tv CBS This Morning CBS July 14, 2015 7:00am-9:01am EDT
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off 4:30 here on cbs-3. have a great day folks and ♪ this is a cbs news special report. i'm charlie rose in new york along with gayle king and jeff glor. we have expect president obama to speak at the white house momentarily. he will deliver a statement on the historic nuclear agreement reached in the morning with iran. diplomats meeting in vienna austria, announced the deal about two hours ago. >> this agreement is designed to stop iran from make ago -- making a nuclear weapon we for tes at least ten years and other nations will lift sanction on iran and those sanctions will return if iran breaks the agreement. >> bill plante is at the white house this morning as we await for the president to special'
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nancy cordes is get reaction on capitol hill but first to margaret brennan in vienna who is covering the final round of negotiations. margaret good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this deal was reached around 3:00 a.m. vienna time in private meetings between secretary of state john kerry and iran's top diplomats sharif. u.s. officials tell us iran has explicitly agreed nod to try to build a nuclear weapon war head. they will be on the ground to look into some of those facilities and they won't get automatic access to military installations but u.s. officials say they can get into suspicious ones. in exchange for all of this iran will get access to about $100 billion of its frozen assets and eventually will be able to sell oil into the international markets and open up its economy that has been so choked off the rest of the world from greece in years.
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of course none of this happens automatically. it will happen step-by-step as iran follows through what it has pledged to do here in vienna this morning. >> we go to bill plante who is at the white house. >> reporter: good morning. the sales job the president has been doing on this will only intensify. because he now has to sell it to congress. which has 60 days to approve or disapprove this agreement and a lot of skeptics there because they believe iran will cheat and don't believe iran can rely on to do what is says it will do in this. u.s. argues that inspectors will have full access to iran's nuclear program and its military operation which has to be monitored. >> there is the president coming up now. we will hear what he has to say about this historic deal.
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>> today after two years of negotiations the united states together with our international partners have achieved something that decades of animosity has not. a comprehensive long-term deal with iran that will prevent it from obtaining a nuclear weapon. this deal demonstrates that american diplomacy can bring about real and meaningful change change that makes our country and the world safer and more secure. this deal is also in line with a tradition of american leadership. it's now more than 50 years since president kennedy stood before the american people and said let us never negotiate out of fear but let us never fear to negotiate. he was speaking then about the need for discussions between the united states and the soviet union which led to efforts to restrict the spread of nuclear weapons. in those days the risk was a catastrophic nuclear war between two superpawowers. in our time the risk is that nuclear weapons will spread to more and more countries,
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particularly in the middle east. the most volatile region in our world. today, because america negotiated from a position of strength and principle, we have stopped the spread of nuclear weapons in this region. because of this deal the international community will be able to verify that the islamic republic of iran will not develop a nuclear weapon. this deal meets every single one of the bottom lines that we established when we achieved a framework earlier this spring. every pathway to a nuclear weapon is cut off, and the inspection and transparency regime necessary to verify that objective will be put in place. because of this deal iran will not produce the highly enriched uranium and plutonium that form the raw materials necessary for a nuclear bomb. because of this deal, iran will remove two-thirds of its
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installed centrifuges. the machines necessary to produce highly enriched uranium for a bomb and store them under constant international supervision. iran will not use its advanced centrifuges to produce enriched uranium no for the next decade and iran will get hid of 98% of its stockpile of enriched uranium. to put that in perspective, iran has a stockpile currently that could produce up to ten nuclear weapons. because of this deal that stockpile will be roofededuced to a fraction what is to produce a single weapon. this stockpile will last 15 years. because of this deal iran will modify the core of its reactor in iraq so that will not produce weapons grade plutonium and it has agreed to shift the spent fuel from the reactor out of the country for the lifetime of the reactor. for at least the next 15 years iran will not build any new heavy water reactors.
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because of this deal we will for the first time be in a position to verify all of these commitments. that means this deal is not built on trust. it is built on verification. inspectors will have 24/7 access to iran's key nuclear facilities. iran will have access to iran's entire nuclear supply chain, its uranium mines and mills, its conversion facilities, and its centrifuge manufacturing and storage facilities. this ensures that iran will not be able to divert materials from known facilities to covert ones. some of these transparency measures will be in place for 25 years. because of this deal inspectors will also be able to access any suspicious location. put simply the organization responsible for the inspections, the iaea will have access, where necessary, when necessary. that arrangement is permanent.
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@and the iaea will get access it needs to complete the process of military dimensions in iran's past nuclear research. finally, iran is permanently prohibited from pursuing a nuclear weapon under the nuclear nonlive radiation treaty and provided the bays for the national efforts to apply pressure on iran. as iran takes steps to implement this deal it will receive relief from the sanctions that we put in place because of iran's nuclear program. both america's own sanctions, and sanctions imposed by the united nations security council. this relief will be phased in. iran must complete key nuclear steps before it begins to receive new sanctions relief. and over the course of the next decade iran must abide by the deal before additional sanctions are lifted. including five years for restrictions related to arms and
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eight years for restrictions related to ballistic missiles. all of this will be memorialized and endorsed in a new united nations security council resolution. and if iran violates the deal all of these sanctions will snap back into place. so there is a very clear incentive for iran to follow through and there are very real consequences for a violation. that's the deal. it has the full backing of the international community. congress will now have an opportunity to review the details and my administration stands ready to provide stensive briefings on how this will move forward. as the american people and congress review the deal it will be important to consider the alternative. consider what happens in a world without this deal. without this deal there is no scenario where the world joins us in sanctioning iran until it completely dismantles its nuclear program. nothing we know about the
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iranian government suggests that it would capitulate under that effort and the world would not permanently put them in its place. we put sanctions in place to debt a diplomatic solution and what we have done. without this deal no agreed limitations for the iran nuclear program. iran could produce and operate and test more entra centrifuges and produce a plutonium for a bomb and we would not have the detections to allow us to monitor that program. no lasting restraints on iran's nuclear program. such a scenario would make it more likely that other countries in the region would feel compelled to pursue their own nuclear programs threatening a nuclear arms race in the most volatile region of the world. it would also present the united states with fewer and less
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effective options to prevent iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. i have been president and commander in chief for over six years now. time and again, i have faced decisions about whether or not to use military force. the gravest decision that any president has to make. many times, in multiple countries, i have decided to use force and i will never hesitate to do so when it it is in our national security interest. i strongly believe that our national security interest now depends upon preventing iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon which means that without a diplomatic resolution either i or a future u.s. president would face a decision about whether or not to allow iran to obtain a nuclear weapon or whether to use our military to stop it. put simply no deal means a greater chance of more war in the middle east.
