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tv   Eyewitness News at 6  CBS  March 16, 2016 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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the message that he wants to send to other families. also heading out the door allow extra time on the roads this morning. it is kind of foggy out there, katie will let you know if you see sunshine later today. we are too. it is wednesday march 16th i'm erika von tiehl. katie is on the sky deck and justin checks the roads in for meisha, good morning, guys. >> good morning. >> depend where you are, you will find that if you go but we are getting rid of that seattle will weather we had last couple days. that fog will dissipate and katie, spring like temperatures, right. >> you said it, justin. it looks like warmest day the of the next seven. my advice is to enjoy this while you got it. over my shoulder it doesn't look all that foggy. any fog we are finding it is somewhat patchy in nature and primarily hitting the ground at its dense spots west of philadelphia which we will walk through here but at the moment storm scan hey that is totally empty. i haven't been able to say that in recent days but we will see any fog out there to eventually dissipate. for now we have a chill in the
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air for sure, looking at area of visability though at the two and a half mile visibility at airport it is not the terrible, it is less than ideal but we have a lot worse in places like millville, wilmington, traveling south on i the 95 heading west on the pennsylvania turnpike only half mile or less in reading or lancaster and yeah, it is again, patchy, we have got a variety pack have of the visibility. other thing to keep in mind here folks is just because it is .3 of a mile or 3 miles, in northeast philadelphia a, it doesn't mean those entire towns are looking at 3-mile visibility. these are observation sites. so that is something to keep in mind. it could come up quickly and reduce your visibility but it should scour out quickly. by 9:00 a.m. at the latest and then we will look forward to temperatures that climb with more sun then anything later in the day. we expect to top off at 68 degrees, so well above average, and again, this is warmest day of the next seven justin. we will talk about that coming up. >> just sometime as we head toward spring, officially go figure. sunrise another hour and ten
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minutes or so-so this fog will be lingering around and you can see this fog at 309 and turnpike here but visibility, it is good enough. we are moving good. we might get below a mile or so in some locations in the area but again you saw visibility map earlier, and it can be locally dense. nice shot here of the vine street expressway toward i-95, both directions looking that good as far as speeds go, just volume decreasing and we will take you to the blue route southbound right around plymouth meeting, in problems here north bound direction looking g also fog free. at that location. the head up garden state parkway we have an accident right here around sea isle city overturn car left lane is block. beware of that if you are driving on the parkway over the next half an hour to an hour. up toward pottstown we have an accident lynn field road at wells road, is remaining partially block this morning and special schedule for path coat speak line between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. erika, back to you.
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missouri is still counting votes in tight races for democrats and republicans in the presidential primaries. the front runners however, are ratcheting up more wins elsewhere. "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch joins us from villanova university where one of the g.o.p. hopefuls will be campaigning later today. justin, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. villanova will host ohio governor john kasich today at noon and kasich comes to campus with a big boost, having won in all last night in his home state. ohio republican governor john kasich heads to villanova coming off a big win, taking his home state at 66 delegates. >> i have to thank the people of the great state of ohio, i love ya. >> reporter: kasich won, one state in tuesday's primaries, cbs news projections front runner donald trump taking g.o.p.'s other big prize, florida, illinois and north carolina. >> we have something happening that will make the republican
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party, probably the the biggest political story anywhere in the world. >> reporter: new jersey governor chris christie now campaigning for trump has likely noted marco rubio's bailing out tuesday, both went after florida senator who lost his home state to trump. >> after tonight it is clear that while we are on the right side, this year, we will not be on the winning side. >> reporter: for democrats, hillary clinton advances her wide lead, and cbs news projections her winning florida, north caroline, ohio and illinois. >> we are moving closer to securing the democratic party nomination and winning this election in november. >> reporter: despite clinton's sweep bernie sanders told supporters his campaign will continue. >> we are doing something very radical, in american politics, we're telling the truth. >> reporter: back at villanova today, today's town hall starts at the 11:00 o'clock have the the doors open up at that time. event itself will start at
