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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  November 3, 2014 7:00am-9:01am EST

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it is monday, november 3rd, 2014. welcome to "cbs this morning." the young woman who sparked a national debate over the right to die ends her own life. >> nuclears in the deadly explosion of the virgin galactic spaceship. richard branson joins us live. radicals. footage from last night's interview you have not seen. but we begin this morning with today's "eye opener," your world in 90 seconds. >> it's been rough, yeah. it's windy. hard to see. >> two nor'easters that were back to back this weekend and maine got nailed. >> an early winter storm blasts new england.
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>> up to a foot of heavy snow has pulled down power lines leaving more than 100,000 customers in massachusetts in the dark. >> frosty foxborough. >> brittney maynard who led a national movement for right-to-die laws has passed away. >> a spokesperson said she took a lethal amount of drugs saturday night. the 29-year-old was surrounded by her family. >> federal investigators are blaming the improper move by a pilot for the crash of the spacecraft. >> a lever was moved by the co-pilot. a holiday cruise turns into a nightmare when the ship hit something in the ocean. >> fortunately everybody made it safely to the bahamas but the celebration is postponed for the next two weeks. >> stranded on an island. no food for 24 hours. the first employees will arrive this morning at one world trade center. >> this will end up completing
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dizzying stunts hundreds of feet above the windy city. >> there's no time for fear to enter into your mind. >> all that -- >> nascar, things getting a little chippy. here we go again. >> caught on the run and going into the end zone is matt. six touchdowns for roethlisberger. >> 43-23, steelers. >> -- and all that matters -- >> president obama spending sunday on the campaign trail. >> was repeatedly interrupted by protesters. >> this is a rowdy crowd today. >> -- on "cbs this morning." >> i hear people keep saying, look, it doesn't make any difference. nothing's going to save. >> congress is like jazz. it's about the bills, not the policy. and it's almost like jazz in that most people hate it and anyone who says they don't are lying. >> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" brought to you by toyota. let's go places. captioning funded by cbs
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welcome to "cbs this morning." brittney maynard's short and meaningful life is over. she took a deadly dose of drugs. they were prescribed by a doctor. she reignited a debate over end of life-issues last month by revealing how she would die. >> maynard was a few weeks short of her 30th birthday. a spokesman said she died at home, quote, in the arms of her loved ones. just five days ago maynard said i still feel good enough and it doesn't seem like the right time, right now. jan crawford spoke to her last month in her first tv interview. good morning. >> good morning. when i sat down with brittney, she said she hoped to make it to november 1st, that that was the goal. but she said there was a good chance she was going to end her life. saturday, a few days after she celebrated her husband's birthday, brittney went through those plans. >> you can tell anyone who has walked a mile in my shoes and
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knows what i'm facing has felt the bone-splitting headaches i get sometimes or the seizures or the inability to speak or the moments where i'm looking in my husband's face and i can't think of his name. >> reporter: brittney maynard's message was clear. in an interview for "cbs this morning," she said she intended to die with dignity. so to the people who would say, well, you're choosing to end your life, that's suicide, you would say, what? >> no. cancer is ending my life. i'm choosing to end it a little sooner and in a lot less pain and suffering. >> in her final facebook message maynard wrote, i have chosen to pass away with dignity in the face of my terminal illness. the world is a beautiful place. i even have a ring of support around my bed as i type. good-b good-bye, world. spread good energy. pay it forward. last spring maynard was diagnosed with the most lethal
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form of brain cancer and given six months to live. she moved from her home in california to oregon because of its death with dignity-act, which would allow her doctor to prescribe a lethal dose of drugs to end her life. in her final days maynard crossed a handful of items off her bucket list, including a trip with her family last month to the grand canyon. have you thought about actually letting her go? >> i'm not going to be a big weight around her neck at that moment. i'm not going to be a big wailing, crying -- you know, that's not fair. that's not fair. it's going to be peaceful. >> reporter: brittney said her only regret was that she never had children but she took solace in knowing that her legacy would still live on. >> through sharing my story, i realize there's a bit of a legacy in creating this way and i'm not ashamed of that. i'm not ashamed to attach my name to the right that i think
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should belong to all terminally ill americans, i really do. >> at 29 years old brittney's very public decision to end her life has put the right-to-die issue back in the national public spotlight. her youtube video has gotten 10 million hits and it's stirred an emotional action on both sides that shows that this right-to-die movement remains controversial. gayle? >> i'll say, jan. thank you. such a beautiful bring young woman. i keep thinking of her family, but they were all together. >> dieing with dignity, which i think a lot of people understand. >> thank you, jan. investigators believe a human error may have caused a space plane to break apart in midair. it broke apart on friday killing a crew member. a possible cause, something called feathering. that's when the pilots lift and rotate the tail fins to create drag, preparing it for descent. officials believe it may have started too soon.
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john blackstone is in the mohave desert. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. it was high above the desert here that the crash caft came a scattering debris across an area five miles long. now, the investigation could take up to a year. but a mistake in the cockpit is already emerging as a possible cause. moments before spaceshiptwo disintegrated midair, the ntsb says the feathers were not in the so-called feathered position. >> it's not only part of the tail boon but part of the wing that moves up into the deploy position. >> reporter: the feathers are only to be upright when the ship is descending from orbit but the co-pilot unlocked them prematurely when the aircraft was still descending. >> shortly after that, the tapes terminated.
