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tv   Eyewitness News at 5  CBS  March 1, 2016 5:00pm-6:01pm EST

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know, he is a local, so i know the name. >> reporter: parent in mulika township said five two-year old sin claire caesar has been involved with coaching youth sports for several years. the just saturday morning he coached four and five-year eld basketball game at mulika township school. late her that day police say he exchanged his clipboard for cuffs, arrested by hamilton township police on the charge of aggravated sexual contact with a 13 year-old girl. it turns out this isn't his first serious run in with the law. record show in 2006 he was charged with forced sexual assault later pleading guilty to the lesser charges endangering welfare of the child and spending more than 400 days in jail. >> it is pretty disturbing that the more thorough background checks wasn't done being that he had a prior arrest. >> reporter: despite numerous attempts to reach officials with the mulika township recreation association, we don't know the extent of caesar's coaching or if they do background checks. it is an independent organization run by volunteers, and not governed by the township.
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>> they have to have a clean record to be coaching children and have authority, you know, with the children. >> reporter: parent say recreation association need to make their background check policy clear and if they don't do checks, they should start. >> i know it cost money to do background checks but it is all volunteer and we want to trust everybody but we can't, obviously, we can't, terrible. >> reporter: caesar is on $50,000 bail, and police say that they will not officially tell us how he knew the 13 year-old girl, but they say there is a possibility he could have other victims and, if so they hepp they come forward. reporting live from mays landing, i'm cleve bryan, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". occupational safety health administration is investigating deadly industrial accident in nor ease philadelphia. a worker was crushed by a ton of recycled paper at the waste management plant on bleigh avenue this morning. the investigators say the four two-year old worker was inspecting his forklift when another worker on a forklift
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made contact with other materials. that caused a domino effect of falling materials which landed on the victim. suspects take a police on a wild chase this afternoon multiple people are in custody related to the incident. it started in tredyffrining ago long i-76, all the way to lower merion. during the pursuit the a police cruiser was hit, according to state police six people are in custody this evening. one of the suspects was taken to bryn mawr hospital in unknown condition. the incident remains under investigation. today superior court of pennsylvania, delayed the preliminary hearing in the sexual assault case against comedian bill cosby. that hearing will take place a week from today, cosby a's attorneys wanted to have the hearing delayed when they had the case thrown out. superior court will review that cosby had an agreement he wouldn't be prosecuted over the 2004 encounter with andrea constand. cosby's accused of drugging and sexual salting her. he said it was conn
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sensuality. sam bradford is staying an eagle will, just moments ago we learn quarterback was resigned by the team and sports director don bol, is here with details on the deal. a lot of people didn't know what would happen. >> he will stick around. bradford will remain in the nest. he was set to be a free agent but, he and eagles have agreed to terms. bradford gets a two year deal reportedly worth 36 million. nfl network said 26 of it is guarantied. bradford through for 19 touchdowns last season but really got hot over the final two months of the season. so sammy b will stick around in south philadelphia. this deal basically says eagles like him, they don't love him. they got engaged, not married. >> they have not walk down the aisle. >> not quite, 28 years old, guys, if you are a prime time quarterback you get a longer tiehl. so, they are still in the evaluation period. >> a little unique part to this. >> yes. >> we will hear more from you coming up. >> thanks very much. a beautiful take weather-wise, we are tracking some rain, meet the role goodies kate bilo is live on
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the cbs-3 sky deck with more on when it will arrive, kate. >> jessica, what a beautiful day and still a beautiful evening, blue skies, as far as the eye can see but as you said that is a all about to change. take a quick look at highs again today, third day in a row in philadelphia we will hit 64 degrees. normal high about 47, well above average today, cooler down the shore, 58 in at atlantic city. sixty-two the high in reading. you can see wind have been strong across the a area we have had wind about 15 to to miles an hour, they are coming from the south the and east that is why it is cooler down the shore. still breeze think afternoon, but here is what is on the way as a system makes its way from the west a and that rain will get in overnight. i'll tell if you it will impact your morning commute the for monday and then tell but the snow we are tracking in the forecast by end of the week. how much? we will have the answer coming up. we will send it back inside to you. it is super tuesday, in the race for president, voters in 12 states are heading to the polls today and winners,
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could gain, commanding lead over their rivals. we are in election central for what has the potential for defining moment in the presidential campaign. hillary clinton is looking to pull away from bernie sanders in the march to the democratic nomination right here in philadelphia. donald trump hopes to stay on track to secure the the republican nomination. cbs news correspondent craig boswell joins us from washington with more on what is at stake tonight, good evening, chris. >> reporter: good evening to you. hit the nail right on the head front runners in both parties looking to extend their delegate leads but there are big tests for hillary clinton and donald trump and when dust finally settles in this are long, intense primary day, the challengers in both parties insist that these races are far from over. donald trump stepped off his private plane and singled out his closest reprievals at a rally in ohio on tuesday. >> i deal with rubio. i deal with cruise. the these guys don't know anything. they have no clue what is going on.
