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tv   FOX21 News 9PM  FOX  March 7, 2016 9:00pm-10:00pm MST

9:00 pm
3 'she quarterback knknn as the sherf...ridi offo the su'll hear fm a tearl ytonanning ahe gye.. plus.polipulo a instatina disturbing
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involvintwinoddlers. 3 its kind trsplant cou sn lpne n ncvend carry her n baby.. 3 right no..3 de bncos quart peytonanng offiall annocingis rirent from ofsion footbl toy. after ttg e leag's hight cos and acmpshg the game's eatest challengennin sa... it theight tim 3 firson f21 t tight... 3 manng our ips the super oic heon.helso the only startingrterck to win a supebo wittwo diffent tes...the broncoand the coltif tt isn'enou...... he retes as thnfs l time l lder passing toucns and psing yards manning lds the titlfor most ceer wins with 200. and joinbrt favr thenly pler to deatll 32 l
9:02 pm
from denveve 3 ino:hoki bk ars, peonan formay anedis rement day which onical comes four ars tohe d diapis."there something about 18 yrs18 is a gd nu and tay i ti fm o ba." 39earsldldan eti peonanng sayg fawell to ge undoued revolutiiz. 18 seasons, with t iianalis lts d fourith e de brco..a lifeme of memoes, lessons and unrgete expiences "wn soe orough ex an expeen, they can't helputevere . i vereootbal i lovthe game so u don'haveo nder ii'll mis it.absutely.bsolutely i willmaing'lentn the field undenblblbut ny opleill remeer h f thman he consistly was o thel "i thk e thing
9:03 pm
were as person a a the way u prted e tial foba league.""that'wh we're leo t t e grt teamtother and iwa cae of what he was aut what hmet ts ague and is rutiowain is league."s rkth, teioto dl and leadership lead m 2 super wl titles, nerous nfl recos ansurely a st in e ll ofame. "wn i look back on my narr, il owitut a doubthat ve evething i hato help myea wk away wita win. there were other players who we me lentedut tre s o who cld out prepar a becausef th ha no grs.okg ckea..maing closed speechhenlwahe knows ho..itddny d cls. "the'a scriptur ading, 2 tothy 4..i haveouthgo fight a i veve fished th race, haeptpthe fahb ve fght go fig. i've nishfoll r re an
9:04 pm
bless alof you and gle foballrepoinin from oncoadquters, kaly mcmain, x 21ews. 3 w th mannings ficially out. t broos will lily quterback ock osiler... whw is eected tot e free agent mke 3 w@'s's to sehim go 3 ncos fs ret seng's decifox21's ma egend spoke th sevalan afrnn.d us now with mor.macy.. 3 e nsspe tay say lorado wasasuc tha ppon mannior 4 yra.. an oemope he littonr.. e loveeyancann satete18ea,pyton manninis calli iquits. and t teoplwe ske sayhesaw omin. "i waexpectinit, indeedit was thwise thihi for him to do, really, writ id. hinknke chokthe right pathor hselfhim,is faly,"ttezievesaid."h leftverydy hgingth
9:05 pm
longo maut hthout overecause hs gip a lot. iean foballass his ,"ccsaidmany samag's leel the broncos get p.. butuas hisisersolity thatade emrue fa.. "hjuct. yed evermite of it reallyididhowoerl. wee so proud,"nnccan sa."he's a wondeul pern, a grt mband a embe that's what's rtan h h doesn't woy ouhif or recordor anything elsehe's erto w a bl game ray cann sthesfafa say nexteason wi be enen thoht manng.. t th're e histt osiler wi sti aund angive th aho theuperwl ce again..ut e&en thou manng ririnhe fid.. they hope e see him in the orarae blue"i ho he makes a desion stayith the broncos in another capaci...he means a lotooloro,ray mcnn sa."he isolorad" ann mcca said. 3 many othe fanse spoke to say they'll never forghat
9:06 pm
ananher brzyay... and man` is idry.teorologiseff mack lets us kif any ef is in sht... in x t. 3 t much rief om thery itionsill holding t r a lighshowtoght... numbers arback in the s an40swe wget me early...on to see clds tata over. andumbersay in thupr will be a shorcool down. have the
