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tv   Eyewitness News at 12PM  CBS  November 25, 2015 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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house within the last 18 hours or so says that at present we know of no credible and specific intelligence indicating a paris-like plot on the u.s. homeland, and that one came out just a short time ago. so i think that's probably consistent with what the president is going to say when he finally does come through that door. >> okay. chip, we're just going to take a break right now. obviously there's a miscommunication with the white house and the two-minute warning. we'll join our regular programming and come back as soon as we know the president is ready to speak. for now i'm jim axelrod, cbs news in new york. >> for news 24 hours a good afternoon, the day before thanksgiving, which means today is one of the busiest travel days of the year. "eyewitness news" has you covered if you are headed out
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of town, the scene at the philadelphia international airport this morning, not too many lines over at 30th street station, things running smoothly over there, although rail travelers should expect tight security, chopper three live over the new jersey turnpike, in americans err county as you can see, travel conditions pretty fantastic right now. hitting the roads may just be the easiest way to get around. >> good afternoon, i'm erika von tiehl. triple a says nearly 47 million americans will be traveling this year, in, the most in eight years, "eyewitness news" reporter cleve bryan joins us at philadelphia international airport, where travelers can expect some extra security measures. want to leave early. cleve, good afternoon. >> good afternoon, hearing things are moving in thely, little rush this morning but now steady travelers. couple of things to know before headed to the airport. there are more safety measures going in effect world-wide, especially her in the u.s., because of the paris attacks,
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make sure you have all of your travel items properly secured, that they're available to get through the checkpoints as quickly as possible, couple of things specific to philadelphia international airport, if you are coming here, don't look for us airways it, has merged with american airlines. you can check on your parking lot availability on line before you get here at and also, they're asking people to be very on alert as you are walking through the airport. they have th >> jim axelrod: i'm jim axelrod. president obama making a statement from the white house. >> -- homeland security jai johnston, my f.b.i. director, and my attorney general loretta lynch for a regular update on our security posture post-paris and going into the holiday season. i think all of us recognize how horrific and heinous what took
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place in paris was and, as i said yesterday, for many of us, the events there touched a deep chord, given the connection between the united states and france, the degree to which americans see in paris a way of life that's so familiar to us here in american cities, and given the shocking images, i know that americans have been asking each other whether it's safe here, whether it's safe to fly or gather. i know the families have discussed their fears about the threat of terrorism around the dinner table, many for the first time since september 11. it's understandable that people worry something similar could happen here. watching the events in paris made the threat feel closer to home. so as we go into thanksgiving weekend, i want the american people to know we are taking
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every possible step to keep our homeland safe. first, we're going after i.s.i.l wherever it hides. that's been our strategy for more than a year. i'll speak about this in more detail in the coming weeks, but let me remind the american people of what our coalition of some 65 nations is doing to destroy these terrorists and defeat their ideology. so far military and our partners have conducted more than 8,000 airstrikes on i.s.i.l strongholds and equipment. those airstrikes along with our efforts with partners on the ground have taken out key leaders, have taken back territory from i.s.i.l in both iraq and syria. we continue to work to choke off their financing and their supply lines and countertheir recruitment and messaging and even as america is already supporting french airstrikes in syria, yesterday president hollande and i agreed our countries are going to step up that coordination even further and do more of that work
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together. so we're stepping up the pressure on i.s.i.l where it lives and we will not let up. adjusting our tactics when necessary until they are beaten. that's our first goal. second, we continue to do everything possible to prevent attacks at home and abroad and to prevent foreign terrorist fighters from entering the united states or other nations. since 9/11, we've taken extraordinary measures to strengthen our homeland security, everything from aviation security to border security to information sharing. we've improved upon these actions over time. anytime there's an event, we learn something from it, and we continue to refine them. we continue to improve upon our approaches as we speak. now, right now, we know of no specific and credible intelligence indicating a plot on the homeland.
