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tv   Mad Money  NBC  November 29, 2016 3:00am-4:00am CST

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my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people want to make money. my job is not just to enten but to educate and teach you. so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jimcramer. wherever i went this glorious thanksgiving weekend, there was one thing everyone agreed on. the trump rally, it can't last. peter out, crash, i don't know. it has to run out eventually. on the other hand, no one could seem to agree on what might cause the rally to end. and despite today's down
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nasdaq declining 0.56% -- i don't think it's over. it's just morphing into other areas not yet picked over, which is what happens when much of the s&p 500 is higher and the russell 2000 index of small capitalization stocks goes up for an astounding two weeks in a row. i can't tell you how rare that is. sure, you heard people say maybe trump's appointments will bring things down, or maybe his trade policy could cause a backlash or the media won't let up on him and the recount story might make waves, or the dollar has been too strong since the election, and trump's meddling in the affairs of the united technologies indiana carrier air conditioning plant is just the begging of how he'll interfere with business. or even that his reaction to the death of fidel castro with a couple of hardline tweets is just to flaky to gain. but honestly, i heard nothing that stuck. nothing is going to repeal this
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changes in tax policy or the potential defeats he might suffer in congress or the problems with the debt ceiling or the notion of gridlock, all the stuff that kept obama from getting anything done since the gop took back the house six years ago. i heard nothing about how he's negotiating in the press or on twitter or on youtube that's going to disrupt his agenda. this is somehow a negative for a guy who ran as the ultimate renegade? on the flip side, though, we have a host of positives for the market. they're really playing out. something that's absolutely worth thinking about on a pretty soggy day. first, trump just isn't gaffing the joint with his appointments. there may be some picks that people feel as oddball. you may not agree with them for reasons of politics, but the key here is he hasn't done anything that would make us feel like we're in trouble on wall street. remember, this is a show about money, not ideology, and the stock market doesn't care who you voted for. what it does care about is the fact that the people who meet
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at least, the ones who have swung by trump national or by the tower, they're almost all people who have been on cnbc multiple times. most of them are beyond savvy about the market, much more so than anyone in obama's cabinet with the sole exception of tim geithner, and he stepped down four years ago. we're talking household names here, guys, for those who watch cnbc. these are people who we listen to when they talk. we even think about buying the stocks they talk about. they're far from being kooks or goofballs. they're level-headed buss policy impacts the market. so far, i think the only issue would be if companies genuinely stopped offshoring and people begin to worry about what that will mean for the cost of pretty much everything because it's so much cheaper to take a carrier plant out of indianapolis and put it in monterrey, mexico. i think that's very unlikely, and it's worth pondering what kind of economic growth we could get if everything proceeds as planned when it comes to trump's tax cuts and infrastructure spending, especially if he rewards american companies like
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contracts rather than giving them up to the koreans or the japanese, which i think personally would be unfair. second, politics aside, it's cold out right on time. it's cold. that matters tremendously for retail. people underrate this constantly. the promotions we always hear about at this time of the year often involve the heavier, more expensive stuff that people won't buy when the warm weather lingers. but one look at the way columbia sportswear stock is acting or vf corp., not to mention the action in department stores that setup may be better than we think. we got multiple reports this weekend about the strength in a whole bunch of retailers, everything from jcpenney to target, and that's before the cyber craziness of today. the natural gas companies, they need the cold too. the cost of storage has gotten too high. when nat gas is cheap, we use less coal, and less coal means a curtailing of this fantastic rally in the railroad stocks that have been among the leaders of this market. so we need natural gas to go higher if only to make coal more competitive so the rails can go
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thermometer. third positive, momentum. when you get a head of steam like this going into the last month of the year, you typically end up with a rally that will gain fuel because money managers won't want to look as negative as they may sound when they're off the desk. i wonder if there won't be a catchup rotation starting in some of the packaged good stocks if the fed makes a muted statement when it raises rates in december. that could cause the bank stocks to stall out admittedly. they're really extended right now, up 14%. but it might put a real bid, not just today, but a real bid underneath the names of clorox and kimberly-clark. we did see good buying in these kinds of stocks today on just a tiny sliver rally in treasuries. remember, some of these companies like procter and clorox, they had terrific but entirely overlooked quarters because of the great rotation out of the safety place into the cyclicals. more on those later. finally, i really think that as the year winds down, we're still not done with mergers. we have so many stocks that are acting too great, suggesting the
