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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  October 22, 2014 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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weather out there, if you are not looking at wet weather you are dodging clouds and dealing with some wind. it is a chilly day. we will have details and break it all down coming up, vittoria. good morning everyone. we have details on the ben franklin bridge. we are seeing westbound side opened up a few of those lanes. we will see that in the morning and in the afternoon eastbound side we will see how that loosens up your rush. we will see. in the news, and new this morning man springs into action rescuing a family from the burning home in north philadelphia overnight. >> now 18 people including six children they are left homeless after the fire spread to four other properties. "eyewitness news" reporter jane carabao joins us at the scene at hunting park with more, jane, good morning. >> reporter: ukee and erika, good morning. fire investigators remain on the scene looking for the cause of this fire that is still undetermined this morning. what we do know is this fire explode very quickly jumping from one home to the next. in all as you mentionedded five homes were scorched by
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the flames and 18 people are now looking for a new place to stay. the good news is there were no serious injuries and that is due in part to the good samaritan. it took philadelphia fire crews an hour to control flames in the 3800 block of north park avenue tuesday night. the the fire was quick to jump from house to house getting people to safety needed to be done even quicker. >> somebody was knocking on my door, i came to the door and there was a fire report report that person was matthew flores, he spotted flames and went door to door making sure folks woke up and got out. >> my first thought was to get out of the house. i did anything anybody else would do. >> reporter: they made it out safely. fire fighters a had to rescue two men themselves. this he were taken the two hospital in stable condition. when crews first arrived around 11:30, flames were shooting out of the first and second floor out of the home where the fire started and flames were spreading. >> because of the porch construction the fire extended to the right of the original fire dwelling involving four
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more other homes. >> reporter: causes still than investigation and fire marshall is looking into whether these homes had working smoke alarms. >> smoke alarms they may in the prevent fires but they do save lives and give you early warning to get out. >> reporter: for one woman she owes her life to had good had smart tan. >> i told him already, thank you. >> reporter: now two men taken to the hospital have since been released, including one man who lives right up there in the second floor of this home, where the fire first started. i was able to speak to him but too shaken to go on camera. he was taken to the hospital with smoke inhalation but feels fine this morning. he has been left with nothing. red cross at this point is helping at least four people with the place to stay overnight and this early morning. reporting live from hunting park, jane carabao cbs-3 "eyewitness news". thanks for. that happening today students head back to class in the poconos. officials closed school yesterday because of the
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possible sighting of accused state trooper killer eric frein. law enforcement reported a sighting near post office in the town of swiftwater on monday. that is closed the pocono mountain east high school where there was another possible sighting reported friday. frein has been on the run now for more than a month. right now 5:03. lets get traffic and weather together. >> good morning. today will be one of those days where you'll want to have your umbrella on stand by. we are dodging heavier round of rain today, you you can see the action over my shoulder. we have decent moisture dragged into this area of low pressure which develops as we speak. we have also had in the just heavy rain but pretty nasty thunderstorms out there and one of our shore shots i saw lightening off in the distance from atlantic city this morning. notice heavy rain funding down across central ocean count that i has prompted a flood advisory to go into effect and will be in effect for another hour and 45 minutes or so as this rain continues to rotate through. you can see those lightening
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strikes that came with those storms rumbling up the new jersey shoreline. a very obvious rotation, taking place here, that is your area of low pressure, developing. gathering strength. so today end up being the wetest day of the forecast. we're not all going to see rain at the same time but very likely mess of us do at some point. if you don't see rain you will be stuck in the clouds. by tomorrow still some showers moving through the at your use. friday we will keep the chance in for 30 percent but generally we should be drying out for that point. winds are not too terrible. current gusts are only in the teens. that will likely change with time though as wind start to whip around. fifty-seven is the current temperature at the air important. we are shooting for 60 later today. very minimal movement on the thermometer and again with the rain in the forecast i highly suggest some type of rain gear just having it at the ready anytime here today, vittoria. >> and it is a good idea because we usually see disable vehicles happen, so on and a
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son for and make sure your wipers are working. good idea to double-check. lets double-check your commute right now. so when we came back from the break and talking about ben franklin bridge that update, so we will be flip flopping today and good news is we are flip flopping in a great way meaning that construction that has been it ising us back for quite sometime on the westbound side they are finally opening things up during rush hour commute in the morning. that is westbound. in the eastbound direction it will be opened up in the afternoon. just note that. making your way in to philadelphia this morning four lanes of traffic will be opened and eastbound direction four lanes will be opened in the afternoon. as of right now things are moving well, with no major problems. good news for patco, they are back to their normal schedule but they may single track as they continue to make final repairs. looking at i-95 there are in major delays. no matter where you are traveling around bucks county, airport, south philadelphia, delaware county all looking great. speed sensors in the 50's all
