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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  March 3, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm EST

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a live look now at storm scan three as that system, hinges ever closest to our area we're track something snow. the flakes will be flying starting in the next several hours or so, good evening, i'm ukee washington. hi everyone i'm jessica dean. we will go over to meteorologist kate bilo tracking things from the cbs-3 weather center, kate. >> ukee and jessica we have talk about how march was coming in like a lamb but it was going to switch pretty quickly and here we go we have had a blast of cold air in the past couple of days and now we're talking about some snow. now this luckily for us, it is not aids major system. it is going to form into i major system off the coast but it is just barely too late. i posted a picture on twitter to look at what a close call this is as this storm will really intensify, out over the opened atlantic. for us we're talking about this light, scattered snowfall that you sees moving through portions of ohio in, to west virginia at the moment. this will get in here overnight and expect the first flakes to start falling, between ten and midnight off to our south east and first ban eventually starts to lift in.
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it will take a while to moist ten, very dry air in place. it will take a while for that to reach the ground. the winter weather advisory, it the is all these areas in purple. from 10:00 p.m. tonight until will 1:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. including lower bucks, montgomery counties and all points out south and that is for a coat to go 2 inches of snow. it could mix with rain down the shore. that is our precipitation type here down the shore and in the southern delaware bits of snow and rain. central and interior new jersey here in to central delaware those are areas that could see greatest amount of snow as you may get a band to form, late tomorrow morning. but, in general, our arrival time on this system 10:00 p.m. to midnight for delaware and jersey shore, philadelphia and suburbs, midnight to 2:00 a.m. and far northern areas light snow between 2:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. we will have the latest look at our snow map and how much snow will fall and a big turnaround in the forecast could be talking snow to 70's, more on that coming up, ukee. you can track snow in your forecast anytime, down load free cbs philly weather app available on itunes and google
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play. chris christie says that he is back to work, new jersey governor is standing his ground and defending his endorsement of republican presidential front runner donald trump. "eyewitness news" reporter cleve bryan tells us the governor is firing back at critics. >> reporter: the new jersey unemployment rate is now down to 4.8 percent. >> after calling an impromptu news conference to point out another drop in unemployment under his watch, governor chris christie was more than happy to take questions about his political bromance with donald trump. the first off what was behind his facial expression on super tuesday that spurred viral jokes and hashtag free chris christie. >> for those concerned i was than the being held hostage. the i was than the upset, angry, i don't know what i'm supposed to be doing. i was standing there listening to him. >> reporter: many question christie's motive foreign dooring trump who he has ridiculed. he swears it business helping the republican front runner beat hillary clinton in november, not becoming vice-president or another cabinet position. >> chris christie has not
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interviewed or considering any other public job. the fact is, that is not part of my discussion was mr. trump. >> reporter: several large newspapers has called on christie to resign saying he is more worried about national politics then his home state. he laughed off notion of leaving office, and defended his focus on governing new jersey. >> i have been back 22 days since the presidential campaign and i have been here 19 of the 22 days at work. so, that is the way it will be going forward. >> reporter: governor christie has not discussed with donald trump making any schedule for future appearances. he will not be with him saturday night or tuesday with multiple primaries but if donald trump calls and he wants him there and he can make it, he will try to be there n trenton, cleve bryan, cbs-3 "eyewitness news". what a difference an election cycle makes, four years ago donald trump endorsed mitt romney for president. but now, take a listen. >> donald trump is a phony, a fraud, his promises are as worthless as a degree from
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trump university. >> i backed mitt romney, i backed him, you can see how loyal he is. he was begging for my endorsement. i could say mitt romney drop to his knees he would have dropped to his knees. >> what brought on all of that blood? romney is latest member of the republican establishment, trying to stop trump from securing the parties nomination. cbs news is the place to be for campaign 2016. scott pelley is tracking all of the candidates on both side. he will very latest on the race for the white house tonight at 6:30 on the "cbs evening news". ambitious plans, philadelphia mayor jim kenney delivers his first budget address to city council. he is calling on a tax for soda to fund several new initiatives. "eyewitness news", reporter walt hunter is taking a look at whether this controversial proposal has any chance of passing, walt. >> reporter: well, you you key, council cheered the mayor when announced his budget proposals, the question is in upcoming months will those same council members support a controversial soda tax that
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has to get passed in order for the mayor to bring his proposals into reality. we took a look at that hot political question. there were frequent cheers, for mayor jim kenney as he unveiled proposals for the cities 4 billion-dollar budget, top priorities, 256 million to inspect prek education and creation of 25 community schools. >> our failure to properly educate our children has reverb rated throughout our economy. >> reporter: will the same hands of 17 council members now congratulating the mayor be raise todd vote in favor of the funding measure needed to make his proposals a reality. specifically, a controversial 3 cents an ounce soda tax, kenney's depending on to raise 400 million-dollar. >> will the soda tax fly in the end do you believe? >> i don't know. it is a budget process.
