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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  October 27, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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carabeo joins us now at frankford transportation center, where operators remain on the job, for the time being, at least. jan, good morning. >> that's the right phrase for the time beingment union leadership now has the power to authorize or go on strike, if necessary, that vote happened this weekend, but members we're told to get back on the job, here at frankford, everything working normally this morning, they, they say, bargaining chipping as the two sides continue to negotiate. >> despite vote to go give union leadership the authorization to strike, members of the transport workers local 234 say they expect to be on the job this week. meaning, septa buses, trains, and trolleys, will continue running at least for now. >> that will means huge inconvenience. >> i can get a ride, but i wouldn't want to wake nobody up this early in the morning to get me to work. >> members of septa's largest labor union unanimously approved strike authorization
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sunday, union leadership now call a strike if they deem it necessary. members tell us they don't want a strike but that threat their only rev ladies and gentlemen against septa negotiating. >> we are the one that operate the trains, the busses, mechanics, if you don't take care of us, this stuff won't be out here. >> 5,000 operators, subways, trolley operators, maintenance workers have been without a contract since march, sticking points, they say, continue to be pension benefit increases and pay raises. the department wants to take away, we gave up through the years. >> as riders cross their fingers hoping they'll continue to have a ride, some already taking sides. >> i think they make enough money. they should get off of this we are all struggling,. >> hang in there, i hope you get what you want before you have to go on strike.
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>> now, septa officials tell us, they've been given no indication of work stoppage is imminent, both sides they say will continue to negotiate, again, members are report to go work, if a strike were to happen, only philadelphia busses, trains, and trolleys would be impacted. reporting live in frankford, jan carabeo, cbs "eyewitness news". >> also new this morning, one of the teens injured in the washington state school shooting has died. >> this bridges the total of fatalities to three. authorities say 14 year old gia soriano died last night. another girl was killed during friday shooting by freshman jaylen fryberg at marysville pilchuck high school. he took his own life. three others remain hospitalized, two in critical condition, one in serious condition. also, new this morning, shooting under investigation in southwest philly. investigators tell us a 18 year old man was shot in the ankle, it happened at 66 and woodland, shortly after 1:30, he was returned to the hospital where he is list in the stable condition at the
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moment no word on suspect or motive. >> philadelphia police also investigating deadly shooting on the seven this block of forest avenue. twenty-eight year old man shot four times in the head and once in the back. police responds today a report of a shooting shortly after nine p.m. and pronounced dollars man dead at the scene. please call police if you have any information on the gunman. katie, do we need to bundle up? >> i would suggest a jacket walking out the door, chilly start to the morning, little breast i, just smudge, but his breeze will be tapering with time here, really just looking ahead to very, very pleasant day. no major storms in site, my friend, but we will see major swing on the thermometer, and how is halloween looking? right now it looks dry. although we are going to see few clouds out there sort of add to the erie feel. storm scan3, virtually no clouds out here right now, courtesy of high pressure, just quick look at some of the area temperatures in the live neighborhood network. yes, you get the idea of the flirting with 30's in new
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castle, ya, you need an extra layer when you walk out the door. forty-seven currently in warrington, the list goes cents on, this is generally temperature profile, low to mid to upper 40's at best. meanwhile around the region we go, asomugha whole, looks bright, sunny, beautiful. mid 60s, in philadelphia, 66 is our expected high. and that's just about 3 degrees above the average. we will take t looks like nice day. jess, we send it into you. >> we'll take t thanks, katie. good morning, just little after 6:00 a.m. one of the first incidents on the camera, 59 at girard e over actually northbound headed towards northeast philly see some small jam ups there, we have an accident, pulled over into the shoulder. taking out partially part of the right hand lane, as well, everybody kind of squeeze on by over to the left-hand side. that northbound side of 95 otherwise vine st. expressway everything moving along great here. so, headed westbound toward the schuylkill expressway, moving along good there. over on the new jersey
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turnpike, we have emergency road work construction, northbound, just at the route 73 off ramp. that's completely closed, as they clean up that area for earlier vehicle fire that caused some problems. back over to you. >> five year old boy who just returned from the us from west africa is now being treated in new york with possible ebola symptoms. reports say he doses cents have a fever, but doctors cents have not confirm if he is actually infected with the virus. the boy was traveling with his family. also quarantined inside their apartment. meanwhile, the fight against ebola continues to evolve right here in the u.s. >> new legal challenges forcing some to change their protocol for containing the virus. cbs news correspondent brian web joins us now in newark, new jersey, with closer look at this growing dilemma. brian, good morning. >> good morning, softens his staff, in urge new jersey governor did not.
