tv Today NBC November 18, 2016 2:07am-3:00am CST
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from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb. live from studioa rockefeller center. >> hey, everybody, welcome to thirsty thursday. we're so happy you're with us today. it's november 17th. >> already. >> who is that? >> kenny chesney. he's taking a trip around the sun. >> he does that for a living. >> he sure does. >> you know where we're going to have some fun? right here. colin quinn is with us. he's got a new netflix special. we'll find out why he's been spending a lot of time with amy schumer.
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for his portrayal of christopher darden. now sterling k. brown has another smash hit on his hands. everybody's talking about it. the show is call the "this is us." about his wife who he says rocks his we're going to talk about them. >> and no thursday would be complete without our ambush makeovers. we have our everyone has a story. today's story proves the true meaning of family. >> oh, can't wait to see that. >> and they're all here. >> awesome. all right, tonight is the night the stars of thursday night football. >> on nbc. >> on nbc. >> this is a new thing and we're all excited about it. >> the new orleans saints are playing the panthers. >> carolina panther. >> it's going to be a great game because the panthers are 3-6 and the saints are 4-5. >> i wasn't going to put on the jersey because you know, i only wear a giants jersey. but look at the back, that's
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so it's just fine. >> cam newton, baby. the game -- what's on the back of my jersey? brees. >> brees. love him. >> coverage tonight at 7:30 on nbc. it's going to be a fun game. >> so mandy moore was on james corden's "late late show" this week. we adore our mandy. she talked about touring with n sync when she was just 15 years old. she was the group's opening act. and then something happened. she ran into justin ti backstage. which each sure she couldn't believe it. he said something to her that she never forgot and not in a good way. take a look. >> but justin timberlake was there and he was -- somehow there was a conversation about feet or foot size, comparing shoes. all the background dancers.
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dancers. and i come strolling up at 15, like freaking out that justin timberlake was there. and he's like you have big feet for a girl. and i -- i'm sure he doesn't remember this at all. but i was so impressionable. i thought the world of him. 16 years later, it stuck with me. it really scarred me emotionally. >> she wears -- >> a size 10, which is fine. if you're tall like she is. >> and you are. >> people often go, well what size? well you're really tall. how much do you weigh? i'll say 152. well, that's because you're tall. bu >> i think it's weird. >> in proportion in you know what i mean. >> you don't forget. think about a cruel thing someone said to you when you were a kid. >> you never forget the cruelties. you never forget the kindnesses. you try to forgive the cruelties. you do remember. >> you remember. >> but you can't forget. >> so this thanksgiving when you guys are all sitting around the thanksgiving table and someone's about to say something, think twice before you blurt out something that might not be
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we have a bachelor update. >> come on, amanda. >> to tell us all about it is our guest, the beautiful amanda avery. >> so there's drama in bachelor world. i'm going to take you back to a year ago when ben higgins was the bachelor. remember him? he looked like peter brady. that's how we kind of remember him. he ended the show with a proposal to lauren. they were going to live happily ever after. they got their own spin-off reality show that we've been -- wedding. full-fledged wedding planner mode. she's picking out dresses. this week on the show, the show brought in a therapist to kind of talk to them. it was supposed to be funny. and to kind of check in and play like newlywed-style games. the topic of the wedding came up and all of a sudden he burst into tears. >> don't do that, guys, oh, don't do that. >> take a look. >> i don't want us to rush it.
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figuring out. i think making a commitment like marrying somebody involves knowing what you're getting into. there's still things we need to know. >> i have no idea what just happened. i had no idea that ben was feeling this way. and i feel completely blindsided. >> i feel like we have so much me at this point to, like, really feel comfortable getting married. >> so you're saying the wedding is off? >> yeah, i am. >> wait, should have postponed. >> yeah, so this is the big wedding, like they were going to have a big -- i'm holding hope
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>> what do you think? >> i watched the show and she has been so gung-ho with the wedding and you can see him pulling back and getting glassy eyed. this was a bombshell though. for him to say -- because they probably have some kind of deal going or this was going to be a televised wedding. they did go to chris harrison the host and say officially the wedding has been called off. >> oh. >> now saying that, there's two episodes left of this reality show which follows the ups and downs of the relationship so we will see. >> some people do get that way wedding. the girl's planning and planning and the guy's retreating. >> the crying thing is -- >> no, i believed his tears. >> i believed it too. he did break down. they even went wedding cake shopping and she picked out a coconut wedding cake. he's like, i'm allergic to coconut. shouldn't we know these things before we get married? so it's these little things that happened. >> i love when amanda visit us.
