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tv   Eyewitness News at 7am  CBS  February 8, 2015 7:00am-8:01am EST

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a frightening day at a pitberg area mall when gunfire breaks out. hear from stunned shop hours ran for cover. new from overnight giant power ball jackpot just keeps growing, we will tell you what the big prize stand at right now. and celebrating a major milestone philly sports legend and fill university coach herb magee gets his 1,000 win. it is exciting stuff. today is sunday february 8th good morning to you thanks so much for joining us. i'm nicole brewer. let's send it over to carol for more on wintry weather coming tomorrow, i hate to lead with that though, because to daze will be pretty nice. >> exactly, let's lead with temperatures close to 50 degrees today. we will not get ahead of ourselves for pete's sake. >> there you go. >> let's enjoy what we have right on our plate right now and that will be a lot milder then what we're normally seeing this time of the year. the center city, we do have some cloud this morning but i think you'll enjoy these temperatures close to
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50 degrees n southern delaware there is a chance you could see temperatures close to 60 degrees. the further north the the colder it will be. storm scan three the cloud are in place. there is a low pressure system near chicago that will be coming over here and it spread the precipitation, starting late tonight from north to south and depending on the temperatures that will let you know whether you will find snow through the poconos to maybe some freezing rain, sleet in the northern and western count toys rain in philadelphia as we go through the day tomorrow. thirty-four right now in philadelphia trenton and wilmington. that is right up and down the i-95 corridor. we have 34 in millville. thirty-seven wildwood. poconos have just dropped below the freezing mark at 31 degrees but day is mild compared to what we normally see. 48 degrees. could be higher if you are to the north could be lower. but still a pretty comfortable day to day. future weather, this is important now. we do see this computer model wanting to clear things out. not sure that is actually going to happen but i think
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tomorrow morning you will start to really watch for this precipitation and it could start overnight but it keeps it to the north and west to begin with tomorrow and that could be for a variety of wintry types of weather. by 1:00 in the afternoon as temperatures cool through philadelphia, does that rain transition over to a mix? it the might. we've got a lot to talk about with this system, this last latest system that we fine coming in on a monday, once again. so we will spell it all out just ahead nicole. >> carol, thank you. new this morning a home invation is under investigation in northeast philadelphia. police tell thaws one apartment was robbed around 2:30 at the brookshire terrace apartment in somerton. that suspect got away with cell phones and jewelry no one was injury. we have a crew on the scene and we will have more in the next hour. right now though police are looking for the gun man this morning who shot three people inside of the mall just outside of pittsburgh. that shooting happened around 8:30 inside macy's at
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monroeville mall. three people shot, two men and one woman. police believe it stemmed from a gang fight the and that man was the intended target. the other two victims were innocent bystanders. >> getting some popcorn, making a purchase and then shots rang out. people started to run. i just ran with the store employee to the back of the room. >> all of a sudden we heard people screaming and then next thing you see is a bunch of people teenagers scared to death, just exited in mass. i grabbed my children, my husband, we started screaming go go go. >> victims were rush to the hospital, one of of them in stable condition other two suffered life threatening injuries. the gun man remains on the loose. well, two shooting hoaxes are reported in one day in montgomery county. this morning police are trying to track down pranksters for calling 911 to file a false report. officers were called to the one hundred block of school
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street in bala cynwyd for a report of the shooting around 7:00 o'clock last night. earlier in the day another shooting was reported in the 600 block of lindy lane also in bala cynwyd. thirty lease determined both shootings were falsely reported. under pennsylvania law false reporting carries a penalty of up to two years in prison and a $5,000 fine. jordan's government continued their vow to wipe out isis. the claim comes as faith the faith of the american humanitarian worker kayla muhler remains unknown. as cbs the news correspondent wendy gilette reports the group claims muhler was killed by a jordanian air strike in syria. >> reporter: friend and family of the 26 year-old kayla muhler still don't know if she's alive. isis claims jordanian air strike hit this building in northern syria, and that the air worker from prescott, air zone ace buried beneath. jordan has launched a number on air strikes against isis in the strong hold of rocka after the group released a video showing militants burning to death a captured jordanian
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pilot but isis offered no further proof that muhler is dead. they also said no militant were killed in the bombing. jordan says the claim is propaganda, the u.s. defense department says the target was a known weapons storage compound and there is no indication that hostages were held there. muhler is the only known american hostage, still being held by isis. >> i am in solidarity with the syrian people. >> reporter: she came to syria to help in the humanitarian crisis and was taken hostage in 2013. >> one of those follow thanks looks for the got in everything. >> reporter: mule your's parents say they are hopeful that she's still alive. meanwhile the attacks against isis continued coalition aircraft conduct 11 air strikes in syria and 15 in iraq, on friday and saturday. wendy gilette for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". another candidate joins the democratic race for mayor of philadelphia. doug oliver announced his candidacy in germantown this
