tv Eyewitness News at 11 CBS October 19, 2015 11:00pm-11:36pm EDT
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heroes and they're shining moment is a viral zen saying. the bucks county high school that named them king and queen and the amazing response they received. and devilish deals you don't have to spend an arm an leg to show your halloween spirit this year. where you can get your costumes without breaking the bank. in or out the big tweet about potential presidential run for joe biden that has a lot of people talking to night. weather relief is on the way. we're getting weather ready for a warmup. >> i'm ukee washington. jessica is off night. kate is on the sky deck what it feels like right now and what the region can expect in the morning. kate. >> big warmup and temperature getting whole lot nicer. it feels pretty here in philadelphia this evening. clear sky, and a cool breeze right now but i can also tell you when i walk out to the sky deck i did a double take the moon right now is gorgeous. way over here. you can't really see it hyped me if you get a chance to head to the window and peek out it's low hanging yellow tint to it very large beautiful night for moon
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gazing. nice clear sky outside. we started the morning off very very chilly. 35 degrees was the morning low here in philadelphia. coldest temperatures since apr april 1st of 2015. april 1st that was a long time ago. now we're heading into those cold temperatures again tonight. we're down to 40 degrees in allentown. 42 in trenton. 47 in philadelphia. and it's 45 at the atlantic city airport right now. but look at the difference from this time yesterday. right now it's 17 degrees warmer than this time yesterday at mount pocono. 11 degrees warmer in atlantic city and 7 degrees warmer here in philadelphia. so the warming trend will continue over the next several days. 50s again today after a cool day yesterday but tomorrow we're right back to the 60s right about where we should be and then on wednesday and thursday, we're talking highs in the 70s. the question is, how long does it last? we've got another front coming through thursday evening that will bring some cooler weather once again. i'll have more on that and our neck chance for a little wet weather coming up when i join you inside. back over to you ukee. >> thanks a lot kate. speculation continues to swirl
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about the political future of vice-president joe biden and one local congressman says he has the inside scoop on the vice-president's decision to run for president. "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt in our sat center tonight with the story and the latest poll numbers. david? >> reporter: ukee, this new poll released today from monmouth university in new jersey shows hillary clinton at 48% nationally among democrats. bernie sanders is at 21 and joe biden at 17% he hasn't even declared but when will he, if he does and will his number go up or down? >> i honest to god believe i'll be the next president of the united states of america. >> come on. >> honest to god. that was joe biden in 1987 talking about his 88 campaign for the white house. george w. bush later won but biden gave it one more shot 20 years later. >> joe biden i'm one of the candidates for president. how are you. >> thank you. >> he didn't quite make it to the presidency but got close as the number two where he's been since 2009. >> i'm not going to comment on what joe's doing or not doing.
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i think you can direct those questions to my very able vice-president. >> reporter: but the vice-president hasn't answered when asked. >> are you running for president? philadelphia area congressman brendon boyle stirred things up monday morning with tweet that reads, i have a very good source close to joe that tells me vp biden will run for press. "eyewitness news" reach out to the congressman several times to ask about the tweet. our calls were not return. meanwhile, on the streets of wilmington, the talk is all about joe biden. >> it would be good to have another face. >> make eight very interesting -- (laughter), campaign. >> campaign that has former secretary of state hillary clinton polling double of her closest competitor vermont senator bernie sanders. >> there does come a point where a decision has to be made, but certainly i'm not in any way suggesting or recommending that the vice-president accept any
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timetable other than the one that is clicking inside of him. >> reporter: a source close to biden told cbs news the vice-president will not be bullied and will make a decision when he's ready. live in the sat sent, dave spunt cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> we'll be waiting. david, thank you. republican presidential hopeful donald trump and ben carson asking for secret service protect. agency says homeland security secretary jay johnson will consult with five senior members of congress before a decision is made. the request comes more than a year before election day. stay with white news every step of the way as we could have campaign 2016. you can good the latest any time at tonight the candidates for philadelphia mayor square off. "eyewitness news" at temple university democratic nominee jim kenney and republican nominee melissa murray bailey debated the issues. the election is two weeks from gnome tomorrow. to night's debate was hosted by the center for public interest journalism at temple's school of media and communications. a contract has been found
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guilty for his role in the deadly 2013 sent city building collapse. after less than three hours of deliberations, jury convicted griffin campbell of six counts of involuntary man lauder. prosecutors say he cut corners causing the demolition at 22nd and market to kill six people and injure 13. campbell had said he's a scapegoat for the architect overseeing the project. all parties involved remembered these lost their lives two years ago. >> my heart hurts every day that this happened for them and my heart is hurting because he was a good guy. >> the wound that never heals so they are grateful for the jury. they're grateful for the convict but they know that won't ease the paper in their hearts. >> jurors rejected the third degree murder charges sought by prosecutor that would have likely given campbell live in prison without parole much he's schedule to be sentence on the eighth of january normal word what started the fire that destroyed the lulu country club in glenside montgomery county.
