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tv   CBS Overnight News  CBS  October 19, 2015 3:05am-4:01am EDT

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>> welcome to neverland! >> my favorite part of the movie is when we are first introduce today black beard. and you are singing above everyone else, there are so many people and everyone is singing along to nirvana. it's awesome. >> i will never forget that day of filming for the rest of my life. one of the funniest parts it have is seeing a whole bunch of 11-year-old kids seeping that go song, stomping and shouting, cheering having no idea what they are singing about. >> are you brave, peter? >> i try to be. >> the name is james hook. i am trying to save your life kid. >> i am so glad now we know that hook pete are were at one point friends. >> in this story they are. it's really a wonderful take on it. jason fuchs, our screen writer wrote in wonderful sort of origins story. >> they hate each on so much, if you read the book, you see different iterations it's very hard to understand sort of what that beef is about. there is no real conflict over a particular piece of territory, the geopolitics of neverland sort of eluded me so i thought,
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for them to hate each other that much they must have at one point really cared for each and maybe even loved each other. >> he wears the pan. >> the pan is our tribes bravest warrior. >> it was written when you return we would unite against the pirates. >> here is what really shocked me. when i watched the movie it looked so fantastical and so colorful, i thought a lot of it was c.g.i. and visual affects then i learned you actually built practical sets which like blew my mind. >> yeah. we built the biggest set that's ever been built indoors in the u.k. >> we did it all on this stage at the end of the day that was massive and i think they have made like the first zepplin way back in the early 1900s there. >> there are a lot of films that can be quite boring, this was not one of those. this was like walking in to disneyland every day. excepts it was an amusement park based on something you recognize. it was a very surreal moment. >> they had the native village it was like a carnival it had a
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big trampoline in the middle and it was lots of fun, then there was the never forest which was kind of look a playground it had these gigantic plaster trees that you would never were made of plaster but it felt like you were in an amazon rain forest or just a neverland forest. >> if black beard is going to destroy everything, i'll stand against him. >> now kneel. >> i will never bow to you. >> the director said that you had a lifelong dream of playing a pirate. >> i did. >> why? >> i don't know why. >> were you ever a pirate for halloween? >> never. i was in australia, we didn't have halloween so. >> , right. >> it was so frustrating. >> we have an ancient prophecy that tells how a boy, a boy who would be disappeared from this world until he was old enough to return. >> stunts and weapon training, that's the thing that i want to talk to you two about the most. because it just sounds super awesome. >> i did flying training where i had to work on my core so i am able to keep myself up while i
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am on the there are necessary or a robotting are or tuning fork, things like that. >> what was the most challenging part of the train something. >> me and hugh had hart this fight that we had to do that's toward the end of the movie where we are fight on this ship mast. so it was sort of like doing a fight or a dance on like a balance beam. and that was really challenging. >> lead an uprising against me. a boy who could fly. >> i just want today make a film that was really told from the point of view of my 12-year-old self. it's a world of color. it's a world before i started trying to be cool. i didn't want it to be grays and blues, i wanted a world that was vibrant and very visually exciting. >> come on, kid, make them believe. >> i believe. i believe! ♪ ♪
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up next on your homescreen, george clooney, britt robertson and rhonda rousey. >> hi, i am britt robertson and you are watching "made in hollywood." hollywood." honey, do you have the camera? yes, i do. (punctured balloon) (gasp) ooh... hi, can i help you? ugh, i need an eyeball. we should find something here. ooh! that will work! happy to help. -thank you. ♪ we're happy to help make your day a little better. walmart. mcdonald's is serving breakfast all day! i know, right. now we can all get together... after our show... ...and before ours. man, this is nice. it doesn't get any better than this. uh-oh. dead air. y'all play a song. go to commercial.
