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tv   Face the Nation  CBS  January 4, 2015 10:30am-11:31am EST

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>> schieffer: i'm bob schieffer. today on "face the nation" the uneasy conversation about race as new congress. one of the new york police officers assassinated police officers is being laid to rest today. but a showdown is looming between new york cops and mayor bill de blasio over handling of the case. what happens next. we'll talk to new york's democratic senator, chuck schumer. will the anger against police in the black community spread? we'll talk to maryland democratic congressman elijah coupling. we'll get a republican take from former house speaker newt glick griffin. we'll explore the the over civil rights film "selma" with the head of the lbj presidential library, mark updegrove. and we'll check in with delaware
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senator chris coons just back from liberia with report on what is right and what's wrong why the effort to combat ebola. all-star panelist of analysts because this is "face the nation." captioning sponsored by cbs good morning thousands of police officers from all over the country are gathering for the funeral of win january liu one of the police officers associated two weeks ago in the wake of the fewer other over the deck of eric garner at the hands of the new york police department. one of those attending the funeral is new york's democratic senator charles schumer we spoke to him earlier. senator, as you and literally thousands of people from across the nation gather to honor officer liu hanging overall of it is this nasty situation that's developed between the mayor and new york police department.
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we now understand that arrests are down 66%, traffic citations down 90%. every category of arrest statistics show dramatic drop. what is going on here and is this reaching a crisis state? >> no, i don't think it is, bob. let me first say today is day honor officer l irku and his family and men and women of the police department. liu signifies the greatness of new york. poor immigrant, came from china worked really hard, very difficult job, volunteered -- he was volunteer police officer for three years before he became a police officer. and he like the other police officers, do the great job making new york the safest city of large cities in the country. now, as for the divide i think new yorkers agree, we need a very strong police department that continues to keep crime
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down and we need good community police relations. they started to talk to one another, both sides, that is going to continue. i don't think it's unreefable. if they continue talking i think we can solve this problem. >> schieffer: well, former mayor guiliani said on this broadcast last week that all this -- best step to resolve this would be first thing to mayor de blasio should apologize to the police. do you believe that's the way to do it? >> look, we're a few hours from officer liu's funeral i'm not going to get in to anything to take away from honoring him. >> schieffer: i take your point, senator schumer. this is a very serious situation, people around the country are watching for some action. you're the senator from new york. are you saying you're not going to take a position on this at all? >> no. i think that again, having talked to people on both sides, i think that the chasm is not
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unbridgeable at all. commissioner bratton has done a good job in los angeles in dealing with this issue well. he's dealing with the issue well here. and i think it can be solved. >> schieffer: all right. i'll let it go at that. let's talk about the new congress that is going to convene. we understand the first thing that republicans are going to do is pass the keystone pipeline legislation. the president hasn't said flatly that he's going to veto it but looks like it's headed that way. what do you see happening there? >> well, look, our republican colleagues say this is a jobs bill. but that's really not true at all. by most estimates it would create several thousand temporary construction jobs only 35 permanent jobs. compare that to the number of jobs created in the economy last month, 300,000. and so democrats are dubious at this.
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but we're going to introduce amendments to make it more of a jobs bill. we're going to introduce an amendment to say that the steel used in the pipeline should be made in america, creating american jobs. introduce amendment that says that the oil that is used in the pipeline should be used in america, imagine. building pipeline that ships canadian oil across america to be exported to other countries from texas. that makes no sense at all in terms of american working people's interests. we're going to say that the oil should stay here. and finally we're going to introduce an amendment to add clean energy jobs. if you do things for wind and solar energy you create tens of thousands of more jobs using clean energy. why create a very few jobs with the dirtiest of energy from tar sands when you can create tens of thousands more clean jobs using wind and solar. you know, our republican
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colleagues are doing what they always do. they're appeasing few special interests, in this case oil companies and pipeline companies not really doing what's good for the -- >> schieffer: let me -- in terms of creating jobs. i think bob in conclusion we will have enough votes to sustain a presidential veto. >> schieffer: so, even if these amendments pass you would still urge the president to veto this legislation? >> well, yes. i don't think -- these amendments will make it better but certainly not good enough at this point in time. i think there will be enough democratic votes to sustain the president's veto. >> schieffer: senator -- need much different energy policy. >> schieffer: thank you, sir. and we turn now to maryland congressman elijah cumming. senator schumer seemed reluctant
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to talk about this divide between the police and people in the black community but this is a very, very serious thing which i know that senator would agree with that part. but i'm going to ask you, do you see what's happening in new york, is that indicative of what the situation is around the country? do you see that spreading from new york? where do you see this going? because it is an extremely complicated and very difficult issue. >> let me first express my condolences to the liu family and grateful for all the policemen do for us all over the country. it is a national problem, no doubt about it. keep in mind that these protests, bob, took place all over, in every state. even in london. people are feeling as if they -- justice is not meted out the same way everywhere.