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weekend. >> a a fresh set of eyes can make all of the difference in the world. so when i look at the city of philadelphia, i think it is time for a fresh set of eyes, a different point of view. if we, as a city, want something other than what we have already got then we need to do something than what we have have always done. >> oliver is a former aid to mayor michael nutter and will run against former city councilman join kimy, former d.a., lynn abraham state senator anthony williams and nelson diaz. that is may 19th. you still have a chance to be a multi millionaire. some good news, right n1 hit the power ball last night so is there still time. the growing jackpot is up to 450 million-dollar. it is up to 450. that is enough, right. stores every where were pack with people buying tickets yesterday, and those ticket sales, helped grow that lottery. while no one won the the entire jackpot you could still be a winner of the small are prize so go ahead grab your tickets, good luck. here are winning numbers from
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last night's drawing. we have 34, 58, five, 21, ten, and the power ball number is, 33. again, those numbers, 34 58, five 21 ten, and the power ball is 33. good luck. philadelphia university legendary basketball coach herb magee reaches a big milestone. this is really exciting. coach magee earned his 1,000 win yesterday when rams beat the post university eagles 80 to 60. magee is officially first mens coach in division two and second mens coach in ncaa history to reach this monumental milestone. seven three-year old coach magee has been court side for the rams for 48 seasons. his entire career really has been at philadelphia university which by the the way is also ace alma matter. he led the team to the national championship and 27 ncaa tournament. "eyewitness news" reporter syma chowdhry will have a live report on the career win coming up in about 30 minutes. well, another
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accomplishment to celebrate on the court, this is becca brown, a junior at kings way regional high school. she got a chance to start for her varsity team in its annual coaches verse cancer game. becca was diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma one year ago. we spoke with her about the experience. >> the holy grace taught me to not take anything for granted and just be thankful for those that we have. it feels great just to know, that they were ones that helped me and we are just playing. >> such an inspiring well spoken young lady. last november doctors told becca the news she had been waiting to hear after months of radiation treatments, she was officially cancer free. loved that. happening today, it is last day to visit the the philadelphia auto show. doors opened up at 9:00 o'clock at the pennsylvania convention center. offeringers expected american 250,000 people to attend, that show runs until 8:00 o'clock. well, from cars to boats today is also the last day for
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atlantic city's boat show, a chance to think about the warmer days of summer amid this winter weather. doors opened up at 11:00 o'clock and it goes until 5:00 o'clock tonight. and it is 7:09. we are hearing from authorities about a crash involving olympian bruce jenner that left one person dead. we will have the latest on that. also ahead preparing for music's biggest night right here on cb. three, we will pre view the 57th annual grammy award and tell you some of the performers who you can expect to see it in. and another weekend another wintry mix, heading our way what else is new right? carol is tracking it for us when we come right back. trading-in or selling your car truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, book an appointment. and three, pick up a check at your nearest buying center. ♪ find out how much your car is worth ♪ ♪ at ♪
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discover the power of just one shower. new dove body wash with a breakthrough formula. just one shower gives you softer smoother skin. my skin is really silky smooth. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. i know what you're thinking, but this is new and improved i can't believe it's not butter! 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. made with a blend of delicious oils purified water, and just a pinch of salt. two, please. new and improved i can't believe it's not butter. it's time to believe.
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and nba anchorman brian williams will temporarily step away from his night thely newscast amid questions about his credibility. williams recent lay will guyed for falsely saying on the air that he was in a helicopter head by a grenade in iraq in 2003. in a message sent to staff williams says it has become painfully apparent to him that his actions have made him too much of a part of the news. and tmz reports atlanta police launched a criminal investigation into nick gordon, the boyfriend of bobbi kristina brown. brown, the the only child late whitney houston was found unresponse any of her tub last week. police are investigating specific injuries brown sustained. she remains in a medically
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induced coma. former olympian bruce jenner is involve in the car crash in malibu, california where one woman was kill. jenner was not hurt but seven others were -- did receive injuries. los angeles county sheriff's office says jenner rear ended the women's white lexus after it stopped in front of him pushing it into on coming traffic on the pacific coast highway. >> a third car which was an escalade, with a trailer behind it, towing a sand rail, bruce jenner's kara when it struck the lexus, the lexus went into on coming traffic which struck the southbound h2 hummer and the driver of the white lexus was pronounced dead at the scene. >> authorities say that jenner cooperated with investigators, passed a field sobriety test and voluntarily submitted a blood sample. it is 7:13. the grammy award are tonight right here on cbs-3 and with this years list of nominees it is a night music fans soon won't forget.