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that means nurse stuck in isolation at the hospital, legal showdown to get her out. >> after a weaken of fears opposition, from the white house, and some medical experts, new york governor andrew cuomo updated his state's mandatory 21 day quarantine protocol. following screening at the airport, cuomo says anyone who shows no symptoms of ebola can now quarantine themselves at home. >> during those 21 days, healthcare workers would check on them twice a day to monitor. >> nurse first care, under the new protocols in new jersey, hickox being held in isolation tent here at the university hospital in newark, after arriving from sierra leone where she treated patients with ebola. >> she calls it inhumane, has portable toilet but no shower, hired team of civil lawyers to help get her out.
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>> she knows how to treat and deal with ebola. apparently governor christie does not. >> new jersey governor chris christie standing by his state's protocol. >> i don't believe when you are dealing with something as serious as this, that we can count on voluntary system. >> federal officials warn the quarantine will prevent other healthcare workers in traveling to the region. >> to stop the empidemic africa, we need those healthcare workers to do that. >> new jersey's quarantine policy will most likely face its first legal test this week, as hickox plans to file federal lawsuit within days. >> so the cdc promising new headlines, for now, sticking with plan like new jersey, to quarantine these healthcare workers, who have recently treated ebola patients from west africa. >> can we expect any changes being made to avoid any possible lawsuits?
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this wok the first legal challenge we know about. it could set precedent, again, that could come within the next few days. >> all right, brian, thank you very much. appreciate that. well there is morning, mother is facing charges after police say she threw her one month old baby into the ocean. it happened in atlantic city near the end of pacific avenue yesterday afternoon. luckily, several boy standers saw it happening, and jumped in just in time to pull them out. one of the rescuers spoke about the incident still shocked about what had happened. >> very bizarre, very sad, i hope she can get some help. >> the mother has been identified as patricia, now being held on charges of aggravated assault, the child, by the way, is being treated at the hospital this morning. erika? >> ukee, chopper three caught it all on camera. atv's, and dirt bikes, weaving in and out of traffic. now authorities are putting the brakes on these dangerous
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drivers yesterday police con fist cased nearly three dozen of those types of street vehicle, comes less than week after hundreds took to the streets doing tricks and other manouvers around other cars. >> they're very wreckless, riding on sidewalks, cutting vehicles over, definitely a public safety hazard. while it is illegal to ride dirt bikes and atv's in philadelphia, and we're seeing a lot of these vehicles. >> overall police tell "eyewitness news" they've confiscated nearly 100 of those types of vehicles, in north philly there is year. millions of dollars collect in the fines at red light cameras will go toward traffic improvements, according to official with the streets department. the cameras cents are project today bring in $3.5 million by the end of the year. that revenue is earmark for projects that would help reduce pedestrian related accidents. eagles come up short, a loft folks are saying it was the turnovers that did them in among other things.
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josh charging for the end zone. when put the ball on the ground one of the red zone turnovers right there. nick foles through couple of interceptions, cardinals won this one, 24-20, and you know eagles nation disappointed. >> i thought we could pull it out. they proved to be the better team. >> awesome game, suspense full, heart breaking at the ends. >> that it was. jeremy maclin had couple of touchdowns in the game, first in the first quarter was the 31st of his career. moving him into the eagles all-time top ten list. going to hear from the birds themselves, our birds, coming up in sports. tweet us, see your tweet here on cbs-3, sometimes the better team loses, i thought we were the better team yesterday. but oh, mistakes here and there. couple of other slots, too. >> 6:10, three robbery suspect are the but of a lot of jokes
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with police, after the way they were caught. their story coming up next. >> also ahead, warning about on line prices as we head into the holiday shopping season. you might be charged more than your neighbor for the same exact product. find out what you can do to make sure you get the best price. >> and we've all heard a happen role day, right? what about a chocolate a day? >> say what? >> we have some sweet news for chocolate lovers, that's coming up in the health watch. coming up in the health watch. we'll be right how can you explain nature is so hand in hand.nd ♪ a place where by doing nothing you can get so much. how to explain a beach hidden by the earth? some things can't be explained, you have to experience them. vallarta-nayarit,
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live it to believe it. ryan costello went. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you.
