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tv   Mad Money  NBC  January 7, 2016 3:00am-4:00am CST

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there was a lot of fear today of concrete positives that might be happening under your nose. and that's still true even when everybody is picking out about thermo nuclear warar. speaking of weapons of mass struction let's address the elephant in the room at the top of the show frflt the moment we learned last night that north korea may have detonated a hydrogen bomb or claimed they did you knew today was going to be a difficult session. markets like the people that trade them have always had a hard time factoring in potential nuclear cataststphes. it didn't feet great to rush in and take the other side of the trade. the combination of the unknown and inherently irrational north korere government and thermonuclear weaponry is reassuring as it gets.
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to take the whole thinin strideropping about a percent on the news or at least the tremors before ultimately rallying. it rallied hard and finished almost unchanged. there's no universe where we could be down more than south korea on these moves. at least no more worried than you were yesterday. remember the north koreans have had nuclear missiles forears no they conducted the first successful test in 2006. all they have done here is go to be able to o ild more powerful nukes like 1952. the north koreans are never going to use those weapons because even their supreme leleer doesn't want his s untry wiped off the map in retaliation. beyond that though while everybody was focused on north
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missed the rate hike bomb. toy we got a strong employment number from adp which is bad news. so-called bad news because it suggests the fed can keep tightening and yet at the same time this morning the fed's vice chair stanley fisher said in an exclusive interview w at he wasn't nuking the market with rate hikes blindly this year. that would have been the previous laid out bland. it's not going to be launched at your pororolio either. i'm not saying it's time to be seguin about this market. that's wrong.
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maybe things are working. i am simply urging you t tight to maintain a sense of perspective rather than losing your head and panicking. either of you want to sell anything you own, today was not the day to do that. certainly not t e intraday low and you'll get a better chance at higher levels sometimes if you'll be a little patient. i keep telling you that we're stuck in crazy town with good news for the real economy like lower oil crisis it's banews. the fed is much less likely to raise rates repeatedly if oil stays down or goes much lower because the inflation fears don't come into play we took that vibe to a whole new level. we're going to hear from the famed investor later in the show. we k kw that cheaper gasoline flows positively to your bottom line and the retailers and the airlines but don't bother to ask the sellers of the stocks why they're headed to the exits.
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revolving door. do you know that ten out of ten sectors decline today? including many where estimates can be raged right here right now off the hideous oil decline. that's one flew w er the coco nest territory. while investors used any excuse to sell a hand full of high gross stocks managed to floris today. growth is so grere not even icbm could stop it. although maybe that makes sense, i definitely want netflix. or here's another example of lunacy. is there a nation on earthhat doesest need nor arms? isn't that what this whole week has been about? doesn't south korea need more weapons or are they about to beat their missiles into plow shares? yet the defense stocks got slammed today. just to compound how ridiculous verything was today.
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korean businesses like samsung will be damaged by a nuclear wawa as out landish and tragic as i think that would be, if we were to imagine our worst fears, you know what, that t uld be good news for samsung competitor apple yet apple won't stop going lower despite the fact that their customers spent $1.1 billion on apps and app purchases endidi january 3rd. i'm sure that many people watch jessica jones on netflixs and how about the fact that that was the biggest day in history? shattered the record for single day sales. when was that? how aboul last christmas. the only thing that made sense to me e s that it's a tiny r rly in craft heinz because they make velveeta cheese which i am sure will be just as fresh ashe day it was manufactured even if you're stuck in your fall out t shelter for decades in the wake
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hydrogen bomb. you want more evidence that we're too negative, macy's preannnnnced a not so hot earnings number per share after the bell. what did the stock do? it went down $2 because that's what people do and then it rallied. yeah. it's above where it went out. i know that none of these positives matter because we're in crazy town. i knowowhat no one believes s anything good can ever happen again. yield means nothing even throw there's high yielders because the collapap of dividend paying g stocks is in an environment where fabulous balance sheets mean nothing even though many companies have the fire power to do something with their stocks: it was not wanting to lose money. they're losing money and refuse to commit that cardinal sin and thth're selling things l lt and right. here's the bottom line.
