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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  August 18, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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>> reporter: that is right police have now identified one of the attackers as one of the 19 year-old curtis tanner, he had has been arrested and now face ago salt charges. right now here at central detectives police are also, questioning a 17 year-old in relation to this case. police made an arrest in the brutal beating of the park range inner love park that was caught on camera. man physically attacking the ranger has been arrested. sources have identified him as 19 year-old curtis tanner. he was pick up by police from his home in pottstown monday morning, police are also questioning a 17 year-old in connection with this attack, it happened friday evening, when the ranger approached several skateboarders in the park, telling them, they weren't allowed to skate there. >> i'm like this is ridiculous. i didn't think that this would go to the level dit. >> reporter: we talk with the man who recorded the attack. >> only thing that goes through my mind is is this really happening. >> reporter: video shows one young man wrestling the park ranger to the ground. at salient stumped on the
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ranger and repeatedly kicks him in the head and spits on him. >> the the one kid was saying basically like oh, i have been waiting for this moment or something. so i don't know if something happened prior. >> reporter: two other skateboarders with the attacker are seen in the video taunting the ranger and one of them videotapes the beating. video even with the men skateboarding from the scene after hurling some racial slurs at the ranger. >> he went as far as using slurs, against the park ranger, calling him the n word and all that. >> reporter: again 19 year-old chris -- curtis tanner is facing several charges. as for the 17 year-old he has not been identified because he is a a juvenile. he could be facing the same charges as tanner but the case begins him is still under investigation. we're live at central detectives, syma chowdhry for
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cbs-3 "eyewitness news". thank you for the update. now to new details in the murder of a philadelphia man police now say he was beaten to death inside his own home. six five-year old, lee stanley, was found friday in his home at mole and cherry streets in center city. our walt hunter was first to report that this was, in fact a murder case and he is live in the neighborhood that has been stunned by this crime, walt. >> reporter: yes, chris, they are shocked. stanley lived alone in this home after his parents passed away but was never really alone. he was a member of a congregation, a jewish synagogue, just a few blocks away and there at the synagogue he worshiped each week. he was an expert on jewish history and jewish songs and foulke lure. they loved him at the synagogue. they really like him here on the block and no would be now tonight can understand why someone would kill him so brutally. six five-year old lee where evidence, and autopsy results now reveal he was viciously beaten to death. his ribs, shattered, a fire extinguisher discharged over his body. >> now that it is whom side,
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that is terrifying. >> so that is a little scary. >> reporter: but while stanley lived by himself he had a loving second family only blocks away at synagogue here where stanley a life time member captured the hearts of the congregation with even side pied i can knowledge of jewish history and music. stanley's late father a cantor at the synagogue liberating concentration camp prisoners during his military service in world war two. >> you don't wish anything like that on anybody and that is one man that should definitely have not gotten it the like that, that is for sure. >> reporter: so far investigators say they have found no signs of forced entry or anything missing, leaving opened the possibility that stanley may have known his killer or killers, and perhaps allowed them into his home. >> one of the nicest guys on the street. i have ever had the privilege of knowing on the street, he
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was a nice guy. >> reporter: homicide detectives busy on this street checking with homeowners and businesses for any video they might have from security camera that might lead to clues that can break the case. a standard $20,000 reward as is offered in all murders offered in this case if you have any information, 215-546-tips. live from center city, i'm walt hunter, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> walt, thanks very much. new at 6:00 o'clock tonight philadelphia police are searching for several men who attack a couple as they walk along kelly drive. this happened last night around 9:00 o'clock near brewery hill drive. the couple told police their attackers appeared suddenly and hit them on top of their heads and then ran away. police have just released this image of the man wanted for questioning in connection with the murder in strawberry mansion. alexis govera was shot outside dell music center on west huntington street. he died the following day. anyone with any information
