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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  August 22, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT

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of the overnight hours. there could be a stray shower anytime. cannot rule it out in this atmosphere these kind of conditions but it doesn't look like a wash out. you will get your friday night plans in. saturday starts off with clouds and perhaps a couple of showers even in the a afternoon. a few showers will drift on through but note is what happens at 5:00 or 6:00 we will see clearing. maybe see some sun before sunset on saturday and much nicer conditions take over as we get into saturday night and sunday as skies clear and we will see more unshine for part two of the weekend. temperatures remaining on the cool side in the mid 80's this time the of the year, right now 77 at the airport. seventy-five allentown. cool 73 in at atlantic city and 74 in millville. shore will be very cool and breezy throughout the weekend. the it does stay chilly tonight. temperatures dropping through lower 70's with clouds and perhaps a shower but the question is, how does our weekend turnout? i will have our full forecast from the city to the shore coming up. you can get that forecast anytime with the new weather
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app, get live radar, checkup dated forecast and send your photos available in the itunes store. definitely check that out. now back inside to you. >> kate, thanks very much. home owner opens fire killing a man he says is a would be thief. he also says that the shooting was in self-defense. but police aren't so sure. it all happened late last night mountain 4500 block of josephine street, in the frankford section. "eyewitness news" reporter walt hunter is live at police headquarters with the details, walt. >> reporter: chris, police say there is still lots of unanswered questions that 56 year-old frankford resident still is in the homicide unit behind me here as police and district attorney's office, gather evidence hoping to come to a decision on whether or not he will be criminally charged. the resident police say opening fire and killing a man, he suspect of break nothing to his pickup truck five separate surveillance cameras, keep a close watch on the pick up truck so police
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say when its owner a 56 year-old frankford resident who lives just above it, saw what he thought was someone about to steel from it, he ran down confronting the man, and then, opening fire, killing him. >> he just state that had during the course of opening the garage, that is when the confrontation ensues between himself and the male and the shooting follows. >> reporter: sources say shooter told officers man he encountered in the darkness threatened him and had something in his hand. in fact, police say the 30 year-old shooting victim was unarmed, and police say, shot in the back. >> the male had incurred two gunshot wound one to the back of the head, second gunshot wound to the left side of his back. >> reporter: office hours raced to the scene say that they found the resident waiting for them, surrendering and turning over his weapon. for now, police and district attorney's office say they are still gathering evidence before deciding if charges
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should be filed. at the the heart of the issue the so-called castle doctrine which permits deadly force if you feel threatened, confronting an intruder in your home or nearby surrounding. >> it is break nothing to his property, i don't see why he could not deeven if himself. >> reporter: this neighbor expressed support, still others say that there were options, short of opening fire. >> you see someone break nothing you call 9,111th and let someone know. >> reporter: now pending a decision, cbs-3 is withholding the the identity of the shooter. we're also withholding the identity of the victim because police tell us all of his family members have not been notified. a final decision on this could take well into next week. live at police headquarters, i'm walt hunter, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> we will see you then, thank you. fire investigators are looking in the cause of this two alarm fire that destroyed two vacant build initial
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camden. a wall collapsed, towards at least one fire fighter causing him to fall, and this happened overnight in the 900 block of south fourth street. fire fighters said they had a hard time battling this fire. >> every building is not occupied or breaking buildings, the weather, over the course of the years, they are not boarded up properly, and we have homeless people trying to get in there, and so when we get a fire like one of these buildings, and it is well advanced by the the time we get here. we will go in defensive operation and safety is always on our mind. >> fire fighter thaw saw fall was check out at the scene by medics and as was another person who was check out for smoke inhalation. well, another philadelphia emergency vehicle breaks down while responding to a call. official says that the drive shaft of fire truck engine 69 flew off in southwest philadelphia around 9:30 this morning. "eyewitness news" at island and bindberg as that truck was towed away. two other tow trucks, initially sent to the scene