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negative to the point where we're ignoring a ton of actual real positives, and you and i know that, maybe -- i'm going go out on a limb, maybe you should be more calm. maybe be patient. think about picking some of your favorite stocks as i finally did for my charitable trust today. follow what i did. i didn't dump anything. the trust didn't sell. it's worth staying the course. sometimes the most painful thing to do is the right thing to do. that's why i'm advocating the outrageous position of not having a a your stocks because everyone else around you seems to be doing exactly that. >> thank you for taking the call as always. with multiple revenue streams already in place along with the recent contract to build the aircraft and rbc raising a card
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a lot of runway left. >> i saw the upgrade today and was talking to jack k ore who is the recent director and we just said holy cow. this is the most obvious thing to own in this market but it doesn't matter bause right now we're in a aoment where good news don't mean jack but have found in my more than 30 years of trading and investing that that that that has never been the case for too long of a time. i like your idea. let's go to collin in my home state of new jersey. >> hey, jim. i'm a big fan of your show and everything that you do. >> thank you. >> thank you for t ting my call. >> thank you. >> i had a couple of questions and i wanted to know what your outlook was for 2016 after the fda launched an investigation on the pricing of their drugs and also had a question about their enormous free cash fhow and if
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>> yeah i think it's good. if you want to give biogen that was upgraded. it's not that expensive. i like amgen. i think amgen is very good. and then let's put gilead in that mix. those are high cross stocks. they do better. m not as concerned o onegative as most of the people although it did rally today. all right. sometimes the market wants to go lower. we have to accept that. when it gets this negative i am urging actually calm. i want you to consider even as the market goes lower picking a favorite stock that's now at your price. all right on "mad money" tonight i already examined the w wners and losers in 2015. tonight i'm eyeing the nasdaq. could the crash in crude continue? mr. wonderful himself. kevin o'leary can brighten up a little bit of sunshine in the
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stick with cramer. >> you're out of your mind putting a $10 million value on this. >> don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter. have a question, tweet cramer. #"mad tweets." send jim an e-mail to or give us a
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head to >> i am urging you to remember thattocks can go up too.o. it's in this difficult environment that you need to be more selective. all week we have been examining the biggt winners of 2015. first in the dow and then the s&p 500. see which could continue higher in 2016. it's time to finish one the nasdaq. we already covered a bunch of these leaders in l lt night's review of the s&p 500. netflix was up 129% last year. amazon gaining 119%. blizzard rallied 92 act and nvidia.
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thnasdaq 100's top fiv winners that isn't also in the s&p 500 and to me this chinese online travel company is the sorry you're on your own selection. we had enough trouble trying to value american companies. i want nothing to do with this one. while there's a lot of overlap in the top five, the nasdaq's 2015 winners start to get real interesting when you look at the nene 7 names on the list. all would seem likely to be able to go higher in 2016 even in this miserable environment. that must include starbucks, ininght corp. and alphabab, the artist formally known as google which all climbed 47%. electronic arts up 46% and ulta salon, t-mobile and expedia. now i just said that i don't want to go near any chinese stocks but i don't mind recommending a stock tearing up china. nanaly starbucks. this year's starbucks opens it's store in that country and given
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starbucks might be the single best. especially now that cell phones are said to be tapped out as a source of growth. but to focus on starbucks merely as chinese play is to sell it way short. if we didn't know the history of starbucks one of the greatest wealth creators of our era and most successful aside from amazon and apple we might say it's an incredible technology gine that is figurininout what nsumers want to eat t d drink and giving it to them in the most enjoyable way possible. howard schultz figured out the holy grail of capitalili. treat your workers as well as possible so they'll stay well and true while arming them so they can best please your customers. that sounds like a simple formula but only schultz brought it to fruition worldwide. at least the cramer is. here's the high quality. it needs more tech to meet
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right now i'm hearing the footsteps of short sellers telling me that starbucks is rolling over. i sasawho cares? so did betoven. it's insight. here's a $19 billion company most of you have never heard of. run by an oncology titan that is not just one but two potential blockbuster drugs. that's solid tumors on its way to billion dollars status. what about the second drug that partner eli lily trumping at yesterday as being a big needle mover for the indiana pharmaceutical giant. the board of directors, you see him lots and julian baker from e best bio tech inveveors of our era. i feel like offering everyone that watches this show an apology. i should have been recommending this one for years.