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they look at these police tactics and they look at situations where deadly force has been used. and they see african american men in particular dying. one survey ted that the 400 or so deaths from police officers with guns that 96% of them were white officers killing african americans. that's a problem. and so i think what we have to do, we have to tone it down a little bit. and try to create an atmosphere where police and community are working together to solve problems bring some solutions to these problems. keep in mind, cincinnati had major problems a few years ago. and they sat down, they worked with the community worked with police, able to come up with some good solutions.
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>> schieffer: i understand exactly what you're saying but the fact is police put their lives on the line. >> that's right. >> schieffer: how do you combine an appreciation of that with getting to the root of what you see and what i see as very real problems. >> no doubt about it. they have a dangerous job. i have policemen in my family. there's little room for error. but i think what we have to make folks realize, police realize, not us against them. in a community must realize it's not us against them. it's us working together. and so trust has to be established. three things we got to do. look at tracking, first of all to see how pervasive she's problems are. training to make sure that police are properly trained to address issues and may be issues where excessive force should not be used and then got to have
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accountability. all three of those things are so important. the police have to understand that they need to community and the community needs them. i practiced law for years, criminal law for years. i can tell you bob you're not going to solve crime without cooperation of the community. so we've got to show that it's a win-win situation. i say police and community it's not about moving to common ground. we've got to move to higher ground this has to be a win-win for everybody. >> schieffer: you have asked for congressional hearings, will that make a difference here? everybody is always investigating something do we need congressional hearings? >> i believe that we need -- we investigated the affordable care act in 3,000 hearings. we need to look at this. this is something that affects a very significant part of our population. we need to deal with this and we can deal with it but got to sit down and say, okay, we got to go
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in another direction, we've got to work together. right after i sent a letter asking the president to establish a task force, which he has now done asking them to look at idea of body cameras. he is endorsed that. we're seeing movement already, i along with chairman ranking member thompson and other ranking members have asked the speaker to pull together hearings, because speaker already said not a bad idea. i think it will be helpful. >> schieffer: i wish you the best on that. thank you very much. next up former speaker of the house and 2012 republican presidential candidate newt gingrich, he is also a cnn contributor, just want to get republican take on what we've been hearing and what we've been talking about this morning. >> first of all i think we do need criminal justice reform.
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seen people like rick perry in texas do it. the system doesn't work right. we have people locked up who shouldn't be. we tear apart communities that need young men to be able to go back home. we need serious hearings at the federal level. second has to be some recognition, this will probably get me in trouble, young people should be told when policeman tells you to to stop, stop. there's a dual requirement. first african american president, you have african american attorney general, six years their effort, we're some ways further apart. that's a tragic failure of leadership at the very top. you have the community has to respect the police. the police have to respect the community. and both have failed. >> schieffer: are you saying that this is the the fault of barack obama? >> i'm saying that the president uses language which is divisive. automatically jumps to conclusions about things he
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doesn't know. the attorney general clearly has given speeches that are divisive. i'm just suggesting to you just as tragic lost opportunity you would think that six years in to the first african american president there would be a sense in the community of us coming closer together. that hasn't happened. let me remind you the two people who have done the most to save african american lives in new york city were rudy guiliani and mike bloomberg. actually saved thousands of lives by focusing on crime in a very intelligent way candidly if chicago were to be as aggressive as new york you'd be saving hundreds of african american lives a year in chicago. >> schieffer: let me ask you about something going on here in washington this is the situation that's grown up around congressman steve, part of republican leadership in the house who turns out that what is it 12 years ago he made a speech
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to a white supremacy group some democrats saying he ought to leave. speaker boehner says he's standing with him. i don't think that this helps the republican case in any way what about congressman scalise. >> first of all i admire your professionalism. you went through that without breaking up. the president for years went to church who pastor said hateful things about americans. the president says he didn't hear any of them. we all gave him a pass. gave a great speech in philadelphia, we got it. he went to that church a long time. listened to reverend wright a long cases. bob bird who was majority leader who was clan leader. a justice who was a clan leader, they were democrats. so being in the clan was okay. fact is only african american member of the louisiana delegation, says that steve scalise does not have a racist bone in his body.
