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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  April 26, 2016 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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good morning. it is tuesday, april 26th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." donald trump slams his rivals' new alliance as weak and pathetic. primary voters head to the polls in five states today. president obama talks with charlie about china, north korea, and vladimir putin. plus, house speaker paul ryan joins us here in studio 57. how is this for a question, how fresh is your fruit? new technology could reveal information the food industry doesn't want to share. but we begin this morning with a look at today's eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. >> so they colluded, and actually i was happy because it shows how weak they are. it shows how pathetic they are.
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>> trump fights back against cruz and kasich. >> you guys are talking about this 24/7 like this is some thunder bolt. >> donald trump is going to scream and yell and curse and insult and probably cry and whine some as well. >> we're in this race to win. we're going to be in california in june, and we're going to be in philadelphia back here in july. >> what he and his supporters are saying just doesn't add up. i have two 2.7 million more votes. >> you're sending 250 special forces to syria. what does that represent? >> although we are not going to be sending ground troops in to fight, we are going to try to find out what works and then double down. >> powerful spring storms in southern california, strong winds picking up and tossing a heavy canopy. >> it was almost like a superhero movie. >> in florida, a small plane crashed into a home. three people are in critical condition. >> tom brady's suspension back
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on after an appeals court ruled he should take a seat. >> this story never seems to end. >> a wayward bear caused a big scare in a los angeles neighborhood. >> i looked out the back door and saw the bear. >> the twin hosted purple for prince night and won in style. >> back and gone! >> all that matters. >> no one knew this was coming. a complete surprise. how do you keep something this big a secret? i think beyonce should be running the cia. we could rename it the beyoncia. >> john kasich and ted cruz have formed a "game of thrones" alliance. >> in a last-ditch effort to try to sink donald trump at a contested convention. >> it's a crazy plan, but as long as they do it three months ago, it just might work. >> announcer: this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota, let's go places.
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welcome to "cbs this morning." voting is under way in a string of primaries that could give a big boost to both presidential front runners. donald trump is favored to win all five republican races in pennsylvania, maryland, delaware, connecticut, and rhode island. >> these states are not part of the pact where ted cruz and john kay kick -- kasich vowed to work together. major garrett spoke with kasich yesterday and is here in studio 57. >> good morning. john kasich told me this awkward 11th hour alliance with ted cruz was really about protecting the country from hillary clinton, perhaps. but first, it's about blocking donald trump from winning the nomination. trump knows this, and therefore let loose with a barrage of attacks on, well, just about everything. >> it shows how weak they are. it shows how pathetic they are. >> reporter: donald trump predictedly pounced on a new
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pact by ted cruz and john kasich to let the stronger candidate challenge trump in three upcoming primaries. >> you had lying ted announce that he can't win by himself. he cannot do it. you know he's a joker. he cannot do it. you know, the kasich thing is interesting because here's a guy that just says -- like if you have a child who's a stubborn brat. >> reporter: trump even mocked kasich's table manners. >> he's stuffing pancakes in his mouth like this. then they talk about presidential. oh, i see, he's presidential. he puts pancakes this big in his mouth and he's shoving them in. >> reporter: the first state impacted by this new strategy, cruz urged kasich supporters in indiana to set aside their misgivings and unite against trump. >> what that means is that indiana gets a straight and direct choice between our campaign and donald trump. >> reporter: in philadelphia, kasich had first told his
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supporters to stick with him. hours later in maryland, kasich told us this. >> i'm not going to be campaigning in indiana. voters can figure out what they want to do and let them do what they feel they should. >> but you would welcome their votes, right? >> i would never tell a voter who votes for me that i don't like their vote. you guys are talking about this 24/7 like this is some thunder bolt. >> reporter: the highly unusual cruz/kasich gambit reflects increased panic about trump's momentum. >> he might have a good night, but after tomorrow, the race is going to shift back west. as it shifts back west, there are a lot of states i think are going to be very good. >> for all their denials, this is a new and utterly unconventional strategy to take down a party front runner, and it allow anti-trump super pacs to get more bang for their buck. the first test is indiana. if it succeeds, anti-trump forces will have a playbook. if not, they'll have trump and no more illusions. gayle? >> is once again, nothing
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typical about this campaign of 2016. to be continued for sure. thank you, major. polls show that hillary clinton is the favorite going into today's democratic primaries. a sweep could make her nomination almost a sure thing. the big prize is pennsylvania. there are 189 delegates up for grabs there. our cbs news battleground tracker shows clinton leading bernie sanders there by eight points. nancy cortes is in pennsylvania. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. sanders may face daunting polling, but when we caught up with him in philadelphia late last night, he was not willing to entertain even the possibility he might be all but mathematically eliminated from contention after tonight. >> if you like at state polling, you're behind in pennsylvania, maryland, and connecticut. if you wake up on wednesday and you've lost most or all of these five states, what do you do then? >> what we do is go to west
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virginia and kentucky and head out to california, the largest state in our country. i believe that the people in every state in this country have a right to cast the ballot to determine who they would like to see as president of the united states and equally important, the agenda they want the democratic party to have. do they want to address the issues of rampant poverty in this country, of massive income and wealth inequality? >> hillary clinton talks about these issues too. is she strong enough on poverty to win over your supporters if she needs to? >> well, i'll let my supporters make their own decisions. >> but you have a lot of influence over them. >> we're in this race to win. we're going to be in california in june, and we'll be in philadelphia back here in july. my job is to win this nomination. if i don't win the nomination, i'm going to do everything i can to make sure that a republican does not get elected president of the united states. >> reporter: a the a town hall last night, clinton noted that she didn't place any conditions on her support for president obama back in 2008 the way that sanders seems to be hinting he