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google? it's the cheapest of the fangs. facebook, amazon, netflix. alphabet doesn't deserve to be this cheap given it's search dominance and exciting forward looking technologies that you're getting for free. bit this compapa can earn $40 a share next year and given a still explosive growth rate it's bargain. autononous driving cars payiyi off yet.t. a little more problematic. right now it's trading over it's recent star wars that a lot of people don't think is selling that way. i say ststk with activision blblzard. it has king digital. that deal is closing and it will out of it immediate ulta salon. their amazing loyalty program and fastest same store sales growth. the ceo better get the respect
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should this rerely be only $11 billion company with so much weight space for expansion? i think not. it's not just curlers for heaven's sake. you would d ow that expedia is worth more than it's market cap. it's great technology, management, consistent revenue generator and always too exexnsive because it salal at a high priced earnings mululple. and to me the opportunity is too great to be contained by a $19 billion market capap finally there's t-mobile: the last time t-mobile reported a lot of people announced the quarter sub par. i thought it was a difficult to understand quarter. given the 10% move up since then maybe people are getting their arms around. two ways to win. keeps taking sharerend goes higher or keeps taking share and doesn't go higher and then gets acquired.
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bottom line, i think starbucks, alphabet, , ta, expedia and t-mobile can keep going higher. they can certainly do better than mososother stocks and that's exactly what i'm expecting. much more "mad money" ahead. while the winners continue to tear up wall street they can't take you to the promised l ld. i'm putting up the worst performers to see if they can be avoided. they dropped to levels not seen since the global financial crisis. what does 2016 have inintore. you probably know shark tank. tonight i'm sitting down with mr. wonderful himself to see where he's finding opportunity in this market. stick with cramer. (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator...
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he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. where are you? it's very loud there. are you taking a zumba class? happy anniversary dinner, darlin' can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah. one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand.
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>> when you look back at the worst performers of 2015 the losers of the dow and the s&p 500 were heinous bututhe fears are different. they're not just about coal or oil or natural gas. consider the worst five performers in this cliche index: not only do these companies have redemptive qualities but i'd go so far as to say if there were
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then all five namemight qualify as s scks worth earning because they're profitable but don't have any real growth to speak of. they have seen so much value driven away that i don't know if there's any money mamagers out there that have the patients to sit with these without worrying that their assets will be taken away from them while they wait for something good#to happen. the percentage losses make the nasdaq's worst performer sound like a rogues gallery. listen to this, micron down. viacom is 45%. seagate shedding 4 4. and bed and bath and beyond shedding. it's the pretty good balance sheets and all five are expected to have earnings growth both this year and next. there in lies the problem though. when you see stocks trailing price to earnings ratio.
