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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  July 15, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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the east side, of i-95, and, philadelphia area, and here is the one, in the axis of heavier rain. these then are storms moving over the same area over and over again. we call them training storms. in the past 15 minutes in the area we have seen over 300 lightening strikes, last night, over 9,000, over the course of the evening. lets take a look at this cell, this is a severe thunderstorm in bucks county that is in moving right now through mercer county, new jersey. we have reports of hail with this, frequent lightening, potential for damaging wind and a report have hail taken from lower makefield township, of, diameter of .3 of an inch. moving toward the north in 22 miles an hour and you can see over 141,000 people affected by this storm. hopefully the lights will not go out. another severe cell extending through smyrna through the state of delaware moving east at about 35 miles an hour. at this speed it will tip to move across the bay and into
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south jersey and million will by 5:42. port elizabeth the by 5:45. we have severe thunderstorms to talk about. severe thunderstorm warning is in effect right now for south jersey and also, delaware. southern new castle, northern parts of the kent county, across the delaware bay and into bridgeton, right here through cumberland county southward severe thunderstorm warning in effect until 5:15. we have that additional severe thunderstorm warning in effect for trenton, mercer county, pennington, yardley up towards new brunswick, hopewell, until 5:30. we have that severe thunderstorm watch in effect until 9h for the entire region, heavy downpours, damaging wind and small hail and a flash flood warning in effect. you can see right here through salem county and going right up through gloucester county and camden counties until 8:30 tonight. very heavy rain, rain rates at 2 inches an hour falling in a very short period of time creating flooding, already. here's the additional rain we
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expect tonight through tomorrow morning, and you can see that swath through interior south jersey where we expect those storms to continue to move over the same area and regenerate from trenton, interior south jersey and toward millville, potential for two or even three additional inches of rain. we will continue to track these storms and will do so right through the night, flash flood watch continues to late tonight for the entire region. southeastern pennsylvania, new jersey, and the state of delaware. looking for those drenching thunderstorms and our meteorology fist kate billow is in northeast philadelphia tracking them with the cbs-3 mobile weather lab, hi katie heard there was lightening in your area. >> reporter: hi, the kathy, yeah we are here in bensalem and it just started raining pretty heavily. rain drops very large rain drops as these storms move through. we want to get back in the truck in the safe location. we are hearing thunder, very dark ominous skies. those storms kathy just mentioned moving up i-95, and traveling up here we saw bolt
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of lightening long that path as well. over here to the cbs-3 mobile weather lab it is warm and steamy still a lieutenant of moisture and heat and energy for these storms to draw from. still 89 degrees, feels like 91 but now that the rain is coming down heavily it will in the stay that way for very long. we have mentioned earlier in the broadcast we had damage reports yesterday, take a look at severe thunderstorm on storm scan three and zooming in our area like i said, rain started to come down near bensalem and it will continue with these storms continuing to move right along the i-95 corridor. earlier, of course we had this picture from yesterday southampton burlington county really does look like a tornado even though it is block by the building. today national weather service meteorologist where is out on the ground assessing damage from yesterday's storm. joe was among them, and he said the close look and tried to carl late damage patterns was what he saw on radar and this is what he had to a. >> the wind were anywhere between 60 and 70 miles per hour which is consistent with
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what we saw on the ground in terms of damage and consistent with the radar. so there is two pieces that came together, two pieces of the puzzle came together, straight lane wind in the really a tornado. >> reporter: so joe, from the national weather service says not a tornado but straight line wind here in bensalem. i'm undercover. we will get back in the truck because things are going downhill, heavy rain, frequent lightening you don't want to be out in this. we will take our own advice and send it back to you substitute ohio. reporting live, meteorologist kate billow for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". be safe, we will come back as we can. we appreciate it, thank you. residents spent much of the day cleaning up, that is one of the hardest hit areas with scores of homes suffering major damage. lets turn to "eyewitness news" reporter cleve bryan who has been there throughout the day. cleve, it looks luke a mess there.
