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tv   CBS Morning News  CBS  July 9, 2014 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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deadly storms surge across the northeast. at least five people are killedpy a violent weather system that took many by surprise. >> we were standing there. it started raining. it started getting a little windy and then almost instantly something was here. rockets fired from gaza streak through the sky as things continue to mount. the don't ald sterling saga battles in court and he has choice words for his wife's attorney. >> once again. an utter humiliation. >> and beatdown in brazil. germany advances to the world
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cup final by pummeling the host nation by leaving the brazil fans stunned. captioning funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning news" for wednesday, july 9th, 2014. good morning. good to be with you. i'm anne-marie green. cleanup efforts are under way this morning after a powerful and fast moving storm system whipped through the northeast. the threat of severe weather in the region is now over. the system is weakening as it moves north but last night the storm caught many off guard with deadly results. marlie hall has more. good morning. >> reporter: anne-marie, good morning. here in manhattan there was some minor damage but the cost was far greater in upstate new york. at least four peeled were killed in smithfield, a rural town outside syracuse when the powerful storm blew through. the victims were inside buildings that couldn't stand up
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to the storm and collapsed. at least 60 people were involved in search and recovery efforts. >> we were going to each home, trying to see who was there, how many may be in the home. we've got our search dogs out looking around. we're picking up parts of the house, looking underneath to see if anybody's underneath them. >> the storm ripped trees from the ground and nomed them on buildings and knocked out power to tmillions of homes. >> take a look bat here in ohio. tornados touched down near the twin cities. we also suspect it was the work of a tornado. another tragic event. one child was killed and six more injuries when a tree toppled at a summer camp. camp leaders were trying to get the children to safety when the storm struck. >> it's pretty traumatic for the campers because a lot of them
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were there obviously when it happened. but we've got them all together, all accounted for, took them to the lower part of the camps where there was no damage. they're doing well. >> reporter: the storm took many people by surprise throughout the northeast. >> we were standing there, it started raining, started getting a little windy, and then almost instantly something was here. >> it's just a mess. that trampoline actually came from over here. so it flew about a hundred feet. this tree over here came from that pine. so the windows are broken on the side of the house over here. >> it was insane. i mean i looked out the window and just saw blankets of rain and trees falling everywhere. >> reporter: new york city was spared the rain but wind knocked down trees and damaged a construction site and baseball fans watched as garbage blue onto the field during the mets game in queens.
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today investigators will determine if any of the damage was caused by tornados. and as fast as the storm moved in, it moved out. the national weather service predicts there will only be a slight risk of severe weather today in the plains. anne-marie? >> marlie hall in new york. thank you, marlie. this morning a powerful typhoon is headed toward the main islands of japan. the slow moving storm hit okinawa yesterday. the main japanese island could receive the equivalent of three months worth of rain in just two days. president obama heads to dallas today where he'll discuss the immigration crisis with governor rick perry. the president turned down an offer to visit the border himself, and perry, who has been highly critical of administration immigration policies refused to meet at the airport. instead they'll attend a meeting of local leaders to discuss the
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issue. in washington members of congress are considering the president's request for $3.7 billion in emergency funding to deal with the immigration crisis. rather $1.8 billion would go to housing, food, and health care for thousands of children. another $1.6 billion would be used to build new detention centers and for judges and lawyers to review each case. the president wants to speed up the process that would send most children back to central america. >> they'll be taken care of while they go through the legal process but in mohs cases that legal process will lead to them being sent back home. >> reporter: more than 100,000 have crossed the border since last fall. fighting between forces escalated overnight. israel is preparing for a possible invasion. its warplanes and ships targeting suspected hamas
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operations. palestinian medics say 25 people were killed. meanwhile hamas fired dozens of rockets at israel. tara mergener is in washington. good morning. >> good morning, anne-marie. they're trading rockets and aerial bombs. as tensions rise, the u.s. is urging both sides to de-escalate the confrontation. rioters through rocks while police used tear gas. in the sky, rockets flew over gaza. israel targeted 160 sites day two of an operation on hamas terror sites. hamas has been launching their own rockets at israel. tuesday sirens wailed. the defense system intercepted two missiles there. guests at this wedding ran for cover. last month's kidnapping of three
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israeli killing of students and a teen triggered the violence. prime minister benjamin netanyahu tuesday to take off the gloves. he's activated 40,000 troops advising them to prepare for every scenario including a possible ground invasion. >> this really has the makings of a major disaster and the real question is this region as a tipping point as we see conflict potentially now in israel alongside the civil war in syria and an ongoing conflict in iraq. the u.s. state department along with the united nations condemned the attacks on israeli civilians and a state department spokesperson did say that israel has the right to defend itself from hamas in the gaza strip. anne-marie? >> tara mergener in washington. thank you, tara. the california highway patrol says the officer caught on video beating a woman has been placed on desk duty. in the video the unidentified
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officer is shown repeatingly punching a woman he pinned on the side of a los angeles freeway. it's unclear what provoked the altercation. as bigad shaban reports, community leaders are outraged. the california whooi patrol shook hands with community leaders after what was called an open and honest meeting. a highway patrol officer repeatedly punching a woman on the side of the expressway. commissioner farrell said he had the same response. the victim, 51-year-old marlene pin okay is being treated for her injuries but hoer attorney said the treatment was delay and accuses them of hiding her. >> i believe had an officer gotten beaten up, they would have given him a cat scan immediately. the california highway patrol
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shouldn't be left to investigate one of their own. >> reporter: is their investigation one you feel you can have confidence in? >> at this point i'll give them the benefit of the doubt but we're still watching. >> reporter: in the report the officer said pinnock was walked alongside the road barefoot. they're measuring it in weeks, not months. bigad shaban, cbs news, los angeles. well, coming up on the "morning news," sky-high sales are expected now that marijuana is legal in washington. and epic fail at the world cup. host nation brazil loses big to germany. we'll get reaction. this is the "cbs morning news." or margherita flatbreads, baked fresh in house and served with your choice of soup or salad. chili's lunch combos, starting at just 6 bucks. more life happens here.
