tv ET Entertainment Tonight CBS July 27, 2015 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT
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the death of bobbi kristina brown. we have the latest from here in atlanta with her grieving family. >> she's in much better hands now. >> her father, bobby, in mourning. plus, we have news on her autopsy and burial and a possible homicide investigation. >> the focus of attention now shifts back to nick gordon. then, cosby's sexual assault accusers. 35 women. >> bill, what did you give me? he said it's called a quaalude. shia labeouf in a fight with his girlfriend. we have exclusive video. >> i don't want to touch you. >> claims got a black eye. after a stranger face timing megan fox. plus, ben and jen back
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together and blake back on stage as we talk to miranda's best friend. >> i'm in touch every day with her and him. and john stamos out of rehab showing next show as we look at the unauthorized "full house" movie. >> more uncomfortable. >> the olsen twins to danny tanner. >> i say we hire a bunch of strippers and a pole right here. >> now "e.t." bringing you the latest on today's top stories. after nearly six months of lying unresponsive in a coma, bobbi kristina brown, the daughter of whitney houston and bobby brown died. "e.t." broke the story and kevin frazier is in atlanta at the medical examiner's office. >> nancy, i got the news yesterday. she's gone. her event triggered autopsy, funeral plans and the mounting death investigation. i visited with gary and pat houston today and a family source gave intimate details about krissy's past. >> she brings me a lot of joy.
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she brings both bobby and i a lot of joy. >> she will be missed. >> i still feel her everywhere. she's still around me. that's what keeps me comfortable, not knowing if my best friend, my everything is still with me. >> she's in much better hands now. >> the family today in mourning. bobby brown snapped after his final good-bye taking a break to eat. brown's attorney said, krissy fought to get well for months, however, she has come to her injuries. pat houston was consoled outside of the family's home and today, shared a hug with family friend tyler perry helping with the funeral proceeding. according to a source, krissy's funeral tentatively set for thursday and will be held here in the atlanta area. it will be a celebration of sorts. the sweet sixteen or the prom
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she never had a chance to attend and after the funeral, her body will be flown from new jersey where she'll be laid to rest next to her mother. today, we're learning more about her autopsy. the initial portion completed today. it doesn't show an obvious underlying cause of death and no significant injuries were noted. the medical examiner mentioned earlier, quote, the time which is elapsed between the initial event on january 31st and her resulting death will complicate reconstruction of the event surrounding her initial unresponsiveness. >> i believe this autopsy is really not going to contribute anything. the findings are going to be those of someone who has been on life-support for six months. what will be relevant will be the findings that the hospital made when she was admitted. what drugs, if any, did they find?
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what were the quantities? >> now the death investigation. >> if drugs are found in bobbi kristina's blood, what it's going to do is complicate this investigation. >> there's a lot of speculation that the focus could shift to bobbi kristina's ex-boyfriend, nick gordon. learned the news from an "e.t." report that his younger brother read to him. before her death, bobbi kristina's conservator filed a lawsuit against gordon. the suit claims gordon physically abused her and embezzled money. >> at this point, nick gordon found himself a lawyer and not getting further. so at this point, you'll find they look at the facts and make a determination whether an arrest warrant will be issued for nick gordon. >> it will be very interesting to see how that all plays out. still ahead, bobbi kristina's final moments. what family told me and also, the special bond between whitney and her daughter. it's all on the way. nance? >> certainly keeping the family in our thoughts. thank you very much, kevin. let's turn now to the new york magazine cover that got to be bill cosby's worst nightmare come to life. 35 women who all claim they were
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sexually assaulted by cosby on one front page and the stories they tell are horribly disturbing. >> when i met mr. cosby, i was at the "tonight show" in my dressing room. he came up to me and zippered down his pants. >> she was an actress on love american style. joyce said she was a friend of bill's for 2.5 years before allegedly drugged in las vegas. >> she said, did you enjoy yourself? i said, you pig. bill, what did you give me? he said, it's called a quaalude. i bet you don't have your headache now. and he laughed. >> 35 women between the ages of 20 and 80 placed side by side on the cover of "new york" magazine with the date of their alleged assault below. it's startling to see them grouped together. each with similar stories of alleged sexual assault creating this unwelcomed sister hood. >> it was like goose bumps but not how you get goose bumps when something is like, great. it was shocking. >> they're elegantly.
