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tv   Today in Iowa  NBC  January 17, 2016 8:00am-9:00am CST

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debate before iowa caucus day. what you can expect..tonight right heron kwwl. good morning and welcome to today in iowa.a. as we take a live look outside with our....on this windy- and cold sunday morning. thanks s much for joining us i'm lauren moss. get ready to bundle up's a cold one. lets check in with storm track7 meterologist eileen loan for a look at our forecast- and eileen it'' that wind chill that really hits people out there. wind chill warning is in effect for our western counties, and includes waterloo, waverly and from 25 to 40 below this morning and it doesn't look like much will change through monday morning. current temperatures are well below zero in many aqeas and the northwest inds are still around 15 mph. despite plenty of sunshine, we won't warm up much today.. most of us won't even get out of the negative digits and wind chills will stay 25 to 40 below. it will ssy cold
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very slow warm up. i'll have that forecast for you in a few minutes. this morning and it doesn't look zero in many areas and the today.. most of us won't even get out of the negative digits and wind chills will stay a very slow warm up. i'll have that forecast for you in a few nutes. countdown to the iowa caucuses is now 15 daas away... republican candidates continue to make their pitches to iowans this weekend- while the three democratic contenders#get ready to roll with another debate this evening... chris pollone has more on the race to the white house. "come on, don't be a party pooper, lift her up!" running strong in new hampshire.. donald trump served up his best selfie smile ii portsmouth.
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attacks against ted cruz, who the latest polls show has pulled neck-and-neck with trump in iowa. "a lot of people do not like ted turns out, he finally went off the wagon a little bit and went a little crazy." in southharolina, cruzuz ignored trump's attacks. lauding news about the release of four u-s prisoners in iran, including washington post prisoner swap to slam thee iran and the obama administration." in iowa, marco rubio also called thhprisoner tradad a sign of president obama's failed foreign policy. "a deal with iran, a deal with the castro brothers, a deal with democrats are preparing for their final debate before iowa sunday night. surrogates for hillary clinton are busy getting her message out. husband, bill,
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secretary of state to voters in iowa. "as secretary of state, with them.i confess, i didn't running even wth clinton in iowa and new hampshire, anallsts expect to see e escalating attacks between the two in the final days between news, new york. as you heard there -- the democratic debate will be tonight on kwwl... our coverage will begin at 8 this s vening... t before the debate -- one of the candidates' daughters is spending time here in iowa this weekend... kwwl's hillary maglin caught up with chelsea clinton on the campaign trail this weekend. the iowa memorial union on the university of iowa's campus was full of hillary clinton supporters including the biggest one - her daughter chelsea. "for me, this is the most important election if my lifetime." clinton spoke mainly about her mother's goals for tte country should she be elected
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own. "i think that paid time off for mothers of new infants is a really important both moral and actually economic issue in our country." clinton touched on global warming as well... and her wish for parents to bring their kids to the caucuses and other events during the campaigns. rurallamerica." the younger clinton said as president... her mother would create new jobs in energy potential, a lot of our greatest potential are in rural areas." other speakers at the event included u of i students we've got you covered in iowa city... hillary maglin kwwl news.