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turnout to be too small to do the the job. this truck was put into service in 1991 and it has more than one 19,000 miles otto tomorrow ter. back in may, some fire fighters raised concerns to "eyewitness news" about the age and safety of the department's vehicles. well, philadelphia police are searching for a suspect who robbed a pizza hut in mayfair and we have surveillance video of that crime tonight. this suspect entered the restaurant on frankford avenue at around 10:00 o'clock wednesday night. he had a gun and demanded money from the register. he made off with about $160, no one at the restaurant was injured. well, now to another robbery in mayfair this one around 2:00 this morning, two men robbed red robin diner on frankford avenue. it is believed at least one of those suspects was armed. they did make off with some cash. the customers were inside at the time of the robbery but no one was hurt. one of the lodgees running and perhaps most contentious labor disputes in
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philadelphia's history is now at its end. cities largest municipal workers union has reach a contract deal with the nutter administration. "eyewitness news" reporter steve paterson has the the details. >> and so the city is signed. >> reporter: that is five years of strikes and uncertainty ending to the sound of applause. >> always wanted to have a contract. you see me at this podium, a hundred times saying that but we also needed the right contract. >> reporter: after half decade of bickering, name calling and protesting between the city and district 33 of the american federation of state, county and municipal employees, the mayor, friday announced something both sides are agreeing on a tentative but fair deal. union president pete matthews. >> our members told us to go in there take as long as you can and get this deal done. it was g it was a good deal. >> reporter: so here's the deal, a seven year retroact i have agreement from july of
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2009 to july of 2016. if ratified, more than 10,000 blue color city workers will get an up front bonus of $2,800 including a three and a half percent raise and another 2.5 percent raise next year. the mayor did what he calls crucial reforms to pension costs, work rules, and health care obligations. friday suddenly the love returned. >> it wasn't always pretty, and it wasn't the the most quiet thing i have ever done but we have gotten through it. >> reporter: d.c. 33 deal is expected to be the ratified by workers over the next two weeks. the it will cost the city 127 million-dollar in the next five years. reporting from center city i'm steve paterson for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". well, social event called dinner en blank took place last night on broad street. if you were in the area you may have noticed participants dining in the street wearing all white. well to day some business owners are seeing red after the event, which they say created a traffic mess and
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hurt sales. "eyewitness news" reporter noel mcclaren is live on the avenue of the arts with more, noel. >> reporter: broad street we know can be one of the worst streets during rush hour and so it was closed yesterday, right over here, all of this traffic that you see had to move somewhere else. one of philly a's busiest streets, is feeling quite the hang over from pop up dinner party dinner en blank a instant party where people are given short net toys show up with their own food, tables and chairs. broad street businesses say that they lost customers who didn't feel like dealing with the main artery surprise shut down. >> we did have some complaints about the log jams, getting here. >> reporter: route chris general manager bernie david says he didn't learn about dinner en blank until an hour before it closed broad street between pine and chestnut. >> in one had any knowledge, so it was surprising to all of us to say the least.
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>> reporter: to make matters worst the event was served as a rush hour special. >> my entire block was shut down like where i work, the entire block was block off, like every where, it was impossible to get around. >> reporter: frustration shared across social media, even councilman jim kenny took to twitter condemning the surprise supper. he tells "eyewitness news" he is sending a letter to organizers telling them quote i'm please todd can that the impact on local businesses be greater importance before the city signs off on a event that will have a serious effect on good, tax paying businesses. businesses support idea of din are promoting downtown they just ask for more prep time in the future. >> just a little heads up. i know about the mystique of it being a secret point, but it could have caused more problems. >> reporter: dinner organizers tell us they reach out to local businesses about a week before the event, telling them about street closures but they didn't specify it would be dinner, and blank.
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reporting live noel mcclaren for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> thank you very much. philadelphia radio legend don cannon has passed away, following a brief illness. born dominic caseno, don started out from 1969 as a morning dj, until his retirement in 2004. he loved golf and he often raised money for charities. don cannon died this morning at lankanol hospital. he was 74 years old. still to come here tonight on "eyewitness news" new concerns about the islamic extremist group isis. u.s. officials say they posted a terror threat unlike anything we have recently seen. and then a wild sight at a news conference when protesters show up and throw eggs. and we know getting through security can be a long process at the airport but more and more flyers are finding a faster way, three on your side's jim donovan has more on the precheck program and if it is right for you. we will tackle the breakfast debate, is it really
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most important meal of the day? also new research about breakfast and whether it helps you lose weight? when "eyewitness news" continues.
