tv CBS Evening News CBS November 1, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm EST
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>> glor: officials say it broke apart in the sky, not on the ground. we're in cairo with new details on the russian air disaster. sign up for obamacare, with rising premiums and penalties. the vote legalize marijuana in ohio and give a small group of investors a pot monopoly. >> if there is one lawyer alive in the state of ohio, there's going to be a lawsuit. >> glor: why analysts predict ho-hum sale this shopping season. >> it's in the just one whale's tangled tale, it's a frequent problem on california's coast. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news." >> glor: good evening, i'm
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jeff glor, they were mostly young families on vacation. today russia held a day of mourning for the 220-- 224 people who died when a plane apparently broke up in mid air over egypt's sinai peninsula. these are satellite images of that region. investigators are gathering wreckage in a place where militants loyal to isis operate. so far there is no evidence anyone took the plane down but air france, lufthansa, em ralts and qatar airways are the growing number of carriers avoiding that airspace, more from allen pizzy? cairo. >> the search area for victims has been widened and with it the mystery of what actually caused it. russian aviation officials say the debris is spread over nearly eight square miles. egyptian officials said the body of a child had been found nearly five miles from the main wreckage. there is every indication that the destruction occurred in the air, russian federal aviation head alexander neradko said at a high altitude. >> more than 100 russian emergency workers have been sent to the sinai to help in the search for victims and to examine debris. the detailed investigation will involve french, russian, egyptian and other officials
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according to strict international rules. one theory is the plane may have suffered structure failure, under a previous ownership, the airbus hit the runway at cairo tail first in 2001 and could have reached a critical poipt of weakness even though it underwent many inspections. the extent of the debris field has also focused more attention on the claiming responsibility by an is affiliate. the group is known to have surface to air missiles but their effective range is only about 10,000 feet. for some months a number of airlines have ordered their pilots not to fly below about 25,000 feet over the sinai and the russian plane was higher when con tablght with it was lost. >> egyptian president an el fatah al sisi said the investigation into the crash could take months. this evening, bodies began being moved from the morgue for transportation back to st. petersburg. russian officials say they hope to have all the bodies recovered and repait ree ated within the next two days and ordered the company that owned the airliner
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to ground all the a-320 airbuses in its fleet and check them. >> glor: allen pizzy, thank you. >> we're bringing in michael more rel-- morrell, former number two at the cia and cbs contributor. they're looking at similar planes for a potential mechanical issues but the isis affiliate in the sinai has claimed responsibility as you know. what do you make of that? >> so it's hard to say what the claim of credibility means at this point. this isis affiliate, jeff, has not made a lot of claims. so it's hard to judge whether they've got a tract record of making claims that turn out to be right or a tract record of making claims that turn out to be wrong. so i just don't put a lot of stock on the claim of credibility at this point. >> glor: is it at all real statistics to believe that a surface to air missile could hit a plane at that altitude? >> i don't think so. the type of air defense systems that can reach 30,000 feet are either fixed or they're mobile on trucks.
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it's my understanding that this particular isis group does not have that kind of capability. they have some surface to air missiles, some man pads that are portable but those kind of systems simply can't reach reach that altitude. >> glor: a number of airlines are saying they're not going to fly over this area. what are we to make of that decision. >> jeff, i think it's just prudence. we don't know what happened here, and as long as we don't know what happened, it's probably prudent to avoid the area. >> glor: michael for rell-- morrell, thank you very much. sign up season started for health insurance under the affordable care act year three. premiums are going up an average of 7.5% but they could be much higher depending on where you live. here's jericka duncan. >> reporter: self-ploid accountant fred emel of oklahoma buys insurance for his family through the health insurance market place. he just learned his premiums are going up from $11 per month to $1700. that means he could pay $20,000 next year for health insurance. a single year increase of 66%.
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>> the first job when i got out of school was 16,5, that's a lot of money. >> the affordable care act requires every state to set up a market place for the uninsured or allow the federal government to do so. but when insurance providers back out of that market place as some did in emel's state, consumers pay more. >> premiums vary widely and are actually decreasing in a few places. indiana down 12.6%. and mississippi, down 8%. but in most states, premiums are rising, up 31.5% in alaska, and up nearly 36% in oklahoma. >> and that could be because of market koition, it could be the providers are asking for more money with the insurance companies or it could be because drug prices are increasing. >> elizabeth benjamin helps people get health-care coverage. >> insurance increases that are over 10%, the government will come in and review it.