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>> reporter: these photos taken from the ground friday shows the vehicle detaching from its mother ship, firing its engines, and breaking up moments later. the co-pilot was killed. the 43-year-old pilot ejected from the ship. he was injured but is alert and talking. spaceshiptwo was a prototype for virgin galactic, a space touring company. branson had hoped to start space flights next year, plans that are now in doubt. >> this is the biggest test program ever carried out in commercial aviation history precisely to ensure that this never happens to the public. >> reporter: more than 700 people including angelina jolie and leonardoicaprio have already paid as much as $200,000 for a seat. >> if anybody wants a refund, we'll issue a refund. we never used the money. it gave us the confidence to do
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the program knowing that these people were so committed. >> reporter: because this was a closely monitored test flight, investigators have a wealth of data that's not available under a normal plane crash circumstance. there were cameras aboard the space plane itself watching the flight from here on the ground and from chase planes nearby. gayle? >> john, thank you. in our next half hour, we will ask sir richard branson about the future of his company and space travel. that's ahead. winter started early leaving snow from the carolinas to new england. massachusetts workers cleared the field before sunday's broncos/patriots game. some of the biggest headaches this morning are in maine. vladimir duthiers is there with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. a record 12 inches of snow fell here in bangor and the results
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have been absolutely devastating. utility crews were overwhelmed and forced to call in help from canada. and to make matters worse, the record-chilling temperatures that had people digging out from snow. plow operators the in maine have been worked around the clock after a powerful storm dumped up to a foot of snow on part of the state. this family of four was stuck in a car for two hours after their suv skidded off a road and smacked into a nearby pole trapping them underlive wires. firefighters rescued the family after electric crews turned offer the power to the line. wind gusts top 40g miles an hour and the rising snow made it difficult for crews trying to restore power to some 100,000 homes and businesses that were
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left in the dark. >> it's been rough. yeah. it's windy. hard to see. you look down the lines to make sure it's not energizing something on the ground. >> reporter: the governor has issued an emergency proclamation. that will allow utility crews to work extended hours. there's still 70,000 people without power. they're hoping to get that back up in time for election day tomorrow. charlie? >> thanks. scientists are heating up an old debate. they say climate change is real and manmade. it calls for drastic changes by the end of the century. they say without action there could be irreversible damage. professor michio kaku is a civics professor at the university of new york. good morning. >> good morning. >> the significance of the report and what sets it apart? >> first of all it's based on the largest amount of data. as you mentioned, for the first time in clear words it says
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there's a point of no return, beyond which the damage would be irreversible and irreparable by the end of the century unless we take measures now. we have to zero out, not reduce but eliminate our dependenced on coal and oil burning. >> what's the significance? >> if it's natural cycle we throw our hands in the air said and what can we do, it's mother nature's revenge. if it's something we can do about it, we can eliminate the cause. this report is different from the other ones. it sets a deadline. >> irreversible damage never sounds like a good thing. what exactly does that mean? why do we care about it now? >> food prices are going to rise. farmers realize summer is almost a week longer than normal. insurance rates are going go up because of flooding in many
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areas. we see heat sfels with more visits to the hospital. we're seeing the beginning of this now. sea levels are rising, temperatures are rising, alaska and greenland are beginning to thaw out and we're seeing the beginnings of what could cause a lot of property damage. >> what needs to be done to turn back the clock? >> increase the efficiency of vehicles to make our society more efficient. >> because of carbon emissions. >> because of car upon emissions. it does mean we have to seriously thunk about solar, energy to reduce our dependence. there's also some good news here. the pew research center has stated for the first time in history now, the american people believe that global warming is real and not a conspiracy of some sort. >> good to end on a good note. thank you, michio kaku.
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lava from the volcano on hawaii's big island is staling this morning. it's about 500 feet from the main road of pahoa. it could cut off the town of about 1,000 people. 50 families are about to leave if the fire becomes too intense. >> have you heard? tomorrow is election day. government will choose its main leaders and house representatives. nine battleground states are likely to control which states control the senate. nancy cordes has more. good morning. >> good morning. the parties have switched to 100% get out the vote mode. that sometimes means scaring the voters to get to the polls. other times it's designed to keep people at home. tll are accusations of dirty tricks especially in the south. >> they're hoping fear of ebola is as contagious as the disease
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itself. they're using images of body bags and hazmat suits to blame opponents for ebola's arrival in the u.s. >> threats of ebola. obama has no plan. >> reporter: and it isn't just ads. in kentucky voters received an ominous envelope. it turned out to be a mailer from the state gop attacking the senate candidate who's now suing. libya rat groups looking to boost african-american turnout in georgia send out these flyers. if you want to prevent another ferguson, vote. and also with trayvon martin against congress miami thom tillis. tillis called it race-baiting. >> i think it's another example of a desperate campaign. >> his opponent kaye hang
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ingreiged. >> i think injecting that kind of issue in politics is wrong. i think there's a time and a place to have a dialogue on those issues, but i'm totally against fear tactics. >> fear in politics is nothing new. >> hopefully by the end of the campaign you've run out of reasons why they should vote for you. so you're looking to disqualify the other candidate. and, of course the best way is to make them fear full numb that other person is elected. >> he said negative adds work. they're more likely to vote over something good than bad alone. >> we'll see how they work o if they didn't work. cbs newss is going to have full
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coverage of the election starting tomorrow night on the "cbs evening news with scott pelley," and we'll have campaign 2014 updates during the evening. plus scott and i will anchor a one-hour prime-time special. nancy cordes will be there. bob schieffer, anthony mason, bill dickerson and more. that's tomorrow night on cbs. the nurse from maine is apologizing to her neighbors. kaci hickox spoke with the post this weekend. she said her fight about the isolation is about fighting for something bigger than herself. it's about fighting for the health of health workers in west africa. >> i didn't mean to bring a media storm to this community but i think unfortunately sometimes especially when you're up against governors, you don't always have an option, right? i don't feel like i was given an option. >> hickox said she will not go
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into up to until her 21-day incubation period is over. and in new york this morning the tallest skyscraper in the western hemisphere opens for business. one world trade center is open where the twin towers once stood. the building will eventually have an observation deck that will be open to the public. kenyans swept the 44th new york mary than. wilson kipsang won. the women's race came down to the wire. mary keitany won by three seconds. look at this. the tightest women's finish in race history. so cold out. more than 50,000 runners raced winds of 30 miles an hour and tennis star carolyn wozniacki ran her first marathon finishing in just under 3 1/2 hours. her friend serena williams
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cheered her on from start to finish and i saw her tweet, too, is it wrong to cry at the end of the marathon? she was so happy fehr her friend. she did great. >> it's so nice they support each other. >> excellent. chicago's famous winds could not stop tightrope walker nik wallenda from getting into the record books. he walked on a rope at a 19-degree angle between two buildings. he set the record for the steepest walk. he did it without a safety net or harness. then he did it blindfolded at 143 feet. millions watched from around the world. it was broadcast with a 10-second de grey. pot at t the
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>> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by toyota. let's go places.