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noon. event is free, and opened to the public, but first come first serve seating. there will be a spill over space for additional seating and also too, 1237 delegates needed to clinch g.o.p. presidential nomination so far, kasich has 138, donald trump has 621. erika, back over to you. >> justin finch, thank you. stay with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of the campaign 2016, we will have the latest on john kasich visit to villanova and rest of the candidates all day long right here on "eyewitness news" and cbs president obama could nominate the a new supreme court justice, as early a as today. a according to sources, sri srinivasan, merrick garland and paul watford are considered the front runners. all all judges with the u.s. court of peels. president obama has to select a replacement for antonin scalia died last in month. republican leaders in the
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senate threatened they won't even hold a hearing for anyone nominated by the president. a meeting will be held with parents at the a north philadelphia high school after a student dies from bacterial meningitis. counselors will also be on hand at george washington carver high school of engineering and science today. school officials say that a 15 year-old ninth grader who attended that school died yesterday, after contracting the disease. the tonight's meeting at that school will take place at 6:00 . changes are in the works at the chester up land school district after disturbing video surfaces of the child being bullied on the school bus. the mother of ten year-old brahim caldwell says about eight boys have been bullying her son for months. rhonda feyall says her son has even threat tone commit suicide over the abuse. >> when someone hurts him he talks about taking his life, and i don't like that about
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him, you shouldn't want to hurt yourself. you shouldn't want to hurt yourself brahim, mommy loves you. >> i didn't really want to kill myself, because it will make my mom go through pain. >> gregory shanon the superintendent of the chester up land school district released a statement in part, bullying is cruel, unacceptable conduct and we will not tolerate it the anywhere. we are conducting an investigation and have already suspended the child captured in that video. states that brahim will be transferred to another school. newark, new jersey will test 17,000 school children, for lead poisoning. this follows discovery of elevated levels that nearly half of the schools in the state's largest cities. as tony, reports, there is mixed reaction and how the city plans to test those children. >> reporter: wilson avenue school, one of the 30 in newark with elevated levels of lead in the water. parents here mostly a applaud the decision to test 17,000 students for lead. >> so of course we want to
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find out if everything is okay. >> reporter: how worried are you that your child might have elevated lead. >> naturally quite worried but hoping that it the is nothing to serious. >> reporter: because younger kid are most at risk health officials decided 2,000 students in early childhood programs will get the blood tests, first. that doesn't sit well with city councilman joseph mccollum. >> i'm more concerned about the kid that can reach the water fountains in the the schools, toddlers are too short. >> reporter: water supply is fine, old pipes, fittings inside aging are to blame for spike in lead levels. the part of the wilson avenue school is 135 years old. some parents went wait for blood testing sites to be up and running. >> i will do it myself. >> reporter: to your own pediatrician. >> yes. >> reporter: why do you say that. >> would i rather find out for myself and my pediatrician, how do i know if they will tell me the truth. >> reporter: is there that much distrust. >> a little. >> reporter: that report was from tony, of our sister
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station w cbs, tv in new york. it is unclear how long newark's kids have been exposed to higher concentrations of lead. schools are using bottled water for drinking and cooking. a lot of fink are pointing over flint michigan's water crisis. in testimony on capitol hill former epa official susan headman said federal law prevented agency from acting more aggressively. darnell early, the state appointed city emergency manager said epa and michigan's department of environment aal quality mislead him about the lake contamination. still ahead this morning one of the country's largest subway systems shuts town for an entire day, what prompted unprecedented decision. one kyackers go over a giant waterfall, they survived this crazy stunt but police were waiting for them at the bottom. find out why they are facing charges next. >> but first let me take a
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selfe. >> forget your credit card, imagine paying for your items with a selfie. the store that wants to make that happen, when we come back. since the great r katie: the u.s. has added 14 million new jobs but too many families see the special interests gaining the upper hand in washington, while paychecks don't go far enough. if you work hard, your paycheck should show it;
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you earned social security - it should be there when you retire. and you shouldn't have to go broke to afford college. i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message because it's your turn.
