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tv   FOX21 News 9PM  FOX  March 2, 2016 9:00pm-10:00pm MST

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neteils semerging tonight abououthasasof a small plane orn el po last 3plma coloradvoters lt@they wereefththa vovoe ng last nigh whasome a sa...and at cld eb doneo fix sue. ancololo springs mak the grade wh it come ing e of t best ts in t count tve in... 3 righg now...333 a plplcrhehene palm lake is morng... lling the twpeople on d.e crh al staed a grs fire 3first onox21onig.. 3 it happepehalf ail heasasof the lake. jt south ofhearlroaacks. fox21's taylishop tetes us at s's'srnrnfa 3 ntroaylorrneighbors te me the plaked d ke i was s ying to land on the lakemoving very loand slow
9:02 pm
rtununl cty took a noseivivd thenlipped over craing near the san fe t. "at th timth plane clo. to t t fire we'r'r l numu there's no way to itofor it was headed.e asfirereated byby c cned less than n arter ofn acre bore firefightete pt asas yose erare ite a a ntup on the hill literallju hs fromomhera se se."cialsay 's p p ill unknown whe ple wentown. "witnses sa thplanappe to o hang s smeic issueue anviouy y erers h) wis guststwiin ea athth tim"" --tlorwven multltltgencieou o o e e scene and wetold the f-a and t-s-wiwi cocoueo investigate.n n lmer lake,lor bish, fox21 ws. p3 thviin the hahaoteeidfied. officials the air force@ y y ththane is not they not flyiodod bse ost wis. t wreckenen
9:03 pm
tato inveigatorsay wke at leaea a yeatotoetne the caus 3 the stro winds helfuel s in souer t tay... 3ggin easterno ndnde.officials saabout re haveur andndt is now about pernt struures areeaeaea the cae snd vestatatn...bubu...... fifiters belie a power line may havbelo ov... spkikg t fe. sp.. ts is video st fm onofur vwers... aftea firo out near` lla loma p pk thth aer. thatt we of or an.. andth cotitution.we'rtold it starard buing near til close to we le to contntitithin 30 mimiteno strteres were gamage 3 when will wind t muteorologis jeff womack has rst look athe ather inhe fox fast t ca. 3slowow let up toght are out of the red flag danger. numbers ararin the4 s hi andpp 3 i
9:04 pm
look at fridayheheeend
9:05 pm
e dust has stled from esda 3 donald tmp and h h h intotohave charted alear th@owards nominations. cacaaignare trying to pl their own urs eir presidenti a aitionsve. alive.x'line sve t has the latestm shgt 3nces.fx)nald takes home wins in sevev at...surging hehe rt of the g go-p field.hayes sa "tre are paths. buey arere awfurrow at isoioi. dona truru a goonit. he won seven statet was pressive pererrman."hile texassen. ted cruz kept his campaigngnith h deci wiin h home ate.... a nator marco ru fafas thfight his life with just one victory in miesota.(g))polls sh rubio colose his hom atto trump.rubibiys "wewe el veru strong about what wewe going to do in or ananveryry optimistic. af we in florida t tn all of this we' talking abo doesn't matter."ohio governor
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atntinto win midwdwtern campaign ion life ort. ch says "iot engngin inersonal attahame mudng to o o beme prede of the at."while,ermont setor rnie sandersck thehe c cpaign traftete picking upour statesn has hilllly clinton ments a clear le bmongememrats sandnds sa were up agaiait a caide supported by theire polical l establisent, someby universally known,n, who had been aed as the init ninee. but gus what: shs(s not sonetable toy.ely says " ththsdayayhe republican candidates wilha anonoer chanceto-head in a x news debat detroit--hto gain votes in theichin n leground state before vots s ado the pollesday. in n wash, carolili shivelyfyf ns.