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>> reporter: of the dozens states on the super tuesday map, polls show trump is lead nothing all but one. >> he is everything, that the republican primary election is looking for. >> reporter: trump's opponent will in the the go fast. >> donald trump one an embarrassment the to the america and anyone who supporting him. >> reporter: senator ted cruz voted in his home state of texas and made his pitch to voters to support him. >> you are among those 65 percent of republicans who recognize donald trump could be a disaster as the nominee then i ask you to join us even if you are thinking of another candidate. >> reporter: thinks the single biggest day of voting in the primary season. there are 595 delegates up for grabs on the republican side, that is half of the number needed to win nomination. >> goal of today, to end up with as many delegate as we possibly can. >> reporter: there are 859 democratic delegates at stake in 11 states, but clinton has commanding lead in six other than states. >> i need your help in the caucus tonight. >> reporter: that is why the former first lady and
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secretary of state is in minnesota a state sanders has visited frequently and hoping to win. keep this in mind delegates are awarded proportionately in the democratic race. g.o.p. delegates are awarded proportionally today but they have to meet a 20 percent threshold and that could be a key factor in the final numbers. ukee, back to you. >> chris, thanks very much. super tuesday it is. our area, our very own area could get the presidential candidates, delegates they need to secure their party's nomination. pennsylvania and delaware hold their primaries on april 26th, and new jersey will hold its primary, on june the seventh. keep it the right here on "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of the super tuesday, once the the polls close we will bring you up to the minute results on air, and on line, at cbs on this super tuesday there is a lot of talk about delegate counts and how many are needed for nomination and it brings up a good question. what is a super delegate? it is tonight's good question?
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voters head to the polls. their choices results in how many delegates are designated for each candidates but what about those super delegates. >> it has something to do with super tuesday. >> sort of. >> super tuesday, super delegate. >> reporter: good guess. not quite it. nicole brewer gets real answer to the the good question what is a super delegate tonight at 11:00. do you have a good question? log on to cbs question or tweet us using hashtag cbs-3 good question. also tonight republican stan firm against considering a supreme court nominee to replace late justice antonin scalia. president obama and vice-president biden met with senate leaders from both parties at the white house today and it ended with no sides of a break through. republican lawmakers have vowed to block any nominee from the current administration, saying that the next president should choose. >> a grand jury report released to day reveals two catholic bishops from pennsylvania covered up sexual abuse of hundreds of children.
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the attorney yen kathleen kane described in disturbing detail at boost hid by diocese in altoona/johnstown in the central part of the state. findings are based partly on evidence from a one secret diocese archive. report is especially critical of bishop james hogan and joseph abbott. >> the actions of those involved, those in the leadership, those meant to protect children, those who were meant to supervise the priest in their charge, failed to protect the children, that they were entrusted with their care and guidance. not only was it covered up, not only were priests moved around, but bishop hogan and others took action toss further endangerer children as they placed their desire to void public scandal over the well-being of innocent children. >> the statute of limitations has run out to charge many of the alleged abusers. according to the report more than 50 priests or religious leaders committed these crimes
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over a 40 year period. still to come on "eyewitness news" more testimony from tv sports reporter aaron andrews. they say i want to be interviewed, the marriott stalk are thing. >> how andrews says her life has change after she was secret thely filmed in her hotel room by a stalker. plus hear her new hotel routine. a two-year old falls from the back of the van and we have to tell you he is okay and how it happens and who saved the toddler from oncoming traffic. concerns about the safety of the only f.d.a. approved labido drug for women why some researchers say so-called female viagra may not be worth it. plus this. trying to get ready for march madness. >> this is what you need for march madness. >> and we will have more with star guard, ryan archie arcidiacono coming up.
