tv FOX21 Morning News FOX March 7, 2016 7:00am-9:00am MST
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ththatatckpp ououididths s cou. whenecuritofcers tried sp him from getetet insise..nmann dated plosives thawereap isthe pre e nister pissued ate ndemni t attttk. 3333 ening g ..americs s e ting tdedede fofoer firststy nc.n f idronald reagan psed awayesterd atgegef . 9t:tsososo sg thei sisilo sryry- beyond all e po..ananright now -- fox'lllllwrht h onenef f f fifist.. 3 the e tion is ering ththth li ofofoerst y` rereodod @dy sunut t t age of n netur do o o coesesesp h hrtrtrtlurere33 ntncncncnchehe
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de lt niin h hor..3 repubuicicic candites aa reactil e nenethe mpaigngn trararus y#: " n 1212i s s v`v`d`to opeakak thfhfeagagalibrar we haha a chanano eter, , ad chce to haveinner wi her, i i i iraornary rience."she m%t r sbd --lateresident ronaldeagan whileorking asanressn hohoywd.d.son at thee.ldld reag'siographelonnon interviewed e formerirst ladydydydydyd wrotother ry for the tononsasa"s"s"sas a terfic person`tbebe aroun f fa a dond surprpred a a aat. e world was s testing g p p h w) nanaz eagan*n`ititny ararnow remembing heasas grt fit ladyo @ onald reagagag: rembe t suppt rue her sband.he was assy, classy lady. and nducted heelf in a way everyone could b bprof."." t mrs.s. reagagagasn't't't jt supptitiand's presidenezezezhey wewewe a ao o o known n e deeply i ilove.s sasa: : t t t t noshe gets towiwi rd hey caca together`ag(on-cam ta reagan's funer ararngngng h he t been finali..bushe wiwi be ririt to her hband a his presidential libraryryn
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vvoliticno....and ri susuay'soctic dedete in int, michin ot ndataiaithe ste's govern -- ricknynyr -- ouou *ep d/d over the t cityater@rsisibuhey sosohallend eaths record igornment. gornment.among g eiheed conversatis...bernie sande continued s claim of hillala clininins relationshih ith walll treet...anshshargued his lack of ort wh fighng gtrol...(and the that profififromt. itit:3:3- :%7 7 n.n.ernini sanders: your story is v vin for every disastrous trade agreent and ting f f cocoorore i vote ainst thwa street bailout wh billiaires on wa street destroyed thth h econony,hewewe tngre they saiohohlease, we'll be gooooboys, baba us s ow w wi sasa, i said l e billionaes theheelve bail out walstet32:4 hillary clcln ononun ntro "u talkut corporate greed. the g nufactursell gs to as ch money as ey can make.e.
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make."3 chan voters he to th pollfor their primar ectiontomoow 3 ntuing now with an updpde on t po\iticalandspe... many d dn cuc es h he picked@d esen nomomees. 3 on t republican sde - - donald tru solds the spotanfor the demoats-- hiy clilton has e rityf f ppt. .. 15-stat on ththsvves s veastheir vote-- h alonwithuertrico the $- publican`nominee 3 accordintohe a-p.. on repuican side... candidates need 1,2323 delegates for thminaon.. ouofofhe 112 thahaare @ ailablbl a#aof right now... trtrp leads with 384... followeed c cz with00nd marpubio 51 deges. the deog, rubio has only won e e.. esota.. but snagged pupupu rico by large 3 -- hlaryntonons nunuer one -- wh *one ousand-1 -- - rnie ndererisisar behind th 499
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ins primarsunday n n n. e ne b hurdlon both sis will be the march 15th prab-- in flid.. illinois... ohio... nonono cacana and missoi. p3 ppeng da.. pyon manning the e cowill scusmanning's timentnt. . artingt 11 a-m.m.anancacah conferenen livivght here on fox21 ws well as online afox21 news dot com. 3 the dede broncos announced sunday the five-ti n-f-l m-v-will rete aftete seons antwo subowl victorre he we to the big ga four times y ll... set a mountain of rds -- rning plon footbals t rushmore. manning will retire as the n-f-l'l'all-ti er in n ssinin touchdhdns. passing g ya.. terbk 3 w fosome "good news" ts moe speci ymcs colorado r un ri h wrapped up p ththas.. seon..the 6 evevt plunge started in pueblo baba on
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wi 40 gs of f rnet s`e om centutulink, a family of four can all b b on at the sa tim streg,g, d doadi mov , inrnet's g g g, buthk hair and mp we^e aittle too far. yeah,that notorkingng ch prethe twday ar hoho-rimmed asses, just-sleptn-his-car kinda thinin ah, i miss theumplcrazy une look. bepauliamamai."