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cbs news correspondent susan marquez gives us a closer look the at what we can expect. >> ♪ >> reporter: grammy nominees iggy azalea and jennifer hudson are stirring up traffic at clive davis pregame i party. >> azalea says she would be honored to win any of her four nominations. >> a grammy is a grammy, right >> ♪ >> singer/song writer brandy clark is taking the grammy stage with dwight yoacum she's many in nateed for best new artist and country album. >> i'm the the under dog in my categories. would i rather be an under dog and surprise a few people then be expect to win. >> clark's competition includes superstar miranda lambert. >> i have been here representing country music. >> reporter: world will be watching grammy stage sunday nate and a stellar performance can make a career. >> ♪
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>> reporter: last year sam smith was seated in the way back just watching the show, now he is tied with the most nominations. >> it is just unhuman experience but it is unbelievable. i just can't put tonight word. i feel overwhelmed. i'm trying to concentrate not to trip on the stage. >> reporter: to top it off smith will perform live with mary j. blige. susan marquez cbs news, los angeles. once again, you can watch the grammys live on cbs-3 tonight at 8:00 o'clock. you can check out the other nominees at cbs it is 7:15 right now. let's check on the forecast carol. >> i have my skis on and they will be probably able to use them nicole, in the poconos even more then they are right now because there is a winter weather advisory there and you could pick up a couple more inches out of this next system arriving and ice as well cannot be ruled out. jack frost big boulder has that very definite wintry look to it.
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it looks that some people are very tired of. i will in the name them but somebody that you might be looking at right now. but 34 degrees in philadelphia is our temperature. thirty-four in trenton. thirty-four in wilmington. thirty-four in millville. thirty-one in the poconos. we are looking at some cloud over the area right now. i think we will probably hang on to most of these clouds to take and then just add to them overnight. winter weather advisory goes into effect at 6:00 in the poconos. it initial to effect about midnight through the lehigh valley and 6:00 a.m. to our immediate north and western suburbs. and it goes until tuesday morning, about 6:00 a.m. so just know that this front that is coming through here and the low pressure system starts to drag down some of this colder air, and then eventually it will work its way to the philadelphia area. we are not under that winter weather advisory in philadelphia or in new jersey, south jersey, or through delaware. but that is in the the to say that later on in the game, tomorrow afternoon, we will be at the colder eras it does
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come in. at this point we're not. cold front is sagging through. temperatures today mile. they could be close to 60 degrees through some sections of southern delaware, 50 degrees in philadelphia and in the northern areas, you will stay in the lower 40's, now, this low pressure system will ride along this, that creates a variety of wintry weather conditions and that will be starting overnight, and as we go through the day and, here's the time line, late tomorrow, and this morning in philadelphia, is rain, and to the north and west freezing rain and sleet so watch out for that as we go in the monday morning time period. that colder air comes farther south and we can find any of our rain transitioning over to light snow, sleet mix so just be careful in all areas of our viewing area let's time this all out computer models say, tonight, fine, so far. and then tomorrow morning and
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then again subject to change. it has been changing the timing on this a million times. it will probably continue to do so but latest read thaw have seen that icing up through the poconos tomorrow morning to start the day colder air coming in, any rain transitioning over to the possibility of the mix as we move through the afternoon. some rain to the south 4:00 p.m., we may still be dealing with that some snow to the north. then wrap around snow shower tomorrow night late, it is possible. so in philadelphia, for instance it is possible that the evening commute will be worse than the morning commute. areas north and west you may start were not a great morning commute. we will just to have watch the transition of this and changing temperatures. snow amounts completely unimpressive through our area maybe not even a inch, and little bit more to the north. ice, not hugely impressive but there could be some. just know that as we go through i-95 corridor and areas to the north that there could be some icing concerns and that is why that winter weather advisory is out there. not so much for the snow but possibility of foot travel.