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>> reporter: neither council president darryl clark or any other council members we spoke to offered any prediction on whether any soda tax would be approved. too early to ask for a prediction on how that will go. >> too early, premature, we will have to hear the entire proposal. >> reporter: it was easy to find opponent like frank kiehl a spokesperson for soda truck delivery union, already gearing up for a fight. >> the revenues that they are projecting which are significant are just way off the mark. the it makes no sense. >> reporter: the cheering on this day shows kenney does have one big advantage, as he fights for the tax, he needs, to make budget dreams a reality. a strong relationship with the council on which he once served. >> mayor kenney comes up here with a set of relationships built over 23 years. i think he can find common ground with this city council. >> reporter: so to day you might say as the budget
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honeymoon, after this months of hard work, involving the mayor, and council, we will see about the soda attacks and we will see at the end if the taxis passed and if the mayor's proposals blossom into real reality in the budget. live from city hall, i'm walt hunter for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". >> just the beginning walt, thanks very much. philadelphia police are searching for a suspect who broke into two, day care centers, just minutes apart, suspect first hit the around the clock day care at fifth and tabor, kicking in the air conditioning to gain entry but all the suspect took from there was lolly-pops, 15 minutes later and two blocks away same man robbed the little explorers day care, stealing money from the register. the police believe that is not really what he was after. >> we believe that they are targeted day cares to get baby formula and diapers, to sell at neighborhood stores perhaps, you know, quickies i money. >> if you have any information on the suspects you you are asked to contact and contact the philadelphia police.
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police are also searching for the suspects who smashed a window and stole clothing from a store, near rittenhouse square. take a a look at this surveillance video we will see suspect two men and a woman broke in the clothing store at 17th and walnut. they gram clothes and then took off in a blue four door vehicle this happened last saturday around 5:00 a.m. well, frontier airlines takes the first steps toward making a direct connection between philadelphia and cuba. >> "eyewitness news" reporter alexandria hoff explains just how soon, travelers can take flight. >> reporter: frontier airlines is ready to embark on a long lost frontier, they have applied to be the first carrier to provide direct flights from philadelphia, to cuba. >> we want to get there before it got super bus which americans. >> reporter: packed visit for americans meant gaining access through under regulated routes. >> last time we went through to cancun so more difficult. >> reporter: potential visitors must prove work, humanitarian, research or
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family needs. >> i would want to wait until all of the wrinkles are ironed out so i really know that it is safe. >> i love the beach. i love atmosphere. i love cuban food. i think it would be awesome for me. >> reporter: for those with cuban roots a direct connection is more complicated. many cubans of a certain age hold a distaste for idea of returning back to a country that dealt their family so much hardship but here in kensington we found a new era of cubans who find the beauty of connecting these two worlds. >> karen delgado left cuba with most of her family in 1980. so i asked her, how do you feel about a direct flight, how are you feeling about it the right now. >> that will be fantastic. fantastic. >> my country, has had so much problem, it is too beautiful. we can see it when we got it. we can offer it to the world.
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>> reporter: if a approved by the department of transportation these flights could begin, sometime in the fall. >> if tomorrow they were to offer this flight how soon would you wanting to back. >> tomorrow. >> yes. >> tomorrow. >> reporter: at philadelphia international airport, alexandria hoff for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". no doubt bit. >> still to come on "eyewitness news". >> guys only go to the doctor if their armies hanging off and bloodies gushing out. >> ninety-four wip big daddy graham is no strange tore joking around but what started off as a laughing matter ended up with him in the hospital. our stephanie stahl explains the strange symptoms and warning signs you should look out for. and mom and dad know promise expensive, find out how some young woman is getting star treatment for their big day and not spending an arm and a leg, leslie. eagles quarterback sam bradford is speaking out for the first time since signing his new deal so was he tempted by free agency or committed to
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staying here in philadelphia.
