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tv   Eyewitness News at 11  CBS  November 15, 2015 11:30pm-12:06am EST

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(phone buzzes) someone has to help her. he's stabbing her! he's k... he's killing her! please, help! please! turn it off, now! we are gonna push through this. right now. he was attacking her. you rushed to help. he was exiting the apartment, he pulled the mask off. who was he? who killed isabel? (phone line ringing) damn it, avery, pick up. i can't get d.b. on his cell. (phone buzzing) i shouldn't have come here. i shouldn't have come here. i'm no help at all. this was a mistake. this was a mistake! i need to use the restroom. (line ringing) come on, raven, pick up. (phone buzzing) krumitz, why do you keep blowing up... raven, raven, stop talking, just listen. avery, tristan jenkins is the target. what? he was behind the wedial intrusion.
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he wouldn't say who was under the mask because it was him. come on. fbi! clear. fbi! clear! clear! this is special agent avery ryan. we have a suspect fleeing. tristan jenkins, five-foot-ten, caucasian, brown hair. i need him detained. tristan jenkins, five-foot-ten, caucasian, brown hair. rightabreva can heal itold sore, in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don't tough it out,
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11:35 pm
and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. get out of the past. get fios.
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(siren wails, tires screech) man (over radio): car 1, go, go! fbi! tristan jenkins, fbi! go right! tristan jenkins! all clear! federal agents! (indistinct radio communications) it's all clear. (indistinct radio chatter) isabel's apartment. everything tristan told me about his friendship with isabel he learned by eavesdropping on her wedial video chat. the painting, the chinese dinner...
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all that happened while she was video chatting with someone else. isabel: maybe i'll fly home and visit over the long weekend. it would be nice to spend a night in my old room. tristan: we liked the same chinese food. takeout tuesday. so weekends were movie marathons-- usually animated movies. ...skip the games and ask her out already. can't get the color of the ocean right. you'll look at the ocean... tristan: she loved painting. she introduced me to it. ...painting and you realize it's actually a million... this is like a cyber version of that movie rear window. but, so, they never actually met? the way he's profiling, no, not in the real world. tristan's ptsd masked more serious behavior: technology facilitative social isolation. he basically lived his whole life in this apartment. that explains all the eggs we found in the refrigerator. probably wasn't getting enough vitamin d from the sun. sounds like agoraphobia. no. agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder-- a fear of being in a situation where you feel helpless or trapped. tristan's isolation was not born of fear,
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but of dependence. technology provided him with everything that he needed. he became addicted to experiencing the world online and over time, the only time he felt safe or comfortable was behind a computer screen. i bet the first time he saw isabel was when she moved into this apartment building. he used his wedial exploit to find her and then eavesdrop on her. what drove him to murder? primal urge. as his obsession grew, he overcame his self-imposed isolation. so he forced himself out his door, into her apartment, carved her up while she video-chatted with her parents. it's looking that way. and if so, tristan didn't collapse because he witnessed a murder. he was overwhelmed by sensory overload when he committed murder and left this apartment. (phone chimes) all right, text from russell. "our killer's saliva is not in any law enforcement database."
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well, that makes sense. if he hasn't left this place in years, he hasn't had the opportunity to commit a previous crime. can you grab one of tristan jenkins' toothbrushes and get it to d.b. russell in the field office? look, a simple dna test should tell us if tristan's our killer. yeah, but with ten monitors? i mean, he's probably watching more than just isabel. we gotta find this guy quickly and put some cuffs on him. krumitz: just heard from raven. she's downloading tristan's computer. hey, man... you cool? yeah. you didn't eat the trout in the commissary, did you? no. um... let me ask you a question. if you were given opportunity to help francine before she got in trouble, would you have? i'd have done anything to help her. anything. yeah. all right. ramirez: avery?
