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tv   Eyewitness News at 11  CBS  October 8, 2014 11:00pm-11:36pm EDT

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at 11:00 o'clock tonight. there has been a fire in media, delaware county. chopper three over elwyn on elwyn road. this is a center and home for people with dissables. we know that one person has been transport the to the hospital from this fire. we'll continue to work for more information there's no word the this point on the cause of that blaze. and new tonight, a teenager is under arrest accused of posting a school threat on social media. good evening to you, i'm jessica dean. >> i'm chris may. that threat went out on an app called yik yak and it did not take long for it to get noticed. a former penn ridge high school student is facing charges to night, and is our diane in rocco tells us alert parents tipped off police. >> reporter: 19 year old eric wood the latest to be charged with making ferris threats over a social media site caught called yik yak. >> are you home? we just want tosca few questions. >> he didn't answer outside his sell verseville home tuesday but police say he claims he was just answering a dare when he posted
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threats against the penn ridge school district. the post read "hi, guys i'm not at school any more, ha i'm bringing a gun through tomorrow so watch out" follow up message read "or how about a bomb?" parents saw the chatter and began contacting authorities and the school who added security woods mother contacted police when he told her about the fire storm he describe. yik yak is a cross between snap chat and twitter posts can be seen by users within a 5-mile radius and can remain anonymous. >> kids, teens, people in high school, middle school, even lower school, they don't realize the what had happen. it's not anonymous. >> tuesday widener university and chester was on high alert after freshman took to yik yak posting anonymous message saying he was going to shoot up the campus for being bullied and reference the columbine. louis andres vella of low high, new jersey was arrested at his dorm room after police traced ip address to his computer.
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>> social media doesn't disappear. and so they might be thinking this is funny. this is cool, my friends are, you know, telling me to do it, but a month down the road arc year down the road, 10 years down the road whether it be job opportunities, college, it's going to be dug up. >> reporter: and in a statement tonight yik yak tells "eyewitness news" that in instance where is post reach a violent or illegal nature they help police identify the location of a user. yik yak also says it monitors the site for misuse or threate threatening behavior and will often block or suspend accounts based on the type of content being posted. i'm diana rocco cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> diana, thank you very much. new at 11:00 o'clock tonight, family and friends are remembering the first person to die in the us from the ebola virus. memorial service was held in dallas tonight for thomas eric duncan. the liberian national died this morning a week after being admitted to a texas hospital.
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we also learned today that a sheriff's deputy who ventured inside of duncan's apartment is sick and being evaluated as another possible ebola case. meantime fears about ebola have led to increase increased t screening for west african passengers who night into new york, newark, chicago, washington, d.c. and atlanta. >> these five airports as you may know are the destination of 94% of individuals who travel to the united states from the three countries that are currently affected by ebola right now. >> philadelphia is not on the list of airports that will conduct those additional screenings. new information tonight in an i-team exclusive. a center city dorman now under arrest after one of the residents from his building accused him of stalking and stealing from her. investigative reporter charlotte huffman has the exclusive new information in this case. >> reporter: kendall stevens
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says it's like a nightmare. >> i can't sleep at night. i had to consult a therapist. at this point i mean i just -- it's tragic. it's absolutely tragic to have to live that way. >> reporter: had he says she was stalked and harassed by this man, leonard burton. he was the door man and security guard at the front desk of her center city apartment building. stevens also says, she caught burton burglarizing her apartment on a surveillance camera. >> my apartment was ransacked. all my money was gone and i'm looking and my underwear is missing. he went through every drawer. he looked under my bed. he left no stone unturn in this apartment and he had plenty of time to do that. >> reporter: stevens filed a police report claiming burton stole numerous items worth $7,800. he was fired from his job and a warrant was issued for his arrest. now police tell "eyewitness news", burton turned himself in yesterday. he was arrested on charges including burglary, theft and criminal trespass. burton is now free on bail. last week, stevens said she
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won't rest easy until he's hyped bars. >> i am extremely paranoid. extremely paranoid. i'm looking over my shoulder. he can be hiding in plane sight and i don't even know where he is at any given time that's what scary. >> reporter: leonard burton was fired from his job. meanwhile the apartment buildings owner has yet respond to do our request for a comment. for the i-team charlotte huffman, cbs-3 "eyewitness new news". >> if you have a story you would like theism team to investigate we weren't to her from you. you will you have to do is send and e-mail to i-team at >> montgomery county mother is accused of injecting her teenaged daughter with her row win and that's in the all. patricia davenport seen here and meghan rudolph are charged with drug possession and child endangerment. lower salford police say the pair traveled to philadelphia to purchase drugs with davenport's children ages eight and 15 in the car. police say davenport injected her 15 year old daughter and her daughter's 16 year old boyfriend with heroin.
