tv ET Entertainment Tonight CBS September 4, 2015 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT
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i see you two together. >> ben and jen back together? seen a marriage counselor. >> been public about making to sure they're working things out for their family. >> plus, food network chef giada with a million dollar settlement in the divorce but without a prenup, who gets what? >> and being able to influence people. >> the new class action lawsuit that claims jessica alba's honest empire is deceiving consumers and self proclaimed emergency treatment. and remembering joan rivers on the one year anniversary of her death. also, we're with a young super bowl commercial star. the surgery to save mini darth vader's life. >> there is risk. >> his courage and his
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parents' heartbreak. and david muir tells us about his visit to the vatican with the pope and the anchor chair. >> i remember a year ago, "e.t." was here saying good luck and i thank you for that. >> now "e.t." with our top stories. hi, everybody, and thank you for joining us with the end of another busy week. >> headlines for you. here's tonight's top story. are ben and jen getting back together? >> see you two together. that's so wonderfuu. >> the recently split couple was all smiles yesterday leaving a doctor's office in santa monica the pair at ease and chatting with each other but not wearing their wedding ring. jen was casually wearing chanel flats and holding a blue notebook. they drove off together in ben's new muscle car, a dodge challenger hub cap. >> ben and jen were seen leaving the well known pediatrician so it's likely it was a back to school paperwork for one of
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their kids but i think it's really interesting about this video they're seen laughing together. jen gets in ben's car and they leave the office together. very much in contrast to how tense we've seen them be with each other in recent months. >> a few hours earlier, the pair was spotted leaving a counselling center separately. ben offered a polite warning the a paparazzo. we're told they sat for a two-hour session. >> this counselling visit doesn't necessarily mean that they're getting back together, but perhaps just trying to figure out what's next. they do have three kid and ben and jen have been very public and making sure they're working things out for their family. also, a source told "e.t." that they had been in counselling and working with a mediator on the potential terms of a divorce. >> earlier, jen was also snapped in bel air where she attended a baby shower near the hotel where their former nanny stayed after she was fired amid rumors of an affair with ben. affleck's rep called the claims garbage. >> overall, this seems like a pretty good week for jen.
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we spotted her with her trainer three weeks ago and she seems upbeat. i think we've seen a definitive shift with ben and jen. now that they're back in l.a., back in their environment and back to their routine, all of that is having a very positive effect. >> let's move on quickly to more news. >> here's another story we're in front of. miranda lambert on the new york city sidewalk. with the words protect your heart suggest she's having a hard time getting over her split with blake shelton but a few things to note. it's miranda who posted the photo herself along with the caption, i don't normally lay on the sidewalks in new york city. words move me. words make me move. she also posted this photo earlier the same black dress looking very happy. enjoying a girl's night out at a trendy restaurant. turning to another celeb split, food network's giada de
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laurentiis gets an expensive divorce ruling. according to reports, she'll have to pay her ex todd thompson, fashion designer, $9,000 a month. >> child support is generated by a computer program. giada must be making a ton more than todd. >> in addition, must keep the pacific pal state home and $3,000 of furniture and the artwork inside and gets two cars and their country club membership. >> on paper, it looks like todd got the deal of the century. giada ended up getting her name, all of her intellectual property is what we call her books, television, and her celebrity. she got all of that. todd got the toys. >> another legal drama. jessica alba is being sued over her honest line for the household goods. the suit alleges the company misrepresents their products
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including hand soap and cleaners as natural when they actually contain synthetic ingredients. the suit claims that the company's sunscreen is ineffective. jessica told "e.t." today the allegations against us are baseless and without merit. i know my children honor and haven grow up in a safer home because of our products. now we've got to show you a photo of jessica wearing a weird glowing mask out of the horror movie. it's an anti-aging mask aimed at keeping her skin perfect and wrinkle free. on tonight's abc "slo20/20," wi pope francis. david told us about taking part in this unprecedented tv event. >> it was an honor for me. there were tears and moments of true joy. to sit there and be away from the pope watching him move
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people in that way. >> i love you very much. >> the pope's merciful blessing in texas to this nun brought laughter and applause. >> surprised people with not only his blessing, but his deep caring for what it was they were sharing with him. >> including the teen with the rare skin disease who made news this week after the pope asked her to sing. >> may i ask of you to sing song for necessime? >> having the pope sing for anyone let alone a girl who faced such adversity. >> not only did she sing the song but had a beautiful voice. to see the pope and the smile on the face is something i truly will never forget. >> this is why he's called the people's pope. proves he wants to be accessible to more than 22 million followers on twitter accounts.
