- as s owa's alllltime wins leader c. vivian stringer makes
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you got people working incredibly long hours. median family income today -- $4,000 less than it was in 1999. the bottom line of this economy is that it is rigged. what this campaigngns about is to demand that we create an economy that works for all of us rather than b handful of billionaires. if you work 4040ours a week in america, you should not live in poverty.
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thorpe e ward winner wiwil be returning to iowa -- according to the daily iowan's danny payne -- king's mother yvette powell confirmed that he will return for his season season -- kingng-- a consensus all-american -- recorded eight interceptions this past season -- tying an all-time iowa football record -- the junior defensive back had been projected as an early round pick had he chosen to declare for the draft -- tonight -- c vivian stringer brought her rutgers team to carver hawkeye arena for the second time -- stringer -- iowa's all-time wins leader -- has spent the last 21 years as the head coach of the scarlet knights -- but on this trip -- it would be the 25th ranked hawkeyes and ach lisa bludee as the favorite -- down one in the 3rd quarter -- but ally disterhoff working inside -- gets the bucket and the foul -- 46, 45 iowa -- and expanding that lead minutes later -- whitney jennings from the arc -- iowa would head to the 4th quarter with a 3 point edge -- rutgers comes back in the 4th -- in transition kahleah copper inside --
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lead -- but the hawks finish strong behind alexa kastanek -- she hits from downtown -- 20 in the game for kastanek -- iowatgets the win t@night 69, 65 -- iowa moved in to the number 19 spot after a pair of big wins -- one over top ranked michigan state and the other a come froo behind road victory at number 14 purdue -- it happened to be the first time in just under 30 years they'd beaten 2 ranked big ten pponents innthe same week -- and after some starting to figure things out -- what you're seeing is a team that understands how you have to stay together and continueto believe in each otherer the hawks host nebraska tomorrow night in carver hawkeye arena -- one day after finishing a 6 win
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stepped down as head coach of the new york giants -- coughlin -- at 69 -- w ws currently the oldest coach in the league -- he spent 12 seasons in new york where he won a pair of super bowl championships -- however -- the team did hit a rut -- missing the playoffs n the last 4 -- coughlin went we'll be right back. thanks mark.
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days after the paris attacks, senators came together for a top-secret briefing on the terrorist threat... marco rubio was missing - fundraising in california instead. two weeks later, terrorists struck again in san bernardino... and wherwas marco? fundraising again in new orleans. over the last 3 years, rubio has missed important national security hearings and missed more total votes than any other senator. politics first: that's the rubio way. right to rise usa
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the rose bowl. joining me on our crew...were prododcer scott albanese, reporter brad hanson... mark woodley and zach grant... special thanks to the university of iowa athletic directory gary barta and sports information director steve roe. we'll recap our trip on sunday's steele report. storm track seven chief
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a final look at your forecast. thanks for watching the kwwl news at ten. today in iowa starts at four i'm moving to a place where i can get internet from centurylink. if i get the three year price lock, am i stuck with the three year contract? no. that just means the price won't change. for three years. that way the price is locked, you're not. you can just hang out and be free. lock in your monthly price for 3 years without a contract when you bunune with unlimited nationwide calling. see you in 2018. hey! t ts holiday, u.s. cellular's giving you 15 gigs of data
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