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>> hook, line and sinker amanda. >> that's right, baby. all right. this is the time you've been waiting for. you're about to make your bird or it's coming up next week. we have the people who know how to cook a turkey better than anybody. butterball is going to be on the phone. we have a woman on the phone named phyllis kramer, from butterball call center in naperville, illinois. okay. all right. hi, phyllis. >> hi, good morning. would you do answers and questions from our viewers? >> sure. >> all right, christy asks this, which is better for a juiciness, an oven bag or foil and a roasting pan? >> the one thing before i answer that is to tell you the most important thing is to be sure your turkey is not overcooked. and if you get yourself a good thermometer, that won't happen. so either method.
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the one that comes out of the oven just like the picture. perfect gorgeous bird. that's what most our callers are asking about. it's our favorite actually. and the turkey is just brushed with oil, put it in the oven and close the door. >> oh, so don't use a bag? don't tent it? >> you can put it down, colin. >> so if you use a bag, it's a little different. it's more steaming than a roasting method. >> we hope you guys can hear at home -- >> i'm sorry, we're having a little bit of issues with the call breaking up a bit. but she said don't put it in a bag, stick it in the oven. >> here's the thing, use the butterball, and when the little temperature thing pops out, it's done. there you go. presto. >> we prefer if you have an oven thermometer. >> see, an oven thermometer. >> you're not selling your own birds? >> no, 170 in the breast, 180 in
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meat thermometer, then you know for sure. >> okay. >> phyllis, thank you very much. >> sorry we couldn't hear you well. >> what is colin doing? >> getting really to serve the turkey delight. i like she said, a good meat thermometer. and you go, what about the other one? you went against her whole principle. >> you did. >> because have you ever had a -- >> oh, you're so principled. did you ever have a butter ball turkey? >> what? >> never mind! >> all right, it's time for a little music, colin. >> already? >> an oldie but goody. this is blues traveler. who doesn't like a little blues traveler. "run around," baby. doesn't this put you in an instantly good mood? >> yeah. >> come on, colin. ?? >> he dances like a guy right there. that's the dance.
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woke with something in my head ? ? i couldn't escape the memory of the phone call ? ? and what you said ? >> that i like, hoda. >> all right, a little blues traveler. >> there's a shout-out, right? >> oppenheim, the senior vp in charge of today is -- >> yes. >> look at that man. >> he's not here and he's not watching, but we wish him the best birthday ever. to noah. in celebration of you. >> sharp tongued and sharp witted as she drinks, he's the quintessential new yorker. >> colin quinn stops at his old 30 roc stomping grounds. after this. >> turkey. >> that's my cue. whoa, this is awful, try it. oh no, that looks gross what is that? you gotta try it, it's terrible.
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no thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. just try it! guys, i think we should hurry up. if you taste something bad, you want someone else to try it. it's what you do. i can't get the taste out of my mouth! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. shhh! dog, dog, dog. (coughs) cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours.
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ugh. heartburn. sorry ma'am. no burning here. try alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? she doesn't have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief. mom's got this cold. hashtag stuffy nose. hashtag no sleep. hashtag mouthbreather. just put on a breathe right strip. it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. say goodnight mouthbreathers.
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you could say he's a real new yorker's new yorker. which basically means no one e him. >> we do. it's actor and comedian colin quinn. >> he became a household name -- i bet my mother doesn't know him. in 1998, he began hosting "weekend update" on "saturday night live." >> i was a household name in the '80s on "remote control," but go ahead. >> more recently, he got to have some fun, starring alongside amy schumer in the big screen hit "train wreck." now he's back with a netflix special.
