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tv   KWWL News at Five  NBC  January 14, 2016 5:00pm-5:30pm CST

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slick road conditions kill two and cause multiple injuries across the area. in cedar rapids a police officer was responding to the scene of an accident involving 5 ehicles this morning on edgewood road, when it was in an accident of its own, sending one police officer to the hopsital, slick road conditions are believed to be a factor. and in w wterloo a car rolled, causing minor njuries to one person off of greenhill road and the 218 exit ramp this morning. police say slick road conitions caused the accident. kwwl's kristin rogers has been taking a closer look at this today talking with drivers who have noticed some of the slick spots,
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multiple people told me they noticed slick spots in certain areas earlier this morning, the thing to be aware of is the roaa may seem fine, but some slick spots can be decieving obviously catching multiple people off guard this morning with accidents all accross the area. (nats) with warmer temperatures it was easy to see a lot of melting going on, and roads. (cg: darin snedden/ sergeant iowa state patrol) "there for awhile as the sun was coming up and the early morning communte it was all hands were on deck, everybody was busy and evvrybody was going to accidents, or multiple accidents at multiple locations." i'm told a serious issue was the frost on the roadway, which is what caused this accident in fayette county, seriously injuring two people. five cars were in an accident on edgewood roadadn cedararrapids and a police car was in an accident on it's way to respond. and a mom and her accidents still felt the slick
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"multiple people told me they the melting, it's importantnto be (cg: d drin snedden) "when the weather is like it is we'll have a nice day like we're having today some of the snow will melt and obviously it ns across the road, once the tempertures drop again that will freeze back up." as for freezing back up i spoke with our meterologist mark schnakenbbrg and he told me whatever is left melted today will freeze overnight tonight, the iowa state patrol says to especially look out for areas on bridges and overpasses, as well as to never drive with cruise control on when it could be slick. we've got you covered live, kristin rogers...kwwl news. the iowa dot did prep some of the highways yesterday leading up to this morning, such as i- 380, which was not as slick as some of the county and city roads. another crash caused by slick roads kills a mother and son in iowa county.
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this morning on highway 212. investigators say 18-year-old bethany clark and her two year old son roran lost control on frost covered roads. the two died at the scene. an eastern iowa woman is facing up to 50 years in prison for the death of a toddler under her care. one-year-old brody harrelson died last june at an in-home daycare in waterloo this woman - amy hangartner is accused of strapping him into an infant car seat and leaving him in a closet for almost two hours according to the criminal complaint, hangartner's 15- year-old daughter made the call to 9- 1-1 after she found harrelson the boy had marks on his neck consistent with the straps and buckle from thth car seat. waterloo police captain dave mohlis weighs in on the case... hear from him at 6. local firefighters spending
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habitat for humanity home for family that has fallen on some very hard times lately the home is going to the family of this waterloo teenager - moe sed sed went missing in october a trapper found his body in a river near gilbertville in december. his family has been grieving the loss of their son.. but now.. potentially something to look forward to kwwls olivia mancino joins us now live in waterloo in front of that very home from the outside, this home is ququte lovely... all four walls are up, and everything inside is coming along nicely as well about a zen waterloo firefighters put up drywall today you can see them working inside here.. very noisey, and lots of dus everywhere while they were putting up drall this house has beeee in the works since last summerr.. they scheduled the work around the seasons, so they could work on the inside of the home in the colder temps. reps withabitat for humanity told me the family was already in the
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of their son... "i know they are very apppreciative, they're just, from waht i've heard, i know they feel blessed they're getting a home" rosonke says the family went through an approval process to get this home moe sed's parents will move here and that'llbe soon for the family... they're currently renting in waterloo but they'll be able to move into this neighborhood around the end of february waterloo olivia mancino ...kwwl news. the sed family saad the following about their new home "we are happy! we are renting an aprtment now, but even though we pay every month, it will never be our home. with habittt for humanity, we will still pay every month, but it will be ours. habitat for humanity has allowed our family to buy a home, something we would not otherwise have an opportunity to do. 18 days until iowa caucuses... and there's no clear cut leader