9:07 pm
3 go across ameca to southerna tonight... 3 wher k kw a pr funeral set for for fidy ncy reaean.n.n. the 94r-old pa ay sunday e ongestivart failure.tht t will buriedexto hband i simi valle cornia at ronald reagan prpridenti brary th friday. to preparfor the agan libra wilrema edntilunda 3 now he lest... 3 onhe vicms flast weekne crashr palmer lalathey hav i iied year old d murd 60 year d kaplitz. kaplitthold fashiod bi
9:08 pm
morning the south eas enalmer lake.e crash also s a firich burn less thah auaf a ae- 3 ppeninnow... terfr pueo are in aenr r hoital.. with serious injuri fm at appears bchilababe... x2s dyishejoios us t w withore.dy?? 3 la.onhehewins h a broken femur..ver blee kidney bleed.d. bleedingeten the skull and ai....the ototr tw bruiselung... . d so has a brn blboth kids we flow flifo up to er becf their juries thn accud d dng thi is twentonar old jacob nd of eblo...he b batngids s bebe favoro e ki m...lateast ek t twinspspt two ys at t is with h beforing picked up grandmmediatat follinr r granticein was onewid
9:09 pm
anthtwin was ft denver.ring e liceestigati... the ries to the nd twinere over... followed rig ay with hahem owtoenveas we..ri pic quinof s..he id ts m gaimwo 'sr wh s s itti..the prob sdn henen thebebee h stofviol acac..last e was accud of puhing aicnghe tns mom... sandoval lh his grandfher.ith him today an says he esn't knowowhe kidgot the injues...and at esn't ink he didhat he's acsed of.saoval i cing t felony chges chd w oumeoo tonight... 3 two brhers whoent ssing after ofroading inolado springs is wkend have be founsa. safeliceay 1ar o macguire and 17-year-old tthew ler-gergrg were und safe this mornin.. r r eyere reeded mig sterday. 3 lice sir jee
9:10 pm ro. the bo we fnd hf mile from ere. near the aver cek nagegere the boy fferinonly minor cuts and se 3 womememake up ly aut 10erce othe c c trtion industry.. 3 ile numntinueto ow..he indusbracor a shtage of alifieie work1's chria dawiwiwiczlslss how colorad spngs s utililies s workg g evhat cline. 3 brandir is one of on hal women out on the fielwi coloror springs utilies. sherown up aund the nstructi envient anit's be i care. brdi nier- ain techchnd scale orator for cshelookt u an ey'rlike,'hat are u inre? you' airl'ou ow? t u ow, that anyohave to peeve d it's allbout deteinion, ands lo a you ve those two quaties you'u'onnaake it it's a male-dominated instry..nd while c-u officialsay the number owocomingn ing.. the tage o o oys alreadstarte ah asheneralaneror dibution cleiod treatment csu here'soo many other oions fy e hichool cocoege grads and soitit just
9:11 pm
too into tecal utities s aft likeat, galectric or waste war.saththjo o rrm gerati to generatitiut w ththe'a whole lomore caertion... . the consuctionndusll always be around. making ployee c#unttial.@.@ahah as- nel na distribution cctctn and tpeatmcst about what's happened with computers and digital age, etc. so there'sfer opleng i bubunessd ouanan see, still havpes, we stl ha gasipes, we still electric linenednsn,h 'r noa needhosese peopl adn tend s sle opetor r cscs hope at aittl ss th and g ' ay, coi n ay ie di my feooand n a part ofhianit ay you kw, it esnt matter w w wgender y are."in cora springschriina dawidowiczcz fox news. this is womein cststctn week it'a a meicic totoaise awaness oe oprtunits availae e women onstction inll stry dartmtsts 3 anothebig prize is on th hozofor thsiremaining
9:12 pm
ides.find out whyllllll eyes are nown chan ngp fox21at nineonnues... 3 plvs..n s radil preded impro r chanofing ildr. by t tnsplandn r uter and... a jury res a verdict in eandrews invasi of paccivil case. find out what they decid