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crowd she's confident her mom will make the world a better place to raise children... and while the democrats are in south carolina for the debate -- four republican candidates are across the state of iowa today... carly fiorina, chris christie and rand paul all have events planned on the western half of ouuswate. but the man you're seeing here -- marco rubio -- is back in our half of the hawkeye state... making stops in decorah, waverly and coralville throughout tt day.. police in eastern iowa are investigating a shooting this weekend... dubuque police say 18-year-old charles potter arrived to finley hospital with a g gshot wound early saturday morning.. a short time later -- police got reports of a single car accident in the 19-hundred block of west 32nd street. inside the car -- they found a gun. 22-year-old deante jenkins of east dubuque was driving the car police say he lost control -- and went into the ditch.h. he has been charged with
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operating while intoxicated. meanwhile -- police are also investigating an officer-involved shooting in muscatine... police say a hummer was reported stolen from a restaurant friday night around ten o-clock. nearlythirty minutes later -- a sheriff's deputy found the vehicle on highway 61-- and trred stopping the driver -- but they wouldn't- they took off. they even hit a few parked cars and a police vehiicle. several shots were fired -- and thh driver was eventually hit. he was taken to the hospital -- while the incident remains under investigation this morning... three people are in jail after police find meth aa marijuana. police say it happened in tripola -- one in the 2 hundred block of main street and the other in the west. one woman and two men were taken into custody. denver police, state troopers, bremer county sheriff's deputies and a chickasaw k-9 unit helped with the arrest. wilillife rehab exxrts arer hopingg
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of lead poisoning -- following the & death of a bald eagle in eastern iowa... here's a picture of the eagg. two men found it in waverly and realized it was sick. they say they took it to an anil hospital -- and test results indicated a lethal amount of lead in its blood... kwwls olivia mancino has been following this story -- and has more information for us this morning... "we believe it was lead poisoning" this video taken at local animal hospital shows a bald eagle in pain... vets recently learned he accumulated lead poisoning. "he was found by some citizens by the river" the eagle's travels ended in cedar falls, where wildlife rehabilitationist linda nebbe took over. "this is big mama" nebbe is one of few licensed raptor rehab speeialists in iowa... and owns many of her own animals. "can you give me five? thats my boy?"
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levels too" tests showed lethal amounts of lead in the eagles blood nebbe t it was to lalae. "you hope its going to get better and then you watch it die this horrible excruitating death, its maddening" she suspects the lead came from either shot shells or fishing lures.. her son, nathan nebbe, explains the process. "those animals like eagles are other birds of prey, at the top of the food chain when they eat powerful neurotoxin." the nebbes say they want hunters to be consceintious when they're in the wilderness-- anddo use steel shot instead oo mercycyof being poisoned olivia mancino reporting for us. now, despite generally being cheaper -- lead is illegal to use for hunting animanls like geese or ducks.. experts say the ban prevents leaddfrom getting in the wawar...
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a salvation army station now offers a special learning experience for people in eastern iowa... people can try archery every saturday momoning at the salvation army in cedar rapids. students can spend an hour learning the basics in their participate in competitions after r hat. tte lessons are open to peoplee "i'm here because i saw the article in the paper, and that camp madeline walford in new york state. classes started last week -- and experts each lessons every hour frommine in the morning until noon on saturdays. students first practice shooting blank squares -- and then moved on to other targets... coming up on today in iowa... not everyone is hiding from this frigid weather-some are actually enjoying it. we will take a look at an eastern iowa ice fest..wait until you see this.
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the n-f-l playoffs -- with an ending you have to see to believe... you're watching k-w-w-l. we've got you covered. wind chills remain at dangerously low levels... 25 to she's always stood strong... get the job done. hillary clinton. she stood up to china... ...and spoke out on women's right.. ...went toe to toe with russia on human rights. the drug and insurance companies spent millions against her... ...but hillary didn't quit until eit million children got health care. i've never been lled a quitter and i won't quit on you. she's got what it takes to do the toughest job in the world.
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marco rubio. he ran for senate saying he opposed amnesty... then he flipped, and worked with liberal chuck schumer to co-author the path to citizenship bill. he threatened to votot against it. and then voted for it. he supported his own dream act and then he abandoned it. marco rubio. just anothererashington polilician you can't trustst jeb bush. he's a leader, so you always know where he stands. right to rise usa
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around through monday morning northwestern counties with the current chills are in that range will show plenty of sunshine today. it will ook a lot better to climb. northwest winds will
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through tomorrow. highs will be very hard toget out of the negative digits oday over much dangerous wind chills today with highs mainly staying below zero... lows tonight in the negative teens with chills back to 25 to 40 below. that will getting to the positive side of zero in most areas tomorrow... even if just barely. we "warm" into the low teens on tuesday with a 20s return for the rest of the week. dangerous wind chills will stick around through monday morning and it will stay cold into tuesday morning. wind chill warning is posted for our northwestern counties with the rest under a wind chill advisory through monday morning for chills from 25 to 40 below zero. current chills are in that range this morning. stormtrack7 live weather network cameras won't be able to show much cold, but it in the negative single digits and teens and will be very slow to limb. northwwt winds will keep bringing in that arctic air. high pressure will push any clouds out of the region, but we very hard to get out of the negative digits today over much of the upper midwest,t,ut we wiwi be able to get just above it in some areas tomorrow.