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the first republican african american woman has been extraordinarily helpful. he's deeply committed catholic who condemns hate organizations. gave a speech on taxes 12 years ago. now for a 12-year-old speech to be blown up in to a national story is frankly one more example of a one-sided view of reality. >> schieffer: what does this do -- let's just talk about pom particulars side of it. here you have -- coming up on the 2016 race. aren't republicans going to have to find some way to appeal to hispanics and african americans what is that way because i think you would agree right now if you just look at it it doesn't look like they're doing very much. >> steve scalise is the whip. if he helps organize the kind of hearings that is called for f. we see action on real things that affect real lives.
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but didn't you 12 years ago stupidly schedule a group. was endorsed by the biggest black newspaper. governor deal doubled his share of the african american vote. driven in part by criminal justice reform. senator corning carried latino vote in texas and gubernatorial candidate got 44%. in colorado, republican candidate tied democratic incumbent 48-48 with latinos. i believe we can have very different election in '16. i don't think demography is destined. but solving problems is going to do very well. >> schieffer: newt gingrich always good to have you. we'll be back in one minute to talk with the director of lyndon johnson presidential library, mark updegrove.
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>> schieffer: now and yet another complication in this story of racial conversation that is going on, we turn to the controversy over the "selma" followed martin luther king junior's efforts in the 1960s civil rights movement historians former staffers and friends say the movie is historically inaccurate, dead wrong. how it portrays johnson and his approach to the voting rights act. mark updegrove is director of the lbj presidential library and an author and joins us from austin. mr. updegrove, just tell me first of all what is it that this movie gets wrong in your eyes? >> well, let me first start by saying that i commend the policeman makers for taking on this subject which is so worthy.
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for the most part they do it quite responsibly. i hope it serves as a catalyst for others to learn more about the civil rights movement, which i believe to be the most consequential domestic movement of the 20th century. i think as they do they will learn about the very productive harmonious and ultimately very consequential partnership between dr. martin luther king and president lyndon baines johns son. you don't see how productive that was and came to bear on our getting voting rights in this country. >> schieffer: beyond saying it doesn't quite come across the film suggests that johnson was trying to slow down this whole thing that he was one of the impediments that martin luther king junior had to move aside. i have listened to the tapes of that era. i know some of the what johnson said to king and what sing said back to him.
