tv Eyewitness News Sunday CBS November 16, 2015 2:05am-2:39am EST
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group, um, we were an interracial group in 1962 in memphis, tennessee, uh, we would-- >> shad: touring must have been where it showed up the most, >> booker: yes. it would have been probably better had we been a football team or something, rather than a--a musical group because it was just, um, not the right yeah?to be doing at that time. >> shad: were there any particularly difficult moments? >> booker: every moment outside the door was difficult, uh, because it was the south.thing it was difficult for blacks even without the whites. and then for blacks with whites it was even more, um, complicated. >> shad: was the stax building then one of the only refuges from that? >> booker: yes, we had--well, our other refuge, of course, was the lorraine motel where we had our meetings and where w our meals, but, yes, there were not many places where we could go, um, and not be really, um, aware of the--that aspect, theek interracial aspect. >> shad: were you in memphis in 1968 when martin luther king was killed? >> booker: yes, i was, mm hmm. >> shad: do you remember that
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moment? >> booker: yes, i do. the marches had begun, and it was, um--it was, uh, emotional upheaval for me and, um, everyone i knew. and um, it was devastating for the, um--for the movement of getting, uh, basically salaries and money for, um, the men who were keeping the city afloat. the people who were carrying the, uh, tin cans on their backs down the alleyways and who were picking up the trash for years and, um, driving the dangerous trucks were not making enough money to support their families and everyone knew it. >> shad: hmm. >> booker: and there was a huge resistance against paying them a decent wage. the resistance was, um, un--it was unfathomable how strong it was, the, uh--the oppression.
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so, there was no way the elements, the africa-american or the white elements in the city, could come together on that, so we needed help. and, uh, the help was dr. martin luther king. he was the only one that could make a difference and, uh, to take him out the equation was just, um, unbelievable. >> shad: did it affect everyone at stax differently? >> booker: i can't say how it affected everyone at s i cannot go inside different people. i can say that if there was a fissure in the company, it made it larger, um, because, um. that type of thing was just too strong a--an event. it affected the--you know, the whole world, including stax. >> shad: 50 years later, does it surprise you to still see the kind of violence we just saw in, uh, charleston? >> booker: um, that type of violence is being taught, uh, through rhetoric.
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rhetoric is not something that we're able to, um, control. rhetoric comes from things that people write and people say and then other people believe them. um, it--it comes from the inside. and, um, i think dr. kin life, uh, was an--was ang's extremely important one in terms of affecting that type of rhetoric. i, for one, uh--i, for one, am still hopeful that, uh, the man's dream will be, um--will come true. thanks for having me, shad. ♪ >> shad: coming up on q: a performance from miguel. but first, british comedian russell howard.
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>> russell: did you see cameron trying to stand up at the european union? he tried his best to look strong and powerful and say, "i will not pay this bill." [laughter] >> russell: but instead, it came out like this: >> david cameron: i'm not paying that bill on the 1st of december. if people think i are, they got another--you've got another thinng. [laughter] >> russell: who wrote his speech? yoda? [laughter] >> russell: guess again if bill you think pay i will. then he just started talkingg ci about board games. >> david: you don't need to have a cluedo set to know that someone's been clubbed with a lead pipe in the library. [laughter] >> russell: and if you think professor plum wasn't in the drawing room with the bloody hungry hippos you ca [laughter] >> shad: russell howard is not a household name here, but he's a comedy sensation in the uk. think n... as a mix between daniel tosh and john oliver,
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mixing politics and pop culture with a quick wit. he dropped by studio q to talk about the joy of comedy and alsm about the challenge of taking your jokes overseas. russell howard in studio q. hello. >> russell: hello, mate, how you? >> shad: i'm doing well. welcome to canada. >> russell: thank you. thanks for having me. i love this studio you've got here. >> shad: thank you. it's a-- >> russell: it's like we're in sort of an old dying night club it's like a-- d: it's like a really sad nightclub. >> russell: it's beautiful though. it feels like this room's got memories in it. stuff's gone down here. >> shad: yeah, definitely, definitely. yeah, i can should come into big thumping house music, yeah.>> sa >> russell: yeah. >> shad: how was the show last night? >> russell: it was good fun actually. yeah, it was--it was really cool, uh, doing a little place in--i think the comedy bar in toronto? >> shah. >> russell: and, yeah, it was--it was just a little tiny venue for a hundred people, nice and sweaty. >> shad: are-- >> russell: um, turns out sellotape isn't a thing you have over here. >> shad: sellertape? >> russell: yeah, exactly. so, i have this bit aboud: yea you know, the sort of the--the stuff that you wrap presents with. >> shad: yeah. >> russell: you call it scotch tape? >> shad: mm hmm. >> russell: yeah. t, um,ere you go. so, i am still prattling on about it. so it's--it's good.