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we have more on breaking news a septa bus and pepsi truck crashed in cheltenham montgomery county, several injuries reported there our diana rocco is live at the scene with more, diana? >> reporter: chris, we have just arrived here a short time ago and this is september bus in question. police tell me it was heading down old york road in
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cheltenham at 3:45 and made a stop at this bus stop and that is when it was rear ended by this pepsi truck thaw see behind me you can see two cracks in the windshield. i'm told both driver and passenger in the pepsi truck did hit the windshield. one of the passengers inside that pepsis truck did have to be taken to the hospital with serious injuries. we have some chopper video, chopper three was over the scene shortly after this accident at 3:45 today and 19 people on that septa bus did have to be taken off. they were complaining of shoulder, neck and back injuries. police say that is not serious but they were taken off of the bus and transported to local hospitals along with the driver, of that septa bus. i'm told they were taken to abington, elkins park and holy redeemer hospitals. there is no word on their condition at this hour. back here live police are getting ready to toe this septa bus away from this scene and reopen, old york road. that is very latest from
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cheltenham, i'm diana rocco for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> thank you. well, you like me or are you tired of waiting in long airport security lines when you travel by plane? if so, there could be a solution for you. it is called tsa precheck. as three on your side consumer reporter jim donovan shows us one program is really taking off with airline passengers. >> reporter: at least twice a month photographer steed rodkick travels by plane for work. >> i usually walk in the airport sweating, carrying all of my gear and didn't help to be moving along in those lines. >> reporter: he made his way to the tsa enrollment center to be part of the precheck program. passengers who pass a background check air loud to skip regular security and go through shorter, faster tsa preline. you don't to have take off your shoes, remove your lap top or take off your belt when screen. tsa says more than 40 percent of domestic travelers have precheck status on their
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tickets. >> more and more people are signing up for expedited screening. so at this point we are signing up somewhere in the neighborhood of 4,000 people a day. >> reporter: right now it cost $85 to enroll in the precheck program for a five-year per. program started with one enrollment center in december, eight months later there are 300 nationwide. >> you have to go to a personal interview and during that interview process you also have toe provide fingerprints. >> reporter: based on the numbers, passengers with precheck may soon out number travelers without it. now again you need to apply in person for tsa precheck program and in our area there are a handful of location toss do. that i have posted a link to check out the nearest one near you on cbs i will put it on my facebook and twitter feeds as well. the shoe situation just tics me off, have you seen floors in these airports. >> my wife insist on wearing those footies, very high maintenance. >> moving people along much quicker. >> that is idea, jim, thanks
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very much. still to come here nasa play was fire and it goes viral, we will tell you about it. then doctors say he is lucky to be alive, meet the man who had a 20-pound tumor growing in his stomach and didn't even know it. >> beasley? now 15 games under 500, phillies prepare for a tough series at home, plus, eagles fans holding their breath about an your to lesean mccoy but i think he will be okay.