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come rock with the number one spot, holding you down around the clock. it's time for mcdonald's all day breakfast menu. watch out d'ere now! ♪ ba-da-ba-ba-ba forget about the cowboy walk because ofit's time toper dance freely thanks to new pampers cruisers the first and only diaper that helps distribute wetness evenly into three extra absorb channels. so it stays drier and doesn't sag like other diapers so wiggle it jiggle it and do, whatever that is, in new pampers cruisers love, sleep and play. pampers
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♪ made in hollywood now available on your homescreen. >> a former boy genius and a precocious teenager join forces to uncover the secret of a mysterious place that could change the world in "tomorrowland."
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>> hi, i am brit robertson and you are watching "made in hollywood." here say scene. ♪ ♪ >> when i touch this pin, i saw this place. ♪ >> someplace amazing. >> so the writers always had you in mind when they were writing "tomorrowland." >> i knowinger i heard about that. >> right, it's such an honor. >> well, yes and no they made him a grumpy oldman i don't know if that's such a great thing. >> it's a dream come true to have you become frank walker because they wanted you. so what made you want do this film? >> up today work with brad. he and i have been trying to work together for a while he's a brilliant director. i love the screenplay it's an optimistic look at the world and i hadn't seen this in a long time. >> when we start to move and it goes like this, she can kind of move after it. >> there seems to be kind of a dark vision of what the future holds for us today.
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and damon and i were kind of asking each other why does that change? in the '60s, there were plenty of things going wrong, i mean, there was the cold war, all kind of problems but there was still a very positive vision about the future. and why did that change? why is it the popular view now that the future is going to be terrible? >> i need you frank walker. >> every time i turn on the tv it's pretty rough to watch. the news is pretty rough. two hours of seeing something optimistic to ones isn't such a bad thing. >> the movie is popcorn. it's supposed to be, and i think is, fun. but it does ask that question. >> what do you want? >> i want to you take me to the place i saw when i touched this. >> what is the meaning of this pin? let's talk about it. >> this tomorrow land pin takes you to a very special place. >> and your character is in charge of these pins. >> she's not really meant to be but she feels that she can make
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a difference if she recruits amazing people. >> where did you get this? who are you, kid? >> i really felt like i literally was taken to this completely other world, this complete other world, that i want to go to now. >> good. >> i wanted to really -- i want it to really exist in space and time. >> that's great. >> it was great for me. >> good. >> i loved it. >> great. >> what was your vision for tomorrowland because it's so beautiful? >> we were inspired by the way walt disney looked at the future. he didn't view it as this oppressive thing. he viewed it as something open and vital and fun. and it was going to be this place where all of these miraculous things were going to happen. >> what you saw was a place for the best and the brightest people in the world, where they came together to actually change it. >> all the scenes in tomorrowland are so awesome it's so grand and big so of course i just have to know how much of it was real, and how much of it is c.g.i.? >> there is a good portion it
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have that is real. a lot of the stuff we shot in spain, in valencia, spain and we were able to like, you know, build some practical sets. >> it was outstanding. it took for hours and hours, it was amazing. >> there is one way in. they know we are coming, so follow me. ♪ ♪ >> you are basically running around with two young girls throughout the entire film. but they really hold their own. what was it like working with britt and and -- >> i think they are both going to be great stars, they are both incredibly talented. >> it's not mine. >> what's not yours? >> the pen, i have never -- >> you auditioned a few times, it's like the audition before the test. two auditions before i found out i got it that i was able to read the script. so by the time i test today the movie i had some context. but early on i knew nothing. >> because you really is should get going. even when i got the role because it was such a secretive film i
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still hadn't read the script then i got to read the script and i was just like, wow, this is such an amazing film. >> of all the people, why me? >> he thinks you can fix the future. >> so at the end of the film we get this really beautiful moment where frank and casey say we are looking for dreamers. find the people who haven't given up because they are our future. >> right. >> so when you think of our dreamers in today's society, who do you imagine? >> well, that's an interesting question. you know, it's -- you find them in some of the toughest neighborhoods in the world who decide without any advantage at all that they are going to make it out. >> i think of dreamers as being like young, like the younger generation. but if you really want to like -- who would it be? we need more dreamers. >> right. >> because i can't even think of any right now. >> everyone possesses a mind and talent and if the best minds and the best talent are encouraged
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to have a voice, the movie -- the planet is going to benefit from it. >> you have to admire the people with determination to actually work hard and do what they want to do and reach their goals. >> particularly, you know, it's easy when you are successful or when you are in a world that is successful. it's much more interesting when you see it in a world where there is nobody cheering them on. they just weren't going to let themselves be beaten down. >> hang on! ♪ ♪ on today's "made in hollywood teen edition. >> have you ever dreamed of being a tv host? we are looking for 18 to join me in hollywood. all the details on madeinholland and be sure to pick up the dvt of "tomorrowland" from disney.