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moreover we give nothing up by testing whether or not this problem can be solved peacefully. if in the worst case scenario iran violates the deal the same options that are available to me today will be available to any u.s. president in the future. and i have no doubt that 10 or 15 years from now the person who holds this office will be in a far stronger position with iran further away from a weapon and with the inspections and transparency that allow us to monitor the iranian program. for this reason i believe it would be irresponsible to walk away from this deal. but on such a tough issue, it is important that the american people and the representatives in congress get a full opportunity to review the deal. after all, the details matter. and we have had some finest nuclear scientists in the world working through those details.
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and we are dealing with a country, iran that has been a sworn adversary of the united states for over 35 years. so i welcome a robust debate in congress on this issue and i welcome scrutiny of the details of this agreement. but i will remind congress that you don't make deals like this with your friends. we negotiated arms control agreement with the soviet union and they made us safer and i'm confident this will meet the national security interest of the united states and our allies. so i will veto any legislation that prevents the successful implementation of this deal. we do not have to accept an inevitable spiral into conflict. and we certainly shouldn't seek it. and precisely because the stakes are so high this is not the time for politics or posturing. tough talk from washington does
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not solve problems. hard-nosed diplomacy, leadership that has united the world's major powers offers a more effective way to verify that iran is not pursuing a nuclear weapon. now, that doesn't mean that this deal will resolve all of our differences with iran. we share the concerns expressed by many of our friends in the middle east including israeli and the gulf states about iran's support for terrorism and its use of profits to destabilize the reason but that is precisely because we are taking this step because iran armed with a nuclear weapon would be far more destabilizing and far more to our friends in the world. meanwhile, we will maintain our owner sanctions for terrorism and its ballistic program and its human rights violations. we will continue our unprecedented efforts to strengthen israeli's security
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efforts that go beyond what any american administration has done before. and we will continue the work we began at camp david, to elevate our partnership with the gulf states to strengthen their capabilities to counter threats from iran or terrorist groups like isil. however, i believe that we must continue to test whether or not this region which is known so much suffering, so much bloodshed, can move in a different direction. time and again, i have made clear to the iranian people that we will always be open to engagement on the basis of mutual interests, and mutual respect. our differences are real. and the difficult history between our nations cannot be ignored. but it is possible to change. the path of violence and rigid ideology and to attack your neighbors or eradicate israeli
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is a dead-end and one of tolerance and peaceful resolution of conflict leads to more integration into the global economy more engagement with the international community. and the ability of the iranian people to prosper and thrive. this deal offers an opportunity to move in a new direction. we should seize it. we have come a long way to reach this point. decades of an iranian nuclear program, many years of sanctions and many years of intense negotiation. today, i want to thank the members of congress from both parties who helped us put in place the sanctions that have proven so effective, as well as the other countries who joined us in that effort. i want to thank our negotiating partners the united kingdom, france germany, russia china, as well as the european union, for our unity in this effort which showed that the world can do remarkable things when we
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share a vision of peacefully addressing conflicts. we showed what we can do when we do not split apart. foinel finally, i want to thank the negotiating team we had people working on this including our secretary of energy ernie monice and john kerry, our secretary of state, i want to thank who began his service to this country more than four decades ago when he put on our uniform and went off to war. he is now making this country safer through his commitment to strong principles of american diplomacy. history shows that america must lead not just with our might but our principles. it shows we are stronger not when we are alone but when we bring the world together. today's announcement marks one more chapter in this pursuit of a safer and more helpful, more hopeful world. thank you.
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god bless you. and god bless the united states of america. >> president obama at the white house with the vice president standing beside him, announcing this historic agreement. he talked about, number one, the elimination or the throwing down of their nuclear capacity. he talks about the verification. he talks about the fact that the alternative would be unacceptable and that he will use force in the end, if all else fails. we go now to nancy cordes at capitol hill. >> reporter: good morning. well it is going to be an uphill sales job for this president because republican leaders have openly been saying that they hope that these negotiations fail. one gop lawmaker said just this morning, that the agreement lights a fuse for a nuclear arms race. many democrats have concerns as well and, simply put, opponents fear that a wealthier iran after the sanctions are lifted will become a stronger more dangerous iran despite some of the new restrictions on its
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nuclear program. a few months ago, congress voted to give itself the power to review this deal and then vote to approve it or disapprove it. so now lawmakers will have 60 days to take a look at what is in this deal and to question secretary kerry and other negotiators and the president and other administration officials will have those 60 days to try to convince them this is the right thing to do. >> our coverage will continue throughout the day on our 24-hour digital network. for those of you in the east "cbs this morning" will begin in a moment. we will have complete wrap-up tonight on the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. this has been a cbs special report. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and jeff glor in new york. t there is lots of news still to come for you.
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phone. your local news is coming up good morning, i'm erika von tiehl. we want to get right over to katie watching some storms today. >> we certainly are, actually, new flood advisory to tell but, out there courtesy of just one pocket of heavy rain that's been rolling through a very localized area. let's start it off with a view of storm scan3 yes while not everyone is getting hit, you can tell some of the rainfall pockets have been very, very intense. we've actually got flashflood warnings, as well as flood advisory, to tell you becomes so we go around the region here starting things down across southwestern new jersey salem cumberland counties, both flashflood warning in effect as well as advisory then g up into basically the northwestern counties here, you have also got flood advisory in northwestern berks county for some heavy rain rolled through
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there. that's kind of the story today. scattered showers storms, more storms tomorrow, and then we clear it out by thursday, vittoria? >> all right, thank you, good morning, everyone, right now traveling on the majors, going to find rush hour, and a lot of area majors, are slick damp, so you want to take it ice, it is affecting your rush hour, we take a look at 95, northbound right at 452. definitely some volume there. be minds full that the lansdale-doylestown regional rail line is suspended it should resume by 9:00. so we continue to keep you updated,. >> torrey, thank you next update at 7:55, next on cbs this morning should major league baseball be responsible for fans who were injured during games. i'm erika von tiehl. hope you have a great morning.