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is commercial space flight worth the risk? >> ahead, virgin galactic founder sir richard branson explains why his answer is still yes. >> t the news is back in the morning here on "cbs this morning." stay tuned for your local news. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by hershey's spreads. the possibilities are delicious. bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. now, that's a burger. and now you can pay and go when you're ready. now, isn't that convenient? the new lunch double burger from chili's lunch combo menu, starting at 6 bucks. fresh is happening now. introducing a pm pain reliever that dares to work
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>> and good morning, i'm ukee washington, search on for missing woman who may have been kidnapped. the detectives tell "eyewitness news", carlasha free lands gator seen 9:40 last night when forced into dark colored car on west colter street. police say the driver side window is broken, if you happen to see it, we're work to go get better description of the car and bring you updates as soon as we get any new information. >> checking forecast with katie over in the weather center overall actually looks like pleasant day for us, not as windy as yesterday, little warmer than yesterday was, but still keep the sun around, storm scan3, showing nothing more than some ground cloud err out there some of the area radar site. but temperatures still off to chilly start.
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still just little breezy, so you'll notice, that but again no where near the wind issues we saw yesterday. so it is only getting better from here, little less harsh, mid 60s for reelection day, pleasant forecast, and actually flirting with 70 even as we approach wednesday. looking ahead to thursday, friday, though, temperatures do start to drop back off. ukee? >> katie, thanks so much. let's look at the roads, 76 westbound, approaching belmont avenue, experiencing some delays as commuters travel out bound from the city, our next shot roosevelt boulevard also backed up, traveling southbound toward i76. lansdale-doylestown septa regional rail line operating we're told with delays of 30 minutes due to wire problems. we'll do it again at 7:55, we're keeping it live, keeping it local on the "cw
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the freedom tower to the never-going-in-there tower because i'm never going in there. does this building duck? what are they thinking? who's the corporate sponsor? target? >> chris rock with a very touchy monologue on last week's "saturday night live." you'll meet the cheerleader for isis. if he had his way, there would be strict islamic law in this country. clarissa ward with what you did not see in her "60 minutes" record last night. >> millions of voters will weigh in on a new legalization push. but the group who you might think may be out in force may stay at home.
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that's ahead. time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. the slcht. louis post dispatch d there was a no-fly zone. the ap obtained audio recording that the police wanted to keep the no-flight zone. it lasted 12 days. >> "the wall street journal" says the new york's archdiocese will merge 55 of its parishes. the downsizing comes amid falling attendance at churches. the guardian says ruri rurirurik jutt rurik jutting was charged with murder. one of the victims was hid in a suitcase and kills last month.
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an elevator ride cost a security guard his job. kenneth tate escorting him and escorted him to the limo. he tried to take a picture and then he was carrying a firearm which is against secret service protocols. it's day three of the investigation of what caused a space plane to crash in california. the virgin galactic broke apart during feathering. that's when the tail fins rotate and slow down when it comes back to earth. investigators say that process began too early. the plane's co-pilot was killed. richard branson is the founder of virgin galactic. he'll join us soon. >> that's right. first we want to touch base with clarissa ward because if you saw "60 minutes" last night, you saw her incredible reporting there. she told the story of a british
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teacher accused of recruiting hundreds of other muslims to fight for isis. she spoke to him and some of his followers in london. clarissa is in london with part of the interview you didn't see. good morning. >> good morning. one of the young men we spent time with is a convert. he's a big cheerleader for the so-called islamic state orac ca fate. he wants to see sheria law implemented throughout the west and the whole world. >> jihad or the policy is to expand the islamic state. very soon, my brothers and sisters, we're going to see it expand into jordan and syria and on the shores of europe and one day, obama. >> let me understand this.
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the way you see this playing out with the caliphate is that essentially the ideology is going to spread like wildfire and consume all of these other nations. >> i believe that the islamic state will have a foreign policy of an ex-ing countries and implementing the sheria. so i do believe one day that america and europe will one day be under the sheria and i think it is a blessing. however, i would also say that in the short term the americans and the british, they need to be very wary. >> can you understand why your views are frightening to some people? >> i understand that many people are unaware of the sheria and the blessings it can be. it's there to liberate them. >> if i come back to east london in a year's time, do you think you'll be here or do you hope to be there? >> i hope i'll be there but i don't know yet. that is in the hands of god. >> he says he can't travel to syria or iraq at the moment and go and live in the caliphate because the british government
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monitors all of his travels but it's fair to say that many of these extremists are actually happy to stay in the united kingdom to stay in a comfortable life and a free life while they call for around end to democracy. charlie? >> clarissa, do you have a sense of how many of these radical muslims there are? >> well, it's important to say right off the bat, norah, that these do not -- these extremists do not in any way shape or form represent the vast majority of muslims. they're a tiny minority but very focal minority and they're absolutely emblematic of the sort of ideology we're seeing in isis, in the middle east, which is rapidly spreading like wildfire. >> that's the troubling part. clarissa, thanks. now back to the virgin spaceship accident. richard branson joins us from the virgin islands. good morning, richard. let me begin by saying we're all
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saddened by the personal loss and tragedy and we know the investigation goes forward, but what in the words does this change and what does it not change? >> well, it was an incredibly sad day particularly for the family and a real blow for the 400 wonderful engineers and team that worked for virgin galactic and for the 800 people waiting to go to space. but we've now picked ourselves up. the team are pushing on building the next spaceship and waiting for the final report from the ntsb. we'll see if there's any changes at all we need to make to the spacecraft or was it something else that actually caused it. and last night they gave us a pretty good idea of what
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happened, and we need to wait for their definitive idea. >> i heard you say, sir richard, you would give a refund. has anybody asked for a refund and what are they saying to you about going into space? >> what is absolutely remarkable is that on the day of the accident, two people actually signed up and paid in full to go to space as a gesture of good will toward virgin galactic. of the 800 people who signed up, they always had wonderful messages of support and commitment, and we've had literally, you know, hundreds of thousands of messages from the public willing virgin galactic and its team to go ahead. i'm sure if we -- you know, one or two people must be naturally extremely nervous at this stage. we need to know exactly what happened to make absolutely certain it can never happen again.
