tv FOX21 Morning News FOX March 8, 2016 7:00am-9:00am MST
7:02 am
next, s s ow y y the wer story foththanan l lk atour y planner.we will vethth update coming up in about 10 $& mitetete 3 3 hahaininda..michig isppi.dahond hawa areoldingrimaries nddentiaiaiacacaid!! on botof a a a a rangveryote.e.techigs thprpre ---- wit666decrcrcr teteat s... d 59 fofoththg-o-o-mnmnil mississippoffefe 41 $ delegater ddcrats 40 for the g-p.the other two states will hold nination &cotstsornly y y y ----gh cawaiaiai and imarinho.. both demfkfkck ntdede campaigned in
7:03 am
-- and appuprereat a news wnall.rnrs s- -. whokeatafoying "wteeodon't know what it's le be -- did cololwhile llinton n ietout queueuens abouh%mailto rest. restmfanwhwh.. g---o- cpaigigd in michch... . also dowow uth -- wherereed c c cwowowowothene misspps governorororl bryantrcrubibis snsnsn orida,a,a, h i primary march 15th... but trairorunner oald trtrp p by eig poi popots.asasorts ememehat t t aff werereatelelur" bibitot h h communicicions sj wenen c c-n-- "noayay al....afafr eke#ulatn... f fmer r w rkrk r r l blooooerg annonod he * * seek th republicansidential nominationtatement he e said@de s st cldeaeaea -way " --d onlyefit dd umum 3 in morortical ....a a a sur-pac ising le e e speakepaulul@ idtiti r re.e. w yosmsmsmsmsm e ck says "the committee to dft speaker ryan" was
7:04 am
isormer ssador finld d d an ie o-o-o-best`h`he toooo wiwn n nsveveveveveays he willl oililon dolrs of s n moushc to o run.muhese`e`eer had sasasad the ou p in "pitol news".a republican--d$mpmpto xpangurights"p"pd d dddasep ntrols" opby colororo after r r sotot2 2 *f* ... . . tetetervrv guoleneniv stified d befofo lma. laerer-- theectete bills inude one th would ( havevellll "concead carry of handgun on public school grnds.s.s. - - -alal o o o ououagazazt....... and allowiwitiveuty taryrr psonnel" toddarry concled hahahaxut permrmrmit sti iderino o me llrmititr "conaled rr..d pand protototonssnst precutn when busess owneor emploloe e eseses "deadly rce"ininn intr.. 3 3 now for latest o oa a ebeb ma cici cldld a c c
7:05 am
seseously y hu t ters cangbththf the yearld t*sioio inries* fm a bren leg a bruisunand rara blth wererke light for life" ens chilil's hospital.h&h&h&al.the buspect 4 entnfied a2121eaeaead jacob sandovoveblo pe e e say.....e iseeewihhhe ims'otheheut dodontntow snl is alsososoususususf ssault" and "domestic violence" against e children's mother lastptbe ru oelopopg y....( we f k k k k ks n kied in plane crh ne pallake kepre00yearararanan rrayan-yr-old jeje kaplitz.thcrcrcrcrcrppened stststednesds\s\s\s\r plplpl we down just a few hundred yards from a neighghrhood.. n-n-n-till w wking t gu w@ausus t ld fasedi-ane" t t wn. p33 yesterronc teteacacytwnng rmally annnced h h mentg an emomoonal newsone.e.e. cr.the vetete artetetck k gaveve hrtfespee -- watched milons.
7:06 am
es......d d d d unininf ror.nunu-1-1 saididhis cacas ju hehebebenninf f f sokein ] to odiscovov3 tprohoututpo.... mamaing anked everyorom m pa andndresentnt c achch.... er...and fananfor e "overwhelmlmupportrtrtrtrt stages of hicaer. talk about the " "ttte ings" hel ss -- inudgngaking tobrada's ..ndhem ple s.hkng bacararar nninsasa he "w"wks awawata - leavg everything t t field. rere, i'l' k kw w thououa t th i hevytnini had dn tms wk away with a win. ere re oer plpls whw were mortalent but t there was no oneho could t prepepe me a a bececse of iave no regrets." reetetinininincledis spith h scpte fencnc-- ssing g par 's f f ft e e e ht...... fished the racac......t the fafah. 3
7:11 am
3 in thimoing's "heah h alert"t".en it cos s toour enearingng making l narachces y betterorthehe heah. 33 iver o oliforn a rkely redscered swihi to fmi fr" "sms and po klklkllowe levs rmondisrupurng chemicals teege girls.harmful l l emicals -- known to terfere withouou gir' growth development -- are und in many agnc.. coets. andaiod. uc.e std. aftea short breafr tir r produc -- - lele of oschicals in their systos mumu a a 45-rcrct.rechs cosmsmics ld in ths-ar tougtoulate .. o o llt data regegdiir healthects. and listenenuyuy -- is you.u.w w udy he are som sititi hh fitso havivo bromanc.. o oleleds.