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♪ because you know i'm all about that base ♪ >> now he gets on a little bigger role. >> so dodgers outfielder peterson rookie hit 14 runs and posing a challenge for cincinnati's hometown hero todd frazier. he needed 15 home runs in front of the crowd to win and he delivered. >> he needs one to win. >> bye-bye. >> there it is! >> the hometown hero! >> frazier beat peterson 15-14. his last home run traveled 410 feet. >> a long way. >> that is an oh, what a feeling moment. the crowd was pulling for him. nicely done. coming up in this half hour on "cbs this morning," the latest on the hunt for the
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escaped mexican drug king el chapo. we will ask a former dea insider about how to find him. 50 cent says he needs more money. the allegation over a sex claim has a question for one of the wealthiest hip-hop performers. the pentagon announced a plan to lift a ban on transgender people serving in the military. defense secretary ash carter ordered a six-month study to review policies. carter calls the current ban outdated. he says it distracts commandos from their core mission. "the new york times" says new york city has agreed to pay the family of eric garner 5 million dollars to resolve a wrongful death game. he died a year ago after police used a choke-hold on him. the incident was caught on video. garner was unarmed at the time and he is heard repeatedly saying, "i can't breathe." a federal probe is ongoing. the press enterprise says
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four california children who lost their mother in an ice cave collapse have now lost their father. the children's mom was killed this mom while visiting popular ice caves in washington state. on sunday their father was shot dead outside a bar. san bernardino police are searching for witnesses. the providence journal says the investigators cannot find the cause of an apparent explosion on a beach on saturday that threw a woman ten feet from her beach chair into rocks. she suffered two broken ribs. investigators cannot identify a man-made cause. scientists say a natural trigger such as methane gas buildup is improbable. our austin affiliate kiv says a police officer's heroic roadside rescue. his dashboard camera captures a woman falls in distress from her car after being pulled over. the officer performs the heimlich maneuver. she was choking on a chicken
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sandwich at the time and was choking. she begins breathing again. another interesting twist this morning. her father is an austin police detective. >> the prison where el chapo guzman escaped has been fired. mexican authorities are offering a million dollar reward for the drug pin's recapture. the u.s. warned mexico more than a year ago about an escaped plan. david gattis is the former regional director of the drug enforcement agency in mexico. good morning. >> good morning. >> do you think they will recapture him soon or will it be as it was last time more than a decade before they recapture him? >> right now he is seeking refuge. he will stay under as long as he possibly can until he is able to begin running his empire. i think as he is staying low profile, he'll be a little vulnerable and we might have an opportunity to capture him
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again, perhaps like was in the case with the beltran lava cartel. he could even be killed. >> tels usl us about the warning the mexicans may have received from the dea. >> i'm not sure precisely what that information is, but it would not be unusual for some information to come into the hands of dae and dea pass that with their mexican counterparts for accession. >> how do you stop a criminal who apparently has the money and the resources, and is working with -- in a prison system where he allegedly had inside help? how do you stop somebody like that from getting away? >> you know, gayle, this mishap is not the first one we have seen involving mexico drug operations. it is a setback but this one in particular is a big black eye to the mexican government. and to deal with someone who, number one has built-in propensity for escape number
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two, has the audacity to actually do it, and, number three, the very profound resources to make an escape because of the financial network behind him, i think they should have been looking much much closer at this situation, perhaps even kept him in a military compound where he was under surveillance for 24/7. in my opinion, this was a bit trivaled. >> should we assume that el chapo is back in control of the cartel or was he running the cartel while in prison? >> his people were tunnel digging specialist and he used a tunnel to escape. if he was able to do that inside the prison i'm certainly sure he was able to go ahead and continue his control of the empire from behind bars. >> a question of the timing why did he escape now? some argue that he feared extradition to the united states. >> no doubt. that is every foreign based
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trafficker's nightmare is to have to show up in a judicial district somewhere in the continental united states where they know they will have no opportunity to be released to be escaped, and their pentsed would be very severe. 25 to life and that is something that chapo wanted to avoid at every cost and the mexican government knew that. it's a bit disappointing he was put into the position for escape. >> i now through the shower when you heard that is how he got out, david, what did you think and how do you think this is going to end? >> i think he was choreographing this escape for quite sometime. to me it's appalling that he would have been placed in a location by himself, whether he was in a shower or not, in order to make that escape. i think he is probably going to
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either, one, go back in his organization, he'll be killed within his organization by competing cartels, or perhaps he'll be captured and killed by authorities. >> david gattis thank you very much. >> thank you. a 16-year-old girl is recovering this morning after surviving a plane crash and being rescued days later. autumn veatch was flying from with her step-grandparents. the plane crashed and she walked out of the woods two days later. john has more. >> reporter: autumn's father night and said his daughter told him the plane flew into clouds over washington state and then suddenly a mountain face appeared. the next thing she knew, the plane crashed and caught on fire. >> i guess the -- i don't know.
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i can't believe she went through all that she did. >> reporter: david veatch calls his daughter's survival a miracle. the 16-year-old said she hiked for two days through the rugged cascade mountains after surviving a plane crash on saturday. >> she watches a lot of survival shows with me. i can't get out and do a lot of stuff any more so i watch it on tv. survivor man should be very proud of her. >> reporter: veatch was on board this bonanza along with her step grandparents. the trio took off from kalispell, montana on way to lynden, washington. the flight disappeared after two hours near omack, washington. signals continued half an hour. autumn posted this to social media during the flight. two days later, she was picked up by a passing motorist near a
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hiking trail and driven about 30 miles to a general store. >> i think her main focus was to get help. >> reporter: employees at this store treated autumn and called 911. the store orrick laduke. >> considering the time she had been out and what had happened to her, she looked remarkably good. >> reporter: officials have been looking for the plane's wreckage and possible survivors since saturday. but rocky terrain and big forest and stormy weather have challenged search and rescue efforts. the status of autumn's step-grandparents is still unclear, although autumn's mother posted on facebook that they didn't make it. autumn's injuries are not life-threatening mostly scrapes and bruises. her father hopes she will be able to leave the hospital here and go home later today. jeff? >> john, thank you very much. 50 cent says he is down to his last dime. ahead why a bankruptcy being
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filed by the megastar and successful businessman is raising some eyebrows. if you're heading off to work this morning, set your dvr so you can watch "cbs this morning" any time. that is great american ballpark phome of the all-star game in cincinnati. we will be right back. ♪ if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me... and you're talking to a rheumatologist about a biologic this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira helping me reach for more. doctors have been prescribing humira for more than 10 years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contrubutes to ra symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers including lymphoma have happened, as have blood liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas
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♪ >> 50 cent is seeking bankruptcy protection this morning. the rapper and actor says he is buried up to 50 million in debt. in may forbes ranked him the 40th healthiest hip-hopper and anthony mason is here why some are reviewing his bankrupt filing with skepticism. >> days after losing a court case to a woman who accused him of violating her privacy. her lawyers now think the rapper is just trying to avoid paying up. ♪ >> reporter: business deals, not record sales, made 50 cent a very rich man.