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>> reporter: chris this tree just beside me is just as wide as it is long. we have seen the root structure here which is absolutely ripped apart. as the storm came through. the problem now, of course, as this new rain because these houses have tarps up on them, because of the damage, already, they are hoping they don't get any further damage. a neighborhood in awe, and disbelief at the power of the thunderstorm. the down of dozens of trees, blew apart fences and ripped holes in roofs. >> it looks like a train hit us. >> reporter: while this big tree missed another came crashing down on sarah's house, it buckled the wall downstairs and punched a hole through the bedroom next to where her baby was sleeping. >> i was listening to see if my daughter was crying. then i went in, i saw wind rushing through the hallway. i knew that was a bad sign. >> reporter: several beams broke but overall damage could have been much worse. same could be said for her
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neighbor across the street andrew who had a tree fall away rather than towards her son's bedroom. >> our neighbors are also very fortunate ape grateful there were no injuries, that we are aware of. >> reporter: remarkable walking around the street after street seeing how many close calls there were. with trees land ago long but the not on top of houses. voorhees township officials say there nor reported injuries and only two families who cannot stay in their homes tonight. we saw many examples of neighbors helping each other but the clean up could last for days. >> that was quite extreme yesterday. >> reporter: even the rain, still going on at this this hour, people fortifying their home to keep out the rain and critters to be honest. we will speak with more of the residents in this neighborhood on "eyewitness news" at 6:00 including hearing from a woman who had four trees fall in her yard. we are live, cleve bryan, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> quite a clean up there, cleve, thanks very much. you can send us your storm
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pictures, use twitter and hash tag cbs-3 storm, and remember, make sure it is safe before you start taking those photos. breaking news now, the parents of the young woman found dead in a duffle bag, a arrive at philadelphia police headquarters to help with that investigation. "eyewitness news" reporter walt hunter has latest on her killing. >> reporter: first her car was found torched on a south philadelphia street after being doused with gasoline early monday morning, then hours later on this kensington lot, a man, sorting through junk, found body of the 23 year-old laura aroyho. >> medical kippur's office, conduct a autopsy and has ruled this a homicide, manner of death, strangulation and blunt force trauma. >> reporter: rick tim who graduated from art institute of philadelphia in december with a degree in fashion tea sign, landing a job with the philadelphia hotel, had been left on the lot tied up, trash bags over her head and feet, her body stuffed in the duffle
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bag. within the hour, victim's parents arrived at homicide headquarters to assist in the investigation. >> she was very special because her main goal were related... unaudible. she spent one year. >> reporter: not far from where her body was found her bank statement and her personal journal, indications that police say, she had been searching for a new place to live carrying many belongings with her. those items heart breaking evidence, of a promising young life that was cut too short. >> pictures, to clothes, to shoes, to jewelry, everything that she owned, like i said her whole life was in these bags. >> reporter: now among the possible motives police say victim may have been ambushed or possibly lured into an
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attack as she was searching for a new place to live. coming up at 6:00 more on the developing investigation, and more, when the victim's family and fellow students. live from the sat center, i'm walt hunter, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> all right walt, thank you. still to come on "eyewitness news" at 5:00 brave shoppers jumped in to action smashing opened a car after spotting children inside. they believe they had no time to spare in the 90-degree heat. is there more troubles tonight for oscar pistorius, the olympic star, on trial for murdering his girl friend gets in the nightclub brawl. and the picture is worth a thousand word, and in this case, millions of views on line, that story behind is what being called one of the worst wedding photo the owes, ever, kathy. we are tracking a line of severe storms with storm scan three we will show what you to expect tonight the and when weather finally clears out, for good, or at least this week. th
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you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ know when to run. ♪ you never count your money, ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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we have severe weather moving through the area, watches and warnings are in effect, right now, meteorologist, kathy orr is hard at work, we will have have her update, in just a few minutes. a man carrying dangerous weapons on a septa train is under arrest, between an alert passenger. this is a photo passenger snapped of the suspect on the broad street line last night. police noticed what appeared to be a gun in his clothing.