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would place on her for his support. but he's a different kind of candidate. he got into this race to highlight issues like income inequality and so he sees very little downside for holding out on those issues. >> all right. nancy, thank you so much. john heilemann is managing editor of bloomberg politics. so this cruz/kasich gambit, too little, too late? >> it's an act of a little bit of panic, a little bit of a sense that the door is closing, the window is closing. the runway is now shortened to the point where everyone is going, oh, my god. will it work? the key thing here is this is all about indiana, where basically the anti-trump forces have come to the conclusion that if trump wins these five contests tomorrow, as we expect him to, and then he goes to indiana and wins in indiana, he will basically be unstoppable. so the motivating factor for this alliance is ted cruz
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realizing if they didn't get kasich to stop campaigning in indiana, that trump was likely to beat cruz in indiana, and it's going to be very close there. so cruz essentially said -- the cruz people said to the kasich people, if we lose indiana, we're doomed. i'm the only one that can beat cruz here. stop campaigning. you've seen kasich saying -- >> there's some cracks. >> kasich said, i'm not telling now voters not to vote for me in indiana. it's not that big a deal. so the whole thing has a little bit of a slash-dash feel to it. >> how do you know kasich voters are going to vote for cruz? >> you really don't. the whole point is not so much to change anyone's mind who is committed to vote to kasich because they probably will still vote for kasich. there's still an undecided vote there. the question was also about signaling the anti-trump super pacs about what to do with their money in indiana. so focus on propping up cruz, maybe attack kasich a little bit, try to depress kasich's vote a little bit and move all that undecided vote into cruz's column rather than splitting it. again, it's a very thin margin
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they're playing with. trump's at about 40% in indiana. if he gets another three, four points, he's likely to win under any circumstances. >> is paul manafort making a difference in terms of donald trump's image with other republican leaders? [ laughter ] >> he said that with a straight face. >> paul manafort went to that rnc meeting and said donald trump is going to be different, he's going to be presidential. >> now he's talking about kasich stuffing pancakes in his mouth. >> talking about it lying ted and 1 for 38 kasich. >> he said this was all an act. >> yes. look, there's some element of what manafort is beginning to telegraph. you know all that talk about the wall, the mexican rapists, the muslim ban, that's all going to go away this summer, which is a really, really, really cynical point of view. yet, it could be true. >> and it could turn away some of his original supporters. >> it could, but i think trump understands he's going to have
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to pivot to the center. manafort is exposing that in an unusually frank way. >> thank you, john. >> thank you. >> always good to see you. president obama is back at the white house this morning after a week in the middle east and europe. air force one touch down monday evening at joint base andrews outside washington. we spoke with the president yesterday in germany in a wide-ranging interview. he had just announced 250 more american troops will go to syria. they will help in the fight against isis, also known as isil. >> us dismantling isil is a priority, and although we're not going to be sending ground troops in to fight b, we are going to try to find out what works and then double down. one of the things that's worked so far is us putting special forces in for training and advising of local forces but also intelligence gathering. >> let me pivot to china. your secretary of defense has been in the region. how aggressive do you see the
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action in the south china sea, and do you worry that they will cross some line in which you'll have to respond more aggressively? >> i've been consistent since i've been president in believing that a productive, candid relationship between the united states and china is vital not just to our two countries but to world peace and security. we're a lot better off with a china that feels confident. >> it's not a zero-sum game. >> it's not a zero-sum game. what is true, though, is that they have a tendency to view some of the immediate regional issues or disputes as a zero-sum game. so with respect to the south china sea, rather than operate under international norms and rules, their attitude is we're the biggest kids around here, and we're going to push aside
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the philippines or the vietnamese. but it doesn't mean that we're trying to act against china. we just want them to be partners with us. and where they break out of international rules and norms, we're going to hold them to account. >> what about north korea? >> north korea is a massive challenge. our first priority is to protect the american people and our allies, republic of korea, japan, that are vulnerable to the provocative actions that north korea is engaging in. they are erratic enough. their leader is personally irresponsible enough that we don't want them getting close. but it's not something that lens itself to an easy solution. we could obviously destroy north korea with our arsenals, but aside from the humanitarian costs of that, they are right
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next door to our vital ally, republic of korea. one of the things we have been doing is spending a lot more time positioning our missile defense systems so that even as we try to resolve the underlying problem of nuclear development inside of north korea, we're also setting up a shield that can at least block the relatively low-level threats they're posing right now. >> that seems like a little bit of news there. setting up a shield. >> indeed, it is. the interesting thing, too, about the new announcement, 250 troops going in, special forces. i said to him, you know, what's the strategy here? he talked about what they were doing, how important it was for them to be there because of people coming in and out of raqqah. when i said to him, do they have -- are they given the right to search and destroy? he said, i won't talk about that. but in iraq, the secretary of
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defense has said specifically special forces do have that right. rules of engagement. >> that's an important point. very important point. >> in our next hour, you'll hear president obama talk about the threat posed by russia and vladimir putin. you can see the full interview tonight on my pbs program. >> yesterday you were in germany. today you're back at the table. >> as i was leaving, it was sort of raining in germany. i could see out my window air force one. it's a huge plane. >> now you're back here. that's good. more in the 8:00 as charlie said. parts of the midwest this morning are bracing for dangerous severe weather that could include tornadoes and a little bit of hail. hailstones the size of golf balls hammered san antonio yesterday. chief weather caster lonnie quinn of our station at wcbs is tracking today's forecast. >> good morning, gayle. the weather story today is going to be in the midsection of the country. we're talking from nebraska down into texas. this area shaded in pink and red, we're talking large hail, the threat for tornadoes.