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♪ >> reporter: now he says he is broke. but he told "entertainment tonight" he isn't worried. >> i have faith. so i know at some point you got to just relax and go through the process. >> reporter: last week 50 cent real name curtis jackson, was ordered to pay $5 million in damages for leaking a woman's sex tape online. her lawyer suspect he is using the bankruptcy to pressure her into settling for a smaller amount. ♪ i don't know what you heard about me ♪ but you can't get a dime out of me ♪ >> reporter: the accuser's attorney told "cbs this morning" that 50 cent quote, has treated her with complete and utter dizzy regard and disdain and it's continued between him and his lawyers. >> i think there is a perception in the music world this is more of like, a legal strategy rather than a real declaration that he is out of money.
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>> look at this. >> reporter: 50 cent filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy in connecticut where he owns a multimillion dollar mansion featured in an episode of mtv's "cribs." >> this is my favorite place for vitamin water here. >> reporter: an early investor in vitamin water, he made an estimated 60 to 100 million when the company was sold for more than $2 billion in 2007 ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: in recent year, music has become less of a focus as he has launched a men's underwear line, started a liquor label, and entered the headphone business. not every venture was a success. a rivaled company sued him for stealing their headphone designs and was awarded more than $17 million last year. his boxing promotion company also declared bankruptcy just two months ago. >> i think there is some sign he could have lost all of this
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money because he has made so much in recent years. >> reporter: 50 cent assets is worth $10 to $50 million. his attorney says the rapper's business ventures will not be affected by the bankruptcy. >> to be continued. hard to keep your face on straight. hunger got the best of a great white. we will show you after a toddler shark got into a little bit of
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age defy from clairol see that? jill's gobbling up our new bird's eye teriyaki broccoli. and look ben is going for more buffalo cauliflower. everybody's a veggie lover now. what do you think? mind blown. new bird's eye flavor full... so veggie good. my heart... beats 100,000 times a day sending oxygen to my muscles... again! so i can lift even the most demanding weights. take care of all your most important parts with centrum. now with our most vitamin d three ever. ♪ ♪ search for food left a great white shark beached on cape cod. witnesses say the 7 1/2 foot
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shark left the water to eat a seagull and became strand odd a sand bar. people gathered around the little guy and splashed water on it to keep it alive. the experts put the great white shark back in the ocean and described it as a toddler shark that just lost its way. i love it too but the baby is okay. >> the other woman in the presidential race says she is ready to beat hillary clinton. former ceo carly fee fiorina will be in studio 57 ahead. or a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. some people who took otezla saw 75% clearer skin after 4 months. and otezla's prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. otezla may increase the risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop.
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blood morning, i'm erika von tiehl. want to head right over to katie because these storms are really affecting our day. good morning. >> absolutely are. not everyone is getting hit right now but if you are you are getting drenched by rain falling currently definitely slowed you down. specially a cross places like even salem, cumberland county on this three hour loop. see the damage has been done with the heavy rain that rolled through in the last few hours, but it dumped a quick to up 2 inches in that location so, you have actually got flashflood warning, posted until 10:00 a.m., in that spot. the general expectation is a scattered variety of showers and storms, but within those downpours which will slow you down and lead to ponding on area roadwaysment tomorrow the cold front that crosses through, so another round of heavier rain on the way vittoria?
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>> not looking forward to that, thank you so much, katie. good morning everyone, you will not be looking forward to rush hour because it is throughout in full swing if you are traveling on 95 southbound, out of the northeast, down through to the vine street expressway. every single lane will be lagging, if you are traveling on the schuylkill, that's another sore spot, westbound approaching city, out beyond gladwynn eastbound heading out of the area king of prussia, and then really making your way down through to the vine street expressway, also the lansdale-doylestown regional rail line still suspended it should be resume willing between 8:30 and 9:00 a.m. we'll let you know it does. >> thank you next update at 8: 25, coming up on cbs this morning, more on the 3 billion-mile john toy pluto. i'm erika von von tiehl.
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when we created the silverado rally edition we figured, why stop there? these four new silverado special editions are just the beginning. from the fastest growing full-size pickup brand of 2015 chevy silverado or, choose this silverado all star with a total value of eight thousand when you finance through select lenders. and find your bonus tag and get two thousand cash allowance on select silverado crew cabs in stock. ♪
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♪ ♪ it is tuesday, july 14th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." there is more real news ahead, including presidential candidate carly fiorina who is here in studio 57 right now. the only female republican in the race says she can win the nomination and beat hillary clinton. first, here is a look at today's eye today's "eye opener." >> the sales job that the president has been doing on this will only intensify because he now has to sell it to congress. >> every pathway to a nuclear weapon is cut off. and the inspection and transparency regime necessary to verify that objective will be put in place.
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now lawmakers will have 60 days to question secretary kerry and other negotiators. this mishap is not the first one we have seen but this one in particular is a big black eye to the mexican government. autumn's father came outside the hospital last night and said his daughter told him the planes flew into clouds over washington state and then a mountain face appeared suddenly. 50 cent declared bankrupt days after losing a court case to a woman who accused him of violating her privacy. after 17 hours of negotiations european leaders agreed to tentative deal to resolve the debt crisis in greece. 17 hours as greeks call that, a workweek. ♪ i'm charlie rose with gayle king and jeff glor by digital network cbsn.