7:12 am
it mayay help "stres mananamentwi the release a 'cuddlemone' -- callededxytocin.clcle lele friendshshs`s`s`s`help youngboys and m%n gr up b b bmore tu with theiemotns.. bettquipto hdl . anthe cial support one bro ceiv fro another uld bufferere stress andanceesiliee. resilience.memeal healt pressionalaleven bieve@ eating p-t-sd withxycin rays soue way to encoe social interac --helping rerevery... and br people closer ther. 3
7:13 am
7:18 am
7:20 am
th 40 megs of inrnetedfr centuryli, a mi of fo c all bonlinet the`meime, staming,g,ing,oading movies. yeah, ternet's great,but i thin nt a ltoo ah, orking.i ch pfethe twdabear rn-rimmed asses,le-ihicakikithing. yemjss t rumed azy y cle lolo.. " "ul g g 's t essenthis rol el like a hollood insir
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1818deletes are at stake for decrats -- 99 for thg-o-p. meanwh-- i iho and hi llold nominati consts for r republicans s next... vevezon communatats willllow pay fine . and abide byyear conon decrer. this -after e federal communicatn si found thehe com's wire unit "vted the pracy of its urs xt -- x portete innd is ared5 milliodollar after a str cretetet recorded he nad ininererelooan sted ionli..the jury gave 51-pernt othble to chl bat...ndnd 49-perce resnsibilitto hote 3 fural arararartsor foerir lady ncag haveeen n nonc. . e will bururd ne to husb -- persident rond reagan f fday -- at t e reagan prpridenal library i lirnia 3 xt... e oly sa.. ates ide whhehe not t mpetetin this year's summer olypics in bral -- wre the zika vus has rsed consnsnsu-s-o-o-doot
7:35 am
3 anstbuisisowowrralling one of its "pre-packaged breakfkft sandes". cordrdg g t f-d-d. sausage, chehear se ephufmay contaminated with *lis. 3 for infmation on stories... and othths...log onto ote- 1 1 ws dot coco-- and s srcews". ew.righghno.. let's ts it oveveto chieteorolostst justin cmbs for ur "firstook recaca 3 3 3good morng and tha you so much for watching.t's ke lk id..righno next, let't'show you t weher ory foththhday.and here a a look k your da planner.ilha ano updada coming upn ou minutes.
7:36 am
7:37 am
"tterand llalced" it is ium diet-- wh pepe... trtr..and nilla avy rereeching.. anana grt t&mpliment tpo chken. icken. 33&0& numberyel l arnn.this wine is ver chchle fororhoseoo toove to d der whiteines. . c cspndd can f beinagedn steel barrelelas p opsed d oakhower... therisistill a subtbe hi of oak thais welcoming to those famimiar with chchdonnay aged in oak. 3 mber 3..twin nin pin irtis w we haa dark oak and er nose that a a ick leadnto wine hat so say h bitan "aoly"aste.but is nice
7:38 am
throh...akinitat compliment to pizza,a,te ststst redauce. 3 3 33 nuer 2 i..@obert ndavi prive selection uvignon wine s ice us flavo" frhe west cot ----ith hints of apefitits great t a hohoy y witspicy fish.and -- a good alternive to more exexnsivsauvignoblancs made in souterica. amamic 3anannumber one is. vewoodfandel.this wine is soth with lototof flar and a hintf pepperynesat the end. it isisaidr..
7:39 am
7:40 am
centurprism tv h all uravavetchanls, tovevepo and mo -- alalin crysx-c-c-c wawah when andan wiwi advanced d atures lip wholhome dvr, and on the g g and se from rietet of great pacges to fitour home. call... ...aetettatata w wh thprisessentntl bune. you'lletv pl up to 40 megs of ctury intnet. for $65 mon this deal soun gre, especiallyf yolove srts.s. gegeprm esseiatvtvtvand upt0 megegof interne for only $6565 month. score!