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this morns s itity . tter...e mawh petersrs air for bas nad r...ececve ananhebig nor. 's'salyn mcmn ings us the story. 3 first lieud j. pepersas a who w ll ledededtelligt and& hahaa a passion royingng rplas. "just definitity ed to fly and even after his acacdentbebere he pass aws h wa b fln." a 12.2.. peters me t f colorado natitise hishe yter his plpls s engine lost r caug fire. ur mons late.. liry offia r t tbasedo to ters h/hor. "we're here y y causus@ what lt peters did to honor s memond to remember t t the ththgs he did were very
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inemolaylay rnational is fraternal orgazation dedated t t makiking m better people anleerich hahaclcled actor john wayne, waltisney andnform psidede bill in g g3 or 5 years and inct no e, a en mbe wfindwo inviduals that are qualifieded toe in that acand . teon is unquestion qua\a\ied."in nearly its 101 ar histoto, only1 people have been induct into the e y rnional ll ofo fa.. peteonow hds thonorjt'an creded honororit's's quite ree nys rpriseen iastact about it, at heuld ve this k kd of aawawto sosoe postmomomomomo reportg in corado spriris, kamcmackck, fox 21s. 3 3
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one of t "premier of itnd" in the country. countr always the e first full weekend in march...and yeyeerday john martin got t chance to check out this tion-lled norwegian s srt. good morning j/jn.n. 3 skskjoring is compition whe a a rse e anridepull a skier at a faspa thr a course that has tes, jumps and heertid thugugthe , an pelte e sess by missing g teor jumps, and ssinor dppg anof t t rings. the cpetitoto re e c`sh pris,nd tms arere made up randododr
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(nats up natiol anth) 33 i amatchini 3 jori i i iadlle, coradodoijoring nounced /'/'i??? ) a wintmt srt wheheheso s pululd a horse dog (or do) or mot vehiclane pele he lo ii've b bn coming at lst 15 5 5 ars. itws just partrtrt of o r mmunity her ineadvil, coloradodoand a ororgoeses into nuvethatat takenen plsisie 1949. weweo o tw y up por to the race e wee cearea where we d't tch the sno becausepif y yo it gs soft snow get mpn harrison anue. come ay morng at 3 o'clock in n e morng,e t the e et ew f fthththty o leadlle d the ke c cnty adndnddg. we start ading hahaing snow in. there abrus to this nonoeigaspt. horses haulinbuttnd your st ldg tight. grip ititnd dip it! butvrerepeciaficly.... the sker iresifo caing rings on the
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sthilsvigati ski s anmpkppenas e asssed by missing gateoror jus,s,y y miinor dropng a othe ring a it gs eafastit ababt r r d d lf footbalal fi lg in abobo6-1828 sends. that'enouo o o youlpued or anywhwre in the city of advivie.hehe qution bgingo asked...atouldns meone to vunrily sigup r is.the adneli rus mean, w eoplget do this inheheorld. there's thing likekeunningngind a horsthat'shrhrinup ice bes chunng up hind erytime you oss hihi hoe. athththd ofhe day it's jususyoand e hoe anngs and thgatesd the jumps. 16 secos flies pretty fast, y kno i m it'snterining that's f re. highpeedhigh intensit come on down to leville, is awawomom mark youles for the
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thiseal undsreat, esal if u lo spos.get t ism esesntl tv up t t40egs s i iernett r only a month ore! orif you love great uovies... sohern a aent t hey,lelentine, go oanget prism esseial tv wip 0 of inteet for only65 mon hyah [ whip ccks [ normrm voice ]l. get starte withrismssenenal t plpl uto 4megsof intmtnesp st $ a monthor aear.spspd d not be aille in your ea. only frourinin
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nday mni.she s - years-ololhe will w be buri next toer hband- presidenrona r rgan. nextxt. tyon manng the brons will hold a presesconferen disssing nning' srts 1 1. anyou can n tch itfox21 d ononne at fox21 news dot com. 3 's been arsince e people dd ab m msia airlines flit-3737latives of theheicicic have unti *tomrow* to e the airle for the cidede. 3 ne -- the gornme says 242-thound j j jredded lastth...ttter an prictions s economis repw a p pentiti o oa 190-thousaobs. 3 and esent jimmy carara anunced yeerday. he no ngerer needs to reed f cancera okeswomasays... will coinue to s snned -- a resume tment, if needed. 3 for more informati othe stie..ndthers...lo on ourebsite- 1 wsws t com. com.righw..... let's tos over ti f meteorogist juinubs for your irst loorecast."."