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now, the radar picture is interesting. i can't show it to you right now, so i have to give you a computer rendering of where we believe the line will be forming. i think it's later in the day. this is from omaha down to dallas. this shows you an 11:00 p.m. eastern standard time situation. any of those red cells you saw, that could be tornadic activity. big hail we're talking out there. as you get into tomorrow, it's going to be calmer. the threat is not entirely gone. the east coast fills up with colder air. if we sum this all up, the tornado risk today from nebraska to texas. highest probability, 2:00 in the afternoon until 4:00 in the morning. if you live in that area, you know the drill. i think, norah, there could be a repeat performance. >> lonnie, thank you so much. one of the nfl's biggest stars, tom brady, will likely miss the first four games of the upcoming season over deflategate. a federal appeals court ruled yesterday that the quarterback must serve the suspension handed down by the league. don dahler is in massachusetts with how it's a big win for the
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nfl and commissioner roger goodell. >> reporter: good morning. yeah, it really has nothing at all to do with whether tom brady knew anything about underinflated footballs and everything to do with whether the commissioner roger goodell has the authority to impose a four-game suspension. ultimately, the court decided he did. >> football, it's a game played by men in uniforms, run by men in suits with disputes between the two decided by men in robes. >> reporter: the second circuit court of appeals sided with the nfl monday, upholding tom brady's four-game suspension. >> it's a power struggle between how much power the nfl really does wield over the players. >> reporter: the court ruled that roger goodell properly exercised his broad discretion, citing a 2011 collective bargaining agreement between the players union and the team owners. >> all fans want to know what happened, but that wasn't the job of this court. >> reporter: arthur miller, the dean of the sports institute at new york university, says monday's ruling has little to do with deflated footballs. >> it doesn't say that brady was
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guilty or not guilty. it really is a decision about process. >> reporter: the league appla applauded the decision while the nfl players association said they were disappointed. they claim goodell did not serve as a fair arbitrator. >> i didn't alter the ball in any way. >> reporter: brady has repeatedly denied allegations that patriots staff intentionally tampered with their footballs during the 2015 afc championship game against the indianapolis colts. last january, patriots owner bob kraft defended his team on "cbs this morning." >> we won the super bowl 28-24, and the league pretty much had full charge of the footballs. >> reporter: months later, star tight end rob gronkowski agreed. >> he should just get the four games wiped out, baby. >> tom has to be a little concerned with his own legacy. >> reporter: bill rhoden of "the new york times" says the league is the clear winner. >> this was a good day for the nfl. yes, people are questioning the game a little more in terms of health risks, but on sundays, people want to see the nfl.
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>> reporter: the players union says they are weighing their options, and tom brady can appeal if he chooses. no norah? >> not only sundays but thursdays. many nights of the week. we love football. thank you. thursday we'll talk to roger goodell. that's here on morning among. >> you going to be okay? you might be wearing black leather. p. because of t-- because of th suspension? there's more to come. a small plane slams into a
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>> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by kay jewelers. every kiss begins with kay. is a mexican drug cartel behind the execution-style murder of an ohio family? >> ahead, why a grieving father thinks his daughter knew who carried out those killings.
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your food now has a truth detector. ahead, the new technology that can scan fruits and vegetables to reveal its history. and tomorrow charlie talks with comedian louis c.k. in a
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rare intervi >> this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this morning. >> good morning, i'm brooke thomas. >> today is primary day in pennsylvania, and delaware, so make sure to get out to vote. polls are open right now. they'll stay open until 8:00 tonight. there are five primaries nationwide today. we'll have many complete coverage after the polls close on "eyewitness news" and >> let's get a check on the eyewitness forecast with meteorologist, katie fehlinger. >> brooke, today's primary outlook definitely dry for the first half, then see wet weather moving in later today. that will comes courtesy of line of showers and thunderstorms, moving through courtesy of a cold front. so let's go ahead, take a look at storm scan, at the moment, pretty quiet. we had some thunderstorms rumbling through the overnight, have since retreated however not done just yet. this afternoon, i would say, as early as 3:00 p.m., around
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philadelphia, new round of scattered but locally strong thunderstorms, are firing up in our area. and thankfully it is out of here by tomorrow. some lingering clouds around specially for the southern tear of the region, also a cool down, too, meisha. >> absolutely, seems that way, all right, katie, thank you so much. good morning, everyone, gorgeous look right now, ben franklin bridge, just gorgeous shot, moving in the westbound direction, from jersey. delaware county 95 north at 452, you can see some of the sun glare, ever so slightly looking good in terms of volume levels, 59 at girard certainly busy, brooke, over to you. >> thanks, meisha a next update is at 7:55, up next on cbs this morning, new technology that shows you how fresh your groceries are. i'm brooke thomas. good morning.
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bruce springsteen doesn't seem to be born to run in this vid video. more like he's taking a long walk home. the slow-motion video shows springsteen working his way into what would be the perfect selfie being taken by a fan. look at her expression when she realizes she captured more than just a glimpse of the boss. it's the boss himself standing right there. >> you were there, weren't you? >> i was there hoping night where he opened with "purple rain." this was just last night. they did two nights. >> he never disappoints. >> and he always gets into the crowd and engages. >> been doing that for a long time. looks like he's in great shape. >> he is, charlie. look at his arms. look at his body. >> he's jacked up. >> i've only seen bruce springsteen once. he went the whole 3 1/2 hours without stopping.