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norah o'donnell is off. leaders of the united states and iran this morning are celebrating a historic nuclear agreement. iran's president says it begins a new chapter in its country's relations with the world. >> negotiators in vienna, austria, announced this deal this morning. margaret brennan is there to tell us what they agreed to. >> reporter: the deal was reached around 3:00 a.m. in a private meeting with kerry and sharif. we know iran that pledged not to build a nuclear warheld and freeze its nuclear development at least a decade and dis disassemble some of its nuclear cites. inspectors will be allowed on the ground to search facilities but won't get automatic access to all military sites, but u.s. officials are confident they can get access to at least some of the most suspicious ones. now all of this will come in exchange for sanctions relief. iran has about 100 billion dollars in frozen assets and
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that will be released overtime and iran will eventually begin to be able to sell oil into the international marketplace, be able to rejoin the global financial community, and that is the pressure that is really put a strangle-hold on iran's economy and drove it to the negotiating table in the belief of u.s. dimtsplomats. none of this happens automatically and relief over time and if iran does everything it has pledged to do here in vienna today. president obama says this morning the deal is good for u.s. national security and reduces the chance of a middle east war. >> today, because america negotiated from a position of strength and principle, we have stopped the spread of nuclear weapons in this region. because of this deal the international community will be able to verify the islamic
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republic of iran will not develop a nuclear weapon. >> the president welcomes upcoming debate in congress but he says he will veto any bill that tries to block the agreement. the republican presidential candidate carly fiorina said she would have walked away this week from the talks. she says it's time for a citizen leader to become president. the first woman to lead a top 50 company is also a u.s. senate candidate in california. carly fiorina is with us in studio 57 and welcome. >> thank you. great to be with you. >> the president announced a historic agreement and saying that it's much better than the alternative. and he will go about trying to to explain to congress about the aspects of this. >> yes. unfortunately, he says it makes a nuclear arms race less likely. our arab allies have said just the opposite. so has israeli. there is reason for suspicion here that is not partisan. you have a whole set of arab
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allies and saudi arabia israeli, we know don't agree on very much. >> why do they think it makes an arms race more likely? >> i think it is because iran has demonstrated bad behavior for 30 years. we know they have been trying to cheat on this deal. we know they have been funding proxies with a strategic objective of destabilizing the region. we know that when sanctions are lifted, they will have more money to fund those same proxies. we know that china and russia have not been negotiating on our side of the table because it has been in china and russia's interests to open iran's economy. so there is a lot of reason to be suspicious here. it would be different in iran was a good actor and had negotiated in good faith all this time but they haven't and we caved many times. >> the president said this is not about faith but verification and verification measures will prevent that and if in fact they do not work and if in fact, iran does not live up to
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the agreement, he is prepared to take action. >> yes. i think, unfortunately, as we know, iran has already cheated on sanctions and inspections regimes, thereso there is no real guarantee right now that they will play fair. >> that is the reason for the verification. >> yes it is but it's also a reason to be suspicion about what the verification agreements are. we know, for example, i think, based upon what we have already seen, that none of their military facilities are going to be open to any time anywhere inspections. so what are they do in those military facilities? we know already they have been looking for the import of icbm technology against the current sanctions regime which has not yet been lifted. we know russia has been helping them with that. so this is not a partner that has behaved in accordance with the agreements that they have been living under the last several years. the point is there is lots of reason to be suspicion here and lots of reason for congress to really look at this.
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look. i've never negotiated an iranian nuclear deal but i've negotiated a lot of high stakes deal and there are a couple of rules and every rule has been broken. if you want a good deal you have to walk away sometime. >> he also pointed out it has the backing of the international community. that must mean something about the strength of the deal. >> well, maybe. but as i said china and russia have never been on our side of the table with this. china and rusch have an interest in opening iran's economy and always have. they have been negotiating on iran's side of the table. the european union has negotiated, frankly, a number of weak deals. we have seen some of our european partners france most specifically, raise objections up until this point in time. and, again, i don't think -- i can remember sitting in a private meeting with netanyahu five years ago. five years ago in israeli. he was talking about the danger that iran represented to the region. and i don't think this is partisan on his part when he raises an alarm over and over and over about this deal and about iran as a player in the
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region. >> as you pointed out, you've negotiated many deals. i can remember many where you were the number one in the power list of women. certainly in the top five always. but now as we sit here with 15 republican presidential candidates, you were not in the top five yet, you feel you can beat hillary clinton. why? >> first, i think that the american people are tired of professional politicians. that's not just me feeling that on the campaign trail. there are many polls that say 80% of the american people think we now have a professional political clash of both parties that is more concerned with protection of its power, privilege and position than solving on problems and i agree with them and why i'm running. i think i can beat hillary clinton because i think i can communicate with the american people about why she is not trustworthy and does not have a track record of leadership areand her policies will be bad for the nation and a personification of the political class. to do the job realistically we
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need somebody who understands how the economy works and get it going geng and understand how the world works. i know more world leaders on the stage with the exception of hillary clinton. the government has become a giant bloated bureaucracy. i think i bring leadership and skills to the table. >> hillary clinton made yesterday her vision of a fairness economy to close the income gap and she said the defining economic challenge of our time is raising income so the vast majority of americans whose wages have remain virtually stagnant for 15 years as the cost of housing and child care and health care have soared. do you agree with her on that? on the objective? >> i certainly do agree we need to lift the middle class. what i find ironic about her speech. we know the health care act has made it more expensive.
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what is happening big government gets big business. we see it in banking and health care, we see it in the student loan business which the federal government nationalized. and, meanwhile the real engine of economic growth and job creation and innovation in this country is small businesses and family-owned businesses and community-based businesses are getting crushed. for the first time in u.s. history we are destroying more businesses than we are creating. the objective is right but her policy make the current situation worse. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> it's a long campaign until november. >> yes, it is. >> thank you for joining us. >> next november! >> yes, next november is right! after 55 years harper lee is changing how we see her classic book "to kill a mocking bird." but her friends say this is exactly how the author wants it.
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get the complete balanced nutrition of ensure. with nine grams of protein... and 26 vitamins and minerals. and now with... ...twice as much vitamin d ...which up to 90% of people don't get enough of. the sunshine vitamin! ensure. take life in. my opioid pain medication is slowing my insides to a crawl. millions of people are estimated to suffer from opioid-induced constipation, oic, caused by the opioids they use to manage chronic pain. oic is a different type of constipation. opioids block pain signals but they can also block activity in the bowel. i'm really struggling to find relief... ready to paint a different picture? yes! talk to your doctor about oic and prescription treatment options.
8:14 am
i can do that! the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus.