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i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message. >> we've all been there, accidentally butt dialing a friend. hello, hello, yo? >> apparently that's what got a burglar in new mexico, but
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he didn't butt dial a friend, he called the cops. >> you basically robbed him, due. >> we should have got answer lot more. you know what? we got away safe clean. >> most likely accused burglar aaron burrell accidentally dialed 911, when the phone was in his pocket, and the ores recorded that whole conversation. >> officers check the address mentioned during the call and confirmed a flat screen television had been stolen. >> this yes taken into custody and charged. >> snapshot, not too much showing up on the radar, couple of clouds granted well off to the north and east, but we're under clear sky, allowed the temperatures to drop off pretty readily. we look forwards to the forecast, jump to tomorrow evening, you can see the combination of our next colds front there is cold front, i got to tell you, while it is strong, and in the cool air that is to will bring along with it, just doesn't have a loft moisture associated with t see how it sort of fizzles
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out, quick shower or two, as we look ahead to midday wednesday. and then this thing zips out of here, knocks temperatures back, granted, but going to clear out relatively quickly. all about the roller coaster of temperatures this week, because we are smidge above average today, beautiful tomorrow, as well, nice and mild, 75, 70 on wednesday, still mild obviously but when the cold front crosses, so will be the shower i just showed you, then thursday, and friday, that cool down continues. >> woofer hard time getting you to the low 50's here, over to you. >> good morning, we go outside right now, check out some delays on 422, at road, actually i can't get my map to advance here, there we go headed eastbound, toward the king of prussia area, moving along rather slow. you can see a lot of brake
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lights starting to pack in there. >> some emergency road work northbound, having it out there for repairs, earlier car fire, so the route 73 off ramp completely closed, back to you. >> here is a look at today's headlines monday morning, septa workers vote today authorize a strike, union officials have scheduled news conference for this afternoon. work verse been without a contract since march. also, two bystanders jump into the atlantic city end let to rescue woman and infant. it is believed the woman through that child into the water. the woman and infant were taken to the hospital. >> nurse casey hickox being held in isolation since returning from west after, a where she treated ebola patients. has tested negative fogger ebola, and hired attorneys to have her released. we'll be right back. good morning.
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what's the truth on taxes? says it's tom corbett who's being dishonest. they say tom wolf has a plan to reduce income taxes for the middle class and cut local property taxes. and tom corbett? it's corbett who slashed education by a billion dollars... ...and now almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. and it's corbett who's increasing gas taxes by 28 cents a gallon. tom corbett. desperate and dishonest.
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eagles struggle with turnovers, come up short against the cardinals in arizona birds and cards both five and one, going into the game. fourth quarter birds up a field goal, when cardinals rookie john brown gets behind the defense, oh, this one hurts, snag the passes from carson palmer, goes 757 yards for the score. last play of the game, foles to jordan matthews, boy great catch. i jumped off the couch. but he was pushed out every bound, out every bound, 24-20 your final. we talk about it all the time, can't throw the football and be successful football team. got to clear up that. so close against real good
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quality owe pope end, turned it over twice inside the red zone. do you, that you will lose a football gym. >> never wants to turn it over in the red zone. want to get points in the red zone. specially with such a great kicker. we have a great kick their can kick it through the uprights, yes, we need to correct the turnovers situation. but that comes through working through the game. >> more with paul jolovitz coming up 15, 20 minutesment san francisco giants could win third world series in the last five years with win tomorrow night in kansas city they got timely hitting and great pitching, in game five last night. outfielder juan perez drove home two giants in the eighth inning to give san francisco some breathing room. the giants got complete game, from ace pitcher madison baumgartner who held the royals to four hits, in the five-nothing san francisco win, the giants lead the series, three games to two. lasts fifth years could be three, wow. they got it going on,.
