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tv   FOX21 News 9PM  FOX  March 4, 2016 9:00pm-10:00pm MST

9:00 pm
pothole problem? the cy says
9:01 pm
33 fi sen plum ooke into the a.. atlde en f m tpisfton.. 33 d.o-j simpn is making henes once again..ter a knife possibly "the k kfe" " ifod h f fmer op t no.. 3 wenoalo hoho peskpothes sm toever leup. bubuwithhe warm... dry weatatwe've been gettttg... cws have been leo covea lot more ground. first ox2121onight.. x21's ta blls us howe canet the city kn en a pothole prwbl 33 tytycally througthmontof febrry and io mah the athedlow road repairto be madebut th season is s diffffent>-- th"whave eigig p filling truc that are ou evdathe r a lows them outhen 's warm enough in theter and e sts arcl t there.e.--cro
9:02 pm
february tyear w%wve fylledver 4000 pututt in coarison tlast yr duri e me te period wfill st or 6,80"ovle hundreofhosee2porteded by d
9:03 pm
cocorado water utiliti.. founvnth low ono leevel a iay ful emala e ltlt relse day.y.werom s s seg inecec wifithths f cococococoll p p-s-s a a p-f-o-a.. which were widely ed in tick cgogo co. 3 happeving g now..... vestare lookininto the use of a fire that almost dtroyed hou. and burnedoughly fif rcenenof another this rng... 3it startedd elev f ne pers d astrozan bod...smoke ulbe serom mileawayay. t t multire e ers about twentymimites to g t flamesnd ctrol...fo1' ko fisher j&ins us n wiore...ody? 33 nghborsrs were qutly going out thr day h....d s memee pruraring foyard sale... wh alla dden.they saw w e smoke anard a loud nois.. 3 soi ard the firsboom and thght as f ft rson d en i heahe o oer bo and t tn e flamemthen esoff my
9:04 pm hbororsait c ce beenne t tksune e use.--"we loed dow thstreet t way nocethe flames coming up,` so i ibbbbphe and got on with 911.--th me it tookokim to dowow stet and give th@ addrs of the hou9191 he saye entiti h hse enlfedn flames o and a a lf m mutes."-- "be the fire e department got here the en ba half theousell ou theidnd erytngas e eulfed.he re probly comingifteen towentntet off theop of the roof."--his typef fin fst aived cause ofmmf re e wnvnvveckly eso a defeivfire wre wedon't aoweoeoe insi, because ofhreat of claps" nenes saeye e ver se firite e ke ts e.-
9:05 pm
woogsi these heime he fire...they d p t them but the es wstroro... re cre aren't confifming phe dogs were@n the hohoe or not...and theieiill investating the cause at th time... 3 you y have okming from the e rt caononrea afternoon a a evening. 3 a wifire is burnini on pos rit soar.. h bubu aut50's t 656565 percent ctained. fifighgh aorng t brine es under ctrol frfrand a d their. causmamas unde investigat 3 fire in stern pueblo unty... fully o tonit.wo days afit started d d t t to veururd o or r r res orush no ructesere dage certrin looked d we d d od sof w w wewehetodawhich ululhe the fi d dr.r.t itever relyappemeteorologist jeff womackes alook noin thfo cast. 3 ieieclngndem bit cohereook atat wa up wewermi sun!and
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still eded to 60egreeseven warmer sunbere cool early next weekwe wl okok aththn a uple
9:07 pm
judgs 3 thhe dgrules s 3 e rules th the daughters of a formemewewe cocotytyheriffff deputy y n testy for the precutn at tpeir thererd trtr formem depeptois is accuseseof killingngis 28 year d wishley -- at eir evans home back in january of 2012.'s death was inially y d ice.n" thenhe caseps openedn ap 2014.defens atatateysahleytete sue te@ear and lf erereath.llow lives in inaith his ththe ds.the triastts march 14 3 memetime...a popoce k k helps rere a fugitive orado ngs s travis fredeck was wantn fiveve felonanantw sdememr waar tan into custo todayt a homememesnset road, off&cac poudre street. ofrsrs whentried tot him he tried toscape -- andnd the k-9 ok himown. 3 tig a-plune.. 3 sten are taking 21 y lo and u o crte solutio... eye alsoakinwhataty y led.. andnteachingngther . herere theacts of this
9:08 pm