9:07 pm
caus..a grinnumber pele areecomg frustred withthhehe process...espealal onon the repcan si because eyere vot r delegate n n publican nominee... 3re areheacts of thisis y-point point. 3 ri last ts c ccus.s. rerereics re voting r delegate.. wch wilgo o to thehe state conveveion... wperey'lllelect naonal delegates go he republicanan conveveio vote for t nominee.but e leletes can vote for aone th want... and don'tav follow the wilof the peoeoe he i icolorado. which is making some angry.y. 3fox21's kody fisheco the caucus last night... spokwithepublicans a is today....hehens us live in the n noom with more... kody? t thoand colodohanged fa primary system tcauc systst...partiaiaiaave ne..but no..(lv ars late.. s se ople a a feup witcacausin.. 33-
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candate e thth say they're gog to vote for."at's how a t ofofeople flt last night abt the caucus...and d somemeeplican didn eve rticate bebeuse e was caucus.sot>hehey th ititn't hat t want totvevey it."'s n alo... . e elel so cnty p p nety percofepubcans don partipat..e the reons e caus stem sn'thangeds bee stleleslatcrs ink thth10 rcent of peoplpldo particate acally l le itit..sot>-"tns o the tepercent who articipate also hit. wee re esolutio pasd d caucuses last niuny, needededustem dbve to a re priry thre imaries...the esilti one.f.f. theneorll othestate fifis in jun which wo more mone but e's s potel soo thad pbl= -
9:09 pm
no"the wi of the people has soght in this sion..sot>-inda hemary sysm er sather'y'yke caidata. or ndidatb.' me thats a tterayo go." cordtn eso co-p aililis alrea the in state gislaturove codo backo pry system... mi up en il ex some o othe challengngt uld pose..poing ve in n the room..dy fisher... fo1 news.. 3 now..... 3 wearningd morabout the dd retirem coro @ springfirere chihris rey. ririy.y.chief ley began at f-d 2013.. . llowg seven yes ashief othe ebloire partment. rile has not yet puic giv a for what seemtoe his su retiremtoday cololo springs may john sususus sa he's thankful for rileservice..but added he was not surprised by his decision. 3 agoing to dis
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rsonl issu. factf e e maer ihe m me e a choice retire and that was a oice on s rt a a ts s thextent owh iil abt it."." 3 r aeement with rm mayor ste cef rey ll reive a sixon sevence. a a 8 sasa drs. puty cef ted coas who's wked r d sinc will rv as intim chi we have some goonews for codo springs tonight... 3cicis a great plale to li. according to a new onal survey. by u-news and wowod report 3 re are the fst... the e ti pubcati y... r leasing i lif belaces toe. the listsranksks t cntry's 100 largesmeopitan a baon a aordability... . . job prs... and quality of life. fox21's abbie burkrk joins us now with e actllodo springst edabbibi 3 e.. t only did corado
9:11 pm
ththtop ve..comingn a the nunuerspot..ith a scscof 7 poioi 4 out of 10 3 we e vy outhth lorado springs wasanked the h st city in ari toive. (ngngmar suers and d otr ci ldede tang te wedatoto cebratra sings test aplishment. 10:33 think 's a tribu t tthe wholate of colwhat a e this is to live and play denver e ene! the spot oe best place livivin aricaca followed by atin texas.eville arkansas..and leigh-durham noh carorona thipp ry clele indicatn at the $- peoplethe unittates in thknow are recognizing dhe veryositive e trectoryha codo springk is he spraabe lle... whington enrancisco. :02 those of us inhiomomre ate. wlilin a place at has unsurssedeauty