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weightless, creamy lipstain saturates lips... ...with brilliant shine and vivid color hydrates lips with vitamin e & aloe. new revlon colorstay moisture stain™ this is love for your lips. revlon curing a yeast infection relieving the itch.... can happen instantly. vagisil max strength anti-itch wipes relieve itch and odor instantly as they cleanse. so why wait to feel comfortable? trust vagisil. the number one wipe for itch. what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... oh yeah, and frosted! what's your most favorite of all? hmm...the kind i have with you. me too. germany schooled brazil in yesterday's cup final. they went on a scoring frenzy putting fuehrer in the net in just seven minutes.
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the final score, a lop-sided 7-1 victory for germany. it's brazil's it happened on home turf. the agony of tee feet was too much for many of brazil fans. some cried. most parade but mostly they were shocked at the drubbing. after the game one of the top players apologized for the humiliating loss. but german fans loved every second. thunderous cheers after every goal. they can't wait for the sunday cup final after they face today between the netherlands and argentina. on the "cbs moneywatch," washington state brings up its first legal sale of recreational marijuana and rival car service apps battle for the big apple. jill wagner is at the new york
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stock exchange with that and more. good morning, jill. >> good morning. it is now legal to light up in washington state. recreational marijuana went on sale wednesday and the shops were packed. the state expects to collect almost $2 mill $2 million in ta. yesterday the investors weren't impressed. the dow tumbled 117 point dloes below 17,000. the nasdaq fell 60 points, its biggest slide in two months, and the s&p lost 13 points. uber, the mobile app car service has cut a deal with new york city. it's agreed not to price gouge during emergencies or natural disasters. uber has been criticized for raising prices during rush hour or during bad weather. uber is getting some competition from lyft, another car service app. you can tell lyft by the big
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pink mustache on the grill. unlyle unlike uber they can't set frl the competition. >> jill wagneral the new york stock exchange. thanks a lot, jill. straight ahead, courtroom drama. l.a. clippers owner donald sterling gets combative in his fight to keep the team. botox® is an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by a doctor once every 3 months. the effects of botox® (onabotulinumtoxina) may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache.
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don't take botox® if you have a skin infection. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. the dose of botox® is not the same as other botulinum toxins. put the odds on your side. visit and talk to a headache specialist. it's the yoplait greek taste-off and we are asking the music city which 100-calorie strawberry greek yogurt tastes best. this one is definitely the winner. yoplait greek 100! you want to see which one yoplait greek beat? chobani yes! yoplait greek wins again. take the taste-off for yourself! and these little angels build in strength. and that little angel says, "weeeeeeeee!" 60% more sheets than charmin. everything you want and the value you love. angel soft. here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around
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the country. donald sterling the controversial own over the l.a. clippers could be back on the witness stand today. as randy paige of our los angeles station kgbs shows us, sterling is battling his wife as to whether she can sell their basketball team. >> reporter: donald sterling began his testimony by telling the judge he was hard of hearing. as the questioning began he also appeared to have a hard time answering the questions. at times he became combative, at times telling shelly's attorney, be a man for god's sake. be a mad. stand up and tell me what you want me to be accused of. >> this guy didn't answer anything. sometimes he said i don't know. most of the time his responses were personal attacks on me.
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>> reporter: when asked about negotiating, he answered not because of dignity or the embarrassment of a franchise to take action against me. the reason is the lakers signed a deal with waerns for $3 million and during all this i'm negotiating with fox, adding later, my wife can't run anything. she's beautiful and intelligent. i'm trying to generate as much success from my trust as i can. >> i think the one thing that comes across today is he's not mentally incapacitated. maybe indiscreet now and then but not mentally incapacitate and he's managing a $4 million empire. so he gets to be on top of the game. and he's trying to tell you the $2 billion is not a vast overpayment with television prices going up and up and up, the teams are all going to be worth more. >> reporter: better fields said the judge got a good look at dorld sterling.