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improving or at least the deals will get done. take one look at the price of the stock of rite aid, will you? if clinton had won, the attempted acquisition of rite aid by walgreens, that would have been killed. no doubt about it. now it looks like it's going to close judging by the action in rite aid stock. these telcos act too great for me, too, not for me to believe something's not going on there. the action in the semi industry, it's pretty insane. insanely rumormongored, that is. in short, there's just too much smoke. there will be fire. c we've gotten way too many bulls in the investors' intelligence poll that comes out wednesdays. we don't know how some key cabinet appointments are going to work out. but we can say as much despised and as long in the tooth this rally has gone, it still does have a lot of good things going for it, especially seasonality. no, i am not arguing that you should just go out and buy anything. big mistake. what i'm saying is on days like today, they make refreshing pauses for those who need to get
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at a certain point, the fact that the market's overbought is a good thing. it means there's real money pouring into stocks as an asset class. that's why the bottom line tonight is that a soggy day is a good day, a day when we can find stocks that are being rotated out of and get ready for the next rotation, like the soft goods, which seems to be a daily occurrence since the election of donald trump to the presidency of the united states. let's go t phil. >> caller: booyah, jim. happy belated thanksgiving to you, my friend. >> oh, right back at you, my friend. what is happening? >> caller: well, the eagles are happening. hopefully you bring them some luck when you go to the game. >> well, you know, i am going to do that. my stage manager, kyle, wanted me to wear my number 10, which is our tenth anniversary "mad money" show shirt. >> caller: happy anniversary. >> thank you. but i'm just putting it up like this because there's a lot of
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i think they have every right to watch the show. you don't have to be an eagles fan to watch the show. go ahead. >> caller: absolutely, jim. my question to you is i own johnson & johnson. i've owned it for over a year. i bought it around 120. >> by the way, the ceo of johnson & johnson, alex gorsky, is an eagles fan. i'm glad you brought that up. >> caller: thank you. so i own this at 120. i bought more at 113. i'm trying to figure out what's going on because it hasn't participated in this rally. should i buy more? >> no. now you have to wait, phil. the reason you hav that's the kind of stock that's being thrown away. but i am intimating i think there will be a rotation back into a j&j. i would wait until it hits 110 and then -- [ trigger pull sound effect ] scott in texas, scott. >> caller: cramer! >> yeah. >> caller: i'm calling from the magnificent metropolis of magnolia, texas. hey, i love your show. >> thank you very much. didn't know i was popular down there. what's happening? >> caller: i'm calling about anheuser-busch inbev. in late september, it took a
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since. i've been buying it on the way down. my question is this. what caused the nosedive, and do you see it playing a role in the rally? >> a lot of it was the dollar. actually, chiefly the dollar because if you take a look at molson, that's done great. may i suggest you take advantage of constellation? constellation is down because people feel there's going to be a big tax on modelo and corona. and as much as president-elect trump is upset about mexico and the wall, i do not think he's going to target beer. ann marie in new york, ann marie. >> caller: hi, jim. thanks for taking my call. >> of course. >> caller: so i'm concerned about starbucks and their domestic comps because i noticed a couple things at their stores in november. there was a two-for-one holiday promotion on beverages. and then one sunday morning, their fancy reserve bar was empty. so if they don't grow these domestic comps, can the stock
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ann marie. i know they did four. i was looking for 5 1/2. here's what really matters. i think they're think going to have to do a little more work on their mobile pay because i think there's just -- not everybody seems to be able to know how to handle the mobile pay at the starbucks that i go to, but that's just kind of anecdotal. in the end, i think china is a driver. europe is a driver. the united states is fine. starbucks, by the way, is now up five straight points from when they reported at the quarter, it is a huge position in my charitable trust, and i like it very much. okay. to me, today's pullback is just a refreshing pause as the trump rally rolls into different parts of the market. this is a positive sign and one that could mean we've got a long way to go before this rally peters out. on "mad" tonight, what could a trump presidency mean for spending in information technology stocks? i'm taking the temperature of the group with the ceo of tech data. then nothing runs like a deere, right?
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earnings. boy, did that have a rocket ship move last week. and paypal said mobile shopping accounted for a third of thanksgiving and black friday sales. what could it mean for the stock, which has been stalled at the 39 level? i've got the exclusive with the ceo. so stick with cramer. >> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter. have a question? tweet cramer, #madtweets. send jim an e-mail to or give us a miss something? head to ok! impaciente! manolo! you're so cold, come in! what's wrong? take off your hat!