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tell us a little bit about what your research shows? >> certainly. there's a conversation that anyone can listen to, it's taped telephone conversation between martin luther king and lyndon johnston took place january 15, 1965, largely ribbed kates johnson. what it shows his passion around voting rights. the two of them spur each other one more or less. and johnson says to martin luther king, you know, if you show the very worst of voting right oppression in the south and get it on tv, get it on the radio, get it in newspapers, there isn't fellow who drives a tractor who won't say that isn't right. that isn't fair. that's a direct quote from johnson. he said, if you do that, we can shove legislation through congress. it will be more significant even than civil rights act of 1964 which of course ended legal segregation in america. >> schieffer: mr. updegrove let me just play short portion
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of that tape because i think it underlines hearing you say it now let's listen to johnson and what he said. >> that i that one illustration get it on radio, get it on television get it on -- in the meetings, get every place you can. pretty soon the fellow didn't do anything but follow drive a tractor say that's not trite that's not fair. >> schieffer: when you listen to that tape it's hard to come away believing what this film suggests is johnson was trying to slow down this process. as i understand it, is he saying to king find some of the worst things you can focus attention on it and that will help me bring pressure on the congress to pass this. >> that's exactly what happened, bob. lyndon johnson realized he couldn't introduce the voting
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rights act so soon after passing the civil rights he had legislative wherewithal to know that that would not go through congress. he didn't have the power. he told martin luther king that i don't have the power to get this through. you need to help me find that power. and indeed that gave the campaign in selma gave lyndon johnson the mother impetus to introduce it. that fellow on the tractor, did conclude it was not right. there were basic injustices in america that should not stand. and reluctant congress ultimately passed the voting rights act after selma. selma was catalyst in making that happen. >> schieffer: what do you think happened here, mr. updegrove? i know that andy young who was a top aide to martin luther king junior, was part of this. he said the movie got that part dead wrong. yesterday clifford alexander one of johnson's top aide, an
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african american later secretary of the army he says they got it wrong. what happened here? >> well there's no litmus test for movies that based on history. there's no standard that says you got this wrong, you got to correct that. on your very air on cbs two mornings ago the great civil rights leader concluded that the movie needed a villain. and what better villain than president of the united states. unfortunately just doesn't ring true historically. >> schieffer: i want to thank you very much for joining us this morning. i'll be right back with personal thoughts about some good news in washington.
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good news i think i found some. the "wall street journal" reports that white house officials are telling journal reporters they are planning a strategy to work with congress to pass some significant trade corporate tax overhaul and infrastructure legislation. and the journal says, republicans seem to be interested. after a steady diet of bad news and partisan blather that ray of hope upset my digestion but sure enough that's what the article said. so what about all those unilateral actions the president's been taking that put republicans in such a it? here is a direct quote from white house spokesman. those disagreements should not interfere with many areas of bipartisan interest where we can work together. as if to herald a new age of miracle, some republicans seem ready to talk especially on trade. if that is so can filling
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potholes and popping up old bridges be far behind? i'm still not sure i believe any of it. but it is nice to think about and if it does prove true, remember you heard it here second. "wall street journal" got the scoop. back in a minute. push your enterprise and you can move the world. ♪ ♪ but to get from the old way to the new you'll need the right it infrastructure. from a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. and stay ready for everything that is still to come.
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>> schieffer: welcome back to "face the nation." delaware senator chris coons is top democratic on key congressional subcommittee on african affairs just back from liberia where where he went to assess u.s. efforts to ebola efforts. senator, i think everyone appreciate, is that you're doing what a subcommittee chairman ought to do that is go where most important thing foreign relations, could have gone to paris or rome you went to liberia because that's where couple of thousand -- trying to work with this ebola epidemic. just give me a debrief here what are we doing right on this, how is this thing going and anything we're doing wrong. >> first, great news. something about which all americans can be, should be
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proud. i went to visit our 2400 trips from the 101st airborne to see the work that they have done. they have done remarkable work, they and doctors and nurses of the cdc and uniform public health service turned the corner on the ebola epidemic. but i'm calling for a change in strategy by the pentagon. we can't declare mission accomplished withdraw too early here. we can bring home a thousand or more of these troops now. they are currently bored because they have accomplished of building new treatment units all over the country military testing labs all over the country and setting up a vital infrastructure. the raging epidemic that threatened the whole country in september is now down to a few embers scattered across this country. but we need a new strategy to adapt conditions on the ground. our troops should remain, some of them for the rest of the year, to help make sure that liberians can transition our emergency ebola treatment units in to community level health
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clinics and transition our hi-tech military mobile testing lab in to liberian-run local labs. so going forward this epidemic really is brought to an end in liberia. >> schieffer: i notice congress i guess in the last appropriation did authorize $5 billion to fight ebola. >> that's right. >> schieffer: are you saying we can spend less there and more in other places or how do you see this overall fight now? >> first, that money was half for making sure that we are safe here at home. for investing in vaccine development, for investing in making sure we have the equipment and the materials and training at our hospitals and our bordersnd our country to make sure we're save against any future flare up of ebola. but second, the money we are spending in liberia i'm saying we could spend more wisely. we could change our strategy and direction and i'll letter to the secretary of defense and briefing memo to the president both tomorrow to call for this
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change in strategy. we can spend this money more wisely and make sure we bet the job done. >> schieffer: you went at some risk, did you go through quarantine process? >> yes, i was -- i am being tested twice a day, i'm self monitoring, i'm checking my own temperature as long as you have no symptoms and no temperature you can't infect others i'm comfortable i'm fully complying with the cdc protocols. i also had very safe itinerary i didn't go in to any hospitals where there were ebola patients or wasn't directly in touch with any ebola patients. the real heroes are men and women, missionaries volunteers, our troops who have gone in and who have spent a lot of time caring for and supporting those who care for ebola victims. >> schieffer: thank you very much. i think americans appreciate what you have done here and we want to wish you the best on this. >> thank you. >> schieffer: we'll be right back with our panel.