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♪ ♪ coming up on your homescreen, rhonda rousey and catholics hiring. >> hi, i am rhonda rousey, you are watching "made in ♪ made in hollywood ♪ i'm lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. my bargain detergent couldn't keep up. so i switched to tide pods. they're super concentrated so i get a better clean. 15% cleaning ingredients or 90%. don't pay for water, pay for clean. that's my tide. because now i've got pantene i knshampoo and conditioner hair, but i'm never gonna stop. the pro-v formula locks moisture inside my hair and the damage from 100 blow-dries is gone. pantene. strong is beautiful.
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♪ made in hollywood also available on your homescreen. >> super agent turned studio head ari gold knows which actor he wants for his next movie. but vincent chase has bigger plans in the big screen adaptation of "entourage." >> i am adrian. >> i am kevin connolly and you are watching a scene from "entourage." >> the movie. >> vinny chase,. >> i hear you have something for me. >> my first movie as studio head and, boom, i want to you star in it. >> whatever do i next i also want to direct. ari! >> does he everybody know how to direct? >> ari. >> were you guys excited when
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the got the script to see where your characters have landed after all these years. >> of course. i kept looking for my first sex scene and then i looked -- read through the whole script and realize i had i have none. guess who they gave all the sex scenes to. >> they gave it to me. >> that's what took the longest to make the movie was waiting for get the script. just having done it in so long and also is as a fan of what the was, it was great to see where doug brought the characters in the script. >> i was so excites when had i saw the script i have likes awesome. >> doctor says she's going to pop any second. >> what's wrong? >> we have a sex tape. >> i am getting married. >> oh, god. >> we need more money. >> oh, god. ♪ >> and i have to say, for fans of "entourage" it was difficult if you have seen "e" in action we are lying sloan, sloan, sloan. and we can't talk much about sloan because it's a little bit of a surprise. >> yeah. there is a couple of sprayses. >> i was surprised. i was really excited she comes back to do the fill in him a
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meaningful way and i think in a surprising way for the fans. i think it was really cool. >> we have evolved and worked the guys and they are good friends of mine and we use their own personalities and ideas. >> if this movie tanks vince will come come back from this, neither will i, neither will you. >> our show "made in hollywood now" is exec five produced by cleveland o'neal. >> wow. >> who also executive produced -- >> i have not seen cleveland in a long time. >> and he also gave you your first-time big break as a first-time director. >> absolutely did, yeah. >> holy cram. rhonda rousey the fighter. i love her. we know each other. >> do you remember me? >> didn't you used to be really fat? >> what was it like going up against a pros special fighter. did it freak out a little bit? >> no. luckily it's a movie. and there are stuntmen. >> i was worried for him a the bit i am not going to lie. >> it was easy to play the fear element for sure, when rhonda
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rousey locks eyes with you and is in her zone like she does before all of her fights. >> just charge, the charge itself is scary. >> that was easy to play. that was not very much act on the ground my part. >> i last 30 seconds you let me take you out on a date. >> last 60 seconds and i'll let you. [ beep ] me. >> how much time? >> three seconds. >> he let my push kick rim height not wall and he took that like a "g" when it came to the part where i have to throw him to the ground i didn't want to worry about that because i am going it fight you look a football. maybe in the armbar and all that, that look on his face was maybe 20% genuine. >> move it or i'll break it. >> how much time in. >> do you think i am bluffing. >> even once i was in the armbar position, not even in a fake one, you don't really enjoy that too much. it's not comfortable. >> i gave you $100 million you agreed to not go over. >> because you said i couldn't direct unless we agreed. >> like what a girl asks if you