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broadway show the new york story which retells the great history of this city and residents. take a look. >> everybody from new york thinks they're better than anybody else. everybody. we think we're smarter. rich people, poor people, middle class. this is the only city that has blue collar snobs, you know. you could take somebody two years of high school, put them in a room with m.i.t. professor, after an hour, what did you think of them? they're not new york, you know. >> when you're right, you're right. welcome back. >> thanks, ladies. >> last time you were here actually i think it was because you were off broadway with this show. >> yes, i was. >> you did have great success with it. >> ridiculous. it was a juggernaut. >> was it? >> no, it did good. >> and it did well. >> it did well. remember those commercials, do like i done. >> do you mix it up every time you get on stage? if you went on monday and tuesday, is it close to the same
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>> i mix it up. >> you add some extra stuff? >> yeah. >> i got a feeling stand up you is you because you're the same commercial breaks as you are on camera. >> remember you talked about your boss? >> yes. >> what did you say? >> i was just annoyed that i came up with a great concept which is the empty chair for the whole show and people waiting in anticipation of who's the next guest. >> what does that have to do with noah? >> he's supposed to be the producer. he should come up with ideas like that. instead, he's off writing >> day time, oh, yeah, haven't heard that story before. >> all righty. so let's talk about your -- >> can i be john connelley in the movie? >> it's too late. the movie's coming out. >> all right, let's talk about the rest of your life. you and amy schumer are pal, right? >> yeah. >> that start before "train wreck"? >> started before "train wreck" and ended right after "train
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because people are fascinating by her. >> what do i like best about her? she's sarcastic. >> she's a you. >> she really is. yeah, she's a real ball -- you know whatever. >> that's all you got to say about amy? >> she put this instagram thing on the other day. nice time, we all see each other. she has to trash me just because i made an accidental -- i saw i said, amy, don't worry, i don't believe that nonsense that you would buy a tacky five bedroom apartment like a kazakhstan warlord when you're only one person and it turned out to be true. i didn't know it was true when i read it. >> you can't know what -- hey, where do you get most of your -- the fodder for what you do? >> your material. >> do you go to clubs, do you
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what happens? >> yeah. like all the comedians. i rode the subway here today. thanks for sending that car. >> all righty, well, noah wouldn't let us. noah's like no. >> he's like, guys, we need this for the wrap party for jackie. we got to tighten our budget. >> colin quinn. the new york stories available on netflix available tomorrow. >> good luck with it. luck of the irish. two lovely ladies are abou once we reveal their ambush makeovers. >> from the new hit series "this is us," sterling k. brown, right after this. why are you checking your credit score? i wanna see if it changed. credit scores don't change that much, do they? really? i'll take it. sir, your credit... -is great right? when was the last time you checked?
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re, try credit karma. it's free. all right. no more surprises. credit karma. give yourself some credit. (coughs) cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours.
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sterling k. brown was studying economics but he was bitten by the acting bug and he changed his major to theater. >> it hasn't worked out very well. >> we're so glad he did because he has a knack for picking some incredible shows like his role as burton for seven seasons on the military drama "army wives" and most recently his emmy-winning, may i add, turn as christopher darden on the smash hit "the people versus o.j. simpson crime story." the best shows on television. critically acclaimed nbc series "this is us." he plays randal who was adopted as a newborn by the pierson family. nothing says family like teasing your siblings. take a look. >> excited to meet your girlfriend? >> olivia is not my girlfriend and you're going to be cool. you're going to be cool, right? >> i'm as cool as the other side
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you're not allowed to talk to her. >> because she'll want me? she'll want me so bad? >> oh, yeah. you're having fun, aren't you? >> you are. >> great time. >> what a great character. >> wonderful. >> this is to play, right? >> so complicated and interesting. he's successful but flawed. like on the fringes being in this white family but try to figure his way as a black man. i love the character. i love the show. >> the very first episode if anybody saw it and if you haven't yet, please check it out. >> you could not stop talking about it. >> you literally -- your jaw dropped watching the end this. when you read through the script, could you believe what you were seeing? >> he signs off the end of the script as m. knight fogelman. because it's his little joke. i remember reading it flipping out. and then watching it and you see -- like they light the cigarette in the hospital. you're like, why is he smoking in the hospital? >> maybe had to watch it twice almost. >> then you see all the costumes er everybody's wearing and it's like early '80s.
