tv Up to the Minute CBS August 17, 2015 3:05am-4:01am EDT
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backyard -- that now is the time to buy, renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit -- that you can do this in your marketplace now. you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does. you can change your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial freedom that you deserve. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event. at the event, you'll get access to armando's best-selling book "flip and grow rich," armando's "flip for success -- fast cash" video program, armando's "real estate 2015" audio series, armando's "how to assess properties" audio series, and armando's "negotiate it now" program. this $500 package is yours free when you register now and attend armando's free live event. that's not all. when you're one of the first 50 callers to register right now, you can win a check for
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$5,000, signed by armando himself, when you register and attend his free live event. admission is free, so seating is extremely limited. so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today. >> we're out in the real-estate market, where a real real-estate investor and your mentor should be. listen, i have tremendous amounts of successful students going out there and doing this and making money in today's market, because i'm not sitting up in some studio. i'm out here showing people how to make money, and i'm gonna do this with our live event. there's only two ways you're gonna know if you can do this or not -- one, if your mentor and trainer is doing it, and, two, if i have other successful students who are out there doing it now and making money in your backyard in today's marketplace. listen, if you're sick and tired of your boss telling you what to do, if you're sick and tired of not having enough money or having bad credit or if you're sick and tired and knowing that the government is not gonna bail you out, or if you're a professional going, "look, i make some pretty decent money, but i really need to make really big money and take the opportunity of today's marketplace," you can do this when you register now for the
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live event. listen, i have students out there who are making so much money, and you're about to meet these people, but you can only do it if you take action now and register for the live event. call that little 800, 877 number, whatever it is. call at the bottom of that thing right now and watch these amazing student testimonials of people who are running ahead of you, making money in today's market because they know how i do it. >> we've been using armando's techniques to buy and sell properties. and through everything we learned through armando, our first two properties have netted us $53,000 in profit and have given us a future to count on. >> i was just like you, sitting on my couch watching an infomercial. now, after learning armando's systems, i was able to flip my first house for $20,000 and my second one for $18,000. that's $38,000 in two deals, and i have four deals on the way. and i couldn't have done it without armando's systems. and i just want to say, "armando, thank you so much for changing my life."
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>> by using armando's techniques, we've earned a total of $76,000 in two flips. our first one was $43,000. our second one was $33,000, and we did it in less than 90 days. >> and by using armando's techniques and systems, we are able now to see that our future is taken care of with our retirement and no longer have to worry about our dead-end jobs. >> the future's really bright, and, armando, thank you very much... >> thank you very much. >> ...for changing our lives. >> yes, you're changing our lives. >> because of armando's systems and strategies, i've been able, with my partners, to make a profit of $40,000. >> we're out in front of our first property that we flipped here -- made over $45k, thanks to the armando system. it's been a life-changing experience. i value the education that armando has provided me more than my college education. we continue to make money with this education, acquiring properties in different cities. the experience has just been -- how else to say it? -- life-changing. armando, thank you, man. you rock. >> announcer: you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event. at the event, you'll get access to armando's best-selling book
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"flip and grow rich," armando's "flip for success -- fast cash" video program, armando's "real estate 2015" audio series, armando's "how to assess properties" audio series, and armando's "negotiate it now" program. this $500 package is yours free when you register now and attend armando's free live event. that's not all. when you're one of the first 50 callers to register right now, you can win a check for $5,000, signed by armando himself, when you register and attend his free live event. >> listen, you can go out there and you can do this. at one point, i was just an average guy. in fact, i was below average. i was living in a garage, literally living on food stamps, i was $50,000 in debt. and now... i live in a freaking castle. check out our students who were average at one time and decided to stop being average. they decided to go out there, work hard, follow the program that i've laid out to the "t," go to the live event, and become
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successful. the average person will sit on their butt and do nothing with their life. check out these people who decided to stop being average. about how many deals have you guys done? >> we've done four from start to finish. >> four complete flips? >> mm-hmm. >> and how much did you make? let's go per flip. >> the first one, we made $45k. >> $45,000? >> $45k. >> great. >> it was a great first experience. the second one was right at $40,000. >> mm-hmm. >> the third one was at $30,000, and the fourth one was $18,000. and this is actually our fifth one, which goes on the market tomorrow. >> this is your fifth deal that goes on the market tomorrow. it's a beautiful project, by the way. >> thank you. >> i can see you guys have followed the system to a "t." >> yeah, we have. >> you guys have to go out there and sign up for the live event right now. go out there and do what todd and linda did. go to the live event. sign up for the system. they made $45,000 on the first deal, $40,000 on the second deal, $30,000 on the next one, and $18,000 on the next one, and this one goes up on the market tomorrow. so that's a total of close to $130,000... >> yes, it is. >> yes. >> ...that you guys made in around a year. >> yes. >> imagine being able to go out there and retire the one that you love and be able to go out there and one of you keep your