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>> up until today he had no idea who donald sterling really was. today he saw the meanness, the anger, the rage, the unwillingness to really face the issue of the question and tried to get around it by personal attacks on me. >> that was kcbs's randy paige reporting. the nba is trying to get sterling to sell the clippers because of racist remarks he made to his girlfriend. the league is trying to ban him for life. a test that can determine who will develop a disease before the onset of symptoms. ♪ i found a happy place ♪ a rather happy place ♪ i'm singin', i'm singin' ♪ ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪ i found a happy place [ female announcer ] with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts, skim milk, and cocoa, there's a whole lot of happy in every jar of nutella.
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here's a look at today's forecast in some cities around the country.
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a startling discovery at the national institutes of health in bethesda, maryland, six accounts of the virus smallpox virus. they were discovered in an old storage room. it's unclear whether it's alive. it's being tested. smallpox was declared eradicated in 1980. and british researchers say they have come up with a blood test that can predict the onset of alzheimer's. more than 5 million americans have it. >> they lost their mother to alzheimer's disease. >> it's horrible knowing that once you're diagnosed with it it's a slow horrible journey. >> reporter: now they're developing a blood test that can help families coping with the disease. they found ten proteins in the blood that could reveal early changes in the brain related to alzheimer's before a patient has symptoms. scientists hope their findings will eventually lead to patients
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being put on drugsarily to delay or even stop the disease. >> you take a drug and in effect you would have the clinical symptoms prevented even if the disease had already started in your brain. >> reporter: researchers analyzed blood samples for more than a thousand people. they were able to predict with 87% accuracy whether people with mild memory and thinking problems would develop alzheimer's within a year. many patients with dementia are diagnosed too late. researchers hope their test will identify the disease sooner. >> if we had that blood test it would have reassured us, something is wrong and we can start planning for the future. >> reporter: mary suffered with alzheimer's for eight years before she died. her daughter hopes they can save others from the fate they faced. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," more on that blood test for alzheimer's disease when we talk to a top specialist. i'm anne-marie green.
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this is the "cbs morning news." ahhh! what is it? there are no marshmallows in this box of lucky charms! huh... weird... seriously? what? they're magically delicious try our delicious chipotle chicken or margherita flatbreads, baked fresh in house and served with your choice of soup or salad. chili's lunch combos, starting at just 6 bucks.
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more life happens here.
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open carry firearm laws are being debated across the country. last week the retailer target joined a growing list of companies asking customers not to bring firearms into stores but barry petersen shows us a colorado restaurant takinging the opposite town. >> reporter: the town is called rifle. the grill is called shooters. no surprise the waitresses are dressed. >> what are you carried? >> a 357 ruger black hawk. >> why are you carrying that one? i like old style revolvers and i like big ones. >> it started with kara carrying one openly which is legal. so the waitresses accessorized as well.
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dusty cares a smith &s we on, a 9 millimeter. bow better insists the women be properly trained to use the guns. >> there's room for errors in a lot of ways and so the best training is the best way to prevent those. >> reporter: you really doan want anybody shootsing your customers either. >> no, sir, not at all. we would go through extreme circumstances before that was our final option. >> the lacy family was split on the pick toll packing ladies. jill was nervous. >> did it scare you? >> it's a little intimidating, yes. >> 9-year-old axle thought it was cool. >> do you feel safer because they have guns? >> yeah, i do. >> reporter: why? >> so they can just defend therapy selves and the store. >> reporter: in colorado open care requires no permit. a concealed weapon does. if you want to take it to the next level. around here you might have what they call the side arm sandwich
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special. for 75 buck use get a class on getting a permit to carry a concealed weapon and along with that comes a free burger. as they say around here, take your best shot at it. maybe it's time to remember that this is colorado, the old west. doug is a local doctor. >> maybe if someone wandered in from new york city or from washington, d.c., they might be a little worried. but the local people plus the people in western colorado are not going to be worried by someone with handgun. >> reporter: and one more thing. when you see the shooters at shooters, our advice is leave a really good tip. barry petersen, rifle, colorado. >> i'll have a burger with a side -- arm -- sidearm. coming up after your local news on "cbs this morning," an update on the deadly weather in the east. plus a closer look at the economic problems facing atlantic city. and we'll visit the estate
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of director stanley kubrick to mark the 50 years since he and ar thurl c. clark started spade odyssey. that's the "cbs morning news" for this wednesday. i'm anne-marie green. thanks for watching. have a great day. -- captions by vitac --
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today it is wednesday, july 9th good morning i'm ukee washington. i'm erika von tiehl. first, nature's rage, and then peco's repairs. and severe storms leave down trees and power lines, we will show you the damage. we are learning more about the fire that claim four young lives in southwest philadelphia, hear the 911 calls and ongoing debate on how soon fire fighters responded. and there is another setback for a cigarette tax, it is supposed to help pay the bills for philadelphia's public schools. those stories and more coming up. lets talk about the weather and these storms that came through here and what is on tap today in power at your place. >> yes. >> we all have a store friday last nigh


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