7:41 am
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7:57 am
ke theour daybrkft vilgennth-cdib. choose fm 00voriri u eate it. e the eakft wawh yot. thined v, atn crededle pce w atatilllgenn.3 in's brefast br. for this yeantnatitial wongngng... thoglele dodole tsited 13 countriesfd d d d than00 women and glso shthti theentence, "onon day i wili.... ll..."the resultlts an imimim vidil --showing a a a "world of ssibilities" meosrom rimamast*
7:58 am
8:00 am
ceylinis` as alyo fore chahls nsnsf ves, d re- inin-car h wawhennd wherere wan thdvand featur ke welesp bo whwhe d, tse from a vaetyofrekage it whhe isessentl bdle.yoll getv usto 4me cntert. all r ly65 month th deal un gat, escicilyf lovepo t isesntiatvtv anup tegs ier r on $th ore! orif you love movivi.... rn a aent hey,y,lelelelee, go oanprisesntial th u utotogs of internrn for 65 ath. ah! whipiprackck] [ noaloicealal.. t ard witi pri eential tv pl utototomegs of intntnet speed. ju65 a mth for a yea
8:01 am
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8:03 am
3 happening michigan... miisppi...daho and hawa areoles ---- and presintial candidates on both sides t t aisle are scrambling e eryote. vote.igan ithe bipr w wh h 7 demoatic deleat staananu. foe g-o-p.while mississippoffers1 deles for democratat40 the o-p.e other twtw st wl ho nominatio contests forcansnsnly -- thrhrcus s@ h and y in i dememra contrsrsampaignenein
8:04 am
town hall.bernie sanders- who took keat for "white peoe doknowt it like poor dada control... whwhe hillary linton trieto p p quess about s to res rest.anwhile. g-o-p hopefuls campapane micht alson soutut-- w wren e endorsememt mississis go@rhi yantntmarco o bio ororor whi hds primary mah . trai front donond trumby`yight point points.eports emerg that stafwe "privately urging ruo drop ouou-- his communicatioios s rectoren c c-n to say wayay so... . ter weekekof specatio..ormemenew yo mar miaeblooooerg annohe *n't* s sk k ruican presidentia nomition a stament h h id he fears it could lead "3-way race" --hahauld on benenitalump. 3 3 in mpolititil nea new c is tryg g to lure hpusspr paul rn to theesidential race. .new york businessman
8:05 am
toraft ser ryan"as formed lweek. m- wh is formeabassssor t t finlansays- ry is th g-o-p's ope to win i veermack say wl put t up oneillion drs of f n moneto push ry to runvbut t tse speer has vowed the grou 3 in "capitotonews".a ican-leleattempt to "expand gun rian"ease contls" adop corib afr masshootin i i20-1 ails. aftesuivovs ofof guviolcend aivis teifiefore lawmake. wmers. t rejec bills inude at have alledcoead rr hann public school ground..- thal of f 15-rouaglit.t.-- and lolongg "acveut mita psoel" cry conchandns wititut peite mmitteistill consing a bill tremove l pes for aled cacqy"and expainin protectionagainst prosecwhwh aess owner or employeuses "deadly force"in an n in. 3
8:06 am
n @aci childse chaes -ftft pol ously huhu t tdlerhe was cangngboth of th2-2- year-o-ons have *s injuries* * f fm a oken to ais lung and "brain ey we taken b "f"fr fe" " enver's chilen's hospipil. hoal.the svect is identifis 21-year-ol jacob saoval.pueb pole say.y. he is friens wi t victims'other.cour documents shandoval is alused of "assault" and omesticiviolenef" against thchdrenother last t seember. 3 re on "developing story... we n know the names of the two men killed i ie ashpalr la.. la.ey 7ararldan rrrr....and 60-yje kaplz.e ash ppen last weds\..thr ple wentntowjuew hdrdr yards n-t-s-b is still working gure o what caushe hied bi-an tot t downf 3 3 sterda.. bnc arterbk pe mng rmly announced his tirentnturg an emotial newsofference.
8:07 am
qurbrbk ve a healt eech - -hed bylions. r 18s... two titlmomotain of baecds...numbmr-18 id`end of hi he *beginn sog he's yet t diover ughout hpeech. thd evnero stnd pntches. ays ..nd fs for the "orwing supporlrl all stst ohis re. he talk about the "lile things'lmiss -- ivcluding akg m bry's s hand..ndhe team m ane des. chokingack ars... ing ide "w"wkswa -leaving everything theie. "w"wi ok bacon my nfl careeri'll know witht a doubth i herytng d hp mymy teams wk away th a we were oer playwhwhwe more tanted but ere wa@ne w wld out are nd becau th i hno rns regrets.manning his spch with a scriptur reference --ayin part ought thgo f ed t rac kept
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8:16 am
3 taing fobaite dcast s fore the gamemeafterwards'll mimi recapping game with mymy dad, checking to see ithe ants won, calling eli from the am b, miss that ha trady, celebratinwith 53 otot mate'll mis p pyi ininro of 3 mangrt th ame an th rororoi'lllllln ss the patrirts fans in f fboro" 3 no manannget w wh a lot of recor... t not t l are great.e finished his roroie seaeafafa3-13....d in e proces-- he sesethe n-f- l ro record r inteeptions. aecd still hos toy. 3 madsure to let know -he wanted thecord oken very yr i for okie qrterback to brea th record.ndndw @ matthew staffordeli maing,
8:17 am
that he woulhave broken itit if hwowod hava s srted all gam 3 well -- one teammatehat ew back twitnesmann tire w vononille h saidwould haisisd it for t wor d will remember nnin alalclusiv 's had a huge impactn my & li and jt seeingim for the rst t)me a how he trys toncludeverydythth zation, t tvst coa and plays equipmpm cookors, it didn't matter, thth all had a a relationsh with peyt. 3 w to the n-l... 3 the e ona cotes s dthe e avanche...d colorado w ws 3-3-nenenep -- thahmucks s inepsi er on wednnight.0 3 3 it's tuesday -- and thth m m thingsre about to gevery "tast" "tasming u-john and juin are talalng
8:21 am
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em get a mk ere'a t new denmcdold'pi menu! mme t mcpick 2. nopick any two oyour favorite classs for just 5 b m mat. share n savor.2 for $5. na your flor oosenyny icoc tast,big mamamadeith 100% beef, a flaky filet-fish, seafedrter pounder iese or crispy 1010iece chicken mcets for ju $s. hprry in for aamazing fofo deal o othdonaldld tasteyou love.
