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tv   KWWL News at Five  NBC  January 5, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm CST

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check and bought his gun legally sot: barbara parker, mother of alison parker :58-1:04 "if background checks can save one life. it may not have saved https: the n-r-a tweeted: president obama's executive orders will do nothing to presidential candidate 1:12- 1:16 "because gun violence is committed by criminals and criminals don't care what the law is" rubio ted cruz and other gop candidates vow to roll back the tougher gun rules that president obama is ordering into effect on his own for mental health care ... but speaker paul ryan made clear: republicans will not back tougher gun laws. i'm steve handelsman, nbc news, at the white house people across the nation are reacting to the news of the president's executive order.. including our lawmakers here in iowa. with our team seven coverage...
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with local reaction from state senators.. i spoke with repubulican senators joni ernst and chuck grassley's team today..and both senators issued a statement- they do not agree with tougher gun laws. joni ernst replied by saying "i am opposed to president obama's over-reaching and unilateral actions; the american people should have a voice in this process instead of the president's top- down approach that side-steps congress and the people we were elected to represent." senator chuck grassley echoed a similiar statement saying, quote history has taught us that simply focusing on limiting access to guns does not lead to drops in gun crimes. maryland, illinois, california and even washington, d.c...have some of the nation's strictest gun laws yet they have some of the highest numbers of gun- related crimes in the country." there are 6 gun shows planned in iowa just in this month alone.. and many are worried that these new plans will affect them. hear what retailers and buyers are saying- in the story
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at 6. we've got you covered, lauren moss kwwl news. thanks lauren- you can read more on the statements from senator grassley and senator ernst at our website, there is snow in the forecast. let's go to storm track seven chief meteorologist mark schnackenberg - he's tracking snow. from the kwwl stormtrack here is additional forecast information from the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team: the weather remains quiet through wednesday morning then light snow begins in the afternoon. it gets a bit sloppy with rain/snow chances through
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the coldest air of the season rain by noon and continue as light rain in the afternoon. thursday night light snow gets mixed in at times. the city of dubuque is working on adopting a new budget. for some...that may mean paying more for property taxes. some numbers being thrown around are a nearly a 12-percent tax hike for businesses. kwwl's shirley descorbeth is live in dubuque. spoke with some business owners today. that would be a big hike for them? they say obviously they don't like tax increases -- nobody does.
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council voted against an 11- point-7 percent tax increase for commercial properties. and now -- they're working on a lower tax increase...but the biz owners i spoke to still aren't in favor of it. candle ready cakes in downtown dubuque has been in business for three years now. they have five help around...but they're all keep costs low. the owner says they've been able to get by...but she's not sure a tax increase is the right way to go. they rent the space they're "commercial property is high in dubuque to rent, and i think that no matter what they do, it's gonna be passed down to the local business owners and i think small business owners are gonne be affected by it." now the city manager is looking at new budget guidelines -- since the first one that included an 11- point-7 percent commercial tax increase was rejected. i'm told the two targets are 9- point-5 percent or almost 11-percent. city manager mike van milligan recommended the initial tax
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because of rising healthcare costs. expenses will increase 27- percent next fiscal year. we've got you covered live in dubuque...shirley descorbeth... ...kwwl news. now all of this is still being worked on. city manager mike van milligan plans on submitting a new budget recommendation by february first. if there is a property tax increase -- owners won't see it until fall when their bill goes out. in continuing coverage... a two-year-old boy injured by gunfire, is now in stable condition. the toddler -- jeremiah danta- benjamin horsley - was shot in dubuque on sunday night... police say he is still in the hopsital at the university of iowa hospitals and clinics - and he's in stable condition. police are still investigating - along with the department of human services. no criminal charges have been filed. a community is grieving after 17- year-old is found dead was found