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forty-eight, mostly cloudy to day, in the the bad. tonight 32 degrees. it starts to not get good as we watch the temperatures cropping, precipitation coming in, be careful, walking and driving, and bring those pets in out of a cold, wet day on monday, we have changing road conditions as temperatures, change and fall below freezing by monday night and ending maybe as some snow or even around here light amounts. tuesday is gone. wednesday, thursday they look okay at the this point. friday is bitterly cold with a high temperature of only 22 degrees. nicole. >> carol, thank you. it is 7:19. the let see how traffic is moving with ann evans in the cbs-3 traffic center hi, ann. >> traffic is moving pretty well nicole, this is schuylkill at vine expressway. schuylkill at the top, vine street expressway in the middle. these highways look quite peaceful, in the couple hours they have been very full. today is last day as i mentioned of the philadelphia auto show, last day to get there and this is one of the highways would you take and so
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far so good this morning. we are going to move the traffic cam to i-95, thinks north bound between cottman avenue and bridge street you will look to the right and see construction that the cones are set up and i-95 north bound there is construction between bridge street and cottman avenue. highway reduced to those three lanes. so far in delay. that is latest from the cbs-3 traffic center, i'm ann evans now nicole back to you. >> thanks very much ann. 7:20. carol answers your pet questions in this weeks ask the vet. >> a long back dog and a lot of dips in there, some can have have some problems. we will figure out how to handle a disk problem in the dog coming up with
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i saw a commercial that said you can save $500 by switching to progressive. that was me, mom. [ laugh ]
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i thought you said "that was me, mom." [ laughter ] time for ask the vet our friend doctor rose delim, animal wellness center in chad forward pennsylvania awe a holistic vet, a regular vet as well and you have brought a little patient of yours. who is this beauty. >> this eli and she hurt her back and ruptured a few desk. she came in for acupuncture treatment regularly and new she's doing fine. >> you cannot tell from the position that she's in. she has a back about that long. so, that is a real common problem with many dogs but especially with datsons. >> the long back, short legs, kind of almost predisposing them to having issues. i literally have had cases where the datson was crawling out from under the bed or jumping down from a couch to the ground, where they have
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hurt. just crawling out from under a chair should not be traumatic but sometimes it can be for these little guys. >> so with a dog like this or other dog with a long back and short legs is the goal just to keep them on a level playing surface at all times which is almost impossible, or just to watch for any kind of behavior problems after the pain hits. >> i would probably watch for behavior, the long the hanging neck, the hunched over neck and even sometimes with the collar on, moving the wrong way, they could hurt their neck. they might cry out. >> collars are not the best thing for a dog of any kind. >> harness is the best thing absolutely it dispersees the pressure. >> collar can hit certain spots. >> then they will choke, and as far as chiropractic adjustments go they could easily go out of alignment and need an adjustment. >> so if you put your dog in the harness and they have a gentle liter harness you have
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as much control as anything. >> i'm much more recommending harnesses then just the color. >> and general leader collar like a halter on a horse works really well. >> um-hmm, um-hmm. >> this time of the year, lot of salt on the ground a lot of salt on the ground. >> our animals are tracking it in the house after walks outside. how do you know it is off their feet. >> welshes best thing to do every time you come in is to wipe down their feet with warm water is fine or some aloe vera. is there a product out there called safe paws that does not cause irritation or inflammation, to the the paws and the skin because sometimes these regular salt products they can reach 175 degrees, very quickly. >> wow. >> very quickly. that with burn agitate their feet. >> as they would if they have 175-degree foot. >> exactly. >> you have a problem. is there a problem internally if they ingest this stuff. >> it could burn their mouth
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or tongue, for sure absolutely. >> other people will not wipe their feet off the second you get in the house. >> yes. >> doctor resides lima and el i, are you a beauty, thanks for being with us. if you have questions, e-mail them to me at carol erickson pet page on face back and we will see you next time. viewers, we need your help to find this sweet, small gray cat, she has white paws her name is little socks. she got lost in ridley township melmount park area february 4th and last seen haverford avenue. her owner is desperate ape they have looked every where. any information you have on socks can be put on my facebook page, carol erickson 's pet page. we need to get this girl back home. >> we do wow. such a sweet little cat there. 7:26 right now. philadelphia university coach herb magee celebrates his 1,000 win. we will have a live report on this major milestone coming up at 7:30. then we are ready for music's big night the with a
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look at within of the nominees for album of the year. we will look at bee april say's self titled album. carol says we could be in for a messy machine latest on wintry weather heading our way, we will be right back.
