tv Eyewitness News at 11 CBS October 27, 2014 11:00pm-11:36pm EDT
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in philadelphia this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> now at 11:00 o'clock, big developments on ebola in the us. the mandatory quarantine of a nurse in new jersey is over after she complains her rights are being violated. and now there are fears of potential ebola case in maryla maryland. also, tonight -- >> septa stops running streets become busier, parking lots become more full and your commute becomes that much more painful. coming up the impact of a potential strike. and new tonight, parents and students fired up after they find out their high school is suddenly shutting down. good evening, i'm jessica dean. >> i'm chris may. those parents came face to face with school officials angry that their kids charter school suddenly closed two months into the school year. officials say they just don't have the money to keep walter d. palmer high school in frankford open. "eyewitness news" reporter diane in rocco was at tonight's heated meeting.
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>> reporter: what was supposed to be an informational meeting for parents of walter palmer high school quickly got heated. >> i'm talking to you. >> you understand they're not -- >> i'm talking to you. >> you're not going to yell at me. >> reporter: hundreds showed up for answers after getting a voicemail sunday the high school is closed. >> high school students should not report to monday october 27th. >> organizers lost control and many left not knowing where their kids will end up. >> we paid for uniforms that's outrageous. five pair of pants, five shirts, two pair of shoes, two sweaters like come on. he's going to reimburse me. >> michael maddux's show is a freshman. he showed up to school monday and was turned away. >> i want to know what about my son's education. it's not right. these kids work hard. >> reporter: walter palmer charter is only allowed 675 kids by the district grades k through
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eight but they have 1300 on their roles threw 12t 12th grade in two locations. a court order palmer to drop 600 students from enrollment. two weeks ago, 300 elementary schoolers were unenrolled by lottery from their northern liberties school. >> it's not about the kids. it's about numbers and it's about money. >> reporter: the school's founder says the enrollment cap was not legal and he ignored. he's been ordered to pay the district more than dollars. >> i september responsible. they have my deepest apology. >> reporter: students were cleaning out their lockers and wondering what comes next. >> we haven't even decided yet what we going to do. >> reporter: school will remain open for the remaining grades but the district is now trying to revoke palmer's charter for grades kindergarten threw eighth siting poor test scores and shaky finances. diana rocco cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> investigators are looking for new victim in the hazing scandal at central bucks west high school tonight. bucks county da is telling parents to contact
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their office if there's a problem. the initial allegations of hazing led school officials to cancel the remainder of cb west's if the ball season. but the da's office has yet to determine if any criminal char charges should be filed. we learned today police have not enter viewed any members of the varsity or jv football teams. the school board will talk more about these allegations at a meeting set for tomorrow night. developing now, our eyes are on potential ebola case in maryland. a patient is isolated tonight at the university of maryland medical center in baltimore. that patient is under going testing at the hospital right now. meanwhile, late today we learned a five year old boy in new york tested negative for the virus. he recently visited west africa and had a low grade fever. and a nurse quarantined in new jersey has been released season headed home to maine. >> casey hicks cocks was released from her quarantine end add three day odyssey that's
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become the latest example of an ebola policy being written on the fly. >> the reason she was put in the hospital in the first place she was running a high fever and symptomatic. >> when she landed at newark airport her temperature was taken and she signed no sign of fever. after several hours, questioning, it was taken again. and registered at 101 degrees. hikox thought it was a false reading because she was flush. she wrote official at newark appeared to be disorganized and bark at me as if i was a criminal. she e mailed cbs news several photos showing the elation tent, her bed and portable toilet. it was friday governors of new york and new jersey announced mandatory quarantine for anybody who had interacted with ebola patients in west africa. governor christie defended it again today. >> this will become the national policy because it's smart, tough common sense policy. >> reporter: in philadelphia there are no cases of ebola. but under the new precautionary
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cdc guidelines the health department is monitoring approximately 30 people and expects the cdc to receiver five to 10 additional people a day. they anticipate to eventually be monitoring hundred to 200 people at any given time. >> she's individuals have active daily monitoring which means that someone speaks with them daily. they take their temperature twice a day. they're asked about symptoms. >> reporter: health officials are supposed to check on those patients daily for 21 days. >> if you have questions about ebola, or any other health concern we have doctors on call three on your side will host a phone bang with members of the pennsylvania medical society here at the cbs broadcast center. it will be run from five to 6:30 tomorrow. >> there's disturbing new details tonight in the deadly school shooting in washington state. we now know that the student gunman sent a text message to other students inviting them to sit with him at lunch where he opened fire on friday. 14 year old gia soriano injured