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>> well there is some studies that you wonder like what, who did this, why i'm not arguing with this one, i just believe t why researchers say you should eat chocolate every single day. >> check you out. >> every day. that's coming up in the health watch. > every day. >> and incredible video from hawaii to show you, hear the cracking of the lava from errupting volcano as it is threatens homement find out what residents running told they have to do by tomorrow. when we come back. >> ♪ >> who is to blame for the eagles lost to the cardinals? head to twitter to let us know what you think, use the hashtag cbs-3, eagles, we want to know what you think. >> tough game. beat themselves. so many things to talk about. got to bounce back next week. once again jolly coming in a
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few minutes, back in a
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>> let's get traffic and weather together. >> this will ends up being overall very pleasant start to the weekor us, temperatures starting offer nightsly, into the mid 60s, which is just smidge above average, but also going to see a surge on the thermometer, walking you through it real quickly here, really ends up being the main story, seeing little wet weather along the way, specifically wednesday, looks to be the day that we will have a shower here and thereto dodge, courtesy cold front, that knocks our temperatures back, boy does it knock the temperatures back quiet for now, high pressure on our side, real quick check on the three day forecast i have to say tuesday is my absolute favorite right now over the next seven days, so nice, mid
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70s, comfortable bridge warm, but doesn't last forever, enjoy it while you have got t jess? >> i love the fall, thank you. good morning, everybody, right now we show you the blue route at baltimore pike, where you can kind of see southbound, northbound, lanes pretty much volume evenly distributed over on the schuylkill expressway at 202, starting to really pack in little bit head eastbound, see westbound toward the king every prussia area. emergency construction on the new jersey turnpike, route 73 off ramp completely closed for repairs, due to earlier car fire. erika, back over to you. >> jess, thank you. on the cbs-3 health watch starting today millions of americans who have avoided colon cancer screening tests can now take a test in the privacy of their own home. it is called the colo guard test, it is cents available with prescription for patients 50 and older. the tests looks for cancer related dna in your stool, it is covered by medicare.
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>> surgeons in australia transplants dollars dead hearts into patients. >> usually take friend brain dead patients, and this time, though, doctors cents in sidney used hearts that had stopped feeding for 20 minutes. they submerged them in a special preservation solution, then connected them to portable console, called heart in a box, where they were kept beating and warm. and, researchers at columbia university say chocolate may help your memory. scientists studied effect of flavonols, ingredient found in cocoa, believes it could help reverse memory loss cents in older adults, found patients with more of those perform better on memory tests in some cases having the memory of somebody 30 years younger. >> how about that? >> well, foundation has been formed in honor of four year old eli waller, the new jersey boy died from enterovirus d68. for 10-dollar donation to the
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first day of school foundation, families could have halloween portrait taken, in hamilton, new jersey, the foundation has been up and running for three weeks, and it is already raised 10,000, thousands of dollars, you can get information about future events, by visiting the linc on our website 6:27. coming up in the next half hour, we have alert for septa riders this morning, january? >> riders worried that septa could soon go on a strike. jan carabeo in frankford coming up we'll show you what transportation could be impacted and where. also this morning, new developments over into the in the scoot shooting in washington state, find out what doctors now say about one victim who has been hospitalized since the shooting on friday. we'll have that and much more coming up. >> katie returns with traffic and weather together together on the 3's, with aing in two mi
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this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". members of septa's largest labor union vote to authorize a strike. >> good morning, everyone, news conference scheduled for later this afternoon. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us now from the frankford transportation center, where, for now, bus, train, trolley operators, remain on the job. jan, good morning.