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your most likely seeing what's known as the compression of the e earnings and the price to earnings multiple at the same time. and authentic wall street jibber by. earnings estimates and people will pay less for them because of that. does it have to happen? no. but let's take the c ces of micro, western digital and seagate. all three of these companies are makers of commodity parts for all sorts of technologies but they're still regarded as plple on personal compmper growth and there is no growth. their end markets are in what we call decline. that's why the stocks are so hated. they're making acquisitions to become more than just personal computer components. they want to change their stripes but their diversification attempts aren't entiting any new buyers because the earnings estimates are
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seagate is not doing all that much to reinvent itself but does have the 7% yield. don't get too exted though. that yield is too hihi to believe the dividend can be sustained if their earnings go into a prolonged down trend as they very well could. as for viacom it's used as the ultimate bet against prox. it has all the entertainment that you can shift, slice, dice and cut the cord from. it's an equivalent of the media companies. except viacom makes a ton of money and it's run by tons of people. plus the company paying you in almost 4% yield while you wait for them to fifire things out but they also have a lot of debt and no must watch now programming. funny how they are these days. disney has sports but people dob don't like that. this one has no sports and it's s hated anywyw. it's trading like a newspaper company. a wasting asset. i think it's better than that. but that's not eugh to make me want to buy the stock although
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rallied almost 5% today tells you again, don't give up the ship, at least not at these levels. finally there's bed, bath and beyond. bbbyby what a hard to value company this is. on one hand it generates a huge amount of cash and shrunk it's share count from 254 million to 165 million. but t the other hand evererhing they sell you can buy on amazon for less and beyond a wasting asset slash value trap. there's the negative scenario. o is to say that buyuyg back stock endlessly. the bottom line, i think that bet is worth taking. it's kind of intriguing to me here. even as i expected ta deliver
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maybe has the chance to buy into even more. and as for the rest, i think it will be higher to sell,them as these dogs have plenty of fleas. but they can still bark. maybe they bark the way to higher levels than where they sold at today.y. >> jim, booyah. how are you? >> i'm fine. how are you? >> i'm great, man. i have a question about go pro. they have a new drone product coming out from karma and apparently that's a hot ticket at this consumer electronics show in vegas. what do you think? is this e right time to get in? >> i have so many companies with high yields of 4% with great balance sheets and descent growth products that i don't want to speculate on a go profor anything other than the fact
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ending back. it's already on kind to companies that have cool gismos and fit bit th has better momentum than go pro. there's so many defenses and because of autonomous cars. let's go to robert in maryland, robert. >> booyah, jim. >> booyah, robert. >> from maryland. >> nice. >> i want to thank you so much for all the wonderful advice and the encouragement you're giving. >> thank you. >> my question is on a bunch of the people in my neighborhood involved with solarcity and they all seal to be hpy to say they're saving money and erything. i went out and bought the stock and it's gone well last month and now seems to be stuck because of what happened in nevada. >> well, yeah, but look. turned wildly against fossil fuels.
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and solarcity is the antifossil fuel play. but how about an antifososl fuel play doing well in earnings that could go up gigantically. that's first solar. that's in the expanding solar game. sure the low performing stocks of the nasdaq have some redeeming qualities but the only one i can give you my blessing on is bed, bath and beyond. wait to get in on more weakness when they report a not so great number tomorrow evening. much more "mad money" ahead. oil prices plunged again today. but could the drop continue? and then i'm sitting down with shark tank investor, the much loved kevin o'leary. get his outlook on the market and his outlook on optimism. muscle your calls. rapid fire in tonight's edition of the lightning round. stick with cramer. eye of the tiger tvnncr: good afternoon everyone.
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tv anncr: this team is having a fantastic season. morning rituals are special. when you share what you love... ...with who you lolo. kellogg's frosted flakes. they're grrreat! can win a microsoft surface 3...when you buy any spially-marked kellogggs product. i've been on my feel all day. i'm bushed! yea me too. excuse me...coming through! ride the gel wave of comfort with dr. scholls massaging gel insoles. they're prcven to give you comfort. which helps you feel more energized ...all day long. i want what he has. phil! oh no... (under his breath) hey man! hey y ter. (unenthusiastic) ha ha ha! joanne? is that you? it's me... you don't look a day over 70am i right? jingle jingle. if you're peter pan, you stay young forever. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. you make me feel so young... it's what you do. ou make me feel
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>> when will the agony come an end? do we just need to get used to oil trading in the foreseeable future.. it's only being aggravated. or is it possible that crude could come back sooner than we think or there might be light at the end of the crude tunnel. it will be at low levels. you need to talk to an oil man.. that's why i'm thrilled to have
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here with us tonight, it's the energy business and boom welcome back to "mad money." >> all we hear these days is lower longer. it will go lower than we think. >> and i was just a year off. 70 or 75 by the end of the year. you know, if we go back and look at the long stretch we had in the 80s we had were 20% over supply. today the world was 5 million barrels a day. so it's not going to take much to balance the market and when you do, it will start to move up
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>> were you surprised that when we heard about iran and saudi arabiasaudi is cutting off relations that oil rallied but couldn't even keep any sort of gain? >> no, that may be a real turning point is the saudi iranian situation. usuallz commodity market like that, you can have an incident that you can -- that marks the bottom. that could have happened on the saudi iranann deal. the world to me is numb to war. we had war for a long, long time now. if you would have had thth happen a long time ago it would have shot the price up and not sold. >> do you think that maybe oil
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the united states. some what substantially in 2016. >> we peaked at about 97 and we're down to about 93 now and i think this time, well,l,y the end of the year, that's a year from now that you'll be down another 500,000 barrels because you only have 524 riggs drilling for oil in the united states today when you peaked in 2004, 1609 riggs in 2014. >> well, then that would tell me as the stocks go down we're creating value ifs only because some oil companies are well capitalized and this couldlde the year that theyeyuy companies that go under. >> well, you're going to have more consolidation. no doubt about it. the banks have been patient. and that's good.