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over the map n delays on the northeast extension, pennsylvania turnpike. we have an accident situation here at city avenue closing city avenue at rayn ham road so take overbrook. just try to avoid fit you can n delays for mass transit or at the airport, you key. >> thanks, torey. the cdc confirms an airline passenger is being evaluated at newark, new jersey hospital for possibly bowl a symptoms. that passengers arrived at newark liberty airport on the flight from belgium but that flight originated in lie beer y meanwhile president obama is scheduled to meet with his newly appointed ebola czar ron klain later today. >> shortcomings in the response and the president has been pressing on his team for quite sometime new to ensure our response lives up to the high standards that he has set for his team in services to the american people. >> one of two dallas nurse hose contracted ebola from a patient showing signs of
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improvement, doctors treating nina pham upgraded her condition from fair to good. take a look at this video, a dangerous spectacle on the streets of philadelphia, dirt bikes and atv's racing around many doing wheelies weaving in and out of traffic. >> chopper three overhead as they sped across the city for hours yesterday afternoon zooming past school buses packed with children and even racing against the flow of traffic. dirt bike caravan was intended to show respect for a fellow rider who was murdered last week. at a memorial service his mother tells "eyewitness news" the display was a tribute to my son. >> just friend out here riding a bike in his memory. they have been very supportive. everybody has been very supportive. >> it is illegal to ride atv's and dirt bikes on city streets, in accidents, injuries or arrests were reported. take a look at center city a driver lost control and slam
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in the building at ninth and chestnut. driver was injured and taken to thomas jefferson university hospital, in one inside that building was hurt. police are searching for two men in the series of burglar is in atlantic county. carlos solar and tyler gallagher are accused of break nothing sheds and garages and stealing various items including lawn equipment and motorcycles. four other suspects are currently facing charges. a philadelphia city council committee advanced a bill that adds hate crimes to the it i code. public safety committee held hearings on crimes motivated by hate based on sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. the bill was born from a crime that stunned many in the community. in september, a group of young men and women allegedly assault add a gay couple while yelling slurs. three people now face charges. malala yousafzai the youngest purpose to receive the noble peace prize is awarded the liberty medal in philadelphia for her courageous fight for children's education.
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at 11 year-old malala began writing published journal entries about living under the taliban regime in pakistan and against keeping women out of schools. two years ago she was shot in the head while returning from school by taliban gunman for advocating girls education. >> i had two options, one was not to speak and wait to be killed and the second was to speak and then be killed. i chose the second one because i did not want to live in that situation of oppression. >> during the ceremony malala announced that the $100,000 that she receives for being awarded the liberty medal will go towards educating children in pakistan. well, coming up on "eyewitness news" this morning three teenagers from the united states caught heading to the middle east trying to join isis. the find out how far they got before federal agents tracked them down. plus a wild brawl between coaches and parents breaks out in the youth football game,
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what started that fight and also the consequences to follow. also an update on the suspected serial killer, how many people police believe this man may have killed before he was finally caught, stay with us, we will be right ba
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just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at fbi is investigating that three runaway girls from denver, colorado were attempting to join the terror group isis. three girls all under the age of 18. two are from somalia, other is of sudan. few details are being released right now but these girls were able to board a flight to frankford, germany before being stopped by fbi agents. those girls are home now and they are not expect to face charges. indiana officials expect to file more charge's this
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week begins allege serial killer darren van. >> while he is set to make his court appearance, investigators will have the grim duty of searching for more murder victims. four three-year old van is charge with killing a prostitute in gary, indiana. authorities say in all he confessed to seven murders and led police to their bodies. so far, police have searched more than 100 abandoned buildings near where those bodies were found. >> a horrible thing to observe and it is a source of great concern. this is extraordinary. you don't get people who kill multiple folks every day. >> the fbi confirms vann has also killed in other states. the the investigation could go as far back as 20 years. right now 5:13. we have an eye on some showers. >> we have some pockets of steadier rain out there. good morning everybody. depend ing where your travel may take you you may not see a drop or you might be getting
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doused on the rain. it is so often that the weather vice localized so we have to break it down by location. specifically toward new jersey shoreline ocean and monmouth county, lit upright now with some very heavy thunderstorms. there are flood advisories posted for central ocean county until 6:45 this morning. you can see when we zoom it out, you can really see how this is all just rotating through, our area have have low pressure in its stage of development, by the time it moves north east it is a serious new england concern where they could have a month's worth of rain out of this storm system in some spots. that is not the case for us though. we are dealt a glancing blow because storm is still in formation moving through our area off to the west, crystal clear as could be looking good right now across midsection of the u.s. and high pressure dominating scene there. it does move in for us. here's where we stand at best lower 60's.