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now that we're back from thanksgiving, it's important not to forget the companieat the ones that shot the lights out. take tech data, the supermarket of technology that's one of the world's largest wholesalers of i.t. products. in short, they help tech titans like apple or cisco get their merchandise to market via a huge web of distribution centers. recently the stock of tech data has been on fire ever since we learned that the company is acquiring its rival avnet's technology solutions business -- that's a particular business line -- for $2.6 billion a little more than two months ago. the news sent tech data shares
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because the deal was expected to be very additive to the company's earnings. but then the stock sold off going into the election although since trump's surprise victory, it's come bouncing back. it certainly didn't hurt they reported a blowout quarter last tuesday although you might have missed it if you were getting ready for thanksgiving. the company posted a fabulous 18-cent earnings beat off of $1.26 basis, higher than expected sales, robust guidance for the next quarter as well. i always say if you want to take the pulse of the technology sector, just listen to tech data. so does their latest quarter let's check in with bob dutkowsky, the ceo of tech data, to find out more about the quarter and where his company is headed. mr. dutkowsky, welcome back to "mad money." >> hey, jim. good to be back. >> bob, i got to tell you i was trying to figure out how to explain to people how great the avnet solutions deal is. you took the words out of my mouth, but i'm going to make you explain them to people. with technology solutions, tech data will become the complete end-to-end distributor from the data center to the living room. how will that work so our
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>> when you look at the way technology is used around the world, it's not segmented into categories anymore. there's not consumer technology and commercial technology. there's not data center technology and cloud technology. it all fits together in a seamless fashion. so by putting tech data together with technology solutions from avnet, we build that end-to-end source of products for the marketplace. we like to say anything from the living room to the data center or from a printer cartridge to a in tech data is going to be capable of delivering all of those solutions to our customers in a seamless fashion, and that really differentiates us in the marketplace. >> the everyday person who watches the show will not know that tech data is involved in the transaction, right? >> yeah, because we work in the background. we're a distributor. we source products from the vendors, companies like hp and cisco and ibm and microsoft and apple. we sell them to outlets that
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user. so whether it's a retailer or a value-added distributor or a corporate re-marketer, we're the source of those solutions for the end users. the end user can't go to and buy a product from us. but the technology they acquire from any other source is touched by a distributor like tech data. >> therefore that avnet acquisition makes it so you're an even better competitor? >> more customers, more products, and most importantly, jim, we'll bring a completely different set of skills and value to our customers that will allow them to get all this array of technology and help solve their customers' business problems. it really does differentiate tech data in the market. >> we love the acquisition. i thought it was very interesting when you turn to europe, what an impressive performance in terms of the highest q3 non-gap operating income in the region's history. what is going on in europe
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all these individual countries. >> again, you know, i think the reason why we performed so well in europe, first of all, the tech data side of the business is executing exceptionally well, and it's a combination of our people and the investments we've made and the systems and tools that help them do their jobs. and then it's that breadth of products. so in the quarter, products like networking and security products and mobile products were really hot, and we were able to switch our focus to those hot products and use our exceptional execution to win in the marketplace. >> you use a great term in your call, which is that you are the switzerland of the i.t. market. please explain that to people, what it means to not necessarily be linked with just one company. >> yeah. we have products on our line card from about 600 different vendors. we have 125,000 different technology products that come from a broad array of vendors. so we're able to help our
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brand or the vendor. our customer will call us and said they need to help their customer solve a complex product, and we can bring multiple technologies, whether it's multiple cell phones, multiple pcs, multiple printers, all the way up to multiple servers and storage, and networking and complex software to help cobble together the best solution. so we don't really have a favorite vendor. we like all of our vendor partners, and they help solve their customers' business problems. >> i had felt that one of your competitors, avnet, did not see some of the changes coming in technology. they've adjusted, and it's good. but there have been periods of technological disruption that we've talked about here. have they helped or hurt tech data? >> jim, we love disruption. disruption brings a different degree of value that we can bring to our customers and vendor partners, and we can help sort out the complexity that exists in the marketplace and
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continue to buy products and technologies. so when disruption happens, it's a good thing for tech data. you know, jim, we've been in business now over 40 years, and we have managed through multiple disruptions in the industry where it be the mainframe or the client's server or the internet or mobility, and now the cloud. and in every case, after one of those sea changes of technology, tech data emerged as a stronger company. we can see these disruptions that exist today, we'll be able to navigate those and create a better tech data out the other side. >> i know there had been a delay around the election, but you talked about the possibility once again of a budget flush year end. things look strong so far this quarter? >> yeah. you know, we guided that we would have flat growth year-over-year. keep in mind we grew 11% last year in q4. so flat will actually be good, and, you know, the year-end process for acquiring
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business or a consumer, there's a lot of purchases that happen in q4. so tech data is geared up to deal with the market realities, and we hope we have a really good, solid quarter. >> congratulations on that great acquisition and on the great quarter. i think the stock is headed much higher. that's bob dutkowsky. he's the ceo of tech data. great to see you, sir. >> thanks, jim. >> guys, this is still a fantastic way to play technology. you heard about diverse clients. you heard about the soup to nuts. you understand they can deal with disruption. tech data is the way to go. bob dutkowsky, good executive. "mad money" is back after the break. >> announcer: are consumers keeping more money on their phones than in their wallets? online shopping topped $3 billion for the first time ever on black friday, with more than $1 billion spent on mobile. cramer finds out what cyber monday means for one leading payments player. >> let's give our customers the choice of how they want to pay and where they want to pay when using paypal.