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resevoir. tanner wymer was canoeing with his girlfriends dad, 51- year-old michael felton, when the canoe capsized on sunday. both fell into the icy water - but felton was able to escape. tanner went missing - and a search began sunday night to find him. his body was found shortly after eleven on monday morning. kwwl's kristin rogers has been following this horrible tradgety for us from the beginning. tonight we hear from tanner's football coach, who coached with tanner's father. certainly a difficult time, kristin? as you can imagine he tells me it's been tough, he says this is here are pretty close, but he was especially close with tanner as one of his coaches. last night the school held a vigil to remember tanner and grieve together. the principal tells us he believes around three- hundred people were there. we are told tanner was a three
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throwing on the track team, and a state qualifier in wrestling. his football coach tells us tanner was admired by his peers. (cg: brent sands /tanner's football coach) "i think back to the person that athlete but just even a more outstanding person and a very good role model for all of our students, that was pretty obvious by the tremendous turnout we had at the vigil." there's no doubt with this show of support tanner was loved and admired by many in this community. i'm told this tradgety happened on the last day of winter break. when students returned to school on monday counseling was available, and of course the vigil was held monday night. we've got you covered live in solon, kristin rogers...kwwl news. coming up at six we will hear more from tanner's coach, as well as his principal. we are told a visitation and funeral will be held for tanner, most likely this weekend. coming up... the "affluenza teen's" lawyer is speaking out for the first time... what he has to say about his
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and... this first at west point academy is a big step for women. that's coming up in just a few minutes. here's a live look at the storm track 7 live doppler radar. chief meteorologist mark schnackenberg has your full forecast next. and when you see news - or if you have pictures or video to share... you can do that by going to our page on facebook. you can also "like" our page to stay up to date on breaking news and weather information. meteorologist mark --------- --------- --------- "now your storm track 7 forecast on kwwl."
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cordes: most nurses are tough. they're problem-solvers. they like making things better. people don't have access to healthcare because they just can't afford it. bernie sanders understands how pharmaceutical companies and major medical companies are ripping us off. bernie tells the truth, and he's been consistent. he understands that the system is rigged, and he's the only one who can bring real change.
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here is additional forecast information from the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team: the weather remains quiet through wednesday morning then light snow begins in the afternoon. it gets a bit sloppy with rain/snow chances through the rest of the week followed by the coldest air of the season accumulations will be near 1". a light wintry mix early thursday morning will transition to light rain by noon and continue as light rain in the afternoon. thursday night light
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the weather remains quiet through wednesday morning then light snow begins in the afternoon. it gets a bit sloppy with rain/snow chances through the rest of the week followed by the coldest air of the season during the weekend. light snow develops wednesday afternoon and continues into the night. snow accumulations will be near 1". a light wintry mix early thursday morning will transition to light rain by noon and continue as light rain in the afternoon. thursday night light snow gets mixed in at times. the weather remains quiet through wednesday morning then light snow begins in the afternoon. it gets a bit sloppy with rain/snow chances through the rest of the week followed by the coldest air of the season during the weekend. light snow develops wednesday afternoon and continues into the night. snow accumulations will be near 1". a light wintry mix early thursday morning will transition to light rain by noon and continue as light rain in the afternoon. thursday night light snow gets mixed in at times.
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through wednesday morning then light snow begins in the afternoon. it gets a bit sloppy with rain/snow chances through the rest of the week followed by the coldest air of the season during the weekend. light snow develops wednesday afternoon and continues into the night. snow accumulations will be near 1". a light wintry mix early thursday morning will transition to light rain by noon and continue as light rain in the afternoon. thursday night light snow gets mixed in at times. the weather remains quiet through wednesday morning then light snow begins in the afternoon. it gets a bit sloppy with rain/snow chances through the rest of the week followed by the coldest air of the season during the weekend. light snow develops wednesday afternoon and continues into the night. snow accumulations will be near 1". a light wintry mix early thursday morning will transition to light rain by noon and continue as light rain in the afternoon. thursday night light
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coming up... the "affluenza teen's" mother is in court today - while her son fights near 1". a light wintry mix coming up... the "affluenza teen's" mother is in court today - while her son fights extradition from mexico. hear from ethan couch's attorney.