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job and really go and be in a one-income family and be able to put so much additional money into your pocketbook that you can go and literally fight against the recession, really rise above the recession. >> yeah. >> what would you tell people -- right there, looking at the camera -- those individuals -- what would you tell them? would you recommend them to go to this live event and get started on a real-estate investing career? >> oh, absolutely. i mean, what we would say -- and we use this often -- fear is expensive. so fear of not doing something is a lot greater than the regret later on that you'll have from passing up the opportunity. so i'd absolutely recommend it. >> i love that -- fear is expensive. you have nothing to lose. go to the live event. check it out. when you go to the live events, we're gonna show you that you can literally go out there and make big money doing the step by step. you've all heard out there that you have to get educated. your entire life -- say, "get educated. get educated. get educated. go to college. get educated. go to school." well, isn't it time that you become financially educated? >> yes. >> yes. >> sign up for our live event right now. you've heard it right from their mouths. they've changed their lives. right there at the bottom of the screen -- call the 800 number right now. join the live event. seating is limited.
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and we'll see you on the other side of success. >> announcer: armando believes right now is a phenomenal time to make money in real estate. seating is first come, first serve, so call now to reserve your seat and register for the free live event coming to your area this week. >> armando, i just wanted to say you've changed our lives forever. and the biggest thing is my fiancée and i are now full-time real estate. we're able to spend more time with our families, and this is because of you teaching us your system. so from my family to yours, thank you very much for changing our lives forever. >> i'm out in the real-estate marketplace today with one of my students, billy. billy, how are you? >> i'm fine. how are you? >> i am doing amazing. and, billy, you went out there and purchased this property, fixed it up, and now have it on the market and ready to be flipped -- is that correct? >> yes. >> nowow, lly has a unique physical challenge that the people watching this tv show right now most likely don't have. billy, what is your unique physical challenge? >> i am totally blind. >> billy is totally blind.
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and billy went to the live event, and since going to the live event and leaearng my system, billy has gone out there and done three deals. these are what we call "settlement statements," and it shows the money billy's made. now, this first settlement statement -- this here is for this property we're standing in front of -- is that correct? >> yes. >> and you've purchased it, renovated it, not going and lifting a finger and doing any of the work yourself -- is that correct? >> that's correct. >> and now the property is for sale? >> yes. >> yeah, and it's ready to be flipped. then you have two more properties that you've gone and made over $20,000 net cash profit -- is that correct? >> yes. >> $20,000 in his pocket. can you imagine what it would be like to have $20,000 cash in your pocket? and one of these deals, billy -- let me see -- one of these deals sold in as little as three months -- is that correct? >> yes. >> what would your life be like if you went out there and flipped a house in as little as three months and put real money in your pocket now? billy, before going to my live events, did you have any experience in real estate? >> no, none whatsoever.
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>> billy -- none whatsoever? >> mnh-mnh. >> billy had no experience in real estate whatsoever before going to my live events. now billy has gone out there and flipped real properties. what would you tell people out there? would you recommend them to go to the live events? >> i would recommend anyone that wanted to increase their life in making more money, they should come to the live event, follow armando's program, and you cannot go wrong. >> billy says by going to the live event, by calling and registering right now, that you can't go wrong. >> announcer: armando montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," and inc. 500's number-one educational company in the country, is bringing his armando live event series to your area this week. this is a rare opportunity to learn armando's millionaire real-estate strategies that made him a household name. armando's team w wiltake you by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and
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create cash now so you and your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, you will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash in today's market and in your backyard -- that now is the time to buy, renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit -- that you can do this in your marketplace now. you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does. you can change your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial freedom that you deserve. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event. at the event, you'll get access to armando's best-selling book "flip and grow rich," armando's "flip for success -- fast cash" video program, armando's "real estate 2015" audio series, armando's "how to assess properties" audio series, and armando's "negotiate it now" program.
