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tv   Eyewitness News at 430am  CBS  July 28, 2014 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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. today's monday, july 28th, good morning, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. wild weather overnight, a lot of thunder and lightning kept a lot of us up overnight. >> dust settles, five people are shot, and learning one of the victims has died. >> also, developing, the very latest as police continue to question two men in connection with the deadly carjacking friday that killed three children in north philadelphia. those stories and more coming up. let's talk more about our powerful storms, that rolled through the area overnight. >> heavy rain, high winds, lightning, storms barrelled through the delaware valley. we have video for you, you can see water just coming down in
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buckets there. >> and the other big thing was the lightning as the sky lit up over and over again. firefighters rescued a driver trapped inside a vehicle partially submerged in the water in pottstown overnight, authorities say young woman drove her car into standing water, on west high street, near the railroad overpass. two firefighters walked out and carried the woman to dry land. as she was not injured, however, her car did suffer water damage. >> so the big question we're all wondering right now, is the rainout of here just was soo work. what did you think? >> so i want to take you guys back in time here, gee all the way back to yesterday, 7:00 p.m. look at the lightning fire up here since last night. or yesterday evening, really. out along the pa turnpike, putting things into motion over time, those storms held together very, very well a lot of lightning specially through pa. unless even by 7:30 last night, all of delaware nothing, then we all start
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today get woken up. i know i was one of them, i sure you were, as well, you heard the storms rumblg through. here's all that's left, across ocean county, southeast burlington atlantic county, basically done with it, those are the only spots left at thisoint with any lingering showers, storms. we zoom things way out here, you can see, that the frontal boundery itself is starting to make its full retreat, not completely out of here just yet, so so i have to throw in potential for residual pop u thunderstorm. that's the worse whatever that storm had to offer up. ii my colleague justin drabick was very busy last night trackingll of the storms, thankfully he lefties year morning behind for theest every us here. 07 degrees currently at the .wilmington, mill dov starting to see little bit of drop offn the thermometer now that the storms have cleared out. but again, not completely in the clear just yet. when you look at just the area of dew points, steamy necessary still out there, if you are about ready to hit the
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road, one thing you might notice ishe coming offer the roadway because of all of the rain that came through, how hot it got yesterday. sixty-six your current dew point at the airport, definitely steamier the further south you go, going forward in time here cold front shooting for 83 degrees, still readied all shower or pop under thunderstorm, but bob, i think we can safely say the worse is now behind us, good morning, a the love tossing and turning last night, with awful thunder boomers and light show. this morning, a lot of the leftovers, all of the roads are damp and wet from all of the rain we had last night, live look at the schuylkill expressway, probably wipers intermittently we need for the first hour or two out of the gate, but no problems at all on the schuylkill from king of prussia inn through downtown, live look here at the blue route, 476, coming out every mid-county headed down toward the schuylkill expressway. again, nothing major again just roads damp, wet, soaked, just careful on some of the on and off ramps. into into the neighborhoods we
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go, roosevelt boulevard traffic lights are out at mascher. so there is no cross traffic at mascher here on the roosevelt boulevard, downed wires, up here, in bucks county, upper stump roadblocked at callowhill road, wires and a downed tree, and with all of the wires and the polls that came down yesterday, and some trees, just respect the closures that are still in effect this morning, like this one here along route ten, blocked at todd road because every downed polls and wires, so 322 would be your best bet there. up here in new jersey, tabernacle, new jersey, route 206 flooded outright near medford lakes road. otherwise, mass transit off to good start. ukee, over to you. >> bob, thank you. we are following developing story overnight, hail every gunfire leaves five people shot in philadelphia's feltonville section. investigators tell us around midnight gunman opened fire on the front porch of a home on the 4900 block of north front street. one victim died at the hospital. one is in extremely critical condition. the other three victims are suffering from non-life