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show any signs of leaving the federal building they're occupying? you're watching kwwl. we've got you covered in belle plaine, urbana, atkins and all --------- ---------
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days after the paris attacks, senators came together for a top-secret briefing on the terrorist threat... marco rubio was missing - fundraising in california instead. two weeks later, terrorists struck again in san bernardino... and where was marco? fundraising again in new orleans. over the last 3 years, rubio has missed important national security hearings and missed more total votes than any other senator. politics first: that's the rubio way. right to rise usa
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in court today -- accused of helping her son evade custody... ethan couch was sentenced to 10
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four in a drunk driving crash - his lawyers argued he was too privledged to know better. couch is in custody in mexico... and he's fighting deportation to states. couch's attorney met with his client for the first time today. "he's a young man, an inexperienced young man in a foreign country being detained. situation." tonya couch - ethan's mother - in court today agreed to be sent from california to texas where she will face felony charges of hindering apprehension. an armed group hole up at a federal wildlife reserve is showing now signs of leaving. the anti- government protesters are controling buildings at a federal wildlife refuge in a remote part of eastern oregon. the leader of the group says they're gonna stay put until a plan is put in place. law enforcement isn't
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to leave, in part to avoid a deadly showdown. a convicted murderer is sentenced to 55 years in prison roderick ward junior was sentenced yesterday in black hawk county... he's convicted to second-degree murder and weapons charges tied to the death of 27-year-old gary wilson in waterloo in august of 2014... prosecutors say the two were friends, and before the shooting ward was drunk and argumentative. ward was found guilty of shooting wilson in the stomach. a woman becomes the first female commandant at west point military academy. brigadier general diana holland is the first woman to hold the title. she graduated from west point in 1990. her military education includes u.s. army command and general staff college and the school of advanced military studies. she's commanded every level from company through division. still to come on the k-w-w-l news at five... changes are coming to your
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be seeing on red meat labels anymore. and... do you need to get rid of your christmas tree? we'll give you the where, when and how. --------- --------- ---------
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to make as much money as one top ceo. it's called the wage gap. and the republicans will make it worse by lowering taxes for those at the top and letting corporations write their own rules. hillary clinton will work to close the wage gap. equal pay for women to raise incomes for families, a higher minimum wage, lower taxes for the middle class. she gets the job done for us.
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trial is reconsidering the verdict. spoiler alert. making a murderer is a 10- part documentary series following steven avery - a wisconsin man who was convicted of murder shortly after he exonerated by dna evidence after serving 18 years for a crime that he did not commit. filmmakers behind the smash netflix series said this morning on the today show, since the series has been released, they've heard from a juror who says they only voted to convict avery because of fear for personal safety. more than 200 thousand people have signed a petition on change dot org requesting a pardon for steven avery. new shocking video showing another incident with one of this season's hottest christmas presents - the hoverboard. hundreds of dollars literally goes up in smoke. a man was just riding this hoverboard in california - and all of the sudden it starts smoking... then a small explosion - and the hoverboard
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it was recently charged - but not over-charged. a move by congress means changes you'll see in the grocery aisle. last month - congress repealed a labling law requiring retailers to put the country of origin on packages of red meat. the world trade organization says the labels would put canadian and mexican livestock at a disadvantage. the move is seen as a victory for the meat indusry - which has been at odds with congress since the early 2000s. a familiar sight this time of year - christmas trees on the curb... in waterloo - if you need to get rid of a real tree, curbside collection will happen starting today and will go through january 15th. trees will be picked up on your normal garbage day. at 3505 easton avenue in waterloo through the 22nd. here's a live look at the waterloo skycam. storm track seven meteoroligst mark schnackenberg has a final look at your weather next. we'll
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in the middle of a time when senior poverty is increasing. republicans and some democrats came up with a brilliant idea for cutting cost-of-living adjustments for social security. we said, "it will be over our dead bodies if you cut social security."
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to extend the solvency of social security and expand benefits for people who desperately need them.
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presidential candidates are hitting iowa hard before the caucuses -- who's here and what do they have to say about the storm track seven chief meteorologist mark schnackenberg
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disaster in california.
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