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>> schieffer: we're back with all all-star panel, gwen ifill the pbs "newshour," david ignatious, columnist for "washington post" and joined by susan page, the washington bureau chief of "usa today" and dan balz the chief correspondent of "washington post" and i must say, the unofficial dean of the
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political press corps here in washington which means he is the oldest member. >> you got that right. >> schieffer: i want to talk to you about the "wall street journal" on friday, that the white house is suddenly -- they actually announced this that they're going to -- have new quote, strategy to work with congress on some things of mutual interest and journal finds republicans who say yeah, they think they are ready to talk. is this the new age of miracles here or is this just some first of the year talk. >> two things. one, it's news that people would think about working together. two, most people don't think it's actually going to happen. i think even when i heard on your program about keystone pipeline indicates that republicans are determined to pass it. and president is likely to veto it and senator schumer told you they had votes to sustain a veto that doesn't sound like
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cooperating. >> schieffer: do they have the votes? >> we'll have to see this debate play out. i think what the journal piece looks at one aspect of what i think a lot of people are anticipating that there are some areas where there is some mutual agreement between the white house and congressional republicans. there are also big areas of disagreement that the real question is, how do republicans try to balance those two needs. want to be productive, want to look like they're able to do some things, show they can govern at the same time they have constituency that wants certain things done, so the new leadership in the senate will have to balance that we'll see how speaker boehner handles it. >> schieffer: i would just say they may find votes to sustain a presidential veto but at this point i don't see that they have the votes to do that. >> they're all reading the polls. they know that at least going in to the session they have to sound like they're going to get along. have to talk about bipartisanship and agreement on trade and energy policies and
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issues where there are slivers of agreement then all fall apart later. for now this is what they have to offer. >> one thing i hear that there is a deal in the works well along to do two big confirmations quickly in the senate for new attorney general and new secretary of defense action. that will be a display. if that happens that would be a display of bipartisan cooperation we can get something done. give the president two key members of his cabinet. >> schieffer: david one of the things that i would guess is going to come up early on is this authorization to fight isis. and the president wants that he wants congress to give him the authorization, what exactly does that mean? we're supposedly fighting isis already. >> the president is operating under existing authorities and insists that that's legal. there's been a lot of division and disagreement within the white house and administration about whether it's wise to open this up to congressional debate.
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we saw what happened with the question of using military force in syria year and half ago how difficult that was. i think they will eek some broad enabling legislation and try to limit debate sharply. i think they probably have republican support for that approach. certainly john mccain the new key figures of the republican side do not want to limb the president's hand in dealing with isis. >> schieffer: is there any good news on iraq and syria. >> i think the only good news is that the advance of isis, explosion out of mosul and iraq that seems to be threatening baghdad has ended. isis is now being pushed back, it's controlling the areas where it has a lot of people. but even in anbar province the u.s. is moving in apache helicopter gun ships several thousand eventually u.s.