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that is based on the latest information i just received in the situation room. it is similar to the information that -- the briefing that i received on saturday before i left on my trip last week. so as americans travel this weekend to be with their loved ones, i want them to know that our counterterrorism, intelligence, homeland security and law enforcement professionals at every level are working overtime. they are continually monitoring threats at home and abroad, continually evaluating our security posture. they're constantly working to protect all of us. their work has prevented attacks. their efforts have saved lives. they serve every hour of every day for the sake of our security. they did so before paris, and they do so now. without fanfare or credit and
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without a break for the holidays. so the bottom line is this -- i want the american people to know, entering the holidays, that the combined resources of our military, our intelligence and our homeland security agencies are on the case. they are vigilant, relentless and effective. in the event of a specific credible threat, the public will be informed. we do think it's useful for people as they're going about their business to be vigilant. if you see something suspicious, say something. that's always helpful. but otherwise, americans should go about their usual thanksgiving weekend activities -- spending time with family and friends and celebrating our blessings. and while the threat of terrorism is a troubling reality of our age, we are both equipped to prevent attacks and we are resilient in the face of those
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who would try to do us harm, and that's something we can all be thankful for. happy thanksgiving, everybody. >> jim axelrod: president obama at the white house making a statement that as we enter into this thanksgiving holiday weekend, his national security team is "taking every possible step" to keep the homeland safe and he knows of no specific and credible threat that is indicating a plot on the homeland. there will be much more about this on your local news on this cbs station and on our 24-hour digital news network cbsn on all devices at and on the very latest tonight on the "cbs evening news." till then i'm jim axelrod, cbs pennsylvania state trooper shot in the line every duty yesterday in center city philadelphia is now out of the hospital.
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our todd quinones joints us now at hahnemann university hospital, at his release, and also the on the alleged gunman, todd, good afternoon. >> reporter: good afternoon, erika, this 31 year old pennsylvania state trooper patrick casey was just released here from hahnemann university hospital a couple of minutes ago. we have some video of trooper casey leaving here. as he left the hospital here this morning, the 06 year veteran said that he was doing well, and that he was very happy to be headed home in time for thanksgiving, and he also added go eagles. he was shot of course in the shoulder yesterday, on the vine street expressway following a traffic stop, fortunately that bullet did not hit any organs or bones. as for the suspect in this case, 17 year old giovanni coto being charged as an adult in the shooting of trooper casey. police say it was coto who shot casey in the shoulder after exchange of gunfire after a traffic stop. that chase ended when coto's car hit a bus on the vine street expressway. the car and the bus then burst
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into flames. but again, recapping the good news here in all of this, just moments ago, trooper casey released here from the hospital. and he's apparently well on his way to making a full recovery. reporting live, from center city, todd quinones, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". >> great to hear he'll be home in time for thanksgiving, todd, thank you go. plane headed from tampa to philadelphia had to turn around and make an emergency landing back in tampa because after problem with the right engine. the plane landed safely, and all 140 passengers got off okay. that plane is now out of service, and american airlines is work to go get the passengers on another plane so they get to philadelphia for the holiday. russia is now sending air defense missiles systems to its air base in syria after one every it fighter jets was shot down by turkey. both sides are telling different stories. correspondent craig boswell with the latest on the international incidents. >> reporter: the governments of turkey and russia are offering two very different pictures of a russian fighter jet that was shot down near
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the turkish-syrian border, turkey released this radar image which says proves russian war plane violated it air space tuesday. this morning russia released its own radar images which show the jet operating overseer ya well south of the border. the jet crashed in a fireball on syrian hillside. the pilots ejected and one was killed by syrian rebel gunfire as he par chute dollars to the grounds. surviving pilot says they were flying inside syria, and that there were no warnings. the rockets hit our tail completely unexpectedly, he said. >> russian president, vladmeere putin, says both men will be honored as heroes, on tuesday, president obama said the incident was the result of russia caring out air strikes close to the board nerve support of syrian leader. >> they're going after moderate opposition that are supported by nod only turkey but wide range every countries. >> in response, mouse co-says, it is putting cruiser armed with surface to air missiles off the syrian coast, to shoot