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on the cbs-3 healthwatch there are new concerns about the safety of the only f.d.a. approved labido drug for women. >> health reporter stephanie
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stahl has new research on the drug. >> research just released, there has been all kind of controversy surrounding this drug for years but it was finally approved last year, while since then sales have been weak, and now there is new research that says the drug's risks out weigh limited benefits. the drug works object brain chemicals to improve sexual desire in woman. it was approved last summer following an intense marketing campaign. >> it will make you like a teenager. too paid your lady doesn't have any. >> reporter: new review blast fd a a approval says benefits are marginal while risks are substantial. >> f.d.a.'s own internal reviewers recommended for rejection. concern that is limited efficacy and benefit in the setting of significant side effects. >> reporter: they include dizziness, sleepiness, nausea and fatigue. >> i just had, no sexual desire. >> reporter: sixty-six year-old barbara was among
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women who tested the drug. the it work for her. >> the change was so dramatic and in the middle of the night i was waking my husband up, much to his delight, and surprise. >> she was happy, i was happy. >> reporter: with several drugs like viagra available, f.d.a. was accused of gender bias until addie was finally a approved. a statement from the company that now owns the drug, says that in the past, that the jama report that study provided little additional context, and the drug remains available by prescription, if so, costing around $30. i have a feeling we will be hearing more about this drug, controversy continues. >> we have been hearing for this for years, months, really. we will hear more. >> thanks, stephanie. cameras captured pretty unbelievable things but this one, you have to see it to believe it. take a look, at a two-year old boy, crawl to the back of the van and then falls out. now quick thinking here by a good samaritan, eastern china
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saved a life, behind pulled up to the side pick up the little boy who wasn't even injured. rear door of the van had apparently been damaged in an accident and did not close tightly. >> wow. video is incredible, a security camera showed a fedex driver running for her life as a tornado bears down on her. she took cover where she could while high windy steroid a hardware store around her in louisiana. workers inside hid in the bathroom while driver kyla johnson hung on for her life. she survived and described her terrifying ordeal. >> i braced myself between the coke machine. it was just to brace myself. after i seen video i didn't know what it really looked like i just figured i was in a tornado. >> owner of the the store and kyla believe they were in god's hand during that storm. >> wow. >> isn't that something. >> tornadoes, of course, is a mark of spring. we have a different case of
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spring today. got kind. >> wow. >> today was a great the way to start march. march maybe to throw us off our game because march will show its other side, over the next couple of days. >> ugly. >> march is great, and not feeling that way probably by the end of the week.nd not unless you are looking for a little more winter weather a as we move toward the end of the season. we have that for you. things will change starting tomorrow, and again we will see the wild side of march. lets start off with today, what a beautiful day, it was and a meteorological winter just ended. in fact it tied the fourth warmest winter on record, most of that, into december, which was 13.7 degrees above seasonal average. but we were above average by a degree in january and 3 degrees in february. all together, winter was above average temperature wise the whole time and again tying the fourth warmest, on record, and today was a very warm start to spring, question is can we sustain warmth, it does look
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like march may be a roller coaster the whole month long as we talk about a cool down and temperatures rebounding heading in to next week. storm scan three is quiet but a all that blue sky to take may begin to erode over next couple hours as clouds move from the west and here comes storm system producing heavy snow across michigan. that will really stay limited to eastern canada and northern new england, rest of us getting rain and you can see how this rain is moving. this looks like an overnight system then a wednesday system and that is good news. wednesday morning commute may still be impact at least by wet roads and low visibility tomorrow. in the meantime we are hanging on to these mild temperatures, cooler down the shore with the wind off water. right now 51 in a atlantic city. fifty-three in wildwood. pair of five's in millville. fifty-six in philadelphia nice and warm in reading and allentown as well temperatures in the upper 50's there future weather shows by 11:00 tonight a few showers could pop autopsy cross the region. not a ton of rain by 11:00,