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highs mainly staying below zero... lows tonight in the negative teens with chills back getting to the positive side of zero in momot areas tomorroro... even if just barely. we "warm" into the low teens on tuesday with a chance of light snow tuesday afternoon and night. low to mid 20s return for the rest of the week. dangerous windndchills will s sick around throuuh monday morning and it will stay cold into tuesday morning. wind chill warning is posted for our northwestern counties with the rest under a wind chill advisory through monday morning for chills from 25 to 40 below zero. able to show much cold, but it will show plenty of sunshine today. it will look a lot better than it will feel. air temps are in the negative single digii and tees and will be very slow to climb. northwest winds will will keep the bitterly cold temps through tomorrow. highs will be very hard to get out of the negative digits today over much of the upper midwest, but we will be able to t just above it in some areas tomorrow. negative teens with chills back to 25 to 40 below. that will continue into monday morning withthemperatures finally getting to thh positive side of into the low teens on tuesday
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tuesday afternoon and night. low to mid 20s return for the rest of the week. to climb. northwest winds will keep bringing in that arctic air. high pressure will puuh any clouds out of the region, but we will keep the bitterly cold it in some areas tomorrow. dangerous wind chills today with into the lowweens on tuessy with a chance of light snow obviously -- a very frigid weekend here in eastern iowa... obviououly -- a very frigid weekend here in eastern iowa...
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it.. kwwl's shirley descorbeth has the chilly details... piles of sculpters...and people sawing ice from the river -- it's the annual icc fest in dubuque. the event at the national mississippi river museum and aquarium is all about winter activites -- some for fun...some educational. "the cold weather not keeping crowds away...right now they're checking out ice harvesting right on the mississippi river." demonstrators standing on the frozen river -- sawing eight inch thick chunks of ice....ght out of it. other activites -- carvers making a dolphin out of snow...working fast before the temperature gets colder. "we started the actual sculpter this morning...say 9:30/10 o'clolok. and we're work on it say it'll be hard as rock...on sunday. in other areas -- kids sledding down this hill with snow brought in to the museum...and families spending time together... "you're stuck inside and can watch tv and play video games a little bit cold, but it's a great educational experience for the kids."
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in dubuque...shirley scorbeth...kwwl news. as you heard there -- the ice festival isn't over just yet -- it continues through tomorrow. for more information on the fest -- you can visit our website at kw- wl dot com. winter also hitting hard across the world in many parts of europe right now -- but that hasn't stopped one determined squirrel from getting his food... check this little guy out... after a heavy snowfall -- squirrels obviously have to work a little harder for their food... this squirrel showed its athletic ability -- by diving head-first from te trees to find its stash of nuts... the squirrel mme its way through the winter wonderland like a pro... you gotta do what
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food right? still to come- we'll take a look at the action from what might have been the football game of the year...well for cardinals fans. that's up after this quick break... you're watching kwwl. we've t you covered todd-
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in our house, imagination runs wild. but at my table, i keep the food real. like c cntry crock's new recipe. made with real simple ingredients and no artificial flavors or preservatives. real country fresh taste from real ingredients. welcome to crock country. here on kwwl... we'll get you right to the hgihlights of this one -- the packers in arizona taking on the cardinals... arizona won big between these two less than three weeks a ao... jumping into a thrilling 4th quarter -- cardinals down 3 -- with 4 minutes to go -- and carson
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floyd for the go- ahead touchdown -- they'd add a fieed goal with under two minutes to go to make it a 7 point game.. packers with one last chance -- n 4th and 20 inside the 10 -- rodgers scrambles -- ttrows downfield -- and gets a 61 yard completion in to cardinal territory... a couple plays later -- this is it- final seconds -- rogers desperation into the endzone -- and this was hard to believe -- jeff janis with after that miracle... and hopefully you didn't fall asleep because after t tat it ust got even crazier -- first play of overtime and this one is going a long way -- as larry fitzgerald gets all the way down to the five-yard-line two plays later -- the shovel pass ends it -- arizona 26 -- green bay 20 -- and an instant classic puts the cardinals in to the n-f-c championship- hopefully packer fans, nikki
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are doing okay this morning. in the early game yesterday - - tom brady and the pats loooing won 11 straight... third quarter -- new england up 8 -- brady to rob gronkowski --16 yard touchdown for gronk -- 21, 6 papa... and new england would cruise from there -- kansas city does score twice more but patriots pick up the 27-to-- win and await today's pittsburgh-denver winner... if you missed any of the action last night- don't worry.. carolina hosts the seattle seahaas at noon toddy while that broncos and steelers game kicks off at 3-40 this afternoon... plenty more sports action on the way this morning... comimi up on today in iowa... from royalty- to news editor. princess kate is doing it all- more details after this break . (phone ringing) (phone ringing)
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but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard and pay into it, so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates!