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want to bang her hot sister. of course you say no. neither of you really believes you mean it, though. >> what is he doing here? >> the cameos in this movie was just like they kept on coming. it's like so much fun. did you guys have a little say of some of your celebrity friends who got a cameo? >> i think a lot of it was, hey, what are you doing tomorrow? do you want to come down and pop in the movie? sure. what am i going to be doing? i don't know we'll figure it out when you get there. >> i called up mike tyson and he showed enough an hour. >> then you have to figure out what to do with mike tyson because there is nothing in the script for mike tie an. >> like john, we have him coming in tomorrow and i have nothing written so you have to figure it out. go to your trailers and, do a little improv. and we kind of worked something out that way which was cool. >> friends would call up and say i want to be in the movie to us chasing around people. and you know, we have an incredible, incredible amount of people in this. mark wahlberg obviously, liam nissan, jessica alba, rhonda rousey and the list goes on, tom brady, russell wilson. so it's exciting. >> i helped get a few of the
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l.a. kings in the movie. i know a few of those guys, got them. jessica alba, a friends of mine. >> i have no leverage. >> you ever no friends? >> i have no friends. >> he has no friends. >> open the door. >> yo, vinny, what's the matter did your girlfriend lock you out? >> no, muyco-finance sear. >> we'll breakdown, i have him here, he's crazy. >> i am crazy. ♪ ♪ now available your homescreen a drifter crosses paths with a woman on the verge of losing custody of her daughter in the musical drama jack and i robin. >> i am ben barnes. >> and i am katherine heigl. >> and you are watching "made in hollywood." >> and you are about to see a film from our new film "jack & ryan." >> hey. >> can you help me get to my car. >> you can't drive. >> do you want to stay for supper, let me make you is upper. >> talk to me about where these people are in their lives before jack and i ryan get together. where do we find her? >> we mind jackie kind of at the bottom of her barrel.
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like she is trying to lead a really sort of -- leave a toxic relationship. has a doubt we are that man. doesn't have the means or the money or the power to, you know, she has to move back home to her little town in ogden, utah, and move back in with her mother and has no idea what direction her life is going to go in. >> he's cute. >> mom. >> who looks like that anymore. it's not the '60s. >> he has had his own troubles he left home as 18 ager and he's been traveling ever since, he's had, you know, probably over around a decade which speaking to some train hoppers and travelers is about the limit of how long you can just drift for without having it really affect your future. >> jackie, do you even know what you are doing? >> my husband told me if i don't stop divorce proceedings he will sue for full custody. >> he is he's trying to find his own boys, quite inning prospective. but building it up without knowing it. this kind of quite poetic
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philosophy of how he lives his life. >> has an attorney already. >> he will not take her. >> when their paths intersect she's stuck in her life and he sort of traverses through it. and you know, crashes in to it however you want to look at it. and it's about, you know, how -- what effect they have on each other. >> every day i say, where am i going to wind up? >> and finally you guys are doing your own singing. when you know that, when that is the realization happening, are you like oh! or okay, let's do it. >> he can really sing. >> i was really excited about it. the genre was the folky bluesy thing, i was getting really excited about it. i loved that. >> i knew because i had read the script before that amy wanted me to be able to sing and i was like, um. amy, you know. >> i did the same thing with a guitar i didn't really play a guitar, that was a terrifying prospect that i would actually have to.
