tv Eyewitness News CBS January 29, 2016 2:07am-2:39am EST
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♪ right now at 11:00, a series of loud noises and tremors rumble up and down the jersey shore, but it wasn't an earthquake. sonic booms shake homes and nerves. what officials say caused this. >> everyone does it. sometimes when we're tired. sometimes when we see on the people do it. so why do we yawn? that's good question. nicole brewer uncovers the answer. and taste with tori heads to a south philly spot where the menu is always changing but one
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thing stays the same. where you can get in on a slice of the pie. good evening, omega's dean. >> i'm ukee washington. we begin tonight with a noisy and shaking afternoon down the shore. sonic booms were felt along the jersey coast and beyond. >> one of the booms was centered just north of hammonton atlantic county and we sent "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco there to find out what cough it. >> reporter: series of booms were heard up and down the jersey shore thursday as far as way as long island leaving to some to believe it was an earthquake. >> it was kind of scary. you're in school and you hear noises and you're not really sure what's going on. >> the house was shaking. >> reporter: u.s. gs now says series of sonic booms. the booms were caused by two fighter jets f35c that looks like this one and an f18. the jets from a naval air base in maryland were super sonic testing on a flight strip over the atlantic ocean. the booms are caused when jets go faster than the speed of sound breaking the sound bar 83. >> we didn't know what it was.
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>> duck and cover that's what we did. >> reporter: it started before 1:30 and lasted 99 minutes causing a series of 911 calls throughout jersey shore communities. >> the blinds, everything started shaking in the office. >> reporter: the uss gs center the booms over hammonton, new jersey. at the silver coin diner everyone was talking. >> it was 1:23. i looked right at the clock. kind of scared me. like the house rattled all the windows rattled. whole house shook. >> navy is taking credit releasing this statement. aircraft from naval test wing atlantic were conducting routine flight testing in the atlantic test ranges this afternoon that included activities which may have resulted in sonic booms. military aircraft routinely conduct super sonic flights offshore in an area called the test track which parallels the entire coast of the delmarva peninsula. naval air base do this testing on the air strip on a near daily basis all those booms are rarely heard or felt. they believe it was the
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atmospheric conditions today that allowed the booms to reach land. in hammonton, new jersey, diana rocco cbs3 "eyewitness news". new tonight arc benefit for wounded hero. the fraternal order of police comes together to honor police officer jesse hartnett. officer hartnett walk into the fop lodge in the northeast tonight with a smile on his face. and he thanked those who turn out for the event. hartnett was on patrol in west philly on january 7th when he was shot multiple times. police sa edward archer admitteo pulling the trigger saying he did it in the name of islam. >> john mcnesby the president of fop spent time to get to know hartnett in the hospital. >> overwhelmed not only by the police officers but people dropping checks off by the hundreds. >> the new york city police department made the trip from manhattan to philadelphia. they presented officer hartnett with a plaque saluting him for his bravery and courage under fire. authorities arrest a
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delaware county man who they say made online threats against police. 23-year-old david millbourne is behind bars. he reportedly posted on social media referencing quote stupid chester cops and threatening violence against their families. police say millbourne surrendered police physical but confessed he had no regret. his arrest comes 24 hours after a teenaged girl was taken into custody for making online threats targeting chester scho schools. the incidents are not related. the pennsylvania health department will hold a briefing on the zika virus tomorrow as it continues to spread rapidly across latin machine. officials suspect the virus which is spread by mosquitoes is responsible for a spike in the number of babies born with abnormally small heads. health officials you were pregnant women not to travel to the affected regions. cdc says the outbreak in the united states is unlikely and local health officials agree. >> anything which has a potential life-threatening he
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effect on unborn babies is a major concern went need to take the seriously. i don't think it's time to panic. >> the health departments in pennsylvania and delaware say they have no confirmed cases of zika viewer in new jersey there was one travel related case last year and that person who is from columbia recovered and returned to south america. tonight the republican presidential candidates faced off in their final debate before the iowa caucuses. the figurative elephant in the room but not on the stage was donald trump. even though the front runner skipped the debate to heft his own event he still dominated the conversation. gop front runner donald trump stage his own show at drake university in desmoines thursday night. just a few miles from the debate he boycotted over a dispute with fox news. >> when you're treated badly you have to stick up for your rights. >> trump's full capacity event of about 700 people was build as a benefit for veterans. supporters lined up early.