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cambridge will guest edit the huffngton post u-- in mid-february... kensington palace made the announcement in a statement this week... princess kate -- who is the wife of prince william -- says she will use the opportunity to highlight the importance of children's mental health... the issue has been a key focus of her work in recent years... in this day and age- it seems that everything is going digital we are really in a time of transition for many traditional publishers -- who are testing new ways to reach news-hungry millennials... julia has more 'the nation' announced it's implementing a pay- wall.... the owner of the philadelphia inquirer, the philadelphia daily news and has donated the media company to a foundation in the hpe that a nonprofit business model will help them survive..... and 'the new republic put itself up for sale... its
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nearly four years chris hughes saying he quote "underestimated the difficulty of transitioning an old and going to be an easy transition, contributing.... "but there are signs of hope publisher's ceo just announced that it's already making money off virtual reality-- after distributing google cardboard headsets to a million newspaper subscribers... and the washington post has seen a surge in traffic under jeff bezos ownership, surpassing the new york times in unique visitors for two straight months... but all these legacy players are up against a slew of focused news apps, such as mic vocativ and fusion... and free services have the advantage-- "people are unwilling to pay for content because it got free 10- the eighty million young people in the us are
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a question of which services will be able to make it a profitable business. a recent study by the american press institute shows that millennials are very much interested in news -- with 85-percent saying news is important to them. coming up on today in iowa... adele surprises a couple of fans in a story that's almost too amazing to believe... we'll tell it in a bit.... and.... the search continues for two marines helicopters missing off the coast of california...
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"you're watching kwwl, we who's the rebel now? no way. yes way! savor an egg mcmuffin any time you like.
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canadian bacon and an english muffin with real butter. mcdonald's all day breakfast menu. yeah!
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bei bei the panda makes his first public appearance. plus... iran announces the release of five jailed americans. efforts continue for 12 missing marines in hawaii. welcome back to today in iowa. thanks so much for starting your day with us.. i'm lauren moss..well, you better bundle up. that wind chill is hitting us hard today- it is dangerously cold out there. lets check in with storm track 7 meteorologist eileen wind chill warning is in effect for our western counties, and wind chills are running anywhere from 25 to 40 below this morning and it doesn't look like much will change through monday morning. current temperatures are well below sunshine, we won't warr up much today.. most of us won't even get out of the negative digits and wind chills will stay
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cold into monday before we start a very slow warm . i'll have that forecast for you in a few minutes. like much will change through monday morning. current temperatures are well below zero sunshine, we won't warm up much and wind chills will stay 25 to 40 below. it will stay cold into mondd before we start a minutes. big international news this morning... iran announcing the release of five jailed americans... the five include a washington post reporter who'd been held since 20- 14... as well as a minister, a former marine and a student... after a meeting with secretary of state john kerry and iranian diplomats- the u-s also agreed
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iranians imprisoned here... within hours -- the u-s dropped sanctions against iran as part of the nuclear deal. in hawaii -- search efforts continue this morning for 12 marines... all of whom were on two helicopters that disappeared overnight thursday... witnesses say they thought they saw the two helicopters collide... meanwhile... the coast guard is staying optimistic... but large surf and shifting currents are making this rescue effort exceedingly difficult... here's the very latest c-n-n report, out of hawaii- as of 8 am this morning rescue crews have covered more than five thousand square nautical miles searching for the 12 missing marines... a search that grows more difficult by the hour.