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this $500 package is yours free when you register now and attend armando's free live event. th's not all. when you're one of the first 50 callers to register right now, you can win a check for $5,000, signed by armando himself, when you register and attend his free live event. admission is free, so seating is extremely limited. so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today. >> look, i'm a real real-estate investor. this is a house that i've bought and that i've owned. and literally, four weeks ago, this property -- we're gonna put up a picture on-screen right now -- i owned this property, and this property was not in good shape. i bought it, i renovated it, i did none of the work myself, and here i am, four weeks later, in front of the property and $50,000 richer. listen, i actually do real estate. i don't sit in a studio and tell you that you should go out and do real estate, or one day i'm gonna teach you. i'm in the marketplace doing real estate. and guess what -- because i do it, i have my pulse on the
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real-estate marketplace. i know exactly how to do it. i know how to do it in your marketplace. and i'm known as america's number-one top real-estate investing expert. and why am i telling you this? because we'll show you and take you and lead you by the hand. if you're a stay-at-home mom or, you know what, if you're a single mom and you've been left alone and you have children to support and you know that you deserve a better life and you need a better life and right now is the time to get a better life, and you know that you need to do better financially for your family, then real estate and my system, my live events can help get you there now. if you're a man who, literally, wife lost faith in them, if your wife lost faith in you and says, "you know what? he's a good man, but he's not successful and he's not providing for our family the way he should," check out the video testimonial of one of my students whose wife now supports him to the highest degree and has total and absolute faith because of the live events that he's gone to. listen, now it's time to get away from the pain and the fear
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of loss. imagine what your life's gonna be like five years from now if you don't do this. imagine what it's gonna be like five years from now if you don't take action right now. and then stop and think, "you know what, if i just pick up the phone and i go to armando's live event, imagine what it's gonna be like when i go and i learn from armando how to do real estate in today's market the way armando's out there and actually doing real estate." >> we bought and sold this property. a few blocks away, we've got another property. you've got to go to the seminar, learn how to do this. armando can teach you. anybody can do this. >> what he can do for you and what he's done for myself, and that i can pass on to my family, is a legacy that i'll have forever. >> after retiring from the military after 20 years, that's when i came across armando's infomercial on the tv. and after attending his courses, i flipped my first house -- made $17,000. flipped a second house, made $27,000. so thank you, armando. >> announcer: you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live event. at the event, you'll get access to armando's best-selling book "flip and grow rich," armando's
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"flip for success -- fast cash" video program, armando's "real estate 2015" audio series, armando's "how to assess properties" audio series, and armando's "negotiate it now" program. this $500 package is yours free when you register now and attend armando's free live event. that's not all. when you're one of the first 50 callers to register right now, you can win a check for $5,000, signed by armando himself, when you register and attend his free live event. >> real estate is where it's at. check out these students of mine who have gone out there, decided to stop being average, get up off the couch and to go to the live event and change their life right now. >> after learning armando's techniques, we were able to close on our first property, and we earned over $50,000 with a partner on our first deal. since then, we've been able to close on four more properties, and we are also closing on our
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sixth property within the next couple weeks. >> listen, i'm not gonna spend a lot of time at this house, because i literally flipped this house in less than 24 hours. i did something by what i call "flipping the paper." i can show you how to go out there and flip the paper with no money out of your pocket, with no credit, with no obligation whatsoever, and i did it in less than 24 hours. listen, money knowows time. whether you're fresh out of college, and college just isn't paying the bills and you need a new lot on life, or if you're a senior citizen and you never quite reached that financial potential that you knew -- look, you did great with your kids, your family, but you never reached that financial potential -- now is the time, because money, when taught the right way, knows no boundaries. listen, ray kroc of mcdonald's didn't get started with a mcdonald's till he was 50 years old. now is the time to get started when you come to my live event. check out these people and put yourself in their shoes of what it's like just a few months after attending my live event.