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only be yours. baileys coffee creamers. this is the one. today it is sunday february 8th, good morning to
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you, thanks so much for joining us. i'm nicole brewer. it is 7:30 right now. lets check that forecast with carol and some milder temperatures heading our way. >> it is above freezing right now. >> i love to hear that. >> that is a head line. it is a good one. it will get warmer today. we have another weather system, of course, coming in, because ii will be monday and apparently we have to have one every monday and we will, but for today not bad, ben franklin bridge a few clouds out there right now the sunnies trying to fight its way through some clouds at the shore. 37 degrees cape may courthouse at middletown ship high school but i think the clouds will have a field day with the sun today unfortunate thely but at least temperatures will be coming up. storm scan three showing those clouds out there and they may thin out for a time or two. otherwise we have temperatures right new mostly above freezing. not a lot above freezing but enough, 34 in philadelphia, trenton, wilmington. thirty-two allentown. thirty-one in the poconos is coolest spot out there right now. we have temperatures close to
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50 degrees and if you are in southern delaware you could be fining these temperatures, five to nine, 10 degrees warmer than that. so we might be finding readings getting close to 60 degrees through southern delaware to the north they will be cooler but still this is a milder day. future weather the the clouds are around, and then by tonight, we will start to see some precipitation and then first thing tomorrow morning this is the the latest look at computer models but again these computer models change all the time. even so look at philadelphia at 8:00 in the morning. it does bring in a brief mix otherwise some rain, mix depending on where you are and what the temperature profiles are throughout the the day maybe the evening commute will be a little bit more difficult then the morning commute depending on where you are and perhaps that is true philadelphia and points south but it is a difficult morning commute to the north, possible. and then this system gets out of here late on monday and then by tuesday we're left with just some cold weather. i will show you areas of the winter weather advisory. a number of counties are included in that and that is just ahead, nicole.
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>> carol, thank you. philadelphia university's herb magee gets his career 1,000 win. the coach is surely celebrating his milestone this morning. the the win came as the rams beat the post university eagles yesterday. "eyewitness news" reporter syma chowdhry is live outside philadelphia university with more on that story syma, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, nicole, herb magee i'm sure is celebrate nothing his mind but it is back to the drawing board this morning. now he has been coaching for about 48 seasons and if you do the the math that means at least 20 wins, each year which makes this remarkable feat even more amazing. the pressure was on for philadelphia university mens basketball team as they rally with toyed bring their coach herb magee his 1,000 win last night. it took him 48 seasons to hit that milestone with the rams winning 80-60 against post
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university's marking number 1,000. >> i never really thought about it, until just now. you know, 1,000 wins yeah that is a lot. >> reporter: the the seven three-year old coached saturday at the court that only holds about 1200 fans and a few rows of bleachers which sounded more like a larger stadium. >> his attitude toward winning is phenomenal. that is all he knows and all he instills this his players. >> reporter: magee's overall record is 1,000 wins to 398 losses. he has spent his entire adult life at philadelphia university, and either as a player assistant coach, or head coach, and there is no sign of stopping him anytime soon. >> when the the season is over it will mean something. i will be honest with you. the way i feel, ace told all you folks it is a relief. >> reporter: magee is the second ncaa mens basketball coach to reach this milestone. the duke university coach k hit 1,000 wins just a couple weeks ago. so like we said he may be
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celebrating this morning but it is a short celebration because it is back to the court, as the team will practice later on today. for the the rest of the season. the it is not over just yet, i'm live in east falls, syma chowdhry for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> syma, thank you. well residents in lower merion are invited to a community meeting billed as an open dialogue on race and policing. this picture taken two weeks ago sparked a debate about racial profiling. initially the two men were detained and accused of violating an ordinance on snow shoveling. police did not arrest the men and have since said they have act add pope eighthly. today's event begins at 3:00 at ardmore's palm center on ardmore avenue. a domestic dispute end deadly in georgia. a father kills four people, including his ex-wife and children, before turning the gun on himself. the gruesome discovery was made in a suburb about 20 miles there atlanta a. investigators say that the victims were laying in the street and some were found
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inside of the home. >> it is sad, tragic. >> i have been with the sheriff's office 38 years and i have never seen this many victims in one shooting in my 38 year career. >> two children are in the hospital being treated for their injuries. investigators are trying to determine the shooter's motive and piece together exactly what happened. a trial is set to begin for the suspect in delaware county's deadly medical center shooting. rich aard plots is charged with murder and other offenses. he has previously pleaded not guilt bye in court last month plots said he wanted to change his plea to guilty. the 49 year-old is accused of shooting and killing his caseworker teresa hunt and grazing his psychiatrist lee silver man last july. silver man returned fire wounding plots. authorities charged a driver with dui in connection with the crash on the roosevelt boulevard. three cars collided near fox street in nicetown yesterday morning. philadelphia police tell "eyewitness news" that the driver, who was charged with
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dui, also suffered a broken leg. the the the investigation continues, into the cause of this fast moving fire at philadelphia's frankford neighborhood. chopper three was overhead friday night at flames ripped through a one story building on the 1600 block of foulkerod. investigators say there were no injuries. so good news there. well, delaware has a new class of heroes ready to help keep our communities safe. nineteen new recruits officially graduated from the 38th fire academy in wilmington after completing a grueling 14 week training program. some of the department's top brass were also there to say a few word and thank them for their services. well, a member of the local scouts were subject of the special mass held by archdiocese of philadelphia. every year the church recognizes cub scouts and boy scouts for earning their religious emblems: afterward they were presented for medals for their achievement. congratulations to them. it is 7:36 right the now. all week long we have been
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showcasing the artists nominated for album of the year at tonight's grammy award. we will finish it off with a look at beast an say's self titled work, that is coming up next. also ahead a epic story of trash and treasure. a single mom goes dumpster diving to make some cash and makes an incredible find. but what she does with it shocks everybody. we will explain. also a live look at center city here it is february in philadelphia. that means we are watching more wintry weather heading our way. the it seems like every single weekend we have something to talk about and today is no different. carol's forecast is coming up next.