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do attctoungt profsions mamar r s ys earng aop list bu-s s ws a wld po mns a little more than somenofhe oth lts e ty has madin the past. 1:38id y kfoexple lodoinasanked numb one in e watree urfosinglelookin for ?" a he sa this li wl aw the@ atttion of more than just single pe2:2: wn thse t rank t cities aca for the best pces to l are gotoake that seri 3 cododo sings w the o oy thtototen to sco rfect 10 on e de .whised off a ey of whether people wan to live in thereyou can ndlistllthe great placeso live on ouou websit1 ws dot jod lauren? ereran astonauscotkey
9:13 pm
tenely yr outererpa space.fifi out what ctoror ardoinnoto lrnor thfects pace o o the humamabo lats x21 ws ani continu... 3 h the f f f ablbltotop coat miions goi....ousas of feetn e air... 3 ananmecary moments involvg a school bus this afternn.k ououwhat
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9:15 pm
right nonowe d jservanfishndwich at culr's 3erveild-ht, hatlantic cod. th codod in r thats , cleaand d tine, ll oflavorfrl nutrnts, dpthatomes tough inhe fish. thiss the y we sp t yourtaurants. not x-bread. so noty do we the highest quitbuwe stilld-batter old-fashi w y. 's remar and we tnk wget thbest fil
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is e best fish in ameri "welcomelicious!"3 3 police a a invtigangfter a school bus and colli massachetts.itappened latehis afternn.lice least twoeople were trapd inde the van. firefighrs were ableo get one person out frly qukly-- but had ake veral atts to get the othe pers doesn't appea at any cren weren the bus athe time. 3foodecallili ytag raw milblhees tionwide..ov a possibl listeria contaminana.recent ne in iowa the ence of listeriaacteri in twoof pctthe llnvs cheese sin ckg likehe onewn .maytagryar
9:17 pm
stbu whihese of tblems termed. ole ilsesehave b brepo inonnectn n n t tecal 3haenennono.. pueblo resents had t opportuny telmmunity leers whatserves thehed ke t te e eir r x dollarar vest in.n.n. thcity o o o a volol susuey iich ughly leticipateteininfofo 's kalalcmcmkiinininus wi tulul.kalyn. joe and uren.thr r nsisd of 10 qutions in which ople we asked to rank the m mimportananan rvicic thehehe c cy should invest i i i i i iededn a one through four scalele.e e g l lest t imimimimimimimimouhigheses t t topopop threrethatateoplplplplplososcecend ....averaaaa s sre o o3.3.3.3. sasasa r r r r and repaving streets...3.3 e e e e e e epmpmt t 3.1 33 otototototn atatatrveyncncd.d.d.alalalal seicestraindndnd titi p pgrgrgr......ststst teteteteriri.... alalalal ranked a hreeeeeeng....e citytytyty
9:18 pm
asst'ate were gogogo see but t ts ki ves ususitititt ca t tk th 3 ioqnn n. survebecause the local vernment does nosesqaa . p vbledat stem@n@n c c c s...fafap an. ofcialwit
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9:21 pm
3 sideare pickup the pieces in washingt... 3 following ce wind ststm. 3 take a look this cell phone video.can n e e amline fly acrthe rd. rd.thstroin ao knocd overnd pin througho the tn.nd, mo than 75-thound peoe are withwr e tohe stor accordi tthe tial weathth, wind
9:22 pm
33 er a0snd stilgog b at this hrwind se latete toghtskiewiear r y rrre ures mg a lef desrea lo atighs arothe area fefeingnumbs eh anpeevev war lhe wk's worth,ps sk k on tuesdayand we w w wlikeke` somemehower actiick up mondat into tueue... stlyar. lowsws30 noest nd10 to ph. .thursmosy nny.
9:23 pm
arou m..thuday rtlyloows 3we windsup to h..friday...papa sunnyny his to 70nortnd arou mph.friday night.rt cudy. lows in e e r mid 3 3 3east wiwiwiupo 101 m.satur ansaturday n ght....ostl cloudygh58 to lo e .sy sund t.mostly cloudy. h 63 to o . ithmi r 30s..mon..rtly
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nid clcl10 erof rainnd sw. lownear 30.0. his o ..tay anes..most lololon e mid upupr 20s. highs 47 to 53.
