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tv   FOX21 News 630PM  FOX  March 4, 2016 6:30pm-7:00pm MST

6:30 pm
a horeeads so quickly.. tak sut the xt d or r ighblr h tay thehdama. 3 us... ifou'vev plad ack-a-le. you know what stre cwsrep agnst! how you n he with th pothole probm. 3 and. 2 2years o latete. poteiay incrimating evidovereded that uld've put o-j s)mpson ay for mu. 3 3 ododveningndhanas s r t joinusi'm urerra a hoe inheheoueastar heprgs gupupn flames t ts rnrnsett r e ononirir fox21'1'dy fheus ririt now leses.. ...d th morning around eley pows and trozhan took rerere about twenty ftes s the fler con. but in that time... deroyed and
6:31 pm
.. 3 neigs ll us heaea vevevelolo booms durintht t(t( earliepapapaf the rewe still n't kn what actly the bos cod only ok a matteofinesor e e es to gulfhe enen h fme acacngeneno twen et off the oro... d to tide. cating neighborhouse fe...the mo scking ing is tt erytng hpened kly... myomas tryintoigige t if anye was s t t h vse d the owneproaed her and idhitwo do we in n phe use, but by me t hseasoo@o nend tre w notng we'd be le t/ doo ge there. fi c c haven conrmed if the twowws n n e hous nthey're stilinvestigating thcaus of t firirurenen. those pey potholes a a p pblembut no er repth.. om your r pne wthth cici's *go csp app 3 fox21' bisisisive to show us how lau....hen yorst open app... tenu gis you sel tions. to report
6:32 pm
new e. ce adanan co you'd l l.. youan dd ahoto of f a ctanfo o for an te. then you'l to o o enenr the lolotiananju likehaety kn rair needto b made. . 3picay thugugthe h ofof fery a a i imarch weathedoesn'allow for road repairs tomade. bubuthis sese is dier year..fromanubirstst ththugh e end of februru jpstver 68 hun pholes been filled. cre tha to thiyear... in t se ti perio me than 74 hunurethol have been rereireded and over eleven hured o& tho were rerted"colado spring covers or 194 4 squailes.
6:33 pm
ofoaoaay to tain mby lkllg g g st ls usnoin advce tgout anget ese things f f f." re sererie ways you canept tholeses lialling tivion n popopopoit on th's weweite.weaveit poolfiin tt out ery y hehe alwstoe t.www6-6- it'sm ough in e wint and e stets are e ear, th're ther" 3 nonothapp ree... to o download it... jt arch go-sprinr ou ju ratr call the number 385--. 3 to t camign trl no.. 3 doctor ben carson officicily ending his g-o-o boday. but that doesn'tean hel stop rallying rereneururgeon now becong n nional chairman r "mfaitvote.caon willead the oup's call to chriians tvote on n november second somelos toda..nde'll
6:34 pm
metelogigi jeff wock has more itoghts foxast st. 3maolfront pmoveack a bit l lt nit.fullnd forecast
6:35 pm
3 a fin easterlo unty... isully outut toght...woays afr itit artene theuerfo burd just300 rerush ando ructur werdama 3 dahththt aormeweld . coty sheriff depy ca testiffor e osion at theitrurr trl.rmerepy tofaldis is accused ofofof kli his 28 ar wife ashshy -- at their evanome back in january of 22. 12asey's deaas inity r aui.. enenhe ce s reopenedn apriof 2014.dnsnsns atrneys s @ashl wro a sue note aear r d d bere h dthisowow in i@ ree e dsdsdsththiast mah th 3sten at praills ta ge kbit. a@aovorcr this as *sdede studentstsabout veraftft scnc. asox'shrti dadowoczin. isas about more than n chnogy chriina? 33 it's about taking that 2t t tetenogy andsi it to crea solns 3 stem club members fr
6:36 pm
theiknowlwdge the test. plaing t physif hovercrcfts to neay a hud d stst. . thototo o taarinatatg how a 3-s.s. to leow a leablow veraft can lifstudents. o st clulusten were at eachork station.n. lvivi th to sw qstio fm their audience 3 3 "ooal with thiprograis age in a menrshihi s ere u ha you k pareretherids.s. at's really efive d werful relationse ststents a a engaging g g her studtsts the stem club has been tierview me school for yes nobut the been ing ononograovov e year ana half.. ordetotoave stutentsts reach ououto o stunts. laur.. 3 ill ahd.denc suteteinhe-j s sps cas case.. caaer weapemnehien nor decadeo naha it erd y no 3 plus loto trtrge calls flflthe 1-dispatch ce..t wheputut shed dp ts faly's or -e was ing bubu laughter 3 ies staying g ou today...