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they're sad. they're thankful. >> amanda took the photos, shot an empty chair at the bottom with the women who have yet to speak. >> they're all individuals, but collectively, they are all victims. >> playboy bunny, journalist, and waitresses. third row on the left is janice dickinson who came to "e.t." to tell her story. >> how dare you take advantage of me. and i hope you rot. >> no doubt that emotions are raw, however, we should point out that cosby has never been charged with a crime and he maintains his innocence. now some couples news starting with blake shelton and miranda lambert's divorce. the latest, what's going on, michelle? >> blake got back on stage for the first time since the end of his marriage, but unfortunately, that was cut short as well. >> i can't tell you how bad
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tonight. >> blake shelton shut down friday night at country jam in wisconsin. a massive thunderstorm cut his set short and this pic of an insane lightning strike. >> yeah, i saw the pictures of the lightning striking. >> that's blake and miranda's bestie country singer sitting down with "e.t." online, and miranda made a surprise post-split appearance of the record release party of her new album, "the blade" out now and officiates to pitcher john and used her new album to deflect all the divorce attention. >> i love seeing the twitter exchange. >> how cool is that? i love being in the cross fire of that press and talking about my album. true friendship. >> it was the first time the publicly tweeted each other post-split.
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>> have you been in touch with her a lot over the last week? >> i'm in touch with her every day and him. all is well. >> now moving on to shia labeouf caught on camera fight with girlfriend, actress mia gau. does she have a black eye? >> yo, if i stayed there, i would have killed her. >> here's how the fight went down in southern germany. starts with screaming outside of a taxi and then shia seen with mia again. >> i don't want to touch you. i don't want to be aggressive. [ bleep ] abusive. >> a source claims that mia seen with scratches above her eye and make-up covering her black eye. we only see sunglasses in this pic. >> i don't want to touch or hit a woman. keep getting pushed. >> shia wants mia to give him his backpack. locals are watching and then take shia to the airport. >> i don't have no home. this is my home.
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home. >> shia proceeds to puff and tries to facetime megan fox before allegedly heading to texas, he has this bonding moment with the guys. >> pick up in my car and my house. >> strange life with shia labeouf continues. ben and jen just seen together. and are j. lo and casper a couple again? miley's girlfriend in a victoria's secret photo shoot. and before bachelorette finale, the four reasons we don't hate taylor. >> the laugh. i don't know if it's contagious, nauseating. >> come on, chris harrison. it's a very cute laugh. all right, that's next. right now, tom cruise, our special correspondent, karly steel, will be with him. hosting the "mission impossible: rogue nation" premiere in new york. check out the pair at his london
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premiere this weekend. >> well done to you, mr. cruise. >> thank you, thank you. step it up here in london. >> tom literally stepped it up in london climbing to the top of the building during a fan screening. the film's stunt, pretty epic but co-stars haven't seen them until now. since 1961, pearle vision has been providing expert eye care. today, we make caring for your eyes even easier. right now, buy one pair of glasses, and get another pair free. this is genuine eye care in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision.
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on. the couple also heading off on a yacht trip. smooth sailing is ahead for jennifer and casper right now but what about kaitlyn on "the bachelorette"? sean or nick? kaitlyn is taking a lot of flak this season but four reasons we don't hate kaitlyn. first on our list, that contagious laugh. >> i don't know if it's contagious, nauseating. i've heard it a lot. >> the laughter and the tears. kaitlyn to turn on the water works at the drop of a hat. which is the second season we can't hate her. she wears her heart on her sleeve. >> i feel awful. >> when is she not crying? >> she's the only bachelorette i know who has cried before a rose ceremony, during a rose ceremony, and after a rose ceremony. >> she is so sincere and she's real and she's honest. >> i don't want to do anything that would cause anybody any problems. >> number three, kaitlyn is fearless.
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>> you are all so serious. >> lighten up a little bit. >> this bachelorette will also kiss and tell. she's locked lips with ben, sean, and of course, nick. remember that hook up? and the morning after when kaitlyn fessed up, finally, we love she owns up to her mistakes. >> we had sex. >> she respected the other relationships she was in, so she told them the truth and i thought that was pretty admirable. >> the burning question, will it be sean or nick tonight? >> i am honestly predicting she's going to go with sean. i feel like they have an instant chemistry. as for nick and kaitlyn's relationship, i feel like that's going to burn out quickly. all i know, i cannot wait to find out. tomorrow, we will be with kaitlyn and her man if she chooses one of them. tonight, more from atlanta on whitney houston's daughter, bobbi kristina. what we learned about her final moments as we remember her special bond with whitney. >> she's our inspiration. >> and john stamos, first post
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this weekend taking their three children to a fair in atlanta. jen is here shooting a movie and i want to point out that both ben and jen are still wearing their wedding rings. interesting. back to today's top story. that's the passing of bobbi kristina brown. i spoke with some of her family members today and they told me about her transition. and i also want to share with you some of the beautiful moments that whitney and bobbi kristina shared with "e.t." over the years. her life once so full of promise. in the end, she was surrounded by family. >> in the room with krissy, her aunt, pat houston, donna houston, and shelly. called in, past brother, pat red from the 23rd psalm and said hallelujah, krissy took her final breath.