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i think i got something here. okay, i've been going through tristan's computer. i found online orders, message board posts, nothing special, but then i found this. are we live? no. these are recordings. eight terabytes worth, over 100 hours of video. i'm thinking tristan captured every wedial session that came through his machine. wait a second. there's laughter, a birthday, a grandfather. these are all happy moments. so, tristan's doing what? collecting happy moments from his victims' lives? tristan: my mom and dad are still married. my sister goes to florida. she's a junior. oh, my brother just had a baby. grandma died a few years ago, but he loved her so much. he can't even replace the glasses grandma bought him, no matter how many times they break. there's a generational mix. these people aren't his victims. they're his family. that's why i didn't read that tristan was lying. tristan so fully believes his delusion
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that he thinks he's telling the truth. ramirez: tristan thinks this collection of random strangers are his loved ones? to him, they aren't random strangers. they are his family. (phone buzzes) russell. okay, avery, i just got the dna results back from tristan's toothbrush. it's not a match to the saliva samples we got from the crime scene. he's not isabel's killer. all right, so tristan did not brave the outside world to kill isabel. but he knew that she was being murdered, because he was eavesdropping on her wedial session. he saw exactly what her parents saw. isabel: my job out here... ryan: he did everything he could to get her help without leaving his apartment. (dialing phone) man: 911. please state your emergency. he's stabbing her! please, help! help! and then when he realized the police were not gonna get there in time, he did the only thing he could. he overcame his fears and stepped outside to help. but if tristan's innocent, then, you know, why'd he run? ryan: you know, the last time we spoke, i think he might have recalled the killer's face.
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and now he's out for revenge. i think he might have recalled the killer's face. you can now use freeze it to prevent new purchases on your account in seconds. and once you find it, you can switch it right on again. you're back! freeze it, only from discover. get it at
11:43 pm
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11:44 pm
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11:46 pm
it's the holidays. and of course, everyone wants to get online at once. to watch things. buy things. but slow internet makes it hard. that's why it's time to get fios. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. get out of the past. get fios.
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i've made up my mind. he won't stop, so i have to stop him. i tried to excuse it, telling myself he was just overly affectionate, but it's sexual assault. i threatened to tell my father, but he wouldn't stop. so i told him i'm going to the police. ramirez: i found this video journal entry on isabel's computer. she deleted it, and it took some time to recover. there are no other videos like this. she doesn't identify who she's talking about, or where the assault took place. why would she record it and then delete it? shame. changed her mind. but isabel had already threatened to go to the police. this was motive. the "he" that she talks about... was scared.
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whoever this person is, is her killer. (murderer grunting, isabel screaming) (grunting and screaming continue) recovered this from tristan jenkins' hard drive. i had to dig through hours of footage. this is what isabel's mother and father witnessed. krumitz: unfortunately, this video doesn't actually help us i.d. our killer. okay, all right, uh, nelson, go back a few seconds, please. (video rewinding) i really miss you guys. russell: right there. isolate that bracelet and highlight the engraving. it's the infinity symbol. what are you thinking? i'm thinking that we can run a facial recognition without a face. you guys know about abbi? stands for automated body and belongings identification, right? so we all have articles of clothing we wear so often, they become unique identifiers, like our murderer's bracelet. well, this is great, but there's no
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random-stuff-we-own database to search. you know, actually there is, and that index happens to be public and linked directly to people's names. what is it? 350 million samples submitted every single day by the users themselves. friendagenda! pow! okay, crop out the unique characteristics of our killer. all right, then we write a script to crawl all friendagenda photos. and if isabel's murderer is like the rest of the world, he will have posted at least one photo that will lead us to him. 52 matches in the tampa area. how many of them are friends with isabel stanworth? zilch. nelson: zero? the entire time i've worked here, i've never had a zero match. okay, okay, okay, well... (phone buzzing) wait a minute. russell: here we go. all right, so, social media sites like friendagenda-- they-they link profiles of relatives like a family tree, right? krumitz: uh, yes, yeah. stay-stay with me. yeah, yeah. okay, when i analyzed the saliva samples
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that raven collected from the scene, the dna gave me, what? age, hair color, eye color, all of that stuff, but it also gave me evidence of an inheritable genetic disease. where is it? right here. okay, so, our killer has a 50% chance of inheriting marfan syndrome. okay, well, let's see if any of our 52 results have a parent that belongs to a support group on friendagenda. right. krumitz: got two hits. bringing up the profile now. the one on the right's our murderer. okay. what now? you could have given me the heads up, man. what are you talking about? talking about the fbi. they're raiding my firm right now. they won't even let us back in the building. you knew that this was gonna happen, brody, and you did nothing about it. but i guess blood and family doesn't mean much of anything to you now?! look, that is not true, jordan. we're blood, but it wasn't me that decided we weren't family.