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clubhouse was totally gutted as ripped flew it yesterday morning. it took firefighters three hours to control the blaze much the fire started in the basement and the building's 100-year-old timber caused the fire to spread so quickly. a man accused of raping four girls in philadelphia's germantown neighborhood pleads no contest. 25-year-old ant and two brown will be sentenced in february. all the rapes happened between march and june of 2013. victims ranged in age from 12 to 17. new tonight, new jersey residents are waging their own war on drug. taking matters into their own hands by training residents to take act. "eyewitness news" reporter todd quinn nope is tended one of the training sessions in burlington and shows you how the community hopes to prevent drug related death. >> when wall of hamilton new jersey lost his 22-year-old son cory to a heroin overdose he started a company called the overdose prevention agency
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corporation or tow pack. >> three, two, one, inject complete. >> here inside burlington city hall members of the tow back were hard at work. >> i just couldn't see other families going through what my family went through. >> reporter: showing how to use potentially live saving drug called narcan. this version is a cartridge injection given to someone who has overdos overdosed. some at audience like joe morris have love one struggling with heroin. this class aim out of necessary. in burlington city a lone four people have died of heroin overdose. >> in the last year our law enforcement officers in burlington city have carried narcan. we've had eight safes ourselves. >> the 20 people attend the classes here all given narcan as well as those training cartridges you there was on that story. so they could practice giving injection if need. reporting in burlington,
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inform, todd quinones, cbs3 "eyewitness news". villanova university public safety department will transition into a police force. the department will have a combination of security personnel and police officers with 20% of officers under going the same training as public law enforcement. the trained officers will carry firearms on campus. villanova says this transition will a line them with most of their higher education peers. about 70% of all colleges nationwide have a police force. the homecoming king of queen at central bucks south high school are in extra big deal this year. video of them is sweeping the internet and tonight, our diana rocco shows you why. >> perfect. >> reporter: central bucks south senior nick magee is still beaming from his homecoming king win. >> it felt great. >> reporter: youtube video posted by his sister that has more than 1 million views, it's half time at cb south homecoming game and the winners are being
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announced. nick hears his name. runs over to the stands and starts leading them in his favorite cheer. >> i believe that we will win. >> the crowd goes wild chaning back. he runs to get his crown, hugs friend and newly crowned lilly bowman. they both have down syndrome them got to share the moment together as king and queen before all of their friends and family. >> nick, i love this man. >> friends forever? >> yes. >> reporter: senior taylor was his date on the court and standing next to him when this name was called. >> tears. it was probably the best moment of my entire time at cb south. i couldn't contain any emotions it was amazing. >> lilly' brother is on the football team and was getting ready to take the field. >> i could just hear the crowd cheering even gnaw it was lilly. i went out there and i just saw my mom and my grant parents and they were just almost on the verge of tears.
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>> what's next for these two? >> oh, going to game next frid friday. >> central bucks won the game against abington nick and lilly are forever grateful to their peers for giving them a night they'll never forget. in shall font, diana rocco cbs3 "eyewitness news". oh, hail the king and queen. still to come on "eyewitness news" oscar pistorius out of jail while the double amputee form her olympian was released wine he may not be out for long. kate. >> if today was a little too cold for you, well, we've got some relieve from the cold on the way but how long will it last? i'll have your full seven day forecast coming up. also, oprah teams up with a weight loss giant. the diet company she joined and effect it had on wall street today. vittoria. >> reporter: before you go out in and spend a fortune on that halloween costume for you and the family, you're going to want to see this. we're at a store that's located right around you where you can find some devilish deals coming
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>> tonight former double amputee olympian oscar pistorius is out of jail and under house arrest in south africa. he was released from prison after serving nearly a year of a five-year sentence in the shooting death of his girlfriend model reeva steen camp in 2013. prosecutors are appealing and will seek a murder conviction next month which would send him back to prison. lamb sources tell cbs news the personal e-mails of cia director john ben nap and homeland security secretary jay johnson have been hack. the anonymous hacker using the handle cwa was tweeting all day long bragging about the breach even releasing the social security numbers and phone
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numbers of about 20 people said to be affiliated with the head of the cia. the unidentified hacker claims to be a high school student. authorities are trying to locate the suspect. a new warning about the dangers of drinking alcohol during pregnancy. the american academy of pediatrics has issued a new report that stresses no amount of alcohol is safe for pregnant women. studies show pregnant women who drank in the first trimester are 12 times more likely to give birth to a child with behavioral or neurological issues. and drinking throughout pregnancy puts babies at 65 times the risk. a recent survey found that 8% of women drank alcohol during pregnancy. oprah winfrey who has publicly struggled with her weight for decades is teaming up with weight watchers. oprah i was inquired a 10% stake in the weight loss company for $43 million. she agreed for weight watchers to use her name, image and likeness. they have struggled with declining sales and profits
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shares of the company doubled in value on news of the oprah partnership. recent survey shows many people will spend more than $70 on halloween costumes this year but you don't have to break the bank to show your halloween spirit. vittoria, joins us in pennsauken tonight with a look at creative costumes tour a bargain. hey, tori. >> reporter: hey, ukee. $70 is a lot of money for one costume. if you come to the goodwill here in pennsauken really they have tons of locations all over the area. for 70 bucks you can really outfit a family of four to six. i'm not kidding. there are some devilish deals to be found at the goodwill and we spent all day long with few families an few kids catching up on in costumes and i through on a creative costume or two on myself. take a look. >> ♪ >> welcome to goodwill hallowe halloween. where all dreams are possible. what's more exciting than dressings up for halloween and being anything you can imagine?