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>> rider had happy to hear about that, septa might go on strike, but now, for now, everything is operating normally. coming from frankford, you can see the septa trains, trolleys, rolling for now, but members of septa's largest labor union approved unanimously sunday, again, that means, members have approved the union leadership to call a strike, if they deem it necessary. >> without a contract since march, sticking points to be to be increases and pay raises, union members tell us they don't want to strike, but the strike authorization is their only leverage. even though no strike announced just yet, some ride remembers already taking sides. >> i don't think they make enough money. they should get off of this. we all are struggling out here. nobody wants to give us benefits, and everybody's going through the same thing. so they just need to come to work. >> hang in there, i hope you get what you want before you
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have to go on strike. >> s an official tell us no end case a work stoppage is imminent. most sides say they'll continue to negotiate f a strike were to happen, only philadelphia buses, trolleys, and trains, would be impacted. coming to you live from frankford, jan carabeo, "eyewitness news". >> keep us updated. also cents this morning, there is a growing debate over contaminated efforts containment efforts of ebola here in the u.s. should american medical workers be eye lathes dollars when they return home from fighting the virus in west africa? one nurse, kacie hickox, quarantined since friday. took pictures of the area where she is motorcycle he'd. the problem is she isn't sick, she even tested negative for ebola. >> but i think this is an extreme that is really unacceptable. and i feel like my basic human rights have been violated. >> i understands miss hickox
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is uncomfortable. and i understand that she doesn't want to be quarantined. but my responsibility, migrate err responsibility, 8.9 million people of the state of new jersey. >> obama administration is working on new guidelines for returning healthcare workers, guidelines are expected in a few days. it is 33:00, here is your traffic and weather together. katy? >> ukee, very nice day unfolding here for the first day back to work, back to school, all looking good, if you liked yesterday, you will probably like today even better, simply, because the winds is tapering off little bit here. so, storm scan3 is very quiet. nothing to show you here basically. other than couple of cloud, if you look right on the tail end of the loop, see some of them firing up out there. twenty-four hour temperature difference tells the story. off to very cool start, under the clear sky, that has since developed. so, we are basically anywhere from ten to flirting with 20 degrees cooler, by comparison, to this same time yesterday. and as we go forward in time here, we can probably expect to add on close to another 15 degrees or so, to the
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current temperature values. we are flirting with 30's, though, in mount pocono right now, doing the same even in atlantic city, still noticeable breeze, but just not as is strong as yesterday's was. expect that sunshine all day today. and temperatures to rebound noisily courtesy of that sunlight, 66, is our expected hi, it is bright, it is sunny, that is really noise day. it is still enough, however and cool enough, you want to have the extra layer walking out the door, jacket is a great idea, today certainly want the sunglasses, too. jess, over to you. >> thanks, katie. something to look forward, to looking forward to tomorrow. and just after 6:30, starting to look like rush hour outside. we go outside and show you the cameras on 95, at allegheny over to the right-hand side, this is actually the southbound lanes headed toward center city. so see pretty steady jam, there a lot of brake lights headed toward center city otherwise on the schuylkill expressway another jam here, at city avenue, still headed westbound, toward the king of prussia area, you can see almost just complete stop and got entire way.