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about that shooting is asked to call police. a criminal goes to extreme toss break in the jewelry store and it is all caught on tape. philadelphia police say this man sized up a jewelry store on east venango street and then return with the u-haul truck. after crashing through the wall of gold finger's jewelers surveillance video shows the man smashing through glass cases and taking large amounts of expensive merchandise. he is still on the run tonight. well, there are major new developments surrounding the unrest in ferguson, missouri, president obama announce that had attorney general eric holder will visit the the town on wednesday, and meet with federal authorities investigating the shooting of the unarmed teenager michael brown. missouri's governor has call in the national guard trying to keep peace in the streets. an independent autopsy has conclude that had brown was shot at least six times by a police officer, twice in the head. today during his remarks the president called for calm. >> to a community in ferguson
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that is rightly hurting and looking for answers, let me call once again for us to seek some understanding rather than simply holler at each other. >> scott pelley will have the latest on the unrest in ferguson tonight, on the "cbs evening news", it starts at 6:30 right here after "eyewitness news" at 6:00. we have a beautiful evening underway here in the city of philadelphia it has been a really nice day and is there a cool breeze picking upright now, as well, perfect monday, and it looks like nice weather will continue for at least a couple of days but we have some rain creeping back into our seven day forecast. i will have that coming up but you can see rain off to the south on storm stan three and heavy rain moved through hampton roads area of virginia earlier today and that is moving off shore but thanks to high pressure anchored firmly overhead we were able to avoid that system at least for now and approaching system will bring us showers especially on thursday. in the meantime temperatures
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are comfortable 82 at the airport. eighty-one in reading. seventy-eight beautiful evening in millville and dover sitting at 76 degrees right now. all across the region this evening temperatures will drop through the 70's, we will eventually end up in the 60's, partly cloudy throughout the overnight hours. coming up, pleasant for now but we have some shower chances in the forecast and i'll tell you when those creep back in as we get through the end of the week that is all coming up with the seven dare forecast when you join you inside, for now back to you in the studio. pope frances said today he want to come to philadelphia next year. >> the pontiff spoke in italian from a plane bound from south korea to rome. here's the translation in english of what he said. quote, next year would i like to go to philadelphia for the meeting of families but i have been invited by the president of the united states, the american congress. the secretary general of the
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u.n. has also invited me to the u.n. in new york, so maybe 39 cities together. despite his desire to come is there still no official confirmation from the archdiocese of philadelphia, that the pope will, in fact, be here next year. well, the word taney has certainly popular around philadelphia these days n fact it seems like anything with the word taney on it sells out quickly. that is all thanks to one group of little leaguers and their quest for a world series title in williamsport. taney caps, and t-shirts are selling out fast. in fact modells sold out a 1500 t-shirts in just one week. dragons success is also putting a spotlight on urban youth baseball teams. "eyewitness news" reporter steve paterson joins us live from citizens bank park and tonight steve, they are going to honor some city ball players there. >> reporter: yes, that is right chris. everybody is talking about taney dragons and what to watch out for as kids watching at home as next generation gets inspired to pick up a
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bat. once you pick up that bat where do you go. in philly there is a huge organization by mlb called rbi reviving baseball in the inner city and they are honored tonight because their all stars went as far as semi finals for their world series and we have one here tonight. this is one of them tonight, my man, you just got off the plane back from texas. tell me what that experience is like. what was your final in your playoffs. >> playing with a bunch of guys that i have known for years and playing against people of the united states is a great experience you will be honored here tonight by phillies, sponsored in part of this program. it gets inner city, involved. you started at seven. you are 18 now. what has this program meant to you. >> it meant a lot. i got to meet a lot of new people, hang with a lot of people, learning new things and play baseball all you this the years. >> reporter: we are throwing up pictures of you guys and your experience down in texas
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right now. another team to watch out for is the dragons. everybody is talking about it. you know some of the players, right. what do you think about what they are doing. >> i know a bunch of the players on the team. they are doing a great thing. they are competing for the first time, philadelphia has gone to the world series right now in the little league. i wish them the best. i hope for the best. i can't say anything else. >> we hope for the best for you, we want them to go all the way, right. >> yes i want them to win it all and happiness bring it to philadelphia kidany is a personal friend who knows mone davis and knows people on the team. that team being honored tonight by phillies before the game tonight. so a huge honor being bestowed upon very important league here in philadelphia, some 7,000 kids, participate in philly so we will have more tonight at 11:00. that is latees from citizens bank park i'm steve paterson for "eyewitness news". that makes a real difference, thanks very much.