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i was like, that guy is in good shape. >> but he loves it. >> he convinces you he's giving you everything he has. >> love him. >> and audience appreciates every single drop. welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, was a drug dispute behind the execution-style killings of an ohio family? police turn up nearly a half million dollars in marijuana plants. we'll take you inside this investigation that has not ruled out a mexican cartel. plus, a plane crash rocks a residential neighborhood. three people are in critical condition after the aircraft hit a house. ahead, witnesses describe the chaos immediately after the crash. time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. "the new york times" reporteds on a dire warning from america's top intelligence official. james clapper says isis is running secret terror cells in britain, germany, and italy. his remarks come as new images emerge from the paris attacks. a warning, the pictures are graphic. they show the moment a suicide bomber triggered his explosives
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in a crowded restaurant last november. remarkably, none of the diners nearby were killed. >> wow. britain's "guardian" -- what were you going to say? >> i guarantee you this was under consideration when the president met with the leaders. >> you mean better coordination of intelligence, yeah. >> and whether there's a secret cell. >> it's needed. britain's "guardian" reports on ukraine marking the 30th anniversary of the chernobyl disaster. a solemn ceremony was held this morning. a botched test at the nuclear plant triggered an explosion. over the past three decades, thousands have suffered from radiation-linked illnesses. the plain dealer of cleveland reports on the $6 million settlement with a young black boy's family. tamir rice was playing with a pellet gun in a park when he was shot by an officer. a grand jury decided just last
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year not to indict the officer or his partner. "usa today" reports more than half a million people are pledging to boycott target stores. the american family association is collecting signatures to fight the retailer's policy on bathroom use by transgender people. the company announced last week that workers and customers can use the restroom that corresponds to their gender identity. and "the wall street journal" reports that federal regulators are poised to approve a huge merger between charter communications and time warner cable. this deal is worth about $55 billion. it would create the second largest home internet provider. the deal comes with some tough restrictions aimed at promoting competition in online video. the new company cannot charge customers based on data usage. cbs news has learned investigators are looking at the possibility a mexican drug cartel killed eight members of an ohio family in a pre-planned execution. david begnaud is near one of the
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four crime scenes in pike county as the manhunt intensifies. david, good morning. >> reporter: norah, good morning. the road leading to the crime vane is still blocked off this morning, and the properties are still surrounded in police tape. along with the involvement of a mexican cartel, that is not the only motive being considered this morning. they're also looking at the possibility this may have been drug activity with someone locally, a possible revenge killing, or a family dispute. it's been four days since those bodies were found, and there's no arrest as of this morning. a law enforcement source confirms to cbs news that investigators found some 200 marijuana plants. they were inside an indoor grow operation that was found in some of the homes where eight members of the rhoden family were executed. the size of the operation, according to the source, indicates that the marijuana was being grown for sale and not for personal use. >> there's a drug problem in most areas can around here. >> reporter: law enforcement sources estimate that the street value of the marijuana plants is
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nearly half a million dollars. ohio's attorney general is heading up the investigation. >> do you think that may have been a factor in these murders? >> we have no idea. i mean, we're running these leads out. there's many different theories. >> reporter: more than 60 people have been interviewed by investigators. isiah jones says he was detained at gunpoint during a traffic stop. he was questioned for six hours then released. >> what do you want people to know who may think, oh, he was questioned, did he have something to do with it? what do you want people to know? >> i really want people to know that i really had nothing to do with it and that these were also friends of mine and that i went to school with them. >> reporter: investigators also spoke with his friend, rusty mongold, apparently about a facebook post that appeared to threaten the youngest murder victim, 16-year-old christopher rhoden jr. cbs news has confirmed mongolfs
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interviewed by investigators. in a separate facebook post, mongold said he went to the sheriff's office to clear himself. among the eight victims shot in the head was 37-year-old dana rhoden. this is her father leonardm manley. >> whoever died knowed the family because there were two dogs there that would eat you up. i ain't going to say no more. >> reporter: the local sheriff believes there may be more than one killer. he's been saying that since the g bodies were found. as to why, he said quite simply because there are four different crime scenes and i'm not convinced one person could have done it and gotten away on their own. charlie? >> david, thanks. three people on board a small plane have significant burns this morning after their aircraft slammed into a florida neighborhood. witnesses said the crash shook their homes. it happened yesterday in pompano beach, florida, more than 30
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miles north of miami. chris van cleave shows us the quick response of neighbors. >> reporter: the federal aviation administration said the pilot was practicing takeoffs and landings at the nearby pompano beach air park when the plane went down into this neighborhood monday afternoon. >> it came straight down. after that, it was just a huge implosion. >> we received multiple calls. the house is on fire as well. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: these men used garden hoses to battle back the flames before firefighters arrived. >> the guy's houses is freaking billowing smoke everywhere. it was crazy. >> reporter: witnesses said two victims managed to crawl from the wreckage. >> they were getting out, and we were just -- i was just holding the tail of the plane so it wouldn't roll over. >> reporter: two men and a woman were on board the multiengine plane. fire officials said the victims all had severe burns, over 30% to 40% of their bodies. >> i think there's some very
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lung i can people in pompano. >> reporter: the chief said the man inside his home at the time of the impact is fine. >> when the plane hit his house, it actually bounced over one house and ended up in the yard of the next house. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," i'm chris van cleave. this is the time in the broadcast where we ask you to think about your last meal. where did it come from? how was it made? how did it get to you? ahead, anna warner puts the food truth detector to the test. we're going some place with. >> i hope so. if you're heading out the door, we don't want to be left behind. you can watch us live through the cbs all access app. it's on your digital device. because we also know you don't want to miss house speaker paul ryan. he's coming here to studio 57. >> looking forward to that. >> me too. we'll be right back. type 2 diabs with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®.
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he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® works with your body to lower blood sugar in 3 ways: in the stomach, the liver, and the pancreas. vo: victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include itching, rash, or difficulty breathing. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck.
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narrator: listen to katie mcginty for obama vo: katie will stand up to special interests to protect your right to health care, social security and equal pay for women. as the 9th of 10 kids and the mother of 3 daughters, katie is fighting to ensure every family has a fair shot at getting ahead. katie from debate: "i'm a champion, i'm a fighter and i'll have the back of hard working families in this country." narrator: endorsed by president obama and vice president biden, a champion for working families. katie vo: i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message. some apples are sold at stores, some are told sen months after they're picked. companies are developing technology to show when they
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were picked, how nutritious it is, and whether it contains pesticid pesticides. ana western a ana werner takes us inside. >> reporter: we're inside a target warehouse in lake city, florida, where this food testers holds what looks like a gun, shooting lights into fruits and vegetables. the gun is actually something called a mass speck tromer it that scans the produce, identifying a sort of fingerprint of each item. greg shoemaker is target's entrepreneur and residence who came up with the idea. >> we want to be able to create that profile to see how does it differ, or is it different? every time he presses this button, we get essentially five pictures of that strawberry. >> reporter: this machine is a prototype of what the company hopes will one day be a scanner that will tell consumers everything they could want to know about their food. >> it's going to let us know and the customers know what they're buying, where it's from, and how long it's going to last.