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so, we're here with janie. janie, how are you? >> i'm great. >> and we're standing in front of a property that you purchased, renovated, and flipped -- you and a partner. is that correct? >> that's correct. >> and, now, tell us, 'cause we want to get down to how much money you made. ultimately, you guys want to know how much money janie made by following my system -- is that correct? so, tell me -- how much money did you put in your pocket on this deal? >> i made $34,000. >> you made $34,000, and that's the check right there? >> this is the check. >> can you show the audience your check? $34,000. what would your life be like -- $34,000 richer? go and take action right now. sign up for the free live events. seating fills fast. and learn that you can change your life right now, 'cause we're gonna show you a system that's step by step, a chronological-order system, the abcs of real estate so you can make big money now and change your life. call the 800 number right now, and we'll see you on the other side of success. >> announcer: armando montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," and
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inc. 500's number-one educational company in the country, is bringing his armando live event series to your area this week. this is a rare opportunity to learn armando's millionaire real-estate strategies that made him a household name. armando's team will take you by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create cash now so you and your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, you will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash in today's market and in your backyard -- that now is the time to buy, renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit -- that you can do this in your marketplace now. you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does. you can change your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial freedom that you deserve. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armando's live
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event. at the event, you'll get access to armando's best-selling book "flip and grow rich," armando's "flip for success -- fast cash" video program, armando's "real estate 2015" audio series, armando's "how to assess properties" audio series, and armando's "negotiate it now" program. this $500 package is yours free when you register now and attend armando's free live event. that's not all. when you're one of the first 50 callers to register right now, you can win a check for $5,000, signed by armando himself, when you register and attend his free live event. admission is free, so seating is extremely limited. so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today. >> this is the actual garage ththat used to live in when i was $50,000 in debt and had a 501 credit score and lived on
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food stamps. imagine that i used to call this home. it looked a little bit different, but it wasn't a convert-a-garage. this was literally move over the lawn mower, move over the weed eater. we put a rug out right here. we put a bed. the tv was right over here, and we put the clothes down, made a little closet in the corner. this right here is when and where i decided to change my life. some of you watching this tv commercial right now need a change. whether you are poor the way i was so poor or whether you're middle class, just trying to make ends meet. or if you're a little bit wealthier and go, "you know what? i need to go to that next level," real estate can help you get there if you know how to go out there and do it in a methodical, step-by-step manner, and my system can go and show you how to do this. listen, when i was $50,000 in debt, living on food stamps and
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in this garage, i never thought i was gonna be able to go out there and accomplish my dreams. i never imagined that i'd be where i'm at right now. if you're ready to change your life and follow my system, ready to stop being average -- i decided to stop being below average. if you're ready to stop being average and take action now, then call the phone number at the bottom of your screen. call it right now. register for the live event. do something different. register for the live event. seating is limited. and when you go to my free live event, you're gonna learn that a system can change your life now. call the number right now, and i'll see you on the other side of success. >> so, after using armando's system and techniques, we were able to go out there and purchase 10 flip properties. >> whoo-hoo! >> and not only that -- we were able to go out there and get 20 cash-flow properties, which gives us a steady monthly income. we were able to put $57,000 into our pocket. and we couldn't have done this without using armando's system and techniques, so we have to thank armando. armando, thank you...