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put this in your hands and your face. and i am like why? >> take it. >> i am going to make good news osama bin laden that. >> i know yo you -- music on th. >> i know you will. >> stay tuned there is more when the weather starts turning cooler and the air is nice and crisp, i know that fall has finally arrived. and with it, all the flavors of the season. fall is all about bringing people together around delicious food. and each recipe brings as much enjoyment as the company. low prices on everything you need to make every meal more memorable. walmart. y, you forgot the milk! that's lactaid. right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can drink all you want... ...with no discomfort?
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we should find something here. ooh! that will work! happy to help. -thank you. ♪ we're happy to help make your day a little better. walmart. moms don't take sick days, moms take dayquil severe hey amanda, sorry to bother you but i gotta take a sick day. the non-drowsy, coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy head, no sick days, medicine. for my frequent heartburnmorning because you can't beat zero heartburn! ahhh the sweet taste of victory! prilosec otc. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. thanks for watching "made in hollywood now," everybody. >> for more of what's hot on screen check out
3:32 am ♪ made in hollywood ♪ made in hollywood ♪ made in hollywood ♪ made in hollywood ♪
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you have to talk to her. but we have already talked to 50 not named clinton. we'll talk to another couple dozen not named clinton. so i understand there is attention associated with her. from my perspective. i am more interested in chris stevens' e-mails which we just received than i am her e-mails we just received. >> speaking of the politicalization of this -- carly fiorina running for president, rendered her view on what the hearings are about this week. i wish for once mrs. clinton would be. >> thursday is about benghazi, before, during, after. frankly, secretary clinton's defense. she is going to have a lot more information about the before
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than he is the during and the after. so, i, i get that there is a presidential campaign going on. i have told my own republican colleagues and friends, shut up talking about things that you don't know anything about. and unless you are on the committee, you have no idea what we have done, why we have done it, what new facts we have found we have found new facts, john, that have absolutely nothing to do with her. >> what do you want to know from secretary clinton when she shows up? >> what i want to know is while violence was going up in libya why was our security profile going down. it wasn't staying the same. it was going down. in the past, john, she said i have people and processes in place to handle that. well, you also have people and processes in place to handle, drivel produced by sydney blumenthal. i want to know why certain things made tight your inbox, madam secretary, but the plaintiff pleadings of our own ambassador that you put in place for more
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security never bothered to make it to your inbox. i think that is a fair question. >> it is interesting that after 17 months, 4.7 million and counting of taxpayers' money that chairman is now saying he has another two dozen witnesses to interview. it's very interesting. and i do believe that, what he is trying to do, i listen to him carefully. now trying to shift back to where we should have been all along. that is looking at the benghazi incident. and, it's clear to me. he can try to dismiss the words of congressman mccarthy. the second. highest ranking member in congress. try to dismiss the word of congressman and of his hand picked investigator, who quit. the fact is he keeps saying don't listen to what they say. they don't know anything.
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well we were on the committee too. by the way he said there were seven members. also five democrats. we know what has been going on. and, and, listen to this. he has not yet interviewed the head of the cia. but he has not yet interviewed the head of joint chiefs. the head of the, the secretary of defense. none of that. >> let me ask you, you mention, ms. abdin, the adviser to hillary clinton, is this a sham on thursday? >> i think it's -- i think it is a sad day for, for all of us. because we made a commitment to the families. families came in with tears in their eyes literally. said please do not make this a political football. that's what happened. they said. find out more information about what did happen. and then they asked us to do, one other thing. and that is -- try to make sure you figure out how this does not happen again.
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i think we failed in all three. if you listen to the chairman. he says two new things. looking at ambassador stevens' e-mails you get a sense how much he was pleading. not being listened to. lines of communication not open. new information about the ability to respond to an attack like that. isn't that worthy information? >> we need. we need to honor the family's request. we figure out how to make sure this doesn't happen again. i would be happy to look into that. we have investigations, by the way, i think, he talked about, sydney blumenthal and others. we need to have a transparent record. i am calling on him to make sure that -- he releases the transcripts of all the people we interviewed. most were state department people. or they were hillary clinton's former aides. people worked in her campaign. speech writers. when he talks about the 50
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witnesses. we have been zeroed in on hillary clinton.