9:25 pm
wld ght... tough sanctions for north rea...a big clue ithe ocean..d dn american on iba home. the u.n.urity council oving even tou s on nth k after the nation's rect sucleaeate and m msi .thisncludede inspecti all planes
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importand expos.member tions so agring to stop seavavavav fl toorth a.a.pyongyang has alsosoeen nnnn fm rtg most of thcouny's natul s.piofage fr aing 77--y w fnd shshe er the weend coaoa of mozambique... the newly diovered debris on its way to laiaor her examinatioe mayslines ht peain14h 9 len tht sterof# t reinunsoedtront ott lly bk onolid ground a speg nely a year in ace...kelld 2 others landing safel kazastan.kelly treling a totaof44-lln miugugspe cili eamoha-re times 3-hureay ofanetecd r s spe flig this was acursor forn even longer missio-- a hum journey toars.nasas hoping kelly helelthem lrn out thng-tm effects of ro gravi on the bo
9:27 pm
news at ninetinues brbrcocouny stilaitsts final l l cisionn the fufure of qraer pton inin..annos agent is lking.ndututt toaying gp aittl lain sport an a you having troue ng aghgh cha everything do with ghghthe newe resrch
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9:30 pm
3 alth alert... 3 your neorod ll-lit at could be afaec your sleep. rerechers interviewe fifteen thousananpoplele ovev thonedurg an eight-year period. askg about their r sleehabits, quofleep andther theyad any medical or ychiatric disorders. pe wih lighexposut night more like to rert they slepss...and d more fatigue thahathose th lowight exposur. so u may want to o considid blackout s sdes.s.r sleeee s.s. nt bvehey ed theene linked tgraying ... and w that they ow thi..t mamahelp thefire o how
9:31 pm
graye e tu.arch lot t disa 6 6meand me nalysis enfifihe graying hae... i-r-f-f-. thgegeasreouy associat with irolor.. now...t elieved rol the grby regulang melanch ges co yr ha, sknd . 3 the e ericanan red css is honoringome e e town roes"..nesses and indivis who exemplify ure. kindness.and unsecharacter. 3 night we're lighting thisisear'community service honoe.byg lives one at a tihe sayayhi tivavava is seeihehe itudud e eh rson's esfo21's aha morales ings us randy tata@ y.. aiai. 3 randy workwith theolorado springs n-ofitlere m. s wantedhelp.. a since -1heivenhe orgaios ti his heart. t sot: (randy sirotaececmorerehan a meal/ sec "t(ey'r'r judgdgg thecse they're
9:32 pm
with the rings is gog toip better...he's going toelp e church. an's ararthe church is about." it's's typical saturury y morning for ( (ndsiro/d)rector r thaalal10 nd as a ity at our resolvtongeople thatatre getti back into jobs..geing g ck ..tting ba i io mes. inin2 sayayayhenew his missioiowas hel hers...that's he hear or meal...t: sctorore thth al/ 10 se: : t a g g a a away he comomomtytypeop whare in need ananying to get backhossnene vey.ev mor a aeaeaserves over le o o oaveragver n thousa a ae legacy wesyan church i corado sprgs. sot:ndy sisitatototohan n / 10 3ecwhenene ha us theirtoriesf success.. ere t(ey've got a job.. theye got a r fi they c c go toork.. anthey can alep in that c irsteaeaeaof beingngutdoorin a te.. o osteps totos tting home..hen ear aboututh is somef th prs s arerenswere." ray isow t
9:33 pm
ithe hes to o ange lives.ven ltene t t thr stories. sot(r(n siroro/director mo thanaa meal s): "that len rearmsebody's art for r day.. and they remember thaconvnvsation for a we or loer."erer yeararof servi..nd r sayst's just afuililng dayne... sorandy siroro/director - morea al10 s " k k hes yoind anhe ur hea to for the pe thalifea little easier andittle tter."." randy yse doesn't one and wants to thank the e vonteers that co out every sard morning.. to helph tmeal's missioh give the ssss fortuan ad ....ot a hand-o-o..hohoto heroes wi get their ards mah 17th at t e ananerilton. for tickcts d infoat becomimi a r css lunt doene wking on right now fofox2x2news at . 10.there may beomehhope for you sisiings... . looking to earnrag ghts...ho spending s se tin ace e n acalal m me you taller.... 3plus... the virus is