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in the shootin shooting at murre high school died last night. while the shooter took his own life. tonight we hear from one girl who received that text but did not go to lunch. >> i hones honestly think he dit want to go by himself. wanted all his friends to go down with him. >> three students had remain hospitalized tonight. police have no motive. now to a potential septa strike. workers could walk off as early as next week, and if you think it won't affect you because you don't ride septa, think again. "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers is live in center city tonight. matt? >> reporter: jessica, the sticking point to this most recent round of negotiations has been over employee pension fun funds, and if no progress is made in these round of negotiations over the next week or so, these brand new subway stops next to city hall at dilworth park could be quieter come next monday. >> i can't promise anything beyond this week. at the end of the week, after negotiating with septa for the
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rest of the week, i will evaluate where we are. >> reporter: the latest salvo in the on going battle between septa and 4700 dread or so of its employees. they work in the city operating subways, trolley he is and buses. a decision to walk could come as soon as friday. >> if they was to go on strike it would be terrible because i'd have no way to get to work. >> it puts a monkey wrench in how you live. >> reporter: the strike would affect employees in the city. regional would run. if you live in the suburbs and take the train or drive to work, why care about this strike at all? well, remember gale, her husband rides the subway every day. >> he's going to have to find another way to get to work or i'll have drive him to work. >> if she has to drive her husband to work that's just one more car on the road. that story repeated thousands of times would make your money commute even more bumper to bumper than usual. >> it's a tremendous risk. they don't take it lightly. >> professor could ro* injuries is a labor law expert at temple university.
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unions know how much strikes inconvenience the public used only as a last resort. >> if you strike and stay out for too long, you can end up alienating the public. >> ask people at the bus stop, many don't care who to blame septa or the union all they want is an on time bus. >> i don't know whose fault it is. i just hope ever do decide to do it i hope they think about others. >> reporter: septa did respond to the union's comments earlier today saying that in their view their offer so far have been more than generous but that they do plan on continuing to meet with union leaders a* at the bargaining table throughout this week. we're live in center city tonight matt rivers cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> all right, matt thank you as we way a* weight word of te strike, you can check on philadelphia mayor nutter's plan to sell pgw is a no go. city council president darrell clark sent a letter to mayor michael nutter stating council will not endorse the proposed
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$1.86 billion sale to uil holdings utility company based in connecticut. the mayor planned to use a portion of the proceeds to bolster the city workers pension fund but utility workers union of america and local 686 supports council's decision. >> new at 11:00 night potential 2016 presidential contender is in philadelphia. "eyewitness news" at the national constitution center where former florida governor jeb bush pre viewed a new gallery named for his father the 41st president george hw. bush. a little bit later this year a copy of the declaration of independence are the constitution and bill of rights will be on display there. supreme court justice samuel alito and pennsylvania governor tom corbett also took part in tonight's event. >> meantime the former president bill clinton visited pennsylvania today campaigning for governor corbett' challenger tom wolf. hundreds turn out for that rally in pittsburgh. the former president told the crowd that a strong democratic turnout is key to a wolf victory
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next tuesday. new individual tonight. this is the latest hope police have in finding a suspected killer on the loose. why a balloon could help find eric frein. >> also, caught on individual, the grinch who stole halloween right from a front porch in south philadelphia. >> and something as simple as texting could be the key to keeping your and ifs in check. three on your side shows you why it's so easy to manage your money and kate is out in the mobile weather lab. >> reporter: that's right, jess casm it's a great night here in philadelphia after a beautiful day. it really great day because we have a new exciting weather to tool. "eyewitness weather" watcher network we lunch it today i'll bring you the latest from the cbs-cbs-3 mobile weather lab hen the steps of the art museum coming up when we
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what's the truth on taxes? says it's tom corbett who's being dishonest. they say tom wolf has a plan to reduce income taxes for the middle class and cut local property taxes. and tom corbett? it's corbett who slashed education by a billion dollars... ...and now almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. and it's corbett who's increasing gas taxes by 28 cents a gallon.
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tom corbett. desperate and dishonest. >> in hawaii dozens are preparing to leave their homes as lava inches closer to a rural town on the big island. authorities say the lava has picked up the pace now moving at 15 to 20 yards an hour. the lava has been moving toward the town since june. speeding up then slowing down on the way. the red cross is opening a shelter for evacuees.