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just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at welcome back, talking about that fog this morning affecting people driving to work and school. >> would i say, yeah, because we have seen the sun coming up later now that we hit daylight savings time, of course that does mean we have an extra hour perhaps of fog to linger, and at this point even really having an easy time finding fog on the satellite but do i start off with storm scan three to show you blossoming back to the west, scattered, okay, keyword, scattered variety of showers popping up here around allegheny mountains and some of that will be pushing through our
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area later in the day today. all courtesy of the warm front lifting in. we have enough moisture to work with to trigger just scattered or isolated shower or sprinkle, late in the day, for now though it is about patchy fog that is still out there. you will note that is especially through riverbed areas, obviously since we're a city surrounded by riverbeds that might be a a problem trying to get in philadelphia and valley areas. come thursday st. patrick's day likely, producing showers late in the day as well as we track our latest cold front. that will send our temperatures on a downward spiral. by friday we are back in the mid 50's, potentially still a sprinkle here but generally a dry day. breeze, chill are what you will notice more than anything. saturday looks beautiful, bright, sunny, cool, normal highs in the mid 50's. we are a smidge below average with the high of 50. for tomorrow st. patrick's day i will show this graphic right here tomorrow, cutest thing ever with this leprechaun. but looking for this showers, doppler radar through second half of the day. otherwise cloudy and still
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mild, all things considered, 64 degrees isn't bad. then we will look forward and again we are getting cooler, cooler with every passing day. so we are kicking off spring officially on sunday and wouldn't you know it, that is what you will be tracking our next storm system. primarily it looks like it tracks to the south but we will be on the cool side of it and lingering long enough into sunday night could be some snow flakes, mixed in with this. i don't think it would be a big accumulation if any at all but something we are watching. >> naturally first day of spring. >> why not. i think the latest measurable snow is april 19th or something like that, mid to late april. >> let's be positive here, spring is almost here. >> we enjoyed 80's last week. as far as traffic goes, right on schedule here we have accidents showing upbringing in volume. take it easy out there we have to deal with the fog. this is i-95 north at commodore barry bridge, delaware county, sure, right
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on schedule there. we have the accident. i'm sure there is one of more to come here in a typical spot. at least there is not much backup now, it is on the the shoulder here right before the exit. so we are looking okay there. and then i-95 cottman stacking up here slow go here heading toward vine street expressway, fog free around the city but those outer suburbs visibility less than a half mile in some spots and we will check out schuylkill expressway eastbound here looking okay in both directions, speeds are good. i don't know what is going on in pottstown but we have two accidents, route 422 eastbound at 724, this is slowing things down a bit. then we will get to linfield road at wells row where the road is partially blocked with that second accident this morning. here we go in south jersey near sea isle city an overturn car on the parkway southbound and left lane is block, so just beware of that. that is your morning. the now back to you. justin, thank you. two kyackers caught on camera right here and by the
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cops. cell phone video capture professional kyacker nick troutman and dave jackson plumetting over the cumberland falls last sat the day. after it went viral they were cited for trespassing. park rangers said no swimming, waiting or boating in that area. >> i did not expect people necessarily to be there watching it, it was more of a personal goal that we had set. >> two kyacker may have to pay a couple hundred dollars after being cited for trespassing. they are lucky they are okay. >> it will be a rough commute today, coming up why the subway system is hut down today. also, this is something out of the movie practically here but those are real criminals using a helicopter to break out of prison. find out how long they were dangling in the air and if they got away with it coming up.
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my office needs new laptops and a price match guarantee. i took a body language class once and the way you're standing could mean you're hiding something. oh! uh, staples has low prices. okay, now you're shouting... [laughing] we can hear ya! the lowest price. every time. staples. make more happen.