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it's amazing. >> you guys seem to get along like nobody's business or else you're great actors. >> you know what it is, you can't fake camaraderie. we have a genuine love and affection for each other. we get a chance to show that in front of the camera. we're great people that enjoy each other's company, that's it. >> did you have any idea it would be this massive a response? >> we knew that from the beginning there's a lot of buzz from the trailer because the trailer had like 95 million but until people actually watch it, you never know how it's going to be received. >> it's such a crap shoot, isn't it? >> it really is. >> well, you came off that emmy win playing christopher darden, which was amazing. just reliving you up on the stage receiving your award and what you said in the end about your wife and how she -- what did you say, rocks your chain? >> hottest chick in the game. >> something like that. >> am i close? >> the hottest chick in the game
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>> and then every other person who came up started to say the same thing. it's crazy. >> that night, do you feel like it's one of those life. changing nights for you? >> yeah. it was an out of body experience. >> first of all, when i walked up on stage, first of all, said my name, which you don't know if that's going to happen or not. my cast mates who are all fantastic who are nominated as well. other people from fx. so when i walked up, on stage, people were standing up applauding me. >> they don't do that unless it's deserved. we're so happy to have you. god bless. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico.
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geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. wildlife rescue workers open up a lot of dawn. tough on grease...yet gentle. dawn helps open... something even bigger. go to, dawn saves wildlife. anything meant to stand a body without proper foot n support can mean pain.n. the dr. scholl's kiosk maps your feet and recommends our custom fit orthotic to stabilize your foundation and relieve foot, knee, or lower-back pain from being on your feet. dr. scholl's. my cold medicines' wearing off.
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for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours? let's end this. when heartburn hits, fight back fast with tums smoothies. it starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. and neutralizes stomach acid at the source. ? tum -tum -tum -tum ?
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it's thirsty thursday and we have two lovely ladies ready to walk the red carpet. >> time for ambush makeovers. >> gorgeous new looks in time for thanksgiving. working their magic as always, our team of "today" contributors from the licari cutler salon, louis licari, la, la, la. >> and jill martin. >> kids, how was it today on the plaza? >> it was a great day. here i am with my favorite ladies, and we found two of the sweetest makeovers to date. >> kim is our first lovely lady. she's 60 years old from harrisburg, pennsylvania. kim's birthday happens to be
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>> the birthday present she wanted was just this, an ambush makeover. she hasn't done much with her hair and makeup for six years because she's been taking care of her moms who has parkinson's. her mom's watching from home right now. now with kim's daughter brittany. take a look. >> you just whispered to me this is the best birthday i've ever had and you're already crying. tell me why you want this. >> because i've been taking care of my mom for six years. like 24/7. >> you deserve this. >> yep. >> aw. we're going to make you smile. and your besty seems so excited for you. >> i am, you have no idea. it's amazing. i'm so happy for her. >> we're going to take care of you. >> thank you so much. >> oh, wow. >> and sharon's here. she's like, i am so happy for her. keep your blindfold on for just a sec, okay. here is kim before. all right, kim, let's see the new you. wow. unbelievable.
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see your girl. she's right there. that's her. oh, my god! >> she's liking, where are you? >> all right, kim, you've got to see yourself. >> all right, ready. >> you look like a model. >> you got it. >> look at you! >> you look gorgeous. oh, my. look again. look again. wow. >> you look fantastic. >> you look gorgeous. >> louis, tell us about the hair. >> first of all, this is such a great color story. because her other hair was a bit highlighted and it made her look grayish and brown together. this is warmer. just brightens right up. then of course took her curl, kept it and just used it for body. >> that's an arson cut, boy. >> that's an arson cut. she can do this with her fingers or with a blower. >> what do you think? can you even handle it? >> i love it.
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>> happy birthday. >> that dress looked like it was made for her. >> could you believe this body? >> yes. >> so we wanted to give you something dressy you can wear for the holidays. you deserve to be all dressed up. this is maggie london. i love the built-in jewelry. you're all done. >> gorgeous, gorgeous. >> just beautiful. >> you look great. >> a big round of applause for kimmy. kimmy, come join your friend. >> our second lady is shelly, she's 42 from lancaster, kentucky. she went to college at 35 to show her kids that college is attainable and important. she wants an ambush makeover because she feels like this is the first time in her life that she's okay with herself. and it's time to look like she's okay with herself. let's listen to her story. >> so your nickname is bun lady. >> bun lady. >> so tell me about that. >> well, i'm a school teacher and every day you don't really have a lot of time to get fixed up so i just throw my hair in a bun and go to school. >> so you're ready for a glam new look and we can do whatever we want?