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meteorologist kate bilo is here and so is the weekend. we are excited. hopefully we can make the most of it. >> i think you will be, if you have indoors things to get done, outdoor activity sunday is your day. half and half weekend. we will take it. let look at how things are shaping upright now. we are looking at clouds, even a couple showers on storm scan three but they are not in our area, just yet. a lot like yesterday, we have waited and waited for showers and storms to get the here and really not a whole lot materialized until late at night in the northern suburbs up across bucks county, lehigh and northampton counties as well. right now at beach patrol headquarters in nature gate it is not an ideal beach day. is there one guy on the san, and, a couple of sea gulls and that is bit. not the best day to be out there with the wind off the water you can see how cloudy, the clouds just socked in and it is not very warm either. so today not a great waste to cap off perhaps a week down the shore but we had nice weather earlier in the week no complaint there storm scan
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three right now does show some storms, moving generally north of i81 from williamsport on south. this is what we saw yesterday. these storms will weaken before they get here and in our area we are not seeing much more than just a couple sprinkles moving through kent county, delaware, a few in the poconos and this little area could get in the lehigh valley here within the next couple of hours. other than that, really anything that we see it in will be scattered and it will be generally brief, we're not talking about severe weather or heavy flooding rain, and just isolated showers, some with embedded downpours. temperatures right the now, 66 in the poconos. seventy-five in allentown. seventy-seven at the airport. it is 74 degrees in millville. lets look at future weather. we're in a ring of fire, most of the showers and storms staying off to our west right now and future weather wants to keep them there all night which we will be okay with if we can get our friday night plans in without getting wet. that is always a good thing. overnight a shower or two will pop up and you can see saturday morning, same story because lot of them stay to the south and west. that is where the center of low pressure will stay throughout the weekend. here's 3:00 p.m. saturday a
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chance of a shower over the the city and then down into eastern maryland and then things clear out saturday evening. sunday we will start off with sun, sun sticks around all day long. and i want to take you down to the tropics now because this area just continues to be watched, it is looking like it is blowing up near peer toe rico. 70 percent chance of development. the models are starting to come with the consensus, mess say this storm will curve up around the east coast and then head back out to sea. there are a knew wants to bring it in the gulf of south florida. we will keep an eye on that throughout the weekend and next week. overnight tonight, cloudy, couple scattered showers, no big deal really, 67 degrees. tomorrow cloudy cool damp saturday again good weather for grocery shopping or getting caught up on the laundry perhaps. 77 degrees on saturday. that doesn't sound like fun to me either but sunday is your day to get outside. take a look at this eyewitness wet per day forecast, after a cool day saturday we may see sun by your evening plans. six or 7:00 o'clock. that sunday looks great. monday looks gorgeous. stay tuned, we will be taking
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♪ go! go! wow! go power...oats! go! made from oats cheerios! cheerios!
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go, go, go! go power oats! go! cheerios! go power! go...power! yayyyy!
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we've got very cool video from outer space to show you tonight, all thanks to nasa experiment. astronaut reid wiseman tweeted these videos about little fires, nasa was testing fuel and zero gravity. scientists think that these experiments could eventually result in better fuel efficiency here on earth. i'm beasley reese and here is your sports in 602nds. let us start the clock. phillies back at work at citizens bank park kicking off a three game series with the cardinals. kyle kendrick gets the start autopsy begins st. louis ace adam waynewright. first pitch 7:05. it was a great run but taney dragons sin rel a story came to an end. last night's team fell short of pulling off a rally late in the game lose to go chicago six-five. that eliminated them from the
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tournament. great job. chicago advances to las vegas tomorrow. to the grid iron we will go a big win for the eagles last night, still just preseason but starters put up impressive numbers. something to keep an eye on lesean mccoy sprained thumb, the x-rays came back, negative, good job, should be ready for the the regular season. elsewhere, rookie quarterback johnny manziel gets slapped with $12,000 fine during monday night's game he made an obscene gesture to the washington redskins bench. finally stage is set for u.s. open next week and ladies side serena williams is set to take on taylor townseven. they will wrap up qualifying today. that is your sports, now back to the desk. >> always entitled to a few second, thanks, beasley. still to come, defense officials now call isis a imminent threat beyond anything that the u.s. has seen. we will tell you why the government believes this terror group is so dangerous. also your morning eggs may the not be all they are crack up to be, we will tell you why
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researchers now say breakfast is not the most important meal of the day. >> is it weather that is making leaves change their color and look like this? or is it something else. we will check that out, coming up. and new at 6:00 o'clock we are looking at a delicious dish from a local restaurant that has certainly made the grade. we can tell you where you'll fine philadelphia eatery that has been named among the best new spots in the country. with a newon: volkswagen turbo. turbocharged reward card why are we so obsessed with turbo? because we like giving you power, but we also like giving you fuel efficiency. like the sporty jetta. and the turbocharged passat tdi® clean diesel.