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>> he proves every one of the tweets. retweeted eight times more than president obama. >> david's meeting with pope francis airs tonight on "20/20" and celebrates in the anchor chair at abc's world news tonight. >> i thought we'd mark the one year by hanging out with pope francis. what an incredible year it's been to honor every single night he's been here to say good evening to americans all over the country. and, you know, i remember a year ago, he was here and saying good luck and i thank you for that. what a year it's been. we'll keep going. >> also on the schedule, pope francis will spend five days visiting the united states. he arrives in washington, dc on the 22nd and then continue to new york and philadelphia and he heads back to rome on the 27th. >> stephen, number two "bachelor in paradise" wraps up on sunday and monday on abc. before the episodes even aired, our ashlan cousteau was the only reporter invited behind the scenes in mexico.
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i will say, i'm a little jealous. and now she has clues to how this is all going to end. n >> did you find love? >> i found intense like. >> is intense like enough to do the deed? >> crazy enough. we'll wait and see. >> okay. this is, like, super surreal. >> abc's finale promo calls it like it is. >> will the virgin go all the way? >> has tv dating gone too far by making light of a serious situation? >> what i say about my portrayal on "the bachelor," it's a caricature of myself. i have a heart and soul, people. i go beyond all that image stuff. i didn't open up the fact i've never had a serious
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relationship. my first serious relationship will probably be my husband. >> will ashley and jared find love or break up? there are plenty of tears to go around. >> i hate him. >> and a new arrival brings chaos to paradise. >> this is definitely the first guy that i've met that i can fall in love with. >> "bachelor in paradise" is on a roll. the ratings go up each week to score new highs for the series. nothing has been announced just yet but it sounds like it's a good bet we'll see a season three. coming up, the end of summer's hottest bikini bodies. katy versus taylor. beyonce. who's this sexy couple? then? >> can we write a movie with an african-american cast and be accepted? >> how these two brothers from georgia created a faith-based empire that made them multimillionaires. >> "war room" was almost the number one
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the road to hell is paved with good intentions. mr. president, we know you tried to make a good deal with iran. whose leaders stone women, hang homosexuals, sponsor mass terrorism, scream for the destruction of israel and death to america. so, what if you're wrong? and they can't be trusted? senator coons, don't trust iran. vote this down.
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>> it's time for you to fight for your marriage. >> a scene from the number two movie in america right now. the faith-based film "war room" second only to "straight outta compton compton" made for $3.5 million but earned more than 11 in its first weekend and it's helping turn two brothers into the unlikeliest movie moguls. i met up with stephen and alex kendrick to talk about how they're beating hollywood odds by keeping the faith. >> we've been praying for two years for this. so we were just on a prayer call in the airport a few minutes ago with our whole thing and we believe with what's happening in "war room" is a huge answer to
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prayers. >> so i ask you what your prayer life was like, would you say it was hot or cold? >> i don't know i would say it's hot. >> the movie is about a couple whose relationship is crumbling. they're encouraged to establish a war room to battle their problems through prayer. gave you, i believe, 13% or 18% rating. the critics did not love this movie. but the people did. what do you say to those critics? >> we didn't make this movie for you. so we expect that. we actually laughed at what the critics say. i got to follow my computer where i keep up with the best things. >> what are some of the worst things? >> it's funny, we put a bible verse in the film, they say you're punching us in the face with the bible. we say, okay. >> stephen and alex live in georgia far from hollywood but war room is their fifth film. >> two white guys from south georgia.
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can we write a movie with an african-american cast in it and be accepted? this cast was amazing. to see it on the screen, i don't think we could have told it as powerfully another way. >> i would add, we wanted to tell the type of stories that bring faith and hope, inspiration, that draw people to a closer walk with god. if we can do that, that's success. >> of course, i had to ask the brothers the next project. they said several things are in the works. they'll pray on it and decide. up next, mini darth vader needed a life saving surgery. why he's back in the o.r. as his family prays he'll pull through. >> amen. >> good, mom. >> plus, joan rivers a year ago today, she passed away. now we're with the stars she touched. >> she was strong and she spoke her mind. >> she always made me laugh. >> that's straight ahead. closed captioning provided
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it's gotten squarer. over the years. brighter. bigger. thinner. even curvier. but what's next? for all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. the summer of sexy bikini bodies coming to a close. but hey, don't put those swim suits away just yet. the stars sneaking in final vacation before it's too cold. our favorite shots and bikini season. beyonce and daughter blue ivy have been down. matching suits, check. adorable hat, you know it. a ride around before queen bey's birthday. serious star trend.