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>> dug a tunnel all the way from canton if i had. >> i like his bowlness. >> trump's decisioning to it alone could alienate voter has expected him to debate. >> it fell like he was running away from fox news. >> his foundation raised more than $5 million for veterans but his absence at the debate did not go unnotice. >> i'm a man 86 and everyone on this stage is stupid, fat and ugly ben you're a terrible surgeon. now that we've gotten the donald trump portion out of the way -- (laughter). >> i kind of miss donald trump. he was a little ted tee bear to me. >> some of his rifles mocked him. they also sparred over illegal immigration and defeating isis. >> i know that securing our border social security not anti immigrant. >> we should have a path to legal status for the 12 million people that are here illegally. >> iowa voters have until monday to back a candidate at the caucuses. >> fox refused trump's demand the network donate $5 million to
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his charity. >> tonight police have recovered an suv belonging to delaware senator chris kuhns after it was stolen this morning. the black ford explorer was found in wilmington. the suv was stolen from outside the senator's home in wilmington high lands neighborhood. the senator's wife started the car to warm it up and went back into the house and she says when she came back out it was gone. it's unclear tonight if police have any suspects. major developments in the long running saga of the ss united states moored in south philly it appears the ship will escape the scrap heat and u go a rebirth possible until new york city. supporters of the ship say they have an option agreement with redevelopment partner. more details will be released at a press conference in new york on february 4th. the one-time luxury vessel larger nan tighe than titanic and holder holds the record for the fastest trance atlantic crossing. >> every now and again a yawn can get away from you. when you see someone do it
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chances are you will too. >> that's the basis of tonight's good question! nicole brewer is here and nicole, you know a little bit about yawning saying you just moved from mornings tonight. >> we're glad to have you here. >> i have to restrain myself. having gone to bed 7:00 o'clock on the morning shift it takes time to get adjusted coffee helps and feedback from you definitely keeps me going. on this day two of our good question segment i'm happy to report we're hearing from so many of you. so many of our viewers and that includes ed golden. he wondered why do we yawn and is it contagious? it's a good question, ed. let's find out. ♪ >> why do you think we yawn? >> maybe a sign to let us know we're tire. >> people are boring. >> i don't know. our body telling us something. >> am i boring you, sir? >> no. >> it has to do with temperature regulation of our brain believe it or not. >> dr. rob danoff a family physician with aria health
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system the latest is that shows a big gull of air brings down our body and brain temperature. >> okay that's interesting. >> helping us function more efficiently. it's called thermal regulation. >> how about that? okay. that i did not know. >> i'm a big yawners so -- (laughter). >> you must have very high brain temperature. >> studies show we're mr. likely to yawn at night when our body temperature rises and stretch our jaws when we're stressed. >> that makes sense because if you're getting anxious you're getting heated up. >> one person starts -- >> tired. >> contagious. >> very contagious. >> every time i see yawn i yawn. >> why do you think that is? >> that's a good question. >> what's up with the contagious yawn? >> i see you yawning, i start yawning. is that really a thing? >> it is. but they think it's because we're in proximity we're near each other in the same environment. >> i realize what you're trying
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to do. >> it's not working. it's not going to work. >> that's one theory they're looking at the role of genetic. >> professional yawners. >> it's getting late and we hate to bore you with the details. >> did you see her? >> real. >> not real. >> i don't know. >> i'm going to really pay attention every time i yawn now. >> now some research suggests that contagious yawning only occurs in 60 to 70% of people and most often in individuals who exhibit great empathy kind of interesting dr. rob tells me it does not have to do with oxygen levels in your brain. it's a common misconception. we hear that a lot. >> i heard that too. >> you see my jaw quivering. i was trying hold it back. >> don't do it. >> thanks, nick. make it nice. >> what's your question? we'd love to know. log on to good question to submit your question. tweet us using the hash tag cbs3 good question. >> nicole will be here every
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night with the answer on cbs3 "eyewitness news" at 11:00. we can't wait to hear your good question. there's a local cafe where you can have your pie and eat it too. >> taste with tori heads to a south philly favorite where slicing sweets and safer repairs alike. how tried and true family recipes are bringing happiness to a city of people. >> the countdown to super bowl 50 is on much big news about who will be seen after the big game. stephen colbert announces his guest lineup. we'll have it on the other cidar. >> kate. >> we are tracking the threat for snow showers as we head into your troy day. this line of snow showers moving in from the west could hit us. i'll tell when you it gets who and what to expect for your friday commute also i'll tell you about a warm up that will take place into next week. stay there. we'll be right back. >> and leonardo dicaprio gets a private meeting with pope francis. we'll tell you why when "eyewitness news" continues.
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we are getting closer to super bowl 50 and everything is starting to come together. take look at an yeah aerial picture what they're calling super bowl city which is under construction in downtown san francisco. soon it will be packed with nfl fans from everywhere. crews setting up super bowl city are plastering nfl ads on sky scrapers setting stages for concerts and dragging out the metal detectors. the city has activated its emergency operation center wor working with the fbi to measure any potential threats. cbs3 is your super bowl station. >> for the first time ever, that coveted post super bowl spot will go to late night host. special ed dig of the late show with stephen colbert will after the game philly's tina fey will sit down that night.