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heaviest comes through overnight. you will hear the rain drops on the roof. you may wake up to a rumble of thunder overnight tonight, and, lingering showers, at 4:00 a.m. and by the time of the morning commute this may be out of here. the road will be wet. showers could still linger a bit until first part of the morning commute but we will not see too much of this system lingering in to the daylight hours. rain arrives around midnight, heaviest between two and 5:00. still slow for your wednesday morning commute if you are on the road early at six or 7:00 a.m. but rain should come to than a end by 7:00 a.m. leaving behind a quick quarter to half inch a across the area then we will talk about some changes, temperatures will drop tomorrow, 64 degrees height today, by 3:00 p.m. tomorrow about 20 degrees colder. wind pick up, temperatures drop and then we will talk about the the threat for a winter system onfully. increasing cloud overnight with rain late. 46 degrees your low. tomorrow rain in the early morning, if you sleep late, past 7:00 a.m. you'll miss it. clearing, windy, at
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50 degrees. you're witness weather three day forecast, 50 is misleading tomorrow, we will hit that high in the morning, temperatures drop in the afternoon, thursday cold and then snow showers on friday. there is a a chance for possibly a little bit of a accumulation. we will delve into that system next hour. >> little different. >> a little bit. >> see you in a bit. >> still ahead on "eyewitness news" hackers in your home, a surprising number of modern devices may not be safe from prying eyes and that includes things like your coffee maker, even your thermostat. consumer reporter jim donovan is on your side with how you can be exposed and what you can do to keep your home and family safe. villanova's final home game it is tonight and leslie van arsdal went to the campus to do shopping with senior star guard ryan archie arcidiacono as he reflects on his time with the wildcats.
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again! again? again! again! general mills is removing artificial flavors and colors from our cereals. so you can love cereal... again!
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villanova's final home game is tonight against depaul. >> it is final home game for
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senior guard ryan archie arcidiacono. leslie van arsdal went to campus and talked about his time to nova and how many different ways to say his name. >> for some ryan archie arcidiacono is a hard name to pronounce. imagine when he first stepped on the villanova campus four years ago. >> people thought my name was archie, last name archie arcidiacono. i said his name is ryan. i'm telling you, some people are like hey, archie. i said no, it is ryan but if you want to call me archie, you can do that. my high school used to pronouncing key just so they san say it. >> reporter: people know he is now four year starter ryan has never missed a game. even named captain midway through freshman year. tonight will be his final game played at pavilion. >> it is something i will think about and think about for life but at that time it will be just we need to go out there and play harder then them and get a win. >> reporter: ville know of ace projected number one seed in the ncaa tournament and with march madness, upon us, i need
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to get ready. >> hello. >> i'm store manager. >> hello. >> picking up some march madness gear. >> looking for his jersey, actually. slim pickings. >> this is all we have left of his jersey. >> they say this is the best selling jersey. >> we can say it is the best selling jersey. >> i would say, josh hart jersey, josh brings a lot to the table. >> too modest. you are best selling jersey here. >> no. >> do you have anything with a little bit more slim fitting. >> attitude in there too. that is our team motto. >> yes. >> but the name may be hard to pronounce, harder to spell but his style of play makes it easy to love. playing for a team, that is easy to root for. >> archie arcidiacono. >> yes. >> we hear ate a lot in march. >> right, right, right. >> where is your jersey. >> no. >> i thought that was his middle will name for the
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longest time, ryan archie arcidiacono. >> it is archie. >> i said, he has made a name for himself. in doubt about that. >> we will hear that over and over and over again. >> i'm still looking for my injuriesy thanks, leslie. coming up next, in tv, a sports reporter secretly exposed to millions. >> you don't realize how long four minutes is, until your naked body. >> emotional erin andrews returns to the the witness stand how she says her life has change forever after a stalk are released a nude video of her on line. plus, computer testing like this, researchers at a local medical school are able to say in remarkable close touch with astronaut scott kelly and his twin brother back here on earth. it is an amazing story on have space and we will have it for you coming up. i can tell you identify the pieces in front of me.