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threatening gunshot wounds. there is no word on a suspect or a motive. also, developing, philadelphia police sources tell "eyewitness news" two persons of interest are being questioned right now in connection with a carjacking and crash that killed three children friday. "eyewitness news" reporter syma chowdhry joins us now at police headquarters with more, syma? >> reporter: that's right, ukee, sources tell "eyewitness news" that two men considered persons of interest have been brought here to police headquarters, one every them was pick up by police last night, on 2900 block of north sixth street. now, both are being questioned about this deadly carjacking, and hit-and-run crash, that killed three children, in north philadelphia on friday. now, search for two suspects began friday morning when three children, 15 year old tiara williams, ten year old thomas reid, and seven year old terrence moore, were struck and killed by out of control stolen suv, while selling fruit at the intersection of germantown and
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allegheny avenues. the vehicle had been carjacked at gunpoint just moments earlier. the children's mother, 34 year old keisha williams cents was injured in the crash. she remains in critical condition at temple hospital while the carjacking victim who was in the vehicle remains hospitalized in fair condition. there is a $110,000 reward in place, again, two men are not considered suspects, but neighbors hope, who ever did this, will be brought to justice. >> i feel real bad. they'll do it to somebody else until they get caught. >> i hope they catch him soon, and lock them up and throw away the key. >> you can't live with it, you just can't live with it day-by-day. probably don't even want to be able to sleep. so one every these days real soon they'll be taken off the street. >> reporter: again, the two persons of interest have been brought here last night. they've been questioned overnight. so far, no charges have been filed. we're live at police
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headquarters, syma chowdhry, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> other news this morning, gunman is dead after police say he went on violent rampage killing his own son, and injuring the child's mother. >> all started saturday night at home in the crumb lynn neighborhood of delaware county. styles was thereto pick up his son, when, without warning, we're told he opened fire. that child was killed at the scene. his mother, survived and now in critical condition. this morning, the neighborhood is in shock. >> i'm just so sorry that this happened, just seems unreal, because he was a good guy. >> "eyewitness news" obtained this surveillance video of tyrell driving away from the scene. police chased him down to deadened in sharon hill where he turned the gun on himself just last night, he was taken off of life support. the man at the middle of the medical center shooting in darby has been formally charged with the murder of his social worker theresa hunt and
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the attempted murder every his psychiatrist, doctor lee silverman, seen here on stretcher. forty-nine year old richard plotts was arraigned while still in his hospital bed. doctor silver man suffered graze wound but returned fire with his own gun striking plotts on thursday there is happened inside mercy fitzgerald wellness center. the united nations security council is calling on cease-fire between israel and hamas. >> how much, no let up to the violence, attacks have mainly centered near the israeli gaza border. israeli security forces arrested palestinian man at a check point. now, police say they stopped a car bomb from entering israel at that site. investigators are now looking into any ties the alleged bomber may have to hamas. ukrainian armed forces have mounted onslaught against pro russian separatist fighters, attempt to go gain control over the area where a malaysia airlines plane was shot down. fighting prompted dutch and australian police to delay searching the crash site for evidence.
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meanwhile, the state department released satellite images to back up its claim that rockets have been fired from russia into eastern ukraine. right now 4:39. and there is much more to cover here on cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> in sports, phillies got big win yesterday. someththing else happened at the ballpark that will warm your hearts. back in two minutes.
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good morning, two americans trying to help fight moving ebola outbreak have now contracted the deadly disease. >> traveled with humanitarian organization to help treat patients infected with e bowl a. the outbreak could spread beyond the the borders of west africa. both americans tested positive for the disease last week. >> doctor bradley and nancy are both in stable condition tonight. they had fevers, they had body aches and pains. they are not out of the woods
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yet. >> the diseases fatal enough to 90% of cases, and there is no known cure. but, experts say, the risk every contracting ebol a through casual contact is low. today marks the 100 year anniversary of the start of worlds war one. it was on july 28th, 1914, that austria and hungry declared war on serbia, after the assassination of arch duke fran ferdinand. word still spread around the globe. did not officially enter until 1917. war ended on november 18th, 1918. and, yesterday was a great day for the 27th annual irish pub tour de shore. 2,000 cyclists took part in the six a mile ride to atlantic city, the send raises money for children's charities and to support fallen police officers and firefighters families. this was the largest year for the tour de shore ever. actually, the registration had to close back in june due to the overwhelming demand, love to see that.