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♪ a crater is making history at this moment 3 billion miles from nerge. nasa's new horizon probe just flew by pluto. the journey to the farthest edge of your solar system took nearly a decade. nasa tweeted a technique peek of the dwarf plane and there it is. it was taken as the probe approached. michio kaku wrote in "wall street journal" that pluto probe just might save the earth. michio good morning. >> because pluto, in some sense, is and overgrown comet. if you put it closer to the
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earth it would sprout a tail like a dog. we believe it may have slammed into mexico 65 years and killing the dinosaurs and the dinosaurs did not have a space program. we think understanding pluto is to understand who we are and perhaps our future. >> or what could kill us all? >> that's right. pluto is way out there in a comet that we have not explored that. potentially dangerous and potentially planet-killing objects out there. >> what do we want to learn from pluto? why are we going? who is there? >> pluto is a time capsule. you're looking at our own solar system as it was 4 billion years ago. pluto hasn't changed in all of these billions of years. we have changed, but not pluto. it begins to tell us who we are and what we find out there is a lot of icebergs. a lot of comets. comets are potentially dangerous. they go in erratic owner bits.
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some of them come tumbling down into our intrasolar system and light up the sky and dazzle people who watch the skies but they are also potentially dangerous. >> one last question. we want to go to mars. when is it likely we will land on mars? >> well, 2030 president obama said the time to put people on mars. first have to take baby steps and first land on an asteroid to get our feet wet and perhaps then lunge on to mars. perhaps mid century a good shot at going at mars. >> thank you very much. water isn't the only resource hard to come by in california. we will show you what is driving up gas prices. nearly a dollar above the national average. that story is next on "cbs this morning." ♪ 20? introducing nutrient-dense purina one true instinct with real salmon and tuna and 30% protein. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one.
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i'm feeling lucky. today is the day. i knew it! (robot voice) activate probe. no way! three rye chips and a breadstick! happy anniversary dinner, darlin' can this much love be cleaned by a little bit of dawn ultra? oh yeah. one bottle has the grease cleaning power of two bottles of this bargain brand. a drop of dawn and grease is gone. you know the importance of heart health. you watch your diet, excercise... and may take an omega-3 supplement, such as fish oil. but when it comes to omega-3s, it's the epa and dha that really matter for heart health. not all omega-3 supplements are the same. introducing bayer pro ultra omega-3 from the heart health experts at bayer. with two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega-3 supplement. plus, it's the only brand with progel technology proven to reduce fish burps. new bayer pro ultra omega-3.
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♪ ♪ california drivers are feeling new pain at the pump these days. the average price of a gallon of regular gas jumped 28 cents in less than a week. fuel in california is nearly a dollar more than the national average. danielle nottingham looks at the reasons why. >> reporter: there is another drought plaguing california these days. gas supplies are running dry and driving prices up. >> i was in vegas last week and it's only $3.09 a gallon so why it's almost $5 a gallon here i don't know. >> reporter: many analysts agree the high prices are as a result
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of supplies at california's refineries but a sharp disagreement why those supplies are low. >> what we are looking at is a system where inventories have been kept really really low by four outline refineries that control 78% of the market. by keeping inventories low, they keep gas prices artificially high and, with it their profits are artificially high. >> reporter: the organization consumer watchdog sent a letter to the california attorney general monday with evidence it says confirms that oil refineries have been shipping gas to central and south america, instead of keeping it for california. >> that's happening at a time when our well is supposed to be dry. it's clearly gouging. it's clearly profiteering. >> reporter: or is it? aaa says one reason california has low gas supplies is a shortage of special ingredients needed to make its fuel. >> we use a specialized blend to reduce pollution.
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it can't be gotten from other states. >> reporter: another potential reason for the price spikes are disruptions at some of the state's refineries. one plant has been off line since february after an explosion. but consumer watchdog contends that's not enough to explain the state's explosive price increases. >> our crude costs are half of what they were last time gasoline was this high in price. so all that is really left is cha-chink cha-chink in the coffer of the oil refineries. >> reporter: while california gas prices are spiking higher prices in other states like michigan, illinois, and wisconsin, are actually on the decline. in indiana, drivers are paying 13 cents less per gallon than they were a week ago. for "cbs this morning," danielle nottingham, los angeles. black friday is more than four months away but this morning, medically dehopson shows us how amazon and walmart are already in a fierce battle. it's coming up after your local news.
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this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning i'm erika von tiehl. president obama will be in philadelphia today, he will address the naacp convention in center city. the president is expected to outline the unfair necessary of the criminal justice system highlight bipartisan ideas for reform. he'll also layout his ideas on improving the system the the president will also take part in democratic national committee round table while he's in town. now, have to deal with some storms just like the rest of us katie. >> thankfully storm scan3 at the moment starting to clear out at least little bit. doesn't mean that we're out of the woods for the day however, tracking warmfront with this three-hour loop. see how things have doctors a.m. i cannily changed over philadelphia over southwestern new jersey, heavy
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flashflooding throughout the course of the morning in a few local spots. a spot that really hasn't seen too much more than just a lot of clouds so far outside cape may courthouse, you have got the gray skies out middle of township high school in the live neighborhood network. but really anyone is fair game for another shower or even locally drenching thunderstorm here today. by tomorrow, tracking cold front, that ushers in, as well, few showers and/or maybe even some heavier rain or thunderstorm. and then, thursday, friday, look beautiful. we clear out drop the humidity, see the sun return, vittoria, over to you. >> good morning, everyone, right now we do have an accident on 422 in the eastbound direction and unfortunately, usually, at this time, eastbound on 422 already rush hour, so it is a double bubble with this accident out there, which is only allowing the shoulder to get by. you have major delays around the royersford area, then as you continue down toward 202 definitely want to give yourself more time there. ninety-five northbound, also a squeeze, approaching the vine beyond girard, that's remnants of earlier incident, then you have rush hour delays and of course southbound 95 and the