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>> richard, do you believe that this may have been more human error than mechanical error? >> all i can say is what the ntsb have said. they have indicated that something may have been pressed a few seconds earlier than it should have been pressed. but, you know, i really want to -- i have to let the ntsb guide people, and we will learn from what the ntsb have to say. and we'll make -- you know, and if it did turn out to be human error, we would, you know, obviously still need to make sure that it is impossible for something like that to happen in the future. >> i know you're planning to go and take one of your children. can you explain why you feel so passionate about this and why it's worth the risk?
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>> i think that most people realize we should -- we should -- we should be exploring. we should push our boundaries forward. most people, i think, would agree that we need to build a commercial spaceship industry that will deliver point-to-point travel one day in an environmental and at incredible speeds. we'll be able to put up satellites that will transform the lives of people on earth, i mean the 3 billion people who don't have phones or internet access will be able to get them. you know, there's incredible things that come out of a space program like this. and, therefore, you know, all of us are determined to continue and make sure we learn from this and get it right. >> sir richard, we thank you. we know the investigation continues. we'll be following it as well.
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thank you for your time this morning. >> thank you very much. >> there are high hopes for legalization of marijuana. it's part of our campaign 2014 coverage. we'll show you where voters could expand the vote in places where pot isn't a crime. you're watching "cbs this morning." we asked people a question how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to like, pull it a little further got me to 70 years old i'm going to have to rethink this thing it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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are you awake? marijuana's on the ballot tomorrow in oregon, alaska, and washington, d.c. voters in the nation's capital will decide whether possession should be legal. both western states are asking whether the drug should be legalized and taxed. as ben tracy shows us, the pro-pot efforts rely heavily on young voters. >> reporter: they're using the
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final days before tuesday's election canvassing voters about measure 91. if passed it would legalized, regulate, and tax marijuana for adults over 21. what's at stake? tax revenue. since january colorado has taken in $45 million from recreation and marijuana sales yet the latest polls in oregon suggest it's going to be close. >> i urge you to vote no. >> reporter: in alaska where voters have twice said no to legalization, measure two is too close to call. according to the aclu, 81% of alaska's drug arrests are for marijuana possession, the highest in the country. in both states opponents worry about packaging that appeals to children. they point to colorado where two deaths are connected to edible marijuana products. >> it's really hard to see these edibles being anything other than packaged for a young audience. you're talking about gummy
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bears, suckers, brownies, cookicooki cookies. >> reporter: and they're concerned about neighbors using flammable liquids. but pro-pot backers believe the measures could go up in vote unless younger voters turn up, a challenge because this is an election that usually secures older. >> it's time for them to vote and lead the way. >> reporter: these outcomes could turn the tide on 2016 when hopes are high for legalization initiatives around the country. >> a lot of the public support is going to kind of depend on what happens in these states. >> i think there's a good chance you're going to see legalization of marijuana on the ballot in 2014 and probably in a number of states. >> for "cbs this morning," ben
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tracy, los angeles. >> something we'll be discussing on tuesday night. >> we'll see what the young people say. >> when you're racing for a championship, tempers get short. we'll show you who got tangled during and after l >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by help your child love to learn with abc
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you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. enbrel helped relieve my joint pain. but the best part of every journey... dad!!! coming home. ask if enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists, can help you stop joint damage. he's out. >> disastrous start of convenience for jeff gordon. >> sparks were not the only things flying last night at texas motor speedway. jeff gordon spun out near the end of the race after brad keselowski got too close. after the race gordon confronted his rival in the pit. it turned into a brawl. two drivers trying to make the championship run in the sprint cup. nascar will review the incident
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and hand out any punishment later this week. >> jeff gordon, normally such a mellow guy. i'm thinking the two of those guys won't be going to dinner any time soon and think nowow they're both in trouble, so it will be interesting to see. >> tease. >> what, norah. college basketball player scores big both on and off the court. her story when we come back. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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live it to believe it. >> good morning, updating -- updating breaking news, two people sickens by mysterious odor. hazmat crew remains on the scene of the 2100 block of wishart street. we're told both victims lost consciousness, and they've been rushed to nearby hospitals. this is happening at abbott's plating. officials now say, that they believe the odor was likely coming from cyanide. our jan carabeo heading to that scene and will bring you a live report as soon as we have more information for you. right now back to work back to school for a loft folks. looking little chilly, kate. >> i actually off to a quite chilly start here this morning. but it is getting better with time here. storm scan3, showing couple of clouds, that have started to
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roll in for you. so at the moment, you have got some blue skies, filtered some cloud cover, but real pleasant day, that said, and just not as harsh as yesterday was. we week out almost ten more degrees than we did yesterday. more sunshine for you, less wind. tonight we drop it down to 43, real quick check on the eyewitness weather seven day, seeing the warm up continue through wednesday. erika? >> all right, thank you. take a look at the roads right now, check that out. route 422 eastbound, east of route 29, experiencing some mild delays, during the morning commute through the suburbs. next camera, see, 95, moving slowly on the northbound side of the high lan area there. we will be right back in a couple of minutes. see you on the "cw philly".
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here in york, pennsylvania we've built the largest distributor of kitchen cabinets in the nation. we've got american-made products that are beating out chinese imports. so, i know pennsylvania can be a leader in manufacturing and we can make things again. but we have to invest in education and a skilled workforce today. i'm tom wolf and i have a plan. we can do great things, but we have to think ahead. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania.