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the war of words heating up between republican presidential contenders, donald trump and jeb bush. during the last gop debate. bush gave his brother, former president george w. bush credit for keeping the nation safe on his watch. trump criticized that statement pointing out the 9/11 attacks happened with bush in office. trump, said if his immigration policies were in place at the time, he says the terrorists would not have been able to get into the country in the first place. jeb bush spoke about this and more on "cbs this morning." >> when many people looked at this campaign before it really began. you were the guy they thought would be the front-runner. the first vote doesn't take place until february. people look at the numbers i repeated and say what happened to jeb bush. >> i was one of though that thought i was the front-runner.
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i know i have to go tell the jeb story. people know me as george's boy, george's brother the they don't know that i was an effective conservative governor that disrupted the old order in florida. and made big changes i tell that story each and every day. it resonates. >> why can't you have more resonance then, this long, two debates from telling the jeb bush story. what's the problem to connect with the voters? >> it's not a problem. we are just starting. the important race is iowa. new hampshire. south carolina. nevada. you go into the super tuesday states. building an organization in all the places the i feel confident where we are right now? >> during the democratic debate. bernie sanders said they're -- the american people are sick of the damne-mails. are you sick and tired of donald trump. he its getting all of at tension in the race. all the candidates are saying,
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look, we are over here weft have something to say. how are you and your team dealing with the donald trump candidacy. >> i admire the fact that he is politically incorrect. we are too uptight as a nation. and i admire the fact that he doesn't feel embarrassed about his wealth. what else do i admire? let me think. running out of things. he's got a great family. >> is it frustrating? >> ultimately people are going to want to know who is going to sit behind the big desk. who is going to be making decisions tha impact millions of americans. are we going to be safe? are we going to create a climate? >> anything about donald trump that makes you think we would not be safe and worried if he was there? >> i have no clue. that's the point. he hasn't shared his views. when he talks foreign policy. he talks about -- how putin ought to take care of isis. and the week before -- and isis ought to take care of assad. send refugees back to syria to their slaughter. these are serious times. you need a person who has the temperament and the leadership skills to fix the things that are broken and do it with compassion and conviction. and have the skills to lead. over the long haul that's the lane i will stay in. i believe i will be effective.
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i don't know about donald trump's view of leadership. he talks about himself the whole time. rather than what he would do. >> governor, i want to ask you a couple policy serious questions. quickly, you talked about being your own man do. you see your brother. george w. bush coming out on the campaign trail with you. >> i don't know. >> i don't know. he has been helpful raising money. giving me advice. last republican to be elected. the one before that. the one guy that i rely on, on, on, you know the ebbing and flowing of politics. it is pretty wild. he has done it. >> let me talk to you about afghanistan. that's the front page of the papers today. president obama leaves office in 15 months. saying the draw down will be left to his successor. you have said that obama is short changing our military commander. be specific. how many american troops would you leave in the ground in afghanistan. >> take the recommendation of the, the general that was responsible for it.
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who is now the chairman of the joint chiefs. 10,000 troops. 9,800 troops. the proper place to be. without a time line. the minute you create a time line. you are also, your opponents, enemies are organizing for waiting you out. i think that's the proper thing to do. >> insurance company says the valley wildfire in northern california last month did $1.5 billion in damage. it destroyed more than 1,200 homes. four people were killed. four firefighters injured. eight firefighters from middletown lost their own homes. here's carter evans. >> i had been seeing burned houses all day. knowing this was mine. and knowing there was nothing i could do. it's surreal. cal fire battalion chief, paul duncan says he took all the proper precautions. >> this was all green. we had done our clearances. >> reporter: when duncan saw smoke in the distance the he left his wife courtney and daughters rose and page. and raced towards the flames. the valley fire was 25 miles from his home when it suddenly exploded. a wall of flames bearing down on middletown.