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♪ ♪ carli lloyd told me she hasn't kicked a soccer ball since last week's final. we said what a better way to get her back in the game and try to dunk me in this dunking tank. how do you feel about this carli? >> pretty confident, pretty confident. >> terrifying! >> some of these balls are -- >> don't blame the balls! don't be like tom brady! you think i'm all right. i think this segment is pretty good if i don't come in. >> third time is a charm. [ screaming ] >> third time is a charm. once again, he is a good sport. don't blame the ball! i love his line. he is so much fun. welcome back to "cbs this
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morning." this half hour, harper lee's newly published lawyer says more about attic french and the book resoles something about her. we will take a look at the author behind this new best seller. >> melanie hopson is in studio 57 to show us how you can benefit between a price war between amazon and walmart. that's hid. huffington post says the boy scouts of america is moving closer to allowing gay adults to serve as employees or volunteers. the national executive committee for the group unanimously approved lifting the ban on gay adults. a final vote is later this month emonth. politico says republican presidential candidates are supporting uber and allows candidates to link their brand with a car service that is very popular with the millennials. it also fits with the republican argument that big government
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stands in the way of innovation. >> uber is playing a big role in the presidential race. the week says you no longer need a ceremony to be married in british columbia. the new family relations act says couples who live together for at least two years have the same rights and responsibilities as couples who are married. such couples have a 50/50 split of such shared debts and assets. and how some songs get stuck in your head. ♪ >> researchers say that songs get stuck because of the shape of your brain. london's goldsmith university scanned the brains of 44 people and those with thicker brain regions associated with day dreaming and experienced more songs that you just can't shake off. taylor swift was here the other day. that is what she closed the song with. norah o'donnell went with her two girls and i saw it on her instagram. i bet with when she comes in
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this morning she will be singing "shake it off." >> logged in her brain. return of manhattan hinge is here in new york. this is when the sunset lines up with manhattan's street grid. it occurs twice a year for two days and sharing photos of the sun framed by skyscrapers has become a social media sensation. >> it is tonight again or was it just last night and the night before? >> i don't know. >> taylor swift? >> we are waiting. >> we are not talking about taylor any more? >> she is not done at all, gayle! >> it's incredible. incredible. i think it ended last nice unfortunate. "time" looks at jetblue's funny video of how customers are not to board a flight. >> hi. we are only boarding rows 20 and higher. >> what about now? >> you're sitting in row 14 so in a few minutes. >> i'll come back. >> that's great. thank you. hello, hi! >> we are not boarding as of
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yet. >> but that is my seat! >> no. >> hi, hi. >> the humorous etiquette lesson is boarding before your number is called. >> the video is a little cheesy but jetblue says the plane won't leave without you, we promise. i like jetblue because they have tvs. i like them very much. >> that has to be a good experience. >> yes it is! if you do say so yourself! hi melody! >> where were we? >> i'll read. the battle between amazon and walmart this morning is heating up. amazon will offer exclusive sales to subscribers to its private server and they are marking its 20th anniversary. walmart hopes to upstage amazon with a bargain of its own on wednesday. walmart ceo says, quote, we have
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had her some retailers are charging $100 to get access to a sale. we are standinging up for our customers and everyone else who sees no rhyme or reason for paying a premium to save. melody, what is going on with these two big boys? >> the gloves are off! unbelievable. you got the number one brick and mortar retailer in the world going after the number two online retailer in the world and they are not playing around. the good news the winner is the consumer. >> it seems like they are both acting like this. >> why does it matter? >> a lot of at stake. amazon is, obviously -- has dominated in online retail and many say they have eaten walmart's lunch in that regard because they came from nowhere to $90 million in sale. only $12 billion on online for walmart but growing faster than
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am sewn lately. walmart is the fifth largest online retailer despite the brick and mortar retailer. they want when you reach for the phone to order something. >> they have something based on this? >> they do. the one great thing we are seeing, i've talked about this omni channel. this blurring of the lines between online and brick and mortar where maybe you go in the store and it's not there and you order over your phone and it gets delivered to your home the same day. or you're online, you order. you go to the store to pick it up. they have got some advantages there. >> amazon is the second biggest. i assume alabobo is the biggest? >> but not in america. >> amazon says if you're not signed up for prime right now is where you have to get these for prime day you can sign up for a 30-day trial? >> right. if you're a prime customer who pays 99 dollars a year for free shipping among other things you will get deals starting at midnight tonight. if you're not a prime customer you get a prime membership
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prefor 30 days. walmart has a counter to that which bafs customers access to 2,000 items at significant discounts. >> there a lot of things that come with being a prime member. >> i know lots of prime members and they are very happy people. you're saying that the consumer benefits. what kind of sales are you thinking about tomorrow? >> well, they are saying -- walmart is saying they will have 2,000 items on sale and it will be everything from electronics, home baby toys. and they are saying if you sign up with their version of prime, they don't call it that in terms of free shipping, you'll pay $35 a year. it's unbelievable when you think about the scale of these businesses in terms of how many items will be available. for quite a while. >> here is one of the questions. i mean, walmart not hurting necessarily, right? >> no. >> 500 billion dollars last year in sales and e commerce numbers are up. even though way behind amazon.