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i'm chris may with the top stories we are continuing to follow breaking news right now, pepsi truck has slammed into the back of a route 55 septa bus, in cheltenham. chopper three over that crash, it is old york and meeting house roads. police say the bus driver and 19 passengers on board suffered minor injuries, a passenger in the pepsi truck was also seriously injured. philadelphia police are questioning a home owner after a deadly shooting in frank for. home owner claims he shot the man as he tried to steel his pickup truck. and the standoff is over, the nutter administration has struck a contract with the city's largest municipal workers union. district council 33 had been without a contract since july 2009. this new deal covers that period through the end of
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june 2016. kate? it has in the felt like a warm sunny summer day at all. it has been a cool friday and we are heading in the cool weekend by this time of the year standards but it does look like a sunny stretch will start and we will warm backup. i will tell you when that happens in a few minutes with your seven day forecast, chris. >> kate, thanks very much. top u.s. commanders say islam is militant group known as isis is beyond anything they have seen in recent history. what is the u.s. to do to combat isis and hum members do they have including possible americans? cbs news correspondent craig boswell is in washington. >> reporter: president obama is weighing his options to deal with the threat from isis militants. >> you come after americans, we will come after you, where ever you are, and that is what will guide our planning. >> reporter: top commanders say air strikes begins isis targets in northern iraq, more than 90 owe far have stopped the militant's advance but in the enough to defeat the group.
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>> we're actively considering what is necessary to deal with that threat and we're not going to be restrict by borders. >> reporter: militant's foot hold is in syria. >> this isn't a classic army with an other of battle thaw can take a look at a map and say this is how many they have. >> reporter: but the pentagon says that number is clearly in the thousands and growing in capability. western europeans and americans air monk the fighters. the men seen executing james foley spoke with the british accent. intelligence sources tell cbs news there are a handful of americans that link up with terror groups in syria. >> it is probably the most violent terrorist organization we have seen. no one fully anticipated how quickly the the islamic state could grow. >> reporter: the pentagon is considering a request for additional u.s. security personnel to deploy to the region. craig boswell for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". department of home land security and fbi sent out a bulletin to u.s. law
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enforcement this morning and did not say whether there was a home isis threat in the home land but did remine officers to be leather and aware. another protest and memorial are planned for tonight in ferguson, missouri for unarm, teenage her was shot and killed by a police officer two weeks ago. cbs news correspondent marley hall is in ferguson with the latest. >> reporter: military presence is dwindling in ferguson missouri. national guard troops called in monday to protect a police command center are clearing out, following, peaceful protest. this st. louis suburb, and, 18 year-old, michael brown, was shot and killed, officer darren wilson august 9th. brown's parents tells cbs news they want the the current prosecutor removed from the case, because of his, close relationships with the police community. and they want the office's rested. >> this is a repeated pattern that has been going out here in missouri not just st. louis, and you cannot call
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police on the police. >> reporter: polls which were speaksed to open last week are finally opens monday. this church has been serving as a safe haven for children while there has been so much chaos in the streets. seven year-old linden is among kid who have been coming here to learn and play, while tensions bowled over in ferguson. volunteers from around the country, have kept schoolmates busy and safe. >> you just don't want to stay home and not be on the ground somewhere, uplifting your community. so i was inspired by being able to be around, innocence for a little bit. >> reporter: makeshift memorial for michael brown continues to grow. he will be laid to rest monday n clayton, missouri marley hall for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". attorneys for the texas governor rick perry says that they will file a motion next week to have felony charges against governor dismissed. court hearing on that case was
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held earlier, the governor waved his arraignment and has pleaded not guilty to the two felony counts against him. perry was indicted after he carried out on a threat to veto seven and a half million-dollar for the state's public integrity unit after d.a. leading that unit refused to resign her office following a drunk driving arrest. well, pretty wild scene touring a news conference in argentina protesters egged the nation's former economic minister. his critics accused him of miss handling south american country's debt in 2001. police and bystanders restrained the the protesters and took them in custody. no one was hurt. well, camden county police department's k-9 unit puts on a show for some summer campers. sergeant akeem james and his k-9 partners zero, performed for those kids, in the fair view summer camp. "eyewitness news" was there in camden's york ship square today, the the zero by the the way is all time new jersey police dog record holder with
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67, suspect apprehensions. >> k-9 officer i would like to reach him at this height i don't to have chase him at this height. so what they are doing, you know, build community partnership with the children and then, for adults, continuing partnerships is only way we can combat this. >> today was the time day of camp for those kids. good evening, everyone and happy friday, if you are traveling, trying to get into philadelphia, maybe heading down to the phillies game at citizens bank park using westbound side of the ben is tricky because we are dealing with delays from that westbound direction as a result of the right lane being blocked because of construction, so that will affect 676, admiral wilson boulevard so give yourself more time. once you get to i-95 expect that southbound jama approaching south philadelphia and then definitely heading out of the north east. lets talk about heading down the shore traveling on the 42 freeway southbound doesn't look bad at all, we will get
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to the new jersey roadways in just a second but as we take a look at our wide, you will drop dunn on i-95 through construction zones, definitely traveling at a slow pace approaching mid county tolls, if you are commuting westbound direction of the pa turnpike at valley forge. watch out for usual on the schuylkill, vine street expressway, around 67, and 95 southbound approaching 476, also, watch out for that very serious septa bus accident that happened earlier involving route 55 septa bus, this is 611 at meeting house, police are directing traffic in that area and watch out for delays on 295 southbound, 73 all the way down to 42, chris. >> vittoria, thanks very much. still to come on "eyewitness news", doctors in new york save a man with the rare form of cancer. this patient had a 20-pound tumor and didn't even know it. we will look at what is trend to go day, wild ending to that motorcycle crash but is this real video or tricky editing. we will take a closer look and let you tea side.