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will ferrell, margo robbery and key and peel. on the special guests and surprises it's all february 7th right here on cbs3. and don't forget starting wednesday night zebb third don bell will be kicking off our coverage of super bowl 50 right here on "eyewitness news" at 11:00. live from san francisco, california you won't want to miss those reports. he's going to have it all for you. >> um-hmm. actor leonardo dicaprio can now check one more thing off his buck list he officially has met the pope. he went to the vatican to talk about the environment and climate change. the pope presented him with two encyclicals. leonardo dicaprio gave the pope a book of paintings one that hang above his crib as a child. in tonight's taste with tori tori goes to a restaurant where the menu is always changing but one thing stays the same.
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>> this story comes in pieces of pie at mag pie are a tease pie boutique in south philly. ♪ >> reporter: butterscotch, bourbon pie, mexican hot chocolate pie, oatmeal cookie pie and pot pie. all love pie. we all want a slice of pie. polly has solved the pie equation. not the mathematical pi but the kind that adds up to wow. so many variations of pie here at mag pies. >> pies are comforting. >> reporter: comforting like mac and cheese pot pie, washed down with a pie milkshake. that's right. pie milkshake. >> pie allah mode on the go. >> i love that. >> we'll get to in in a minute but where does holly pie in the sky imagination come from. >> her grandmom best recipes. >> she makes pie called
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butterscotch cream pie. which is inspired me to create my butterscotch bourbon pie. >> you have the recipe over there. >> it hangs on our wall. owed to my grandmother. >> reporter: owed to bringing calm into every day live. >> we just sometimes need to stop and pause and just have a moment. a pie moment. >> reporter: a moment i'm ready for. i just don't know where to begin. wait a minute. it doesn't matter where i start because it's all good. mexican hot chocolate pie with cinnamon and cayenne pepper and marshmallow fluff. >> one of my favorite thing in the entire wolfed is fluff. >> oatmeal cookie pie. that top part is basically like an oatmeal cookie. and then the bottom like little goo like this cinnamon goo. >> she had me at goo. oh, my. >> and that butterscotch bourbon pie. >> oh, my gosh. >> lemon juice, vanilla and bourbon really turns it into butterscotch. >> i feel like i'm staring --
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this is amazing. >> but the pay to resistance much you know the best part milkshake pie. three accident took place of vanilla ice cream, milk, chop up pie, blown the all up, ready to pour. >> amazing. >> i'm really speechless. >> this is where pie dreams come true. >> tell me about it. >> whoo! >> holly changes the pie menu at mag pies every month. so expect something knew when you go in there and we set a link at cbs fill p com you can see everything she plans on dishing up tell me about your favorite places send me message on facebook. we've been so lucky to have our views recommending all the places we go to and mag pie was recommended to us by a girl i met at the comic book coffee shop. >> i remember that story. >> she had a hat on i borrowed her hat.
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she's the one that gave us that recommendation and i'm glad she did two thumbs on that. >> i want that oatmeal cookie pie and all the good that goes with it. >> that looked good. >> goo. >> tori, thanks so much. >> amazing. kate joins us now with our forecast for while earlier you were talking little snow but in the form of showers. >> snow showers through the day tomorrow. not talking about after last weekend. >> i'm not scared. >> well maybe i'm a little scared. when you talk about snow, six days after a major historic snowstorm, everyone really doesn't want to hear that. but we don't have whole lot expected but it can cause some problems on the roads tomorrow. so break it down for you as we head towards your weekend. let's take a look what's going on outside right now. all zoomed in, of course city hall in the background. billy penn saying hello from the top of city hall and we'll zoom out to the skyline shot. beautiful view there of sent city. clouds rolled from here tonight. it's not as clear as it was last name temperatures five to
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10 degrees warmer than yesterday morning when you wake up tomorrow. but still cold enough for icy spots. i've said it every day this week. i'll say it again watch out for the ice front steps, walkways, walk into the bus stop with the kids and on the also on the roads. again center city looking lovely this evening. storm scan3 shows we're between two systems now this is storm off the coast i'll tell you this is one we were watching earl i don't recall in the week some indication that a few of models wanted to try to bring it toward the coast it will stay offshore it's a powerful storm. if this had moved tour the coast we'd be talking about more problems much this one you have to watch. this system swing buying the north coming through will blast through here tomorrow afternoon. with gusty winds and again snow showers and squalls. for much of the region these may be rain showers by the time they come through because it's late afternoon. if it were coming through now as you can see pretty much all snow. here the storm start rt starting to form off the coast of carolina that mainly stays offshore. temperatures right now most of us are a oh below freezing