9:13 pm
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9:15 pm
right now 3 a ry awas sportscaster erin arews 55-miion ars in hawsuit over a secretecorded d de video taken by a stalk andos on-ne.the juryryelivg theieidecision a aecbobo a dadaof owr anformer operator of the marr vanderbi say... the e convicteal micel vid barrett, should be solely to blame fof the -08 sportscast ias thatlker and o hotel cocoans arar blble for video...ying shshshs publiy amed and d miliated anduffersrs from dression... after t t vivio was sey millions o line. 3 arcks is recalng its s e-packckedrefa
9:16 pm
fears.the em in on is e six-[-nce package sausag end cdd cheeee oan engsh muffi the ndch were lot starbqckes ikansas tes d okhonone has rertly gsi, t spapckckisul ioff itshelve 3 e 20-16 pptiac to st sixdidas .. 3 mocrat bernie sanders is tug up the heat against hillclinn ..esh off a series of end ories. victoranile.e. republicanthe fight to stop what appears to be an *unstoppable* ld tru continues within the g-o-p hopes it pr the frontrunner fromng up evem/re d degates delegatefox's joel ldman,brings us thda the camp. litical rld ng...where the next big dqlegate.y clintoand nald trump ing theiretive parties ere by3-points each, accoing aew monmouthniveitpo. a win inhe great lake state woulmove tru o e sp clos to invincility in t t t miti. trumsays"lk, i've been n fi hd r
9:17 pm
made` iour country .... //tted to/..'vbeen fighng vy, very rd for th indtry,i've bn michan l ."after miigan, e next b b btles e eh"winner takell stesri andhio. e suhinetatesuper-pacs representing both marco bi and ted cruz ...opping millions on ads a bid oust the th from e e ce ....ohio gr john kasich saysbanking on winning in the n.. an effort tos @urth placece po. kasiaywewe have mentum .. ande all ese na pls, an wu'll bter hat th're sayi, and we're rising"dedeatnie a sand with of f statatvis overhe weend is tightening the dedega gap wh hillar clinton ..nders s ysf there isis lgege votot turnout, we will win ...." despite her h)y clinngchances ...camigningcross michig ...w 130 delegates are on the li ... clinton says: "i ow ts isoing to be a ve tough election ... and if i amheomee'moing t want bernis lpand
9:18 pm
waldman ysonam t): la clionnd bni nder fofe last time aad omorrow michiganrimary, when ty arrn to hl event tonight in detitin shshgton, el walanfox ne."
9:19 pm
9:20 pm
ch to ceurylink m tv,and gethe same gres cable u, t hango deal with cable and? anthere's whole ho dvr. plus tons of on dend optsoou c wat whaver, whever. yes d? why do you guy keepayinth?it the fir re impv. sayg es and," accept reality create o o comy partne, ul.. yes,ight, i know. doouou feel likika hollood sider
9:21 pm
3 tempature in th30s and s...w st aittle coer tonightorrow peeks n early reclouds pick from theouthki of the e remamantntfrom this larglow that continunuo swirl t/ o o soh...let t me ts oufo
9:22 pm
wlike be under tuday afternoon.ow atome neighbhood nbers up40with a 50scouple 6 manto make eir way rossans s r lley iyour week's rth ticehe cwnoesn last t..this is the numbers look to stack up.... tonighrtly dy. lo norwestds 10 15ph.uesd.p sunn a 10 perct chanf
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ghs 45 to 53. northeast s t mph..tuesd lyloudwi a pcent c cnce e nn owerl miight lylyloafter dnight. lowsar 30. northds up to edaytl y. aperct chance inin showers inthe aftern highs 49 to 54. s to 10 mp.wednesday night.rtly cloy. lows ar0. nthindsarou 1 mph.h..thursdarough
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57 to 65ws ine wer 30 .friday night through 33 to 38.8ghs 58 to 66.