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>> then new a at 6:00 this man is reportedly the only person in the world who has this particular super power, others include a human magnet and a blind man with sonar vision. sound like a super hero movie but health reporter stephanie stahl found out it is real. real life super
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just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at
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another tearful day of testimony, in sports reporter andrew -- erin andrews stalker trial. what she said today that made her break down on the stand again. "eyewitness news" continues at 5:30. i'm ukee washington. i'm jessica dean n her 75 million-dollar civil try, erin andrews testified where he secret thely recorded her. a andrews told the injury what i hurts her the most. >> an emotional erin andrews, returned to the witness stand on tuesday as she described how the stalker, who secretly recorded a news video of her,
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changed her life. >> you don't really realize how long four minutes is until it is your naked body. >> reporter: sportscaster is suing owner of this nashville marriott, and michael barrett, who admitted taping her through a hotel room peephole in 2008, and then posting the video on line. >> it really hit home for me and hurts me the worst, is when the girls, high school, college, they tweet me and they say i want to be erin andrews except for marriott stalker thing. i cannot control that. that is every day. >> reporter: video has been seen nearly 17 million times, during cross-examination a defense attorney pointed out that she has pick up major endorsements and jobs since the incident. >> you have done very well in your career? unaudible. >> reporter: but andrews say she's emotionally traumatized and always on guard. >> in a hotel no matter what
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state or stadium i'm in i tell them i want to be moved from the roomy was prebooked in. >> reporter: hotel says what happened to andrews is terrible but that the stalker is to blame. barrett pleaded guilty to stalking in 2010 and sentenced to two and a half years in prison. battle of the fbi verse apple has moved out of the courtroom and on to congress. head of the fbi and apple's top lawyer testified before the house judiciary committee. hearing comes amid two conflicting court rulings on whether april a he will can be forced to help fbi gain access to iphones, including one belonging to a san bernardino shooter. fbi director james comby balanced both side. >> thank you for posting this conversation, and for helping us all talk about an issue i believe is hardestish eye i have confronted in government which is how to balance the privacy we so treasure, and that comes to us through the technology that we love, and also achieve public safety when we all very much
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treasure. >> apple's top lawyers argued hacking software will provide an fbi can and lead to a broaden coach. on security. technology in our homes is supposed to make our life easier but 21st century gadgets may actually make us a lot more vulnerable. consumer reporter jim donovan explains how you can keep your family safe from hackers inside of your home, that is coming up later on "eyewitness news" at 5:00. we're following breaking news now authorities break up an alleged cock fighting ring at a home in kensington. chopper three is live over the 2800 block of me street where officers with the the pennsylvania spca are serving a search warrant. we're told officers are confiscating at least 30 birds, so far, no word on any arrests. and efforts are underway to restore ground of the high school in roxborough targeted by vandals. last month vandals hit lankenau environmental science magnate high school driving over the ground and leaving a muddy mess. we have now learned that the
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philadelphia horticultural society has come to help with the restoration and set up a web site for donations. four different contractors have also offered their expertise, vehicles, and manpower free of charge, roxborough hospital, has also offered to donate soil. and a eighth grade inner virginia is facing criminal charges, she's accused of using emojis to threaten her school. police say that the 12 year-old girl posted a message on instagram using images of a gun, bomb and a knife. girls mother a says her daughter did it in response to being bullied. police say their investigation is not yet over, this case could mean judges will have to sort out howie mow gis are defined. philadelphia's faith based community members joined local law make tours talk about youth gun violence. the councilman kenyatta johnson led the round table discussion at city hall. the they are working to identify solution toss reduce gun violence and finding ways to provide positive resources in the most vulnerable
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communities. councilman called it a collective effort. >> we need all hand on deck. the right the now we're in a epidemic, crisis here in the city of philadelphia we want everybody to roll up their sleeves and get involved as they address the issue of youth gun violence. >> reporter: in january councilman johnson introduced resolution for a committee to hold hearings on the issue. american astronaut scott kelly is getting ready to return to earth after a year in outer space. researchers in our area have been keeping close tabs on kelly and his twin, who is back here on solid ground, to get a better idea about how space effects the human body. the here's "eyewitness news" reporter walt hunter. >> lift off, the year in space starts right now. >> reporter: from the moment scott kelly lifted off on his year long mission to the international space station, you might be surprised to learn that far from mission control, some of those in close contact with kelly, are researchers, at the pearl man school of medicine at the