8:32 am
a chbroile ubleleheeseburger, d pyy y ickesandwich plplri a iceceold coke. goound, ter rod, after roun after rouou. 's's hvyighthampmpn... eals. the $4 real deal at jr.r. 3 lce baho o x21 moin ne%-- reapapng the top stotothhehe ape day's top si0. a n w susupac ryin to lururhoussear pa ryan tthe eresidentiace.- w w rkusessman earle mack says he wl put up one-@ million dollars to push an to run...but t the hou spker hadisavowewethe group. ne..e preme urt erseaba supueme courdesion --- r rusing recognize a samememx rent adoponofrogeora.alabama
8:33 am
credittoeoroia c crt's's decisi. 3 bills "expa colorado gun n rightsveil* to. ey incconcealed s- hanunun on publchchl grounds. and allll "acte-duty militarar onnel" $o cay coead . hagunsititut pmits. next... e u.s.mpic mmittee says... athletes need to dwhwhher mpete i@i@hiar'smer r ypics in brazil whw zika virus ha tral concns. 3fural arrangements formrm f lady nancy reagan are annonc. she ll be ed next to forr peidenronaldeagan friday library. and stararararis now recalling onof i "pre-pack brkfasndwiesesess accoco t t t.he sause, egg andndddar chse elish mfin y be contntinatedith ria* 3 r mo ionn e sties. a ather..lo on oebsi - -ws dom --ndndnd searcs". "ns".righnow.....@et tos o or ceteoeologist justin cmbers for
8:34 am
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8:51 am
anstaring g sese ku& here & means me.3 d-lib birthdif you someone u lovee a birthdayomupwe wananto kn a it... just email pictu -- birtays f 21 news dot nd d't foet to inclcle the name a any special l ag to see. go morningnd thank you so ch f f watininint's ke a liveveoooutsid..right no nelet'owowou t weather story for r e day.y.d re's a look at your day plananr.we will nother updadadaoming up in abt 10 minutes. 3 3 ... your next weathean traffic update in t 10
8:55 am
3 re are somomiethis morning th will maou.... wht!?!emererncy ews inss wbusy -- trying tain seval *millili* e .th - after a seseru cryin mo tn 450 beehiv overturned. 33 swarmhe tck -- making idifficr crew to rea the driver.beeepe ter rived help. help.officials have n released whqed the crash but,oad osedff - -a-aa p pple bee aergies old to avovopwhe area. 3 ... a naked wocaus affito ce to stanti in uston. thi sight that geted mmuters 2-90 mond
8:56 am
t truck after a mt peclcrh ... d seled- for a aile --eteting,$- pong, ncing anseeminy enjojong herself herselcrews onde-- rring the big g...they used a cherrpipier to o finally brininher to the` street--taki into custody. custod p3 finally, finally, a woman -- dring g vaat l like e "scoobdoo" mtu4 machine -- leaea califnia poli on a "wcae". shappapant decided t "make a a n for it" duri a ine obn chchk. chk.the n ed t ths4re.more offic jo--ing for lalaficitit the kiki 0 ehic they weresing. chasing.bebebee it ono -- - ththman is s on the ruru .. despiteriving such an icon-lookg vehie. vehicle. 3
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9:00 am
deasoun gre,escialyovepos. get prm ntia and d 40 megs of interert 65 m mth. ore! or, ifououeat moes... [ uthe`nent cntine, go od get prism esntial tv with up megsgsf in r on a month. hyah![ whip cra] [ rmaloice call... get stardd with prism eential t us uto 40 me net spee stonth for a year. spy t bevaab inour .
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