9:25 pm
3 goinarnd the world tonight... a dely a paktan... and anothereat fm noh korea.. 3 lst eight pple, including lice fi and two children,re dead after a bombing in northwestern pn dozens more are injured.a suicide bomberas attemptin enter a urbuilng whehe wasas stopped by policitie suspt the caliban br.joint lita dri betwthe u-ansout ree rwaynonoh eateningucle .the hermitom says it will "indiscriminate" nuclear stri, spding to what it nsiders agession oe of its "e"emi."e mediqu anal nse spesman ying tt thehrikeld sw the colita mig.e royal mily hits the op. prinilamndutchess kate jt t t ckckroa a ski tripe chlp. thth ge and crlte in tow. is weptedly.e mily's fstolid th...willm and ka leftheountry without foing e dia...chsi to kp the ip outf the publye. 3 lylynehogrher accompied thfaly..and was lowed to take ly a
9:26 pm
3 stil come tonit as21 news at ninues....a big name quarterbackw onhe nt market...ul denv bhis next stop?we'll ke aooin sports. 3 d w e theris ind phis o eventid injuries i foball...somere sing othepas ofheody uld nobeisnight' al arts s mi u. 3 don jusserve any fi sandwi at er's weve wilcaht, rtrt atlaicod.
9:27 pm
full of flornutrie and d comhroughin t fish. ths hip it ur resuranit not p p-baded notnly e e theh hight aly cod, buwe slllld-d-er t t oldashied w. themkabl` d thinke efthst fifi fil ndwi becsef th.
9:28 pm
9:29 pm
"w to deciou ton'sh h h .. 3ruruatatnt concussio in cge ftball plays... yabe lding tan iase ine, andnkle juri.rechers llec ta ben 29 d 204 as rt oan n-c-ub-a ud.. w wleoncun ras reed stable e ererer y peodle joint and icreased.d. the ators s believe isauauauby yingo avoid he-to-hd nt targeting lower body. wh icometo youtfenen arininke making naryl`ois may y r r health. univsity
9:30 pm
rerearchers discovoved switching tol free smetand shampolsuickly lorsels ofroone disrup chemicals" in teen giris.the study lookedone hundred hispic tn rls o used makeup, s smpmp, d ons lalalad heca fothree ter is srt break fm their gular produc, leveve o o o "hneee disrug emics" in the une dropped by as much afofiveercent. searers point out p coeticsoldn the u-s ae tough to regate collect da regarding their hlth effes. 3 a big vancemenfor the medical community -- sges peorming t nation's rst erus traplant late lt t nth. mont..right now...the repient is speaking publly out te popoially li-alterg predururma finnnnin chigo witmo. 3a greaking procedure out cvend clinini susueons perrming e nation's first-ever uter transplant late last month casgrove ss: " enoject gsfor women and lili w wish to perience pre b br
9:31 pm
organizatio.."."team of eightons ing fo niners ttranspnt the womb, whiccame fm a deceased don.doorsay th repient, intied lisey, is veriel th26-yr-d d s thulo thnor's family the mediaflindsey says: "..i was 16 anwa i uld never ha childre anfrom that momentn i ve pred that d would low me the oprtunity to experiee egnancy d ree e toy at begigngf` jone"lindsewill need to ip y me sure t t uter is healy p eno trnceivihrou in vitro fertilizatn. the transps mporary, a thorgawill be reved d ter e's hae two chchdren.vaz : ".".t's a ty of anspla that is fulfilling o scified yoknow becausegainou c live wut a uterus.he only purpose of utus p i ha child."th
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attempng ten transplts rtf inalri.(on cam tag)he u-s is not e first couny try uterus transpsp.the first suessf birurngn swed i2014 chi matt fin f news. 3 herereome ofhetories areorki on right w for x2ne at . ameranffics.s.epin a e e orth k llg mohrts fm it'sd... kim jong unnd out at hid n. 3 pas ofalifornia'sa cr count. dealing wi a me..afgeinso much nded in. e you read h the pancake pancake?yep.anere is actuly a day fort.see w you can get andsn so free flap jacksater a fonews a cnues... 3 and thsur wl 5m-v-p talkg abt yt manng's pact on e team.tstscoxtxt 3
9:33 pm
9:34 pm
lemme get a acp2 there's a hot w deal o o mcnaldck 2lee t a mcpi 2.. tf vori cic ju 5ks. ixatchc sharn savor. fofo. na your flav choose any 2 inic tastes, big c made wh 100% beef, a flaky filet-o-o-, ared quarter pounder with or crispy 10-piece chien nuggetetet $5 bucks. hurry in for an amazing 2 for $5 deal on the
9:35 pm
ba ba ba 3 is timeow for the rocky
9:36 pm
3 e ofofhe greatt.t.ling today. peytyt mninga oe for the hallf as thqb holdldseveranfl rerds. incling caeras s...areetoucdown paes... d. 5 m`pwas. he ahas sur bowl ring hplay m his career in is... but the e st 4 were rin cora. and while fa wiwi mismanning. manning wilso misshe fan 3 3 talkininotll with th oacrews bere the garwards i'll l recappg the ga with my dahecking see if e ants w/w, calleli fr thteam, misshat haha shwith tom brady, ,! celebrg wi3 r te imi in front of sosogrea fans, t homeme and oth road, and i'io even miss the
9:37 pm
3 mag is retiring g th aot of great recds..t l areat..endehis rook andn the prs he the nfl re re for interptions...rd he ststs4hotoday. 3 one teamame at h h to fly backo witness inins retirement wason mille aid he wldhave edt d.d. awill rember mannnng asllll inclusiv 33 's hadaduge imct o omy lifend just eing himimor the fimen and he trys lude evebody ie ortion, just coaches plequipment guys, cooks, jitors, it di maerererey a aad a laonship wh peyton. 33 mywitt@l esti tonight...haould manng do n ne options. act.. tv@vsonatyr coach? right now...
