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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  November 17, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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>> it means so much to a lot of people and really humbling that he choose toes come to philadelphia. >> reporter: tonight catholics of all ages share in the jubilation they are gearing up for a papal visit more than three decades in the making. in fact last time philadelphia was blessed with the papal visit it was pope john paul the second in 1979. good evening, i'm chris may. i'm jessica dean. we will have more on that but first... >> in weather we're talk about our storm system ram pink up. the rain is moving out but win is building in and we are talking about the coldest air that we have seen since last winter. fifty in philadelphia. but this is the line of arctic air that is progressing toward the south east, 40's and 30's to the north and west. state college 36. twenty in cleveland. that cold air is in moving our way. this is what we expect this evening, rain ending within the the next hour, areas of ponding on the area roads. temperatures falling to freezing. windy, conditions, 15 to 20 miles an hour wind with those wet leaves and the freezing temperatures, we will
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have some slick spots. come tomorrow morning, to the north and west of philadelphia, temperatures in the lower 20's, teens in the poconos, elsewhere, looking at temperatures in the 20's, with wind chills, in the teens. coming up we will talk about the sun returning, but record cold is going to be challenged, and we will be slow to warm as we head towards thanksgiving. more on that later in the broadcast. >> kathy, thanks very much. as weather turns colder be sure to check out our cold weather survival guide on cbs through will fine youthful health advice and links to help you deal with the cold. for months now, getting the pope to agree to come to philadelphia has been the goal and now that his attendance is confirmed, it is time to shift the focus on insuring pope francis first papal visit to the u.s. is a success. our pat ciarrocchi tells us it is a chance for philadelphia to shine on the world stage. >> the peep is coming to philadelphia. >> reporter: in the great hall of the philadelphia museum
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have of art, 200 catholic school students, cheered their approval, to a mission accomplished. the world meeting of families has its head liner: pope francis, on his first u.s. visit a as pope. the formal invitation came in march at the vatican when mayor michael nutter and governor tom corbett asked, first lady susan corbett revealed a secret. >> the will holy father answered our invitation by whispering three words in tom's ear: i will come. we were sworn to seek resize. >> reporter: confirmation came at 3:00 a.m., philadelphia time in, eye tall yan. >> reporter: philadelphia could welcome as many as 2 million people, for a papal mass, on the parkway, on the steps of the art museum. it would be the biggest event ever hosted here. >> we are deeply honored that pope francis, one the of the world's most transformative leaders is coming to the city of brotherly love, and
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sisterly affection. >> reporter: philadelphia archbishop chaput was in the vatican audience when the pope confirmed his visit here. in a statement from the vatican the archbishop says that it is the answer to the countless prayers of so many people, who have asked god to guide pope francis to philadelphia. we will welcome him joyfully with open arms and prayerful hearts. well, philadelphia a won't be the only stop on the pope's first u.s. visit, although, it is the only one confirmed with an invitation to the u.n., for its 70th anniversary, new york appears to be very likely and washington could also be included in the itinerary. we will know for sure in the spring, chris. >> exciting event, no doubt. pat ciarrocchi, thanks very much. >> philadelphia has lots of experience hosting big events, but that doesn't make this one routine. our investigative reporter walt hunter sat down with the police commissioner talking about his plans to keep everyone from the pope down
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safe. >> reporter: from the world series victory to parade to made in the america on the parkway, huge crowds are nothing new for philadelphia police planners. but the turnout for the papal visit may well be among the biggest yet. >> we expect huge crowds, certainly over a million people. >> reporter: in a one on one interview police commissioner charles ramsey explained had making hure that the pontiff is safe is the first priority. >> the obvious security concerns that you would have with anyone as high profile as the pope. >> reporter: since the last papal vice tonight 1979, police have new generations of tools to guide and control crowds, most importantly, social networking. >> we will keep it a real and updated through twitter, facebook. >> reporter: facing crowds enlarger than these police plan to create special access paths that will a allow them to get to anyone needing help. >> they will to have create shoot i'll call them for lack of a better word but little will small area that will be