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happening right now, all quiet at d.c. met the tro station this is morning, the nation's second largest subway system has been shut down, due to safety concerns. officials made the decision have after a tunnel fire on monday. so for the entire day to day cruits will be inspecting all cables on the systems. trains are expect to be backup and running by 5:00 a.m. on thursday. this is looking like something out of the movie here inmates dangling by a rope by a helicopter. but this dramatic prison escape really happen. canadian court just released this video as part of the trial for one of those two
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escapees. back in 2013, they made their escape out of the detention center in quebec with two accomplices who hijacked that chopper this he were recaptured a few hours later. police hope someone recognizes clothing worn by two suspects in the violent robberies in north philadelphia we have surveillance right here from the first robbery, march 2nd at silver star kitchen on verna road. suspect forced two people waiting for their food to the ground and then robbed them. on march 14th the suspects then broke in the grocery store on chelten avenue and then assaulted a worker before robbing that store. still ahead this morning the company that wants to let you pay for your items with selfies. victory speech going viral, one, not who this college wrestler is thanking for his big win. and we're warming up, we could still need that rain gear, katie. >> a couple days down the road here where wet weather is going to roll in our forecast,
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we will track it, tell you exactly what window of time on each day you will see wet weather roll in, all those details on the other side.
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imagine shopping on line and when it comes time to pay you take a selfie. amazon wants to make that a reality. the on line retailer has filed for a patent application for the technology and here's how it would work. customers would take a picture or short video of themselves
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to authenticate payments. amazon's facial recognition system would ensure the is the actual customer and then approve the real, the system would require thaw blink, smile or tilt your head when taking a picture. no word when, if ever, this would actually happen. all right. we now know secret to making a champion, it is hard work and dedication, it is a great haircut. we have a straight from big ten wrestling champion brooks. >> these fans respond real well to a good haircut, so that is what i was working on coming in here, making sure i had it cut and feathered the right way and fans saw my hard work. >> i don't know where i go from that but we will go in the direction of consistent and trust, do you trust yourself. >> yeah, it is something that, you know, i gain trust every time my hair grows a little more and more i trust in myself and my mullet you cannot grow one in a day, you
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cannot win a big ten title in a day. >> how about that, come on. >> good for him. >> sammy, he rest also in the 184-pound division, at university of iowa, wrestling powerhouse. one of the best interviews of all time. >> i don't know where to go from there. >> but very dedicated, my hair grew longer. >> he kept a straight face through the whole thing. >> all about the hair. >> apparently. well done. he looked good. >> one of the best sports interviews i he have heard. coming up next on "eyewitness news", hillary clinton, donald trump and beyond kasich score significant victories in the primaries but campaign is over for another candidate. the political analyst bill rosenberg joins to us talk about what is next in the race. also a heart breaking story of animal abuse this horse was shot more than 100 times with a paint ball gun, but officials are assaying about her injuries, and her owner, up next.
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good morning, a foggy start to your day but then we should see some sun, a little bit at least, just afternoon time. i know you are tracking some snow for later this week but you know it will be mild today, right. >> right, exactly. it end up being the warmest of the next seven and that s word we just threw out there i don't want you to worry too much, it is one of the things that is far away. we're not committed. it could absolutely change with time but it does look like we will be on the colder side of the next system that comes along. the let's walk you through here, and a little bit of fog to kick start the day here. you'll never mind on the satellite, too low to the ground but i show you this regional will zoom for a reason. you see speckles of the green popping up on the area radar
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off to the west, sign of things to come here. we will eventually end up with couple showers dotting our area radar too. right on q, the car drives through your shot here in the the live neighborhood network. the not looking at too much fog up this way, outside pleasant valley middle and high schools in broadheadsville where we overlook blue mountain where you can see sun or light of the day popping up over the horizon. we have a very calm wind, and what that will do, so calm that the letters are overlapping one another, it is so calm that you will see the low lying cloud cover settle in. that is what i want you to worry about initially here, areas of fog creating visibility conditions that are already under a mile, half mile or under in some spots. it will lead you to slow down, pump brakes and use low beams depending where you are. it will be dissipating by 9:00 . we will have an hour and a half to two hours to scour that cloud cover out once the sun does come up. we do expect upper 60's, by 3:00 p.m. 64, we are shooting
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for 68 on that thermometer today. just continue warmest day of the pack here today, enjoy it while you got it because temperatures trending down, i'm breaking out shorts this afternoon, still have fog in some spots in our traffic cameras and we are seeing volume increasing. we have accidents lining up. lets break it the down. we will take to you woodhaven road. this is eastbound at bristol pike here. we have an accident blocking things up good here and we are stack up. head up there on woodhaven road eastbound. lets go to i-95 at commodore barry bridge. we have an accident pulled off here in the shoulder here. we are getting by northbound. that is good news. not much backup through delaware county at commodore barry bridge. thinks volume heading down in the city 95 south just past cottman stack up good. we are hitting brakes, north bounties slow as well moving better, but we have three accidents here earlier, three situations here in pottstown area, schuylkill road at the shul road we have debris in the road which is a tea