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returns. if you're taking prescription medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can cause cavities and bad breath. over 400 medications can cause a dry mouth. that's why there's biotene. biotene can provide soothing dry mouth relief. and it keeps your mouth refreshed too. remember while your medication is doing you good, a dry mouth isn't. biotene, from dry mouth symptoms. ugh. heartburn. sorry ma'am. no burning here. try alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. they don't taste chalky and work fast. mmmm. incredible. can i try? she doesn't have heartburn. alka-seltzer heartburn relief gummies. enjoy the relief. lilly. she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy
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together. "i think we can finally get a bigger place." "yeah, let me check my score too." "try credit karma. it's free." "credit karma. give yourself some credit." (coughs) cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. lasts 12 hours.
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sometimes companies can change their stripes in the blink of an eye. take deere, the huge farm equipment maker. for ages deere stock was a total laggard. after setting a multiyear high of just under $100 in june of last year, the darn thing sold off sharply as the company suddenly found itself facing a multitude of problems from weak end markets caused by declining crop prices to the super freakin' strong dollar, which put deere at a big disadvantage to its foreign competitors. it sank as low as $70 in january. while it started rebounding after that, it was still stuck in the mid-80s as recently as two months ago. the strong dollar stabilized and many agricultural commodities started to recover, but until recently, it was difficult to
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why? in part because every time they reported, even if they delivered a good number, the commentary on the conference call would be so grim that it would send the stock plunging. for a long time it felt like these guys were masters of self-sabotage frankly until last week. last wednesday morning, when most people were prepping their butterball turkeys or devising plans to get through thanksgiving without strangling their relatives, deere came out and reported a truly stug quarter. actually the most exciting thing that happened last week to me. the stock, which had already started running after the election along with the rest of the market, exploded higher, rallying from $92 to $102 in a single session, an 11% gain with shares setting a new all-time high. it was a blowout. and it's even more impressive when you consider the stocks of old-line large cap companies like deere rarely move that much in a day.
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what allowed deere to deliver such impressive results? are farmers suddenly in a much stronger position? is the company simply executing better, or are we maybe at the beginning of an upswing? let's dig deeper to find out because i want you to get the next ten-point gain in an old-line stock. first of all, deere blew away the expectations of virtually every single line item you can name. the company earned 90 cents a share. what was the street looking for? 40 cents. that's a colossal beat. their sales came in expected, even if they still declined nearly 5% year-over-year. that may not sound great, but you've got to put these numbers in context. deere has seen double-digit revenue declines in six of the last seven quarters, and last year their revenue shrank by 20%. in fact, this was the company's best results since the first quarter of 2014. how about drilling down into more specific lines of business? deere has two main divisions. there's agriculture and turf on the one hand and construction and forestry on the other.