ose udre m mbers of the stem cb atatimbervrvw mile schchl.ix of f h went ove prairie hil elementary..o ach ki about t vercft science. the udts set up ththe wo .. lng eh wi two ududts....est projt.. ananer eso. foxhristi dawidoelthis stor rationship. is so portan 3 nats))om ad prinr to a af-blowercrafthehe studentso see an exencrafscience. chiesner 1 5th gde` "s"srydytan castro gr- h gr at timber middle sc lub membmbmbit fee wed miaela hieieie 10- 5th` grade ause ias gonna fa."astrtr-12th ade - 7th grgrgr at ererewiddlschoho - stststb er "you're o o lancncanyou're jf f e oundit's a mov engetudents intete tivies.. fm scnce, tenology, enering an math. matt fackean engineering degn tt tmbemimilelechool "our mainocus with st centu . arng a aececology o e problems. not so mh juju t tusthnogygygy bubu iorpo t chlogy, t t ito te lutions.and that means prprenting each activi.. andnd aninququtis.yl de stro12th grade - 7th gradertimberview mide sc - stem ub member t's li reay nerve wracng, bububuyou u ed to
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group sdent"matt faelma eineeng digig r atmb middle hool "our gogoith h is progogog to gegen orshso whe yououave r par dedsthtteall fective anpowerf reon wheretu e engagaother studts."teachers add these stem activities a, introduce stents tfieldshey may wa to rsue..n the turedyn astro -th grade grader at tiew mdle school l stem cb membmbi'm thinki itd i can also impress my fen in hool abt what d when s in venth grade.olorado springs,s,hrirnana didjc fo1 3 chtudede g to lk away with aandoutoveraft to tata ty y d ach eir s what thelelened d oo 3 it is n/t scnce fictioanym anymorerstill tonit... see how pviously exnct anals could d retu h wld... all anks to d-n-a rearch. 3 pl..broncos cker wbe lite busy thth sprfindha
9:10 pm
now... d`s s en 25 si this v v v shocked the coury look back att the rodney y king li b bng i icong u next 3
9:11 pm
9:12 pm
five-te world am evander "rlyfififi the $4 real d dl f"om carl's$. a arbroid dodo ceburger, and a crpyspicy icn sandwi, pl s f fes d . , ter round, afr round, after rouou it t t hvyweig cmp.. of dea.
9:13 pm
ririnow.w. 3 beetwtye yearar dedeaptured anrrest ththped u-u- oron nch thi19-9 orgeolay recorded this ene from hpartment lcony inos ows l-a-a-d offirs beang dney kininking, wa blacac was@eleased two ys latehout bei charg. in a ail 19-92ur lice officers wecqtt ofririnal charges inhe led to violent riotthern californalxact 20 years later,und ad i ihis swming poooo a sastorortonight...countrtr music ngerfeek has lo heh battle wivica er.e was prprlylyest arof the husnd an duo. ey and ry. she d very publigh ainsthe diseast ano r husband's when it adadast ocr... she told fs she was stng her treatmtsrorylogged
9:14 pm
y 's greqeest drdrcame tr tod. . she isn heaven."." ee was just 40 0ears old 3 t ama has messag g-o-presidenal ndidid..quote- "america is doing etty darn great right w.speang o obs and t econy ahead of aeeting with his economic advisers.. e mmander in chiefefays ththmbs do@ not l.. dada sws arica h created w w bs for 72 ight months.he then criticed some of theandidas..(for suggesting a reversal of t t poes he credits wi digging e u-s outpof a recession. t. 3 on supup satatda..voters i i fi statas will 3 caststallots fordentnt both pill voteten kaas a l lna louiana.a.repuicans will ucususn kentucky a&a maiae. anmomos willaucu nebraska. neas.the candides have e pued out all the stopspsor voteteteananone of f thrace a togetr togeermaryoley expla 3 (ted cru) pridenal candate): "godle c-pac." reblandidadas stump at the coervative@itital actionfee.(joh kasich/(r) pdential candidat: "i hike the little eine that c."one jor noshowalumthe
9:15 pm
an -- oer t t aignna truru ididalanditado ow thain f fri tle e e rubio ch."thththu teamg hopes to attd cp nexyear -- as t.(marar bio/(r)rpresidential candidatat: "he doesn'belo at a conservrvive gathering donald trump is not a conservative."one who did showben rson.(ben carson/fr esenti candidate)e)"he o ople wove me t tjust won't t vote forore.ut it' ok."telling a captive crowd 's susing his bifo president.(ben carson/rm alal cante): "i am leaving ththcampaign tra inst-- cson n ll chair oup fofod d getting out the christian tebucarson s a ing(ben carson/forr presential canaidate)e)"if destroy the unity ofof the paryou're ing to make it vy y sy for hiary to w."ted cruz a ao spoke e e about clinn, but his initial comment about hehe democrat rival w what caught the group offuard. (t cruz/z/) pridtial cacaide): "i agree with h ieie sanders." cru(r) pridtial candidate): "whingn unmelycoupere's ere i disagree witieieif the problem is ternment t