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that's the interesting thing about like chutes and ladders, snakes and ladders, it's like little tiny, th >> shad: yeah. >> russell: so, they're kind of looking at me like--i mention this thing yesterday about in england we have magpies, the black-and-white birds, and if you see them, you have to say, "hello, mr. magpie, how's your family?" and i've got this bit that's kind of funny observational comedy and a, hey, why do we do that, and it works really well in england.but, obviously, if yt have the bird or the saying, it's just madness. so, i was trying to explain to the audience yesterday, isn't it funny that--that we do this? and they would just look at me and go, "it's not funny; it's insane," but this is a thing we do. um, so yeah, it was good really. it's just--that's what i love. just doing like a little small venukind of sort of chewing a set out and kind of, you know-- >> shad: i find this--that fascinating about comedy. because you'd never see chris martin, for example and like, "i'm gonna go down and play the open-mic night."" >> russell: yeah. and stood up there: and it was all blue; it was all orange--yellow; it was yellow. but that's we, be medy is, that you--it doesn't exist in a vacuum. you have to kind of get up; you
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have an idea; you kind of, you know, say it out loud in front of people, and they help you mould ithat coa thing. it's such a two-way process, you know? >> shad: and i love how much comics love that. >> russell: yeah. >> shad: they're not like, "oh, no, i gotta go down to the, you know--the comedy cellar in new york, for example, and try out some stuff." >> russell: you'll never find a comedian-- >> shad: they love it. >> russell: mate, yeah. we just--i think that's the brilliant thing. it doesn't matter how big you are. like, every time chris rock does london, he always does the comedy store before he does big shows. and i've seen him down there, and it's a similar thing, it's just him kind of, you know, sors way, that way and--so that when he does the big show, it's all ironed out; it's all kind of good. >> shad: hmm. >> russell: but i bet you he enjoys that tiny gig just as as he enjoys doing the hammersmith apollo or the o2 or something. >> shad: hmm. you talked about the differences, uh, between brits and north americans in terms of references and smuch >> russell: mm hmm, yeah. >> shad: what about in terms of being an audience in general? >> russell: oh, i think they're pretty similar. i think you're a lot more upbeat than english audiences. liketuff.lways fascinates me when you see comics come on.
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i remember doing montreal a few years ago and a guy walked on the stage and went, "so i've, ia been married now for about 20 years." and the crowd applauded. that wouldn't happen in england. you know, it's just like, "you've married have ya? well, you better have some stories about how much you hate her because we haven't come here for joy, we're e." and i--but i really like that positivity and whooping. i've never heard an english person whoop. [shad laughs] >> russell: you know? it's sort of--the sort ofnglish general, um, positivity that's what i love about--but that's your-- >> shad: that's a big part of your comedy though. >> russell: yeah, well that's interesting. i'm kind of ent in england for that because i'm kind of one of the more kind of upbeat guys, but i'm nothing compared to the average north american audience. it's--it'sdifferng. you just--you kind of wander on...hey! to travel all this way and have people kind of giddy to see you is mind blowing. amazi >> shad: uh, i was wondering, do you just collect anecdotes when you--as you go through your day, are you thinking, "well, that's a--that's a good little story; that's a good little story?" >> russell: yeah, pretty much. it's kind m so fortunate really that it's--it's a
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mechanism through which to do life, standup. because you kind of--but you must have a similar thing doing this job that where' certain things happen in your life and you're lucky enough to have sort of a creative outlet. do you think, "oh, that would be quite cool, and i can--i can put this through comed so, you know, something might happen to me, and then you think, "ok, and then you write a few jokes around it, and before you know, it's kind of--it's a nice sort of slice of somethy." >> shad: when did you discover you could do that? >> russell: um, i think i've always done it since i was a kid. like it's--do you know what i mean, it's-- >>ing." but as a professional, translate life through comedy and--and you know? >> russell: do you know, weirdly, this is gonna sound terribly pretentious, but how english did i sound then? shad: um, that's another thing as well that it's that weird thing where you try--you're sort of told when you're living in england that as soon as you get to north america, um, girls love an english accent. that simply isn't the case. but you find yourself trying to be more english, and it doesn't work. you know? it's just creepy. hello. hello, ladies, hello. um, but-- >> shad: ladies is always creepy. >> russell: yeah.