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it is monday, november 3rd, 2014, and welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead including a basketball dream come true. a cancer patient gets in the game and on the score sheath, but first here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. >> she told me that she hoped to make it to november 1st. saturday, brittney went through with those plans. >> the investigation could take up to a year, but a mistake in the cockpit is already emerging as a possible cause. >> it was an incredibly sad day to know what happened to make absolutely certain it can never happen again. >> a record 12 inches of snow
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fell here in bangor, and the result has been absolutely devastating. >> for the first time in clear words it says there's a point beyond which damage would be irreversible. >> the parties have now switched 100% into "get out the vote" mode and that sometimes means scaring their own voters. >> they're a very tiny minority but a very vocal minority and they're absolutely emblematic of this sort of ideology that we're seeing in isis. >> tennis star caroline w wozniac wozniacki. there's serena williams cheering her on. >> thshe violated her quarantin by taking an hour-long bike ride with her boyfriend. he said, help, she's gaining on me. >> i'm charlie rose with gayle
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king and norah o'donnell. brittney maynard's family says she died the way it was intended. on saturday she took a deadly dose of doctor-prescribed medication. >> maynard and her husband moved to oregon to take advantage of that state's aid in dying law. she told the world last month she would take her own life when her condition got too difficult. maynard's announcement sparked a worldwide conversation about the right to die. human error could be the cause of the virgin galactic's space crash in california. the investigation continues into the spaceshiptwo accident. it was on a test run as part of a mission to send people into orbit. the co-pilot died. the ntsb is lacking at whether feathering caused the plane to break apart. investigators are looking into whether the pilot started that too early. the bahamas celebration was
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supposed to sail from the bahamas to florida later night, later returned to port after hitting something at sea. >> this is what's happening right now. everybody's scared. everybody's scared. >> on board video shows many of the nearly 1,000 passengers wearing lifejackets. the ship was tipping to one side as they returned to grand bahamas island. the passengers returned to miami saturday night. they had to ride on buses west palm beach where the cruise was supposed to end. a milestone for the new york city marathon. after 44 years the 1 millionth runner crossed the finish line. she finished the racy 4 hours and 43 minutes. she was cheered. as the millionth entrant she won free races for the ref of her life. the mother of two said she's not so sure. that's good.
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good for her. just to finish is an accomplishment. >> just to finish. it gives me the chills every time somebody finishes the marathon. you're next, norah? >> no, no, no. 13 is enough for me. all right. on "cbs this morning" last night country music star blake shelton told us about growing up in oklahoma and his wife lambert. this morning we show you what they didn't see. why they can laugh about rumors of divorce and pregnancy. >> is the family expanding? >> if you read the tabloids, gosh dang, we're on our 17th and a divorce. we have a kid for every divorce we get. it's crazy, the tabloids definitely have a good time with miranda and i, and we actually have a good time with it too. at first when they first started happening it was like, oh, my god, are people going to believe this, is this going to end our career? what's going to happen, you know.
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and now i think miranda's keeping a collection of all the pregnancy covers that she gets and the tabloids. the last one that came out that said she's pregnant and i'm so excited that i vowed to never come home drunk again and she said, well, i can tell you right now that's a lie because you just came home drunk just now. you're drunk and you're reading this at the same time. >> he went on to tell us if his wife ever gets pregnant, he promised to quit drinking for the ten months that she is pregnant. blake admits it will be withdrawal for him. it goes to show you the interest in their personal life is so vast just because he's so incredibly popular. he's the hottest thing in country music. >> and they keep it all in perspective. you say the ten months she's pregnant. is miranda going to be pregnant for ten months? >> it's been a while since i had
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a baby. cut me some slack. i still have baby brain. >> it's all good. >> you're watching "cbs this morning." miranda's at home going what? michael connelly is in studio 57. we'll learn about his new thriller, "the burning room" and bringing bosh to online video. he seems excited about that. but first it's
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>> announcer: this morning's "eye opener" at 8:00 sponsored by ben five eric the clearly healthy fiber. ahead, two points that brought 10,000 people to their feet. the layup that fulfilled a dream. you don't want to miss this story, the courageous young woman inspiring the country. you're watching "cbs this morning."
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flavored with exotic fruit juices. it's chocolate and fruit flavors like you've never experienced before. discover brookside.
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in the world of sports division iii women's college
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basketball almost never, ever makes national headlines but performance on sunday in cincinnati is certainly changing all of that. steve hartman was at the game. he is here making his debut on "cbs this morning." we love when that happens, steve, when all the other sports stories are gone. steve, good morning. >> good morning. when the mount st. joseph women's basketball team took to the floor for the season opener, all eyes were on lauren hill, quite possibly the most devoted player the team has ever seen. >> death has never been more brazenly snubbed as it was yesterday afternoon when freshman lauren hill ran onto the basketball court with a smile wide as a three-point line. for the past year this is all she's been thinking about. ever since she was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, lauren's goal has simply been to
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live long enough to play in a women's college basketball game. >> i want to wear the shoes and the jersey and feel like a superhero because that's how i feel when i put on the jersey and that number. >> reporter: to prepare herself, lauren practiced with everyone else at 5:30 a.m., never mind that she couldn't do the drills anymore, never mind the debilitating headaches. she refused to lie in bed. >> i feel like when i'm not there, i'm letting people down. >> lauren has weeks to live at best, and here she is worried about letting other people down. >> why does that matter so much to you? >> because i love them. they're like my family. and they keep me going. they make it positive. >> reporter: it took more than will to get lauren to this moment because time was so short. the ncaa allowed mount st. joseph to move their season opener up two weeks.
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they also had to change the venue for all the people who wanted to support lauren. this arena seats 10,000, and it sold out. the crowd was thrilled just to see her step foot on the floor, and that's really all anyone was expecting to see. but coach dan benjamin didn't want to stop there. as he told me in an interview two weeks earlier, he wanted her to score. >> i can't pray enough that that happens. >> is this a game plan or hollywood skrimt you're writing? >> it's a game plan. we've got to get her a layup somehow. that's the plan. we'll leave her in as long as she can go and health her play the game she loves. >> unfortunately by game lay lauren had no energy to run down the court once or twice, but dan figured if they could just get the opening tip, maybe, just maybe -- >> the screen comes, the ball goes down to lauren hill and the layup is a go. >> lauren scored that basket and another one at the very end.
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cancer? what cancer? >> we will remember that layup forever. >> today has been the best day i've ever had. thank you so much. >> gorous as that game was, lauren won't be basking in the glow of it for long. in the time she has left she'll be working, raising money for the cure starts now, an organization that funds pediatric brain cancer research. >> how is she going to raise that money. >> she has layups for lauren like the bucket challenge. expect this to appear on facebook. it's going to spread. >> go, lauren. >> i'll say go lauren. i read her biggest thing was to play basketball. if you took our hearts and squeezed it. >> in front of 10,000 people.