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you to the it. >> coming up tonight on "eyewitness news" at 11:00 these local bagel shops that found luck at the end of the rainbow. our vittoria woodill stopped by this new jersey spot to see the spin they put on the breakfast favorite and how colors all come together. she is always having fun. >> yes. >> high school girls all around the region are all set for prom, thanks to the police athletic league. >> through the pal, from -- boutique about 200 students were treated to prom dresses, accessories and shoes for free. student also learned how to apply make up for that special night. donations poured in over the past months and this is the event's eighth year. fantastic. have a great time. on the cbs-3 healthwatch we all occasionally get hiccups but what if they last a long time and don't go away. >> that is what happened to a local radio personality, health reporter stephanie stahl talks to big daddy graham about his ordeal. >> yeah, he is quite a character, big daddy he is. he is on sports radio 94 wip
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early every morning and his recent bought of relentless hiccups led to a serious diagnosis. >> this is my pride and joy, this is my 62, c bird juke box. >> reporter: big daddy graham is back home in south jersey a after three days in the hospital. >> i started hiccupping like a fool. >> reporter: at first wip talk radio host and comedian thought it was funny and talked bit on the air and was bombarded with thousands of suggestions from curing hiccups which are usually caused by eating or drinking too fast. >> i was chugging vinegar on the air. >> reporter: usual solution of holding breath didn't work and his hiccups got so bad he went to the hospital where he was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, afib, abnormal heart rhythm. >> it was affecting my breathing and did get scary. >> not a typical symptoms. >> reporter: philip, a cardiologist at jefferson university hospital who treated big daddy says typical symptoms of afib are fatigue,
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shortness of breath and chest pain but not hiccups. so what is going on with big daddy. >> hiccups can be precipitated by various stresses and say can atrial fibrillation. whatever set off one and set off other but they are not necessarily related. >> reporter: big daddy a's hiccups episode are better but not gone. he is used to dealing with health issues that included back surgery, throat cancer, and now a fib. >> they are saving my life, a little water little pills, you know the routine. >> you know the routine. >> he is a character. >> big daddy wanted to let everybody know he is back to work on the radio tomorrow morning bright and early and doing his stand up again with a big gig this weekend, at the tropicana. we have a link about all of that information, on cbs, click on health and i'll put it on my facebook and twitter feed. he is doing okay good real interesting. who would have thought you connect the two report report it could all be stress.
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>> a fib and hiccups. >> big daddy, my man, keep doing your things, we love you. kate bilo joins us with our forecast. you have been watching this whole system. it is a nothing major system. >> more like a brush of snow then anything else, and it is a nuisance. it is coming in generally overnight and early morning hours, friday morning commute, out on the roads and things could be slow but this could have been a whole lot worse this system were going to bomb out off the coast it could have been a major snowstorm. has enough cold air to work with. this time around that is not the case. we will take you out to the time lapse video from bishop eustace which started from lots of sunshine. watch cloud thickening. we have high cloud, drifting through during midday hours. then they darken up a little bit. by evening, right now, the clouds are in place. 36 degrees there, in pennsauken at the moment. but the days, they are going to be getting longer, at the least shifting, they will appear longer in the evening. our sunset tonight 59:56 p.m. but by march 13th is start of the daylight savings time
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occurs and we will set those clocks ahead. sunset times 7:06. it does get light later in the morning but those evenings will feel very, very long. 7:24 is our sunset time by the end of this month, we're getting two and a half minutes of daylight each and every day. well, now here is our storm, storm scan three is moving into portions of ohio, west virginia, there is that snow, generally light, and heavy rain and strong storms down throughout the south and south carolina, into georgia, anal bam a at the moment. this is going to stay rather disorganized moving in our region. eventually as i said this storm will explode, but it does so off the coast and brings significant snow to portions of the the maritime province late friday into saturday. so again light snow pushing into the d.c. baltimore area the at the moment. it will take its time reaching ground. we will see things start to saturate around 1:00 a.m. light snow in philadelphia, notice sporadic, on and off, not heavy, steady snow throughout the overnight and early morning hours, you can see a little bit of intense facial late tomorrow morning and interior south jersey,