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university of pennsylvania. >> he is just a great person and great pleasure working with him and his brother. >> reporter: using computer tests they are simultaneously monitoring both scott kelly in space and his twin brother retired astronaut mark, back on earth, looking for any differences that would pinpoint how months in space, could effect the ability to think, reason and make decisions. >> scotties doing a cognitive test better in space. mark will dot same test on earth at the same time. this is the emotional conditions, is that person happy sad, fearful. >> reporter: testing monitors emotions, awareness and other abilities. allowing kelly to comment, on results, and then immediately learn if long term exposure to zero gravity and other elements is affecting his performance. >> every tiny little mistake is based, can lead to mission failure. >> reporter: after a year kelly's now on his way back
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but the doctor hopes that what is learned from his incredible journey will help fellow astronauts one day, who well may be making a three-year trip to mars. >> i'm just happy that i can be part of this and can make sure that we get people to mars safely and back. >> reporter: monitoring astronauts medically, of course is a as old as the space program itself. what makes this testing so amazing is the ability to compare findings with kelly's brother who is not just a fellow astronaut but a twin. the odds of that happening, the doctor says, about the same as winning a power ball lottery. live from the sat center, i'm walt hunter, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> so you are saying is there a chance. that is fascinating. thanks, walt, appreciate it. still to come on "eyewitness news" utopia is called an instant disney classic. characters full of adventures, under dogs to root for but there is also a whole lot more, find out what makes this
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movie so different. >> braces for dogs, that is right, i just said that, braces for dogs, what doctors are saying about this golden retriever with a mouthful of metal, kate. another day that felt like spring but that is all about to change, we're tracking rain that could impact your commute tomorrow and then threat for snow in the the forecast, i'll tell you when it gets here and if it sticks coming up when
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grover cleveland here. yes, the dashing fellow on the thousand-dollar bill. with 'cash4life', the great game from the pennsylvania lottery, you could win a thousand dollars a day for life! you could buy a new house! or maybe even treat yourself to a trip to the islands. and with drawings every monday and thursday, that means 2 chances to win every week. cash4life from the pennsylvania lottery. you could win a thousand dollars a day for life.
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well, talk about employee perks, billion air warren buffet is giving his employees a huge incentive to get excited about march massness. all they have to does correctly pick which college basketball teams will reach the sweet 16 and buffet will give them a million-dollar a year for life. but that is not all. since odd are tough, $100,000 prize goes to whoever has the
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best bracket. mr. b, can i get in. >> that is what everybody in the office, i don't watch basketball but give it to me. getting braces can be a bummer for teens, spending months and months with the metal in your mouth, so you can have straighten teeth but people do it. >> for one unusual patient it is wesley, he got it. that is a dog with braces. the wesley isn't looking for that perfect smile. the his vet says his braces are necessary because he could not close his mouth all the way, because of crooked teeth. wesley should have them off in a few weeks. >> great smile. >> i can identify with wesley. our dog fin has a severe under bite and so my mom would be like i think she needs braces. i said mom, dogs don't get braces. >> well, thanks wesley. >> i had them on air, many years ago, around 80's, early 90's. >> do not bite a piece of cheese. >> they hurt.
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>> coming up, crying eyes, surprising items in your home that are,
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you cannot always get, what you want? but rock and roll fans in cuba
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will. rolling stones have announced they will play a free outdoor cons inert havana march 21st, could be the biggest band to play cuba since revolution in 1959. cuban government once persecuted young people for listening to rock music. the concert will come three days after president obama visits havana. kate joins us now with amazing outside conditions today. i wanting to inside. i cannot wrap my head around the fact that there are not things i want to talk about in the the near future. >> in the near future. >> i put on twitter that it will come out of my mouth at some point say it the ain't snow, right now. but you got to say it. >> but come on, 64 degrees, three days in a row. we will wake up friday morning to the threat of snow. >> i was watching spring training baseball, feeling what it was like outside, now snow. >> birds were in my backyard hopping around. we're ready for spring. >> yes. >> it is going to be a sea change as we head through end of the week. we're talking about first,
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some rain and then the the threat for snow. a lot the to get to. let's jump right in. we will take you to the lehigh valley to start off. this is bethlehem in northampton county, beautiful evening, cloud have started to roll in. it got cloudy pretty quickly across the a area. we have blue skies about an hour ago and now clouds are rolling in hurling the arrival of the next storm system which is going to bring us threat for some rain overnight tonight. don't than shocked if you wake up with a flash of lightening and thunder a 59 or 3:00 a.m. eyewitness whether ther watchers are tracking weather. cooler in new jersey. ed connor at 44. fifty up in trenton. near 49 in lawrenceville. check in here 49 degrees. check in with peter, because cooler because wind are out of the south and east bringing that cooler air from over the ocean, into portions of new jersey. actually further north and west you go warmer it the gets. we are at 59 degrees near reading, checking in birdsboro pa, nice warm spring like day.
