tv On the Money NBC January 18, 2016 3:30am-4:00am CST
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sure their voices are heard. we really want people to vote. they can vote by absentee ballot. they can go to the courthouse to do that right away. we know that many people have already taken advantage of that. >> this is different because it's a unique funding structure involving 82% of iowa school districts already use the sur tax. waterloo. >> it is. that creates challenges in communication. some people don't know what it is. if they looked in a different district, that would make sense for them. but for waterloo it's certainly new. >> i live in hudson, we mentioned this earlier, 5% sur tax has been in place. you're asking for 4%. >> 4%. >> which would be on average about $53. >> right. in waterloo for the average taxpayer in waterloo, it would be 53. some will pay a little more. some will pay a little bit less. we know 80% of people will pay being 53. we think the return on investment and what that could do for this community and for
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makes a lot of sense. >> so we're going to wrap up here. give us your final thoughts on this is not something that happened overnight. this has transpired from input from many, many intelligent people in this community about the future of the district. what are your final thoughts on this? >> i would say the committee has done its homework, we really have. i think whether people make a decision with their heart or a decision with their brain, either way, this message sells well because if you think with your brain, it's economic development, it's return on investment, it's improving our community, raising property values. if you think with your heart, it gives kids a chance to make a difference in their lives. it's a great thing. >> dr. jane lindaman, superintendent of schools, the vote is coming up on tuesday, february 2nd. thanks for joining us.
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steele report. hi, everyone, welcome to "on the money", i'm becky quick. diet dictates, new food guidelines and how it really does affect what you eat. crude awakening. u.s. exports oil for the first time in 40 years, but what does it mean when you buy gasoline or heat your home? on the road again at the detroit auto show. what's the car industry have in store for you? okay, you didn't win the powerball, so much for paying off that mortgage, but you still need a financial plan. how to make one and what should it be? "on the money" starts right now. >> this is "on the money," your money, your life, your future. now, becky quick. >> here's some food for thought for you. every five years the u.s. government comes out with new guidelines about what we should and shouldn't eat, and while the intentions may be good, the results can be a recipe for confusion. that is our cover story this week. when the department of
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guidelines, the health information it provides can spur wide ranging trends from the food and fitness industry to diets and restaurants. you might recall the low fat movement of the '80s and '90s when the government told people to cut back on the consumption of fat. this calling out sweet tooth, saying they should make up no more than 10% of calories consumed. for the average american, that is fewer than two non-diet cans of soda a day. the update is part of the my plate initiative, which replaced the food pyramid back in 2010. my plate is designed to show the building blocks of a balanced meal and get americans to eat more fruits and vegetables, suggesting americans cut back on saturated fat, which they say should make up no more than 10% of caloric intake, and no salt, please. the government suggests limiting total salt intake to 2,300
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the good news, you can eat your eggs. previous guidelines warned americans to watch cholesterol, which is found in egg yolks. that recommendation was removed. feel free to have your morning coffee. the government now says three to healthy diet. joining us today to talk about the new guidelines and their impact is joe bastianich, he owns 30 restaurants worldwide with his partners lydia and mario and michael moss, author of "salt sugar fat." great to have you here today. i admit, i'm confused. i feel i hear this a lot. let me start with each of you. are these guidelines correct, should we be listening to them? michael, what do you think? >> it's actually, believe it or not, the same old thing they've been saying years and years, watch the sugar, watch the fat, watch the overall calories, do some exercise, even kind of eat some real food is even in there if you look closely. surprisingly doesn't change much except for the eggs, oh, boy.