9:16 pm
t't'have whole l more govemes.sanders s ping for a imary un(bnini ( pntial candidate): "ware listening to t amerin people."as hihiary clintosts laser foseseononeparatininppf frepublicansla clto ( prerential caidate): "all t republanandidates suppor the saailed poli."i' 3
9:17 pm
tohe woman mthe mi90 showstopper.... yore right.. ite to set this biree. otkit goter of .. feelinhungry?? w 'boutua donut? i'm hloodedm hot t oo whet's's -yea o
9:18 pm
9:19 pm
3 .tight.moslylcloudy eay in the eveng then beco paly cudy. lows in the lo3030 s sth windsp 10 cloudy. ghs . soh nd10o15phith gusts to aroun mphatda night.mostlyly cloudy. lows
9:20 pm
da..mostly clou. s o o we winds arod10 mph..sunght...stly dy. lows nea40. . st wi1 to15 mph. .mony...oudy y y 3 rcent chancein. hi 52o5959ondby y nit...mostly 20 percent chanf f raansnow. lows near 30..tuesdayndsday t.t.mostly cloudud hig 45 t52. wsinheo upper 20s..wednesday wedndnday ninini...blyly cl. ghs o 57.lo ar 30.rsy ug
9:21 pm
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9:23 pm
mimi30s. 3 ...33 3 going arouou the wor nit... ththities seize isis unormsnotorioudrug wan ahae of scenery.d ehri anals coululcegain roam e eart 3 authoriein spaineized 20- ousand unirm. en t t eqp an army j j fighrsrsthe opatioio targeted a ausess nek that alledup minitatata equipme to terrorisisspain's inteor nist saythe ififms were shi to areas s cocorolllly isisisaqnd sya.shipping contataers were labelels seco clothes.xican druglo "el chapo" is havihguchard time in prisononth hwawas to be extradit to e u- that's according to
9:24 pm
chronically sleep-deprived and is getting sicicso hwas be traraferred tthe s, where eady to plead guil to drugraffickingngngbutp toeyfyays the e e lord would do that only if he he in a a medium- prison and *not* in isolation. realalififju p scieieiete havn e est toring bacacimal ba fm tinc scientisrom@russia a h rea ararpth reice agagve cub to cle thtxt creaturesearchchs arno ng tfifi livintisss cont d-a in e mas ofhe c cto the e ect animal. 3ere's a similar pr where scntis a mpti to ononmammotot using the pro.abbi..3 ststl to come tonit asox nene at ninene conones...lowere gaprices could mit mor afab youo aw th sinwewel ow you ho 3 seeikikiknew research is comi oai
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9:27 pm
3 in tonight'sealtert.. 3 researchers finding g edcecehat t e zika vus es sious birth dt... ctct.s has
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zikas sps`ad by mosqto, anin mt opleses no than millll.t it may inked serus birth defefe.. causisice pregnantom.nob study isis p pdingxpenen evce t v infect@ anharmmbryic cel tha hplp fm the braimi s here'sincaon becse these ceces argegeti t t othecellllto pulatthe brain,n, thaans ths a potential ...i.iouu th aft ition, thererananncin c athsf thiseul progenitor clsthese findingso no*pro* zi cdidion in which baby is bornrnsmall l ad d d a brain at hast developed prprly...the ud thors are gingck further rear to nd out .song says:as a scientisn nv in soc a mak tion right a a bee ineral our resech takes dec to iact onociety, , but in thisase ldlde ve st@ mosqto t carrs the e rucod arve in t conntal united states a april may.the obamadministrati callin lawmers to
9:29 pm
ombat zikakaearnrnt "it'imrtt for ress not asleept thswch en wha signinint gi threa""e hoe also aouncg ans fofosusuitext t nt .p.helelng sta heah officials learn w w control the spspsp of zika andreat inctio new y yerin mccue, fews. introducing foods that cally cause les toto ildren ssize t tth.. hetop fatal acacon hese foods. research reasedast ar swewe exexsing iantso ts of peut but. lptect mamahildrefr develg udy.. couctetebybyhe s sgrouof scntiststsfound that the prot effect la a arar aft the cldren oppensinthan aecond sty.. resechs trier od known to produce allergi..