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i was at the game. the cameraman, 56-year-old man to tears. >> you brought us to tears too. thank you, steve. we'll be thinking of you, lauren, and your family. ahead, we've got surprising gifts from cnet and surprises for the holiday. you're watching "cbs this morning." a homemade dinner in thirty minutes. go!
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your method? new campbell's® soups for easy cooking. helping you cook recipes like speedy sausage rigatoni in just thirty minutes! dinner accomplished. try new campbell's® soups for easy cooking. suddenly you're a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone. so you can breathe and sleep. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right.
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so you can breathe and sleep. ryan costello went into politics. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you. i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message.
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cnet is a trusted source for onleast tech reviews. today it is announcing brand-new feature only on "cbs this morning." cnet, part of cbs, is launching a magazine. an editor's note is this unexpected move. it asks, surprised? that's the point while others are running way from print, we're embracing it. lindsey turrentine and connie guglielmo. >> that is a wower. >> it is a wower. it's been in brand for two decades. why go in print now with this beautiful magazine? >> like we said, we've been online for 20 years. we're the biggest consumer brand
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out there. it's very exciting to be able to stretch out, create a quarterly product that you'll be able to get on news stands everywhere that shows off our photography and writing. it's content you don't get online. >> you say it's content you don't get online. >> it's content you don't get online. it's long articles and there's a gift guide that's complementary. it's different. >> you're not scared, guys, when so many people say print is dying, print is dying? i don't believe that, of course. you don't believe that when that seems to be the trend? >> we have a great business online. we're not trying to pull a print magazine into the digital world. we're taking a big digital operation and creating something new. this is exciting because the magazine is for everybody. >> is it about brand building or
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economic return? >> it's a little bit of both. i think mostly it's about brand building. there's no consumer tech magazine in the tech market today. we write in a very different voice. we're not trying to scare anyone in the tech. we're trying to make it successful. it's great opportunity to get our brand out. >> and the focus is not just on gadgets and devices but also the questions that are often raised about the impact of technology on our lives. >> absolutely. the cover story featuring ll cool j. >> why ll cool j? that's a surprise. >> because he's cool. >> he's a fan. we talked to him a lot before. he's really excited about technology and he likes the magazine. he's somebody everybody knows. everybody likes ll cool j. he's great guy. >> and he's on cbs. >> what were you saying? >> he was talking about how techs shouldn't take over your
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lives. how techs can make you smatter. he said we don't know our phone number anymore. he said you use technology to enhance your life, not dumb it down. >> with battery. >> let's talk about some of the fun features inside the magazine. you talk about a battery that can extend the life. >> yeah. this is the kind of journalism we can bring. we look at the evolution of the battery. devices have gotten smaller. batteries have pretty much stayed the same for the past 20 years and it's an important part of your life. batteries control every device you use. we break it down. >> how do you extend the battery life? >> there's three simple things to do. number one, turn down the screen brightness. that sucks down the battery juice. keep them out of hot and cold. just like people, they get tired, overheated, they get cold and they need to recharge. so they have to start up a
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little bit. the last thing you can do is charge your battery down all the way at least once a month. you don't have to do it every single day. that's something we were all told a while back. now you just need to do it once a month. >> what are these new gadgets here? >> these are a couple of things that are example os the gift guide in the back. we've broken down holiday products, i thinks you might be shopping for. this is a little thing, the nomad charge key. it's a charges cable you can put on your key chain. usb, lightning adapter, mini usb, it's always with you. >> what about the camera? >> this is a little company that started on kickstarter. they make these really high-end lenses that snap opt your phone. you can get them for the iphone 6. >> we took that picture. it's like a fish aye. look how cute.
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>> they're great little good morning, everyone, i'm ukee washington search on for missing woman who may have been kidnapped. >> tells "eyewitness news", last seen around 9:40 last night whether forced into a dark colored car, on west colter street. police say the driver side window is broken, just in case you see it. work to go get better description of the car, and we'll bring you an update on the "cw philly" station if it comes in, in time. now there is just into us, fire marshall is investigating, a suspicious fire, at bucks county industrial park, chopper three brought it to you live earlier this morning. the fire destroyed several trucks, in the yard, just off collideway drive, over in bristol. "eyewitness news" has learned there were actually two separate fires burning in that yard.
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>> let's get your forecast with kate. >> i ukee it, will actually ends up being pleasant day for us here in the delaware vale, specking high pressure to continue to keep control. there is still a breeze, but no where near as winnie as yesterday. storm scan3, showing nothing more than couple of clouds, so basically just going to be looking at mostly sunny day, 58 degrees, the expected high far cry from yesterday's temperature. we take you down, west pretty seasonable for the standards this time of year, and we continue the warming trends by tuesday, 64, sunshine, not looking too bad. flirting with even 70 on wednesday. but, dow think you'll see a lot more clouds cover throughout with very weak cold front crossing through, that knocks the temperatures back, watching for some rain, as well, on thursday. ukee? >> katie, thanks so much. headed out the door and going to use 76, look out. there it is. we got disable vehicle westbound, approaching belmont avenue. and it has been moved to the shoulder, but there is still, as you can see, a loft traffic residual delays, another accident, to tell you, out on route 30 bypass, westbound past 340. that has cleared, and traffic as you can see is flowing
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normally. to the maps, an accident in royersford, lewis road at main street just a heads up. 495 in delaware, looking good. we do it again at 855. on the "cw philly". hope you can join us, morning, fami
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up this half hour, when athletes face sexual assault charges victims face huge odds. armin speaks with a woman who changed the course of life for others. and michael connelly, the best-selling author with 27 novels including "the lincoln lawyer" takes us inside "the burning room." >> can we say they're bonding. armin said he's read every one of his books. when they met in the greenroom,
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it was a bromance. >> right now it is time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the world. "time" says nina pham who recovered from ebola is back with her dog bentley. >> thank you, again, for taking care of bentley over the last 21 days. caring for him as if he was your own and showing america that compassion and love is abundant in life. >> pham reunited with bentley. the spaniel spent 21 days in quarantine. domino's pizza in australia is letting customers design pizzas. so far it's called mega meat lovers. boy, is that well named. it's got bacon, beef, chicken, ham, pepperoni, pulled pork, and ham. then they take you to the hospital. one user earned more than $27,000 trying.