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cordond off for emergency vehicles only. >> reporter: finally as he he shared full scope of the planning ahead the commissioner's voice reflect something else, felt by so many: the excitement of an anticipated once in a life time event. >> i happened to be a catholic so it has special meaning to me and it is just something that we're all looking forward to. >> reporter: the commissioner told me the planning which involves a network of federal agencies including the fbi and secret service actually began months ago when the possibility of a papal visit here was first announced. now, it will be moving into high gear as more specifics are learned about the pope's activities. live from the sat center, i'm walt hunter, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> awesome responsibility for philadelphia, walt, thank you. the pope is expected to arrive in our city friday, september 25th, and then the next day saturday the 26th, he will parities a pate in is what called the festival of
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families with prayer and music. and then the big day, sunday the 27th the papal mass, both of those events are expect to be held on the ben franklin parkway and, of course, the public is welcomed. as our coverage continues tonight i will sit down with father kevin gallagher, we will talk about the importance of the pope's visit to the region. the that is still ahead. you can always get the latest on cbs a social worker is fighting for her life after a brutal stabbing in camden. right now she remains on life support at cooper hospital, authorities say that the woman was stabbed 21 times, all over her body, by a client. this happened on the fourth floor of the child protection and permanency agency, this afternoon. caught on surveillance tape tonight a mother and her son are involved in the hit and run in camden county. we want to let you know before we show you this video that both of them are expect to be okay but this was the scene in woodlyn, watch as an suv plows
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over both of them, happening thursday night at maple and wood land avenue. police are now you looking for this car a new dark colored dodge durango that has pennsylvania tags and investigators believe it will have front end damage. an egg harbor city man charged with the murders of his girlfriend and her son makes his first court appearance. joseph palmer the the third showed no emotion in court as charges were read against him. he is charged with murder for allegedly stabbing his girlfriend michelle perhaps, and her seven year-old son gavin. police say he then set the home they shared on fire last week to try to cover up his tracks. another woman has come forward saying she was drugged and raped by bill cosby. the alleged incident happened 45 years ago. as "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt tells thrust has been a growing uproar over, allegations that costly assaulted several women in the past. >> reporter: known for his quick witt and comedy timing
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but once again bill cosby is facing rape allegations. he a roided topic sunday night in erie, pennsylvania and has yet to make a statement. it all started just a few weeks ago in fail a when comedian hanibul burris called cosby a rapist. igniting the past allegations. >> i was surprised to hear that it came up and, of course, get international legs. >> reporter: bruce castor is the former d.a. in montgomery county and cosby was on his radar in early 2005 after a temple university employee alleged that cosby raped her at his montgomery county home, in january of 2004. she notified authorities, a year later. >> i certainly thought that he probably did something that he shouldn't have and i was than the a fool. i knew if i arrested him i would be a are famous man. so i had a lot of incentive to want to go ahead. >> reporter: castor said the evidence just was not there. year it took the woman to tell him about it only helped cosby. >> had had she reported it in
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time, we could have check her blood or checked even hair and nails if it was weeks that had gone by to see if she had anything in her system that didn't belong there we could have done a check of the cosby house. >> reporter: temple employee settled the civil suit. castor stand by his decision not to file criminal charges. >> i'm disappoint that had we weren't able to go ahead but i'm convinced we made the right decision. >> reporter: era alleged rape victim barbara bowman said she was raped in the 1980's. she had been making tv round recently and "eyewitness news" sat down with her in 2006. >> he put his forearm under my neck and he tried to disrobe himself. i remember him playing around with his belt. >> reporter: bill cosby's attorneys have repeatedly denied any rape allegations. appearances on david letterman and queen latifah been canceled. in montgomery county, david spunt for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". can a 13 year-old girl have enough life experience
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toes write a memoirs? well, she does if she is mo'ne davis. coming up little league sensation tells a story that includes much more than just a appearing in the little league world series. also ahead we will continue our top story tonight, papal visit to philadelphia, i'll sit down with father kevin gallagher and shed light on just how important this visit is not only to catholics in philadelphia, but across the country. kathy? we have an eye on a storm, right now rain is moving out, the cold and wind is moving in, we're talking about bone chilling, so, pack the scarves, hats, even a thermal underwear. we will need it for a few days, we have an eye on the seven day coming up. eagles licking their wounds today after getting beat in lambeau. it turned into a high jump contest. aaron rodgers laughing and pointing to teammates. eddie laci playing a man among boys. we will hear from the coach coming up in sports.