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branch. accident still remains at 422 eastbound at 724. linfield road accident at wells row is cleared. good news there sea isle city heads up garden state parkway we have an overturn car blocking things out. erika, back to you. no clear winners in missouri where race necessary both presidential primaries are just too close to call right now. hillary clinton went four for five against bernie sanders winning florida, illinois, north carolina and ohio. >> when we hear a candidate for president calling for rounding up 12 million immigrants, banning all muslims from entering the united states, when he embraces torture, that doesn't make him strong, it makes him wrong. >> meanwhile republican front runner donald trump wanted his lead in the race for delegates with confirmed primary wins in florida, illness and north
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carolina. this prompted florida senator marco rubio to drop out. john kasich carries his home state of ohio. >> we have something happening that actually makes the republican party probably the biggest political story anywhere in the world. everybody is writing bit, all over europe, all over the world they are talking about it. millions of people are coming into vote. this is was an example of it today. >> that field have of candidates is narrowing down but question is are we closer to really knowing parties nominees. hear to break down resultses political analyst and plaintiffs or after political science at drexel university bill rosenberg. bill, thanks for joining us again. >> good morning. >> all eyes on florida, trump taking state, marco rubio dropping out. where did his this leave remaining republican candidates. well, yesterday was a kind of a combination type day. we had both winner take all primaries and proportional primaries but it ended up
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yesterday that donald trump was successful in florida and he won all of the delegates there and john kasich won all of the delegates in ohio. among the remaining primary they were basically divided out based upon proportion but at the end of the the day we have donald trump who is moving ahead and he is extending his lead in the republican party's convention with delegates. >> you mentioned kasich, both kasich and rubio said they will stay in through their home state. the kasich won ohio, where does he go from here. >> kasich is now becoming into pennsylvania today. he is supposed to speak at villanova university. it was a very important day for rubio and kasich. common conventional wisdom if you don't win in your own home state, we saw. that marco rubio did and john kasich did not. it will be important for kasich to try to do well in some of these other primaries to be able to continue to get
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delegates and ultimately with he and ted cruz hoping for either a long shot victory which is unlikely or a brokered convention good do you think it will come down to a contested convention for g.o.p. >> well, the republicans better hope not. the history on brokered conventions doesn't fair very well. last time a president of the political party won a as a result of a brokered convention was in 1932 with fdr. the 29 most recent brokered conventions both lead to defeats of the addlie stevenson and thomas duey. conventions are something you want to roll role in, have it like a carnage and type of convention that is we saw with ronald reagan. if it is brokered there is divisiveness and a lot of people might sit on their hand in a election. on the democratic side hillary clinton had a big
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night, number of big wins and we heard a bit of perfect speech and she seems to have turned her sights to bernie zappedders to donald trump can bernie sanders come back from this. >> what we have to realize is they are all operated both parties within a set of rules and the rules right now are set up in such a way thaw get big impact if you do well early on and as a result, hillary clinton and donald trum have done well that is why they're way out in front. we have to remember there are big states pools of delegates still out there, states like california, new york, new jersey, pennsylvania and as a result there are packets of delegates that bernie sanders can win but it will be unlikely because he will have to be winning at a rate that is much higher then he probably will be able to do. so would i say it the is a race but hillary clinton has a huge head start. >> just how important are those independent voters for sanders moving forward. >> the independent voters will
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only play a role in terms of sanders, in states that are opened primaries, if it is a closed primary only people in the democratic party can vote independents, and even republicans, cannot. so i think that really what we're thinking about in terms of the inn voters would be important in terms of the general election, who is going to be able to capture both the democrats and republican candidates, want them in the fall, and it is an opened question on where they will go. >> just a few seconds left but i want to touch on missouri, still undecided right now what kind of impact would have both side. >> probably little will because reality is in both parties, is a proportional representation, so bernie sanders will definitely win almost as many delegates as hillary clinton and on the other side, candidates like cruz will win almost as many delegates as donald trump. >> okay. we will see what happens here. bill rosenberg, thanks for
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joining us. hope to have you back soon. >> okay, take care. >> you too. just ahead, heart breaking story of animal abuse, jan. >> this horse has 100 bruces all over her body, coming up brutal will way someone hurt her and her load road to recovery. ♪ twinkle twinkle writ will star ♪. the this little girls disease requires hospital treatment but perfect parents live three hours away. how brotherly love is helping families like her and how you can help as well when we come right back. >> ♪ >> you know her best for girls just want to have fun but cindy lauper is singing a different tune why her new album is so different, coming up.