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elsewhere in new jersey, 2959 southbound, just outside of paulsboro, at democrat road an accident there. another crash out in montgomery county, gravel pike, at night road pushed over to the side. stadium area, set up traffic lights out. so expect some police activity on the scene, directing traffic around broad street and paterson avenue. mass transit great alternate today. septa new jersey transit and dart all running on time, no delays, currently no delays at the philadelphia international airport. erika, back over to you. >> thank you, jess, one of the teenagers injured in friday's shooting at washington state high school passed away overnight. many families in the small town near seattle are grieving this morning. cbs news correspondent susan macinnis reports on devastated community now waiting word on other victims. >> grieving for the victims at the marysville pilchuck, gia
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soriano died this morning. colored an estimate from gia's family. >> we are devestated from the senseless tragedy. gia is our beautiful daughter and words cannot express how much we will miss her. >> sore ian i becomes the second teen killed by freshman jaylen fryberg, where he opened fire, fryberg then killed himself. three student remain hospitalized. days later, no one knows what motivated fryberg, a member of a prominent native american family, and recent homecoming prince, to commit this senseless act and struggle to make sense of it. as folks here try to comfort one another -- >> we care about each and everyone every you, you matter to us. gia sore and i's families is honoring her. >> we've made the decision to donate gia's organs so others may benefit. >> folks here continue to comfort one another and to try to make sense of it. today a moment of silence will
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be held at 10:39 a.m. the moment of the shooting for community members, to offer thoughts and prayers to those grieving. in washington, susan macinnis for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". still ahead this morning, on "eyewitness news", flood waters so strong, you can see cars being moved right down the street in them. >> also, this is not what you want to see creeping closer and closer to your home. lava threatens homes in hawaiiment find out what residents are being told. they got to do it by tomorrow. >> don't pay too much when you shop on line. why it matters if you're shopping on your smart phone instead after desk top computer. how the prices are affected, that's coming up next. >> ♪ >> one every taylor swift's new songs from new albumn 1989, which was supposed to drop today. but it was cents leaked early. what are people saying about it? we'll talk about it on the
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other side. good morning. >> ♪
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>> birds suffer a tough loss, seems like fans are dis a pointed and looking for someone to blame. >> let's talk about the game with paul jolovitz, 94wip. buddy, talk about the turn over problem, let's see, the birds had tough time in the red zone, a lot of missed opportunities, kind of beat themselves yesterday.
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>> lots and lots of missed opportunities. >> cardinals have good team. >> cardinals have good team, and they had couple of big plays, but the turnovers, turnovers in the red zone, lack of -- lack of scoring in the red zone, lack of channel henning needed it, field position in the second half, scored, you know, could have scored 34 points, here we have one josh huff in the first hatch, he'll score, right? wrong. turn over in the red zone. these are kills, you just can't do this. nick foles again, 25-yard line, antonio, i plays for the cardinals. >> is he throwing off his back foot? >> throwing off his back foot. they didn't sack him. through 62 times, too many. but nick needs to be real good, really bad, passes was phenominal. turnovers kill you, tough others in the red zone if you can be double kill, they do. that will here's one to riley cooper, terrible throw. just cooper coming out, right behind him, second pick, and you keep giving the ball up. eagles minus seven in turn over market, miracle that he were five and one because of the defense and special teams.
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but turnovers will kill, red zone will kill you, not scoring field position will kill you. they just kept shooting themselves in the foot over and over again. >> down close, thirds and toenail, wasn't it? >> first of all, couple of things. second down play, crick poke down to the goal line. how do you not -- three time outs left. time outs are meaningless to you if you score here, you got to challenge this. chip said he wasn't sure if he had the right angle. could you have -- >> network showed the angle. look like he had the first down or the knows of the ball looked like it broke it -- >> then you see the shotgun here. i don't understand the shotgun. no momentum for the running back, you can't sneak. the bengles cents scored one on the same play with a minute left. you can't use the shotgun on this, too tricky, in my opinion, makes little sense. i tweet that before the play, not after the play. kick the field goal, which i would have done, get the lead, turn over defense playing pretty well for the last two minutes. one thing you can't give up of course a bomb, knocking it
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out. >> the bomb got passed the secondary i was thinking kerrey should have bumped within the 5 yards, maybe nate should have been back further kept everybody in front? >> bottom line, you can't, third and five, can't let that happen. jumped a route. maybe going with a slant. and then kerrey just got out run and the results disaster, and you see here john brown the rookie, i don't know, just can't let that happen. so the cardinals actually left him some time. eagles came down here to where? the red zone. >> that's right. >> which is, you know, a horror zone for them, third down here, and then fourth down, you know, nick on his back foot. you knee will happen. they just can't quite get it done. this is excrutiating -- >> i jumped off the couch. >> standing on the passes to begin with. >> i know, doing my tom cruise >> bamm. look at the tape, they'll get it done, they'll get it right. >> should have been a win. >> see you on the "cw". we'll talk more. >> let's get our traffic and
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weather together. >> we can expect to see pleasant day unfold. it almost looks like the desert off in the distance, so calm, quite, obviously is not, looking out over the genesis bay, cape may courthouse, under clear sky, to kick things off. storm scan3, at the wider zoom, you have high pressure in place here, it is going to keep control. so that does bode well for the forecast today. expecting some very low levels of ragweed over the next couple every days here, so our pollen report really not causing you too many issues. as we look forward in the forecast, though, look at the swing on the thermometer. no major storms. but we do have some serious frontal boundaries that are going to really mess with these temperatures. so warmfront tomorrow leads to surge on the thermometer. cold front wednesday, leads to drop on the thermometer. then we get reinforcement sent our way by halloween friday, so while it looks like it will be a dry halloween for the trick-or-treaters, little erie cloud cover out there for us, as well, high only 58 degrees, so make sure there is cents a sweatshirt under the costume.