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year-over-year when wall street expected much larger declines. when you drill down, it was deere's strength in agriculture and turf that drove their entire earnings boost. the company's agriculture and turf divisions posted operating income of $371 million. that's nearly quadruple the expectations. it's up 37% year-over-year. staggering. source of strength? management said that improved price realizations more than offset a decrease in shipment volumes. in other words, people are paying more for deere's farm equipment, so mu m what may have been the best quarter of this past earnings season other than maybe nvidia. those are really it. if you're wondering why the company suddenly has so much pricing power, it's because deere has done a better job of managing its inventory. all year this company has been struggling because its dealers got caught with way too much merchandise and excess inventory. it means you have to mark down your product in order to get it sold. lately, though, deere has been pretty successful at getting its inventory under control,
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forestry division. while they still have more work to do there, the fact is leaner inventories, better pricing. so the actual numbers were fabulous. but what about the outlook? again, i've been there when they throw cold water on the outlook. not this time. better than anyone expected. deere said that its sales would shrink by just 1% in 2017, a massive improvement from their 8% shrinkage the past year to say nothing of the 20% decline in 2015. in particular, management sees the south american business coming back big time thanks to and argentina. better governments there. even better, deere is guiding for $1.4 billion net income next year, down 8% from this year. the key here is it's 16% higher than what the analysts were looking for. remember, on wall street, beating expectations is more important than what we call absolute performance. you can lose money. you can be negative. but if it's better than the analysts thought, your stock, as we see from deere, can roar. one more thing. deere has a financial services business where they provide
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companies that buy their equipment, but this financial side of the business has been in freefall. however, the company sees its financial services business growing oh so slightly next year thanks in part to the recent rise in interest rates. that's a major improvement versus this division's 26% decline in 2016. still one more headwind that feels like it's become a tailwind. in short, deere reported its best numbers in nearly three years. however, management has a bad habit of reporting what looks like a decent quarter and then ruining it by scaring investors on the cal amazingly bullish right from the get-go. first josh jepson, the head of investor communications, told us deere reported solid results, quote, in spite of the continuing impact of the global farm recession and the difficult conditions in the construction equipment sector, end quote. translation, deere's phenomenal execution allowed them to triumph over a tough backdrop, but the industry may finally be ready to start improving. as jepson told us, there are signs that the large ag market is nearly bottom.
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that's exactly what all the shareholders wanted to hear. reminiscent by the way of when bob iger on the espn/disney call said, hey, i'm getting bullish on something that had been going down. that change in pace made people excited. what exactly did deere do so much better? a lot of it comes down to controlling costs. last quarter, the company announced a plan to cut at least $500 million in costs through 2018, and so far, it's going swimmingly, adding more than $90 million to deere's pre-tax another $190 million in savings expected for 2017. who knew they could cut these costs? where is the money coming from? deere's chief financial officer laid it all out. the first and largest component here comes down to structural improvements, where the company is leveraging existing supplier relationships, resourcing and designing costs of our production. in other words, deere is putting the squeeze into its suppliers while also designing its machinery in a more cost effective manner. second is people-related cuts --
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addition to deere saving money by changing its variable pay structure and cutting r&d spending. he summed it all up saying the company would continue delivering significantly better performance than in the downturns of the past. of course, these same factors will provide a continued benefit when market conditions strengthen, end quote. that's the key here. if deere is delivering tremendous numbers when the ag business is pretty suboptimal, can you please imagine how well they'll do when the ag sector finally rebounds. they made it clear on the ready to bottom. one more component to this stock's explosive 11% move. it's a classic short squeeze. as of the end of october, deere was the fifth most heavily shorted stock in the s&p 500. so when deere reported an almost picture perfect quarter, these short sellers panicked and were forced to buy back the stock in order to close out their positions. that's again how a stock goes up that much in one day.
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i wouldn't be surprised if the earnings estimates are still too low, which means the stock remains a buy even right here. and if we get weakness, like the $2 and change pullback, just buy it. burt in south carolina, burt. >> caller: thanks for calling. kbr was mentioned by you a few years ago. it was down in the teens. it went up to 36, and i ignored it for a while. now it's back down to the teens. what do you recommend? >> if you believe th done with president-elect trump, then kbr at these prices does make sense. i saw a floor breaking out this weekend. kbr can break out. can we go to john in california, please, john. >> caller: booyah, jim. we love you out here out west. >> thank you. i'm doing well. how about you? >> caller: i'm doing great. i have raytheon, but i was wondering about adding lockheed martin to that mix. what do you think? >> it really should be one or the other. i do prefer lockheed martin to raytheon right here.