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>> i think i really can wear this for halloween. >> reporter: great prices, depth accomplish deals the next best thing to all that excitement here at goodwill pennsauken. >> it's affordable. >> lots of varieties. it's a chance to be creative. >> exactly much you can put so many things together. >> you can ab fairy princess. robot, a super hero. there's wigs, scary makeup and accessories. prices on these gently used costume range from 9.99 to $20 and they're tons for even under that. >> nice prices good deals. we only wear it once. >> he may be batman but he works here, too. you know what's a crime spending a fortune on halloween. don't you agree. >> but we're cutting those prices in halves maybe into thirds. >> at the goodwill. >> at the goodwill. >> goodwill employees can help you design your own costume. goodwill has awesome idea book which has given me a lost inspiration but i have a few ideas of my own. how about an evil pirate? a
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lovely gypsy girl. or a hunter of wild game. who can resist a baby duck or al alice and wonder lander. >> war are the ben if it's of shopping at the goodwill for halloween. >> you're supporting a wonderful charity saving a lot of money you're guaranteed originality. >> what do you want to be? >> i don't know. i like, um, like lady bug. >> cute. >> i like angels and stuff like that, you know. >> very cute. >> i like mini house. i love it. >> reporter: someone can find mow a pink fur coat i will be a poodle this halloween. i will be a poodle in heels. good seriously. you guys, if someone can search a goodwill and fine me a pink fur coat, i will be a poodle in heels i'm not kidding. the goodwill is the place where you can get creative. we had so much fun and, ukee, don't worry, i pick out few thing for you, too. so, okay, wait. >> hold on, tori.
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>> here are,ing. >> come on now. >> are you sure that's not for you? >> here's what i pick out. wait, okay. smooth criminal, think about it. you know the mj reference. you're welcome. batman. >> okay. >> you all right have the muscles. you already have the muscles. >> and then here's a curve ball. ukee. how about a zen tar. >> oh, my. >> this is creative. what do you think? what do you think? >> for under $10 for each one of these. >> what are you thinking. >> kate is shake herring head on the zen tar. kate is shaking her head, no. >> zen tar it is. >> no, no. >> that's great. >> i'm going get it wrapped up. >> great choices. thank you tori. appreciate it. >> i like that smooth criminal one. >> thanks guys. >> take care. >> zen tar is unexpected. >> i don't know. i don't know. a little different. we'll get back with you thon one. vittoria put out the call if you can find her a pink fur coat she's going to be a high heeled
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poodle. >> someone fine it for her. >> maybe need to bundle up because it's chilly once again but not as bad as last night. last night we had temperatures in the 20s in some spots. it was just too cold too soon if you were like me and doing kind of the fire drill this look looking for hats and coats and winter coats we haven't pull out since last april perhaps at least now you know where they are but you won't need them for few cages let's take look what's going on right now. start off with live shot here skycam3. looking out toward from campbell's field tour ben franklin bridge all lit up tonight a clear sky, the moon is beautiful out there. one of those double take kind of moons i tried to take a picture the pictures never turn out as well it flukes real life. if you get a chance to peck out the window it's a nice site. storm scan3 a little boundary producing a few showers over upstate new york and northern new england as well but back into the great lakes showers in our area high pressure is really holding steady and it will stay with us over the next few days. meaning we don't have wore about
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any rain possibly late thursday night. what to expect through the overnight hours. it's clear but it's not as cold for your tuesday, we rebound to the 60s. which will feel nice tomorrow. wednesday and thursday we're talking mid 70s. well above average and then just in time for friday and the weekend it will turn just slightly cooler but not quite as cool as today has been. 44 in plymouth meeting and in wayne. wilmington at 43. in mace lanning 39 degrees. highs across the area again well below average normal high about 66. we only got to 55 in philadelphia. 53 was the high in allentown and 49 in mount pocono. look at the highs in the central part of the country today. we some 80 degrees highs in wichita, oklahoma city down towards dallas and that warmer air will be lifting to the north and east over the neck several days. all kind of really moving in courtesy of this area of high pressure. heat pump highs as it moves off the eastern seaboard it will generate that southwest flow and that will bring that warm moist air closer to us you can see how