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>> incomprehensible to me that any parent would ever introduce their children, their child to drug like this. >> davenport is now being held on $50,000 bail. >> today pennsylvania state police released details of a chilling note left behind by accuse state trooper killer eric frein. police say the note details frein's deadly ambush and escape on september 12th. lieutenant colonel george bivens calls his actions quote pure evil. he read a portion of that letter found during a recent search. >> got a shot round 11:00 p.m. and took it. he dropped. i was surprised at how quick. another cop approached the one i just shot. as he went to kneel, i took a shot at him and jumped in the door. his legs were visible and still. >> that ambush killed corporal brian dixon and seriously wounded trooper alex douglas. authorities also released two
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photos showing what frein might look like with a mohawk and with a beard. he also faces two additional counts of possession of weapons of mass destruction. >> in atlantic city tonight about twos to zen people were arrested as protesters block the intersection of missouri and arctic avenues. members of local 54 were out protesting proposed health benefit cuts for union workers at the taj mahal. trump entertainment resorts the owner of the taj mahal is threatening to close it unless union gives up its pension and health insurance. >> pretty scary ride to school for nearly two dozen children today when their bus went out of control and hit some park cars. six children were injured in that crash. it happened at lot avenue and hov street in bustleton. the bus flew through an intersection and hit four cash cars. the driver lost control as he was pulling up in front of the an inform finger little schoolhouse. all of the injuries are said to be minor. investigators believe the driver
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error may have played a role in that crash g4 other children taken to the hospital aft this schoolbus crash at island avenue and lindberg boulevard in southwest philadelphia. one of those children did suffer some serious injuries. what led to that crash is still under investigation tonight. well nearly 200 philadelphia high school students take to the streets protesting the termination of their teacher's contract. >> these are students from the creative and popping arts high school in south philadelphia. they skipped their classes today to show support for their teachers. on monday the src ended the teacher's labor contract requiring them to pay a portion of their health care premiums. >> it's wrong what they did. it was shady. they gave the teachers no warning. they cut our budget and they've cut funding and nurses and health teachers and the line really stops at our teachers. >> the teachers union does plan
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to fight that crack termination. the philadelphia fire department wants you to be prepared in the event of a house fire. somerton tonight simulated fire drill was held at a home on kovacs drive. the family practiced their home escape plan and the fire department showed up as if it was a real fire. this event was part of a citywide fire drill with officials hoping other boss practice their escape plans. sirens across the city sounded at 7:30 as reminder. >> good chance to get a live demonstration. when you talk about fire safety sometimes you can't visualize it. this allows people to visualize would would happen in a real fire. >> fire prevention week runs through saturday. new and only on "eyewitness news" tonight, the story of a young boy who desperately wants to run on his school's cross country team. >> but his father says his school won't let him. "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers tells us why the young boy has been side lined. >> he has this exclusive story from tabernacle, new jersey.
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>> reporter: here are two brothers, one of them is essentially blind in one eye. can you tell which one? we couldn't. >> op tiff never hypoplasia. under developed optic nerve. >> that's dad donald talking about his son 11 year old jacob. he's had the condition since he was born. >> it's never slowed him down. that is until now. >> i felt sad. >> you felt really sad. um-hmm. >> how come. >> because everybody else runs but me. >> reporter: jacob wanted to run for the cross country team at kenneth r. mole son middle school much his physician signed off noting his eye issue but affirming he could play all sports without restrict. that was not good enough for the school. >> the school doctor will not allow him to return because they want an ophthalmology report. >> they want the jacob to see an eye doctor and gave his parents two weeks to do so. he was allowed tocometer in the in the meantime didn't great. no matter what the eye doctor
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said official wouldn't guarantee he can continue to play. his parents refused the make the appointment. by not letting him compete in their minds that amounts to discrimination. >> why is it any different for him to run in those two weeks than it is the fifth and sixth weeks. >> we called the school district for comment. the superintendent left us message saying the school district does not comment op issues win individual students but if we had any more questions he said to give him a call. we did. four more time. since then, no response. jacob says he runs in gym class every day. he's even done the mile run. the district says that's okay. but run cross country? apparently that's a different story. matt rivers cbs-3 he witness news. >> new at 11:00 the popular drink red bull is in hot water tonight. why the company could be paying out millions of dollars to customers and that means you could cash in. plus, a glass of wine can be relaxing even good for you. but when is it too much? next a
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warning women need to watch out for the next time you pour. kathy. >> cool air is going to move back into the delaware valley and once it gets here, it's going to be hard to move out. plus wet weather that follows. details coming up with the seven day forecast. >> and meet the dogs dog who came back to life twice. when "eyewitness news" continues. ♪
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>> trial date is set for minnesota vikings running back adrian peterson. peterson appeared before a judge in couldn't row texas on child abuse charges today. the running back did not enter a plea. the judge did set a trial date for december 1st. authorities say peterson used a stick to spank his four year old son leaving visible bruises. he says he was disciplining his child. if convicte convicted he he faco years in prison. >> think about the role that you have to raise up a generation of men that are going to have the clarity, have the moral courage to call out other men. >> in the meantime today nfl owners watched a individual crow about domestic violence at a league meeting in new york. it will now be mandatory for personnel of all teams to see this video. most of the day was focused on crafting the league's new personal conduct policy. changes could include the owners diminishing the commissioner's role in the disciplinary proce