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>> new tool is being deployed in the search for the suspected trooper killer eric frein tonight. the ohio department of transportation is donate add large mylar balloon equipped with a camera to help in the search efforts. the balloon is similar to ones used to track weather systems. it is untethered, unmanned and silent. frein is accused of of killing one pennsylvania state trooper and seriously wounding another back on september 12th. he's been on the run now for 45 days. well caught on camera tonight philadelphia police are searching for a woman who stole halloween decorations. this happened thursday outside of a home in the 1100 block of fitzgerald street in south philadelphia. the woman grabbed several items and then ran from the scene. if you have any information on who she is, you're asked to contact police. >> staying win budget can be time consuming, a headache, a chore, and few are honestly good at it three on your side consumer reporter jim donovan shows us that if you can tap an app you can easily manage your
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money. >> reporter: ashley graduated from college with $70,000 in student loans and no clue on how to manage them. >> my college loans were a little out of control when i graduated and i didn't have a list tick grasp on them. >> reporter: ashley found a way to fix that using mobile apps that break down her spending into categories and alert her to overspend. >> i set a budget whether it be monthly or weekly of how much i want to spend on each category and it will send me weekly alerts if i'm going over and if i have room to spare in my budge. it helps me keep track where i am and shows me where my money is going. >> reporter: othe others are usg personal financial management apps, too. >> touch it. everybody pops up. i use the for budging. >> i have to budget. >> the apps pull data daily from your bank bangs credit cards or fiercer 1ks. some feature graphs and charts
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highlighting what bills need to be paid, where you spent that last $50 and how your savings is come along. the apps are found through sites like min at personal and better >> it takes a lot of the headache out of the issue for consumers. and gives you that good picture of what your money looks like without the tedious effort associated with balancing your checkbook and comparing all of your statements from all of your different online applications. >> reporter: some apps can help you avoid overdraft and late fees. others may alert you of opportunities to pay down a balance quicker. >> there are a lot of different things that you can get out of this much the question is, what is it that you want? what are your great needs? go out there and find the app for it. >> reporter: ash system happy with the results. she's only one regret. >> i wish i would have discovered these apps while i was in college. and running around spending all of my money. >> reporter: by the way to avoid being scammed download the apps directly from the financial management website rather than an app store. roaring for three on your side,
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i'm jim donovan. >> it is an exciting night here at cbs-3. we're unveiling a new tool that allows you the viewers to help us forecast the weather. >> meteorologist kate bilo and kathy orr are both with us tonight and we're going to begin with kate who is live at the art museum with the commodore barry three mobile weather lab to explain. kate? >> reporter: thank you chris and jessica. a very exciting day indeed. we already have our state of the art tool cbs-3 mobile weather lab but now we're tapping into all the minds across the region to bring you up to date weather information all across the brand new "eyewitness weather" watcher network. take a look. in the "eyewitness weather" center we're always tracking whether it's rain, snow, highs or lows. we use the latest technology to bring accuracy to our forecasts and now we are expanding our tools to share the conditions from your backyard to a backyard more than 100 miles away. the "eyewitness weather" watcher network.
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eyes on the ground reports from all across the region from the shore line to the mountains and every town in between. >> our weather watchers are reporting gloomy conditions. >> reporter: hyper local observations in real time from your neighborhood. whether you're in warminster or williamstown, medford or montgomery goalville we have a weather watcher nearby keeping us updated and informed and making our forecast even better. >> and you may have seen five at 6:00 o'clock tonight i met our youngest weather watcher kyle higgins later on i went to the house of another weather watcher kevin wilson i asked him why he wanted to be part of the netwo network. >> there's a big event, everybody is paying attention. i think that's so cool. there's so few thing in the world that really unite people. but when there's a big storm coming or a big snow event coming that's what people care about. i found that to be absolutely fascinating. >> reporter: and kevin took me on a tour around his house showed me his weather station, mounted on the roof he has a rain gauge all of our weather watchers are so well versed in the weather they're weather geeks just like we are and now
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they are part of our team so we want to send a big thank you to kevin for inviting us into his home and showing us how his weather station works. back here live, i want to show you how it work here this is why it's so important. let me show you our current conditions quickly here on the cbs-cbs-3 mobile weather lab. 57.9 degrees right here in the city but take look as you head out into the suburbs reports from our weather watcher show suburbs are only in the fours so this allows us to have eyes on the ground up to the minute temperature readings here. and here's kevin who we just spoke to he's saying 48 degrees in havertown, barely any win at all relative humidity currently 74%. and kevin tells us it is a cri crisp, clear autumn evening certainly is that. take a look across the rest of the area we'll head over to new jersey where we have kevin, who says it's a weather fall classic. certainly was that today. just a perfect perfect day and he's reporting 48 degrees with mainly clear to partly cloudy skies there in mullica hill and as we head down into the first state of delaware we're looking at 47 degrees in newark thanks
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to john do you well 47 degrees and he actually sent us a picture as well on the "eyewitness weather" network showing the tree in his yard all decked out in fall foliage. this really a louse you to have eyes everywhere and it certainly just going to mack our weather forecasting that much better. and for more on the seven day forecast, i'll send it inside to kathy orr. hi, kathy. >> thanks very much kate. very exciting. thanks, great work. we are looking at a wonderful evening as kate mentioned clear skies throughout a good part of the region. we'll have a few clouds rolling in associate width warm front. it's only going to get more comfortable around who are. high temperatures today of note, well, we saw them throughout the entire region. you can see in west grove 72. dover 68. lewes delaware at the university of delaware 68 and spring city 67 degrees. so a pleasant afternoon. right now cooling everywhere. 54 in the city but 46 in lancaster. millville 43. even down the shore in atlantic city chill the a at 49. 50's to the west this is where we have the cloud cover and that is marching eastward.