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the colors denote that warmer air moving in for wednesday and it will continue on thursday. what to watch is this weak front. this will come through overnight thursday night. most of us will be asleep if any showers pop up. behind it cooler air returns for the end of the week. you can see october right now just .1-degree above average you can see we've had very warm days and very chilly days as well. looks like the cooler days have been for the weekend time frame that will happen again this week. warmer days midweek and then cooler just in time for the weekend. clear skies overnight not as cold 43 degrees. a beautiful october tuesday tomorrow we're at 68 and your "eyewitness weather" seven day forecast, there's your warmup. wednesday and thursday. mid 70s. so if you want to get one last wear out of those summer dresses or short sleeved shirts or shorts or maybe go golfing, something like that -- >> yeah. >> wednesday that is your weather for it but it gets cooler. notice the sun sticks around through most of the week we're dry. you really can't beat that for a fall week forecast. >> i might be able to get nine holes in.
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didn't start off that sporty but things have picked up since. >> you know, all you want is a w. >> that's all you want. that's all you want. >> sometimes the style points you just let them go. anyone' game at this point at least it was a couple of hours ago. right now, it is pretty much in hand right now. eagles/giants in south philadelphia on monday night football. and the birds on top 27-seven. game almost coming to an epp seven total turnovers in the game. sam bradford three interceptio
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interceptions. just one touchdown. they're winning in spite of a mess at this point. if they win they have a share of first place in the nfc east. let's keep it moving now. the eagles inducting former running back brian westbrook into the hall of fame. villanova product most known for 2003 punt return again the giants meadowlands the 84-yard touchdown gave the eagles a win and helped them turn around season. they went on nine game running streak and won the nfc east. i caught up with westbrook a few hours ago before the game began and asked him about that play. >> coming out party for me just bit. before that some people kind of new about me but they still weren't sure. after that, they understood who he was. >> all right. to the ice the flyers are back in action tomorrow night at the center when they host dallas. they have been lost the last five days. plenty of time to practice. city mason is back with the team after missing the last two games dealing way personal family matter backup goalie was a great fill in posting back to back
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shut outs. mason was asked in nor vick should get the start tomorrow. >> he deserves to play. he played two real solid games. >> he did this job and if he were to play tomorrow it wouldn't change anything for me. i just are have to keep working to he prepare for whatever that game. >> phillies release dom brown. he is now a free agent. the outfielder hit .228 with five homeruns and 25 rbi's this season. brown was one of the top prospects in baseball and when he got called up at 2013 he hit 21 homeruns and drove in 83. he was an all star that game. however, took a step back. the following season with 10 jax that was in present 14 noun he's out the door. all right. where we going live for friday football frenzy? >> here are your choices. vote. dover high school at sales ia inform um. ocean city at atlantic city.
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i want a supreme court judge who knows the law. for the past seven years, i've served on pennsylvania's second highest court. and the bar association has given me their very highest rating. i want a judge who understands regular people. i was the first in my family to graduate from college. my dad was a coal miner. my mom- a factory seamstress. i want a judge with integrity. me too. and that's why i'm running. i'm christine donohue. it's time to bring integrity back to the supreme court. land marks all across our region are glowing pink in the fight against breast cancer. among them the battleship new jersey. the big j taking part in the lights for the cure campaign which is a joint effort by the
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cw philly, cbs3 and susan g. komen philadelphia. the pink light is a row minute to schedule a mammogram. october is breast cancer awareness month. wawa gives a big gift to local organization who helped feed the homeless during the world meeting of families. $3,000 grant was given to chosen 300 by wawa. the organization worked during the pope's visit to make sure volunteers were able to deliver food to the homeless throughout the city. wawa made things lighter for the group covering the cost of food during the entire papal weekend. we'll be right back.
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(store p.a.) attention shoppers, there's a lost couple in the men's department. (vo) there's a great big un-khaki world out there. explore it in a subaru crosstrek. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> we have to roll for don, kate,s? today who is off our entire team i'm ukee washington. remember we're always on at the late show with stephen colbert is neck. thanks so much for watching.
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