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the democratic sidehere in iowa. a new bloomberg des moines register poll released today has hillary clinton topping senator bernie sanders by two points in iowa; however, a quinnipiac poll from earlier this week had bernie on top in our state. a similar situation on the republican front - with conflicting results from quinnipiac and the des moines register with donald trump d senator ted cruz. another republican debate tonight - this time in south carolina... some say the ting is terrible for ted cruz... with news ccing that he used a huge loan from a wall street bank - goldman sachs - to fund his race to his senate seat -- a loan that he didn't disclose. trump says it's quote "aaery big thing." the pair have been playing nicely in the last few months - but will they play nice tonight? the debate site isn't far from the church where nine were killed in a mass shooting last summer - a
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expected to come up tonight. continuing coverage... educators say a new waterloo career center will better prepare students and improve the community. kwwl's macleod hageman travels with a few members of the yes committee to des moines' central campus -- and joins us live in the newsroom with the details. mac? it was all to see whether a similar model would work in the center is just what waterloo needs. with courses ranging from automotive repair -- to anatomy and physiology -- des moines high school students are able to study several classes -- free of charge. yes s mmitte membbs say they're optimistic a similar center would work in waterloo. "it was just amazing to get the feedback firsthand from students and educators, and just hearing that from them is just unbelievable." committee members say they are looking into a better way to pay for the project -- with an income sur
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so -- instead of traditionally taxing property owners -- the money would be spread out and i'll explain more what that means -- coming up tomorrow. we've got you covered llve in e newsroom -- macleod hageman -- kwwl news. local voters will decide whether to move forward with the project -- by casting their ballots february second. coming up... health experts say a terrible ebola outbtbeak in st africa ii over -- but it's not all good news. could there be another flare up? and... no jackpot winners in iowa... find out where the three bbg winning tickets were sold. that's coming up in just a few minutes. here's a live look at the storm track 7 live doppler radar. chief meteorologist ark schnackenberg haayour full forecast next. "you're watching kwwl. we've got you covered. with ron chief meteorologist mark schnackenberg. this is the kwwl news at five."
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marco rubio. he ran for senate saying he opposed amnesty... then he flipped, and worked with liberal chuck schumer to co-author the path to citizenship bill.
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and then voted for it. he supported his own dream act and then he abandoned it. marco rubio. just another washington politieian you can't trust. jeb bush. he's a leaear, so you always know where he stands. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. tonight with a wind turning to the northwest. lows tonight will be in the 20s, so any melting will likely refreeze, creating slick roads. we may warm a few
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clipper tracks through, temperatures will fall throughout the afternoon with a blustery northwest wind 10-20mph. there could ao be a few light snow showers or flurries with h very little accumulation. the bitter cold is back with us this weekend into early next week, with dangously cold wind chills possible. there's also a slight chance for light
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coming up... no powerball jackpot tickets were bought in iowa -- bbt a lucky iowan bought a two million
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ticket - find out where. also a slight chance for light snow saturday night. coming up... no powerball jackpot tickets were bought in iowa -- but a
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dollar ticket - find out ere. why health experts are telling pregnant women to avoid traveling to parts of latin america and brazil. you're watchihig kwwl. we've got you covered in --------- --------- --------- the butterburger is made of just three cuts of fresh midwest beef. nothing more, nothing less. soe got the sirloin, the chuck and the plate. no fillers; that's it. all prized cuts, all well-marbled for richness and flavor. this is where those three wonderful cuts of beef come together. you can just tell that blele is working in there. and we sear them, and that seals in the juices of the burger. it doesn't get any better than that. and that's the culver's tterburger.