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just six min ufts after the order came to evacuate. >> the houses down the road were already on fire. i texted my dad. i am so scared. where do we go? >> she said there is cars in front of me. that are on fire. fire beside me. fire behind me. i texted him that i loved him. he said i love you too. just in case, anything would have happened. >> i said you know where the road is. you need to drive. step on the gas. drive through the fire. >> reporter: four people died in the valley fire. duncan says fire crews helped save thousand evacuating entire neighborhoods. >> the firefighters are just trying to get people out of the way. life over property. >> reporter: justin was facing flames when he heard middletown was being overrun. the irony of this, yeah. you are a fire fighter. out on the fire lines. and, your home is on fire. and there is no one to protect it. >> i know. what's the alternative. you know.
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bring a bunch of resources over here. save my house. and then have people perish down the street? you know that is not an option. >> reporter: eight fire fighters lost their homes. so did 100 students in middletown high school. this is all right that is left of principal bill roderick's house. his wife shawne, a teacher. their daughter taylor, a freshman. >> this was my house for most of my childhood. they were out of town when fire broke out. they frantically called a neighbor hoping to rescue what mattered most. >> whatever you have to do. she was like, shawne, i will not leave. the fire is in my backyard. i am not going to go without tinker bell. >> it was a promise kept. >> the caretaker of our family. all four pounds. >> this, it is memories. it hurts. don't get me wrong. it hurts. but, we're all okay. >> it's not just you. a large part of your community. starting over from scratch. >> yep. >> reporter: just two weeks
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after the fire classes resumed at middletown high. >> let's go, guys. that's the bell. >> rose duncan is a sophomore. >> it was emotional. 2/3 of my friends have lost their homes. going to school is definitely helping me cope through this. knowing our teachers are going through the same thing. students are going through the same things. >> reporter: not every student felt that comfort. >> pretty much the only one out of my friend group that lost their house. they kept messaging me. my house is there. my house is fine the all this stuff. i was like, yea. congratulations. i don't have clothes to go out to the grocery store to get food. only have my pajamas. they're like, oh, i don't have wi-fi. >> reporter: it is a dilemma for a community that welcomes any sign of normalcy. but where so much remains to be done. and so many still need aid. >> i don't like getting stuff from other people. i don't like charity.
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>> it feels very natural for us. and our children. to be on the helping side. being on, on the other side is, is very unusual. very uncomfortable. but, it ultimately will help us get back to where we can help other people again. >> reporter: for now, the duncans are digging through the rubble finding small treasures. >> there we go. >> it's emotional. it's something survived. very little did. most of it was ceramics. it does provide a little bit. piece of your past back. >> reporter: mostly all about looking forward. >> the hills are going to get green again. people are going to rebuild. it will be better than it was before. it will be. how can it not be? >> reporter: even with damage on such a wide scale, the recovery has begun. and so has the resiliency. carter evans in middletown, california. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back. asy way to draw attention
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3:51 am
early voting under way in ohio. the hot issue legalizing marijuana. four states and washington, d.c. allow recreational pot use. in each state voters allowed medical marijuana first. ohio could make history by allowing both at the same time. polls show 58% support legalization. some opponents don't like the way the law is written. barry peterson is there.