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from the air, you know, you're a missing marines. "there have we have not found any survivors as of right now." the coast guard says the high surf is just one of the debris several miles from the crash area. to deal wwh that.. the coast guard drops buoys to help can drift people in a life of determine where, based on the currents, where things are going." as for how long the search will continue, the coast guard says there isn't a timetable at this point. "at this point, it's still a agencies are going to continue to search and maintain hope that marines and bring them home to their families." here you can see the ground efforts that the marines are also using
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hopes of any clues for what might have happened... this morning -- the coast guard says it has expanded its search to 8 miles farther out to sea... cuban migrants continue to journey through mexico on the way to the u-s. the cubans' journey is part of a pilot program agreed on last month to start allowing migrants to move towards the united states from costa rica. some eight- thousand cubans have been stranded there since mid- november. meanwhile -- the capital of burkina faso is recovering from an attack by al qaeda militants that killed 28 people -- including one american... dozens were hurt in friday night's attack -- which targeted a popular hotel and cafe. the american victim was a missionary from a saint louis-based organization... the ongoing water crisis in flint, michigan has led to an emergency declaration from the president. president obama signed the declaration yesterday... the executive order allows the federal emergency management
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supplies for 90 days... flint can also get up to five-million dollars in federal funding... the city has been in a crisis since lead was discovered in the tap water... reverend jesse jackson and documentary flimmaker michael moore were in flint yesterday to efforts.. "i'm here today to ask, request, insist that president obama when he is at the detroit auto show this wednesday come to flint, michigan. we're an hour north drive from detroit. we need the president of the united states here." as you heard moore say -- obama is planning on being at the detroit auto show this coming week... meanwhile -- the u-s justice department is working with the e-p-a to investigate the events leading up to this water crisis.
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strange story this morning... after a "biting incident" during last year's groundhog's day ceremony - a small town decides to ditch the groundhog.... you may remember, last year in sun prairie wisconsin the mayor was bit in the ear by jimmy the groundhog -- raising concern about not only safety, but the groundhog's living conditions. this year the town says they might go with a replica of jimmy instead... i say, whatever works.. as long as spring is on the way here... this next guy is no biter -- instead... he's a very sleepy five- month-old -- and just the sight of making hearts melt. i'm talking about a baby panda named bei bei...who made his first public appearance at a zoo this week. and -- as kristen dahlgreen shows us -- there's no disagreement on what it means to be adorable... after months of anticipation... and waiting in line... it's safe say all the hoopla hasn't gone to bei bei's sleeping right through his debut he sleeps about 90 percent of the day of course that didn't stop the crowds from trying to
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glimpse of his roly poly perfection.. "it was worth it because he's very cute" from the time he was born, bei bei was a star... from a stick of butter- we have been mesmerized- like a proud parent marking every milestone... his first steps... a healthy check-up "lungs sound good and clear" the first ladies of two countries came together to give of the world... the panda program, an important diplomatic tie between china and the u-s- bei bei will stay in washington for four years, then be sent to china where less than 2 thousand giant panda's remain in the wild. we're breeding pandas here and hopefully the next generation will go into the wild bei bei's mission may be conservation... but for most it's all about cuteness... and while not everyone got the best view today... how could you not forgive this face ? kristen dahlgren nbc news remain in the wild. we're breeding pandas here
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cuteness... and while not everyone got the best view today... how could you not forgive this face ? kristen dahlgren nbc news still to come,this morning.. we are going court-side for a look at highlights from cyclone and panther basketball. plus...are you looking for adele tickets? well easy, go find her at a pub. more details after this break. you're watching k-w-w-l. we've got you covered. wind chills remain at dangerously low levels... 25 to there are two democratic visions for regulating wall street. one says it's okay to take millions from big banks and then tell them what to do. my plan -- break up the big banks,
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and make them pay their fair share. then we can expand health care to all, and provide universal college education. will they like me? no. will they begin to play by the rules if i'm president? you better believe it.