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process. >> obviously understand the balance between due process and protecting the integrity of the game, and sometimes that puts in you a did difficult position. >> the league plans to announce new personal conduct policy before the super bowl. now "eyewitness news" upda update. the pennsylvania state senate has unanimously passed hannah's law. that bill is named for hannah jenn yann from bristol township. hannah is fighting crabs a disease a rare degenerative disorder that is deadly. now the bill requires hospitals to offer prenatal screening for crab a and five other diseases. governor tom corbett is expected to sign the legislation. >> well if you have bought a red bull energy drink in the past 12 years, you're eligible for some cash. the company settled a $13 million false advertising lawsuit tonight. red bull was sued over claims that the drink increased performance, concentration and reaction speed. red bull is offering customer
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the option of either $10 reimbursement or $15 worth of red bull products. you may fine it relaxing and wine can have health benefits, too, but just how much is too much? three on your side tonight with what women need to watch out for the next time you pour. >> michelle is a typical mom. at first she drank like a lot of her friends. >> i can remember having glass of wine while i was giving her a bath,ing din are in and i didn't really think anything of it. >> but over time, she says she started drinking too much. >> i have girlfriends who are mothers as well who kind of did the same thing. and but i knew that it was, that's correct it was too much for me. >> you can have a heavy drinker and have an alcoholic. >> according to the centers for disease control women should have only one glass day and that one glass should be 5-ounces. they say heavy drinking eight drinks a week for women can have health impacts. >> people do have sleep problem.
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>> sleep problems and wore liver problems. that's because women metabolize alcohol differently than men. >> they tend to get liver damage a lot quicker than men tend to get. >> many women just don't know how much they're drinking. a glass of wine while cooking, one with din are in, maybe one after, it can add up. >> it's a problem i would say what would indicate to you that this would be a problem? >> has anybody said it's a problem? have you missed things hour how do you feel about yourself. >> one might think that they were getting relaxed, taking the edge off, helping with stress when really it's becoming another problem. >> experts say if you think you have a problem, try giving it up as a test. they say if you do decide to raise glass, try to limit yourself to just one. they say cats have nine lives. but this next dog has at least three. >> three and counting much this is las czar russ. he's a four year old who was
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abandoned by his owner, hit by a car and infected with heart worms. he wasn't adopted aft so much time so a veterinarian in alabama had to put him down. he gave him an injection that didn't work. so the vet tried a second. and las czar russ was pronounced dead but the next day, workers found him alive and well. now they're trying to clear up the heart worms and they're determined to find a good home for haas czar russ. >> sweet boy there. >> wow. what great day today to have a dog or anybody outside really. spectacular. you call eight bonus day. alike that. >> it was. tomorrow we get another bonus. >> good. >> then it all goes downhill. we won't talk about that. let's live in the moment as my son likes to say. outside take a look at conditions that are pretty decent. temperatures are falling into the 50s but it's very comfortable the wind is light and the skies are moonlit a nice way to end an evening. our live neighbor network checks out the area with high temperatures with the sunshine today in lewes delaware at the
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university of delaware 76. 75 at the international airport in philadelphia. in newtown, at george school, 74 and in blue bell at the winkfield airport the temperature 73. right now, a big difference as we have those clear skies and temperatures fall but we have a beautiful clear sky with cloud cover to the north and it's going stay that way for now. 64 in philadelphia. but cool to the north and west in the 50s much the poconos 51. and mild spot in wildwood at 66 degrees. to the west in state college, pittsburgh in the 50s. cleveland 49 so you understand what's coming our way much cooler temperatures. winds that were out of the west at about 10 to 20 miles an hour today really calming down now more out of the northwest at about five to 10 miles an hour. so lighter winds will wake up to temperatures mainly in the 50s tomorrow. jumping back up tomorrow after and in to 70 degrees in philadelphia and that is the average high for this time of year. a little bit of a breeze but plenty of sunshine. after that our next area of low pressure moves eastward with a frontal boundary that's going to
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become stationary with a persistent easterly wind we will be to the north of this so to the north the exacts. to the south some 70s and 80s. we are on the cool side of this storm and as the front continues to lift northward, we see an increasing chance of showers. for friday and even into saturday morning. after that, the cool air continues to filter in. temperatures in the 60s. and once they get there, they're going to be hard to budge. but we will get rid of them and return to the 70s in that seven day. overnight, skies will be mainly clear. it will be cool. 53 in the city. but 40s will be common in our suburb as the winds continue to turn light. for tomorrow look for mostly sunny pleasant condition with a little bit of a breeze. the high temperature 70. and then as we look ahead on the exclusive "eyewitness weather" seven day forecast, friday 62 with some showers late in the day and at night. some morning showers possible saturday. drying out and clearing out. temperatures in the 60s. sunday looks locate a great day. mid 60s and then by monday for
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the holiday, columbus day already, looking at a chance of showers, the temperature 70. tuesday chance of showers as well 75. and 72 next wednesday. be sure to wake up with eyewitness news in the morning. if any changes occur on that weekend forecast katie will be the first to let you know much the team starts at 4:30 on cbs and then continues on our sister station the cw philly beginning at 7:00. there some are indications that this could speed up a little bit and maybe we'll get dry faster saturday morning. so katie could have more on that tomorrow morning. >> no complaints about that. >> that would be good. >> kathy thanks. >> beasley here now. not only the did flyers drop the foulk night they're buzzing at the novacare complex. >> serve excited about the weekend. the giants are coming to town. a big rivalry up the turnpike. you all know what i'm talking about and the flyers tried to start the season off on the right 68. did they get a win in bean town don't go anywhere. sports coming up.