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>> i'm sorry. that comes with too much meat. >> does it come with a lipitor? >> too much, too much. britain's "guardian" looks at a robot that looks like a real bird. it allows scientists to get close to the animals to scan their real behavior. >> that's so cute. and "business insider" says a young woman used crowd funding to pay for an expensive uber line. that's a car service. it cost $362.57. it was so much it left her unable to pay for rent. she went online for help and people donated more than $500 in less than 12 hours. she knows the mistake was hers and she took down the campaign because of the negative attention. in a new 60 minutes "vanity fair" poll, only 19% agree that
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greed is good. jordan belford came on top from ""the wolf of wall street."" he's ahead of ebenezer scrooge, crew rill la devert, and the grinch. mike hogan is digital director of "vanity fair". good morning to you, michael hogan. >> that was a bit of a surprise that bankers and brokers didn't lead? >> it is until you see who headed this. they kind of profit off of the system. so i guess -- >> is that something they have in common. >> the poll finds that 80% believe that politicians are motivated by greed more than good. right before tomorrow's election. >> yeah. it's not a good sign about people's confidence in our
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nation's leaders. you see it in the president's poll and congress's polls. many thing it's just for the money. >> and 50% think that they're more likely to succeed than someone who is helpless. >> we had an interesting divide on this one. 53% of democrats and independent thought that greedy people succeeded more but republicans were more likely to thing that selfless people were successful. i don't know if it's self-image, but that's an interesting divide. >> you talk about celebrities selling their celebrity photos or wedding photos or baby photos. is that a business move or greedy? >> 59% think it's greedy. you and i talk about this. they may not understand that for a lot of celebrities it's to control -- or at least the celebrities say, control the
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access, reduce the number of paparazzi running around in the woods. >> they literally are hunted. i still think sarah jessica parker and matthew broderick did it best, we're coming out, take our picture, and then leave us alone. >> it's more about controlling the situation than cashing in. >> what do they thing about seeing a younger woman with an older man? >> it's no big deal. apparently 58%. 38% say she's interested in money, 53% say it's no big deal and 8% say he's her father and they're in love. >> next time they do the poll i'm going to tell them to add that question in. >> i wonder what the results would be. >> the poll asked people about their own greed. what did you find? >> well, you know, if you're at dinner and you find out someone else is going to pick up the tab, we asked them what would
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you do, would you order something more expensive, less expensive or order what you were going to order anyway? >> only 3% admitted to getting something more expensive. i have a feeling it rises in the actual fact when no one's looking over their shoulder but most people clearly think it's not a cool thing. >> if you win $5,000 at a blackjack table, what do you do? fold, split it and go for more or lay it all on the line? >> again, we have a question, it's unclear what people say they do as opposed to what they say they would do. only 3% say they would $5,000 on red. >> what would you do? you'd go for it. >> i would go for it. >> i would say a bird in the hand. i'm folding. i'm out of there. >> you're out of there. >> what would you do? >> i'm not a gambler, so i don't know. >> i'm folding. mike hogan, thanks.
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i didn't mean to holler that. mike hogan, thank you. >> thank you. >> the "60 minutes" poll can be found in the december magazine and online. for women in college the white house says the odds are one in five they will be sexually assaulted but it's often difficult for women to make the case. arm armin ka tay yin, she four football players assaulted her. good morning, armin. >> as we discovering it it involving everyone including prosecutor and police and former chief of police. if you could boil it down for me, the decision not to arrest and not prosecute the four players involved, why?
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>> lack of ability to show it was nonconsensual sex. >> that simple. >> that simple. >> her interview with two detectives obtained by cbs sports show that kelsey repeatedly used words like passed out and blacked out and said, quote, i don't want to, and pushed one attacker away but it was this part that killed the case. when she was asked if she thought it was to be consensual or nonconsensual, kelsey stated they would have likely believed it was consensual. she was so intoxicated. >> how you do overcome the victim's statement that they likely would have believed this was consensual? how would you overcome that? >> we were told that this particular part of that paragraph regarding your -- the consent issue, the police chief told us it was the dagger in the
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case. it was the aspect of it. looking back on it now, dwlou feel about it? >> it pisses me off a little bit. >> in what way? >> the fact that i was almost persuaded to say that because i have no idea they were thinking. i'm not a mind reader. i was literally thrown -- all these questions were thrown at me. i'm having to relive this two days later. two days later. tear fierksd i'm a nervous wreck, trying to keep myself together, not to cry, to be tough. >> reporter: when it comes to charges of sexual assault on campus, more often than not the case disintegrates around the flammable issue, alcohol and consent as it did in kelsey's case. today at least 86 universities and colleges have been or are under sexual assaults. congress is considering tough
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new laws relative to the reporting and investigating of sexual assault on campus. >> you say this is the most distudi important stories you've done. >> most disturbing and most important. >> because? >> because this is an epidemic on campus. when you see what kelsey went through, when you listen to the police, the prosecutors and you hear from her and then her mom, there's not a small weak moment along the entire way. >> we'll learn what happened to those four players that were accused. armin keteyian. thanks so much. you can watch his full report tomorrow night on "60 minutes sports" on showtime. michael connelly is in our toyota green room. he'll show us his new
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newspapers speak out. tom corbett has been something of a disaster. tom corbett cut spending on education by a billion dollars... it's time for a change. elect tom wolf, and you'll get the type of governor we haven't seen for a while... who looks out for average, hard-working pennsylvanians. it's wolf who has solid ideas for bringing in new business and for boosting the economy.
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tom wolf for governor, a fresh start for pennsylvania. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side.