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detectives then tracked him through surveillance video, and this is what they found on him, 4b bee guns and three butcher knives. transit police said they were able to nab him all because of that photo. >> i knew exactly what i was looking for. i started circling the the area. i knew he was somewhere downtown. i ended up being the one stumbled on him but we had ten to 12 officers just checking every where that we could. >> charges are still pend ago begins 59 two-year old suspect. septa officials say the germantown man has been arrested before for carrying weapons on septa. good evening, everyone. traveling out and about, if you heard, kathy was talking, chris is talking about it, wet and wild day as the other day. looking at 42 freeway notice water just splashing up the vehicles here southbound side of the 42. we are seeing delays up and over walt whitman bridge and even beyond this point here at creek road. look at that north bound side usually we don't see a lot of
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north bound volume approaching 5:15 but because of the weather folks are just taking it easy out there as they should. let talk about 95 for a second. travel southbound on i-95 you are jammed approaching philadelphia international airport and then down through to 320. we had a disable truck compromising one of the lanes approaching that point of 320 that has been cleared but thinks residual role on top of rush hour delays on top of the wet roads. giving yourself more time all over the board is a good idea. your average on the schuylkill is 16 miles an hour, 34 traveling on 422, and dropping down to 17, on 202 southbound. your heavier between chesterbrook and 401. we are dealing with a down tree in the an accident northbound on the boulevard at ryan avenue in northeast philadelphia, down tree there be mindful of that in the inner drive and we have an accident on the southbound i-95 in delaware at christiana and over an hour and a half delays at the airport. chris and jessica. >> tough going out there, vittoria, thanks very much. much more ahead on "eyewitness
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news" at 5:00 we will show you how music can do things modern medicine cannot. it is knowledge of the the new documentary on alzheimer's that day buys tonight in philadelphia our health reporter stephanie stahl will take a closer look at a live inside. leslie? well, chris, we are live at the the philadelphia freedoms home opener here at villanova university getting in a literal right here but chance to see some of the world's best tennis players like victoria asoranca, we will have
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well, this just seems like deja vu only a little earlier today. >> yeah. >> yesterday, it was after 6:00 o'clock, between 6:00 and 8:00 things starting to fire up. now we are seeing lines, thunderstorms forming early and access of the heavier rain shifted towards south jersey. you can see this line along 295 just to the east of i-95, and that is where we're seeing heavier storms and where training storms are occurring. that is when storms develop over the same area over and over and that is leading to flash flooding. let take a look and we will show you what is going on in center city philadelphia you can see the clouds and a few sprinkles on our camera here but right now nothing really heavy in the city, the line is to the east, and we could see some heavier rains, sneaking
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back towards the city of philadelphia over the course of a evening period. a live neighborhood network takes us to the public works in woodbury, new jersey where the temperature today was 89 degrees. right now 71. i want to show what you happened over course of the day as line of severe storms moved up through the region and cloud came in and very heavy rain, and right now, we are seeing heavy rain there as well. wind will gust earlier and now we are seeing heavier rain lining up. here's the line of storms, you can see how far this line, extend, it is through northern new jersey, down through central new jersey, through delaware and all the way down, to the shore of richmond, i should say, virginia beach area, this is a huge line that will continue to move up the same area over tonight. and we could see an additional two or 3 inches of rain in interior south jersey and heading up toward trenton. along with this a lot of lightening, hundreds of lightening strikes in the very short period of time, as well, as seeing some areas have of
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hail, also seeing some indications of gusty wind. now these are some storm reports that we have gotten in some of these storms, touring the course of the last half an hour, we will see through trenton and also to the south of pittsgrove you can see hail a report of about .3 of an inch in diameter and little bit greater than pea sized hail. elsewhere another report have hail same size greater than pea sized in lower makefield township. hail, gusty thunderstorms as well as this storm crosses over the bay. we're seeing issues. you can see, here at 45 miles an hour gusts and that is a marine, thunderstorm link, associated with the storm that is still a severe storm crossing over the bay and it is moving right towards south jersey. towards bridgeton, and right here in cumberland county. this is moving east/north east and it will continue to move, through vineland, and toward the east, to places like winslow, tabernacle and gloucester. it is a whole line that extend through interior south jersey.