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little bit, but they are both terrific stocks. cowan came out today with a piece about how general dynamics is the best. we get the gist here. it's the defense stocks that work. all right. nothing as we know runs like a deere, except for the stock of course. this company's profitable moves are finally paying off, and while the bears' bets against it helped make its massive move, i think there could be much more in store. this stock's not done. consider adding it to your there's much more "mad money" ahead. paypal has revolutionized how the world drops coin. but as the payment space becomes more polarizing, i'm talking with the ceo about how it plans to stay ahead of the pack. then these stocks have been trashed, but it's their turn to participate in the trump rally. i'm revealing which plays could be due for a move higher just ahead. and all your calls rapid fire on tonight's edition of the
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what are we supposed to make of paypal, the stock of the online payment's kingpin has been running since we last spoke back in february. since the election, paypal shares have been under pressure. today, cyber monday, the biggest online shopping day of the year yet paypal's stock actually went lower? first the company's most recent quarter was good, in line earnings, suddenly raised outlook for the year. and paypal inked some major mastercard. however, there's one serious issue here, and it's with the stock of paypal, not the company. for a long time, money managers flocked to the non-bank financials like this one in order to get exposure to the financial sector without being exposed to the ultra-low interest rates that were making life difficult for the banks. since trump's surprise victory, though, long term rates have been soaring, and net month the fed is likely to raise short term rates as well, possibly the first of many rate hikes. all this makes the actual banks much more attractive, but it
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money managers to own stocks of paypal even if they're doing terrific. the question is can this company do well to triumph over the headwinds created by the mechanics of the money management business? let's take a closer look with dan schulman, the ceo of paypal. welcome back to "mad money." good to see you. now, before cyber monday -- and i know that's of course obviously today, so we don't have the number on that. but you were doing an attractive process, well over $100 billion in mobile payment volume. this was from your october call. >> right. >> that would be still on track, better? >> well, our results last quarter when we reported those were up 56% year-over-year, so that $100 billion run that we were on was up 56%. what we're seeing on this kind of black friday weekend is that for the first time you're going to hit $1 billion of mobile sales on black friday. $1 billion.
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so you're seeing mobile up dramatically as all of online is right now, and we're riding that wave, in fact leading that wave in many ways. >> now, venmo, the numbers were extraordinary. you had an increase of 131% year-over-year as of the last quarter. still accelerating. >> as we've talked about many times, venmo is the way millennials manage and move their money. so we did almost $5 billion of transactions in the third quarter, almost a $20 billion run rate if you can imagine for venmo. it was just named time's app of the year for 2016 and millennials are flocking to it. >> you made these partnerships with visa and mastercard, but you are much more, i think, ahead of them in mobile. do you really need them? >> yeah, so we made these partnership deals with visa, mastercard, facebook, vodafone,
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across the world right now in many ways. and it wasn't that we needed these partnerships. what we did is we did a strategic choice within the company of basically saying let's give our customers the choice of how they want to pay and where they want to pay when using paypal. and that led to very interesting partnerships and opportunities with the networks and with financial institutions across the rl >> is there anything meaningful you can report yet that shows that they've caused a further acceleration in your business? >> so the early results -- and i just want to highlight they're very early, right? so i don't extrapolate from early results. i like to see kind of how they kind of go over a multiquarter period. but the early results are very encouraging, right in line with the projections, maybe slightly better than the projections that we thought. so we're encouraged by that. >> terrific.
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that are getting and attracting the best young people. fortune 2016 award for change the world. what are some of the things you're doing about changing the world? >> yeah. so we think that doing good is a responsibility for all companies. we can't just rely on the public sector or the private sector. we all need to work together. and our mission and vision is to help businesses to grow, which of course is great for families of small businesses, communities, neighborhoods. >> you're talking about businesses around the world. >> around the world. >> you're not just talking about small business? >> no. around the world. we're in 200 countries, and we're trying to help all of those small businesses to grow either by making -- opening up them to global consumers. we have 192 million people using the platform now, up 4.5 million just the last quarter alone.
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businesses. we're also helping consumers to make it easier to do transactions, faster, simpler, more secure, less expensive to do basic financial transactions. >> tell me what that will mean for giving tuesday. >> so giving tuesday is one of the largest days of charitable giving. >> tomorrow. >> and the paypal platform is ideal for that. >> okay. >> last holiday period, 7.25 million people gave over $850 million to 250,000 charities through paypal. >> really? >> we -- >> that is a statistic. okay. we're all cynical. see, i sit back, and i just say, okay, just break the form here. that's extraordinary. >> it's amazing. last year we did $48 million in donations in a 24-hour period on giving tuesday. >> wow. >> that broke every record. last year, we were $19 million.