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>> reporter: according to the department of health and human services, with tax credits, more than seven in ten current enrollees could find plans for $75 a month or less. but fred emel doesn't qualify for tax credits forcing him to shop around. subsidies will go up but will will penalties which will be more than double per adult to $695 or 2.5% of taxable income, whichever is higher and fines for families will now be almost $2100 if you don't have insurance. jeff? >> jericka, thank you very much. a georgia man says he's on death row because he's black. and the jury that sentenced him is white. tomorrow the supreme court will hear his case. as weija jang reports, the outcome could change the way juries nationwide are selected. >> reporter: timothy tyrone foster does not deny killing a 79 year old woman during a burglary in her northern georgia home. but foster says he didn't get a fair trial because the
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prosecutor removed all the black candidates from the jury. the trial came just a year after the supreme court ruled jurors could not be excused because of their race. but lawyers could still dismiss them for cause. >> what we've seen since the question was decided is that prosecutors continue to strike african-americans or hispanics from the juries. and then just make up reasons for striking them. as long as they are not race reasons. >> reporter: steven, a veteran death penalty attorney is representing foster. he went through the prosecution teams notes and said he found blatant discrimination. >> what we really found was an arsenal of smoking guns. >> reporter: the name of each potential black juror was highlighted. the word black was circled next to the race question on questionnaires, and in this list of possible jurors tielt eled def nos, the top five people are black. during closing arguments, the prosecutor urged the all-white jury to sentence foster to death in part to deter other people
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out there in the projects from doing the same again. tomorrow bright will argue the supreme court should grant foster a new trial and force trial judges to hold juror challenges to a higher standard. >> they have to screut niez the reasons that prosecutors give and that they can't just take them at face value. because if that's going to happen, then this is going to continue from now on. >> reporter: georgia courts have repeatedly rejected claims of discrimination. prosecutors even argue they actually wanted a black juror to avoid accusations that the jury was biased. >> glor: thank you. it appears the wreckage of a doomed cargo ship has finally been found. searchers aboard a navy vessel believe they found the el naro under 15,000 feet of water east of the bahamas. the el faro went down october 1st in heavy seas cause quaked by hurricane what queen, 35 people were on board, no one survived. this tuesday voters in ohio will
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decide whether to legalize marijuana. at issue say propose amendment that would give a small group of investors a pot monopoly. here's barry petersen. >> it's time for marijuana reform, so law enforcement can spend their time cracking down on real criminals. >> reporter: the ads are coming fast an fur yus for a constitutional amendment legalizing pot for recreational and medical use. a campaign using a battle-tested plan run by political operative ian james. >> they're getting ready for the ipad canvass. >> reporter: but unlike other states, here ten groups have already hand picked investors will get exclusive right to grow ohio's pot. and they are paying to play. growing almost all of the $24 million-- bank rolling all of the almost 24 million dollar campaign. >> these aren't people that we think of are stoners, hippies, we're talking about prominent well-known business people who are supporting this. >> right, we're talking about this taking this from a tie-dye to suit and tie approach.
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>> this is not the right way to do it. >> reporter: but former governor bob taft says this kind of business is bad business. >> with maybe some money coming, if this issue passes, to local governments. but think of the public-health costs in terms of our children, our youth. >> reporter: every state makes its own rules for growing legal march a. the group of ten investors here say they will compete against each other. and argue that their plan stream lines getting pot into shops and money into tax coffers. investor jennifer doering runs a liquor distribution company. >> it tells the rest of the nation that ohio is progressive and people are progressive thinkers. and that if it can happen in ohio, it can happen anywhere. >> no on issue three. >> reporter: but opponents got their own amendment on the ballot to ban monopolies. and both the anti and proamendments are polling well. >> reporter: if both of these pass, in your understanding, what's next? >> if there is one lawyer alive in the state of ohio there's
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going to be a lawsuit. >> reporter: if so, courts may ultimately decide if marijuana in ohio stays on the black market or becomes the state's newest big business. barry petersen, cbs news, columbus. >> glor: and to illinois where lawmakers have proposed a new approach to preventing domestic violence. they're looking to the beauty profession to help spot ugly situations at home. jamie yuccas shows us why some believe training salon workers could help save lives. >> reporter: women go to the salon for a new look but can end up spilling secrets about struggles at home. new york stylist keri towers has heard it all. >> once you get to know someone and they keep coming back to you, they trust you. >> reporter: it's that kind of openness that has illinois lawmakers looking to require a mandatory hour of training for nail technicians and hairdressers to spot signs of abuse when renewing their license every two years.
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this would be the first law of its kind in the country. >> the training specifically for domestic violence might actually be very helpful. >> absolutely. >> i do not know when to spot it so training would be a great thing. >> reporter: national programs like the professional beauty association's cut it out train stylists to recognize abuse and refer victims to helpful resources. >> results can be hard to track. safe horizon is the largest victim services agency in the nation. c.e.o. ariel zwang says abused women are often isolated from friends and family. >> so they're more likely to open up to a cosmetologist. >> there is something about that salon technician or hair stylist that makes them feel free to talk but not be judged. >> reporter: nationwide more than 20,000 phone calls are placed to domestic violence hotlines but the department of justice estimates 50% of cases go unreported. >> with one in four american women experiencing domestic violence, there are going to be women in every salon every day who could benefit from a
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referral to a domestic violence service provider. >> reporter: if the law passes in illinois, salon employees wouldn't be blaimed for failing to intervene in a domestic violence situation. jeff, faith horizon points out there are resources for victims in every state and online. >> glor: jamie, thank you very much. late today we learned actor and politician fred thompson has died. throughout his career thompson switched between playing washington insiders in films like the hunt for red october, and being one. he served two terms as a u.s. senator from tennessee. he ran for president in 2008. in recent years he played the dvment amount of on law and order. a family statement says he died in nashville of lymphoma. fred thompson was 73 years old. >> up next, an update on a tangled whale and why it's happening so often. and the fallout from this weekend's wildest play when the weekend's wildest play when the cbs evening news tns.