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milaexexrtsay th udoffeeviden it may time e changsomeon estatahed feinin recommendatitis. anwewearng autore e befi you idofofedrininrshere new sear showsffee maacally lr ing multiple sis.thstudfound people who a aragesix psps y -- we mo ahird less likely to he ms than non-drin. auths stress no one should kiki up eir ffee habqt trd o m-s...s thtill h h't't gured ouwhth link ists 3 were goingcross americ tonight toouthern li 3 whe a knkne that r rortey tutued up j simpn' er he.s w w in yzyz by y angeles police poli.theye okokg for ry ssible connenenen to the 1994 sbbing deaths of sisisin's --nd h fend. ie.fos joth hunt s mo from los anle s angelice are investiging the stor a knifrerendndie simpson'sstata constrtion worker suosedly
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motiti of e enood ho yrs agoand d turned it ero a w-red cewho ke it.t.neiman sasa: t has ened our l l. ey areoi t stud and exami ifor r r all fonsnss,s, inclung selo a a dnand hair r sales d th is gog as we s saksison s acquitd of the 14 stabbing aths of his -wife cole brown simpsod hefriend n mawhat becam the muer weanlhas s s be a stery r decicis. says: w wnvved waback en. more tn a dozen kneses area.nof them tched up th oj. and i t one has be careful,hat t isould justanother d rrin" soso legalnalystste expressi doubts about is f ey pnt simpsocann be tried again... because of doub@e jeopardy protectionsnstewoldldld sass: "i"i going to ink at sntnthis knife findg is just someg th is a . i mean, whnono w this kfe?"mercntays:s: egal it's ingnifan cae c cnobe re- for is. wldt admisslen a court l." ce are lookikiki into whether criminal arges could be filed ainst the ex- officer o held onto the knife...buintealalal administrativehargre
9:32 pm
now rerered.ininos a aeles, joan hunox new 3 33 re areome ifhe stories re worright now for x21 newst 10. .a new approach to fighting cancer has resears ious oisti 3 baca oanal. burely emaated 2year-o ged o o o at mbhe roadcovery.. 3 clninga boo fusosohat if it did f y you?a lookt e wa o ture istl to ce togh.. an..von miller is rtainl ngdvantagef s new und mefifi outhat hel beoi cing up nex sporor. 33 3
9:33 pm
9:34 pm
s anan anthe's s olhomemevr ususonon odendptionsns you uanch whaver, whener and? whwh yous sayg th? 'sheirst re improv. by sayayg "y a,",,,,,,we accepthrealy cr o comy rtnerspaul.s, right, i know. do you le a hoywd insisis
9:35 pm
its me now f t t rocky undars s ks
9:36 pm
we know how von mill lks in orae dnblue... t what t p shs anseses? sequins?the super wl 50 v-dlse mpete e pcoming seseon ofancih stsr isxpteto be join by alpro wi recver antonio oiame 3 3 dadaasowys quarterba tony romdy go uer thehenini.hes scheduleto havsurgy stngthen a wk arbone. broke itwice s hengngngbebely reaea ly. 3 3 the falcs hahassued an olaf@oh ste coerererli app said d of theiredim iaproiauestion n last's n-f-l ngngng coine.pppp said d duriri an interewn cot sportsadelphiaia- that a cocoh asked him if he liked men. he said ioccuduring e of t many rvrv tecoucthth n-f-l dra prososcts.d acacinto applwas thfit quti thcoacasashim 3thggggs on theou night ta othe ooyn
9:37 pm
rit t ..e %l 119-11 and ecthis o.. las nit in aattle foance at stete chahaionsp..two nnnna school skll t tuzzere beatatininour r r e llerthe first ofofhree camemeft a me free t t put waca up 7269 at the d ratio. mahall pushing thll up p urt to trtr lanho rattles in three pointer to send thgame into m mshall up 94o 91 in thfil cos trd overtimriod.. se s sik back wi this ll c pr thropsps in tsend the ge to a fourth overtime. now.. witite e tied0.. . timeunni out...... waseca hi runng g e-pointetout hall ay for od ey'll now gon to cpete for atatchamonsh in e e nnesota class a tournament 3 miiollar discove i made insid oldldic. attic.see what w f fnd...anan consideredrare ter r r fox21 news at nine ntinues..... here's ff... 3 3