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>> reporter: the work is happening in florida and here in cambridge, where target is partnering with design firm ide o, an m.i.t. researchers to create transparency in the food system. >> we know less about the food we eat today than in any other time in history. >> we know less about the food we eat. >> we know less about the food we eat. >> reporter: back at target's warehouse, the scanning has gone on for a month. thousands of items have been analyzed for nutrient content and freshness. >> somewhere in this range here is where vitamin c exists. >> reporter: each wavy line on the monitor measures a particular level, like for vitamin c, antioxidants, or moisture, which can indicate the ripeness of each piece of fruit. the hope is one day a single scan will uncover information like where the fruit was grown, even down to which side got more sunlight, when it was picked, and how long it could be before it goes bad. and produce is just the beginning. the team's ultimate goal is to eventually be able to track and identify all foods around the
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globe. then hopefully equip consumers with their own handheld devices or smartphone apps to use to scan food. currently the grocery manufacturers association says roughly 10% of food purchases are adulterated or misidentified, including horse meat labeled as beef, fine wines diluted with water, or farmed salmon marked as wild. >> we know how much cotton and spandex are in our clothing products, but we dent know what's in our food, which is striking. >> reporter: marie brags is an assistant professor of global public health at nyu. she says this effort contrasts with what she often sees happening in the food industry. >> industry spends a lot of money and effort to prevent consumers from knowing what exactly is in their food. so it's in their benefit not to really know how long products have been on the shelf or what exactly is in them. >> reporter: but in the future, consumers may not have 20 depend on any one company for the information they need. >> ultimately, target, for example, might be saying,
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listen, our produce is fresher and we can prove it to you. >> yeah, think about that. if you say, hey, our produce is fresher, and guess what, we're also going to arm you with the ability to fact check that. >> reporter: for "cbs this morning," ana werner, lake city, florida. >> really interesting. >> they're on to something. >> i think so too. i had no idea apples could be stored for that long. >> me either. >> that explains why they're a little mealy sometimes. >> we blindly shop sometimes and don't really think about what we're putting in our mouths. somebody to think about. >> we're good shoppers. >> i know you are. and cookers. >> i didn't say cooking, but we're good shoppers. we are living in the golden age of invention. ahead, popular science reveals some of the year's best inventions from flying hoverboards to a special robot.
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plus, the police pursuit that isn't involve a car. the bear chase throu oh, hit up jimmy's for some chicken and waffles. oh, and those truffle fries. truffle so good. it's less than a mile. come on, we can do better than that. okay, uh... ooh, juanitas! oh yeah, those chimichangas. oh, with the mangoguac. stop it! 3.5 miles.
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quite a cub either. i would not want to personally meet it. there's a guy right there with some food. >> helicopters and spotlights all tracked an unusual pursuit in los angeles last night. police and firefighters and wildlife experts chased a bear. a big old bear through the neighborhood for two hours. >> moving quite well. >> he's doing okay. the bear climbed over a fence. look how close he is to the house. the bear climbed over fences, scrambled across the streets during the wild adventure. an animal control officer eventually hit the 125-pound bear with a tranquilizer dart.
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everybody says he's okay. he's been returned to the forest. he's just looking for some food. >> absolutely. house speaker paul ryan will be with us here in studio 57. we'll talk about today's primaries and his efforts to push alternatives to the trump and cruz agenda. and don't forget the new daily eye opener he mail. your world in 90 seconds. now you can get it direct to your inbox. go to to sign up. maybe you should just go ahead and do it. we're legalzoom, and we've helped over a million people just like you start their own businesses. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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7:54 am
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good morning, i'm jim donovan, primary day voters in pennsylvania and delaware casting their ballots right now, voters were in place early at the community college of philadelphia in spring garden, polling places in both pennsylvania and delaware, are open until 8:00 tonight. and after the polls close, get complete returns on "eyewitness news" and our website let's sends right over to katie for a look at the forecast. >> generally, jim, looks as though things will hold off in the weather department for the next couple of hours, trying to get out to the polls you have at least until lunchtime until anything fires up out there, we look at storm scan3, you can see things sort of cleared out from the three hour loop. looking at the heavy storms pulling away in the last couple of hours, so in the midst of a lull, but it doesn't mean it stopped. so we are, then it will last
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very long, we have sunshine for now, eventually some stronger thunderstorms, pick up, generally, mid to late afternoon and toward late evening, the further south you go. then it is all out of here tomorrow, meisha? >> good, i'm glad it is out of here, thanks, katie. good morning, everyone, take a look at this, we have live chopper three over an area in bensalem. route one south old lincoln highway where a pedestrian was hit, left lane block, also, part of that intersection, and also, moving onto camera, 95 south before route 322 the left lane is block because of another accident. jim, over to you. >> thanks, meisha. our next update is at 8:25. how speaker paul ryan is ahead, with a look at the convention, make it a great day.