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down any planes that threatened its aircraft. craig boswell, for cbs-3, "eyewitness news". the islamic state group has claimed responsibility for a deadly bus attack in tune each a the us state department has denounced the attack and the united nations security council has pledged support for the country's young democracy, the attack killed at least 13 people, including one authorities say was the terrorist who caused the explosion. also, we are learning more today about the us air attack last month that killed more than two dozen civilians at charity hospital in northern afghanistan. a report on the attack says the crew of the attacking plane miss identified the hospital as a taliban compound. the plane fired more than 200 shells before commanders realized the mistake. >> chicago's mayor and activist also calling for calm over the deadly police shooting, 17 year old la kwon mcdonald. newly-released dash cam video shows an officer firing at him 16 times. that veteran officer involved
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has been charged with first degree murder. correspondent adrianna diaz with the latest from chicago. >> the city of chicago was bracing for more heated protests following the release of a video showing la kwon mcdonald last moments. demonstrators clashed with police into the early morning. as they blocked intersection after intersection. the chaos errupted hours after authorities released this gruesome dash cam footage. showing the 17 year old's being riddled with bullets, from officer jason vandike's weapon. >> boom, boom, boom. his body dead. >> the silent video shows vandike continue to shoot the teen as he lay on the grounds. >> he made a split second decision based upon his perception and his training. >> many are wondering why it took prosecutors 13 months to file murder charges against the officer. >> when we investigate police
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shootings, it is not like one civilian shooting another. it is much more complex and involved. it is not at all unusual for these type of investigations to take up to 20 minutes. >> chicago mayor rom emanuel hope the charges will help mends a riff between the police department and some community members. >> i believe this is a moment that can build bridges of understanding rather than become a barrier of miss understanding. >> vandike is being held without bond. if convicted, he faces 20 years to life behind bars. adrianna diaz, cbs-3, "eyewitness news". suspended st. louis rams wide receiver ballsy in critical but stable condition after he was shot last night in florida. police in miami gardens say bailey was shot in the head. no arrest haves been made and police are investigating the circumstances. ram's officials say they've spoken to him. bailey was suspended earlier this month for violating the
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nfl substance abuse policy, and has two games left on the suspension. real newborn baby is left abandoned in a queens new york church's nativity scene. the 5 pounds 2-ounce baby boy was just hours old, still has umbilical cord attached, when left outside holy wild jesus roman catholic church on monday. the bishop was returning from lunch when he heard the child christ. >> the baby was crying. so obviously he was well. he was breathing. he had good color. really moved by it, you know, the church is meant to be a home. >> churches are considered a safe half never new york state but the mother in this case could face charges because she did not alert anyone to the babe he's whereabouts. >> still ahead on "eyewitness news", the pope makes a historic visit. we'll take you to africa as he receives a warm welcome in kenya. >> we are certainly looking ahead to some very pleasant weather, just in time for the holiday.
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along with the pleasant weather comes a nice warming trends. good weather news coming your way. i'll have all of the details coming up on the other side. stick around. [slow, building african-style music] it's the little moments. that make the biggest waves. kalahari resorts & conventions. the world's coolest indoor waterparks. now open in the pocono mountains. start exploring at
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>> the pope arrived in nairobi, kenya just few hours ago, it is france's first stop, he'll also visit uganda, visit to the south african republic is the first time the pope has flown into active armed conflict. the car has been the scene of fighting between christians and muslims for two years. all right, we want our forecast, lots traveling today, either on the rails, the roads, the skies. >> planes, trains, automobiles. >> hopefully your travels will be easier than those. great weather? >> this whole holiday weekends looks pretty much fan that is irk. one hint. wet weather that comes along with this, courtesy of new storm system, nothing more than minor hiccup. so i love coming to bear nice
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weather news like this, this will be a fantastic couple of days for you if you are out and about today. the only issue you'll have is toward sunset when the sun is dropping over the horizon, you know how bad the sun glare can get. watch for that traveling westbound. otherwise, this looks like just beautiful day, for anything that you got going on, whether you are traveling or not. so let's start things off by taking you outside. show you storm scan3, which remains completely empty, devoid of any kind of wet weather right now. you can thank high pressure for. that will high pressure so often will bring you just fair weather. that's he can actually what's happening for us for the next couple of days. i show you the nationwide map for a reason, new storm system beginning to get its act together, looking little more defined than it even did couple of hours ago when on the news this morning, but once this streaks and pulls out into central planes, gather steam, gather moisture and investigate into very storm storm system. what's that mean for us? not a heck of a lot. honestly. this storm really isn't going to have that much of aim pact on us, the way it is tracking