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>> how many days do we have left? >> 21. >> reporter: the pro-marijuana camp is wrapping up until the days until the vote are counting down. >> we are just doing polling. >> reporter: they aim to knock on a million doors between now and the election day. we were able to accelerate this. ian james spent 30 years as a campaign strategist here in ohio. now he is leading the charge to legalize pot. what is it going to say to the country if you win this issue in ohio? >> i think you have got the old saying, so goes ohio so goes the nation. ohio is known as a battleground state. in this election it really as it bout the ground. this ground. one of the fields that would be turned into an area where marijuana will be grown. but unlike other states, that have legalized pot, a yes vote would amend the constitution to
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allow only 10 groups of already hand picked investors the exclusive right to grow the state's entire supply of pot. >> this is not the right way to do it. >> reporter: popular two term governor bob taft is one of the amendments most vocal opponents. >> if not a monopoly. it's an oligopoly. ten growing sites that will control the market in the state of 11 million people. so that is an exclusive commercial right. >> reporter: when a taft speaks, ohio listens. for a century the family produced politicians from senators to a president. >> i don't think that the tax benefits outweigh the hazards. risks of going recreational, medical all the way. flooding our state with edible products that are attractive to our kids. >> this would be butler county grow site. >> woody is bob's distant
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cousin. this taft find himself on the opposite side of the issue. because woody is within of the investors who will get to grow the pot. >> i'm in this first because i believe in it. that it is right. i'm in it second to make money. >> so far, woody and the other investors have funded $20 million of the $23 million pro-legalization campaign. it doesn't look clean and open to me. it looks like what the other side says. a monopoly. >> look someone is going to step forward and do this. it takes money to got on the ballot. >> no on issue 3. >> reporter: opponents are fighting back with their own amendments on the ballot to ban monopolies. if both of these pass and you're understanding what's next? >> if there is one lawyer alive in the state of ohio there is going to be a lawsuit. >> the responses have been good. >> reporter: a battle in yet another state to turn a black market into the newest big business. barry peterson. columbus, ohio. the "cbs overnight news" will be right back.
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many think ice hockey is a young man's sport. but for one man, the rink has become a fountain of youth. steve hartman has his story. in northern minnesota it's not uncommon to find a guy in his 90s looking back on his glory days is a a hockey player. but it is uncommon to find a guy still living them. >> you have got to challenge yourself a little bit. i think that's what keeps you going. >> reporter: like his handlebar mustache, mark's hockey days appear never ending. he started playing as a little kid and is still putting on pads and gloves at the unbelievable age of 94. >> just putting all right equipment on is a miracle the he does it. three four times a week. >> reporter: he is like nothing i have ever seen. just stepping over the boards is like nothing i have ever seen. mark plays in pickup games.
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every time he comes to the rink he is oldest by a generation. some of the guys could be his great, great grandchildren. yet he keeps right up with them all most as if he is oblivious to his age. >> you ever heard of shuffleboard? >> heard of it. never played it. >> reporter: it would be safer that's for sure. a few months ago he took a hard hit. >> bad collision. fractured two ribs. punctured my lung. >> reporter: can you imagine at 94. doctors told him he would have to sit out at least six weeks. he was back in three. >> i just love the game i guess. >> reporter: and he's good at it too. watch this. that's him with the puck. scoring. how many goals did you skr today? >> should have had more. i only had six. >> only six today. >> yeah. that's more than anybody else. >> i think so. yeah.
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>> for the record it was. >> to add insult to injury. not only does mark beat the pants off the whipper snappers. he takes their money too. way back when mark was just 80, the other guys in the group offered to pay his skating fees for life, thinking how much longer could it be? >> it's killing us. killing our budget. >> that was 14 years ago. >> is that true? >> true. >> pretty good deal. >> you love hockey or you are cheap? >> you would ask that, wouldn't you? [ laughter ] >> no, i so enjoy what i am doing. >> reporter: and he has no plans to stop. in fact, he suggested we come back to watch him play again. at 100. >> yeah, got to think that way, don't you? >> it's on my calendar. steve hartman on the road. in duluth, minnesota. that's the "cbs overnight news" for this sunday. for some of you the news continues. for others, check back with us a little later for "the morning news" and "cbs this morning."
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captioning funded by cbs it's monday, october 19tobe 2015. this is the "cbs morning news." millions of americans are in for an early dose of wintry weather as frost's freeze warnings stretch from the mississippi to the atlantic. clashes on the campaign trail. donald trump doesn't back down for blazing blame on 9/11 on george bush. and hillary clinton gets ready for questioning on ben gha ghazi. one swimmer is fighting for his life after one shares his story of survival.


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