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the first time in more than a decade. 10 detainees have been transfered out of the prison to oman - bringing the prison population to 93 -- the firststtime it's been n elow 100 since 2002. during the state of the union address - the president said it's a waste of taxpayer money and inflames anti-american sentiments. a diease that's killed thousands is on it's way out the world health organization says an ebola outbreak in west africa is over. however, it's not f flly free off e diease... liberia, sierra leone, and guinea were at the heart of the two year outbreak. liberai was declared free of the disease in may but two new cases have since emerged. the w-h-o says new flare-ups of t& the deadly sickness are likely to happen. the c-d-c is warning pregnant
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certin places in south america a virus, known as the zika virus, is spreading through papats of brazil l nd else where in latin america -- that virus has the propencity to cause birth defects. it's a mosquito borne virus with symptoms of fever, rash and joint pain. the disease was deteteted in texas earlier this week. coffee with a cop -- a national initiative to bring cops and community members closerer-- makes its wawa to cedar rapids. police say these events happen every few months. they are meant to show people cops are nothing to be afraid of. the owner of brewed awakenings in cedar rapids... the most recent coffee shop to host... says these events are absolutely necessary. (larry janda/brewed awakenings owner) "the police really don't pose a threat to us. the police are really here to help us in a time of need." police say coffee with a cop usually make people feel less
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approach them. stitil to come on the k-w-w-l news at five... chances are, you didn't win big -- find out who stole your thunder and where the big winning powerball tickets were sold. and... what mmie got theemost oscar nominations this year? find out next. --------- --------- ---------
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someone just got a free 6" subway sandwich. just text offers to 782929 to sign up for weekly text offers. and you'll get a free 6-inch sub
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powerball jackpot -- none in iowa... a grocery store in florida, and convenience stores in california and tennessee sold the big winners... breaking it ddn each jackpopo would be worth 528 million dollars before taxes. and no winner have come forward -- yet. however, some of the smaller winners are coming forward -- 73 players "settled" for a million dollar payout. "i spent most of the night waking up everyone in the house, double checking the numbers." eight players wone two million dollar jacpots -- including one in
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is 23 years old... and now a millionaire. check your chapstick - a class action lawsuit is filed aganst a popular brand - that's leaving users with serious side effects. eos - lip balm that comes in a circular ball - is at the heart of the suit. the "summer fruit" version of the balm has been ausing blisters and rashes oosome who use ii. eos says they only use safe and fda approved ingredients and believe the suit is without met. oscacanominations releaesed today: leading the list are the revenant and mad max: fury roads - with 12 and 10 noms respectively. will leo finally get an oscar? he's got a shotot among those in the best actor category - leonardo dicaprio, matt damon and michael fassbender. best actress nods to brie larson, jennifer lawrence, and saoirse ronan
quote tv-commercial
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year - the hashtag "oscar's so white" on twitter... where many are actors, directors, and writers of color were nominated for oscars. a star of stage and screen who portrayed professor snape in the harry potter movies, among many other roles, has died. turn to page 394 alan rickman's family said today he died after a battle with cancer. rickman was often cast as a bad guy - known for his many roles like that of hans fruber in die hard, professor snape in the harry potter fil. he was 69 years old. we'll be right back. --------- --------- ---------
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(donkey noise) (elephant noise) (mic screech) there's a big difference betwtwn making noise... (mic tap) ...and making sense. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) when it comes to cial security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates!! enough talk.
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backstreet's back... in jail. nickckcarter of baccstreet boy fame is arrested for assault. drunk in
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asked to leave... he allegedly got mad - and sucker punched a bouncer on his way out the door. storm track seven chief meteorologist mark schnackenberg has you got people working incredibly long hours. median family income today -- $4,000 less than it was in 1999. the bottom line of this economy is that it is rigged. what this campaign is about is to demandndhat we create an economy that works for all of us rather than a handful of billionaires. if you work 40 hours a week in america, you should not live in poverty.
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