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now today looks beautiful again, already underway with a beautiful afternoon. you still need the extra layers, late november after all, but seasonable, back to the low to mid 50's, mild by tomorrow on the return flow around the high. you can see things waiting off in the distance here, that next storm trying to creep in. but even "black friday", looks phenominal at this point, mid 60s we call it partly sunny, i mean, that's good stuff if you are a shopper and want to hit maybe the outdoor outlet malls. great excuse to do that. next front sweeps on through, saturday not only knock the temperatures back but also along with that going to be brink withing it some showers, primarily looks like saturday morning, meanwhile little trivia for your thanksgiving, in terms of temperatures, average high of 52, most recent that we've hit 06 degrees, warmer on thanksgiving, was back in 07, when we hit 71. not quite that warm, but certainly above average, as we look into the seven day which we'll get to in a second. i love to show this graphic, so darn cute. cornucopia, wisconsin, specking high of 36 degrees, on thanksgiving day,
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cranberry, pennsylvania, 52 degrees, and down in turkey, north carolina, we will be into the upper 60s. i always have to step out of the way and show you pumpkintown, the cat's name, 62 degrees in pumpkin-towns, pie town, good one, too, 51 in new mexico. how are we looking, generally, pretty much on par with what we expect. 52 degrees currently at the airport, tack another degree or two max on top of that. beautiful view right now overlooking the center city skyline, far in the distance out in the live neighborhood networks this hour, and that's how the rest of the afternoon looks. quick check on the rest of your today, tonight forecast, we mention 53, full sunshine, milder, but seasonable. dose of reality for you you here, under clear sky dip it down to 39. looking forward in the forecast, man, winter for the prize for the warmest day obviously going to friday, nice and warm for the standards, saturday as we mention watching for the showers, but, those get out of here pretty quickly, knocks our temperatures back, erika, but this is a not a bad forecast at all, perfect
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timing with the holiday. >> fantastic, thanks so much. time to check your philadelphia job market report, jill schlessinger shows you which jobs are most likely to receive big raises judge zero. >> story we hear again and again, hiring has improved but wages remain flat. not true for all jobs, new survey uncovered several position was salary increases of up to five times the average. the job with the biggest increase, a business systems analyst. here in the philadelphia area, these professionals pull in over $94,500 a year. last year enjoyed pay bump of 10%. you don't necessarily need a tech agree to land these jobs. someone with a business or liberal arts degree might also be a good fit. it determines how a company can best leverage technology tools, in order to boost efficiency. the role requires understanding needs of business and the potential of it it department, and then helping the two groups
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communicate. you may also find these positions advertised as data analysts, process analysts or simply a system analyst. whatever the job title you can expect openings in the field to grow as much as 25% by 2022. i'm jill schlessinger for cbs-3, "eyewitness news".
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>> bet ever name for red panda? if you have a sprong opinion you better act quickly. we have video as the cubs made their debut at the philadelphia zoo last week. right now sab a & p abu are in the leads, those names mean here is a hold and puff ball. now, betsy, benjamin, two important names in philadelphia history, in second place, you have until 6:00 tonight to vote for your favorite names on the zoo's website. we just looked it up, soar and scarlet in third place. >> i love it. >> cute names. >> cast your vote. that's "eyewitness news" at noon, i'm erika von tiehl. for katie all of us here, thanks for watching. >> always on line for you at the young and the restless is coming up next.
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[slow, building african-style music]
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it's the little moments. that make the biggest waves. kalahari resorts & conventions. the world's coolest indoor waterparks. now open in the pocono mountains. start exploring at
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>> neil: you don't have to say anything. as a matter of fact, i want you to leave. >> devon: no, neil. i'm -- >> neil: this is my mess to clean up. as soon as paul gets back here, i'm gonna make a full confession about everything, the way i should have done months ago, instead of lying to your face every day and putting you through hell. >> devon: it's the same thing... >> neil: no, it's not. >> devon: me lying to you every day while i was sleeping with your wife. >> neil: i have to do the right thing. don't you get that? >> devon: the right thing for me is not punishing you. that would be meaningless and hypocritical, and you know what? it's not gonna change a thing. and it sure as hell isn't gonna change how hilary feels about me. >> hilary: when i think about devon, all i feel is guilt and shame and disgust. buwh


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