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tuesday morning. wind chill through monday morning for weather network cameras won't be than it will feel. air temps are keep bringing in that arctic air. high pressure will push any temps througv tomorrow. highs
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will be able to get just above it in some areas tomorrow. dangerous wind chills today with highs mainly staying below zero... lows tonight in the negative teens with chills back getting to the positive side of zero in most areas tomorrow... with a chance of light snow tuesday afternoon and night. low to mid 20s return for the rest of the week. dangerous wind chills will stick warning is posted for o northwestern counties with the rest under a wind chill advisory through monday morning for this morning. stormtrack7 live weather network cameras won't be able to show much cold, but it will sow plenty of air temp are in the negative single digits and teens and will be very slow air. high pressure will push any through tomorrow. highs will be very hard to get out of the negative digits today over much of the upper midwest, but we ll be able to get just abovee zero... lows tonight in the negative teens with chills back to 25 to 40 below. that will getting to the positive side of zero in most areas tomorrow... even if chance of light sow tuesday afternoon anddnight. low to mid 20s return for the rest of the around through monday morning and it will stay cold into tuesday morning. wind chill warning is posted fr our
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current chills are in that range this morning. stormtrack7 live weather network cameras won't be able to show much cold, but it will show plenty of winds will keep%bringing in that arctic air. high presure will push y clouds out of the region, but we will be very hard to get out of will be able to get just above it in some areas tomorrow. dangerous wind chills today with highs mainly staying below zero... lows tonnght in the negative teens with chills back to 25 to 40 below. that will zero in most areas tomorrow... even if just barely. we "warm" into thet& afternoon and night. low to mid 20s return for the rest of the week.. thanks denice... current chills are in that range cold, but it will show plenty of temps are in the negative single arctic air. high pressure will` push any clouds out of the region, but we will keepphe digitssoday over much of the wind chills today with highs mainly staying below zero... lows tonight in the negative teens with chills back to 25 to 40below. that will
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low teenson tuesday wh a chance of light snow tuesday afternoon and night. low to mid 20s return for the rest of the week. very hard tooget out of the it in some areas tomorrow. dangerous wind chills today with highs mainly staying below continue into monday morning zero in m`st areas tomorrow... even if just barely. we " "arm" into the low teens on tuesday with a chance of light snow tuesday afternoon and night. low to mid 20s return for the rest of the week thanks denice... the u-n-i panthers have had plenty of highs and lows already in this basketball season... despite a handful of signature wins -- the anthers started out 2 and 3 in missouri valley play... yesterday -- u-n-i hoping for a spark and chasing after a 15th straight home missouri valley win in the
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center -- playing host to llola -- u-n-i looing strong early -- they carry a 3 point into halftime... but, the second half would be all loyola unfortunately... they would grab the lead with 17 minutes left and never look back... snapping the u-n-i home conference streak... by a score of 51-to- 41 -- it was u-n-i's lowest scoring output at home seven years.. iowa state came in to the season as a strong contender to win the big 12 -- but limped out to a one and three start in conferene play... yesterday -- the cyclones got a much needed win on the road... monte morris scores 15 points in the last 20 minutes -- and congrats to them- as the 17th- ranked cyclones roll 76 to 63... two college students told their friends they met adele while she was tipsy in a restaurant on their holiday trip to london... as you can imagine -- no one really believed them... until adele herself told the same story on national television...
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conte has the whole ssry this morning... at this point in the year .... most people have turned the still very much fixated on a date in december. "i'm studying legal studies and business. looking to go to law school." that's brady morgan - a freshman at tulane. "we both went to ensworth university of denver. natsot: "ya absolutely crazy." and this is the two of them after meeting adele at a london restaurant a few days before christmas.