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(phone beeps off) (siren blaring) georgia: you're sure this is everything? i think so. but if i find anything else isabel had here, i'll mail it to you. she was my friend. get out! georgia: oh, my god! ple-please... please don't hurt us. gil, georgia, i didn't know you'd be here. do... do we know you? no, no, no, i'm not... i'm not gonna hurt you. i'm just here for him. he killed her. what? what are you talking about? i remember. i finally remember it. i saw your face when you took off the ski mask! neil, what the hell's he talking about? i don't know. she was my friend, and you took her from me. you killed my isabel. no. is this true, neil? gil: look at me. georgia: oh, god.
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look at me, neil. oh, god, gil. gil: look at me! elevator's not working. tristan must have shut them down. he chained the stairwell, too, locked us out. there should be an emergency ladder inside the elevator shaft. it's not opening. get the hydraulic spreader. i can try to hack the elevator, get in electronically. no, we don't have time for that. we're gonna get to tristan the same way he got to isabel-- over the internet. please, you don't want to do this. yes, i do. you deserve to die for what you did. you took her from me. ryan: tristan, listen to me. isabel would not want this for you. shut up! you don't know what she would have wanted! you didn't know her like i did! no one did. ryan: no, you're right. nobody knew her like you did. she shared all her secrets with you. but what about the rest of your family? your grandpa. your brother with the new baby. your sister in college.
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tristan, if you do this, you will lose them all forever. put the gun down, tristan. put it down and keep living for your family. that is what isabel would want. (crying) mundo: tristan jenkins, hands in the air! hands in the air, on the ground now! get on the ground! you stay right there. (tristan whimpers, sobs) georgia: gil! gil! (sobbing): oh, my god. mundo: drop it. ryan: what's happening? (crying): oh, my god! gil! (georgia sobbing deeply, sobs echoing) mundo (echoing): take him away. (echoing): emt, tampa capital, top floor. (indistinct radio transmission)
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wait... tristan. i didn't know gil was gonna be here. i was supposed to kill neil. me, not him. she's gone. she's gone, and i can never have her back. tristan... i don't even know if you can understand this, but you are gonna be brought up on charges, too. (siren whoops in distance) isabel would have liked you. captioning sponsored by cbs and toyota captioned by media access group at wgbh
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center in philadelphia, this is cbs3 "eyewitness news". insult to injury, the eagles lose a crucial engagement home against the miami dolphins and quarterback sam bradford takes a big hit and forced out of the game. question how long will bradford be out? good evening, i'm natasha brown, mark sanction came in on relief but couldn't get the job done, "eyewitness news" don bell is in the cbs3 stat center, got the highlights and the low lights, don? >> reporter: with the emphasis on low life. first quarter was a thing of beauty. the eagles led the miami dolphins 16 to three, fans were loving life's the birds were flying high. unfortunately, football games are four quarters long. the action from lincoln financial field sam bradford with the hot hand after his game winning toss last week against dallas. but in the third quarter, danger on the rise and chris mclane crashing in. bradford leaves way shoulder injury and a concussion more on that in just a few moments, pick it up in the fourth quarter,
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eagles nursing a three point lead, ryan tannehill, he needs skill but he gets luck right there. caught by jarvis landry, it's a touchdown. miami takes the lead. mark sanchez gets pick after you in the end zone by are a shadow jones, the eagles lose 20 to 19. >> hurt ourselves and that's what i told our guys, we ran 80 something plays. we stalled. i think the penalties put us behind the count. we had an opportunity moving the football. obviously, you know, couple those penalties were just big killers for us. >> usually pretty good at keeping up to finishing. we'll go back and look at the tape and see what happened. but we didn't play our best in the four yes, i was. >> reporter: the eagles fall to four and five on the season. as for sam bradford, he has a concussion but x-rays on his shoulder are negative. no word on that how much time he will miss. the birds host the four and five tampa bay bucks a week from
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today. natasha back to you. >> thank you so much after tough loss, we know eagles fan don't hide their true feelings, not one bit. here's what the birds faithful had to say right after the game today. >> everyone is hurt. what can we do? you know? we got nothing. we got nothing. no defense, in offense. losing to the dolphins, we got nothing, guys. we got nothing. >> i think if sanchez didn't come in and bradford stayed, they would have won the game, we dominated the first half. second half was a joke. >> i think the eagles stink. that's what i think. they stink. >> eagles fans what do you think about the state of the team at this point? can the birds still make the playoffs if they have sanchez in their center, connection on facebook and twitter. we'd love for you to join the conversation just moments of silence were held around the nfl today to honor the victims of the paris terror attacks. american service members were also honored. here's what it looked like at the linc just before the eagles