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womaand the way it made me chronic feel,ipation, the discomfort, the bloating, the straining. i'd just felt this way for too long. so i finally talked to my doctor about my symptoms. i'd tried laxatives before. he prescribed amitiza (lubiprostone) for my chronic constipation. it works differently than laxatives. man: amitiza is clinically shown to help relieve common symptoms like bloating, abdominal discomfort, hard stools, and straining and help people with chronic constipation go more often. don't take amitiza, if you have a bowel blockage or severe diarrhea. tell your doctor, if your nausea or diarrhea, becomes severe, or if you experience chest tightness or shortness of breath. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. woman: amitiza helped me find relief from my chronic constipation. ask your doctor if amitiza is right for you.
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high was youngest a athlete on the cover of the sports illustrated. now mo'ne davis business to release a memoirs. it will be titled mo'ne davis, remember my name, her
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publisher says it will cover her success in baseball and what it is like to be in the national spotlight, at just 13 years old. it is expect to hit shelves next march. a papal visit, so long, a possibility, it is now a reality and not a moment too soon for faithful in philadelphia. today i a sat dune with father kevin gallagher to talk about the holy father's visit and what it means. >> what was your reaction. >> well, finally, we have heard, and speculatedd for so long and so many different times. wife heard he is coming and to know that it is official, pope francis will come to the united states and to come to philadelphia is so very exciting. >> reporter: what do you think it says about pope francis and his view of the world that he wants to make this trip to the united states and to philadelphia. >> it is the pastor of the universal church coming to visit his people in philadelphia. while it will take on a very prestigious visit, it is heads of the state, holy father as you said, only four popes
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visited our country, this will be the the fourth. so it is a way of showing that he is our pastor. he is present to us. >> reporter: what does this mean for the catholic church in philadelphia. >> i think it will bring us a tremendous boost in our living out the gospel. here in philadelphia our church has struggled. our church has been through a lot in the last 15 years and i think that this will assure us that he is there and he is with us and it will be a great boost in our moral. >> the effect that pope francis has brought people back to the church. just last christmas and easter we saw more people coming because they feel a connection. so i think that by his physical presence here, and in philadelphia a, it will be a way to connect people back to the the church. >> father kevin gallagher from saint dennis parish in havertown. stay tuned for "eyewitness
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news"'s continuing coverage of the pope's historic visit. well, the rain that has hung around forever, it is coming to an end tonight, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're out of the woods. it will get very, very cold tomorrow. very cold. >> live weather coverage, and meteorology justin drabick and kathy orr. we will start here with the mobile weather lab on south street, justin. >> good evening, yes, sir contact we are getting ready for a taste of some true arctic air coming in the forecast, starting overnight but enjoy it now. we're with the cbs-3 mobile weather lab on south street. it is not that bad. temperatures right around 50 degrees and the rain has ended. people are still out and about grabbing food and shopping. they are wearing coats and rain jackets. tomorrow at this time they will be wearing winter coats, the hat and the gloves. here's what to expect as we head through overnight hours. rain is done. still some streets are little
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bit wet but that wind will kick up tonight and drying out the street. expect skies to clear. turning windy, winds will go up to around ten to possibly up to 20 miles an hour overnight. there could be icy spots in some area, areas that don't dry out quick enough and also the wind chills that is the big story. they will be dropping down into the single digits and teens early tomorrow morning. i want to bring you back here live to the mobile weather lab and again, five to second degrees but i guarantee, this time tomorrow this will be 20 degrees colder and the wind will be kicking up. i want to show you what is ahead, this is a map showing jet stream. look the at how far south this jet stream goes to the deep south. that is arctic air that is spilling on in. it its gets cold. for rest of the forecast and how cold we will get we will send it back in the studio with kathy. our weather watchers are saying they can feel the cold coming already with this system. right now it is still 51 degrees though in
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philadelphia carolyn is telling us grab your gloves, scarves and hats the arctic blast is fast approaching. many people can feel it with former injuries. they can feel tonight their bones. this may be one of those cases. lets look at those rain amounts n burnville, only .7 inches of rain but compared that to an inch of rain in tuckerton, landenberg, inch in mount holly, hail reports. generally a inch of rain throughout the region. now we are looking at cold component of this storm system. the core of the storm is going to our north. if would you like to be a weather watcher we would love to feature you in our weather cast. be an eyewitness weather watcher by signing up at cbs on storm scan three the rain is moving off shore outside our studios. we are looking at the foggy conditions, still drizzle but most of it is moving away. by 7:00 o'clock, even these lingering showers will be moving east ward and see
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clearing skies to the west of harrisburg. temperatures are cold. fifty in philadelphia. colder to the north and west where we see that arctic air filtering. take a look at these numbers cleveland 20. chicago 14. minneapolis 15. it could always be worse. here's arctic front, the core of the storm going to the north and east of the region, behind it, arctic blast moving in. look at these blues and purples, denoting temperatures more like january, in the 30's. wind chills tomorrow will be only in the teens. core of the cold air sits over us wednesday morning when we will challenge record lows and then the cold begins to retreat on thursday, and then goes back to the north where it belongs. for tomorrow the high 32 degrees, colder then an average january day, temperatures 23 degrees below normal. it is not just air temperatures but the wind. it will feel like 15 in philadelphia with the wind chill. nineteen by afternoon. look at wednesday morning feeling like 12 in philadelphia, seven in the lehigh valley.