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of humpback whale tangled in a fishing line, as mireya villarreal tells us it is a recurring problem with whales switching closer and closer to shore. >> reporter: by the time rescuers reached this humpback whale, weighing more than 40,000 pound, it was dragging two long lines of rope stuck in its mouth and trailing past its tail. >> it is a very, very risky and some what dangerous procedure. >> reporter: sea world curator keith yip is part of the rescue crew which first tried to free the whale on friday but it swam more than 80 miles before crews spotted it again near san diego. >> this animal had this in tow. even after the team up north cut 100 feet of line offer. >> reporter: russell operates whale watching tours and also assisted in the rescues within similar to the way a fisherman with pull in a big fish, they pulled in a humpback whale. this whale i believe in the end knew we were there to help and allowed us to cut the gear free.
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>> reporter: rescuers also freed another whale last week. the two other recent attempts failed. since january there have been at least 50 whales caught up in fishing lines off the california coast. the food they prey on is drawn to these waters because of warmer ocean temperatures. and when the whales get here. >> there's all sorts of different entanglements, some with long line, you've got hooks all over and it's just really kind of a dangerous situation. >> one scientist tells cbs news the outlook for this humpback whale is guarded. part of the line may still be trapped in its mouth but at least he says the whale now has a much better chance of survival. mireya veel veel-- villarreal, cbs news, los angeles. >> glor: up next, retailers are ready to sell this holiday season but are people ready to buy?
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>> seven years from the end of the official recession, people are not feeling confident well. have a recent cbs news poll showing 60% of americans who think the condition of the national economy is bad, and just 38% think it's good. because of that lack of confidence, there are many analysts who are predicting this could be a flat season from last year, maybe up just a little bit. >> glor: which is interesting because millions of new jobs created over the past year. the unemployment rate is at 5.1%, gas prices 80 cents cheaper than last year. people should have more money to spend, right? >> yes, and economists really thought that extra money would be spent freely throughout lots of different sectors. that has not happened. what has occurred is that americans are saving. in fact, as of a report this past week, we know the savings rate is 4.8%. that's pretty healthy rate. and yes, although the labor landscape has improved, we're still only 2.2% higher with wages. and i think that is really sticking into the american mindset. >> glor: have retailers given us some indication of where they
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are at or what they are expecting. >> we know based on how many employees have to hire so mixed news, amazon up 25% over last year, 100,000 temp workers for the holidays, wal-mart flat at 60,000. toi toi down to 40,000. i can't say it will be a lump of coal. probably not a big diamond either, somewhere in between. >> glor: thank you very much. >> still ahead here, a visit with the kid billed as hockey's next big thing.
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>> glor: it was one the wildest plays in foots ball history and today officials said also one of the worst series of calls. miami duke final seconds of the game, miami scored a game-winning touchdown after eight lateral passes. today the league conducted a review and suspended the entire officiating crew two games for blowing multiple calls on the play. cold comfort for duke fans, though, the score still stands. hurricanes win in the end. >> finally tonight, is he being called everything from the next big thing to hockey's lebron james. he is conner mcdavid, a generational talent who just began his first season on the ice playing for the edmonton oilers, once home to wayne gretzky, for this week's new edition of "60 minutes" sports, we got the inside look at the making of a mega pros peck. >> we heard this, the precoshus child that shows a spooky talent at a very, very young age. his parents say they neither
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push nor encouraged his obsession with hockey. >> my perspective was we owed it to him to give him every opportunity to be successful. and if success didn't follow, you know, we would deal with that as a family. because first and fore most we're still a family it was pretty clear to me from a very young age that he was a talented hockey player and he had a gift that others didn't have. >> reporter: like only two players before him, mcdavid signed a special exception that allowed him to play in the ontario league for the erie otters at the age of 15, against his three and four years older. but that involved leaving home. as a child, he had warned his mother that that day would come. >> we were standing at the kitchen table. and he said to me, i will be leaving home when i'm 156789 and i said oh my gosh, you know, you don't want to leave your mom. and he looked right at me and he said are you going to stop me? and i thought well, you know, sure, i can if i want to. >> the shy kid who doesn't want to talk much.
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>> uh-huh. >> knows when to talk. >> yeah, and he was very-- he's very insightful. >> he was probably seven. >> he was seven. >> yeah, very young. >> it is never easy to leave home, at any time. obviously for mum or dad, i think when are you 15 and leaving home, i think it makes it that much harder. but it was something that i just needed to do. and i needed to keep moving on in my hockey career. >> reporter: and mcdavid is off to an extraordinary point, 12 point nses 12 games in his first season. you can see the full report and the rest of "60 minutes" sports tuesday night on showtime. that is the cbs evening news tonight. later on cbs here, "60 minutes." and first thing tomorrow, cbs this morning. i'm jeff glor, in new york. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh
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