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3 here's what's di ts moing.. momoing.g..mnasand olympic gold gnaststndororng.. ing.inis here w ws nus. 3 here's what's trtntnng this mornrng.... morning....gymnast and olympic gold maldouglas s won the "acacu t weekend.her victory gagaer thfirst t ipo the top of the poum sinin winnghe lympicalnd" in ldo 20-12. .s-dareport.. shehe
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s mornrnrn$health aler.trtrucing g fos ic cse allergies to cldren n o s%f m -- may h hp p top* fatalareacti ttse fos. thth couldldhanananana lilirechch sweweposinfo o tspppn-- pppnpn butter helped protect nyhildren from developin a aeco------ resesherpied d rcate ose results wth other foo known prsducee aergies... and the ltltry r r henunuststy. tes ththth wo@kane e e e considered colusive -- becae veryew familieserable t"sti with the diffi fdi mebuxp say0 thtudi offefdenc y ime dbng eeeengg mmmmmmmmmms.3ne -pele who d dnk l of c ce may veowew rif f pingngulti lerosiresearchers ok at two stu gups(bodo included tusan of ople th and witho m- s.overall l pple whwh
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y y #r a ou *si anrd cups ere stst one-lessikely toav m-s thanondrinkekey aus nono- ty lied on pelele recollectiti of r - so-s ppe ofbeofof rtoms. 3 reerstress.... one ould kick-upheirfe habit to wd off m--- a their stdid nodermine why th lk exts. 3 3 now a "safetalt" to warn u abt...(.(.the e governme lookinto rtsf brakes *failingon ford f-15pickuprucks. ucucucthobe coversrsbout 42ousa vehiclehe 201313nd 2 24 del ivs port the pedals n gothe oor r wi cole loss of braking..fotd ysys.. ikes ustor safety" serisly -- and wil coopate withhe vestation. the ford'f- esesickup is tht t-- sellg vehihie inhe-s. 3 3 ereremem -- - t the nd wiwi be an iueuegain today. cpiemeteologistustin chambers has uorer your r. forecast next.
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noaby boomer er areded pa of ntntwith me.stararving with anywywre accotodoy.3 for y's eaeaas baer..ititelps u uet going" in ththrning..... rning...hoabavt a shoutoutut fotoday atatnal ceceal day.-percent of americs start t eiday wiwi a bowl -- ororwo -- of cereal. th's accocngnational cereal day dot com. *bonbo of c ceaare e ld every yr. at's enoh to wp around the eart*13*imes. tis.
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toy's edge olegianananan ceceinistv h all ur fe nelsls nsf port d mo- l cryry-clearar watctcwhenou w wt withdvand at welsesesep bo whole e dvr heheo.o. oo fa variety of gre to fit y yr homemecall......and get sta the prism essentiaiadle. you'llllet tv us uto 40 centulinknternet. onon $65 a month. isiseal soun, esf you loports. geprisesseial tvd to egntntnet .on $65 a monththoror
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withtoto0 intern r only65 a mth. hyahah ip cs [ rmal voice ] call. t t ar withthrismssssal t t t plusp to0 me of intt eeeeee just $65 mth for a year. spspspmay y t in yr areaea lyrocenturylk. candtctctoda3 3 gogo mningwelcomto f 21 morninne.itits moay, march h.i'i'aig coffey. coffff.ani'm kiercece 'r"live and lol"hi morninin-- -ndomg up this ur ur..