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gloucester by 5:29. vineland by 5:35. winslow, you know that is way to the shore on the expressway, 5:51. 6:06 in tabernacle where we saw that damage in burlington county and from last night's storms. in philadelphia right now 76. rain cooled. dew points high in the 70's. that is oppressive. once we see this front moving through we will squeeze all moisture out of the atmosphere and after that the the rain is gone, thursday looking better, notice wednesday with temperatures in the 80's, a refreshing change, temperatures will be back below average for a change. tonight the showers and storms will end, flooding concerns, continue through late evening hours and low temperature of 7o for your wednesday becoming, sunny breezy comfortable high of 83. exclusive eyewitness weather forecast, near the storm, and, clearing, wednesday, thursday, friday looking great with highs in the 80's. we will be right back
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after starting the season with a six consecutive road games philadelphia freedoms will play their first home match tonight. >> villanova university plays host to world team tennis and superstar victoria asoranka will compete tonight. leslie van arsdal joins us from villanova with more on tonight's opener, leslie. >> hi there, guys. that is what is so cool about world team tennis, you get to see top players like victoria asorranka right in your own backyard. you don't have to go to the u.s. open. i got to sit down with lunch with the coach of the freedoms and, well, for him, tennis is definitely a family affair philadelphia freedom coach josh collins tennis has always been part of his life. >> i have been playing tennis
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since i was two years old. once they got married, my sister plays. >> this is his third year as head coach and biggest challenge every year. >> it is such a short season and beginning to gel. >> reporter: philadelphia best part of the fancies having the best of the best play in your backyard. >> we have victoria, andy roddick, venous williams and the stars will be there. your 10 feet away. >> reporter: working with billy jean king is a dream come true. >> she's such an icon. i want to thank her every day for doing this. >> if he can choose any player past or present to play on his team, he would choose. >> probably jimmy connor. he is 67 years old but can still play just as good. what i remember most about him is his intensity. he goes out. and it seemed like he was practicing for wimbledon. >> you know, i was talking to victoria earlier and she said that she gets so competitive
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in these matches. some other players coming here will be andy roddick, venous williams, martina hingus. you get to see the best of the best. it is fun for the entire family. tickets still available, guys, you have to check this out. back to you jessica and chris. >> looks great. >> great way to spend the night, inside. >> um-hmm. >> coming up in the next half an hour a developing story police and fbi are digging up part of the camden neighborhood in search of the body that could be link to the decade's old unsolved case, we're live. some shop hours had time to spare wind up smashing a window to save two kids who were screaming inside of a hot car, we will see this dramatic scene unfold. exclusive tonight at 6:00 we will dig deeper in the growing veterans affairs scandal and philadelphia benefits center that processes pensions and compensation, all kind of problems have been uncovered at that center. local disable veteran speaks out about having to wait months to get his check, that is at 6:00.
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i'm chris may. we're tracking severe weather as it moves through the area tonight. earlier in this day people in voorhees spent sometime cleaning up from last night's storms, trees were up rooted there, some right on to homes, yards and streets were littered with debris.
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the national weather service was on the scene in voorhees to see damage. they have determined there was not a tornado there but rather straight line winds. that is what caused the damage, kathy? we have severe thunderstorm to talk about, chris. you can see on storm scan three prolific lightening if we add up lightening strikes with our software and it allows to us tally up all of the lightening strikes across the the region we're talking about hundreds of strikes just in this area over the past 15 minutes. 847 to be exact, and more numerous to come as the evening progresses. a severe thunderstorm warning is now in effect for another cell we have been looking for this one in burlington county right along 206, where we had that severe weather last night through southampton, pemberton, thinks moving east at about 20 miles an hour. it will be in browns mills by 5:35. speedwell by 5:45. 6:13 in manchester and laci by 6:20. severe thunderstorm warning is in effect for burlington county, new jersey. also extending towards the
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south and towards the west, as you head into camden county and it is moving towards the north and east into ocean county. severe thunderstorm warning in effect until 6:15 this evening. meteorologist kate billow is live in bensalem where there was a thunderstorm nearby as well with the cbs-3 mobile weather lab, hi kate. >> reporter: thanks, kathy. we are still in bensalem. we have taken cover inside cbs-3 mobile weather lab but thanks to the camera mounted on the dashboard here we can still come to you live and let you know conditions here on the ground. lots of lightening here, frequent lightening, loud thunder and heavy rain, outside to our dash cam. that street road you can see there. you can see rain drops on the windshield. traffic is moving but rain came down fast and furious enough to lead to ponding and puddles out there. we are still seeing a lot of lightening outside the front door. this is not the kind of weather you want to be out from. it is rain, mostly lightening and those strong gusty wind.