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>> shad: lady, singular is fine. singular is great. >> russell: that's exactly it. although, but lady is still pretty creepy though, isn't it? >> shad: yeah, it's like 80% less creepy than--the plural's a problem. sorry, but i interrupted you. >> russell: no, no, it's hilarious. >> shad: yeah. >> russell: but that's, um--i think what happened i remember doing an open spot, like, you know, an open mic, when i was 18. it was kind of one of those things that i thought, "right." i really wanted to do it since i was sort of 15; i used to write jokes, um, in my room, didn't tell anyone about it, and thought, "right, let's go for it let's go for it, just once, once." and i did it, and--and it went really well, and the next day it's a bit like when, um, have you ever seen a--an interview with a vampire? >> shad: mm hmm. >> russell: where brad pitt gets bitten and becomes a vampire and suddenly the world looksdiffere. that's how it felt to me. that suddenly you kind of went, "wow, everything that happens in life, i have this--this playground that i can put it through, and it's--it's incredibly exhilarating because
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suddenly going to the shops to buy bread is, you know, a potential comed"--that makes it sound like i'm sort of looking for--but there are certainly times in life where you just kind of--just--you're just living life in a very normal way and then things happen, and then, "ok that could be a bit" and it kind of, you know, it's relatable, you know? what--what brings you the joy? >> russell: uh, sadly football. but the most joyous--do you play football? soccer. >> shad: soccer. again, i was like, uh, not somot much--uh, a little bit. we play in the control room there. >> russell: yeah, i know. when i was chatting with one of the guys, he had his foot on a ball. >> shad: yeah. >> russell: um, if you're--and this is very specific, but if you're on the halfway line, right, and you've got the ball at your feet, and the defenders are peeling away from you, and you've got your striker upfront, that's the calmest you'll ever be in life because you're so joyous because you're not thinking about anything. you're completely in the moment. that's the happiest i've ever felt. >> shad: huh. >> russell: and scoring a goal at anfield whi uh, liverpool's, uh, ground. i scored a penalty there. that's the most joyous i've ever
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felt. >> shad: even--even more than in comedy? >> russell: i'm talking about kicking a football in ch is,t at anfield. it just is off the scale. i--i think if i were a footballer, maybe it would be that thing of going, "oh, i did a gig, and it was great." but the grass is alwthe neeener. >> shad: yeah. >> russell: but let me tell you--because you don't think--the thing about comedy or any job, your brain is always thinking two steps ahead, you know? whereas, when you're playing ays grll, you are so--it's--it's the rare moment when you're completely in--you're just there. you're not thinking about anything else. you're not thinking about i'vef- >> shad: hmm. >> russell:--you know, there's a cuff button here. you're just thinking strikers, move, bang, goal, dead, yes.u s, russell. >> russell: pleasure ♪ i wish i could paint our love ♪ >> shad: still to come on q: miguel performs his hit,. "coffee." ♪ vibrant hues darling
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anitional r&b sounds on his new album, wild heart. he performed from that album right here in studio q. here's miguel with the song "coffee."d trad ♪ i wish i could paint, paint our love baby ♪ these moments and vibrant hues ♪ wy, turns into gun play ♪ turns into pillow talk ♪ turns into sweet dreams babe ordpla ♪ all right, oh ♪ we talk street art and sarcasm ♪ crass humour and high fashion ♪ peach colour, moon glistens, the plot thickens ♪ as we laugh over shot guns and tongue kissing ♪ bubble bath, truth or dare,
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against the miami dolphins and quarterback sam bradford takes a big hit and forced out of the game. question how long will bradford be out? good evening, i'm natasha brown, mark sanction came in on relief but couldn't get the job done, "eyewitness news" don bell is in the cbs3 stat center, got the highlights and the low lights, don? >> reporter: with the emphasis on low life. first quarter was a thing of beauty. the eagles led the miami dolphins 16 to three, fans were loving life's the birds were flying high. unfortunately, football games are four quarters long. the action from lincoln financial field sam bradford with the hot hand after his game winning toss last week against dallas. but in the third quarter, danger on the rise and chris mclane crashing in. bradford leaves way shoulder injury and a concussion more on that in just a few moments, pick it up in the fourth quarter, eagles nursing a three point lead, ryan tannehill, he needs skill but he gets luck right
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there. caught by jarvis landry, it's a touchdown. miami takes the lead. mark sanchez gets pick after you in the end zone by are a shadow jones, the eagles lose 20 to 19. >> hurt ourselves and that's what i told our guys, we ran 80 something plays. we stalled. i think the penalties put us behind the count. we had an opportunity moving the football. obviously, you know, couple those penalties were just big killers for us. >> usually pretty good at keeping up to finishing. we'll go back and look at the tape and see what happened. but we didn't play our best in the four yes, i was. >> reporter: the eagles fall to four and five on the season. as for sam bradford, he has a concussion but x-rays on his shoulder are negative. no word on that how much time he will miss. the birds host the four and five tampa bay bucks a week from today. natasha back to you. >> thank you so much after tough loss, we know eagles fan don't hide their true feelings, not one bit. here's what the birds faithful