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ronald mcdonald houses are safe havens for families with sick children, there are four in our area and each is a loving home a away from home. helping families recharge after a day in the hospital. ukee washington got a look at true brotherly love through the eyes of evelyn a special little girl shows him one of the favorite spots inside ronald mcdonald house of delaware. >> like any eight year-old evelyn loves to play and this playroom inside ronald mcdonald house of delaware has it all including a pirate ship. >> er g. >> reporter: play time can be dangerous for evelyn if not careful. >> this is where i can go down. >> reporter: she was born with brittle bone disease, a person with oi doesn't grow as much as an average person, this rare disorder also means evelyn breaks her bones a lot. >> she's fractured over 200
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times before. >> reporter: for treatment her mom and dad bring her to du pont hospital in wilmington for therapy, sometimes twice a day. >> very hard drive from chambersberg pennsylvania to delaware. the distance we have to cover would be, we could not do it. >> reporter: not having to make that drive back and forth is a blessing, a safe haven, a a place for a hot meal, comfortable room, a friendly smile, the ronald mcdonald house is all that and then some. >> people here, it is just so wonderful, home away from home. >> we socialize in the kitchen, you always make friend. i know people all across the country staying here. >> reporter: ronald mcdonald houses are american just a place to stay they are a place to live providing support hope and always an emotional twinkle of love. >> twinkle, twinkle, little star, how i wonder what you are. >> you are my star. >> and one day she just may be
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a star, evelyn says when she grows up she wants to be a weather girl. >> i will be waiting for her. i will save you a seat right besides you, little fist bump, bam. help make her forecast and so many others bright inn sunny,. >> join the celebration,. >> you can help children like evelyn and her families by supporting the ronald mcdonald house charities. join us on tuesday, march between the second, you can join in and call in at 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. i'm ukee washington for cbs-3 "eyewitness news". katie, are forecast cannot top. that maybe a little pro shay in the making there. >> so true i hope evelyn is stopping by on the between the second, i would love to meet her, give her a little will try at this. >> a little fist bump. >> maybe a little chicken
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dance. >> i like it. >> that was awesome. we hope to meet her soon. with that said it is a tough act to follow with the cuteness like. that we will try. eyewitness weather watch are network checking in right now. we have a chill in the air depending where you are, we have temperatures in the the 30's. coolest spot the looks like in the path right new comes from eileen, that is pretty typical. the she's in a remet suburbs where it tend to get more cooler, out in gilbertsville just a couple clouds, she said mother nature, no kidding, we were starting to feel that chill and feels more like winter toward the end of this forecast but for now with temperatures in the 30's you'll need a heavier layer. lets go across the river in new jersey. the peter checks in with a clear sky, out in lawrenceville, new jersey, 40 degrees for him and with that said we will switch over to storm scan three. at this point, you do still have some patchy fog popping up out there. keyword is patchy but you when you run in it is lying in thick. once the sun comes up and we are just about 20, 25 minutes away from that time that is
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when we will see fog get scoured out but it will need time to do that. for now you you can see frontal boundary lift nothing here and a few hints of lightening across central pennsylvania, and more than anything though we will just expect a few showers, toward night fall, and meantime partly sunny skies once we get rid of the fog. lets show you the weekend we are talking p.m. sunday into early monday, new a area of low pressure tracking primarily to our south, depending where it decides to track, whoever guys we can get totally bypassed or end up with a little bit of chilly rain, maybe even some wet snow on the back end of the system. it sticks around into sunday night. it is still a chance and again something we will continue to monitor, not even a system we can track the on the radar just yet but when we can obviously more confidence will grow as to what end up happening but regardless sunday is a are special start to the spring season for astronomical calendar and coldest day of the next seven, go figure. the at minimum we are expecting a chance for some