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annenewe w wl have ather update comg up in ababab10 mites. 3 new thisis hour...a spn fothe pakistati i taliban is w w clmingesnsil foan attack today -- that killed 8 8 8pland d re21 os.. ototrs..thgrousang the attack was in retaliation for e executn mumtaqadri on march firststqadri was nvof killingnghe govern of @ punuab province in 20.the incident ban w wn the attack opened fired ouide the gates of a crt whwh securitofcers tri to stop him from getng inside... the nman detonated osives that wereped d isy.the e nister condndningng attk. 3
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acting to ththdeatof foer fst ladncncreagananan ththwife of president @ rorold reagan passed aw yesesrday at t age of . .reayg g ei was clasc ve s sry- yo the d ght now -- fox's kelly ight has m me on one of s fist. 3 the nation is remeering the life of rm firirady nancncrean today ...afte she passed away sunuay at the agof netur d5e to congti h hrtailu. mo of leld t t mocraticdeial debate stight in n r hor. republic candates al reacng to the ne on gnil..ruo says"i 2011, i was invivito speak . theeagan library. we e d chance tetetetetetad a chance to have dinneneth he it was an e eraordiniry experienceshe t her huhuanan--- the te preside ronald reagan hihi w wkikiki as ananctress in hollywood...who waalso a a acacr athe te.rona reagan's bioaphelou caon interviewethe former first
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for r thnew york times.snn yshec personono bebe ad. ieel a grgrt sense o& l l l lrely and i'm sprised at th. the world was a more intestinace with nancy *rn* in mt."many ame are w rememberininher a great firsrs to ronana reagan.mosayszs"i rember she was a great ort structurr her husban she ` wawaa classycl lnd condted heelf in way everyone could be proud of." bumrs. reagan wa't jus supportive or sbsbsb presidencn...they were so known to be deep ilo.mos ys: "at asnow she ge to be with ronalalso then beogetagaiaiai(og)g) nsy reagag ferer ararngemenave not yebeenenen finalize....t shshll be buriededext t h h husba at his s prprprprtiti lryryn spmi vle c cifornia. new yorkllwrigig, fofows 3 3to politicno...during ndayay demratic bate i flint,ichihi bot candidates said the ste'e' gornrn -- rinyr --
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city'sater crisis.t, they alsl cenged eaea oth cord in vent. gogernmentntamg eir heated conversations...beie sanders inues s aiaiillala inton's retionship witit wall s seet...and she argued s lack of support whenen figh gun contr... and d those th prot fr it. it..:33 - 7 se bebnie e sas: yououstory isotini for every distrousrade agreementnd voting for corporamamica. did i vote agait the walltreet bailououwh bililonres on wawatreet destroyed this p ony,hey y went to cocoss and th saioh plelee, we'e' beood d , us ou you knhat i id llnaireshemsmsves bautall .-: hiary clinton onun controro "you tata about corporate grgrd. the gun manufaurers se guns to mas muchchey as they cananake."" ma."igan vers o the e lls for t eir r primar eltion * *morr.* 3 3 ntinuing nowith pd on@the pal landscape... many delegates in crucia states he picked their
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3 on the rlican n side - - donalddru still hol the top ot. and fofoe s-- hilly clinton n hathe majorif support. righghnow... 1sates oboth sides hahahaast their s along wiwi p prto j co f#r the blican ninee. 3 on theepublican side... candidateseed 1,23 delegatefor r the nominana.. out of the 112 that e available.e.s of rightht now. trump leade pa with 4... folwe tedruz withth 300 and marar r rio tp 151 deleges. as the rd, o hahaonly won one state.. nnesota.. margrg. 3 ----ilil clinton is numbmb one --ith *onene thsand-1-1*.*.*.bebeie nders is far bind d 499 -- that includes h@in ine'primary susuay night. the next big hurdle bobh sides s ll be e march 15th primaries -- in orida... linono... ohio... north 3 3 haing today...etyon mannind e brononwill
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discususnnins retirement... startingngt 11 a-m.n.d uouon n watctcthe conference live right here fox2news ... well as linefox21 nene dot comom 3the de broncos annouou sunday theive-time n-f m-v-v-wi@etirafter asonond o sur wlwl victs. he to thththbi gaououtitis ininll. and t a mountain of rerds -- rnina place ootbtbl's s momot rushsh. nning ll retire as the n-f-s al aderpassing toucucow... passg yas. and quarterback wi 3 r so "od news"s"his mornininth20-16 special l olympi coloradpolaplunge series h wraraed up for the ason.. seas..ththevevt unun started ueblck o fefeua 6th -- and ended tuayn boulder.n tol --ngngraisore an 3737sand dollars for speciaolympicsorado.he orgazation prodesports