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recover. you, you know, our mutual fund, they have, but they bought the coco is what they bought. they bought pioneer, diamondback. they have the best properties in west texas. >> now you know pioneer did a big equity offering. raised more capital last night. is that the e nd of thing that our viewers should be thinking these are descent levels for companies to be able to raise cash. maybe we should go long and buy on some of these equity offers. >> well, pioneers about 8% and you can live with that. scott sheffield is guy that he has been through these before. he's not a kid. so he is getting himself in good shape.
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going to add to his reserve base and his production this year. >> most people have been more bullish and didn't expect oil to get down here. it hasn't been that people will blink. when we talked last year it was unlikely that oil could have come down to 33 dollars barrel. >> well, i didn't think it would go below 40. but the sais had credibility and said they would not cut it and kept it above 10-3. i didn't believe ty could do that. they did and here we are but 's hurting them, $5050million a day is about what it's costing the saudis and the russians. >> well, how about n nural gas? at one point it traded belel where almost every company could make money in this company. has natural gas gotten
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gas pipeline cpanies? have they any interest for you? >> you know, the natural gas, it's unbelievable the reserves of oil and gas that the united states has. we're the number one prorocer in natural gas. unbelievable that that's the case. over the history of drilling, over 5 million wells have been drilled and over half of them drilled in the united states. you wouldn't believe we still had the reserves that we do have. our industry has done a magnificent job of splying oil and gas to the united states and i don't know. i made a lot of money off of natural gas and i lost a lot of money. you look at the guys that lost their jobs because of the price of natural gas and one is tom ward. boboe pickens.
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but natural gas is tough. >> well, look, appreciate your candoror when you said you didn't think it would go below 40. i didn't think so either. i think that your knowledge is certainly more outstanding than almost everyone else i speak to. thank you for coming on "mad money". >> sure. always enjoy being on with you. >> thank you so much and thank you for your efforts. thank you to boone pickens. founder and chairman bp capital. does think it's about the bottom. stay with "mad money." (cell phone,rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on cararnsurance,
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it's what you do. where are you? it's very loud there. are you taking a zumba class? looking for 24/7 digestive support? try align for a non-stop, sweet-treat-goodness hold-onto-your-tiara,,kind-of-day. live 24/7 with 24/7 digestive support.
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>> it is time. it is time for the lightning round. >> and then the lightnininround is over. are you ready? time for the lightning round. why don't we start with michael in missouri. michael. michael. okay. no michael right now. why tonight we go to ben. ben in new york. ben. anybody? >> hey, it's ben. how are you doing, jim. >> ben, great to hear from you. what's going on. >> listen i want to ask your opinion about a company i bought and sold a few times during 2015. i'm thinking about keepingngt in my long-term portfolio. >> it's a very inexpensive stock. may i suggest instead that we go with them down 5% already for the year and great management.