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showers, maybe some flakes on the back side of this storm but regardless justin some chill in the air this weekend. >> infer easy. last year too right around start of the spring we had two or 3 inches of snow for philadelphia, tough couple of start to the spring season the past few years. we have an accident woodhaven road eastbound before bristol pike two right lanes. they have opened one, now just one lane taking out here, we are getting by backup beware of the delay there. look at the fog there just above the ground 422 eastbound at troop are road taillights eastbound is slow indeed pending where you are you are dealing with the patchy if you go and we are jam on the schuylkill expressway coming in right around the boulevard here and again this is eastbound headlights here. both directions even outbound we have a reverse commute. it is slow. i-95 from woodhaven to the vine, 26 minute trip. things slowing down with increased volume. schuylkill eastbound from the blue route to the vine street expressway will take you 25 minutes and we showed you
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there 422 slow from oaks to 20 2a 13 minute trip. the disabled vehicle roosevelt boulevard north bound at rhawn street the inner drive so beware of the delay there. also head up on the patco speed line special scheduled to check ahead between 9:00 and 3:00 this afternoon. that is your right, now back to you. harrison ford is bringing back indiana a jones, long with that famous hat of his. ford is reuniting with director steven speilberg too for another installment in one of the most thrilling movie franchises ever made, i love these movies. movie does not have a title yet and not due out for number of years, 2019 but hey worth the wait, right. by the way harrison ford will be 77 years old when have movie comes out. you never know, he looks terrific. another fan favorite of another kind also coming back this time it is cindy lauper, the girls just want to have fun singer says she's making a country album that will be released in may. it will be called detour, she has always looked up to patsy kline and loretta lynn for
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inspiration. 6:48. time to see is what coming up on cbs this morning. gayle king joining us from new york, good morning for us. >> reporter: hey erika, cindy lauper and country music, i can see that. >> the story, she's great. >> i would buy it. good to see you, erika. ahead what is next for republicans after marco rubio dropped out john dickerson and bob schieffer are here, with the odds of the contested g.o.p. convention and how that could unfold. concerns over cities installing free wifi could that create a hacker's paradise and why fighting with your teenager say could be healthy. says who, some parents may disagree with that but news is back in the morning, we will see new about ten minutes and counting, erika, back to you. >> good little mantra, to tell you this is healthy, good. >> it is a good thing. >> thank you. we will see you in a bit. 6:49.
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hit by a mack truck that is how one vet describes the pain abandoned horse is feeling after being pelted more than 100 times with paint balls in lancaster county. jan carabao joining with us more on this horrible case of abuse and i hope he is okay but you shake your head who on earth would do this to a horse. >> she's recovering but you in a lot of pain. this horse is in isolation. it will be weeks before the the animal recovers, after all she's more than 100 bruces all over her body and now lancaster county spca is searching for owner who abandoned her and people responsible for shooting her so many times. >> it is shocking, unbelievable, when you see her your mindings, imaging how someone could do something like that to my imagination that just can't get me that far. >> reporter: care takers a at new bolton vet center are in disbelief after she was found shot nearly 130 times with the paint ball gun. >> that would be excruciating
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beyond pain. >> reporter: kelly smith is with the the omega horse rescue and she helped get the horse help after being discovered abandoned inside this new who will an option barn. >> at first i thought did someone think this horse looked like an easter egg but then closer i gotti realized that it was a actually paint ball. >> reporter: lancaster spca is now investigating, search is on for owner and people responsible for hurting the horse, and veterinarians say she was shot from all sides and along with those injuries vets say she's blind in one eye and may lose another due to an ulcer. >> every time you touch her she winses. she's pretty uncomfortable. >> reporter: now horse's care takers nicknamed her lily, since she was found so close to easter. vets will to have nurse her back to health there for at least the next two weeks. >> my goodness, thank goodness she's on the road to recovery. think about a horse being hit a hundred times all those bruises. nursed back to health and hopefully find the owner. >> they likened it to be hit by a mack truck.