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enjoy warm weather while we have it. that is great advice. the we are at 54 degrees checking in with joseph at orland and sent us a photo. it looks like a beautiful shot here, evening sunset, look at that view, just a great, end to what has been a beautiful, start to march. but, changes are on the way. the lets look at what is happening all day, time lance video from the palmyra cove nature park, beautiful day, blue skies, most of the the day, watch the cloud, they will start to roll role in a few at a time. now it is cloudy. things are changing. cloud moving in, should lead to a pretty beautiful sunset happening right now, thanks to more reflection with the cloud cover moving in. it is not just a thick overcast at the moment but it will be eventually as this system heads our way overnight. snow is relegated in to eastern canada. that is not an issue. we will deal with the threat for rain along that cold front mainly coming through overnight. this system is trucking. it has wind with it. it will be in and then out pretty rapidly. that is the only good thing we
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have to say about it. the it will usher in a big change in the mercury behind that storm. so, hopefully you enjoyed today and past two days. even though it is windy. temperatures in the 60's can't be beat, february into march. still 56 at the airport. fifty-five in millville. fifty-seven in reading and allentown. the lets start off with what is happening with the first system. this is all rain this comes in overnight tonight. here we go 2:00 a.m. when we expect most robust rainfall two or 3:00 a.m. possibly a rumble of thunder as well. then that moves out. during the day tomorrow we will feel a big drop in the mercury, in fact, temperatures at midnight could rise a little bit before that front comes into the upper 50's. that may be the high for tomorrow, completely misleading because watch what happened as we move forward in time. by 0:00 a a.m. we are down to 37 degrees and we barely recover tomorrow afternoon. 42 degrees with the gusty wind from the north and west. then we will talk about our next system. this is thursday night into friday. cuts by to our south but notice this is snow, friday morning, and then it moves off the coast but it is enough we
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could be talking about an inch, possibly a half inch as we look at our models here looking at half inch to an inch generally, possibly a inch and a half or so. that could stick to some road. there could be slick spots friday morning before that system moves out. so we are talking rain for your wednesday morning, clearing out quickly, thursday it is cold but quiet, then start friday with light snow showers, possibly some slippery travel, and then the weekend, starts to warm up and then by next tuesday we are back to 60's again. we will send it to you guys at the desk okay, it seems that just about every home has modern day gadgets that entertain us, make life easier but some of these high tech products could be also putting you at risk. >> three on your side consumer reporter jim donovan has helpful advice to protect your family and your home. >> reporter: that is right, ukee and guess contact they are referred to as smart devices but unless you are smart some have hidden risks that could make you a easy target for hackers. it the is everything these days is kenning to the internet. baby monitors, refrigerators
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with cameras, built right into the door, even toys are tied to the web. >> how are you. >> reporter: they all have processors that transmit and receive data, part of the exploding category of connected devices called the internet of things. >> we will have something in the neighborhood of 20 billion of these devices, on line, by 2020. >> reporter: tech security researchers todd beardsly says gadgets that send out information on the internet can also let hackers into your home. >> unaudible. >> reporter: last spring a new york city couple was horrified to hear a man talking to their three-year old through a web connected baby monitor. this web site features hijacked camera feed from homes around the world. so changing your router's default pass word is a must. >> you don't have to be particularly sophisticated tacker to guess pass word is the pass word. >> reporter: once one device is compromised hackers can learn a lot about you. >> first name, last name, zip code, date of of birth, now
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they have a data set i can use directly for crime or i can solve it. >> reporter: internet security experts recommend creating unique pass words for all devices and changing them often. you should check your software updates for all connected gadgets, and in the meantime reduce chances of a hack's tack by turning off your devices when they are not actively in use. home sitting, house sitting. they were all out of town. baby monitor started talking. i'm thinking, it was neighbors they were on the same frequency. >> it is creepy. i thought someone was in the house. >> very scary. >> i like my rotary phone. >> old school. >> identifying jim donovan. >> not hack nothing to my house. >> thanks. still to come on "eyewitness news" a new disney movie business to hit theaters but it is not your average kid film. >> coming up, creators tell me what makes zootopia so special.