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it is tuesday, april 26th, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead, including house speaker paul ryan right here in studio 57. he looks at what it will take to bring republicans together in congress and across the country, but first here is today's eye opener at 8:00. >> it's about blocking donald trump from winning the nomination. trump knows this, and therefore let loose with a barrage of attacks. >> too little, too late, or will it work? >> it's an act of a little bit of panic, a little bit of the sense of the door is closing. >> sanders may face daunting polling, but he was not willing to entertain that he may be all but mathematically eliminated. >> how aggressive do you see the
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action in the south china sea, and do you worry they will cross some line in which you'll have to respond more aggressively? >> the weather story today is going to be in the midsection of the country. we're talking from nebraska down into texas. this area shaded in pink and red. weaver talki we're talking large hail, the threat for tornadoes. >> tom brady will likely miss the first four games of the upcoming season over deflategate. >> he's stuck with a month of vacation. >> a restaurant in pennsylvania has unveiled a pizza inspired by hillary clinton. apparently the pizza is not that fresh or tasty, but it sticks around your stomach until all the other food has given up. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell. the two presidential front runners expect to be one step
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closer tonight to clinching their nominations. people are lining up to vote in green belt, maryland, outside washington, d.c. maryland voters are choosing 38 republican delegates and 95 democratic delegates. >> it is one of five states voting today with the democrats going for a total of 384 delegates. hillary clinton is the favorite. bernie sanders says no matter what happens today, he will continue to campaign in upcoming contests. >> donald trump is already the only republican with a real chance to clinch the nomination, and he's favored today in all five primaries. trump needs 53% of the remaining delegates. ted cruz and john kasich are openly working together to stop trump and force a contested convention. trump says that would be disastrous. >> house speaker paul ryan will serve as chairman of the republican national convention as he tries to sit down. >> making a lot of noise. >> hi. nice to see you.
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>> it's not a graceful entry. >> it was not. >> but an athletic one. >> thank you. >> he insists he will not leave the convention as the republican nominee. the speaker is trying to work out a federal budget his most conservative colleagues can support. he's also creating an agenda he thinks his party can rally behind. glad to have speaker ryan back. welcome. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> let's begin with what your agenda is and how you're trying to define the republican party because many people think it's a different vision than the likely nominee. >> well, i don't know if i would say that, other than we decided last year before we had any idea who our nominee was going to be that we needed to transition from being an opposition party to being a proposition party. if we don't like the direction the country is headed on a number of issues, we have an obligation to offer an alternative. that's what we're in the middle of doing. >> we being?
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>> we, congress. so our task forces are working on our five-point agenda. there's five areas we think aren't getting done in this divided government, and we need to offer a plan to the people. how do you really get this economy growing? that's tax reform, energy development, regulatory relief. get faster economic growth, better take-home pay. everybody knows we're against obamacare. i think we got that part down. what do we replace it with? what does patient-centered health care really look like? how do we solve these health care problems and these entitlement problems that are bringing us to a debt crisis down the road? how do you help people get out of poverty? how do you transition people from welfare to work? we have welfare programs that are kind of work replacement programs. we need them to be work encouraging programs. what's a good foreign policy to keep us safe? how do you restore self-government, government by consent. >> but is that what your party is talking about -- >> it is. >> no, in the presidential debate. it's not. >> they're competing in a primary. in wisconsin, we speak in hockey terms. right now the puck is in a
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primary. on both sides. democrats fighting democrats, republicans fighting republicans. in the fall, we're skating to where the puck is going to be. remember what wayne gretzky said? if you want to win, you've got to skate to where the puck is going to be. we believe the country deserves a clear and compelling choice. we have an obligation to offer them that choice, which is how do we fix these big problems of the day? how do you restore a confident america? what does that agenda look like? >> mr. speaker, as you know, traditionally in an election year, the presidential candidate sets the message. you're running a parallel policy shot. >> that's true. can i tell you why? >> yes. >> i learned in 2012 running with mitt romney, if you wait until after the convention to all the sudden get your act together and then produce an agenda in say, august or september, it's too late. my lesson from 2012 is we know who we are, we know what we belief. we have a good idea of the kind of solutions necessary so let's
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get on that right now. offer it early. spend all summer and all fall talking about it. so come november 2016, everybody knows they have two choices to make as americans. we feel as the e alternative party that we have an obligation to say, if you don't like this direction, here's an alternative. we don't think we can do that if we wait until later in the summer. >> you've released these campaign-style videos, which some people think look like you might be running for president. you say republicans are focussed on actually fixing the problems facing us, not just bemoaning how bad things are. do you think that's what's happening, that donald trump is just busy bemoaning how bad things are? >> i think that's what happens in presidential primaries. i think that's what happens -- >> if you were running for president, would you campaign that way? >> i think in the general election campaign, i think we need to start offering solutions and say here's what it takes to get our country back on track. this is primary politics. look, as you know, i'm the chairman of the convention.