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and my mom was like 'hey, adele!'" they figured their chance to say "hello" to&adele would end there. "well my mom saiddwe're big fans. we tried to get tickets to your show but it sold out in 10 yet" "the next day in the park i'm with my kid like, and i find this email address in my pocket of another family from nashville who told mehe show was sold out so i got their email address thing i'd been telling people" during carpool karaoke on the absolutely not." they can't us." be sure to keep i here on kwwl for this week's steele report this morning... be sure to keep it here on kwwl
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ron will have several guests talk about the upcoming waterloo schools vote. that's the press and as always, on you're watching kwwl -- we've
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we're really hungry and wanting something quick. but snaaking can be easy -- and healthy. here's ally crutcher with some tips, good morning ally... good morning happy sunday! thanks so much for staying with you know it's easy to grab the chips or something that's calorie packed but maybe not that nutritious if we're you don't have anything on hand. things to ep you motivated if you've made weight loss your new year's resolution. and snacking is really important it keepspsyour metabolism revved up, and if overeat because you're starving. yes, and actually one
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questions i get is what can i eat for a ack. and whatti say first is it can be a smaller portion of any meal you would eat because those tend to be very balanced. but if you are having a snack, you want to make sure you are mixing a protein with a rbohydrate. yyu need the carbohydate to keep your energy up and the protein to dairy alternatives, yogurt, cottage cheese. i love these little tuna packs as an option. they are of eggs! - i love breakfast
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breakfast shake works really well. so, it doesn't have to be something specifically marketed as a snack food. ss thinking outside the box a little, because a lot of these foods are already so conveniently packaged for snacking. if you have a coffee machine at work or a microwave, lititle packs of oatmeal work great. all you have to do is add hot water. it fiber. and then when it comes to the liquid calories. those really don't do anything other than add to your calorie count. yes they can add up, and you might not realize it. they don't keep calorie-free... i think i have some crystal lite over there to can use your food so you can feel fuller and you are getting fruits, mini pizzas you talked about -- an enggsh muffin, sse of them require a microwave if have the same two snacks a day
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in a arow. because e at just makes planning that much easier, you know i can take all of it to work at one time. good idea, like on a monday! yes so don't be afraid to eat the same thing for a couple days that's totally fine, your body is great with balancing out all those nutrients. so if that's your downfall you're trying to be too creative you might feel overwhelmed. like i said, don't know, whitney thanks so mh, we'llbe sure to put this online as well -- we'll toss it back to lauren. don't forget to check out other and while nothing is as good as
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yourself from inside your own kitchen -- we all find ourselves looking for a quick bite on the go... and new research out this week ranks what we think is best... in a study of the best-perceived fast food chains...subway holds on to its top spot as the best- followed by wendy's, chick-fil-a, pizza hut and sonic... in casual dining, olive garden held on to the top spot, thanks in part to its viral pasta promotion... as a reminder -- when you see news or if you have pictures or video to share... you can do that by going to our page on facebook. you can also "like" our page to stay up to date on breaking news and weather information. eileen has a final look at weather when we return -- we'll also member of the kwwl family! you're watching kwwl -- we'll be
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here's the truth -- some have proposed to cut social security for the elderly and disabled vets. i disagree. in fact, not only should we not cut benefits -- we should expand them. my plan for social security increases benefits and cost of living adjustments and raises mininum payments for low-income seniors. it will ensure that all seniors can retire with dignity and respect.
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welcome back... we have some very exciting news to share with avid weekend show viewers and kwwl fans... we are pleased to announce the newest addition to the kw-wl family this weekend... meteorologist denice pelster gave birth to beautiful avery delores at six yesterday evening.. denice says everyone is doing well. she says avery was named after denice's randmother -- and now shares the same birththay as denice's dadd.. congrats to everyone..she is so beautiful, just like her mom. and -- from the whole weekend morning team -- we miss you but are so happy for you, denice! anan eileen, i'm sure denice is
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eileen has one last look at our forecast. bitterly cold temps and a chance of snow on tuesday friday. bitterly cold temps and dangerous wind chills continue today through monday morning with chills down to -40. we have a chance of snow on tuesday wednesday through friday. thank you eiieen. there are two democratic visions for regulating wall street. one says it's okay to take llions from big banks and then tell them what to do. my plan -- break up the big banks,
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and make them payytheir fair share. then we can expand health care to all, and provide universal college education. will they like me? no. will they begin totolay by the rules if i'm president? you better believe it.
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this sunday, the democratic showdown showdown. that object in hillary clintotos rear-view mirror is closer than she appears, she now knows she's in a dead heat inowa and new hampshire.
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roll it out and explain it to
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