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then look ahead to the upcoming weekends, early november, is kick off here on a very cool note. jess, we sends over to you. >> just kidding. >> hey, guys, if you like watching the weather roll in we want you to join our team of weather watch he is. signed up now head to, are bs, click onto watchers, now you can take it over. >> thank you, good morning, everybody, starting to see vroome volume starting to pack in little bit on the ben franklin bridge, from the toll plaza over on the jersey side westbound into the city all lanes open and moving along great. see brake lights headed to mid-span of the bridge over on the 30 by that is, starting to see jams on 322 eastbound towards downingtown see a lot of slow going there. out in delaware county, an accident at warren boulevard, completely closed at laurence road. >> otherwise out in new jersey southampton route 206 at retreat road an accident there and another accident on 295 southbound, at democrat road.
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otherwise, mass transit looking great so far. septa new jersey transit and dart running on time with no delays and currently no delays at the philadelphia international airport. ukee, back to you. >> thanks so much. here is a look at today's headlines on "eyewitness news", union puts thousands of septa workers, holding news conference later this afternoon after last night's vote to authorize a strike. >> work verse been without a month of march. >> breaking news, on the ebola outbreak, five year old boy who returned to the u.s. from west africa, with his family, he's now being treat in the new york with possible ebola symptoms. doctors had no confirmed the diagnosis. >> two bystanders jumped into at ac inlet and rescued a woman and infant. it is believed she threw the baby in the water and them jumped herself. the woman and baby are hospitalized this morning. >> 6:46. planning to do holiday shopping on line, might be surprise today hear that some retailers may not offer the same price to every customer.
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>> correspondent takes closer look at what some call price steering. >> you may have noticed while shopping on line seems to know you what looking for, because companies track your search and purchase history. to make guests about what you like. but, northeastern university study, shows, some companies are also using information about how your shopping on line, to customize prizes >> people using specific devices cents or particular kind of brousers, or they'll change the order of search results to highlight more expensive items. >> for instance, you get an average discount of $15 if you use an iphone to look for hotels or plane tickets on travelocity. but, not if you're using a desk top computer. researchers found a random search on home depo website using desk top averaged $125
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an item. but the same search on an android or iphone, averaged $230 per item. home depo had the largest percentage of different prices with the same products in the study, followed by cheap tickets, orbitz, price line, sears, j.c. penney and macy's. >> the difference in the real world is that these practices cents are transparent. but on the internet, you don't know what's going on. now, so you go to a website, you search for a product, and you don't know if those products have other prices that is are available or if there are products being hidden from you. >> customizing prices cents isn't illegal, but when orbitz was discovered steering apple computer users toward more expensive hotels, the company stopped doing so. >> the researchers say if you want to find the very best deal, try doing the same product search using different devices, or, enlist the help after friend. don dahler, cbs news, new york.