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>> i can't get my head around a tablespoon of salt every day. >> poor salt doesn't have a multibillion dollar lobby, so you only get a teaspoon of salt, while they won't come out and say things like don't eat processed meat, don't eat red meat, it comes out as saturated fat. it's more about the diction, i think, here and that's what's really the story is between the lines. obviously, eating a balanced diet, eating more fruits and vegetables, exercising more, drink more water, don't drink sugar, it's obvious. >> common sense rules. >> if you look between the lines about what they are not saying, i think it's really where people like you get into what is really the politics of what's going on. >> so excited about the meat part of this, when the committee was meeting they are going there's an environmental effect, health effect. we need to start telling people cut back, you're eating way too much meat. final guidelines come out and you have to look hard for any
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they do say teen boys and men, especially, are eating too much meat, try more vegetables, but you have to look hard for that. >> you think that's directly because of the lobbyists? >> absolutely. in some ways it's a miracle these things come out because they are overseen by the department of agriculture, which doesn't have to be lobbied to promote meat and dairy and big food. >> part of their job. >> it's their mission. >> as a consumer, i do walk away confused, though. i feel these guidelines are five years, seems almost every year or two there's somebody telling us it's okay to eat something we thought was bad five years ago or shouldn't be eating something i've been eating all along. >> i think it's about moderation again, whether they allow you to drink a couple more cups of coffee or have scrambled eggs, i think the overall tone is one of moderation. the plate of what's changing in fine dining in america is definitely a big leading indicator. less of the giant steaks, pork chops, you know, giant chickens,
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because they cost too much. people have to limit what they charge people for a dish of food, more vegetables, legumes, the balance of the american plate in fine dining restaurant is really leading the charge. then it's a trickle down from there to quick service and fast food. that's been happening probably the last ten years with the spike in energy costs, everything went through the roof, including things like dairy, which they say is really driven by energy, but it's funny since oil costs one-fifth of what it costs, butter and dairy hasn't gone down one dime. only goes up, doesn't go down. >> i think the same thing in the grocery store. for all the big food giants reporting dismal earnings and they are scrambling to respond to this kind of growing concern by everybody about what we put in our mouths and bodies and trying to come up with healthier formulations of even the big bad processed foods. >> how bad is sugar for us? >> you know, that reference to two sodas a day, you have to remember, that's if you didn't
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breakfast or anything else that you're buying in the grocery store. sugar seems to be one of the firmest kind of nutritional evidence things out there that too much is really bad for you. >> really bad meaning what, what happens to me if i eat too much of it? >> lower life span, all kinds of health problems, obesity, diabetes, thank you, gout, et cetera, et cetera, kind of the linkages of sugar are increasing. >> that's bad. joe, we talked a little bit briefly, what about wine? >> we want to eat more plant-based foods, right, vegetables and fruit. wine is fruit juice. fermented fruit juice. i think wine is one of the great pleasure givers really completes a meal and, quite frankly, the calorie intake is not that much, 100 to 150 calories a glass for white wine. that's calories well spent, in my opinion, make you smart and beautiful. include wine in your everyday diet.
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someone else is drinking, right? >> as well as yourself. >> gentlemen, thank you both for coming in, we really appreciate it. >> thank you, thank you. now here's a look at what's making news as we head into a new week "on the money." a soft retail sales number for december. that's about in line with expectation. falling gas prices contributed to the decline. retail sales are always closely watched because the consumer makes up more than two-thirds of the u.s. economy. that didn't help the stock market in early trading on friday. the stocks taking a tumble. that capped off a volatile week, which saw a 200-point bounce and 300-point decline. g.e. is moving on up, moving headquarters from fairfield, connecticut, to boston. g.e. is getting tax breaks for the move and says as it becomes more of a technology company it wants access to academic institutions in the boston area. and no surprise, the personal computer makers shift fewer
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pcs are facing a triple threat, a slowdown in china, strong dollar, and increase in the number of smartphones. up next we're "on the money" after 40 years, the u.s. export ban on crude oil is over. that tanker leaving texas contains the first shipment. find out what it means for you at the pump. and later, hot wheels. glitter, glitz, and glamour from detroit and what you may be driving next year. right now as we go to the break, a look how the stock market
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>> that was president obama from his final state of the union this week. now for the first time in 40 years, u.s. oil companies are selling crude oil abroad. congress just lifted an oil export ban that was in place since the 1970s oil crisis, but will free trade mean expensive gas? helima croft, global head of strategy, tyson slocum is the director of the energy program at public citizen at the consumer advocacy group. thank you both for being here today. >> thank you. >> good to be here. >> helima, let's start out with you. is this a good thing or bad thing for the u.s. consumer? >> for u.s. producers it's a great thing, at certain point we're going to have u.s. refineries not being able to take all the crude the u.s. is producing, so it gives an outlet for u.s. producers. so if you're looking at a global market, more oil on the global market means potentially lower prices. so the consumer should benefit, but i think not right away. this is not going to make a difference until we have a recovery in u.s. prices and also
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>> yeah, we are looking at oil prices at the lowest levels in over 12 years. tyson, what do you think, do you think we live to regret this? >> absolutely. we're not going to see the impacts right away, because both the domestic and the international oil market is saturated with excess oil and storage, but once that starts to tighten, which i think could happen later this year, u.s. producers no longer burdened by having to only sell their oil to u.s. refiners are going to be free to move very large volumes of u.s.-made oil out of the united states. we're already seeing sales to europe and china. that will accelerate, and what that's going to do is raise u.s. benchmark oil prices, which in turn is going to increase the price at the pump. >> you heard what helima just said, she thinks this is going to be beneficial over the longer haul because it's additional oil put on the market and oil is a global market.