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fresh off oscar weekend a number of new films will hit theaters and a much talked about animated feature will be one of them. >> zootopia is getting buzz for the entire family and couple of the film's creators came by to show, and tell me, what all of the excitement is all about. the one about the rabbit and the fox, on the red carpet, it is a celebration of animation. >> we get to work with some of the most amazing artists and film makers in the world. >> reporter: byron howard and rich moore are directors of the disney's 55th animated feature. it is all centered around a modern mommal metropolis. tell us about the melting pot known as zootopia. >> one of the movies where the animals talk, they walk right up on two legs, they wear clothes, they use all of the technology that we do. >> place where anybody can be anything. >> you're fired.
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>> what? >> we have a meter maid rap who it wants to take it to the next level despite being looked upon as a cute bunny. >> judy experienced very young with a bull that i convinces her she needs to make the world a better place. the way she will do that is bee becoming a cop. >> become reunited with the bully fox, catalyst of her career choice and while teaming up, the plot thickens. >> we've got to go. >> eye popping twists and turns are the end result of this animated who done it, creators feel they got great results new comer jennifer goodwin who plays judy. >> so sweet, so pure of heart but she's tough as nails, you know, and she's the person all of the part that she plays you can feel that determination. >> reporter: jason baitman played a wide variety of characters in his career but a fox. >> you can say the most cutting, sarcastic thing and you love him. there is nothing you cannot do that you don't absolutely love that guy. >> charming. >> way they want the film to
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come across. >> i am in pursuit, wow, wow. >> when i walked out i was thinking this was a message of inclusion, and respect. >> we don't ever want to make preachy movies. we always want to have the characters go through this journey and learn from one another. >> i like places that the film goes and things that it been saying. >> zootopia, like nothing you have seen before. >> there are sloths in the movie that are hilarious they were moving so slowly, we would run over in the 6:00 o'clock news. >> yes. >> zootopia opens at the end of the week. check it out. >> that is "eyewitness news" at 5:00. now at 6:00, bradford back, eagles sign the quarterback to the contract extension. how long he is staying and just how much is making in the deal. >> reporter: with one confirm case in philadelphia health officials are concerned that the zika virus could spread. i'm greg args with the surprising way an out break could happen here. at least six suspects in
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custody, a wild police chase spans two counties before ending on one of the region's busiest highways. we are live with what one suspects tossed across the road and into a river. in this region it is super tuesday and it is just well, tuesday but with so many delegates at stake, what saying pennsylvania, delaware and new jersey voters have when our primary season finally rolls around. i will have that coming up. it is starting at a fast food restaurant and ended a county over on the schuylkill expressway. a wild police chase, spans two dozen miles, of a squad car rammed and weapon is allegedly tossed. the chase ended with the a arrest of the at least six people. good evening, i'm ukee washington. i'm jessica dean. it started in tredyffrin and went all along i-76, all the way to lower merion. "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco is live in
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tredyffrin and tells us how the large group was ultimately captured, diana. >> reporter: jessica, six people are now being questioned at the tredyffrin police department, one is in the hospital, and, police say that he they believe these seven men were getting ready to commit the a crime when they intercepted it and they believe that they are all well known members of a crime gang. gang rather. chopper three was over the scene earlier today around 1:30 this afternoon where a police chase ended after fire fighters having lunch in tredyffrin, noticed that suspicious activity in the parking lot. they said seven men were standing around a car trying to conceal a license plate when they called police. they said three of the men fled on foot and four took off in a car leading police on a chase, ramming a tredyffrin cruiser and also a state police vehicle, that got involved in the chase, which was ultimately ending the at 202 and 76. that is when four menot


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