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ann. >> my stock is orbital atk. >> i have to tell you, this is the stock for this eironment. i have been recommending this forever saying defense budgets are going higher. 52 week high. you have a winner. ike in north carolina. ike. ike. >> booyah, jim. >> booyah, ike. what's happening. >> i love the show. i have couple of questions. i'm looking at petroleum and ford motor company. is whiting low enough to buy? >> i have a high yielding oil stock that can pay the dividend. we don't want to go there. still don't see a reason to pull the trigger. steven in massachusetts, steven. >> hi, jim. my question n csx railroad company. >> i don't know. you know what -- >> bye bye bye. >> a.j. in north carolina. j.
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airlines. i bought it at $45. should i hold it. >> i care where it's going to. i'd like to know mororabout why heheeft the company. i have to know more before i can say go buy it. ed in texas. >> booyah. we love your opinion on n tash. >> it's got that 9% yield which means that the dividend may not be able to be covered by the cash flow. it's worrisome to me. but i'm not really a potash fan frankly. and that ladies and gentlemen is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> lightning round is sponsored by t.d. ameritrade. my son and i used to watch the red carpet shows on tv now, i'm walking them. life is unpredictable one thing i need to be predictable is to be flake free. because i have used head and shoulders for 20 years. used regularly, it removes up to 100% of flakes
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every week, every month, every year you ready ma? always life is unpredictable, so embrace it! head and shoulderslive flake free for life i'm here at my house, on thanksgiving day and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begeg an aspirin regimen. go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore. (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad w w't call an exterminator... cacai call you back, momom he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more car insurance, you switch to geico. itit what you do. where are you? it's very loud there.
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investing in individual stocks is not for everybody. but until you saved up at least $10,000 you have very little business owning anything other than a index fund. that's the only real way you can get that diversification that you need until you have more money to work with. typically i recommend gogog with ananndex fund or etf that mirrors the s&p 500 but there's other options if you're willing to do more homework that seem enticing to me. for example, kevin o'leary that you've probably seen on shark tank right here on cnbc has partnered up with the ftse russell to create a suite of etfs with the highest quality dividend stock in the s&p 500. it trades under the symbol ousa. the idea is this fund will only
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market. dividends produced 70% of the gains in the s&p 500. this is a pretty good plan and i'm not surprised that this is out before the s&p by 4%. including since it's inception last july. let's take a closer look at kevin o'leary. mr. wonderful hero to many. find oututore about his new rule based etfs and maybe a much bigger optimism and the ability to make money either through the market or throroh inventions like the ideas we hear about regularly on shark tank. it's a great pleasure to have you on "mad money". >> great to see you. >> let's cut to the chase. we started the show by talking about look if you are going to freak out about asia and say listen have to sell everything that may be the wrong way to go. i'm going right totoou. am i right that may be the wrong thing to do. >> i think you're right. what happened today with north
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another test. if you go back and look k every time this leleer has done this, surprised the world with an atomic bomb test, 90 days later you're way up. he's almost like reverse buying signal. it's like a permanent dr. no movie over there. they're e reaming for attention. they have sanctions on from everybody. i think what matters about asia right now is earnings. evenhough there's a lot t volatility in the asia market and i include, japan, singapore, hong kong, the a-shares in china. growth rate they have even if you're the most pessimistic guys. china is only growing at 2%. the major guys are thinking more here we at 2. you have to have a little allocation there. >> i heard you. i know you think there are actual asian securities to buy >> europopout performed us big time lasasyear.
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made sure that we took the same rules that you just talked about state side. we did it in europe too. large cap dividend player and 20% less volatile. i love free cash flow coming back at me in a dividend. that's where the returns come from. >> what i liked about what you're doing is you have done the homework. i always want people to do the homework. if he's put together something that's ders ididtified that gives me dividends i feel safe to recommend that. >> thank you. here's how it happened. i love etfs. they're low cost and efficient. 50 of th pay dividends, all first generation. in other words, market cap rated. apple coululbe 15% of what you own. that breaks my number one rule about diversification. i only want to own 5% of any one name. so i went to ftse russell ys d said help me. i have a problem. help me build a new indices rules based that looks like latility, quality of cash flow and keeps s 5% on a max. 20% max on a sector.