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lets look at storm scan three and we will look at where we are located here in bensalem. this is the the cbs-3 mobil weather lab. you can see we are not in any warnings but the storms justin to move in, from really southwest to north east and that will be the the progression of the storms tonight, we call them training thunderstorms because they move like cars on the train, one right after the other and that means the same area just get hit over and over again and here in bensalem we are in that zone. lets talk about doppler estimated rainfall. worst is in portions of new jersey. many spots same areas that got hit hard and cleaning up from last night and now they are getting drenched with heavy rain. right here near southampton burlington county an indication of three or 4 inches of rain all in one pocket there. also, just east of trenton and ebb here in bensalem an inch in some spots is estimated and i can see that definitely being the case as these storms are heavy as they rolled on through. pattern is as follows: it is same pattern we had yesterday, we have had tropical moisture surging from the south, these storms are very slow moving
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and active jet stream, fueling things, very, very strong upper level low, moving into that tropical moisture and that is fueling, these storms which has heavy rain and frequent downpours. once the front moves through as kathy will tell us in your full forecast for the remainder of the week. again we're riding out the storm in bensalem in the cbs-3 mobile weather lab. we will bring you updates as we move in the 6:00 o'clock half an hour. for now back to you in the studio. developing right now 59:30, fbi agent dig for evidence in camden, new jersey. the that is at third and erie. "eyewitness news" reporter syma chowdhry tells us neighbors are concerned. >> people want to know, like is what going on around here. >> reporter: neighbors woke up baffled after seeing fbi officials investigating a home on the 300 block of erie street in camden. camden county police and the prosecutor's office were also at the scene. >> something biggies going on. >> reporter: investigators are searching this home for evidence, even possibly a
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body, in connection to a previous ongoing investigation. chopper three was over the house getting aerial views before the officials put tarps up all around the area. >> they started taping off, the crime scene so i got war it they are. they are bringing in the toilets and all that stuff. they will be here for a while. >> reporter: neighbors saw officials bringing in excavators, backhoes and portable potties. thinks sparking rumors and speculation among neighbors. maria said she has heard all sorts of they are business what was in the house. >> they found a corpse buried in the basement. they also said they found guns and drugs but i don't know. >> reporter: none of that has been confirmed because officials have not talked to the media. we tried get a closer look through the alley but officials asked to us leave. folks like benjamin ortiz say home being vacant is in good condition. >> house is in good condition. the people just rent out the the house.
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whoever lives there, lives there. >> reporter: again, officials have not given the media any information about this investigation but as soon as we will get an update we will pass that information on to you. in camden, syma chowdhry for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". well, israel resume air strikes on gaza this afternoon after hamas reject a cease-fire proposal. israel halted fire for some six hours today, after agreeing to a truce brokered by egypt. yet, hamas continued to launch rockets in the israel. first death was after this latest round of fighting broke out. more than 190 palestinians have been reportly killed. technical problem cause today's subway train derailment in moscow. at least 21 people were killed there, 136 injured. investigators say a power surge triggered an alarm that caused the train to stop, and come off the track. all of this happened inside of moscow's deepest sub waste tunnels some 275 feet below
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ground, that made it especially difficult for first responders, to save lives. more trouble for oscar pistorius the olympic athlete gets in the fight in a south african nightclub. pistorius is on trial for shooting death of his girl friend reeva steenkamp. an attorney for the olympian says he got in the war have of words with the club go her who confronted him with questions about that trial. that club comboer say pistorius poked him in the chest and was drunk. this is not expected to have an impact on the trial which resumes august 7th. shoppers start smashing windows of the jeep with you it is not what you might think. they are being hailed as hero, not the criminals. they were trying to rescue two young children trapped in the hot vehicle in the parking lot of a texas strip mall. shoppers used a ham tore break the jeep's windows and get those children, safely out. temperatures at the the time were around 90 degrees, a shop owner says that the children were crying out, in desperation. >> kids were worried, they were crying.