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that tapers and could mix with rain. your snow time line light snow develops, snow showers, throughout your friday morning and a few slick spots. by friday afternoon that snow will taper west to east and cold, cloudy day. coat to go 2-inch's cross the region. the best chance to get close to that 2-inch zone is around millville, vineland, south injuries any to central delaware. more like a dusting to maybe an inch around philadelphia after that morning light snow, system moves out, we will be chilly on saturday, sun gives way to increasing cloud, little system sat the day night into sunday could bring a sprinkle and sun returns sunday afternoon once we get past that, watch this jet stream, lifting to the north and take a look at wednesday, it gets down right warm, around here and if we can keep the clouds at bay there is a chance that we will hit 70. so light snow overnight, chilly three, 2 degrees, morning snow showers for your friday, cold, cloudy, 43, abe again not a huge deal but please live yourself extra time on your friday morning, saturday, chilly, sunday is cool as well with sunshine, returning and then we are warm
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next week, near 70, degrees. >> yes, we are. >> all right, thanks kate, appreciate it. tiger woods is used to making golf headlines but coming up in sports the 11 year-old stealing the i do everything on the internet. but it's kind of slow. my friends said i should get fios because it's the fastest... i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. (man) we're out of 2%. i wonder what else could be better around here? (man) i heard that. now get our best offer ever. super fast 100 meg internet, plus tv & phone for just $69.99 a month online with no annual contract. 100 meg speeds at a price this good? fios can do that. cable just can't.
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sam is the man and leslie today he is talking to the media. >> he looked like the man, beard's gone, new haircut and all. >> yes, groomed. >> and sam is speaking with the media for first time since he got that new deal with the eagles. this is a two year deal worth a reported 36 million-dollar, both bradford and new head coach doug pederson speaking to day. bradford says he was determined to stay here in philadelphia and had zero interest in testing free agency. >> you know, i really enjoyed my time here last year.
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you know, built some great relationships with some of those guys and that is who i want to take the field with on sundays. that is why i wanted to come back here. so, there really wasn't any temptation for me to do it. i told my agent after the season was over this is where i wanted to be i wanted him to get the me back here. and did he that. >> another important game for flyers and oilers. fly guys three points behind penguins in the playoff chase. orange and black won three in a row, five of seven. coach dave hakstol says the team need to keep it up. >> we know what the job that we have in front of us is, and, you know, i'm exited to just keep pushing here and keep pushing forward. >> let's see, phillies takes on yankees and astros. fifth inning, with the rock tote left clearing the tiki bar and right out of the stadium. three to nothing. to the ninth, phillies trying to rally, carlos ruiz with the
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single to center to score herrera. that will make it three to two. that will make it a as close as they get. but they did beat the yankees 13-four. tiger woods opened up the playground at the texas. it is designed for kid, 11 year-old taylor crozer pick to take that first shot. what did he do, showing everyone how it is done with the hole in one. even tiger wood, was very impressed. that is how you open up a golf course. >> um-hmm. >> that pick, right there. >> first shot. >> incredible. >> making it look easy. >> i'm so stunned by that video. >> it is okay. >> i'm happy for him. >> he is thrilled. >> i'll get one, one day. >> nice job young man. >> okay. >> we will be right back. >> it is
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thanks. well, it is national anthem day and that is a good question. >> viewer john lux wants to know, why do we put our hand over our heart during the national anthem? and it is tonight's good question. nicole brewer will have the answer for you at 11:00. thanks for watching "eyewitness news" at 6:00 we are back at ten on our sister station the cw philly and back here on cbs-3 at 11:00. up next, "cbs evening news". the tonight u.s. soccer icon with plans to use her brain to help future generations of athletes. >> from new york here now is scott pelley. take care family, we will see you tonight.
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>> pelley: the grand old party establishment fights back. >> donald trump is a phony, a fraud. watch, by the way, how he respond to my speech today. >> pelley: we did. >> mitt is a failed candidate. >> pelley: also tonight, our correspondents give us a rare look inside syria's civil war. >> reporter: so this was an american air strike. >> pelley: major donors cut off the largest veterans' charity after we exposed how the money is being spent spp and a soccer star pledges to donate her brain to study concussions. >> the more we know, the more we can help protect the next generation and the generation after that. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news" with scott pelley. >> pelley: the man who carried the baton for the republicans four years ago is not passing it


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