6:37 pm
ff h your cote
6:38 pm
6:39 pm
3 .tonightoslyudy rl he engnghecong pa clos s the lor 30s.outh winds up to 10 clcldy. 58 to 64. south winds tphith h h gus to aroundn35 mph.saturda nit...mostly cloudududows s
6:40 pm
day...moly dy. high 66 t t71. west winds arod mph..s.sday ghgh..most cloudy. lows near 40. west 10o15 mph .mdaclcldwith a0 rcent chan of rain. highs 5259..monday`night. cloudy with a percrnt chance of rain. . .tuesday a t mo cloudy. h hhs 45 to 52. lows t mo uppes..wsday a weweesnigit...rt dyhigh5151o .ws 0.rsdathrough fr..ary dyhigh 58 to 66. . e lower to
6:41 pm
6:42 pm
6:43 pm
33 tig's's's shs... 3 a two-yed gigiuth caroli nded s/me help getting s dla 9-1-. asng ispatchersrs h to pup herloloes on.when deputinded the eeted d theront door by leah..who had just one egeg of the tiesesayay all the rough cas they gn a .. thilittleirs quesesbrought heloof ( y. 3 3 to have a le girnninin upo the frort door, asng meo pu h pan, it w t h hight o day, , i loveit." ."."aalih'anhebs wahiert thtind d ishhad caed anyozo, let alone 911. 3 ill ahead. it't'a challegee @ ou a a bre. s stiti aside our ones... and joying quaty meme wh nds anfamily.... w stomers reacacng fifis w caai
6:44 pm
thprop oncbelointo o-j j mpsoy li s a a icer hid the
6:45 pm
6:46 pm
3 maki headlines across amica... 3e e a-p-d hacovea -e -- possiconnd to
6:47 pm
ni bimimon a r goman.urdeha siwas trd acittefoin h icizedrial. . otmcan s this dmatic development. 3it'seen more thatw yearsrsie e rld ngn ertwist d d , , the o. sps trialnd tay, other leluapt. drdrein,os ael poli) the actualtem is described aniknife, ssibly fnd on o.j. mpsopformer bntwood tate nrly two decas is bngngted for ns evidepo say pposly ge the knife .p.d. poofficeceworking curity on a movie se that officer ld onto(capt. andrew , los angeles he held on`n totot just recentl we dheanwe have now rec it t wiin thlast month.o.impson was trie 19999and quitted t4 stbing dehsex-wife, nilele browowmpsonoand ronald goldmathpposeded murder weaponas never rececered, onlylydding to the mystery ouing the se.the former ld detective on thehe se't rdy to jump conclusionce odet. tom
6:48 pm
(ret.)i thininyohava to try keep thisn n n persctive.hiknife apparent was roverer some yrsrsroununmeme whe e sevevel heknesn anarndndperts wewe recoveved d turnedr ople..ns tng cld nfirwhher iss kfe i r nect the caset evenenit is, j. simpsononwhisurnt prin nratedes i rever ofthe okn thisase.(ct. a arew neimlos lepolicewe could arger. simpson the homicidess alrey been chargh causu#he's been washon, , i'm scmcle. *uninid s* *u*ud 3 mcan3 3 thnitetions*s now backckapple's futo break tohe i-hhoone of t bernard te. ththf-b-i has obtained a ororr mandating e te to writetware th wld ov t phonenescsce .an o o ale h so fa sied. ththunited nations top humaritsts ol ys
6:49 pm
ma t t sitananprivivy milil pple lnerleesveveve gontand inin i sa app's encptio chnogy blos lala rcent'abitto ther intelnce teist threatat new n ll fin 8n amamican vots fe t t countris rea tpua n in oval ofthis up from 06. en jt 6060 rcof americans said yes. and this iterest *m*m* arreely toay era isdy a a female presidt.t.wius percent om sayinyemped neaeay 85 pntntn.n. along partrtqtqtines s-- 9 peenenof domratststs yey.. mped to 68 pnt of repuan ng up next...airlines a shining w he rtance of saty for paenge -- lirally. literallat thinew ligh b fornd h it cod protecyou omerer.