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the car was real hot. even a dog can due, in imagine a person. >> the mother left those children in the car temporarily to get a haircut. luckily those children are okay. well, if you see a septa transit officer the in the next few weeks you might want to smile because you may be on camera. they are testing out body mounted cameras, right now and they showed us how they worked today. the the camera is attached to a microphone, the officer's hand held radio. it takes both video, and audio recordings. here's what the video looks like. three patrol officers on the broad street line and market frankford el will test them out. >> we're hoping it will reduce the number of incidents and we are hoping it will reduce the number of complaints, we're hoping that it will help us, in investigating complaints and showing that officers did exactly what they were supposed to do. >> these cameras cost between, $31,500, and if a trials are successful septa will try to
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get grant money to outfit all 275 officers on the force. well, good evening, everyone. we are really dealing with problems on i-95, the last time i was up here i was talking about a southbound i-95 accident approaching the area of 320. that has been cleared. we were still trying to recover from that residual traffic on top of rush hour and then a multi the pops up on southbound side of 95 right around cargo city, the philadelphia international airport. what you are looking at right here is this few vehicles off to the far right lane, about three vehicles on the shoulder, and another, vehicle off in the center. one lane is squeezing wye this delay will only stem all the way back towards girard point bridge. we will continue to keep you updated on this but if you are planning to head to philadelphia international airport, it might be a better idea to take the platt bridge only as a result of how this delay could continue to extend. as we move now to the the
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police activity. you will fine delays on 73, itself. now traveling out and about it is rush hour and wet. twenty-three is your average on 422. twelve on 202 and 21 on 476. watch out for delays in new jersey, again, because of the rain but also outbound on the 42 approaching 55, we have an accident and that is causing slow downs. watch out for traffic light malfunctionness lower southampton as a result of the weather, chris and yes, sir contact. >> thanks very much. still to come on "eyewitness news", using music to jog. it is subject of the documentary premiere tonight in. our stephanie stahl will speak to the director about this moving and very important film. and the groom then hoping for a memorable moment gets an unforgettable one, story behind this epic wedding photo that has gone viral, kathy. tracking storms on storm scan three, everything is merging toward i-95 corridor and eastward into south injuries which hundreds of
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lightening strikes, damaging wind and flooding and we will show you after these pass coming up as "eyewitness news" continues.
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well, on the healthwatch today is there growing evidence, that music may be able to help millions of americans who are battling the mind robbing disease of alzheimer's and others like it. it is new focus of the documentary premiering tonight in philadelphia. >> three object your side health reporter stephanie stahl is here about more on your inspirational film. >> reporter: this is something you guys got to see. film maker with philadelphia roots captured incredible moments across the country documenting how dementia patients in nursing homes can come alive. >> who they have been, who they are. >> reporter: philadelphia live inside, seen in this video distributed by bondry 60 shows a powerful connection. >> music has a, phenomenal ability to reach deep inside them and sometimes wake people up when their sleeping. >> reporter: michael bennet who went to temple university focuses the documentary on social worker dan cohen,
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founder of the none in profit, message and memory. his vision is to show world what music can do for those battling memorial loss. he plays music for ipads in patientness nursing home. >> once we put the ipod on her she started shaking her feet, she started moving her head. it was amazing. >> reporter: for dementia patient henry hoop who slouches, head down watch what happens when he listens to music. >> it is very powerful. >> reporter: adam winestein with the philadelphia chapter of the alzheimer's association says music can help calm, upset agitated patients. people have been using music therapy class, in philadelphia, clearly, become worry free. >> memories triggered by music. there is some deeper connection, in some of the systems of the brain that are involved, that are triggered very dramatically, sometimes
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in patients, by music. >> reporter: film shows how music can triumph where prescription medications often falls short. >> thank you so much. >> okay. >> tears of joy. >> reporter: so touching. now, live inside was recently awarded at sun dance film festival and premiering tonight in philadelphia at the kimmel center at 7:00 o'clock. i will be there. ticket are still available. proceeds from the the event will benefit the alzheimer's association. we have a lot more information including where you can see the the movie, cbs, click on health, i was impressed. very touching. >> i know you just get drawn in, it is so amazing. >> incredible to see them coming to life.