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first, katy and then taylor with her girl squad and who could forget j. law's pyramid by amy schumer and while malina certainly looked great in her bikini, let's talk about him. the actor at 40 showing off his buff beach bod in mexico. bravo, senior. looking good. but just about time to pack away those bikinis for the season. right now, taking a turn. cameron mathison is here with us with a touching story. >> definitely one that's going to pull on those heart strings, samantha. got to remember this precious sboel super bowl commercial from a few years back. max page now 10 years old. max was born with congenital heart disease and has a series of operations including another one just this week. let me tell you. nothing can stop this inspiration, little man. i joined at the children's hospital in los angeles.
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>> my mom and dad always told me to focus on the things you can do instead of the things you can't do. >> max had first surgery at 3 months old. just had his 11th for new pacemaker generator. >> never easy. the first time i handed max off at 3 months old in the hallway, i just did it again. this time he's on a gurney laying down, but it's the same spot. jennifer and i call that the hallway moment. and it's brutal and every parent who has gone through it. >> you're not sure if it's apple juice or if it's, like, candy. you're just like, give me it.
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but when you're older, you do understand reality and you do understand that there is, there is a risk. >> dear lord, we just ask you to be with all of us. connect us. can do all things through you who gives me strength. amen. >> you did good, mom. >> younger brother, els. gives constant support. requires doctors to be vigilant. >> we noticed more recently, this valve was narrow and leaky >> super bowl commercial with more than 62 million hits. >> max has a positive outlook in life. he wants to do everything. he wants to be as normal as he can and just be a normal 10-year-old child. >> max's story, he's become this actor in the commercial and these other elements that
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there's parents sitting out there somewhere across the country that are sitting there lost and they see what he's doing and say, you know what? my son or daughter can do this too. >> children's hospitals are so important and then get him on his way to get back to the baseball field, golf course, acting. if he gets back to his life in a couple of weeks, like yesterday. all right. start looking. i'm almost ready. >> that's awesome. listen. going in for surgery tomorrow. coming out swinging. what an inspiration, little guy and max is a working actor. let me tell you. fans can tell you max has a recurring role on "young and the restless." come on. how great is that? >> i represent everyone. and i just say what i think and that's wonderful. >> that's one moment from the many special conversations we've had with joan rivers. like all of you, we miss joan here at "e.t." and since this is the one year
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anniversary of her death, we went back to our vault to bring you joan in her own words. >> a tradition in comedy. this is the way comedy is, to another level now. >> yes, of course you feel the void. but it's little things that are such a part of your daily routine that hit you. the other hard time is with something really funny happens and i want to immediately call her and tell her. >> what's your favorite sexual position? she said next door. concerned. everything we said, we are the jokers of the world. we are here to amuse. it's wonderful. >> i can't believe she's dead. i still don't believe that. she was such a force of nature, joan, you can't tell me she's not on this planet anymore. >> grow old gracefully? god gave us plastic surgeons. that should be the 11th commandment.
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thou shalt make thyself look good. >> mad every day and i think that's a good way to honor her because she would be pissed. >> she's going there to the rose parade. >> you knew her in life. she was so lovely and so complimentary. >> she's always on the phone saying, you can do it, mother. and it means a lot. and one of the things i can do is because of my daughter. i've had an amazing life and ended right now. amazing life. wonderful. we've had a great ride together. if something happens, things are fine and life's fine. >> she meant so much to so many people. she never accepted that.
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it's all the time we have. have a great weekend, everybody. >> we'll look at monday's "e.t." bye. "empire's" season two secret. >> how is cookie going to keep this crazy dysfunctional family together? >> with a whole lot of love. >> and cookie's real life trouble with men. >> i married! oh, that was a dream i had. >> plus, "e.t." behind the scenes of "scream queens." jamie lee curtis versus lea michele. >> we've got gore, we've got
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but that's not the reason jenner is back in the spotlight. as her love life has become an even hotter topic. >> candice? >> candice is backstage. >> this is like therapy. >> dr. deb is now making house calls. i help the stewarts and the hamiltons cope with their issues but are they rooting for a george and alana reunion? >> i don't think either one of them has really moved on. >> celebrating bey's birthday. >> and we're back. get ready to stay up late with stephen colbert. inside his late night return and why he's grateful for the donald. >> god bless you, mr. trump. >> star studded guest line-up. >> clooney is your first guest? >> yeah, it's the best we could do. >> now hollywood from the inside
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