9:38 pm
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9:40 pm
9:41 pm
.tononhthn.m cloududearly vening then becomi palyuds he lower win up to
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wind10 t15 mith sts to aroun mph.urda gh loy. lows s 33 to9.est ndound10 mph. unday.stl. ghs 66. . stin y cpoudy. ws near 40. west winds o15ph. .mday.clouy with a0 peent of rain. gh to59.ony nit.mostly
9:43 pm
chanf f raraanow. .tueayndsday nighgh..molyloudy. h hhs 45o . wsin the m t per s.eday a day cloudy. hihi51 t.lolo near 30..trsy roh fridayay.parary clou. highg to . lo inthwer to mi3030
9:44 pm
9:45 pm
spngaks s ststere . atean s tior a ttle vay.we'lok at f this year'trends co up... and...lly ions op firefigs helpipi dog g chit out
9:46 pm
9:47 pm
9:48 pm
3ight's hot shots.. 3 fin w hampmpire bre illy temperatures
9:49 pm
hice xoea a dog rand ie taylor rithe dogojued intth andenack she anan a v cni 's eecd makaka full rero. 3 a fami stumbles on a rtunun. siheir greagrandfr'r'... seveor tco cardsrinted in n e early y 20th cenry. perfecy-preservevecacas s re foun a cled per baba. there are only5 milar rdrdknowto ectoonappraisesays thbestreserv of those` seven car$calyell r mo than a milln dolllls. 3 and ulyou like a sf cleangathrhr t t enneers s boeing have crted e..b it'not fofo homese... rath smell airplaoomsth lane makera patent r a self-cleaninthroom.. that us traviolet t to disinft l rfacesjust thseconds.boei s ss ey ano use e r v.. wch sisienan the wavesd
9:50 pm
yst stililneeds totudy the em ftherefore ri i iirs.s. 33& in tonight's sma savings alert..... 3 uld you u y etxtra cay?acrding to a recenen ey...most hah the workrkrkresddingng saithey wowod pay eicompany r additional days off. off.e price g fomo dada?onverage23 bks dathat couork out we... espeally since there are lof y sasava deals t t now for a a spriacataln. wn n u shouododoothat getaway. 3 readad h h thehehed?w mit behehte. acrd dal dl site tail-m----earlrl thirirf peopleartipati itsurvepl to ke a spring vacay(sarskirboll reilmenotrends eer: "6 of americs are planng toral and d` knonothat ey plan traveveand book eitiet b 30 d 3838
9:51 pm
me'ta a skirir/ menonotrds rt):the bebebeime to bookalis right n a a / retatanot trtrtrt): "in fayou are going to fdiscount to 29% on hotels a airfare sosomes thst d dls are juju a d d(sara skirboll/ tailt trds rt): "causgas inexpensnse t now, war ally finngngt t a t people are pg totau a litt cser to he is ye. stofpendndg money airir, theyant to enan extouorwon eir r caca"d yocan use th e e eeey to spre fun aivieringour tr.avavthsh you xt bay 3 on... u n't have to a galaxy far... faway to get your nds on the test star wa movie. movifindndut wheit is beinreleased on demand and on d-v-doming up.. 3 ananrecalls could be on the n fowhwh
9:52 pm
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9:55 pm
in tight busess ws.. p3 marketrching 3 inonight's bess nene... 3 the marketetmarcrcng thr another week wh eihe high...lcome change . teatumumuuous holidayeasoso seonondavias gs uy s.3 ppbrry jolt...orobs. ecocomy adding4200ew jobsast nt tha thece so more pple enteriri the l force d inininr wobut bummer on thjobs ont.^.ourly wafallini slightly.stks rising on fridaythdow up for three straight weeksksmetime, gas dvivimarch... like a a lion.t e pumpmp riring a ain, now upup for 10 raigigal avgallon o regular unadedosti .8 but kp ind thatat ound 6cents wer an thisime lastear.and you