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yet. we'll do it for you. i'm very proud of you jim. >> you should be. a lot of people have to recognize some stocks go up so much they becoco a big part of a portfolio. but what you have done is set rules up ahead. >> yeah. >> because when apple fofo example, i used to own apple and in september china had all of that cash with our crazy tax system. they issue bonds and move the cash back. that tripped one of our covenants and we sold it, thank goodness and picked up microsoft instead. >> absolutely. microsoft bottomed right when china bought them. >> a nice dividend yield there. microsoft is doioi great. >> we have a lot of young people watching. mark zuckerberg said he wanted more girls to be more inventors. they should d nerds. i'm always surprised to see who else watches your show. younger, let's call them girls. you can still call them that. talk to me about who is watching your show.
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facts. when we started shark tanks we never thought a show about business would attract so many young people. onof our fastest growing democrats are 9 to 18-year-old women. >> they mature faster at that age. they're loving business and watch the show. i get thousands of e-mails but here's the real kicker for me. we're going into sean 8. we have been on a long time now. you have been on ten years. congratulations. you're rocking it too. so listeto this, last year they said why don't we check and haveve look at all of these. i have a look at over 30 deals now. which are working and which ones aren't? they did a study on the ones successfully returning capital. not some of my returns, all of my returns are companies lead or owned by women. >> i love that. i have two daughters. it means the world to me. >> why is that happening? better time management skills. lower risk profiles.
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you want something done give it to a busy mother. it works. it's true. so you when you show me a deal run by a woman. i'm there. i'm there, why? i'm not trying to be sexist. i'i'trying to make money. women kill it in business. they kill it in business. >> i love it. let's end on an optimistic note. you're a person that's seen ups and downs or whatever. we have a lot of glolmy people on tv. it's starting to bug me. give me a dose of something else. >> one of the things driving everyone down and particularly this year is t t price of oil issue which went down today. here's the way to look at that. i know that it's bad for that sector. grown men are weeping. i get it. oil is going to 25. i get it. what about the othth nine sectors of the economy that have the lowest cost they ever had. so i'm saying look it's terrible for oil. it's 70% of the s&p. i get it. thisisarnings season, i think we'll get 5 to 6% growth, x oil, x energy. leave energy out of it and look
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getting low import costs. so the sectors of the s&p are going to rock because oil is free. if you have no energy cost i'm loving it. >> no tax. >> so i feel, let's have a moment for the oil guys. it's terrible. but let's talk about all the joy in every other sector. >> i'm glad someone else thinks like i do. i call common sense. i like common sense. makes you money. kevin o'leary. shark tank investor and just all around great guy. stick with cramer. lysol disinfectant spray kills 99.9% of bacteria on more than just the trashcan. it's the "pungent gym bag stink" utralizer. and the "prevent mold and mildew on the shower curtain for up to 7 days" spray. it's also the "odor causing bacteria" fighter. and even the "athlete's foot fungus" killer. discover more ways you can use lysol disinfectant spray to help keep your home healthier.
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>> do not confuse my patient and some what calm demeanor with complacency. i'm saying this is clalaic and i never have made money panicking. not sometimes but never. i don't think this time is going to be anything different. now i think that you have to take a look at some e ocks that you may actually want to buy of companies that you think are good. be more like warren buffet and less like a guy jumping off of a
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there's always a bull market somewhere. i promise to try to find it for you right here on "mad money." i'm jim cramer and i'll see you tomorrow. it's thursday, january 7th and coming up on "early today," powerball is now whopping $675 million and growing after no one had all of wednesday's winning numbers. vice president biden reveals a major regret of his career. have you seen this woman? the fbi joins the hunt for the female jewelry thiefefho has stolen millions. plus more reaction from the white house and round the world on north korea's nuclear test. china's tankingtock market is having a huge impact at home.
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