9:38 pm
3it appears... the iladelphia eaes havavtradni arco nntae wi rordlinlve dr ck cpension. 3 the washinskins ased robt grfin iii. the 2012fl offensive rookie of e year and onetime face of was expected...ady pt himrostas9th would've st t team 16 point 15 million. ile@our weatatr habeen pretuietn rent@ ksks. ototpartrtof tntry are ing with some maissues. issues.take you to cacaforniacheck in whate ing ....nono.. here's jeff..
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9:42 pm
3 e erican red cro is es." 3 businesses individuaho *exempli* * urage... kindness..d unselfis chararter. nininini higigight t t cocoradodoeterans resoce alition's craw houor thr dedicationo tstsndnd ththr r r lis peakegion.ox21's tayr bishophows us the imct 've e`our tary mmuny. 3 tpeye e ones wisk to fig forur fr they lay it all on
9:43 pm
d to tit's me th a jo.. is theili.@ --viceeinverans currtly being releasas from the military, nogettthe prer tatment forental health or susutance ababanan en`nheyeye eup homess a sleepinin t ca."whicis w forhe past frteen ars. the fo hsu h me it ththr miion toetomelels vets off the seets. -icky"vetans are very impot s. our/gl is to elinate veteran homenessithin colododo havavtwo ananonalous offering w rent to holess veterans and also vundergng subsnce abuse treaen throh thv-a. plufive propes whe ther low rent to veteran falies.
9:44 pm
ngthcrcwfordous e only pgrgr oit's kin coloradng vetin need second chancelife deservein colorad spri tlobishop, fox21 news. 3 "hometown ro get theiawarar march7th at t antler hotel.fotickets and inrmation on becomg a d oss luntr... hea red oss t or 3 incredib stormamage cramounty. ke loo..atdmpol not* sposetoe in t . mile oe roadthe siis an exam just how strong the were this weekenertorn down d trees snappeatheir unding wasn sue too.ine hill edms fareir lit.and so impasase. impassabthere were a ao` wiwispread powerutages. s. 3 mperatesn 30and
9:45 pm
tonitr tomorrow pee o n early beclouds pk up from tthnd of the nantfrlarge low that continues to swirl to out south...le thit r bac clos we will likely be unde tuesy afrnooa lo now at some odumbers upper 40s wi a few 50scole of 60s manage toake thr way ac the arkanriver lley.soyour week's wort notice cool down doesn't la@ lg.this ihow the numbers okstacup...
9:46 pm
ar0.orthwestinds 1to 15 mph.sday.. suy. a 10 pechance o showee aftern highs 45 to 53. northeas winds 10 mph..tuesday night...lywi a pnthae rn shows l miig...t paloafter midnight. ar 30. windsp to 10ph.edneay..y su a 10 percenchance of in shorsnthe aftern ghs 49 to south wi.wednesd cudy.ows ar0. nor windsound
9:47 pm
ostly clear. o . lowsne lowe .frinight through monday...ptly cloudy 33 to 38.highgh58 to 66
9:48 pm
33 still come tonight...have you ever heardjoin? don't woy... a lot opeople havet.t. butt is ser coolx21'johnartin takeke o leadlle fothis uniqueventing ... anwildses ke off.... after flam fm grasfire gerouslose tonight shots are ming t.