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kate? and it has been a great friday and looks like glummy weather will stick around through the start of the weekend so can we expect rain all weekend long? i'll have your forecast coming up when we come back ma
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you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww!
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geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse?
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american airlines is fee for unaccompanied minors, the carrier will charge, $150 for children between five and 14 years of age who fly alone. that fee previously applied only to children between five and 11. american says that extending the fee will help ensure the mess safe possible travel. well, meanwhile more people will fly over the the labor day weekend compared to last year, according to american or airlines for america. they expected 14 million travelers this year, that is up about 2 percent from last year. triple a forecast almost 35 million americans will travel at least 50 miles from home either by car or plane. that is also up 1.3 percent, compared to last year. well, it is a milestone day for us hire at cbs philly, one of our favorite people is retiring. kyw news radio harry donahue is hanging up the mike. >> is it time for another time change. >> time for a time check. >> after all that, kyw news
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time 9:00 o'clock. >> well, for the final time, this morning harry gave us the time check, and then signed off, long time, alongside his long time co anchor ed abrams he received a standing ovation as he walked out of the studio here at cbs broadcast center, and then he spoke to our walt hunter. >> coming from philadelphia like yourself you know what it is like to work in your hometown. who would have thought that this would ever happen and today, you know, i'll remember the rest of my life but the 40 years, like the the snap of your finger that quickly. whatever i contributed, i just say thank you. >> no, harry, thank you, for 40 wonderful years and we hope you enjoy every minute of retirement. we will be right back. this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at
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oh, i had to go to the bank. if you look legit they give you special treatment. seriously? seriously, yeah. the banker dude set up my checking account so if i make one deposit a month, no monthly maintenance fee. special treatment! citizens bank, right? yep. you know they do that one deposit checking thing for everyone, right? got mustard on your suit. actually, it's your suit. one deposit checking. only from citizens bank. one deposit of any amount each statement period waives the monthly maintenance fee. on the web today we have hungry fish, swallowing a shark, a baby elephant learning to san ape video of the near disaster that has people asking is it real or is it fake? let's start out with this fish and this happens very quickly.
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watch, we will show you a few times, that is a goliath grouper taking down a 4-foot shark, like it is a snack. video was capture off the coast of benita springs, florida. here it is again, it has 13 million views on line. now to this beautiful, baby elephant, this video, coming to us reid park zoo in tucson, arizona she's just 12 hours old and learning to stand, with the little help from mom who is right here, zoo officials, two baby. finally that shocking per ported video of a motorcycle accident in a highway. you have got to see this a couple times, to appreciate it. it shows a biker ramming in the back of the car flipping in the air and then landing on the roof of that car. a lot of people believe this is fake but there are media outlets that say that the crash did happen abe the biker was just extremely lucky. what do you think?