9:56 pm
up. the vernment inveveigatatmore thaha 0 the popar pick-up trtrks, den 2013ndnd014. ere growg g complaints ababbrfaures.the ininststatioiould lead ta call.that's busins.s. i'm dadad!asn. 3 if you've goa g sports aut.. iti totoo opping. 3 thananly fil apter 11ankruptcy.y.bubusays itcu laltygram wiwi connue withouany s.. for w..and d will hor waanesn n item rchad at i storeor onli.wever ifou he a sports audhocara it b bt totot asoon n ssss..thcacacould d d worthles thenyoes out ofusines 3 sney cruise nn itituilding two n%ships. the new are duled toe cod by two ousand 2 spsil each have about 1,1,0 staterms, and will b slightly larger than disney's s newest sps, disneyam and sney fantasy3 d thrce isisoming your hom"stawars: the
9:57 pm
memeideo iapril. the blockbuster wie availabl prcse on demand beginning apapl l rs blu-rararad d-v-ril fifth. k-l-a t tg bring mik th---e tegy ---ng cususme toto dch the cell es while eating's jenn l hmeme s uthaction. 3 restaurant chain chick hatchi a pto get milies tput dodo cell phones adinn.luh timer r r erime isamiltime and that is greatancept to inging familtogether operator at the gea chick fil ca up th t idea a afseng ders s s more attentto their cl ones thanh her. its cled e ll pne coop chlenge s square on table theyey it coco a theput aa eir cell pnenetheir th at the of the e nner nch time they ice cream thats if ey are able to get throthe meal withoputickingp their cell phonthat i icorrect tehyet ed by an ice cream by just p p png thel one in the ca freeesert t for a cece phone free meal mes since when aut muchchime we spe on our phphesudies show we ar averering fur and a houra day. are so addicted technololy eses days that
9:58 pm
challer everyone to pu ththr phones away ll it rk is athern whwhe some y wear gone to dial bac event er t t t ththk s juju late for us totoo put our cell phones in a basket b bausetsike imim glued to minotot s they'd bup tchallelele allylyont like havavg th cel phone at ble i usuay onlyave it there if theresomething really pot going we stay connen th eacototr asucas ible. 3ifiy is sp for the chalngngnge 350 restaurants are ta pt tiondecluding two
9:59 pm
cocoraonon highway 50 outltlbon pueb e otot fntain sa roadese park in f fntn.. 3 3 we are working on these stories right t w fofofox21 t . 10.ansgenenradansay soon tangeheir rth certifices 3 fifttime is the cloud d the s s..s ace off at sunset 3 gainin ight....a 2 yeye dog.adly emaciated.. doing ll...asaser caraker fox21 news at 10-m stas w. 3 3a bi allowinanende corada to chgeheir birtrticates. is o st clor to becomla.. 39 to6 te co s s.. ssedit aows anende' ' 'birt certicat treflecthe ge theenenfyith.h. less of whether not eyeyhad suer ery.the htceicates
10:00 pm
the bill wou alignol la@ birth certificates wi dererepolicies for thosese chgini t cial s%cury portrtanheme e cle-upupt thld king mine.. will pick bacacups spring or earlmmer.. su aust last yeyevil l. accidentally .. trd a 3-3- milliogallonpillf waewer... into ts river.-term memeation ulbeonons or yearsway, evev thoh cal officis@ d gogo john hihienlo haveignef superernd eap ofite. tonht wreing imovemts to the wate ality inountn an ty w wefie. new st resus re jleased today.. 3 theseolololup tests on n water diribubuovystems reveing ther lownon- dectab levelr- ooood mpmpnds. chemals used in mmeria ododtsor carpetstsclhi aneven fightg effort 3 ninwe tyou abou usfireren e spririri mo comeldest onhoe.....d burning fiy peofnoer...


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