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during krissy's long hospitalization, she led a group that eventually took over her care and would bathe her, oil her body, did her hair twice a week. the goal was from the time she entered the hospital until she passed away, someone would be with krissy 24 hours a day. whitney's only child was her life. just four months after giving birth, we were with her baby when taking her on tour. >> i'm the first person she sees. her father and i put her between us. she talks with us and laughs. it's a bonding thing. >> a bond that would always bind mother and daughter together. >> she's our inspiration for things we do that we love most. that's what it's about. >> on the set of "cinderella," like any mom, seeing her baby brought her joy. >> she's growing up. hi, hon. >> slowly, bobbi kristina's life fell apart.
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her parents divorced when she was just 14 years old and she was just 18 when she lost her mother. >> i could hear her voice in spirit talking to me and telling me, keep moving, baby. you know, i'm right here. i got you. >> it seemed like her life had completed a sad circle, while she was still in a coma. her grandmother sissy told me she held out little hope. >> she's the same. not gone yet. whatever the lord decides, i'm ready. >> grandmother, mother, and daughter all lived for each other. >> a little bit of what my mother and i had. you know, that's the bond that we share and we did share. we still share that bond. no matter what. even after death. >> i can't stress enough how devoted krissy's family was to her until the end. especially houstons. tomorrow, much more on her
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passing including someone who was in the room at the moment she transitioned and what about the money? who gets the money? where does it all go? it may surprise you, nancy. right now, let's go back to hollywood. >> thank you very much, kevin. all right, now take a look at this. john stamos posted this first picture out of rehab and back to work on the set of "fuller house," the netflix reboot of "full house" coming next year. meanwhile, a lifetime tell-all movie to the original full house. by the looks of this, life on the set wasn't all family fun. >> we loved the twins but is there any way you could find babies more comfortable on stage? >> toddler veterans. we'll get right on that. >> jessie wasn't a fan of mary kate and ashley. >> it's taking forever to get through one kid scene in the audience. how do you expect? >> hire a bunch of strippers and install a pole right here. >> what's a stripper? >> hopefully a career path you'll never have to follow. >> bob. >> a dirty danny tanner and the
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easy going joey, the set as crazy as it seems? >> whew. i think somebody needs a diaper change. ♪ everywhere you look >> only "e.t." can give you the scoop. we were with the "full house" stars before the show hit the air. >> your sister tried to eat her dinner by pushing it through her face. >> i think it's funny for a man to have to change a kid's diapers than a woman because that's her job. >> wait a minute, what did you just say? >> that's her job. >> yikes. okay, times have definitely changed. one thing is the same. bob saget's racy routine. >> are you from a large family? >> yeah, my mother's pretty heavy. >> don't put that in there. please cut that. thank you. >> the new lifetime movie is unauthorized. the original show was a huge hit from 1987 until 1995 and two big reasons? the olsen twins. both played the part of youngest daughter, michelle. >> skip, skip, skip to my lou my
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darling. >> natural talent? sure but a baby wrang ler coached their scene. >> you have to do it again. being cool? >> and their interviews. >> say my favorite thing about tv is eating a cake. >> my favorite thing is cake. >> when i'm at home -- >> when i'm at home, i play. >> so maybe the movie cast doesn't look exactly like the real deal, but it promises to be a juicy inside look. >> sleepwalking. >> let's not rush to judgment. remember, uncle joey is not all that awake even when he's awake. >> well, back to uncle jessie. john stamos, actually our new neighbor. he's shooting his series "grandfather" to honor old "e.t." stage right next door. "grandfather's" premiere, september 29th on fox and when we come back, meet the new victoria's secret angel who been getting a little naughty with miley cyrus.
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enjoyed some beach bonding? you can find out in our star shots gallery on "e.t." online. travel consideration provided by -- victoria's secret added a new crop of angels and one in particular is getting a lot of attention, especially from miley cyrus. >> yep, even in this group, stella maxwell is a standout. so just who is miley's reported
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summer love? she's 24, originally called a tomboy model and she made her vf debut on last december's fashion show. while stella's new assignment is dressing or maybe undressing or body by victoria campaign. >> and that's a wrap for body by victoria. >> hey, maybe we'll see stella with miley when miley hosts the mtv vmas because that happens august 30th. bye, everybody.
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>> kim and kanye's acceptance and kylie's face time meet and greet. we go inside caitlyn's new comfort zone. >> the new caitlyn is out into the world. then hollywood mourns the tragic passing of whitney houston's daughter, bobbi kristina. plus, alec baldwin and his daughter, ireland, revisit their rocky past. >> you are a rude teen. then inside the disturbing online life of the lafayette theater killer as we uncover the surveillance video tracing his final hours. >> swing back to the moon. >> and one witness' frightening firsthand account from inside the theater. >> hear bang bang bang. i felt violated, confused, terrified. >> now hollywood from the inside out. it's "the insider" together with yahoo. #iamcait continues to trend sparking a new flurry of social conversation. >> it certainly is. caitlyn living her truth for all the world to see last night but
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