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tonight on "eyewitness news" after the grammys. >> well, i'm all about that base. megan trainer is a big star up for record and song of the year but just a few years ago she was in high school. >> ♪ >> tonight, see her before she was famous, we will get back to the school wherever one seemed to know megan was destine for the spotlight. then the power of vinyl, if you have have not heard where have you been? i'm chris may. coming up after the grammys we will show you why records are back and more popular than ever. all coming up later tonight. all this week we have been taking you inside grammy album of the year nominations and this morning we are highlighting beyonce, self title album from queen b herself. here's a closer look.
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>> ♪ >> you could talk about sort of baby, before beyonce and all year we were watching these little things like, out and then this fully formed thing just arrived with a video for every track on itunes at midnight. >> what surprised me most about that record is that creating an album that was such a challenge to put together she sounded like she was having fun. >> ♪ >> and 7/11 beyonce hanging out in a penthouse suite basically having the best time that she can have have on the road. >> this was a beyonce tour even though jay-z had co billing, jay-z talk about her being the michael jack son of our time. >> beyonce is closest thing we have to an iconic once in a
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generation star. she's the throw back entertainer. >> i think beyonce stand a good chance coming out on top with album of the year. it is an album that everyone seems to love. i think music industry, in general, lives in sort of fear and awe of beyonce in the the way she has been able to change the culture and direction of the music industry. >> so, will beyonce win album of the year? you can find out tonight, grammys are on at 8:00 right here on cbs-3. check out other nominees on our web site at cbs philly to the come. dozens of young lego builders gathered at the franklin institute to she off their designs. "eyewitness news" at build and create competition finally. competitors were judged by visitors, social media fans and a list of expert judges, including star wars characters. it was all part of the opening of the highly anticipated new exhibit, the the art of the brick.
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and hey just at the parkway rodan museum just open. new installation includes dozens of pieces not publicly displayed in years. the works now on view including the women in rodan's life and key sculptures in bronze marble and plaster. a utah woman hoping to make money off recyclable materials instead find thousands of dollars in precious gems. reporter cristina flores has they are story. >> i went dumpster diving. i look garbage. >> reporter: brook stewart, a inning will mom also realize on her garbage find to pay the bill. >> lie for recyclable metal like copper and stuff. in the same one i found a white emerald ring. >> reporter: two days ago while digging through this dumpster in mill creek. >> there was a paper that had look like this and it didn't have anything in it. then i found a couple more.
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>> reporter: she opened up the envelopes and hit the jackpot. >> i was like, yeah i call my friend right away and send my mom a text, mom i found some diamond. >> reporter: two brilliant diamonds. >> i am really broke, and i would have really even yesterday that much money. >> reporter: she deidentify todd call the appraiser of the diamond whose name was on the envelope. >> she wanted to meet with me to see if the appraisals were actually real. >> reporter: the appraiser check his record. >> i looked them up, on my computer system and i found that they were seven years old. >> reporter: he called the owner of the diamond. >> he said this is remarkable. >> reporter: but it was brook's actions that stunned everyone. >> i just looking at her and thinking what kind of person does this. she could have thrown away the appraisals gone to the pawn shop and got anywhere from four to $8,000 for these diamond but she chose not to.