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hanging on the mid 30s in wilmington and city of philadelphia. dropping into the 20s overnight. tomorrow afternoon, here we go. 2:00 p.m., these are wind gusts not temperatures. 29 miles per hour wind gusts here as we head through 2:00 p.m. and suing these scattered snow showers and rain showers could be little bit of a mix of both across the area once those move out, the winds stay strong through your friday night gusts over 30 miles an hour especially down the shore. 10:00 p.m. still windy. then the winds do back off through the overnight hours and into your saturday. but what to expect for tomorrow midday rain and snow showers. mainly between about noon and three. little or no accumulation but as this blasts through the area winds are really going get strong briefly and again it will feel like a snow squall if you're caught in it so visibility briefly reduced on area roadways you can be driving down everything looking good and then nervous it's a brief white out that's what we're looking at not everywhere. but keep it in mind if you'll be out on about troy day. it turns milder through the weekend the jet stream lifts to the north and that mild air really starts to take old hold
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into the middle of next week. wednesday feeling great. but there's more cold lurking by thursday and friday. overnight tonight down to the 20's. 28 degrees mainly cloudy another chilly night. for tomorrow clouds gusty winds and again no snow showers around through the midday hours. south and east of the city possibly more rain showers. and again this is like white rain if it does happen it's not actually going accumulate. you'll see it falling and then it just lands and melts on the roadway. temperatures in the 40s. saturday 40 degrees. not bad lots of sunshine. sunday looks fantastic. low 50s next week. wednesday near 60 but it's a wet 60. big storm bringing pretty heavy rain on wednesday at least you won't need the heavy coat for a day or two. >> winning. >> don you're talking sports and some eagles updates. >> yeah. the birds making it happen. eagles continue to make some moves. the sheriff speaks and was this hit up tension al or not? you be the judge sports coming up next.
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>> doug pederson completed his staff he added defensive line coach named chris wilson. he coached fletcher cox at mississippi state. they interviewed a scout from the steelers the ooh buildings are in the market for a personnel head. jeffrey lurie would say. peyton manning favorite at super bowl 50. topic in 1998nfl years dinosaur. he'll win his second title if the broncos can pete the been they are. this could be his final rodeo. >> i don't know. i don't know if it's been confirmed or not. what happened to private conversations on the 50-yard line. they don't exist any more. no confirmation on whatsoever. we are on to carolina. we're on to carlin in a.
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>> see how he just talk his way out of. >> 40/40 club the next time the sixers take the court we'll witness something rarely if ever seen before. the sixers are the only team in the nba with 40 losses they'll take on the warriors. the only team that has 40 plus wins. that game is saturday in south philadelphia. college hoops now town zen visiting drexel. seam showing the range from the outside. he led drexel with 17. dragons loving it. always want to get a cut away of the dragons that's a tv term. william moto feeling it from three. he had 16. townsend withins 77-70 your final score. flames and predators last night. calgary defensive dennis wide man gets checked into the boards head first. he slowly make his way back to the bench and then cross check the lines man don henderson. now wide man said the hit was unintentional and apologized to
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the ref. he's been suspended pending a hearing with the league on tuesday. >> i don't know. i don't know. ukee you say -- >> no. >> it's hard. >> it's hard to say. this is ricky woods. he bet his co-worker the panthers would not go to the super bowl. he paid up by painting himself blue because carolina in fact is going to the super bowl to take on the broncos. however, ricky now is doubling down. he says if the panaches win it all he'll stand in front of their stadium in a tutu. >> ricky. >> is ricky cold or ricky just shaking the sign. >> what's happening. >> what's up with rick? >> let it go, rick. >> i can't answer that. >> let it go, rick. >> we'll be right back
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but he didn't even get to enjoy it. >> say what. >> two female gorillas took three cakes for themselves. >> aww. >> come on. >> his actual birthday was saturday. but the party had to be postponed because of the snowstorm. apparently one point he was ea eating lettuce hopefully he gets some cake. >> he's a ladies man. he let it go. >> we'll be right back. are you tired of hazardous glass made so clear by sfx: slide show windex that you don't even know it's there? sfx: slide show smudge it! with the new smudge stick even clear glass gets visibly smudged in a snap. sfx: smudge sounds against glass get it now and say no to spotless clear windex glass.
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>> our morning crew is back tomorrow from 4:30 to 7am. >> tour everyone here i'm ukee washington. >> i'm jessica dean. the late show with stephen colbert is next with josh brolin. >> thanks for watching and good night family >> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for the nuwave oven pro, brought to you by the makers of the nuwave precision induction cooktop. [♪...] professional chefs create great-tasting meals from years of experience and by using professional equipment. and now you can too, with the nuwave oven pro, the number-one countertop oven in america! no more defrosting or preheating that giant oven-- the nuwave cooks all your meals
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