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"eyewitness news" will be in williamsport on wednesday when taney dragons take on the team from vegas. stay with "eyewitness news" and cbs we will have continuing coverage of the quest for a championship. are you schilling of starting a family? is there a new report out on the cost of raising a child we will have eye opening numbers up next. a scam alert this one targeting peco customers how one local woman lost $1,500. we will get you a birds eye view from philadelphia from a living history. we will go on board memphis bell a b17 that flew during world war two, kate. it was a perfect day to day, we have nice weather on the way for rest of the week but rain will return to the area off to the south for now but i'll tell you when showers creep back in coming up, leslie. well, kate, eagles back at work today. some injured birds returning to practice, we will tell you who plus thursday night football coming to cbs and of
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course we will find out what to expect and what the expert analysis think about nick foles.
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someone gains access to credit and debit cards. new there are new tools
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available to give you the power to turn those cards, on and off, whenever you want jim donovan will show you how to lock your cards tonight on "eyewitness news" at 11:00 o'clock. crews are now plotting their next move in the removal of some icon i can letters from the atop of a philadelphia high rise. workers yesterday used a hell cooperate tore remove the pnb letters from one south broad street. the operation had to be suspended because the letters turned out to be more fragile then they first believed. only three of 12 letters could be removed yesterday. a warning tonight for peco customers you could be target of a scam. caller claims to be from peco and then threatened to shut off utilities if the customer does not pay an unpaid bill on that same day. customers are asked to load a green dot card with money and then give the card fur to the caller as payment. police say half a dozen people have been conned out of thousands of dollars, the
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electric company says that it always sends several delinquent notices in the mail, before shutting off utility. well, kids are expensive, there is no doubt about that but have you ever actually calculated how much kids cost, well, the government did, the usda found that babies born in 2013 will cost over $245,000, each to raise to adulthood that figure is higher in our part of the country, of course, that is nearly 2 percent more than kids born previous year. expenses such as housing, food, child care and education were all tallied but college costs were not. college students are considered adults. well, one of the few remains b17 bombers pays a visit to our area today. take a look at the memphis bell the one used in the movie. it took to the skies in philadelphia offering really great views on what was a truly beautiful day to fly this plane will be opened to the public, this weekend in north east airport for both ground tours and flights.
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the original memphis bellies at wright paterson air force base in ohio under going rest tore racial. >> i don't think it takes a pilot to nose today was a beautiful day. >> perfect day. >> for flying. >> yes, right. >> do anything you wanted to do outside. it will last for another couple days. we will be more humid through tomorrow and wednesday but tell you what it has been such a great august so far even when we talk about an increase in humidity if that is worse we have to talk about we are doing pretty well. lets look outside and you can see blue skies surrounded by a few clouds over ben franklin bridge. beautiful shot there as a few clouds start to creep on in those clouds courtesy of a system off to the south. we want to take to you and use down south, boardwalk plaza at row rebeach in delaware, a time lapse. you can see hazy sunshine earlier through the day. blue sky and a few clouds drifts through blue sky overall a beautiful day down there but again a few more
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clouds this evening currently p-3 degrees. beaches starting to empty and folks starting to get their sweat shirts on and head to the boardwalk for what promises to be a fun evening. here is the the bringing of the clouds. you can see clouds moving in southern delaware where thermos noticeable but all of the rain missing us to the south all over portions of virginia and north caroline eighths pushes off shore. we are not seeing much in the way of cloud cover from that system here in philadelphia that misses us to the south but another system well, it will move through. we will not be so lucky later in the workweek. eight to two at the the airport. temperatures are dropping on a pleasant evening. seventy-nine in wilmington. seventy-eight in millville. we are down to 75 in wildwood with 80 just last hour there. eighty in allentown as well. ocean water temperature a comfortable 76. we like to go to the shore in late august early september because water is still warm and tends, ocean water temperature tends to peak in august even those maximum air temperatures peaks in july. turning more humid for your tuesday but we are in between