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3 . . ur nt weather an trtrfifidate iababt 10- nutete 3 3 3 minutes. 3 3 by now yououou kcos quartepeon manning h anunced his retirment -- of what wl lliky y rn a spot in thhall of fame.and he ls game -- setting someigds 3eaed fr trips e supepe... winning o. he's also thonly qrterck to w ahampnshihiwith two
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and the cos.heretiti as thf-l'l time lear inin pag touchdowns ... sss 940) ties b favav with the mo quarterbrbk ns and joins h as the o o oplay to defe all 32fleams mag's e took social media by storm wiwh celebritits.....ththtes s d fans expssinr thanks and eciaiaon onco genenal maner joh ely ted.peyton w evererhinge thought he was and more -- r r teamnd community. whahaan amamang career. we're thankf he was a broroo. patots quteactom brady to to faceceok with...@ongratulatioo p p pn n n n incredible careyou angedethe me rever and made eveon ararnd youette is been onor. .d teamma-j andeon sai..hank you p. ank foalthe meriri i i ie -- belie iave frie f r lif yeye oan to tete p
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3 so -- with manning done... enr k weil... 3 anthe broncos say --y y want to him t new starting quarterck.f-l ururs by --he t thas fed weil a three-y-yr r deal -worth re tha$45 llio--lus incentiveshe becoan unrestricfree afternoon...and ththhouston ... evand owow and polyew york ts a@ among the w teams intested. 33 and ininhe n-b-b... 3 nuggethosting and mavericks s we t toererme oay anandenvnv g the w a close one ome 11614 in ertime. nextxtp --he uorrow night. 3 whato yoen you cocoinis -- and d dog. hoe.. or mor vehicle hicle?it's johrtin jo? 's a a ateveure owowas ki joring"and it's all th inleadville.i rely w wt there toto che
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ure"the i i ring event indville has bn going g since 19-49... and is on theheemier eventsf ititki" inhe count.'s'slways the rst kend yestery john martin t a a chanaf to ecouth -filled norwegian sport. goodldorning john. 33 skjoa mpetion where a rsanr pull a ier at a f ft pace t t course thas gaumpsps anri the ser is timed throroh th coururu an ies e e e assessedy g gadas s umps, anby missing ropping o t t t rings.s. the com race r ca p pzes,ndeamsre
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(ns up natnaan3 amating ski 33jong ileadade, ijoring (punced /'sk??/) is nter spo wheererer ss d byorsese do m vehiclanpeop her lo ii'i'eeeeng l 15 year it'st pa of commity up he in l ldvle, lora. d d of work goes ith alventasa[an ace 49. a two da prior to e ra whe weave n n eas whererwe donch s sw, beuse if do gsx hard. 0 ucucad t ftnoge on ha anue.ome iday moing 3'clo in t in we e t re - rom the o
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and bridge e ewew srt loadg d hag snn in. now e are les tohis n sp horses ulininbutt a a youst aipip it! bumorereecially.... the skiier is responsible for capturg six ringngon t course with his jousting stick..wlsnagang s s gates ans.s.pelties ar assessed by missg teor jujus, andy miin drotping anyf e ngs.nd oeby reafast. it about 2 anhalf ftball elds long about6-18 secos.t'ou o gege yohereren the tyfolelelee. t question begb% ked...w wouldnsnsns meone to voltaly sigup foisthe reneli rush. i i an, how many people geto do t ts in the world. tte's thing li rning beha hothth's throwing up ice cus chununng u ubehindou evytimimcs bend t t rst e enof d d it's j jt you ane hoe d ris the gates d the mp 1sesends iek ettyas younow. i mean e ein's f
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60.lodo lkere trying a "nedapoachto stopng bloodedscolol a proposedill would broan the circumstancee n report a s snt thehe elve* pos a th. 3 north koa threatens nuclear on .... milardril t e u-an a ben y. it i launuclr st --pog whait considerggreioom enies." next..ths vemes loin reportstsf f ak *fai* on fd f-f-0 pick- uprurus.the probe rs about t thououehlele from t 201and 2014el year. nenes sw 242- bs were addeth... thatat far bettethanan t 172- thouou jobobad janty. 3 next- ray tomln t man consider to behe modernrhrh creore-e-il -- has papaed ay at a 74. reports say -- he died sunday omom heaeattack.