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game. players stood with members of the military holding on to a giant american flag. meanwhile security was ramped up at stadiums around country. the linc. this picture shows people waiting in security lines, five minutes after kickoff. the nfl also reminded fans to bring their personal items in league approved clearer plastic bags. tonight, as francis continues to mourn the lives lost in friday's terror attacks of the french military is taking swift action. air strikess targeted the isis capitol city in syria today. they destroyed a jihad training facility and my in additions dump as well. one of the eight tackers is still at large and a massive put man hunt is under way for saleh ab sell. one of three brothers suspected in the attacks. kenneth craig has more. >> reporter: firecrackers sent people running for cover at the plaza in paris on sunday. mourners were gathered at a
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memorial for the victims of friday's attacks when chaos erupted. >> we don't know if we should be afraid and stay home or if it's -- know our resistance to go out in paris. it's crazy. >> reporter: tray a near stampeed as people ran inside a restaurant for safety. near notre dame people panicked when they saw police with goodness drawn running around they have no this woman compares paris to beirut, jerusalem and tel aviv. now we have to get used to the idea these things can happen. >> reporter: despite the panic, many are determined to fight the fear and refuse to change their daily lives. >> it's been kind of a emotional roller coaster of ups and downs. >> reporter: investigators believe three of the eight attackers were freephone citizens. a manhunt is under way right now to find one suspect who is still on the run. the terrorist attacked a concert hall, calf face and france's national stadium.
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some security experts say the massacre was well organized and sophisticated. >> these guys are communicating via these end incremented aps. the commercial encryption, which is very difficult, if not impossible for governments to break. >> reporter: french military officials say air strikes are under way on isis targets in syria. kenneth craig cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> well, the philadelphia oh, tray paid tribute to the french people during a concert this afternoon. ♪ ♪ . the oextra played the national an them as many in the crowd stood in sporty. the philadelphia area continues to stand in solidarity with france at the french international school in bala-cynwyd today. a candle light vigil was held to honor the victims of those had in the attacks.
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they feat compelled to show support. >> everybody was touched by the horror in paris on friday. i got out my paris shirt and it was a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together and express their solidarity with france, with paris, and with everyone who was fighting isis. >> many of the people at the vigil have family's friends in paris. security is being stepped up at the wells fargo center as well now. officials said today they are increasing security measures during flyers and '6ers games. they also sfans should allow a little extra time to enter the arena. of course, stay with "eyewitness news" for complete coverage of the terror attacks in paris, we'll have the latest developments on air and, of course, on our website other news. two children make a disturbing discovery. the bodies of two babies lying in the grass. it happened this morning in the 1800 block of mutter street in
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philadelphia's kensington neighborhood. "eyewitness news" reporter steve patterson has the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: a gruesome discovery. >> you see two babies sitting there. >> like they were trash. >> reporter: philadelphia police say two children were walking near this field in kensington at about 10:30 sunday morning. at first, one of the kids thought he stumbled upon a pair of discarded dolls, toys left on a grassy curb. the bodies of who infants next to a pile of trash. >> they notified their parents, they took a proactive approach. came back to the scene to make sure the kids were not lying. >> reporter: they're not lying. medical examiners looking for clues on little baby jane and john doe. the bodies of both children had already been through fall autopsies by what police are calling unknown medical personnel. meaning the crime may not be the cause of death. but the carelessness of what happened after life had ended.
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the medical examiner now working with the bodies to determine the cause of death as police scour for clues and surveillance video. hunting for who could have so little honor. >> all i see is two infants and want to make sure that the integrity of the investigation protected and make sure that these children are properly treated with the appropriate respect. >> reporter: philadelphia police say they have one lead act black suv in the area with an unknown license plate dumping trash. they're looking into that. of course, gathering as much surveillance video as possible. reporting from the philadelphia police department special victims unit, i'm steve patterson, cbs3 "eyewitness news". new tonight, an off-duty philadelphia housing authority officer shoots's kills a would be robber in germantown. police say two men tried to rob the pha officer on 400 west school lane tonight. the off-duty officer exchanged gunfire killing one of the


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