6:50 pm
6:51 pm
6:52 pm
a fututustayoplelelthy ithrighnobobo i depi a seang thtsnsns js.s.s. je.thnologygy would u u u-v light, wch killsore than 9pet ofms.and then tire bathro w/wld uminathrhr seconds after ithe e works.(.(.utated t tle
6:53 pm
e the ti surfa is exp tv light. chicfil-a g ng familili b b btogetherer ragyet custo to cl es whi ting theirs ef shows us s e 3 rest chain chick f f a a hatchi lan get phones at lur dinnerime isme and s a great concto inamilies gegeerthe operator at the gia chick fil camep wi thedeae ter sesenginers pay tention n the cell oneses an eache c cd thllhohooop challee s re o o oe ""e ey ll i )nd tput l r ce phohos thr th 4 t e e of e dierr nc thegeanance cream httstsfpeyey le to geththugh the al utickip theill phone?at irrectehy get rerded ban ice cam by st pnghe cl phinin cfree desfor ll phonemeae m sinc you think aut how mue we spend on o`r phonessties show we aalf houra we are saddi ececologth ds that ally disruruing ou tionships and sois a e for r e yonene
6:54 pm
isnonoer qion whe are to al bacacce pne use en at the e e dididi tabi s just t te r to to pupu phonein a bask its likimimim d mine 24 7hers s be to nge i rerelyonlikeke havgnthe cell phoe tatae i usually have re if therethilly impot going .we t to cnect wn a wi each otas muc poss. 3 ififour family iup forhe chchlenge. mor0 reststras arki part nationwiinclud chick fifiheren southernrn coloraraone`onighwayan outlbouordrdn pu r nentain sa
6:55 pm
3 what's the resofhe week likwewel tellou.u. after the break. 3 3 ththe crmerykes are ich and creamymy i ow. filly a shakr anficiciado like mys wawq. yore aficionon noa icionadoththth do. -w-(chucklah.ll, perhs ddbe one too.
6:56 pm
op the pressys. "i i icoldld ete. p p it. new slow-ced creamehakes re pmium fro bou bro sugd d d shes a hpr 8 .(cckck five-time world ampionon evanr "real deal" lyel rsus t t $4 re deal frarl's jr. a a arbrd dole cheheebger, d a crisis y chickewiwi, us smallll
6:57 pm
ter rnd, aftoundit theeavyigig chaion...
6:58 pm
6:59 pm
7:00 pm
th$4eal deal acaca's previouslylyn py hollow:thbeac is` too too .tt w wes theatur, bubu do not come. know yr trantion homee is a trying one. bie:'t eat or sleepepor a year. time was flat tjrcle but do n worry.i haven't comply lostsit not yet, anyway. u saved me-, yours. (panng) (gnts) oh, n, shen goodhape (seaea) alice! alice!


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