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>> reporter: thanks to brook her trash turned out to be this man's treasure again. >> appreciate it, very much. thanks again. >> that is one honest woman. that was cristina flores reporting. the the owner of the diamond met brook at the spot where she found him. he also gave perfect a cash reward. that man says he believes the the jewelry with other items were stolen seven years ago. carol? and good for her for heronsty. our weather watchers are up and they are enjoying warmer temperatures that all of us are enjoying. we have a 31-degree temperature at the present time and we are finding that with robin. she has got a comment as she often does out of mount laurel with the increased humidity it actually feels warm. i think more than anything, robin that just speaks to how cold it is on most mornings that we think 31 is warm. 34 degrees and still, phil nails it when he tells us nice
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warm day before a yucky monday. that could be an official weather forecast. then we will head out to a 32-degree temperature. here we fine steve johnson making another right on comment n real change here other than 1 degree down. thirty-two beats 18, hand down absolutely. lets take a look. let's walk over ande if we can find any sunshine this is a look at atlantic city and the the the ocean and just a little bit of the sun that is able to survive some of these cloud, that really want to just obscure it. nobody puts the sun in the corner. except for the the cloud. you can see that is exactly what -- did i just watch that movie again? yeah, there we go dirty dancing. atlantic city, it has looked brighter. it has looked bright inner philadelphia palmyra cove nature park 32 degrees. light wind out of the east. we're not looking at much in the way of wind today that will make temperatures we get this afternoon feel much warmer which is good. thirty-four in philadelphia.
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thirty-four in trenton. 34 degrees in wilmington. we're going to be adding ten to 14 degrees to this temperature as we go through the the rest of the day in philadelphia so a mild day is setting up but also a cloudy one. the clouds are out there. occasionally you might see them thin out in a few spots but generally this is a cloudy day to day. then, of course, because it is monday and it is monday around here this year, we have to deal with another weather system and this would be comes in with a winter weather ad vicary, areas to the the north and west of philadelphia and it end for just about everybody, tuesday at 6:00 a.m. the the start time, they are different. in the poconos the winter weather advisory starts tonight at 6:00. the as we move south, through lehigh county at midnight and through our immediate northern and western suburbs it starts tomorrow at 6:00 a.m. that might be a little bit on the early side because some of the weather that is trickier, may be coming later on monday. so let's time it out and see exactly what this computer model say which is clearing
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skies tonight month. that be nice to see at 8:00 o'clock tonight? maybe. here's the bulk of this system that stays down from north to south. just expect to find temperatures changing north to south. we will start maybe tomorrow morning with that mix work some snow. you get some freezing rain in there. it is possible. by 2:00 p.m. in philadelphia. have we seen a transition from rain over to a mix. that is also possible. rain showers at the the shore some snow to the north. and then as we go to a couple of hours later we still are dealing with the mix of philadelphia for the evening commute. this is 5:00 p.m. with snow to the north. wrap up snow showers around midnight early tuesday morning before this gets out of here? that is the the way models are putting it at the the present time. just know late tonight some rain showers could be arriving, tomorrow freezing rain sleet north and west and then some rain to a wintry mix to maybe some snow in impressive snow totals, absolutely not. in philadelphia less than a inch. little bit more than that to the north and west. watch for the ice though because we could be finding that trenton maybe even in
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philadelphia, and points to the north as we go through the the day tomorrow. otherwise, today, almost 50 degrees in philadelphia warmer to the south, cooler to the north, and then tonight 32 degrees possibility of rain moving in, just start to watch it the as you take your first step and start driving and bring the pets in. it will be a wet the day tomorrow, with a wintry mix, depending on where you are, as the temperature change throughout the the day, the precipitation types will change and it could get more icy as we go through philadelphia. even later on in the day tomorrow. by tuesday, 38 degrees not a problem, wednesday not bad, but then look at friday, 22 degrees, sunshine but brutally cold that day. nicole. >> it takes quite a dip thank you. lets check with ann in the cbs-3 traffic center, hi, ann. >> we are looking at the schuylkill at spring garden street no problems on the schuylkill this morning through philadelphia or suburbs. looking to the right that is martin luther king drive that is opened for business like it usually is in the winter. a couple notes here traveling in west philadelphia today market street shut down
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between north 34th street and 38th street due to a road construction and market street is shut down on those points between north 34th street and 38th street and it is last day of the philadelphia auto show today n case you are heading there now is a good time to go before it gets too crowded. we will move traffic cam to i-95, our construction zone of the day northbound, between bridge street and cottman avenue. north bound lanes to the right of the screen. you can see construction cones set up. that roadway reduced to three lanes and there are delays on and off intermittent delays there we will move traffic cam one more time to the walt whitman bridge mid span nice pictures of the walt whitman today. if you are taking walt whitman n delays on the ben franklin. other areas bridges look okay. 4255 ac expressway and garden state expressway are doing just fine. that is the latest from the cbs-3 traffic center i'm ann evans, now nicole back to you. >> all right, thanks for the update, we appreciate it. still ahead on "eyewitness news", we will take you up, up and away in
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the hot air balloon ride as part of the annual tradition europe. as we get to break here's a look is what coming up tonight on cbs-3. stay with us.