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why are they going after amazon? >> they are number five in retail and number one in brick and mortar and they need to close that gap. they have a smart concern that more and more customers will be migrating online because of the convenience and bad weather. we all get caught more and more and be comfortable with online with things like a bad winter. they are saying we have to figure out a way to become top of mind. >> what about delivery which is a big deal for people? >> delivery is huge especially the free shipping. delivery is a big deal and something they are literally going toe-to-toe on. >> free and how fast it is? >> exactly right. >> should brick and mortar people be worried? i still like going into the stores. >> this will shock you. even though we hear so much about online online representses 7% of all retail sales. >> an amazing number. >> 7%. >> an amazing number. >> they still have a long way to go. >> two days in a row, mellody
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hobson. was it good for you? always prepared. >> doing my job. >> thank you. >> we have a special look this morning what is the most talked about book on stores shelves. >> harper lee wrote this novel years before writing "to kill a mocking bird." but it's just now coming out and those who know her best say, its timing couldn't be better. i'm michelle miller. the tale of
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♪ ♪ this morning, readers are getting first chance to pore over the second novel from the author of "to kill a mocking bird." "go set a watchman" is a stunning portrayal of a character we thought we also knew. michelle miller talked with several of the author's friends but it's mysterious origins. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. agents for harper lee allegedly discovered the watchman manuscript stapled to the back of a copy of her book "to kill a mocking bird." but "go set a watchman" was written first and in it a 13-year-old scout returns to alabama to confront a racist southern community. it's a very different story from mocking bird but those closest
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to lee say it may be the one she wanted to tell all along. >> there is always that moment in a life where you decide this is not my responsibility, but this is morally objectionable and i cannot sit here in silence. >> reporter: that moment no wayne flint was in september of 1963 when had the his downtown birmingham church four young black girls were killed by a fire. he had moved away from the south. >> i remember going home and telling my wife we would never come back to alabama that this was too much. >> reporter: then he read harper lee's book "to kill a mockingbird." >> i thought alabama is more complicated than what i thought. all of a sudden that was a black/white world was a much more glengsdimensional world. >> reporter: the new book up ends "to kill a mockingbird" of the saintly father. >> jim and take it home with ju
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and the possibility of moral certainty. >> son, i said go home. >> the south will break your heart. >> reporter: diane mcborder is an author and historian. what does this book say about harper, the person? >> well, it certainly says she was well ahead of her time. >> reporter: harper lee was born in monroeville, alabama. at 23 years old, she moved to new york with 1950 civil rights movement unfolding around area hen then she wrote "go set a watchman" set during the same times. >> son, there are some things you're not old enough to understand, just yet. >> reporter: in "watchman" readers meet a more complex the noble lawyer from "to kill a mockingbird" is now a rationalizing segregationist. >> it is totally realistic. >> he is breaking all of our
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hearts so we continue to look at these issues good versus evil but addicus was not evil. he was totally normal for his time. >> reporter: in 1957 publishers rejected watchman. >> so a lot of times we recognize things in ourselves by analogy and hindsight and it may well be this book would not be as nearly as powerful as "to kill a mockingbird" was. in that sense, maybe the editor was right. >> reporter: now 60 years later, harper lee is once again opening the book on race. "watchman "watchman" release is one month after a white man is accused of killing nine people in a black church. >> while we are patting ourselves on how much we change we are still doing the same thing. p. we do change but we don't learn anything. >> reporter: but then there are those that do. >> i came back with a vow that if i came back it was going to be change it not to conform to
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it. >> reporter: when wayne flint returned to alabama in 1965 he helped his black neighbors register to vote and started teaching "to kill a mockingbird." for you, knowledge was power? there is no question that knowledge was power. it was power from voting and power from education. >> reporter: flint also came close friends with harper lee and says he is confident she has written more books just waiting to be found. is there a sense of hope in this book? >> i can't imagine that in anything harper lee ever did, there is no sense of hope. that's just not harper lee. harper lee always believes that life is a lot more complicated than it seems, and that there is always the possibility of redemption and reconciliation. >> reporter: well, when announced last year that "go set a watchman" had been discovered there were rumors that harper lee may not have been mental fit enough to consent to its release, but now everyone we spoke to her friends and her
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colleagues, all of them told us that she was of sound mind and that she wanted this book published. >> what is the most interesting aspect of all this for you? >> reporter: the connection really between what happened then and the fact that she was turned down for the book by her editor and told put it back and go and -- >> for a younger time -- >> to a younger time and more innocent time. the fact it's being released 60 years later at a time you're seeing the fall of the confederate flag and you're seeing this come out. because everything they she talks about and everything we are dealing with right now is in this book. >> i thathate that anything changes about addicus french. >> it was much more delightful for me than "mockingbird." >> wow! >> for me. for me. >> thank you, michelle. taylor swift found some
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♪ ♪ this morning, taylor swift is shaken off a glitch at her concert last night. >> i would just be here forever. >> a malfunctioning extendible stage at nationals park in washington, d.c. left her stranded in the air but the singer joked she would be stuck on the platform forever unless she jumped down. fortunately, though, it never got to that point so she performed her next song from several feet above the stage. the problem was fixed within minutes and the show went on as planned. norah o'donnell area anne her kids got to see one of those. >> they were there last night. there are more shows if you'd
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like to go. >> that does it for when we created the silverado rally edition we figured, why stop there? these four new silverado special editions are just the beginning. from the fastest growing full-size pickup brand of 2015 chevy silverado or, choose this silverado all star with a total value of eight thousand when you finance through select lenders. and find your bonus tag and get two thousand cash allowance on select silverado crew cabs in stock. ♪
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good morning, i am area kay von tiehl. pope francis will be in philadelphia this september, and we're learning more now about getting around while he's in town. >> this monday septa will sell one day regional rail passes. those tickets will be $10 and there are a limited number. only 18 regional rail stations will be open that weekend that the pope's in town, and you will need one of those passes. you must buy the tickets on line, they go on sale monday at 9:00 a.m. right now, i want to check in with katie with our forecast, are the storms starting to break up? >> they have certainly down near the philadelphia region, erika, but still finding some heavier pockets of rain rolling through northern most counties namely up toward the pocono region, another flood advisory and the very localize the spot has in fact been issued will last until 12:30
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right over the pocono region, so carbon, monroe counties stuck in that again until 12:30 this afternoon, and meantime severe weather threat only marginal today. you're at worse really looking at some heavy downpours perhaps gusty wind, maybe lightning, but at this point we've already seen pretty nasty batch of showers thunderstorms, scattered granted, roll on through since early this morning. but we could still see few additional ones popping up throughout the day. tomorrow cold front bridges in another round of rain and storms and we clear it all out of here for the tail end of the work week, vittoria, over to you. >> thank you good morning everyone, rush hour, 95 southbound, behind me. as you make your way out of the northeast down through to the vine, every single lane is going to be slow. ninety-five is also delayed in delaware county going to and from the area of the commodore barry bridge. if you are traveling on the schuylkill expressway, another sore spot, westbound and eastbound, in the usual pockets, suspending southbound roosevelt and the vine street expressway going to and from the schuylkill. we also have still have the suspension or had the
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suspension of the lansdaledoylestown line, police activity there should be resuming any minute. so make sure you stay to up date, also on twitter we'll let you know when it is back in action, err dismay. >> thank you, that that's "eyewitness news" for now "eyewitness news" at noon coming up on cbs-3 i'm erika von
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>> a doctor's special report with brain injuries on the rise from contact sports parents and kids are turning to the faster owing youth activity in the world. >> and we have your exclusive look. >> it's an emotional day for us. plus botox. it gets rid of - gr- >> wrinkles headaches. >> can it cure depression? >> how did you respond to this. >> then, a trip to the e.r. without the wait? >> i can go online, make an appointment and be seen at the time of the appointment. >> now "the doctors." [cheers & applause] >> hurricanes earthquakes, forest fires, these disasters can destroy lives in an instant. kansas lawmakers are warning citizens to prepare for a catastrophe that we've only seen in horror
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