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speculative, because the fact of the matter is, is that the ability of the united states to flood the international market, to drive prices down is limited because we're still a major importer of oil. we're still importing 7 million barrels of oil every day and that's not going to change any time soon. >> the problem is with this argument is the u.s. refineries are geared to run a heavier blend. i mean, there's no way at this point that it's going to be easy for u.s. refineries to be able to run all the oil that u.s. producers produce. in order to process all of the u.s. crude, they would have to make very expensive modifications. in turn what this could mean is you would have a slowing of the u.s. production storage, so in a sense you could be capping how many barrels the u.s. could be producing if you did not provide them an outlet. >> even if oil was around, not being able to get it refined, meaning prices at the bump don't go up. what do you say to that, tyson?
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flooding the domestic market with more light crude from fracking, we were sharply decreasing imports of light crude from places like nigeria, where imports went from almost a million barrels a day to less than 100,000. >> let me switch topics a little bit and look at it from another angle. there are people who say, look, we don't want to be taking our money and giving it to people who hate us, paying the middle east for a lot of these things. we'd rather be self reliant and not go outside. what do you say to the safety issue? >> we're still going to be taking saudi oil, mexican oil, venezuelan oil, but why i think it's important to keep u.s. production going and keep this north american story alive is, it does mean in the end we're less dependent on these countries from a foreign policy perspective. right after 9/11 we were very concerned in the u.s. government with access to energy, you know, with places like nigeria because we never thought we'd have u.s.
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different foreign policy relationship because we have this abundant resource in the u.s. >> let me ask you this, when you look at the jobs picture, plenty of people say this is a very good thing for u.s. jobs because it will create those oil jobs we might not necessarily have otherwise, particularly with prices this low. >> when oil was going gang busters $80 and $100 a barrel, oil producing states like north dakota and texas were flying high. their state budgets were in surplus, employment was excellent, and then when oil prices went down, now we're seeing economic disruption in those states. >> helima, very quick last word. >> i mean, look, the u.s. production story is what caused prices to come down. it has fundamentally changed the way america conducts foreign policy. anything that can keep this story going is in the u.s. economic and foreign policy interests. >> helima, tyson, thank you both for joining us today. we appreciate it. up next we're "on the money," detroit dreams, the hot new cars from the auto show this
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to manage your if you bought a new car or truck in the last year or are thinking about a new set of wheels, you are part of the great resurgence in the u.s. auto industry. last year it set an all-time record for new vehicles sold and many believe the record will be broken again this year. what's hot right now? phil lebeau just returned from the detroit auto show and joins us now with more. phil, what's up?
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in this country with trucks and suvs and saw plenty at the detroit auto show this year, along with a slew of cars they are hoping become hits. showing plenty of flair and a dash of sex appeal, the auto industry is riding high. at this year's detroit auto show, luxury took center stage. mercedes unveiled the new e-class, while hyundai officially launched its first luxury brand. >> introducing the all new -- >> no compromises in terms of performance and technology and vehicle dynamic. there's no compromise in any vehicle out there. we've proven we can compete with anybody in the world. >> after buying an all-time high 17.5 million vehicles last year, there's no doubt americans have a huge appetite for new cars and trucks. primarily because the average vehicle in america is over 11 years old, and a relatively strong economy creates a healthy demand for certain vehicles like
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>> we think there's growth, you know, moderate growth, because when you look at it, the biggest corollary with full-sized pickup sales is the housing industry. and housing still has not got back above pre-recessionary levels. >> with so many new models coming out and national sales expected to grow just 1% to 2% this year, some wonder if the industry will overheat and dealers will start offering bigger discounts in order to keep sales moving higher. >> incentives that seem good when you buy the car also reduce its value over time. >> the other challenge for automakers, record low gas prices. yes they've made trucks and suvs must-have rides once again, while making it tougher to sell hybrids and electric cars, like the chevy bolt, which is now ready for show rooms. despite prices at the pump, general motors believes it will do well. >> more than 200 models of range for $30,000.
