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tv   KWWL News at Six  NBC  January 12, 2016 6:00pm-6:30pm CST

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information from the kwwl stormtrack 7 weather team: temperatures will occr shortly after midnnght and theeslowly increase overnight and linger through wednesday with a stray snow shower or a few flurries. thursday, highs will reach the evening below zero in many locations under a clear sky. the low temperatures will occc ortly after mididight and then slowly warm to around 10 degrees through wednesday with a stray snow shower or a few flurries. the highs will reach the low and mid 30s. a nice break from the brutal cold lately.temperatures drop this evening below zero in many locations under a clear sky. the by sunrise wednesday. clouds increase falls police are looking for a man who robbed a local bank. the first national bank - cedar falls on whitetetail drive reported a robbery around 1:30 this afternoon.
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seen& wearing dark clothing and a mask. take a second look here -- up panthers jacket. kwwl'p jessica hartman has been on scene spepeking with pollce and witnesses. jessica?? i just got off the phone with one witness tells us authorities were investigating a bag of money found at a near by apartment complex. no word at this time if this is the money taken from the first national bank - cedar falls. ththcedar falls police chief tells me that a man entered the bank and made off with a
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robbbby and the suspect did not show a weapon.. the cashier at the gas station attached to the bank saw part of supposibly that whoever did it was wearing a purple uni jacket of some sort." i spoke to an other witnesss who thought the purple jacket was a minnesota vikings jack. he also said he was wearing a mask. that witness saw the man inside the thunder ridge court across the street. there was heavy police precense inside he building this afternoon. we've got you covered live in cedar falls. ...jessica hartman
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we will continue to cover this search and bring you updates here and on kwwl-dot- com. our countdown to the iowa caucuses now... there's a new face in the democratic frontrunner seat. according to the new quinnipiac poll, senator bernie sanders is in the lead over hillary clinton in the of likely democratic caucus goers while clinton is polling at 44 percent. quinnipiac university surveyed 492 iowa likely democratic caucus participants. on the republican side, it's becoming more and more a
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between donald trump and senator ted cruz. quinnipiac university released yesterday and trump is in first with 31 percent whilf cruz is close behind at 29 percent.. the uniiersity surveveed 602 iowa likely republican goers. with just under three weeks until the first in the nation caucuses, republican front runner donald trump brinins his campaign to iowa. kwwl's amanda goodman is live on the uni campus in cedar falls. amanda? trump' visit to cear falls comes just one day after a changing offthe guard in the polls -- the quinnipiac poll now has donald
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with 31% - just edging out ted until donald trump takes the stage one trump supporrr carrying sign, "trump for president. hillary for prison." just talked to a man wearing an me he's in the front row and hopes to get trump's attention trump's visit to cedar falls comes just one day after a changing of the guard in the polls -- the ted cruz... west gym fillingp. still 45 minutes until donald trump takes the stage one trump upporter carrying sign, "trump for president. hillary for prison." just talked to a man wearing an "atheist voter" shirt. he tells me he's in the front row and cedar falls, amanda goodman, kwwl news. anks amanda.
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after her smartphone app. reportedly, catches people breaking into her mother's home. kwwl's lauren moss, speaking to joins us lauren.. ashley bruno calls herself a professional investigator now- ter she saw people breaking into her mother's waterloo home. it was all through a ashley bruno is calling it..a gut feeling. you're looking at video from "she's just like why..why us." ashley went by to check in..and she told police she hhard gun shott.and that's when she decided to take matters into her own hands. "i was getting freaked out in my own little head and told myself a camera on the tablet i had.." it's called the warden- cam home security app..putting ashley's eyes- right in the middle of her mother's home..