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with this area have low pressure northerly components stuck in the clouds, dealing with some rage. tomorrow we will have showers that rotate through as storm continues to move to the north east but then we are done with this and we are dealt a glancing blow out of the storm. by friday leash pressure moves in but we will keep that breeze around because we are between systems. your pollen report no worries, ragweed is the iron but levels are low. next couple days keeping in all of the cool side friday does rebound a little more seasonal and i'll tell you what it will be a nice trade off this weekend. mid 60's, very seasonal. bright sunshine. i'm thinking a little leaf peeping in the forecast for us here, some nice bright fall foliage, what do you think. >> nothing like a little leaf peeping, right. >> yes. i know that is what you are all thinking. >> you know what, it really is something second tack lar when you drive around and i noticed it myself too. when you drive around our outer suburbs and things like that, some of these roads are beautiful with all of these colors changing. so leaf peeping, don't discount it just yet. good morning. traveling out and about on the
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roads, maybe doing some driving or scenic driving on the schuylkill. i don't know why you would be scenic driving on 76 other than to see our beautiful sky lines but road is wide opened. no delays in either direction both sides of 76 look great. east and westbound it is a nice ride. in the only around center city philadelphia thinks eastbound side here westbound, the on the opposite end but traveling even within your western suburbs great commute. speaking of western suburbs, in the too far from the saint gabe's curve, east and westbound commuting again in the clear. speed sensors all over the map are high up in the 50's. on the schuylkill, on 476, even on 95. all of our bridges are moving great. we are looking good this morning. we have an incident closing city avenue near 59th street. your best alternate is to take overbrook, erika. here's your head lines this morning, a passerby saw a fire on park avenue, in hunting park and alerted families inside just in time to escape. two people were injured, and
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18 people were forced from their homes, including six children. pocono mountain school district students head back to class today, they were kept home yesterday as law enforcement officials searched for eric frein. he is accused in the deadly ambush at state police barracks last month. cdc says an airline passenger is being evaluated at a newark, new jersey hospital for possible, ebola symptoms. newark's liberty airport is one of five admitted to allow flights from the african nations hit hardest by ebola. still to come a new weapon in the fight against childhood obesity. >> how your smart phone could be key to keeping your children healthier, we will be right back.
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at the bottom in job creation. massive cuts to education. and higher property taxes. under governor corbett, pennsylvania's been heading in the wrong direction. there's been no leadership and no vision. that's gotta change. as your governor, i will lead. and we'll move pennsylvania forward. we'll restore manufacturing jobs. close corporate tax loopholes. and make the gas companies pay up to fund our schools. after all, it's time to get pennsylvania moving again.
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time for your jobs report. >> "eyewitness news" jobs expert steven greenburg is here with more. >> reporter: temporary workers represent a record share of
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the nation's work force. almost 3 million temps a week are employed through agencies up 5.6 percent from last year. there are positive and negative to temping. those jobs mean lower wages in, benefits or training and irregular hours. on the other hand temping is more main stream and desirable employers are getting on board. companies in the philadelphia area such as enterprise rent a car, macy's and lowes hires temporary agencies. manpower and kelly services are actively hiring. for temp assistants, marketing coordinators and project managers in the philadelphia area employers hire temps at all levels of experience. if companies need because comes permanent those workers are perfectly positioned to interest right for that job. manpower claims 40 percent of the temps become permanent hires. strong demand for temporary employees and if you have good experience, you might even be able to negotiate a higher hourly rate. i'm steven greenburg for cbs-3
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"eyewitness news". coming up this morning more fall out from a hazing scandal in sayreville, new jersey. >> what was decided at a school game meeting about coaches now suspendedded and what their own players are saying about them, that is coming up.