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>> that's incredible. now, you were down with president obama when he went to cuba, and you know there's a new regime coming. can things really be unwound? you're just beginning to get credit down there. why would that be in any president's interest to roll back? >> i think we need to see with the new administration coming in what their congressional clarity is around the regulations concerning cuba. but when i was down there, i met with lots of entrepreneurs. that's what i spent most of my time talking to. and they want to become part of the world community. they want to open up so that consumers outside of cuba can buy their goods, and they can sell their goods. >> paypal could be ahead of every other credit card company there. this is ground field, right? isn't this just a total green field solution for you? >> we are perhaps one of the leading international remittance players in the world. >> with zoom. >> remittances of a large part of the gdp of many countries.
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cuba, though, we'll have to see. >> we don't know yet. >> we don't yet. >> also on stripe valuation, see it's raised to be a level of $9 billion. i look at your company. your company is a lot bigger, growing pretty amazingly. >> 20%. >> how do we justify some of these crazy valuations? >> well, it's hard for me to talk about another company. >> i looked at it, and it's hard for me to justify. you can say, yes, jim, i can understand your confusion. announcement almost every week. but think about it. the e-commerce or online digital payments market is $100 trillion addressable market. so you're going to have companies constantly trying to come in. but during that time, for all of those announcements, like since apple pay was announced, we've put on 35 million net new customers. we've taken our transactions per
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so we're growing and separating ourselves out by having great value propositions and continually innovating. and stripe competes with braintree. i put braintree up against anybody in the market, and as we announced with braintree, in the last three years, they've grown 25 times their transaction value. >> your growth is terrific, and the numbers are amazing. that's dan schulman, president and ceo of paypal, undervalued because of what i was telling but these have real growth, and that's what matters. "mad money" is back after the break. move to underwear, toddlers see things... a bit differently. thanks to pampers easy ups... while they see their first underwear... you see the best way to potty train. introducing new pampers easy ups. our first and only training underwear... with an all-around stretchy waistband.
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>> it is time! it is time for the lightning round on cramer's "mad money"! that's where i take your calls rapid fire. you tell me the name of the stock. i tell you to buy, buy, buy or sell, sell, sell. we'll play this sound -- [ buzzer ] -- and then the lightning round is over. are you ready, skee-daddy? it's time for the lightning round on cramer's "mad money." i'm going to start with fran in pennsylvania, fran. >> caller: hello, jim. thanks for taking my call. >> of course, fran. how can i help? >> caller: i'm looking to invest in stocks that provide a monthly dividend. with that said, i'm looking to invest in blackrock capital. >> you're not going to go wrong with blackrock. it's one of the best run financial companies in the world. i love those guys. how about wade in new jersey, wade? >> caller: jim, thanks so much. big fan of the show. wanted to get your thoughts on halliburton. >> oh, man, halliburton, david lesar, he's doing a terrific job. i don't care whether there's a deal for opec or not, that quarter was the turn quarter. i like the stock. how about alice in florida, alice? >> caller: yes, jim, this is alice. thank you for what you do for us. >> you're quite welcome.
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>> all right. if this stock goes down a dollar and a half, that's where i'd do it. it just had such a big run last week, i think it's got a soft basis right now. you're coming in on quicksand. let it come down, but you're fine because i think copper has bottomed and i love what they did with the balance sheet. let's go to luis in new jersey, luis. >> caller: hey, jim, thank you for having me. >> of course. >> caller: quick question for you. patterson companies. >> there's something wrong with the dental business. we have to speak to henry schein. it's suddenly gotten very competitive. we're going to say right now -- >> don't buy, don't buy. >> we're going to jeff in new jersey, jeff. >> caller: mr. cramer, with natural gas prices so high, what do you think about chesapeake energy? >> i said this afternoon when i was on halftime with scott wapner, i told the judge i'm actually warming up to chesapeake. i think it's a buy because natural gas, we're exporting a lot, and mexico needs it. chesapeake, we were up there in ohio when we saw it with the late aubrey mcclendon. i like the stock. that's a big change of heart for
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and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round. [ buzzer ] >> announcer: the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. down came the rain and clogged the gutter system creating a leak in the roof. luckily the spider recently had geico help him with homeowners insurance. water completely destroyed his swedish foam mattress. he got full replacement and now owns the sleep number bed. his sleep number setting is 25. call geico and see how much you could save on homeowners insurance. my cold medicines' wearing off. that stuff only lasts a few hours. or, take mucinex. one pill fights congestion for 12 hours. guess i won't be seeing you for a while. why take medicines that only last 4 hours, when just one mucinex lasts 12 hours?