9:49 pm
9:50 pm
9:51 pm
3 tonight hot sts.... a s fire send dozens o rsunni for s
9:52 pm
away from the flamesn northe o oolma.then turninannding differpathter ttin morerere fe.the wildldld hse caped a firet five mis noof here.nonoor red imw fi srt fotonis "winter venture"... 3 e skjong event in vie been gngngn si19-49... is on e "premier event i nd" inin e.countrtr's alws s rst fu wkekemarch... fofo1's johnn ch to check ououis $ $ actiononlelenoegian spor 3(natup nl anem) am tchingkiorin leadadllado. sjori ronoced /'ski????r??/) is s a wier srt whehe aerswn pulle a horor a a persn is inter spe /'/'i??????? is a (pnonoceoring coloraraskij unce???r is winter s wreersoonkiled by a h hse,
9:53 pm
cle.anane ere ve beengng f ratatat 15 arjust rtunune lille, loand of work goeso is ...... tak nc. do a tw y prep te ra wherwe have ceain areas where weweovov t snono bee youo o gets . 0 ucloadofhat soft snogemp isnue. comidmomoing 3 o'c in moin wgogoe reet fthcity o leadvie anthe kekeou ad bridgewtart loadinanhaulow in. w w ererararruto this norweigan spt. h hag butt and yoyr hotighp it aip itmomo s er isp pturininx ng cococo wititngng ststlst tingki
9:54 pm
asseedy mig gatete jujus,ndy y missing or drngngnye ngit gs bybyea. ou2 d ha footbl fieldsg in abo18 s yopupued or anywhere in ci oe.enhe questionging to be ke..ould ire meonto v vtalyppign for th. neneh. i me, how peoplplget to ts he worther th runnininiind hoe at's tininince bes chunkip bendou everime yocrosbehi t rsrst e t day it just and the rse d angateted ths. 1secos flies y kno i mea it's's enterinthat's for rehigh sghgh tensity. com down to levie, is awome! 3 rizozozoll be hi u someoney. tetethth rnment finds i4ivied e pry ts c omers.what they d get
9:55 pm
anan..gaes a alo.. re on riri a eris avelini. fiut what it inextn
9:56 pm
9:57 pm
9:58 pm
ast oice! leleat"free papaake y" trow. morrow.x'x'x'asman brgs uthe day business. 3 pricest thpump....maki juntitial age f rer gas @s n81 a ga..we've been hding high fustpabo5two o weeknow.but prices sll wn aroun65 cents from this time last ar.t wh peopl are filling up.., they aren' pullinout eiplastic as muchcr carusage` slipping ijaary.but keep in md comg r a
9:59 pm
shpi seameantimethe preme ururtangit of ale..the te gntppeal a prprfixing ring.ape will goad and a 4il dollll fe.anmomoows natialanke.anif you ntnt stan house.n. oveto i-h rvfree s stas of ermilk pancake and giving ders the option ave donation foral ies. tt's business. i'david asman. thf-c-nds rizon vied the privacyf s users.noheompany wl y a find be more transparent with. oms.the largt s. mobileompa ited uniq kcngodesiters traffifor verting purposes but t f ss verizon wirele failed to scse theractice fromlate 20-13 throu 20-.. ich viat a f-c gulatiinrnet tranar. dethe agemt.. consummust o to thinfofoation ared outsi veron
10:00 pm
3we areorking on thesep stories right w fofo 10. 3 hik last "oma"payton manning says good-e.toto gaga he ves... he rules on n nt.. wigun heul on gun contl. will not ease up..thiss veral bis. .. ithe hou+ 3 focuon one tat te... doing touch.. n have a negative impact onr heal..x21 wst 10 p-m startsow 3 3 3 "when look back on mnfl care, i'll know thout doubthat i gave everhing i d top my talaway wi a win. therrether plays that wermore talented buthereas non who could out-epare me. and because oft, i have no - grets.


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