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in cases of rape,pposes aborin cases of incest,ions. and in cases where the mother's health is in danger. no woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy from a rape. mario scavello sponsored a bill to force women to have unnecessary and invasive ultrasounds. it's horrifying. women need to know that mario scavello wants to stand between them and their doctors in making decisions that aren't his to make.
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yo time is 5:23 time for traffic and weather to go, katie. >> good morning, we have got wet weather on it there and we have some thunderstorms to track for you in a couple of outlining communities outside of philadelphia so lets get right out to the radar and we are looking at storm scan three and tri-state sweep with all of the lightening out there. it is mainly over the opened ocean water but i can tell he
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this much our shore cameras have been lighting up here with frequent lightening strikes and doppler is doing the same thing. very heavy rain or nothing at all depending on your location. that is definitely key here. we will zoom it out and this system is gathering some strength but rotating these round of rain through. we will call it occasional rain here. future weather shows it well, through 9:00 a.m. bulk of the rain is from philadelphia and immediate surrounding suburbs to the south east but there will still be showers as we said that rotate through as the day goes on. tomorrow, not as much in the way of heavy rain but there will be showers that come through with time and we are basically dealt a glancing blow out of what will be a much larger storm system for new england. current win speeds are in the too bad, breeze is starting to be more noticeable and out of the north, occasional rain in that forecast for today and temperatures are already in the mid 50's and we're going on to 60 degrees. so very minimal movement, later tonight we will drop down in the 40's with the rain
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still coming through occasionally. i feel like that is best words to describe that. meanwhile coming up on thursday, left over showers throughout the day, the high will coolest of the next seven days at just 55 degrees, friday still breezy between high and low pressure but we are brightening up and man does it bode well for weekend looking good here for saturday sunday and next week. >> weekend looks gorgeous. thanks, katie. good morning everybody. >> your commute looks nice as well. lets give you a better looking. traveling, firstly, well, anywhere, speed sensors are nice and high up there. but traveling on 476 not too far from the mid county toll plaza and i-95, blue route looks amazing. >> in delays around schuylkill as well this shot in the too far from mid county but just a great commute, moving along now we are taking a look at 42 freeway north bound your head lights all merging together. we are not seeing any signs of the rush, we have good amount of space between vehicles so no major problems in new jersey, no major delays in pennsylvania, even in
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delaware. again take a look at these speed sensors, 55 on the schuylkill, 5595. same thing traveling the blue route. we have an accident on city avenue closing it at 59th street. your best alternate toys take overbrook. i would avoid it if you can just like this in south philadelphia, a vehicle fire at swanson and ritner. something to watch out for this morning. in delays for mass transit. lets get a check on sports now with ukee. thanks, torey. eagles play this sunday in arizona facing five-one cardinals. bird are also five-one and half game back of the nfc east. several eagles back on the practice fieldworking their way back from injuries. center jason kelce, running back darren sproles, linebacker michael kendricks and kick returner chris polk were all in action. eagles could see evan mathis back, at novacare sometime today. get well, fellas. get ready for afc west football tomorrow night thursday night football features denver broncos and san diego chargers, pregame coverage gets underway at 7:30
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right here on cbs-3. for the grid iron to the ice fly guys struggled last night in chicago as they were in an early hole, black hawks scored three goals in more than two minutes in the first period and went on to shut out the flyers, four to nothing. the flyers visit penguins later tonight in its pittsburgh, penguins said they will debut their new pittsburgh gold jerseys for tonight's game. at the world series, it is now underway. the at the plate, bang that is the giants hunter pence with a licensing home run to center field in kansas city. first inning shot put san francisco up three to nothing. with more than enough for dominant madison madison baumgartner went seven innings and held royals to just one run. your final seven-one in favor of san francisco, game two tonight in kc. erika. coming up in the next half an hour of "eyewitness nenews" childhood dream fulfilled for many of us, a hover board,
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yes, it is real, we will show you how this works coming up. vittoria and katie return with traffic and weather together on the three's. we are back
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when mom and dad said i was expecting another trip to. i never thought it would be like this. where strangers become best friends. and life is more colorful. this place was like nothing i've ever seen. i'll never forget it. chiapas. live it to believe it.
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we have a serious crash that is closing part of city avenue thinks a live picture near 59th and wynfield you can see the car there on its roof, the 40 year-old driver was eject we're told city avenue is closed if you are in that area or using it this morning, torey is in the house and she will keep you updated on how this accident is affecting traffic as well and anymore details on this story, we will write it to you this