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you want a rally that includes everything and everyone. that's the way it should be. you don't want a rally that just has the semiconductors or the banks or the oils or the financials. today was the day for the bond market equivalent names, the ones that act like bonds. to me, that's fine. the post-election declines in stocks like american electric power, pepsico, clorox, they were pretty steep versus the rest of the market. and even though their dividend yields don't offer much protection, i simply don't think some of these moves can be consider clorox. it's gone from 140 in july down to 117 today despite reporting a terrific quarter although i know the stock peaked at the same time that interest rates bottomed. i want to make a strong case for the stock of pepsico here too. there's lots of stuff in the papers about city taxes on soda. if you believe they're really going to have an impact, why don't you just bet against coca-cola with a 3 and change yield, and go long pepsico with a 2.93% yield? you don't have perfect equality in the dividend, but coke is
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snacking exposure. speaking of yields, how can you not like procter & gamble here? remember, pg had a fantastic quarter, but it got caught up in the great post-trump bond slaughter. the stock isn't cheap, but procter's organic growth is the best its been in years, and the company has really hacked through the underperforming business lines. procter & gamble works right here. now, i don't want to go overloaded on these stocks. maybe just pick one of them. pick your favorite because the dollar will go higwh fed raises rates next month. that's going to hurt them. these are big international companies. bad news for consumer packaged goods because they've got to repatriate the dollars hopefully. but these companies don't report for a long time, and i think it makes sense to buy them because they've fallen behind and they are doing better than people think. we're simply reacting to the decline in their stocks as opposed to the decline in their businesses, which is nonexistent, particularly for the ones i've mentioned. i'm not as sanguine about the real estate investment trusts, another bond market equivalent group. a lot of them got involved with
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of uncertainty there because of president-elect trump. others are involved with brick and mortar retailers. while brian cornell, the ceo of target, did say that 90% of people still like to shop in brick and mortar, he also said that he's agnostic. when i hear that agnostic talk, i say whoa, that's not good. not a great setup for retail. i say let those real estate investment trusts come in. but the utilities? i think people don't understand the tradeoff between the demands of the epa and the ratepayers. many of the utilities that we spend a lot of time with on "mad money" are trying to keep their coal plants in compliance only to find the rules keep changing, and they have to sink ever more money into making them agreeable to an epa that keeps moving the goalpost. but what happens if trump staffs the epa with people who are pro-coal? then i think a company like american electric power, stock that we own for my charitable trust, could end up giving shareholders a much better than expected return. and don't overlook the very well run dominion resources, a growth
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coal too if the epa decides it's not a priority anymore. let's not forget the phone companies. look at those moves in verizon and at&t. they're not idle. that is a real rebound, and their yields remain juicy, and they've not hurt themselves with these acquisitions. these bond market alternative stocks, they've been trashed. i think it's their turn to participate in the trump rally. why not? everything else has. what the??? you're welcome. i just helped you dodge a bullet. but i was just checking my... shhh... don't you know that checking your credit score lowers it! just be cool. actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesn't affect it at all. are you sure? positive. so i guess i can just check my credit score then? oooh "check out credit karma today. credit karma. give yourself some credit."
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all right. i just love that story about tech data. i think it is really good. paypal is just continuing, but remember they do like the big banks although big banks sold off today. but the star of the show this evening was thor. that's right, that incredible recreational vehicle company we've had on. they put up these numbers that i can't believe people didn't recognize they were going to do because when they were on air, they said things were going great. we'll have thor on tomorrow. i like to say there's always a
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i promise to try to find it just for you right here on "mad money." i'm jim cramer, and i will see you tomorrow! break news...a plane carrying brazilian soccer team crashes overnight. a tennessee wild fire, threatening wind swept flames and choke near dollywood. >> was it terror behind the rampage and the hero cop that saved lives neighborhood, president trump will choose one of the most outspoken critics to lead human health and services. a passenger went on an ob isn'ty laid rant on passengers who supported hillary clinton. >> fandango "early today" starts right now.


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