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than is people told to the fly a kite in berkley, california, 29th annual berkley festival and west coast kite championship. folks camped out to watch the kite entheusiasts, up there with the crowds there, some of the kites were small, some others large and/or nature. appears had plenty every winds. you can almost hear it with the kites there. great day for it, picked a good one. >> knows are pretty cool. >> oh, back here at home, whole different casino every weather to talk about. we had wind, whole lot of stuff going on last night. did you guys get woken up? >> oh, ya. >> how many times? i felt like every 15 minutes i was looking at my alarm clark. >> could you see the lightning under and over your eyelids, you know it is something. >> saw it through my black out shades, no joke. these storms rumbled through, but i have to say, despite maybe being little crank think morning, because you got woken up, so often at least the timing on our side, not talking the morning drive, it is getting a lot better with
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time here. so, we've got that going for us, yes. at least the bright spot of this forecast, still mom could the peoplely out of the woods with the frontal boundery itself. you will see that. start things off with very quiet and what looks like very serene view right now, of atlantic city. of course sun not up just yet. wently once the sun pops, left with some clouds cover out there, will gradually thin, ends one shower or pop up thunderstorm region wide. next to storm scan3, generally starting to quiet down. step on this side of the fire, see the left overactive at this, for the most part out to sea. this is what hit us last night, this is what woke you up. heavy rain, lots of lightning, as well as lots of thunder bolts coming through here, thunder rumbles, as they put things into motion, last couple of hours have significantly quieted down. yes, left with quite a few damp roads, probably need to flick the windshield wipers once or twice because of spray
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coming up off the other vehicles. will be residual shower, perhaps rumble every thunder, high reaching 83 degrees, again, sunshine. tonight throw the windows open once again, we have this frontal boundary means business, very significant trough addition in, so much more comfortable, settling back in, really been see-saw with our weather pattern as of late. either hot, humid, or cooler by comparison, back to the cool comfortable pattern as early as tonight, sticks around for good chunk of the week, overall, not looking half bad. ukee, back over to you. >> katie, thank you n sports, phillies take on the mets tonight at city field with a.j. burnett advising cologne, yesterday, it was ryan howard's day at citizens bank park. howard's two run homerun in the first inning put the phils on top, it was howard's 16th homerun of the season. let's take you to the second inning now. made quite a throw on grounder to first, to get the lead runner. now, the phillies out lasted
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diamond backs four to two, to take two of three from arizona over the weekend. hey, great moment at the game. eight year old jeremy valez was on the field dancing with the fanatic. but it gets better. jeremy turns around and sees his mom, who is in the army station in the southwest asia, arrived yesterday morning and surprised him at the game. that's beautiful to see. so nice. >> welcome home. well the eagles are back at nova care today as training camp rolls on even though the birds have only been at it for a weekends, this err already primed for battle. running back shady mccoy outside linebacker trent cole got into little scuffle. happened off camera but happened during seven on seven drills when trent hit shady near the side line. there were no injuries. shady laughed it off. >> you know, the whole camp so far has been touching me little bit too much. and i'm trying to let them know it is okay if you can't cover me, it is okay. >> just battling, that's all. we're going in the lockerroom
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area joking it out. >> we're just fighting with each other, that's all. >> ya, they're tight, they're friends. it is okay if you can't cover me. >> that's it. still ahead on "eyewitness news" this morning, jill wagner joins us from new york, stock exchange, with a pro -- preview. >> first here's what's coming up tonight on cbs-3.
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>> more on the overnight storm. looking live right now, at the scene here, we're told around 2:00 a.m., 36 people had to be evacuated because of flooding that was caused by the storm on walnut st. no one hurt. but still wait to go hear when everyone will be allowed back inside that building. again, keep in mind, it is ten of 5:00. imagine waking up telling that
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your build something flooded and standing out in the dark? here is a look at this morning's headlines. >> one man dead, four others injured, in a birrage every gunfire in feltonville. happened around midnight last night on the 4900 block of north front street. so far police have made no arrests. also, developing, police are questioning two persons of interest in connection with friday's deadly carjacking and hit-and-run in north philadelphia. three children were killed, their mother and two other women were injured. they were hit by an s.u.v. that had been stolen short time earlier. our time now 4:50. let's get a check on business news. >> money watch's jill wagner joins us from the new york stock exchange, jill, see if the market can bounce back after bit of down day friday. what are investors watching? >> yes, good morning, ukee, erika. it is a very busy week this week, when it comes to the economy. the federal research holds its two-day meeting starting tomorrow, and the all-important monthly jobs report for june, that comes out on friday. last week, some disappointing earnings from amazon and visa