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account on both things and that's how it worked." but then she saw something..a light flickering- someone came back to the house. like you gotta hurry up..d they said we are right around the corner." ashley s sys she recogniid 19 year ood isaiah zacharias, a friend of the family as one of the people who allegedl broke in. pollce arrested him and 17 year old natasha herrmann- both are charged with burglary. all while, police credit ashley for her quick thinking..and she's is pretty proud of herself too. i was pretty happy my whole in case you missed it- she didn't install an actual videe camera- she just used her ipad as the camera at her mom's house..while she
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her phone. we've got you coveved, lauren moss kwwl news. thanks lauren, the app.. warden- cam home security is free for all smart-phone users. unlike his past "condition of the state" speeches, iowa governor terry branstad offered few new programs. instead, the six- term governor focused on pledges to do more with ograms alreadyyin place. still, school funding took center stage. we bring in matt breen who is live from the state capital with a recap. make no mistake, the governor's goal is to increase schoho
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but, terry branstad has raised some eyebrows by planning to extend a state sales tax to tie "we should not over-promise and under-deliver," said gov. settled on a modest 2.45-5-ercent increase. "this budget provides schools the stability, predictability and funding they need and deserve," branstad said. "as promised, the governor proposed a 20-year extension of the state's penny sales tax. it would generate $20-billion for schools, and another $4-billion for water quality," said matt breen. "this is a monumental investment in both education funding and water quality and does it withoo raising taas," branstad said. still, some in the governor's own party are skeptical. "i'm uncomfortable changing the direction of the tax, and i'm uncomfortable extending it without the voters saying so,"
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others, ike john wills, who represents the environmentally-sensitive iowa great lakes, want to know more lake. "of course, i do want to make ure that we don't do something that the voters back at the counties-- every countyy approved the save-- but they approved it with 100-percent of the money going to the schools." for educators, and administrators, the promise of funding beyond the sale tax sunset in 2029 may be too good to pass up. "i'm really thankful that today we're taing about wat to do schools superintendent. the largest, and loudest, applluse came during the governor's call for protecting kids from human trafficking, combating domestic
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drug and mental health courts. for now i'll send it back to ron in the studio. area third gaders spen part of the day practicing making 9-1-1 phone calls in case of an emergency. it's a skill that may sound sisiple but about 50 percent of the third graders participating did not know their home address when asked by the dipatcher. kwwl's kristin rogerer was at the simulation today, kristin what can you tell us? making a 9-1-1 call is something cedar rapids firefighters are helping to teach by rotating to thirty different elementtry schools this year. this morning they spent time at
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as the dispatcher on the other end of the line. "do you see an adult around them at all?" "no." (cg: kristin rogers) "students told us talking to a in the future." the simulation starts with an emergency scenerio students are given (cg: bridget buchheit/ student) "they showed us a (phone dialing 9-1-1) one-by-one they made practice, in case they are the one that nneds to call know the answer to "do you know your aaress?" "yes." about half of the students asked did not know their phone but after today they they eed to memorize. "is therer anything you need to
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(cg: derryl owens/ student) no, well yes, my address!." lessons that are good to learn now, before they are shortly after one of our visits a third grader had a rather large house fire and talking to his mom, the comforting fact for them was they knew exactly what to do." the firefighter helping today told me it's an expectation students learn their addresses and phone numbers in case ooan emergency. multiple students told me they felt more comfortable making a 9-1-1 call if they need to, now as mentioned the fire department will be going to 30 different elementary schools this year, grant wood was their fourth school so
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coming up onnwwl, organizers are changing their plans for special olympic athletes due to frigid temperatures. and with the college football season officially coming to an endd the wkeyes receive their finall ranking. "now your storm track 7 forecast on kwwl." from the kwwl stormtrack someone just got a free 6" subway sandwich. just text offers to 782929 to sign up for weekly text offers. and yoyoll get a free 6-inch sub
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sunrise wednesday. clouds increase overnight and linger through wednesday with a stray snow shower or a few flurries. the wind is light night through h hursday. speaking of f thursday, highs will reach the low and mid 30s. a nice break from the brutal cold lately.temperatures drop this evening below zero in many locations under a cleaea sky. the low temperatures will occur shortly after midnight and then slowly warm to around 10 degrees by sunrise wednesday. clouds increase overnight and linger through wednesday with a stray snow shower or a few flurries. the wind is light tonight through thursday. speaking of thursday, highs will reach e low and mid 30s. a nice break