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i need it. >> are you ready to see an unbelievable makeover? >> she is adorable. she's here with her husband tony and her kids morgan and logan. >> is she going to get in trouble? >> apparently she calleded in sick. >> she called in sick from school. anyway, life goes on. >> let's take a look at her before. now let's bring out shelly pluckett. what? oh. >> bun lady no more. >> no bun lady anymore. at you guys ready to look? okay, take it off. oh, my god. >> oh, my gosh. >> wow. >> you don't even look like the same person. >> you want to turn around and look? >> take a look. >> you got scared. you're going to love what you see. >> oh, my god. >> oh, you look beautiful. >> wow. >> okay, we're ready. >> we need it. >> thank you. anybody over there? yes, the daughter, the daughter. all righty.
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to worry about school, i'll write the letter saying i'm dr. louis, no problem. again what we did here, i lightened her hair. she had some very white pieces on the bottom that we just took off. and, again, the side part and the color. finding the new lipstick colors for both ladies. it looks so beautiful and natural. >> this whole group. >> i know, what do you think? >> so good. ma >> you went to the game? >> i wondered. >> tell us about the outfit, jill. >> the outfit is from chicos. a statement jacket for fall, and then a statement necklace from marlin chef. >> why don't you step out? big round of applause. louis has a present for you. >> here's your color -- >> -- in it the most difficult of time, everyone has a story,
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? e oh, boy, everyone has a story. this one is all about family coming together when the going gets rough. >> yes, shawna is from minneapolis, wrote us about the very tough year she's had after her husband was involved in a life-threatening bicycle accident. >> there was a long road to recovery which opened shawna's eyes to the true meaning of family. >> on the night of march 8th, my husband was riding his bike home
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with their car and left the scene. he had to be airlifted to the hospital 45 minutes away where he was admitted to the icu for internal bleeding and a broken pelvis and back. my parents were driving from wisconsin to florida where they had rented a condo. they were in nashville when i made the dreaded call. they immediately turned around and drove straight to our house in minnesota to help out with our two kids, griffin and alis. brian was in the icu for six weeks undergoing multiple surgery, procedures and dialysis. uncertain. with the hospital so far away, i couldn't commute back and forth either day. my parents stayed the entire time so i could be with brian 24/7. they took the kids to school, to all their extracurricular activities. they helped them with their homework and comforted them when needed. griffin said it best, meme and papa took us to school a little late the first day back. after that day, it felt pretty normal. as the weeks went on, my mom kept reassuring me, you need to be with brian, we have the kids.
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taken care of, i was able to concentrate on brian's recovery for his entire three-month hospital stay. my parents put their entire lives on hold. there is no real way to thank them or express how grateful we are for all they did f uors. they truly symbolize the meaning of family and the sacrifices parents make for their children. >> beautiful. now we get to meet shawna, her husband brian and her amazing parents, luanne and jim are here. so great to have you all here. this was recent, so how are you >> feel great. >> yeah. long time in that hospital. >> it was a long time, yes. >> i mean, when you think about your parent's support, because you always wonder what we woulder do when we got into this kind of situation. i mean, i guess you had no doubt that your mom and dad would be there lickety-split, huh? >> absolutely. >> describe what they meant to you during the time. >> just being in the hospital,
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brian. i didn't have to worry about the kids. i just knew that everything was fine. they were being well taken care of. >> i love the line about how we didn't get to school on time the first day but then it got normal after that. what was it like being mom and dad again? >> really? >> to little ones. >> we needed naps every once in a while. it was, you know, we had our joy in being able to become a hockey grandma, gymnastics and everything else that we did. we had told shawna just don't worry, we've got your back on this. you know, it's -- >> jim, how was parenting the second time around for little ones? >> well, i think griffin and i ended up being sports addicts. we bonded pretty much. be able to follow him playing hockey.