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wednesday afternoon wind chills in the 20's. overnight low temperature 29, during the day tomorrow we are talking about very cold conditions. freezing temperatures, gusting wind, tuesday, wind chills in the teens. on the exclusive eyewitness weather seven day forecast take a look we are looking at coldest air we have seen since last winter and then we will begin to warm it up looking better by beginning of next week. how are those roads vittoria do you see any problems out there. >> problems scattered all over the place kathy, good evening. if you are traveling on i-95, schuylkill expressway, vine street expressway seeing behind me we are still jammed. traveling east or westbound on the vine that would be your westbound side here approaching the schuylkill, heading down to i the five just as heavy. i-95 is slammed around the city going to and from give yourself more time. we have the suspension of the paoli thorndale line, down tree at devon station. definitely plan accordingly for that. two hours delays at the airport. stay tuned for cbs-3
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"eyewitness news" at 6:00. we will be right back. ♪ there's confidence... then there's trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. it's no wonder last year we sold over three million tires. and during the big tire event, get up to $140 in mail-in rebates on four select tires. ♪
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packers running back eddie laci marked his territory yesterday at lambeau and in one challenge him. aaron rodgers played even better. the eagles have the time and talent to close the gap. they could not keep pace with aaron rodgers yesterday. he missed one big throw, mark sanchez missed several. packers got touchdown from all three units a rare football hat trick performed last week by birds by carolina tennessee is next and then dallas. >> our guys know what to do. we have lost games before here. it business coming back and not letting the same guy beat you twice. you cannot feel sorry for yourself in this league. you can have big wins on one
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week and you have to play each week. folks, play your next opponent. that is what we're in the process of doing right now. >> i don't anticipate this affecting the way we will play next week. i think we will have a good preparation, work hard to correct all of the things that happened today. >> so now you want a nick foles update. chip kelly says he had has been cleared to work out, mostly aerobic activity. nick will be x-rayed again in three weeks to see if that color bone has healed. >> how will eagles respond to the packers defeat? find out sunday when they take on tennessee at 1:00 o'clock right here at cbs-3. we will be right back.
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we have to stop her, and i'm convinced she will do it
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again. >> i'm jim donovan three on your side first exposed a local woman accused of being a conn artist. >> she is, absolutely positively doing this to other people. >> she's wanted by police and, according to new victims, she's up to her same old scams. >> would i like to get my money and see her in jail. >> cbs-3 sound the alarm to prevent more people from being ripped off, a special investigation tonight at 11:00. thanks for watching "eyewitness news" at 6:00 we are back at ten on our sister station wpsg the cw philly and we're back here at 11:00. stay tuned for "cbs evening news" tonight. governor of missouri calls in the national guard as the grand jury gets closer on a decision on whether to indict the the office shore shot and killed michael brown. plus, superstars come to together in the fight against ebola. scott pelley reports. "cbs evening news" tonight from washington.
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>> pelley: tonight, a state of emergency in missouri. >> i believe that we will win. >> pelley: the governor actty interest rates a national guard as a grand jury decides whether to indict a white police officer in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man. vicente arenas on a new invasion of arctic air. temperatures plunge deep into the south, snow falls across the north. dr. jon lapook with major new study about heart health. how alternatives to statins can lower the risk of heart attack. and elaine quijano on an honor at the capitol for a teenager whose murder helped inspire the civil rights movement. >> what goes through your mind when you see that? >> it doesn't go through my mind. it goes through my heart. captioning sponsored by cbs


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