9:34 pm
and hasaslace in mind thatoing to get e t.the new warnrn o o ov t t c-dightht brereinnews r nowow 3 imagine bookina cabbean tripf . only to ysn.'re le w this cruise ship w forced to returndock... andhwhy
9:35 pm
p3pl..itit fof an 15 hos at a time... how ononaiforce pane serv a lififline american ter pilots anywhere thth arededn.. 3 nd creirls sketeteam in fs.see the rl oking to redeem themselvlv this postpseasal is nextn ts with the late
9:36 pm
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9:38 pm
it nowor rky mounin h dears sportrt port 3peyton manninient tom cond says he kno manning hanot decided on his futute e t nfl.he spo with 104 t 3 dver isisisng.. rning.he ao on indicatehat nning is hesistant to lve thee at he l/ves so m....nd nttotoe 10ent re before he e kes y type of f desion. bubuno m mte mannnng decides his ent sasa he h h a bririt re hea beuse e'e'no^hg g cat . ether 's poti..roadg g n ownenehip popo anonqb's fe e leueuein limimno e extending their
9:39 pm
terback e sigde a three-yearensionh am todod tt puts h under coracthrou 20202 d the dis worth $6$6$6million th $ million guarante .thde is expecteto fe up muc ed spacend thealary cap r r baltore. 3 notoome lol l tion.n.thsand reekirls varsbaetballeam is rankedumber r r he state. thth are 5 5ano e now eye t t . elit senior centeliah dis is going toado state ersity tplayaskel xt ft hefocu nng her ho a s tle befoheeave 3 e haveve lf f hehet, ver r vep,veou whentsard,e ililtrtrto fififiway y omomlmwmth and - -stl me o wningng thorpis knn for thehfaem.d th prseesn th madit te state chamonshs s st yr r and st to r christiann combmbguarand seorliana uires wiwi bgog tolala
9:40 pm
t last yeyes lo to mothis post s hlead the teamo o eir firsrse tl "no sets to o end r season on sshoy i cacafinish wita e chipip chchpionip."nd crek wil playblo east ofridid at 6 pmpmsarere h dol. d fifilly.president obama weomos thehelabamaon ti footbalteam to the` white hohoe today.the teams beininhonoreaftewinng eir r th natatnal championship..beating notre dame 42-t-t-to clinch e tie in janry.iden obob.. cgruling the teamamle talng aut tir fofoon affhe field.. ant e tete givg m a jepresent amjos heas a aotf. "thiis t t 4thth ti i ve hostedba here he white hohoe.e.o early i
9:41 pm
y canll me o' ke3 ld robberyalalcaug ama...and d w polire looking fothe suspec. here'seff... 3
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9:45 pm
3 a cruise shicuts its trip shshshafafa hihi e lantic. royaaribbn's anth of the asking iee isni wasposeto tawetedatrip to e eastern ri i.. the ship ick two day early because e of severe ather. weather.this is the secoco storm-m-lated or t th of tht`seasashihiit was damageonthfter tering tfoot wes and d`rrrrane e wiwi winds.s. teteththto gh psssse ananwesterly wising caca and dry ementstso our herrenen herere a latighs f f tomoowmoly me to uer 60the week'sorth feaearea couple cool downw...mostly clows ne0. nthwewe wind1015 .thursra..tly nny. his 58o 63soh nds
9:46 pm
ght...paly clololo l32 to9.orwedsup t t t t h.riday...paly sun. his 63o 70. north windnd oundndph..fridada night...partly clouds in thr to mid 30seas wiwi to php.sda and tuay n nht...mostly cloudy. highs 580x63. thmi30s..sunday an nday cloudy.ighs to 70. lowsnthe mid uppe30s.onday...rtrty suy with 2percchance r highs to ghantuesday.mostst a snoowne0. s 46o 53..t.tay nht d weesday.y.most cloy.y. ws un n e mipe20s. highs 47 to 53. 3 3