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we will watch the clouds slowly move on toward the north and the east. some high clouds an indication that tomorrow will be a warmer day. we'll watch high pressure to the south bringin bringing a strong southerly flow. highs in the mid 70s this front will move through and gradually clear things down and cool things down. the front brings a few showers during the day on wednesday and behind it some very breezy conditions. so thursday we'll knock down the temperatures 10 degrees to around 60. still on the sunny side. for halloween it gets even cooler. that's only the beginning. watch an active jet stream as it rises with a ridge in the east for the warm air and then by thursday into friday deep trough goes as far as carolinas as we work our way through saturday and this air that is moving down is going to be bringing the coolest air of the fall season we're talking about some areas struggling in the 40s on saturday. and blustery conditions. overnight a few clouds. low 52. during the day on tuesday, a mix of sun and clouds the high 75.
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and then on the exclusive "eyewitness weather" seven day forecast, wednesday 70. thursday 60 degrees. cooler for halloween. saturday blustery daylight saving time ends sunday and it stays really cool. halloween coming up very quic quickly. we want to remind we want to see your home, your kids, and even your pets decked out for halloween. go to hash tag cbs-3 halloween and send in those photos. we'll be back with beasley and sports right after this. ♪
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ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message. >> the monday morning quarterbacks are double guessing
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a quick decision. eagles lined up in the shotgun and randy shady mccoy unsuccessfully. some thing feel foles should have been under center. some fans wanted the coach to go for a touchdown on fourth down on that drive. if there's a coaching bible somewhere it probably says thou take the field goal and points and the lead with two minutes left in game. here's chip on kicking the field goal. >> i was very very confident our defense and still very very confident in our defense. they have two plays for 155 yards besides those two plays defense is a playing at a high level right now and our did he phenes finished off the rams and redskins games. they've been in those situations before and i got a ton of confidence in them if i'd have to do it again i'd put it on our defense. >> the turnover balance usually lose the game. turnovers have different values.
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sometimes interception deep down field gas a its as a punt. red zone interceptions get quarterbacks benched. he has nine through seven games after becoming the talk of the league with only two all last year. >> you learn from each turnover and touchdown. i'm building a database. we are the team we're growing through different situations to where when we see those situations again woke the right thing. i know the turnover is the stat. but we can fix that. we will continue to work towards it. >> the sixers focus on winning and the year 2020 continued today. they traded monthly tree on the nick 96 for travis outlaw and another 2,192nd round pick. the sixers open the season wednesday night against the pacers home opener is saturday against the heat. >> and my crew and i need a place to be on halloween download our cbs audio road show app and put the frenzy game of
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>> there's plenty of pink at commerce square in center city tonight. landmarks all across the area are displaying pink lights during october as reminder to women to schedule a mammogram. for the 13th year cbs-3 and cw philly have teamed up with susan g. komen for the lights for the pure campaign. it was breast cancer awareness night at a spirited high school soccer game in camden county. >> check out the team with the pink shirts that is paul the sixth and that's eastern regional in the dark shirts with the pink lettering. tonight's game in haddon heights was certainly a tough one. supporters of the supported pink and the game went into double
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>> thanks for watching "eyewitness news" at 11:00 o'clock. we're back in the morning at 4:30 with ukee washington and erika von tiehl. for beasley, kathy and everyone here at "eyewitness news" i'm charisma. >> i'm jessica dean. you can always fine us at up next the late show with david letterman. in tonight's guest is amy pohler. have a good night. we'll see you tomorrow. have a good night. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪
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( band playing "late show" theme ) >> from the heart of broadway, broadcasting across the nation and around the world, it's the "late show" with david letterman. tonight... plus paul shaffer and the cbs orchestra. i'm alan kalter. and now, king of the festival, david letterman! captioning sponsored by worldwide pants and cbs
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