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>> 6:48. time to see what's coming up on cbs this morning. >> joining us from new york with a preview, good morning, nora. >> good morning to you, ukee, erika. controversy over when states should quarantine healthcare workers traveling back from west africa. doctor john lepuc will join us, he spoke to the nurse under quarantine, will look at some of her conditions, as well. plus, ricky on the legal rights of americans in isolation. and then a company is calculating the ritz being of passing on disease before you have a baby, founders of gene peaks in studio 57 to talk about their process, profiled in our piece last night on six minutes. the news is back in the morning, so we'll see in you just about ten minutes. >> nor, a have a great show. talk to you soon, take care. ♪ >> word is celebrate for britney spears. >> a ceremony next month. since city dedicating november 5th as brittany day. >> in the middle of her
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vaguest residency. is also recently announce add deal ex at any show will keep her her there through 2017. >> new television special this holiday season. very grammy christmas, will feature performances by arianna grande, ferrell williams, tim mcgraw, to name just a few, artist also share their favorite holiday memories. show airs here on cbs-3 december 5th. hello, cool jay. mama said knock you out. >> oh, love him going back. taylor swift's new albumn leaks on line, sending record label into a frenzy. hackers gained ac stoas 1989 on friday. new york magazine reports the leak is believed to have stemmed from a connection with retail giant, target. all of the songs were quickly taken down. critics though, giving swift a thumbs-up for her first into pop musicment albumn officially available today. thatat shake it out song, i already like that one. >> oh, ya.
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>> we'll be right back.
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>> moving at snails pace, large lava flow destroying everything in its path as it moves across parts of hawaii. geologists monitoring it, and right now moving ten to 15 yards per hour. nearby village could be in danger, residents there are being prepared to evacuate if
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it gets too close. well, from fire, to water, mother nature also causing major problems in southern greece. >> the region just got hit by a hurricane late last week, now check out this video. this is from athens, where severe flooding swept cars and other large vehicles right down the street. at one point the storm dropped more than 5 inches of rain in less than two hours. >> goods morning, everybody there is will ends up being very pleasant day, very pleasant start to the work week for us, high pressure to thank to that. expect full sunshine, already seeing the beautiful light of day pop over the horizon, but the sun officially comes come up for another half hour. starting to brighten up outside. storm scan3, empty, once again, looking good here, but what do you want to send the kids out? what do you want to dress for yourself when walking out the door? i would definitely have at least a light jacket, and
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also, to have your sunglasses, too, because this is nice bright day, but it is a chill start, we are only going to get you to the mid 60s this afternoon, but tech neckly few degrees above average, then the warm days come. that's tomorrow. specially, wednesday,. >> we go outside, check out 422, you can see pretty steady jam, trooper road here, still headed eastbound toward the king of prussia area, see most of the back up and volume, and 95, not looking too hot, so southbound lanes over here headed toward center city you can see a loft brake lights, pretty much stack up for quite some time there. northbound actually moving along little beth err. out in delaware county, an accident, warren boulevard, completely closed at laurence road, to get around that for clean up, for the meantime, just take parkway avenue. now, route 206, at retreat road, southampton new jersey accident there pulled over into the shoulder. and our majors starting to slow epp little bit. schuylkill expressway slow
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blue route into the vine st. expressway, 22 minute trip, 202, so far headed northbound still looking fine. septa new jersey transit and dart all running on time with no delays. currently no delays at the airport. ukee, back over to you. >> jess, thanks so much. philly fan at sick ready for halloween. >> "eyewitness news" at the philadelphia airport embassy suites how tell. check him out. cancer patients at children's hospital of philadelphia and their families they gathered for a spectacular party. i love it, dressed up as batman, the phanatic spent a lot of time there. got some good moves. they were also some clowns, face painting, crafts, and halloween costumes. come on, really can't have a halloween party without the goodies, you neat the tweeds. he had award robe change? >> i'm seeing double vision. >> sometimes he bridges his mom with him. >> so mom is dressed as batman, got it. >> okay. >> next on cbs this morning, controversy over the battle against ebola, whether healthcare workers returning from the front lines in the battle against deadly virus should be car and toned.
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>> now it continue following your local news weather traffic and sports, keeping it live, keeping it local on your "cw philly" station. we'll take a break. happy monday, family, see in you just a little bit. have a great day. ♪
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ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho
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green giant! good morning. it is monday, october 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." why a homecoming prince opened fire on his friends and family. new details on the washington school shooting. lava flows as thousands prepare to evacuate. >> but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> i don't believe wn you're dealing with something as serious as this you can do that. >> controversy over the quarantine. >> they're pressuring them to