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>> thank you, armando. >> ...for everything you've done for us, man. you are awesome. >> we sold our first property with over $30,000, a second one after that at over $45,000, and our third one, over $60,000. >> that's $135,000 we made on the first three deals. >> all with armando's techniques. >> since then, it's changing our life. we've now purchased a home, behind us here. it's for our son. we could not have done this at regular jobs. thanks to the knowledge armando and his team's given us, it's changed our life and our family's life. thank you, armando. >> thank you. >> look, i'm out actually looking at real-estate deals in your backyard, dealing with today's marketplace. it doesn't matter if you have credit or no credit, bad credit. listen, i've taken people who have a 400 credit score, who make absolutely no money, and to go into the live event and going out there, and some of them had chapter 7 bankruptcies, making up to $35,000 within weeks after the live event. and i've taken doctors and lawyers and professionals to show them how they can take that
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money and take it to a whole new level of wealth and recession-proof their lives forever. i do this step-by-step, methodically and in chronological order. and the other best thing is you're gonna have a tremendous amount of fun doing this. >> announcer: armando believes right now is a phenomenal time to make money in real estate. call the number at the bottom of your screen and register for the free live event coming to your area this week. >> i have been a practicing real-estate attorney in florida for the past 25 years, and, being an attorney, i have a pretty analytical mind. so, my daughter first brought this program to my attention, and, of course, i analyzed the heck out of it and kind of had crossed my arms in front of my chest, "no, i don't think that i need to do that. i know everything there is to know about real estate, because i'm a real-estate attorney." so, i agreed to come to the seminar this weekend, and i have got to tell you guys that it changed my life. >> before going to armando's
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seminar, i was a contractor and my wife was a nurse. and we were able to take his system and techniques, apply it to our hometown -- small hometown -- and our first deal, we made a net profit of $30,000. and it lasted on the market for less than two weeks. >> our next two deals, we were able to have a net profit of $47,000. >> this system and this education allowed us to have so much more freedom, so much more time, the ability to help our families, and just help in so many ways, that it is just extremely and unbelievably life-changing. >> look, you've seen the houses that i've done. you've seen the houses that my students are doing. now there's only a few minutes left in this television infomercial. listen, you only have a few minutes to call and act right now, but you got to call the number, you got to get registered for the seminar. you can't just show up without registering, so call right now to be able to go to the seminar.
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what are you waiting for? there's only a few minutes left. here are the details. call the number right there at the bottom of that screen right there. see that little number? you actually have to take action and call it. get yourself off the couch, because, listen, if you don't do it, somebody else will. everybody says, "armando, if it's such a good deal, why isn't somebody else doing it?" that's what the first negative person ever told me. and you know what it is? you are that somebody else. if i hadn't have taken that first deal, i would have never got the number-one hit reality real-estate show in america, become america's number-one real-estate mentor, leader, and trainer and investor, and ultimately i wouldn't be talking to you right now. if i can do it, you can do it. if my students can do it, you can do it. anybody can do it with the right training, but you got to call that number. >> announcer: armando montelongo, star of a&e's hit tv show "flip this house," and inc. 500's number-one educational company in the country, is bringing his armando live event series to your area this week.
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this is a rare opportunity to learn armando's millionaire real-estate strategies that made him a household name. armando's team will take you by the hand and show you that you can eliminate debt and create cash now so you and your family can benefit from today's foreclosure market. at armando's live event, you will learn that you can help others out of foreclosure while making huge sums of cash in today's market and in your backyard -- that now is the time to buy, renovate, and sell real estate with or without your money or your credit -- that you can do this in your marketplace now. you can get pre-foreclosures and foreclosures the way armando does. you can change your family legacy by creating huge sums of cash and getting the financial freedom that you deserve. when you register now, you will receive two tickets for you and a guest to attend armands live event. at the event, you'll get access to armando's best-selling book "flip and grow rich," armando's
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"flip for success -- fast cash" video program, armando's "real estate 2015" audio series, armando's "how to assess properties" audio series, and armando's "negotiate it now" program. this $500 package is yours free when you register now and attend armando's free live event. that's not all. when you're one of the first 50 callers to register right now, you can win a check for $5,000, signed by armando himself, when you register and attend his free live event. admission is free, so seating is extremely limited. so make your reservation and gain the knowledge you need to be successful today.
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no matter how hopeless or helpless you feel, narrator: of all the things you've done with your bike, donating it to goodwill may be the most incredible of all. your donations help fund job placement and training for people in your community. which means your stuff can be more powerful than you think. goodwill. donate stuff. create jobs.
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heat and wind propel fast moving wildfires across the western united states destroying homes and forcing evacuations. >> it was pretty scary. i have never seen a firestorm travel this fast. donald trump offers an immigration reform plan that would offer u.s. citizenship for u.s. born children living in the country illegally. and a chicago air show following a midair collision. captioning funded by cbs this is the "cbs morning news" for monday, august 17th, 2015. good morning. thank you for joining us. i'm alison harmelin in for
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