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front of people, they get it right away. this is about making them available for everybody. >> not everything we saw in detroit will be in show rooms, but a few models like the bolt will be there before the end of the year, and becky, the bolt and other vehicles in the show rooms are all expected to be part of another record year in sales here in the u.s. this year. >> phil, what's happening with leasing versus buying? point? >> well, more people will buy than lease, but leasing is now at an all-time high. in fact, think about this, becky, almost a third of all vehicles that are financed, in other words, either with a loan or with leasing, almost a third of those vehicles financed are through leases and the reason is because it's about $100 cheaper in your monthly payment to lease as opposed to taking out an auto loan. >> phil, thank you. up next "on the money," a look at the news for the week ahead. and no powerball, no problem. even if you didn't win, you need a financial plan. we'll tell you how to make
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back. here are the stories coming up that may impact your money this week. earnings season is in full gear. we'll be hearing from netflix, bank of america, goldman sachs, g.e., and starbuck's. monday the markets are closed for martin luther king jr. day. i'll be there and we'll be bringing you all sorts of coverage next weekend. wednesday also brings a read on price index. we'll also get a look at housing. the housing starts numbers for december. and on thursday, thousands of people will descend on park city, utah, for the sun dance film festival. okay, so you didn't win that record setting powerball jackpot. now all those promises you made about paying off your mortgage or giving money to your kids are just gone. or are they? even though you're not the winner, you can still turn those dreams into reality, it just might take planning. joining us right now, senior
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sharon epperson. she has more realistic ways to control your money, your future. sharon, for us mere mortals that still have to get by on an average income, what do you do to fix your finances? >> take stock of where you are right now and where are all your accounts. do you know where they are, do you know how much you have in them, checking, savings, retirement accounts, and do you know how much you owe, credit card bills, mortgages. exactly, exactly. and what were those financial goals? those imaginary winnings you thought you were going to have after you won the powerball, what were they going to cover, make it possible for you to be able to retire? >> college funds. >> kids college funds, so set your goals in terms of what your financial goals are so you can try to meet those. >> one of the trickiest things when i've tried to do this exercise in the past, where do you cut the spending, where is it you can trim and take the money and set it aside. >> here's one of the things, don't buy lottery tickets, how about that?
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a lot of people are regulars. this is what i learned when i bought my first lottery ticket with this powerball, because i've never played before and people spend $10 a week playing powerball, that's $520 a year you're spending on lottery tickets. that's a lot of money. save the amount you'd spend on those tickets, make monthly contributions then to a savings account, you know, that you would have put for the lottery, and see how much that will add up. it can add up to a significant amount of money. $520, right, start with that amount, $40 a month over five years you'll have over $3,000. why is this important? the average american has less than $1,000 in savings. >> now that you have this lump sum that you've taken, how do you maximize your savings on it? >> put it in a savings account you're going to get interest on. >> good luck finding one of those lately. >> exactly, exactly, not going to be very much, but it's something. put it in a savings account, cut down spending, it's the hard part for everyone, but think of what you can cut out and think
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try it for a month. will you survive? you probably will survive. the other thing, where do we make most of our money is through what we earn. so figure out ways to earn more, whether that's creating a side business for yourself, whether that's just having that meeting at the beginning of the year, talk to your boss, what do i need to do over the next six months to get more money? this is what i've contributed, this is what i'd like to do next, and this is why i think i deserve more pay. doesn't hurt to ask. >> doesn't. sharon, thank you. >> sure, my pleasure. that's the show for today, i'm becky quick. thank you so much for joining me. next week, escape the cold for a sunny destination. the vacation hot spots where you can get away and get a deal. each week keep it right here, we're "on the money."
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