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i am neutral on this thing. i don't comment on a day-to-day who's doing what in the presidential campaign. what i care is that we offer people a choice. because if we win this election after offering an agenda, then we have the mandate, we have the obligation to put those reforms in place. we want to earn the support of the country to put these big reforms in place that we think are necessary to get the country back on track. >> and if donald trump is the nominee, is he the person to get the country back on track? is he the true representative? >> whoever our nominee is going to be is going to be working with us to do this. by the way, i've spoken to donald trump and ted cruz and john kasich. >> and what did they say? >> they say they're fine. they understand why we're doing this, what we're doing, and they're comfortable with the direction we're headed. we're not worrying about something that is out of our control, who becomes the nominee. we're worrying about, are we taking our principles, applying them to problems, so we can offer people real solutions. >> but back to norah's point. it seems like you're saying to
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donald trump if he's the likely nominee, or ted cruz, you're saying, you better come here where we are and change where you are in order to win because we have set out the priorities for the country. >> i'm a jack kempe/ronald reagan republican. we all have different styles and forms. >> and what is donald trump? >> donald trump is a donald trump republican. >> how does that differ? >> we'll find out. >> you know when you're a kid and your mom says, if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, sounds like a duck, maybe it's a duck. >> we always say that on tax policy. >> some could say you're laying the groundwork for 2020. >> no, no. >> you're really not? >> gayle, you know me. i could have run in 2016. i was doing well in the polls. i could have run in 2012. we chose not to do that. you know why i chose not to do that. i have a young family. i thought i could make a big difference where i am. i am making a big difference where i am, and i'm home on weekends. we have basketball and volleyball. your kids only grow up once. we made our decision. i'm comfortable with that decision, but that doesn't mean
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we in congress don't have a solution here. that doesn't mean we can't offer ideas. to the country we're giving you a compelling vision for an alternative path because the one we're on isn't working. >> can i ask you some specific questions on news of the day? >> sure. >> specifically one of your predecessors, denny hastert, going to be sentenced tomorrow for paying hush money to a former student he sexually abused. he's accused of abusing at least four other young men when he was their wrestling coach. do you think he should go to prison? >> it's heart wrenching. i don't know the details of exactly what happened. i had his portrait removed from the capitol because that's not befitting of a former speaker or the kind of standards we uphold for ourself. >> but no comment? >> i don't know the particulars. i don't want to get into something i don't know enough about. >> what about the laws in north carolina? donald trump says yes for transyend tran transgender. >> this is what our local governments and state
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governments should litigate. i think this is going to be churning in society, in our culture, and i think through consensus our communities will come to answers. i try not to, as a federal official, insert ourselves into administering or arbitrating these difficult issues that are moving through society. i don't get into what should north carolina do or wisconsin do or what should madison, wisconsin, do or charlotte, north carolina. >> how about this. lin manuel miranda has inserted you into pop culture. i know you've seen this. >> on a different subject. >> oh, yeah. i was going to say, what does that have to do with north carolina? >> puerto rico. >> the hard part is in convincing congress that the people matter. their heart is a fight for relief, not a bailout, just relief. a belief you can pass legislation to ease our grief. paul ryan, i've dealt with
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pelosi, i'll wear my hamilton blouse. your citizens are suffering. stop the bleeding, stop the loss. help puerto rico, it's just a hundred miles across. >> you call him the "hamilton" guy. i just assume people know. >> you know how surreal my life is. i was getting to watch "game of thrones," the season premiere. i turn it on ten minutes early and that guy comes on the stage throwing my name out. >> he wants you to focus on puerto rico. >> we are focused on puerto r o rico. we're working on the tech ani we're working on the tech ancal aspects. we're working on having a very important oversight board to work on debt restructuring and helping puerto rico get their house in order. taxpayers will not be involved in this. there will be no taxpayer bailout of puerto rico. but we will give the tools necessary to bring order to this chaos in puerto rico so they can have a smooth landing, so they can put their fiscal house in order, and so they have the
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necessary tools they need, which they need in law, to be able it restructure this paralyzing debt they have. that's something we're working on. it's going to be bipartisan. it's going to be an oversight board with restructuring powers, and it will make them have to balance their budget. >> speaker ryan, it's great to have you here. >> i'm sorry. >> happy with "game of thrones" so far? >> yeah, it's a great show. >> all right. thank you. norah likes it too. when we come back, more with charlie's interview with president obama. he was in germany yesterday. >> someone told me this is a trip about three of your favorite ladies. the first lady, the queen, and the chancellor. >> it's a pretty powerful combination. i've enjoyed spending time with all of them. >> a great combination. i like that. the president talks about his affinity for germany's angela merkel, plus his
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popular science has its pulse on inventions.
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ahead, the magazine reveals some of this year's greatest creations like, get this, an underwater drone and a pill that acts like a stethoscope. you're watching "cbs this morning." mastering irresistibly smooth. the lindor truffle. created with passion... by the lindt master chocolatiers. a hard outer shell with a smooth center. luscious.... flowing... welcome... to the best time of your day. unwrap... ♪ unwind... experience the melt. only the lindor truffle. from the lindt master chocolatiers.
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"popular science" says the golden age of inventions is here right now. the new issue of the magazine features the 2016 invention awards for what it says are the ten greatest creations of the year by individual inventors. sophie bushwick joins us at the table. the ten greatest creations. starting off with a robot. let's go. >> we're really excited about these inventions. it's a group of friends who decided to build a startup in their garage. it's someone who was tinkering and decided he wanted to make his own coverboard. >> no rpgs corporations involve. >> the robot that came out of an m.i.t. researchers decided she wanted a social robot that was fun to hang out with. you've seen the echo with this alexa persona. that's just a tool. this one is fun to hang out with. it can tell you a bedtime story. it can take a photo of you and your friends hanging out. it can even learn individual
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preferences. >> that's what they're worried about. >> is that for people that have no friends? i'm going to hang out with my robot. >> it's from people who want to untether from their phone. instead of sitting around looking at our devices, we're sitting with just another member of the group. >> there was something about a pill that acts like a stethoscope. >> that's this pill. you swallow it and it monitors your heart rate and breathing rate from inside your body. it also measures your core body temperature. normally measuring that kind of thing would take an invasive technique. with this, you just swallow a pill and it streams the data. >> where does it go? >> out the other end. >> from rooter to tooter. >> i was referring to the information. >> oh! okay. i figured it came out of there. i was wondering where does the information go. >> to a computer. >> but who has the computer? be quiet.