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i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message. can run in high heels. must be a supermodel, right? you don't know "aarp." because aarp is making finding the career you love, no matter what your age, a real possibility. go to to check out life reimagined for tools, support, and connections. if you don't think "i've still got it" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp." find more surprising possibilities and get to know us at
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connelly's work. it is based only michael connelly's best-selling
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novemberle. his latest is "the burning room." it's the 19th in the bosch series. michael joins us at the table. welcome. >> thank you. >> harry bosch is your favorite character? >> i think so. he's the one i started out with. >> he's been good to you. >> yeah, yeah. there are still things i don't know about him that i still need to answer, so that's why i keep writing about him. >> but you've done 27 books in 22 years. how you do do that? >> i think because i started at a newspaper reporter and you get this work ethic where you're writing every day. there's no such thing as writer's block. can you imagine going to a newspaper editor and saying i don't have it today? you'd be going to the door. i keep hours, i write every day. >> and you like to write in the dark. >> what happened is my first two or three books i wrote while i was a newspaper reporter.
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i was wright them in the middle of the night and i got lucky and i got published. writers are superstitious, so if it works, don't change it. >> it would be interesting to know how many reporters who were writers turned into writers and novelists and if they made it and if they did, why they did. >> i had an on city gnat plan. i had journalism as a means to an end. i went into writing judges so i could get on the cream beat, crime beat and meet detectives. >> he had a game plan from the very beginning it sounds like. >> with game hope. you hope it will work out. you never know. >> but you've got a cool story. when you were 16, you got a crime and that sort of hooked you. >> yeah. i was a witness. i saw a guy running. it was late at night. i left work.
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i was a dishwasher. i saw him hide something in the hedge. when he went away, i went over to the hedge and pulled it out and it was a gun. >> and then it had your finger prints on it. >> it was wrapped around a shirt. i never held a gun in my life. i stuck it back in there and went home and woke my father. he said we're going to call the police. what happened is i watched the tail end of a shooting so i spent the night in a police station with very tough detectives, and i think that's where the whole idea came up. >> how did this bosch series on amazon happen? >> amazon probably sells the most books online in the world, so i had -- harry bosch was tied up in pair month studios for over a decade and when i got it back, somebody on the book side of amazon found out about it, told the studio side and it led to a lunch and amazon fame. i didn't have to take it to
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hollywood. i didn't have to pitch it. it was like a done deal. let's do something with this. it also appeals to me because personally that's how i watch a lot of tv. i stream it, binge it, record it. so i'm working in an area that i personally subscribe to. >> and you sort of picked this harry bosch character we're going to see. >> yeah. one thing that amazon said is we really onto want to do this if you're going to be involved. >> i was very involved. i threw out this name titus who is a character actor who i've seen a number of things and thought he could project inner demons who could talk about it. i have inner demons. it's all about what you're showing. they put him on the list and through a long list we ended up with titus.
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>> did matt mcconaughey come to you and talk about lincoln lawyer and tell you how he should get ready for the role? >> yeah. he saw the script. the script was very good and it was based on a book. most likely on a lot of research, so i need that stuff. he reached out to me and brought me into that project. i was on the periphery, the way most writers are dealt with in hollywood. the amazon thing is an exception. i came in, i introduced him to the lawyers who i research thad book with, and i think that helped him really nail that part. >> michael connelly, you consult with me about in in your writing but you concern me on the end of "the burning room." >> there's going go another boork.
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that's it on the day before
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including eggs, egg products, or to a prior dose of any flu vaccine. tell your doctor if you've had guillain-barré syndrome. side effects include pain, swelling and redness at the injection site; muscle aches, fatigue, headache and fever. other side effects may occur. if you have other symptoms or problems following vaccination, call your doctor immediately. vaccination may not protect everyone. so if you hopped around the clock, ask your health care provider about fluzone high-dose vaccine. fluzone high-dose vaccine. ryan costello went. in 2001, doctor manan trivedi joined the marines. trivedi served as a battlefield surgeon in iraq. costello served himself by voting to raise his own pay. and while trivedi cared for patients in pennsylvania, costello gave millions in government contracts to his campaign contributors -even as he cut funding for child abuse prevention. in congress, only trivedi will do what's right for you.
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i'm manan trivedi, and i approve this message. >> this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, i'm erika von tiehl. philadelphia police are searching for a missing woman, who police say may have been kidnapped. callisha last seen when forced into a vehicle last night on west colter street germantown. police say that vehicle has a broken drivers side window, and investigators are right now collecting clues from the neighborhood. but if you see free landsgator contact authorities immediately. the eagles won their game yesterday, but, lost the quarterback, nick foles went down with a shoulder injury, in the first quarter, and he'll get mri today. mark sanchez filled in for foles in yesterday's win over the texans in houston, and eagles also lost linebacker demeco ryans in the game. now that could impact the
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eagles defense, eagles play the call line a panthers week from tonight at the linc. >> all right, your forecast right now, katie, feeling like winter for the weekends, get back to fall please? >> we're working on it, going on uphill climb in the days ahead, exceed expectations or what we call the norm at least in terms of temperature, storm scan three showing few clouds rolling on through, might look out the window and see a loft clouds, little gray sky, but don't worry too much about. that will most of the day features sunshine, not quite as cold, and nor is it as winnie as yesterday. so, it definitely is just less harsh, but still, offer to chilly start, i highly advise heavier coat walking out the door. we are going to continue again on that little uphill climb. look by wednesday flirting with 70, but expect more clouds, and right now looking like we could get doused with rain, on thursday. erika? >> all right, hey, taking you to traffic. accident on i76 westbound, approaching gladwynn. well, i'm told that that is blocking the left lane, so use caution there, there we go. all right, want to go to camera two. traffic on the ben franklin bridge cleared up since the morning rush.
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so both sides you can see moving nicely right now. and, to our maps, car fire, in newark, delaware, south college avenue, route 896. at four seasons parkway. that is "eyewitness news" for now. talk philly is coming up at noon. have a great day!
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>> 3, 2, 1. >> camera ready. >> here's what's coming up today on the doctors. >> it sickens me to have to report a story like this. >> a doctor is accused of chemo-fraud. >> a popsicle can help you stick to your workout. >> t.. here's what's breaking in today's news in two. >> closer to a cure? how the stars are shows support in the fight against aids! >> there hen .isn't a family in world that has not been touched by the crisis of aids! ♪ ♪ doctor, doctor gimme the news ♪ can [ applause ] >> oh, wait, we are starting? >> what fitold that a popsicle can help you stick to your workout? á >> how about sharing that? >> here you go. i brought some for everyone. it'syou , i will reveal how in my doctor's prescription later inhe