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had to say right after the game today. >> everyone is hurt. what can we do? you know? we got nothing. we got nothing. no defense, in offense. losing to the dolphins, we got nothing, guys. we got nothing. >> i think if sanchez didn't come in and bradford stayed, they would have won the game, we dominated the first half. second half was a joke. >> i think the eagles stink. that's what i think. they stink. >> eagles fans what do you think about the state of the team at this point? can the birds still make the playoffs if they have sanchez in their center, connection on facebook and twitter. we'd love for you to join the conversation just moments of silence were held around the nfl today to honor the victims of the paris terror attacks. american service members were also honored. here's what it looked like at the linc just before the eagles game. players stood with members of the military holding on to a giant american flag. meanwhile security was ramped up
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at stadiums around country. the linc. this picture shows people waiting in security lines, five minutes after kickoff. the nfl also reminded fans to bring their personal items in league approved clearer plastic bags. tonight, as francis continues to mourn the lives lost in friday's terror attacks of the french military is taking swift action. air strikess targeted the isis capitol city in syria today. they destroyed a jihad training facility and my in additions dump as well. one of the eight tackers is still at large and a massive put man hunt is under way for saleh ab sell. one of three brothers suspected in the attacks. kenneth craig has more. >> reporter: firecrackers sent people running for cover at the plaza in paris on sunday. mourners were gathered at a memorial for the victims of friday's attacks when chaos erupted. >> we don't know if we should be
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afraid and stay home or if it's -- know our resistance to go out in paris. it's crazy. >> reporter: tray a near stampeed as people ran inside a restaurant for safety. near notre dame people panicked when they saw police with goodness drawn running around they have no this woman compares paris to beirut, jerusalem and tel aviv. now we have to get used to the idea these things can happen. >> reporter: despite the panic, many are determined to fight the fear and refuse to change their daily lives. >> it's been kind of a emotional roller coaster of ups and downs. >> reporter: investigators believe three of the eight attackers were freephone citizens. a manhunt is under way right now to find one suspect who is still on the run. the terrorist attacked a concert hall, calf face and france's national stadium. some security experts say the massacre was well organized and sophisticated. >> these guys are communicating via these end incremented aps.
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the commercial encryption, which is very difficult, if not impossible for governments to break. >> reporter: french military officials say air strikes are under way on isis targets in syria. kenneth craig cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> well, the philadelphia oh, tray paid tribute to the french people during a concert this afternoon. ♪ ♪ . the oextra played the national an them as many in the crowd stood in sporty. the philadelphia area continues to stand in solidarity with france at the french international school in bala-cynwyd today. a candle light vigil was held to honor the victims of those had in the attacks. they feat compelled to show support. >> everybody was touched by the horror in paris on friday. i got out my paris shirt and it
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was a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together and express their solidarity with france, with paris, and with everyone who was fighting isis. >> many of the people at the vigil have family's friends in paris. security is being stepped up at the wells fargo center as well now. officials said today they are increasing security measures during flyers and '6ers games. they also sfans should allow a little extra time to enter the arena. of course, stay with "eyewitness news" for complete coverage of the terror attacks in paris, we'll have the latest developments on air and, of course, on our website other news. two children make a disturbing discovery. the bodies of two babies lying in the grass. it happened this morning in the 1800 block of mutter street in philadelphia's kensington neighborhood. "eyewitness news" reporter steve patterson has the latest on the investigation. >> reporter: a gruesome
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discovery. >> you see two babies sitting there. >> like they were trash. >> reporter: philadelphia police say two children were walking near this field in kensington at about 10:30 sunday morning. at first, one of the kids thought he stumbled upon a pair of discarded dolls, toys left on a grassy curb. the bodies of who infants next to a pile of trash. >> they notified their parents, they took a proactive approach. came back to the scene to make sure the kids were not lying. >> reporter: they're not lying. medical examiners looking for clues on little baby jane and john doe. the bodies of both children had already been through fall autopsies by what police are calling unknown medical personnel. meaning the crime may not be the cause of death. but the carelessness of what happened after life had ended. the medical examiner now working with the bodies to determine the cause of death as police scour for clues and surveillance
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video. hunting for who could have so little honor. >> all i see is two infants and want to make sure that the integrity of the investigation protected and make sure that these children are properly treated with the appropriate respect. >> reporter: philadelphia police say they have one lead act black suv in the area with an unknown license plate dumping trash. they're looking into that. of course, gathering as much surveillance video as possible. reporting from the philadelphia police department special victims unit, i'm steve patterson, cbs3 "eyewitness news". new tonight, an off-duty philadelphia housing authority officer shoots's kills a would be robber in germantown. police say two men tried to rob the pha officer on 400 west school lane tonight. the off-duty officer exchanged gunfire killing one of the suspects. the other got away. that officer was not injured. now, after a chilly and blustery weekend, looks like warmer temperatures are on
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