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olympics colorado polar plungege es wpped up over weeeend. the 6 evenenplununtartrt in n back on februar6th end sard iulder. 3 r imatithth sties...nd oth..g g our web -- fox21 ..and sechnewsws news.right now... let's toss it o or to chief meteorologist just chambs for "first look cast 3 3 gogo morng and thank y so for wching.t's take a veooououid..ghghnow. next, let'show you`e`e weatr ory for xhe and re's a l lat your day planner.we will hanother updaoming upupn abouou10 mis.
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of the quarterba. ntm hall ur favitchanne nsveportrttt anmo - all c-car hd. wah en and wre you want wi advancefeates li ourelset-p box,whwhhome d, is tchoose from m m ri of gat p pkagege f f yr homeme call .a gettart w the prisesseial bdle. you'llllet usp totomegsgseulink it. l r only $65 mon is deasounreat espeallylyyou u ve ss. t prisessentl tv d t40 m%mof inet for ly $ $ a mth.. ore! , , y lovgreaeamoes.... [ sosoent ] y, c cmentnt ange prm sentiatv th u uto 40 me of inrnrn r only $th hy! [ whipiprackck
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3 as you kno... denverroncos b peytyt mananng is tiriri from the natatnafofoball neneuny. 3 heeas the game just week afr winng hihisesend super h aook ba on his c 3 guablyost portant t positin otball is thth of thehe quarterback. ways been a ofof ququterbacks."yt manning didndn havto far to find an iential quarterback fi.fafaer archie playe14 years in the nfl.f i could do it like he
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aclishmentnt becausesehe arara lot of days when he got beat up on the fldldnd de lost badly, but he evy y autograph, he did ng intview...a.a that's whats all abt.t."i't go around braggingbout m m chutwill cpete." atpeyt rejat t t colts franetting a bevyvy of p psingecords angng wathe only thingissing wa a super bowl titleleafter eluding himir arlyly a deca, pe ctutuhihi fit mbdi troy ene h h led the cocoto vtory in suwl1.his is special. nice to be able to put itogether with a championshipi"(nats)f e fifid (nats)off the fiel yt fouucce a athth nfl'top hman nerous mmercial ngbarrel, re-roe! ndg w route w.w.ow about that."rding to forbes mazine,ed $12 min ye in endorsemenenendedes.@ turnf his fosy, untrcharm m&
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comebacktarts ght re idur pinpongpeyton frusated) lucky shot."it camevident that peon's acting skis weren't limite toommerciaia when his mec rfnce hosting g saturday nig live becaca an n stt clasasc."o"oi'm sorry do y wanto lose? i tow you tch, it's not that hard ok."injuries began to mot on e e eld.aftetea of neckurriesnd i-milln doaronus owedeie iconic arterb the coltsecided towa wh peyton. colts fans erywhwhe, t tnk you much fr the bottom ofy heart. i truly have yed being your arterbac"it didn't long fortoto fin a new t teamther bnc.s. ere he wou his rd 5th n-f-l l v-awararand becomeme teague're leader in paing yas and toucown pass."i think it's unique thi and a neat to ba rt of nfn nhein mons
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letions created estions s t peyton legacy. h hwas of@er athtetenamed in title 9 lsuitgain his erere iverertyty tennesseehe was also lied ian al zeera domentary that alleged his wife received a suppppf h-g- h back in 11t hasas edanynofof it.t ingse vevethis g is insinuinat i corners, that broke nfl rules ino o it's a joke, it'king joke."the ged controversiedidn'trevent peyton fwinning his 2n super boitlebecomi fistarting quarter to n ththbig g game f r r diert tes."we wewe atefef to be here,e,o o n thih game, to ay in the 50t0 per bo a a certain to be victorious. it'ser speceal." " riding offnto o the sunsns as the nfl's wiwigege quteack d per wl ampion puts a p etic endg in this nal chapteof peytyt manning unfathomable otbaba s srycoiowire. n.
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3 fofqbreakfast . banter... a dge pennnnlvanleatin thisni -- - afr r ing o japkt! ckpoe returng from in e florid . sed aa iest bome lotietetheheas!mg kft real n 29miiodollars -- and was exced... he boht bfast fvee theheestaur reaurara.hehen callis famimi to sasa "we'rgoin baor"by.. s ototalsolayed powerbl -- but won just ars.s. dollars. xt. ing a job? well, it tur outou d't ve tbe a *y* twork a the c-i-a.
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