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systems. showers missed us to the south, temperatures hold in the mid 80's, steamy but not too bad. dew point in the lower 60's. same story on wednesday. watch this storm creeping closer showers and storm along that stationary boundary will creep northward on thursday. that is our best chance for wet weather this week. otherwise we have got quiet conditions in the tropics. now they are watching this one tropical wave here. this one right here with you doesn't look like it will develop into anything. it has been quiet so far. they are watching that one but currently has 0 percent chance of developing in the tropical storm or hurricane. for your tuesday, partly sunny nice cool breeze. seventy-eight. overnight in the city partly cloudy and pleasant at 678. tomorrow partly sunny, just slightly more humid at 84. you're witness weather seven day forecast and cher cast looks similar for your tuesday and wednesday. thursday showers and a thunderstorm, friday stays cloudy and cool with the shower and we will keep it cool over weekend highs in the lower 80's. we will see sunshine returning saturday and sunday but notice normal high is 85, we don't
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have one day in the seven day forecast that is even at normal let alone near 90 we only had 190 this month. get there again before summer is over. >> it is supposed to be hotter but i'm liking this. >> i think a lot of people are. >> memorable summer. >> thanks, kate. good evening, everyone, we are dealing with some police activity on the westbound side of the schuylkill expressway making your way beyond area of the vine. note that is activity right here is compromising the right-hand lane and this delay is stemming back towards university. definitely an area to avoid. heading in the opposite direction, eastbound on 76 we have delays in the western suburbs, definitely approaching the vine street expressway as well, average speed in the western suburbs on the schuylkill in the 30's. not great but we could be worse here you're yell own and not in the red. you are in the red traveling north bound blue route beten 95 and media heading in the southbound direction 95 delays through construction zones and
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around south philadelphia heading down to catch phillies. watch for this accident in new jersey on the northbound side of 55 at 49. stay with us on cbs-3 "eyewitness news" at 6:00 we will hello! i'm a kid. and us kids have an important message for our grown ups. three grams daily of beta-glucan... a soluable fiber from whole grain oat foods like cheerios can help lower cholesterol. and where can you find beta-glucan? in oats. and, they're yummy! i'm going back to being a kid now. thank you! (vo) ours is a world of the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three.
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well, thursday night the football is coming right here to cbs. sports director beasley reese went to new york city and talk with the guys who will be bringing us all of the action this season and when it comes to eagles quarterback nick foles they are impressed. >> what was -- welcome to the cbs broadcast center where the big football meeting was held today. they bring in play by play guys, color analyst, the stars are here, talking about the kick off of the new thursday night football that will start on september 11th, here on cbs-3. >> a lot of times divisional games you can throw schedule out the window. you know as well as do i from playing and magnitude of the
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game and ramifications and what happens. divisional game is almost twofold. you cannot afford to lose that. >> with so many pros around i took an opportunity to talk to a couple quarterback about our quarterback nick foles. >> great thing about nick that i saw last year, no interceptions. that is the thing. you have to keep from turning the ball over and if they do that i think they will be as exciting as any team in football and they will win the nfc east assuming they will stay healthy. >> he showed last year the things that he did and more important the things that he didn't do. i think his youth and inexperience a lot like russell wilson showed in seattle. >> those quarterbacks very excited about nick foles as we are in philadelphia coming up in sports at ten, these pros, will not stop talking about the departure of desean jackson. it is an old top nick philly but they say it will be key. we will talk about. that i'm beasley reese for "eyewitness sports".
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>> thanks, beasley. eagles back at work getting ready for thursday night's preseason home opener with the steelers. lesean mccoy back at practice with jeremy maclin and riley cooper. he underwent an mri for a miss practiced yesterday but says he is feeling better to day. we will be right back. this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at
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thanks for watching "eyewitness news" tonight at 6:00 "eyewitness news" returns at ten on our sister station the cw philly and we're back here on cbs-3 at 11:00. stay tuned for "cbs evening news", tonight they are on the ground in ferguson as the president calls for calm, and the national guard, moves in. scott pelley reports tonight from new york, with the "cbs evening news".
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>> pelley: tonight, calling in the national guard. the governor sends troops to ferguson, missouri, after another night of violence over the fatal police shooting of michael brown. the president is sending the attorney general with another appeal for calm. >> let's seek to heal rather than wound each other. >> pelley: vladimir duthiers is on the story. and other deadly police shootings by the border patrol. >> reporter: are you willing to say the numbers of shootings is too high? >> pelley: manuel bojorquez on veterans relying on food pantries. >> it's the difference between eating oatmeal three or four times a day or having something a little more substantial. >> pelley: and saving the control


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