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hey! guess what day it is?? >>hump day! hummmp daaay! it's hump day! >>yeah! >>hey mike! mike mike mike mike mike! >>mike mike mike mike mike. hey! he knows! hey! guess what day it is! hey! camel! guess what day it is! >>it's not even wednesday. let it go, phil. if you're a camel, you put up with this all the time. it's what you do. (sigh) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. ok...
7:53 am
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defeated post 80-60. the the hall of famer went to school at is what now philadelphia university and never left becoming head coach in 1967. he spoke after the the game about finally reaching the milestone. >> it has been a tough situation because the hype is there and have been is pulling for us, as a team but they are really pulling for me to get a thousand wins because they necessity how important it is. so it means a the lot. >> villanova getting another shot of georgetown after losing to them last month. georgetown on the miss then watch outlet pass by jevon pinkston. he looks lake a quarterback on this one. josh heart goes in and makes the basket. nova up by 12. nova plays great defense. darren hillyard goes coast to coast. he had 15 points on the game day. more great defense by know of, hillard yet another steel, goes coast to coast.
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he makes a tough basket. the gets fouled. georgetown no match for nova a 69-63 the final. the owls struggled in the first half but they had a monster second half. temple with numbers jesse morgan makes a basket. that will tie the the game at 54. then we have time winding down in the game. memphis with a big basket here by kendrick johnson, lay is it in. memphis will take a one point lead. back down the floor comes temple, wilkins sees josh brown for the jumper which is good. memphis will have one last chance and with that miss temple has a win 61-60. hornets visiting sixers. sixers won three in a row trying to make it four for the first time since march of 2013. they were without michael carter williams for a second straight game. we will pick up the the action in the second half sixers on the break, nerlens noel with the slam. he has a good night. twelve points. seven board. but thompson one of the hot
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hand for sixers on the night. he nails a three pointer. he had 18 points on the night. and they say this night will blank to robert covington. check him out. hitting the three right here. had five of them on the night. he led all scorers with 22 points. sixers win 89-81. so if winter weather has you down, check out this view from torey pines at farmers insurance open, just a beautiful view and right here beautiful shot. the the scenic third hole chad campbell with a shot of the day, and this will be a hole in one. and the tour that will wrap upright here on cbs-3 today. that is all for sports, i'm leslie van arsdal, have a great day. beautiful sight fills the skies over europe. thinks the annual winter balloon competition in poland, hot air balloon float add above the the snowy white country side offering views that could go on for miles. just incredible. more than 20 of poland's best hot air balloon teams took
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part in that festival. pretty cool stuff. and that is for "eyewitness news" at 7:00. a report you don't want to miss. meteorologist kate bilo with a bone chilling lesson in survival on the ice. also ahead a warning for shoppers, pickpockets, targeting customers at wegmans and other businessness south jersey. and mild right new but some winter weather is ahead for parts of the our area. carol has details ahead
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skippy!! yippee!! fun fun fun! shiny! you never listen! what? is someone talking? skippy!! yippee!! look a ride! (vo) made with the funnest peanuts ever! skippy. yippee!!
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new this morning a violent home invasion robbery police
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are on the look out for three people broke down the door of the home in the north east. a frightening day at a mall in pittsburgh, gunfire erupts and send shoppers running for cover. and former olympian bruce jenner is involve in the car crash what authorities are saying about the accident that left another driver dead. good morning to you it is sunday february 8th thanks so much for joining us, i'm nicole brewer at 8:00 o'clock. lets check with that forecast with carol. it will be miler once again. yesterday i was loving it. sun was up. pretty nice. >> you'll love it to the day too because temperatures will be several degrees warmer. we might not as much sky conditions but still with temperatures close to 50 and maybe more well to the south of philadelphia, we can take that. lets take a look outside and take a look outside at the present time through center city. as we move to the shore areas, clouds there too, sunnies struggling trying to help us out but not having too much luck there either. 36 degrees is the temperature


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