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join our conversation? we're talking about it on facebook and on twitter. i have no idea. i always believe stuff so i will go with the real. lets go with storm scan three. everything is looking quiet right now, we have cloud cover across the area but in showers really showing up in our neck of the woods except for portions of northern kent county and sussex county seeing light shower or two and light sprinkles throughout poconos region. most of the showers have stayed away today much like all week long we have seen showers and storms off to the west over much of the keystone state but in our area we have not seen much except for up in bucks county, northampton and lehigh counties last night where areas got a good soaking a lot of lightening and thunder as well. in the city of philadelphia we have escape largely unharm as far as rain and storms are concerned, this week. but it is a cool day. warmer across delaware where they have seen sun, 83 milton. eighty-four harrington. eighty in rehoboth beach.
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seventy-six in swedesboro. seventy-five in cherry hill. further are north we are in the 70's in most spots, aston has climbed to 80. seventy-four woodstown. seventy-six mulika. seventy-four in chalfont. quakertown 73. allentown 75. chilly 65 in mount pocono. 77 degrees in reading. we are keeping it cool heading in the weekend. we have low pressure overhead today pro tuesdaying a few showers but just cloudy, glummy conditions and net that is on shore east wind which is always a little bit of an issue for us and down the shore that will be in place again tomorrow with that storm around, you cannot rule out a couple showers but just a cloudy breezy damp day with highs only in the 70's. better on sunday with sunshine and high back to 80 and high pressure will take a foot hold on monday and highs are back in the lower 80's and sunny. each day gets brighter and warmer in the seven day forecast. saturday down the shore not very nice, cloudy cool, breezy windy on the beach with wind off water, 15 to 20 miles an hour. high only 75 degrees.
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seventy-five sunday but more sunshine still a gusty breeze not always fun to sit on the beach when win is blowing in your face. maybe week ahead will be better. in the poconos, couple showers on saturday and then mostly sunny sunday and beautiful monday 76 degrees with sunny skies. over might in the city cloudy skies, scattered showers, 67. for saturday mostly cloudy, cool and damp, couple showers and more sunshine by late afternoon and evening. sunday looks better. brighter day. lots of sunshine. machine who is fantastic. tuesday even warmer and by end of the next week wednesday and thursday we will be making a run for 90 with 80's back at the shore. summer is in the over just yet but it has been, noticeably cooler this fall, this august i should say and that may have you thinking fall, and someone noticed what they believe to be early fall color in the trees is that even possible in late august. meteorologist carol erickson went to the experts to find out if our eyes are deceiving us.
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>> reporter: yvonne knows where yellow went it is under food in her usually green summer lawn making her think fall has taken over, all over the yard. >> the the season seems to becoming, earlier, i don't know if it is because of the weird sum are we have been having or whatever. >> whatever is the better answer due to the other fall fooling changes object shrubs and trees. >> fall is not the reason for these things, it is just problems here every year and fall gets credit for it. >> reporter: certified expert mike cheni from bartlett tree experts want blame for usual summer leaf change not on weather but on the root cause, insects, disease anus. >> sometimes it is putting patio over root system. >> reporter: dumping that mulch in the base of trees or over pruning or loan more run ins, all that is fixable but if it isn't things like white scale or ash bark beetle holes, and more, will take over. changing leaves, before killing trees. sometimes damage just can't be cured now you have to notice
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it and cure it in the spring. many out in the wild trees still look like summer, in fall color change but note is what can happen closer trees get to man. this out in the open arbitrary looks perfect, but the arbitrary across the paved street in the neighborhood, a sickly version that needs human intervention to undue human intervention. >> sometimes loving them to death allowing insects and diseases having an easier time. >> reporter: massacre raiding the problem with so-called early fall color n burlington, carol erickson cbs-3 "eyewitness news". on the healthwatch tonight a new york man is certainly lucky to be alive after doctors removed a 20-pound tumor. seventy-six year-old frank volumeterry didn't know he had that tumor until an x-ray after a fall. the basketball sized growth in his stomach was a soft tissue called a liposarcoma and it is extremely rare. >> one of the things that
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surprised us was the size of the tumor and what it looked like under imaging and lack of symptoms. >> when i got woke up after the operation i said thank god. >> doctors say that tumor will likely grow back so frank is being check out every three months. well, breakfast may be over rated, researchers say breakfast eaters had in change in their metabolism and did not lose weight then those who skipped a morning meal, whoever there were some health perks to eating breakfast those who ate it were more active during the the date and also had more steady blood sugar levels. welshing still to come here at 5:00 a return to sin city and young girl's out of body experience. >> hi everybody i'm nancy odell and this week jessicaal was is dame to kill for in the sin city. young girl is caught between life and death in if i stay,
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these folks are excited for chance to race around the world and win a million-dollar. this was a cast tipping call for cbs hit show the amazing race, and and, amazing race to have a chance, contestant.