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3 a spananiselel air rce ghter jetstserveir ssrss. seas're ng you onbobod daueue to shehole prlar in tonighghs hohoshoto.n. 33 d...dodo mth thi ststutclk!k!k! t storyehind thihmatiene is c cing
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survllcm videout gegegia.a convenience storclk dermed s u would no tm ofn armed roroer.the n gogoo thcounter toaka pupuhaseseanen she opens e gierhe pulls a gun excnge so wds,the clerslapthgun is nd, they s suge d sh hitsimitthe ca gistweheaw d e abs a hamm, ready for morerelice say the7 year o spect inow in od 3 houstonontebbs king in ore la n n e thentire thing this survllan video.the e bberfirschai thstore's do tt e ba of a pk up tck.e truck thenreakoff thdododol ten fs ruto the store. policeay....theyeyrohe glass cases thre ndns a sle sev
9:54 pm
3 inonight's hotts.... 3 acroheiddle east, u- air force carganes acacayi o r rissito provfitersitthe e ppes y need. 3 now. foxoxgetting a rare glglpspsofhahait's like to insnse e ofofhose p pnes ngng those critil momontnt xs b bananles was er 3we cboard thkc10 to get a snap view t what ththaiaiforcdoeseses in e ieoverq,,ia, an afghht ju u uel, they ll ois pe of capl jijinaololololicicberl itit s s samhe or.berls says: "the capability is staggeng.. w o aost upwawas f 600,000 un and w wcafly under fueledororlmlmt 15 urur. . cananboboe almo indedenitelylyith h fueling capabili." tht brights... therew shs us how they cateir fighter planake ts
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mimis awawawthth, the e kc01demonslrow i i i passss fuel the fhter om operasays onc ththreceiverplat ose, ap a r r about a fooper seco until the twos ke's's job that t reires tremendous ececion. rrrr ssz "it's's inherertltl dangerous.. aftea a il comes seco natate. you stan me e susu youou ytytng safel. ju t t that't't " t tng, ,p,p - fe erydys me their fils."theyls sheds w e cargo aircetreueled.d. p pne to o o e e w w w liesesn n hi can geressfuat tis,s,rew meersay they weweome e allee. hea says: " lthis acr itono way and goike the furtrt better."cam tag) and e e -10s be an fuel.anes cananjsjs ususo bring uit andh suppor@oneas
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3the pentag i iing r a goodacacrs. t t its nonecessarily for the reasons you k. think.alotheiriunuq ram boocybebe
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o yryrktptm and sareae cha ving to dealalalalwiwi cle
9:58 pm
y yan w w w w w wenever.. why do you guy keayinthat? it the fst rul sinines a,"
9:59 pm
p psmsmsmfr c cturyrynk. in tonight businesne... 3 the peagon is asng for a cybetack.... and it'no . joke.e e nspaments inviting hackerso tran brin t t mility' networto tesit lnerilies.t e hackermust bvettif ty nt trticip..`havevebmitito ckground k.ce tssss. erwillllav access to somemilitary nek.the pagon'ss m mt nsitive twtwill t be part of the program kick month. after being grounded foreven eimenl, olar-p-peredplane return
10:00 pm
ar impulse" smashed e recoorhe longest, solar-red solo flight last summer, with alight from japan toaii.but overheating tteries foed e plane stop it'sempt fly around the wod.if evything goeas plaed.. the solaimlse two will contin is attempt to fly around theorld osola poweat the end of riri 3 3 we a worki on the storieright now for fox21 wst 10. 10.oplele killed toda afr a ane crhein hern corado..wherer investigatortook the wrka andusushow ng itl tata uil wknowor swers 3 plus... falies towch inde a cououhoususas a muer triales vererer wrong rn. 3 and t everythirows in ace t appare peoe can.naays scotkey y came back a few ines talr. fox21 newst 10 ptarts 3 happeninright now....


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