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>> thanks, jan. right now 6:51. a treat the for fans of the hit cbs show criminal mind. new spin off, criminal mind beyond borders premiers tonight, the drama follows a specialized division of the fbi, attack crime and rescuing americans in danger while a broad. >> i think good news or bad. >> good. >> we are extending their office. the bad, typhoon off the coast >> this are guys. >> thirty-six hours so get out there, before it is washed away. >> let's head to the station. >> actors alana and daniel heny they join us to tell us more about the new show and where story line picks up. >> well, it is a a new show so we are taking original model of criminal mind and moving to our team which is a different team completely but you'll see some of the stars of the original criminal mind popping in from time to time. our show travels internationally so each
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episode is a different country which is amazing so you will a a's experience different cultures, spiritual issues, religions, villains. >> visually go on that ride which is really fun. >> super cool take on the original. >> fans of the show criminal mind what do you think they will really like about this new series. >> i think they will love that we travel. >> travel aspect. >> there is always been a really interesting darkness to criminal mind that pushes the envelope a bit. >> yes. >> we're definitely doing that. >> great cast too, actor gary sinise, what has it been like working together. >> gary is a dream. we all came together and had this very genuine serendipitous feeling like wow, these people, i think i knew him two days and i said he is my brother from another mother. you guys all just met. >> yes. >> we all just genuinely became fast friend and gary is a dream, so talented and you grew up watching him and his
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incredible work but so kind, funny, wonderful family man. you became a wonderful friend. >> very nice, before we go, i have to ask you have been in philadelphia. you used to live here. tell me about your time here when you lived here. >> i love philly. i miss ridden house square, shopping, eating, great food. philly is really cool and people of philly were just genuinely cool, i had a good time there. >> i was old already like 38. >> stop it. >> this was just a couple years ago but i loved it, and i had my son there as a baby. so, it was exciting. really fun. >> great speaking with them, new criminal mind spin off, beyond borders, premiers tonight at the 10:00 p.m. right here on cbs-3. we will be right back.
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here's one last check of your head lines this morning including big wins for donald trump and hillary clinton in the yesterday's primary. trump won every state the but ohio, but clinton swept them all. missouri is still too close to call for both races. marco rubio dropped out of after losing, florida.
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one of the three men may be next supreme court nominee president obama is expected to announce his decision later on today. and, grief counselors will be on hand at george washington carver high school after a freshman passed away from bacterial meningitis. concerned parents are invited to a 6:00 p.m. meeting tonight. before we go lets get a quick check of the forecast and that fog is sticking around. >> it still is and sun and light of the day popping up over the horizon so our visibility have gotten better depending where you you are but we are still seeing rough stuff, back toward reading, lancaster and not even ideal at airport. >> rough on the roads too, woodhaven road eastbound right lane taken out, so just have patient this is morning, speeds are slow too on the major highways. >> thanks very much. >> next up this morning one of the most ambitious new public wifi projects in the world but question is how safe will this be from hackers, we are talking about that in ten seconds. hope you have a great day. captioning funded by cbs
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good morning. it is wednesday, march 16th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." breaking news. president obama will announce his supreme court nomination hours from marco rubio drops out of after lose is his home state. >> a north american is serving time in north korea off allegations he stole a banner. we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. this is another super tuesday for our campaign. >> clinton and trump pile up the delegates. i


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