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military personnel to aid the sunnis in that area in gradually pushing back. i'd say the good news is -- bad news has ended we're now in period of beginning to prepare for a longer fight. >> schieffer: where do we see this whole situation evolving in cuba gwen? >> that's one of the things that they will are going to discuss they want to have a word. also iran. what is interesting with cuba issues watching what happens to republicans in florida who want to run for president. whether they can find some footing, some standing especially with new younger cuban-americans who don't feel as strongly about the castro regime as their parents may have. there for they are showing up to vote that is what barack obama is speaking to. >> schieffer: i hear republicans say that they're going to do everything they can they will not confirm new ambassador to cuba. obviously you'll have the
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florida republicans taking very hard line against this. but do you see this as issue that is changing -- i kind of think it is, quite frankly myself. but what do you think? >> yes, i think it is an issue that is changing. the republicans can refuse to confirm an ambassador for sure can refuse to lift the embargo. the steps that the president took to -- to the surprise of most of us demonstrate the power he has on this issue, the power of a president even if he's -- approval ratings below 50% he can do big things. i've been struck by the lack of fewer or over it when you get past the shores of miami-dade county. i think this is an issue that has changed, the steps will be impossible to reverse. >> schieffer: what do you think, dan? >> i agree. this is another example of a president who recognizes the limits he has dealing with congress and the ability he has at least to push issues forward.
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he's done it on climate change he's done it on immigration he's now done it on cuba. he is moving in a direction that they believe that the white house will be over time irreversible even if they can't get everything done that they want to try to do in the next two years. >> schieffer: you can understand the feelings of some of the florida republicans, they are the children of parents who had their businesses confiscate and all of that. but there is a large market down there, and the u.s. chamber of commerce, which is one of the backbones of finance for the republican party is saying, look, we need to get down there. >> a big opportunity for cuban-american business people, for u.s. business in general. would say one final thing about this issue of whether bipartisanship is back. president wants to make trade agreements part of his legacy he can't do that without republican votes. in that sense republican gains
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in mid term elections is good news in getting trade legislation passed. that is part of what i think the white house is saying. this is crucial to us, it's important to you. let's try to do this part together. >> schieffer: i think hanging overall of this is this continuing uneasy conversation about race in america. which seems to kind of come down and sort of have an impact on every issue no matter what it is. gwen, where does this go? >> i was rereading the chapter of my book that i wrote in 2009 when barack obama was being introduced. ed brooke said he -- so many things he wanted to accomplish before he was laid to rest he sent the president a copy of his book. the president sent him copy of his book. they basically said to each other, you know, you paved the way and, yes, i am proud of you
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for that. an amazing extreme between two firsts. but all these years later, i don't know i never thought that that would fix everything. so here we are still every burton we push gets people worked up whether it's a button about a policeman being shot, young black man being shot. a couple of months ago maybe last year during anniversary of brown versus board i talked to bob moses one of the organizers of the southern -- young protesters in the south he said, he's seen the movie about johnson, i asked him if he liked it well, we were never in the room at the same time. he took issue with the historical accuracy of this play. this movie "selma" being attacked because lack of historical accuracy about the
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portion. i've seen the movie, i've talked to the doctor for, talked to people involved set up to tell a different story -- >> schieffer: explain this to me since you talked to the director do they think it of not good enough story that they had to change history because clearly they did. >> did they think that as a play all the way to change his terry people were burning to change history. this play, part about being johnson's idea that selma -- even though he did say those words we heard on the tape there have been years of planning to use selma as place for exactly that protest. yes, movies are selective. yes, they're not documentaries. but it doesn't mean that the movie itself in larger story it tells is not valuable. >> schieffer: i wouldn't disagree with that. but does it not hurt because so many young people, only history they know is what they see in the movies sometimes or what they see on television. and i worry about the danger of sort of misinforming people.