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welshing we have an eye on the storm, this afternoon, on storm scan three you can see all of the rain lifting up from the southwest, towards the the north east, a line of thunderstorms, extending from virginia, across the chesapeake bay, through parts of the delaware and interior south jersey where the lightening has just been amazing, with these storms. very heavy downpours. there is a severe thunderstorm in this area have of burlington count a long 206, the same area we saw heavy damage in rotating thunderstorm last night, heavy rain will continue to fall, severe then are storm warning, continues in the next hour or so. you can see these storms moving east at 30 miles an
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hour. severe cell with potential for damaging wind and hail, frequent lightening near woodland by 5:55. manchester by 6:17. pine lake park at 6:30. toms river, new jersey by 6:45. once again we have a severe thunderstorm warning in effect until 6:15, for this particular area, of burlington county, extending into ocean county, new jersey. this includes fort dix, southampton, along 206, leisure town, tabernacle, even areas near vincentown. if you are aware of these storms or hear thunder, bring everybody inside and wait until these dangerous storms past. now we will continue to update you on those storms, in the meantime, we had a report of significant damage last night, in voorhees township, new jersey. this was at about 8:12 last night, straight line thunderstorm, wind caused significant damage in that area win speeds up to 80 miles an hour, over 400-yard. past w id th over 200-yard. it was a down burst event,
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with the down burst of the thunder burst win. that is what happened in voorhees last night with that significant damage. we are looking at live neighborhood network, look at these temperatures, significantly rain cooled, in williamstown we know we have been drenched with rain and continue to see heavy rains. temperatures 69 degrees, over two and a half inches of rain and more expect in the thunderstorms. medford lakes over an inch of rain, temperature 71. philadelphia at 82. not so much rain just yet but showers and then bensalem where our kate billow is we are looking at rain at a third of an inch or so but rain cooled at 73 degrees. out jersey, interior south jersey is where we expect to see highest amounts today. right now in philadelphia 74. trenton 74. eighty-two in millville. we are still seeing mild temperatures down the shore but heavy rain is moving your way as well. take a look at future rain amount and you can see that our computer model here has a good grip on where the axis of
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heavier rain is lining up. we had headed further west to the west yesterday and then in this area from trenton through burlington county where that cell is right new through areas of camden county, gloucester county, cumberland county, millville, vineland, between two and three additional inches of rain expect by tomorrow morning. and these cells. cold front that is squeezing out the atmosphere, will squeeze it through overnight and then rain is over. by wednesday into thursday, we will see temperatures that are very comfortable, in the 80's, friday will be comfortable as well with mostly sunny skies and temperatures in the lower 80's. owe finally, showers and thunderstorms associated with an approaching front will end, the flooding concerns will linger in the late night hours, low of 70. during the day tomorrow 83 with clearing skies. on the exclusive eyewitness weather seven day forecast, clearing skies, right through friday, beautiful weather, a little unsettled saturday and sunday, monday and tuesday warming up. we will remind you if you air way from your television authentic, down load new cbs
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philly weather app, check live radar if we are sending out severe weather alerts and share your pictures with us, and down load the app on itunes and, of course, android version is coming soon. trending now, a big wedding photo, fail. lets take a look grooms men trying to make a memorable photo, well, he did and now it has gone viral. tyler foster of spokane washington split his pants and kick his bride made in the head. it happened while they were on the beach for his cousin's wednesday nothing gentleman make a he put the photo on redit and has a ton of views. >> not a dollar for every time that happen. >> not in my face. >> also the pants split what do you think did he for the ceremony. >> it is a rental owe maybe quick replacement. but stay on the the ground in the wedding party. >> don't kick people in the face. >> we will be right back.