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>> it was a long summer but the flyers are finally back on the ice. opening the regular season tonight in boston. all right. let's drop the puck. the flyers defense feeling the pressure early in the first period. boston digs a puck out of the corner gets it across to riley smith. he hit it back door. quit shock into the back of the net. the bruins go up one to nothing. skip ahead to the third period. the flyers offense on tack. sean standing in front of the net gets deflection for the goal and we are all tied up at one. final minutes of the third looking like it's going to be overtime but then here comes boston. the puck bounces over the head of goalie steve mason and that was it. flyers lose opener in boston two to one. all right. the sixers returned to the wells fargo center tonight hosting the
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charlotte hornets for their preseason home opener. nerlins noel look better. 10 points, nine boards, three assists. some concern about guard hollis thompson he left the game in the first quarter after getting smack in the eye on a drive to the net. sixers pressed on without him taking the win, 10 sick-92. >> the g men are coming to town this sunday and the eagles would love to be five and one heading into the bye week. a big part of that will lie in the rush. today linebackers dee me company ryans and mikail kendrick both set out of practice. whether they're on the field or not the dee finance knows they got to put pressure on a skiddish eli manning. >> he's a great quarterback, but that's what any quarterback. you put your hat on them a little bit the game change glass now they're spreading the field a lot more than they have in the past. when you got victor cruz and beckham in the game it make it, you know, difficult. >> they're playing good if the ball. they're winning games. winning in different ways.
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always talented. have good players and so, we know we got to play our best football. >> prime time football picks back up tomorrow night right here on cbs-3. the indianapolis colts take on the houston texans. first place in the afc south on the line. pre-game cover rap begin at 7:30. but right now, we want to hear from you. who do you think will come out on top? tweet us your prediction for tomorrow night's game using the hash tag cbs-3 tnf and always gift us on all right. time to help me out folks where should i go for the friday football frenzy cast your vote now at the audio road show app. your choices are -- central bucks south at abington. lasalle at st. joe's and cherry hill east at shawnee. this is ceo tom macarthur's world. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose
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backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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>> buildings across our area are displaying pink lights during october to mark breast cancer awareness month. this is 777 south broad. the pink lights are a reminder for women to schedule a mammogram. cbs-3 and the cw philly have teamed up with susan g. komen for the lights for the cure campaign it is now in its 13th year. >> new tonight, putting on the pink and taking the field. >> "eyewitness news" at hatboro horsham high school tonight. the field was filled with pink there. the girls soccer team took on
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abington junior high. in the lisa soccer classic. she was beloved secretary who lost a battle with breast cans sr. at the age of 38. today's game not only raised awareness, but also funds for breast cancer research. >> we'll be right back. ♪
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over the past four years pennsylvania has gone from 9th to 47th in job creation. and now, news about our economy is getting even worse. "pennsylvania's jobless rate is up for the second straight month as employment fell and unemployment rose." "bond rating agency has cut pennsylvania's rating to double a minus because of recurring budget deficits." "the state government is out of cash and is scrambling to make sure school districts and state employees can even be paid."
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>> thank you for watching cbs-3 "eyewitness news" at 11:00. we return in the morning at 4:30 with erika von tiehl and natasha brown. for beasley, kathy and of one here at "eyewitness news", i'm chris may.
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>> i'm jessica dean. chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. the let show is neck ( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs and now, hand model for lava soap, david letterman. ( band playing "late show" theme )