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this is a wonderful story. it's a great story. i didn't see that they needed to make it better in order to make it a good movie. make the story a better story that's the part -- >> schieffer: if you see the movie it's not really about that. it's not about making it better. tremendously powerful story that is told which has very little to do with the thought point involving johnson. >> frustrating thing about race, we heard it this morning on your show, such a sad day with officer liu being put to rest. but surely we can have a discussion about police tactics some police toward african americans, especially african american boys or men without attacking the police force recognizing the danger that police officers have and trust we put in them but also clearly something wrong in some places with the way the police behave toward black people. and we see that with the video of eric garner. the frustrating thing trying to have a discussion that
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recognizes both things contribution of police but also the need to have this discussion. >> schieffer: the irony we had first african american president and we're talking about our race relations better or worse than they were when they came to office. i don't know if they are or not. i certainly don't blame him for the situation that we have here. but it is interesting that that's a question we're talking about. >> the president did interview on npr before christmas he thinks actually relations are better today than they were when he came in to office. now, other people would probably dispute that. one of the interesting things to me about this we know from everything we've seen over many years that blacks and whites see these issues differently. one of the interesting things is now, white republicans and white democrats see these issues differently. when we went back looked at our most recent poll on some of these questions what was striking was not just gap between blacks and whites how
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differently bites who call themselves republicans or democrats take dramatically different view of this so there is now a partisan overlay on what has been a long racial discussion in america, which i think makes it even more difficult to get to resolution. >> i think one of the really poignant parts of barack obama's presidency is that our first african american president has also tried to be president for all of the country. that puts him in the middle on these incredibly difficult issues. he got attacked this morning by former speaker gingrich, gets criticized regularly from african americans say he isn't doing enough. other thing i was struck listening to the conversation, you wouldn't know that community policing is one of the big success stories in america listening to this discussion. the lapd which had a terrible problem doesn't have that
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problem now because it learned about community policing. somehow that's got to be i think practical lesson that people take out of this. let's make that work. >> schieffer: let's talk about -- we have only two years to talk about this. let's go to 2016. now sees leaving fox news, i assume he's going to run for president yet another republican. newt gingrich was saying going to have lot of runners but no front runners. how is does this sort itself out? >> we have front runner name is jeb bush. i don't think he's prohibitive front runner. but certainly talk about him because that's really what we do. i think there's a test for him, 12 years since he ran for office, needs to show that he's got his campaign legs back. we'll have slew of republicans,
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tea party nomination for the establishment nomination for the christian conservative nomination i say isn't that great. >> schieffer: what do you think, dan? >> i think what is interesting to me right now is some of what we might call old-timers are being the most aggressive. jeb bush. jeb bush has done more in the last few weeks to try to shape this race in his direction than we would have thought. we assumed he'd wait until after the new year probably some time in to january to give a signal instead he did it much earlier than that. as way of saying pay attention to me, i am serious about this. governor huckabee, what did he yesterday the same kind of thing. each of them has something they have to prove. susan says, jeb bush may be something of a front runner but as much to proof as anybody in the race. this is not a shapeless race but it's a very unpredictable race. >> schieffer: i thought it was interesting resigned from all his boards that he is a
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member of. >> anticipating the criticism which would come. not talking about this campaign now 2015 we're at the starting. >> schieffer: what i loved is "the new yorker" in a parody said that he had also announced he was resigning as george w. bush's son. i'm guessing that mitt romney is not going to run. i was convinced myself that he was really thinking seriously about doing it. i know he was talking to his friends. my guess is with bush in the race, romney will not be in the race. >> i think he was interested in running. >> he was surprise almost that he was interested. i think that door -- >> have you ever met a presidential candidate whoever gave up thinking about it again? even if it's completely improbable. gets in their blood. somewhere al gore is thinking about running. >> schieffer: george mcgovern told me that very thing. i asked him years after he ran
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in 1972 then of course did you ever not -- no, you never get over it. i think -- we haven't talked about on democratic side. hillary clinton and who else? >> talked about prohibitive front runner her name is hillary clinton. i think at this point even this far out she can decide not to run but going to be hard to take it away. >> that's part of the democrats problem lot of energy on the republican side, talking about bush and huckabee marco rubio rand paul long list of attractive candidates. on democratic side you have hillary clinton not yet announcing but taking up that space. then beyond her who? it's striking -- >> lightning strike caucus. >> people may be waiting for
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lightning to strike really interesting contrast. i think it should worry democrats that they're not -- there's not generation coming up if hillary clinton announced tomorrow she wasn't running who would step in? >> schieffer: i would say joe biden but i don't know who else. >> you would say joe biden. >> i would assume the vice president would run if she doesn't. there will somebody others. you mention governor o'malley probably going to run. although maybe not. >> schieffer: we'll have to find out who the others are later. we're out of time. thanks to all of you. we'll be right back.
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>> schieffer: that's it for us today. thank you for watching "face the nation." be sure to tune in to cbs this morning tomorrow, we'll see you next sunday right here on "face the nation."
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