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lately.temperatures drop this evening below zero in many locations under a clear sky. the low temperatures will occur shortly after midnight and then slowly warm to around 10 degrees by sunrise wednesday. clouds increase overnight and linger through wednesday wii a stray snoo shower or a few flurrrrs. the wind is light tonight through thursday. speaking of thursday, highs will reach the low and mid 30s. a nice break from the brutal cold lately.temperatures drop this evening below zero in many locations under a clear sky. the low temperures will occur shortly after midnight and hen slowly warm to around 10 degrees by sunrise wednesday. clouds increase overnight and linger through wednesday with a stray snow shower or a few flurries. the wind is light tonight through thursday. speaking of thursday, highs will reach the low and mid 30s. a nice break from the brutal cold lately.temperatures drop this evenig below zero in many locations under a clear sky. the low temperatures will ccur
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special olympics winter games taking place here in eastern iowa. however, organizers putting cold weather plans in place to keep athletes safe. the story. games. "it is awesome! i don't let anything get me down." nearly 400 athletes and 300 volunteers have embarked to dubuque to take part in the 3oth annual event for those with weather. organizers sayythey've taken measures to make sure athletes are safe and warm. "we get their snowshoes on, get them out on the course as quickky as we can. et them, "and with the wind chill they can somewhat stay warm out
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"it's really cold today bill, tell me did that bother you at all? didn't bother me at all...i was bundled up." but these frigid temperatures not affffting ananne's enthusiasm. (nat sound) "i'm having fun seeing new teammates. "why do you lie doing this? "so i can be away from des moines...and the walk here and this beautiiul weather oututide." we've got you covered in dubuque...shirley descorbeth...kwwl news. the winter gaaes also took place at sundown mountain and mystique community ice center. athletes competed in sswshoeing, skiing and skatinin. comingp... we'll hear from nick saban after the national title game turs on one bigplay -- plus -- the hawkeyes finish in
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how much internet speed does one family actually need? ballpark. to answer your question, i assembled a similar family unit. we have centurylink internetet they offerer range of speeds. for us, 40 megs works great. with that, you can download an hd movie or tv show in minutes and songs in seconds. which is a good thing,
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get up to 40 meg centurylink internet for $20 a month for a year when bundled with a qualifying home phone plan. 12onth contract required. speed may not be available in your area. the college football season has come to a close -- and while we expected iowa to take a bit of a tumble following their 29 point rose bowl loss -- the hawks still held on to a top and that's certainly good news if you'u'e kirk ferentz -- as he'll receive a 250- thousand dollar bonus for that top ten finish -- in fact -- due to iowa's success, and ferentz receiving multiple coaching awards -- his totallbonus for the season hit 900- thousand dollars -- the hawks -- of course went 12 and oh in the regular season for the first time ever making the big ten title game and their first rose bowl since the 19-911season -- and they'll bring back a solid core for 20-16 -- the national title game was a good one last night --
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the fourth quarttr -- when alalaama came at clemson with a surprise onside kick just after tying the game -- and minutes later -- alabama would take the lead for good when jake coker found a wide open o-j howard -- the crimson tide never trailed after that in a 45, 40 win -- as they'd pick up their 4th championship in just the past seven seasons -- it probably wasn't one of our competing and making plays when the kind of competitors that win championships. oh course -- we had a local connection -- cedar falls native ross pierschbacher -- alabama's starting left guard -- getting a chance to celebrate last night as a national to be one step closer -- with a 6 member owners committee recommending the chargers and raiders shared stadium plan over another plan offered by saint louis owner stan
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the charges and raiders want to build south of downtown in cacaon, while kroenke's plan is to build closer to downtown l-a in inglewood -- both proposals -- however -- are still under consideration in this week's owners meeting -- 24 of the 32 team owners have to vote to approve a plan before any relocation can happen --
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marco rubio. he ran for senatatsaying he oppopod amnesty... and worked with liberal chuck schumer to co-author the path to citizenship bill. he threatened to vote against it. and then voted for it. he supported his own dream a a and then he abandoned it. marco rubio. just another washington politician you can't trust. jeb bush. he's a leader, so you always knkn where he stands. right to rise usa
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