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well, a philadelphia retiree is making something, beautiful , out of something ordinary. >> as ukee washington shows news this weeks story of brotherly love, she transforms pillowcases into precious gifts, for girls. >> reporter: with ribbon and lays, what was once a pillowcase becomes a dress destine to brighten a day of a child in poverty. give dorothy a pillowcase, and a sewing machine, and this is what she can create. >> sometimes you just have something plane, sometimes you fix them up better. >> reporter: for more than a year she has created elaborate sun dresses for needy drawers from her apartment at wesley enhanced living in penny pack park. dorothy or dot as she is known spent 50 years working in the
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sewing factory making mens swimsuits. new she's 97. >> i'm the type of person who i cannot just sit and do nothing. >> reporter: neighbor's great grand child showed off one of the dresses. >> you cut this part off. >> reporter: pillowcases can be plane or pattern. she takes her time picking ribbons and embellish. some creations go to girls in the delaware valley, others have gone as far away as mexico. >> a lot of the little girls, they have nothing, they are so poor, what little girl doesn't like a pretty dress. >> reporter: sister wagner a servant of the most blessed trinity is grateful for dot's dresses. her mission took several to mexico to the delight of the girls. >> it really is beautiful and reflection on of beautiful person that she is. >> reporter: as word spreads, people are donating pillowcases to dot. so how long does she plan to do this. >> i don't know, as long as i'm here i guess i will be making them. >> reporter: if would you like to donate use new pillowcases made of light weight wait
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fabric, in flannel will or other warm fabrics. get to cbs to find out more. i'm ukee washington, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> those dresses are lighting up little lives. in doubt bit. that is "eyewitness news" at 5:00. now at 6:00 cleaning up storm debris while keeping an eye on what is still to come, kathy. >> we are tracking more storms with storm scan 3a line of training storms that are developing over the same area, over and over again, creating flash flooding, i'll show what you to expect and when this finally moves out. also at 6:00 o'clock tonight breaking news after body of a promising young woman was found stuffed in the duffle bag philadelphia police say they know who she is and how she died. an increased concerns about stress, claim to impact on our body, "eyewitness news" at 6:00 starts right now. now at 6:00 o'clock severe
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storms that pack a punch. chopper three high over the backyard in voorhees that is now you a total mess. the storms sent that tree crashing down across the pool. in southampton burlington county, more trees littering the ground and debris, spread from 1 yard to the next. and here this picture you have seen it circulate to go day taken as the storms walk through last night there was speculation it was a twister but we have learn today it was not. we are he preparing for another round of strong storms. cbs-3 weather team is busy again tonight. welshing a view from the ground, we will bring you in just a moment but right new we can tell you we are under a severe thunderstorm watch. good evening, i'm chris may. i'm yes, sir contact dean. we have live team three coverage. we will begin with meteorologist kathy orr who has the the latest on the storms right now. >> repeat performance of the yesterday, but this came a little bit earlier then the storms yesterday and that might be a good thing during the daylight hours. all of this is moving toward
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the east/north east. you can see rain starting to fill in on the pennsylvania side but throughout the afternoon from delaware, interior south jersey and all the way up toward new york, a line of storms, that is continued to train moving over the same region over and over again with very heavy rain and a lot of lightening associated with this. we are looking at a severe thunderstorm that is going on right now in burlington county, the same place for that picture, of that wall cloud was taken last night. very heavy rain, associated with this. rain rates at two to 3 inches an hour. thinks moving east at 35 miles an hour, by 6:12 it is expect to be at red oak grove, crestwood village by 6:25. manchester by 6:30. 6:52 it will be in toms river. potential for damaging wind and hail. this hail report just in from tabernacle, about an inch in diameter, so hail, damaging wind in excess of 60 miles an hour and, of course, concerns for flooding throughout the evg.


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