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>> the whole family is here. >> you go through these things as a family. if you're blessed enough to have a family. and a close one that takes good care of you. well, when we come back, we've got a very special song just for all of you. >> and a performance by one of broadway's brightest stars coming up right after this. it's amazing out there means to me, the wonder and the wow of weather. >> everything is amazing. it could be the smallest ice crystal, the biggest storm cloud. >> what does it's amazing out there mean to me? it means looking up and being inspired. >> even if it's just straight up blue skies. i mean, how beautiful is that? >> that little burst of red that happens when the sun comes right over the ocean when it comes up in the morning.
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another. >> in the role of thunder, it's just -- it's just one of the most amazing things. >> that's what it's amazing out there is. and what it means to you mentally. and the memories you take away from that weather. >> and how that absolutely affects our lives, our day to day, what's in our stores, what are we going to wear, what's it going to cost? to me, all those interactions the weather has real influences on, that's why it's amazing out there. >> what it means to me the world know what's happening at the weather channel. >> i think what makes the weather channel's coverage unique, we are meteorologists. we know what's going on with the weather. and that makes a tremendous difference. >> somebody just walks up to you in the field and says, thanks for being there. we're so glad that you were here to take us through it. >> we have a charge, a responsibility. we have a drive to provide information to people, to help
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their families stay safe. it matters so much. >> when you start linking the people side up to the weather, and the science and the data, it makes a real connection. >> i love weather. >> i do love weather. >> i love the weather, and i love working with people who love the weather. >> every single day is going to be something spectacular. it's truly amazing out there. "credit karma, why are you checking your credit score?"
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we're here with our new et everyone has a story honorary. shauna and brian and shauna's parents. >> now it's time for you to hear the song that david friedman and i wrote for you and your whole new, everybody. it's called "the road to recovery." here to sing it for us is laura lee gaier from the new irving
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? in this life we will travel many roads ? ? some of them easy some steep ? ? and during our travels we'll bare many loads ? ? and sometimes we'll laugh sometimes we'll weep ? ? but perhaps the hardest road ? ? is the road to recovery ? ? the long road to home ? ? in this world we'll discover when we fight ? ? when we go through trials through pain ?
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deepest night ? ? we will finally see the light through the rain ? ? on the hardest of roads we'll ever know ? ? this road to recovery this long road to home ? ? home sweet home there is no place quite like it ? ? there is no place that matters anymore ? ? then our home sweet home god help us fight find it ? ? it's everything on this road we're praying for ?
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we've been honoring a very special family in our everyone has a story series. they were treated to a very special performance. also with us, composer david friedman and our dear friend david wild. now we have a surprise for you. >> first, what did you guys think of the song? >> it was beautiful. we have almost 100 of them. >> can we talk about how great of a singer? that was just amazing. gorgeous. >> well, it's easy when the song is so beautiful so thank you. >> i love the way you included the people in your performance. a lot of people don't think they should or don't or are uncomfortable. >> well, when you guys were talking, brian, you were getting so emotional. so it was hard not to include them, not not to include them. >> we have other family members here. your sister's with us and her
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we know you made this trip to new york as a family vacation. shauna, your kids are here, and your sister and nieces. we'll make sure you get to see asp sites as possible. you guys are going on at ride. >> an interactive tour of manhattan complete with live performances, comedy, karaoke. floor to ceiling windows. >> it's fun. >> it is fun, we've been on it. they're patented mobile theaters. >> not all. we know you're a retired dance teacher. tomorrow night, all nine of you have tickets to see laura lee in "holiday inn." featuring tap dancing, jump roping. 20 classic songs including blue skies and easter parade. >> a family day. how does that sound? >> oh, great. >> god bless you all. happy thanksgiving. ya'll are awesome. >> so much to be grateful for. tomorrow, actors dennis quaid and diane lang are here. plus, fun party games to keep your holiday guests entertained and the conversation flowing.
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your family. and the four things to bring peace to your life. my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make frs. i'm just trying to make you some money. my job is not just to entertain but to teach, put it in perspective, educate. so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jimcramer. is the equity asset class itself making a comeback? are people reentering the stock market after years of hitting the exits? joining us again today where the dow gained 26 points, nasdaq climbed 0.74%.
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