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sent stocks down both companies said the second half of the year is looking worse than expected when it comes to the american shopper. now, the dow lost 123 points on friday, which means, it finished below that 17,000 milestone. >> we heard the hilton hotel chin is going high tech. what can you tell us about that? >> reporter: yes, hilton has pumped $550 million into new technology and soon guests will be able to use their smart phones to see where their room is located, check in, even unlock doors. now, according to the wall street journal, it is all designed to attract those younger travelers, now, the feature should be available at most of the company's hotels by the ends of 2016. ukee, err dismay. >> how about that, thanks, jill, appreciate t coming up after a shortt break, traffic and weather together. we do it on the three, a we'll be
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4:53, time for our traffic and weather together. good morning, bob. >> good morning, happy monday, live look at i95, right near the commodore barry bridge, again, all of the roads are wet, damp from all of the rain we had on the overnight. then northbound 95, they were milling the roadway last night, so you will find that uneven surface, between ridley and the girard point double decker bridge. keep that in mind. downtown we go. the vine st. expressway looking good, again, example, though, see the glare off the road surface, that's a sign that the roads are damp, wet, from all of the rain last night. and if you are coming into the city on the schuylkill, again, they did some construction over the weekend, they milled the roadway. so coming eastbound, right as you hit spring garden street two, right lanes, you hit big old speed bump. then uneven surface working your way into the tunnels there under 30th street station. a story we just told but few moments ago, flooding, at a center city apartment building here, walnut st. closed, between 12th and 13th. so, through center city, market, would be your best bet. and the roosevelt boulevard, the lights are out at mascher,
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so there is no cross-traffic permitted along mascher there in the neighborhood across the boulevard. katie, boy, tell you what, were you right, the lights show, thunder boomers, i don't think anybody slept last night. >> at least not well. i know i probably got woken up at least five times, no joke. just one thunderbolt and lightning bolt after another that kept crossing over my house, and maybe you were the same. so, grab a nice big cup of coffee, we'll get through together, at least we can report that the worse is now over, you can see, relatively speedy retreat of the worse of those heavy thunderstorms pulling away from new jersey, now just lefth generally a clearing sky. part of a much larger system of course, you can really make out that sort of classic comma shape, mid hat taught cyclone, in other words, moving from west to east, basically across the us, and once this trough addition in, boy, do we end up with some cooling. it is very significant for late july standards, temperatures will generally be anywhere between five to 10 degrees below the seasonal average. at this point of the year, we usually have our hottest
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weather, and we're barely going to get you to the mid 80s for the next couple every days. so this is a below average seven day forecast for you. tomorrow being the most comfortable of them all with full sun and low humidity, not a bad trade off. >> not bad at all. looking at stories our sister station "kyw news radio" 1060 will be following for you. new commission created by the state legislature to resolve the formula that fund basic he'd action head its first meeting. archbishop charles chaput fueled spending lakes that the pope will visit philadelphia in september of 2015. but in a appearance on the ben franklin parkway is not a certainty. and the next event is not until november, but the campaigning already underway for the next open enrollment period of the affordable care act. check in two, three, four times a day, "kyw news radio" 1060 on your a.m. dial. >> coming up in the next hour of cbs news, latest on overnight storms, new video of the damage left behind.
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from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". and developing right now, wild weather rolls through the area overnight, a lightning strike is being blamed for sparking this fire at a local camp. and that's not the only damage left behind. we have new video of the aftermath of the storm. plus, police question two men after a deadly hit-and-run carjacking that killed three siblings. we're live with the latest overnight developments, in the case that outraged people across the city. also, developing this morning, mayhem in a local neighborhood. dozen of shell casings litter the street after a deadly overnight shooting. five people were hurt. we have just learned that one person has died. today is monday, july 28th, good morning, i'm ukee washington. >> i'm erika von tiehl. now, fire officials tell us
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lightning may to be blame for this fire at paradise farm camp in downingtown. employees on the campground say they saw a bolt of lightning strike around 1:15 this morning. then, their meeting house went up in flames. that meeting house just destroyed by the fire, everything except the chimney, we're told. fire officials are investigate the cause of that blaze. more problems to tell you about. let's give you live look from the 1200 block of walnut st. in center city where authorities had to evacuate an apartment building. all of that rain overnight damaged the roof then the rain seeped in, flooding the building. thirty-six residents had to evacuate. this all happened around 2:00 a.m. check out the picture from inside the building right here, all of that water actually damaged the building's alarm system. and that's a violation there, so the residents will not be allowed back in until repairs are made. telling you, a loft damage out there. let's check in with katie. >> yes, good morning, guys. at least we can say that the rs


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