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and, in a worldwide, scavenger hunt, and, a series of physical, and mental challenges were they advance to the next location. it is a great show. good luck to them. get your kleenex ready a popular envelope adaption is hitting a big screen and sure not to leave a dry eye in the house. and a sin full action franchise makes its return after nine long years. et's nancy odell has a look at this weekend's new releases. >> reporter: jessicaal about a and all-star cast bring a graphic novel to life in sin city. chloe barrett explores life ape death choices in if i stay. >> life is one thing and then, in an instant becomes something else. >> reporter: only survivor of the car accident that leaves her in the coma mia played by chloe barrett has an out of body experience where she struggles with whether she should live or move on. one major factor is her deep
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love for her boyfriend adam played by jamie blackly. while it was serious they kept it light during those romantic scenes. >> i think it is just us trying to make it funny, and, you know what i mean, not be too serious about it because there was a camera right there. >> i will do whatever you want, just please stay. >> reporter: non-romantic at the theater. >> there is another saturday night. >> reporter: hero and villains of sin city are back. the bruce willie, mickey roxanne jessica alba a are joined by joseph jordan and josh brolin by all of the ago. it is not on the set but all green screen. >> it is challenging, because you are forced to really hone in and really you have to be very focused on the performance. there is in distractions. it is just you and your performance and that is it. >> it is unique. it is just being involved in something unique. you always know it will be something new.
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you will be able to look back and chuckle and go i was in that. that is cool. >> day to kill for. >> reporter: for entertainment tonight i'm nancy odell new back to you in the studio. all right, thank you. keep up to date with the latest celebrities news by watching entertainment tonight weeknights at 7:00 o'clock right here on cbs-3. that is "eyewitness news" at 5:00 o'clock now at 6:00 we are tracking some showers. kate? >> that is right, chris been a cloudy gray friday and a few showers popping up on storm scan three i'll show you where they are and let you know whether the cloudy showery weather last through the weekend. also a septa bus collides with the pepsi truck more than a dozen are hurt. we have got the the latest, jan? >> school supply shopping used to be time of excitement for parents and students but for many this year it is a down right hardship. i'm jane car baye, coming up, we will see how philadelphia teachers, students and parents are dealing with the big
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budget cuts. >> it has been rang among best new restaurants in the the cut country and don't get far to get your deliveres dishes. we will tell you which eat theory is getting high praise and why. are hurt, when a september bus, collides with a beverage truck, in montgomery county today. good evening, i'm chris may. guess case off. right now the injured are being treated for both neck and back pain. police say that the root 55 septa bus was making a stop on old york road in cheltenham, when it was rear ended by a pepsi truck. it happened around 3:45. a passenger in that truck was seriously injured, there were minor injuries on board the bus, and medics treated the driver of the bus and about 19 passengers in all, some of whom were hospitalized. tonight that crash is under investigation. our other top story to
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day, showers, around the region tonight, will they spoil our weekend? meteorologist kate bilo has our eye on things and she joins us from the cbs-3 sky deck, kate. >> so far this week the city has managed to dodge most of the worse weather. we had nasty storms to our north last night and then a couple of showers came through overnight and into the morning hours but in the a whole lot has made it here to philadelphia and that is the case again this evening. we have some showers out there, and they will eventually get in but again, they are scattered, they are isolated, not a huge deal. worth of it is over north central pennsylvania, up towards williamsport area but closer to home we are seeing clouds and a few breaks here and there there are sprinkles heading toward lehigh valley but that is it. it does not feel like a sunny summer take but it is not raining, at the moment, and, and, and tonight without any problems. showers will be scattered and off to the north and west throughout the rest of tonight. overnight everything stays


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