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>> it's in development so the researchers have the computer. you could imagine a future where devices it like this could sync to your cell phones. >> let's talk about this 3d scanner. i guess it works alongside your smartphone, and you can scan objects and faces. what do you use that for? >> well, you can use it for taking a model of -- you can take a model of, say, that old-fashioned cbs microphone. it's great. you've got a piece of electr electronics and part of it breaks. you want to replace that part. you can scan that part and get a scan. so this scan is a rough version. >> oh, wow. it's a 3d scan. >> the idea is you take multiple 3d scans. the software stitches it together into a higher resolution image. then you can print that on your 3d printer. you can animate it. >> or give it your plastic surgeon 20 years later. >> let's talk about the flying hoverboard. >> this is a totally diy craft. a canadian inventor decided he wanted a hoverboard. this is the only hoverboard that
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can go 16 feet up in the air. you've seen hoverboards with wheels. this thing actually flies. this guy used it to break the guinness world book record for the hilongest hoverboard flight over 900 feet. he wants to make this a marketable version. >> very cool. >> good to see you. >> thank you so much. ahead, how a century old birth streak came to an end in idaho. she sees the world a little differently. and, by some miracle... she actually said "yes"... to me. get this free bracelet or a charm with any charmed memories purchase of $99.99 or more,
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ch good morning, i'm brooke thomas. it is primary day in pennsylvania, and delaware. voters are headed to the polls. both democrats and republicans are voting today, polling places open until 8:00 tonight, in pennsylvania, and delaware. the new jersey primary isn't until june 7th. there are five states across the country holding primaries today. we'll have complete election coverage throughout the day. on "eyewitness news" and any time at >> now, for the eyewitness weather forecast. meteorologist, katie fehlinger live in the weather center. hey, katy? >> brooke, tracking wet weather for eventually later on today, at the moment, though, we are are still pretty quiet across the entire delaware valley. we had some pretty heavy thunderstorms rolling through, long since retreated, you can see, how much, the beginning
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line of the next rounds, that's on the way. now, granted, northern counties, might still see shower at some point this morning, but generally speaking looks like we will be able to hold off on any storms until this afternoon. lehigh valley comes in little sooner for you, coastal new jersey, delaware, comes in little later all moving in from north to south, three-six the window for philadelphia and the immediate vicinity, plan to hit the polls at that time take the umbrella along in case, although scattered showers, storms, we are tracking, tomorrow all gone, temperatures take pretty significant hit. meisha, over to you. >> created by, thanks so much. good morning, happy tuesday, looking good out there for now. we know that it is going to change little bit later. right now looking okay in delaware county, 95 north 452 see how slow moving it is, take it out to the airport, basically what you are looking at. schuylkill at the boulevard another area still looking very, very slow, at about 8:30, moving in the eastbound side, looking slow, westbound side is not too much better. and then the vine where the accident cleared, looking good, but looking slow, moving in the westbound direction.
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brooke, back over to you. >> thanks, meisha a our next update is at 8:55, ahead on cbs this morning, more of the charlie rose interview with president owe bamm a i'm brooke thomas, great morning.
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at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right.
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welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour, more of charlie's one-on-one interview with president obama in germany. we'll see how the president worries that russian leader vladimir putin may be exploiting the refugee crisis. plus, rethink drinks. only on "cbs this morning," the lab that says it can create alcohol with a classic flavor in just days. ahead, see how purists are ready to give it a try. right now, it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "the new york times" warns gorillas may be extinct in five years. they're the world's largest primate and live in the democratic republic of congo. their population plummeted 77% over the last 20 years. fewer than 3800 remain. armed conflict in the region led
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to the sharp decline. "the oregonion" reports on millennials as becoming the largest growing population in the u.s. they're defined as anyone 18 to 34 years old last year. there are nearly 75.5 million living millennials. they're everywhere, those millennials. and here's a story i like. reports on tiger woods playing golf again. he hit the ceremonial tee shot monday at blue jack national golf club in texas, which he helped design. he's not competed since august, as he recovers from back surgery. he's not set a date for when he will play again. it's reported he's registered for the u.s. open in june. we hope so. >> yeah, we hope so. "newsweek" reports on a warning about baby rice cereal. infants who ate ice cereal had higher urinary inorganic arsenic levels. the fda is proposing limits on
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inorganic arsenic levels in infant rice cereals. in 2014, 47% of cereals met proposed limits nationwide. gerber says its infant rice cereal is safe and already meets strict arsenic levels proposed by the fda. our spokane affiliate reports on an idaho family celebrating a new addition more than a century in the making. no girl had been born to the underdahls in four generations. wow, wow, wow. that's going back to 1914. >> how does science explain that? >> i don't know. ended two weeks ago when the family welcomed a baby girl. they've named her aurelia. the grandfather just couldn't believe it. >> took a hundred years to make perfection. it's definitely different. babies are babies, but that's not true. then when we found out they were going to have a little girl, i'm not sure i believed it until she was born. >> there she is. she's a cutie too, grand dad. she joins her big brother,
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22-month-old archer. i love what he said, took a hundred years to make perfection. >> beautiful indeed. "usa today" shows how four marines staged a picture-perfect reunion. they posted on a beach 50 years ago. they reunited last saturday to re-create the picture down to the last detail. they had not all been together since shipping out to vietnam. one of them told cbs news the experience has been surreal. >> they look great. they look terrific. >> they look really good. >> i love that. and "the new york times" also reports on new research showing how job losses from trade deals are increasing our political polarization. voters who live in areas hit hard by cheap overseas labor are more likely to move far right or far left. researchers say anger over globalizati globalization erodes support for moderates in both parties. speaking of globalization, president obama admitted that
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international trade deals have hurt some american workers. still, he hopes an agreement with europe will be finalized before he leaves office. but the transatlantic trade and investment partnership faces critics here and abroad. we spoke monday in zbgermany, where the president tried to rally support. >> not every trade agreement in the past has been good for workers. there has been offshoring, seeking primarily low wages or low environmental standards, and companies can profit and sell back those goods irrespective of what that's done to the communities that they've left. so there are legitimate concerns about how globalization has proceeded. my argument, and i think this is hard to dispute, is that the only way to change this system is to engage it, not to withdraw from it. part of our job is not to dismiss concerned about
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globalization. they are real and they are legitimate. it is to argue how do we make globalization, which is not going to be reversed any time soon, work for ordinary people. how do we make sure it's working for communities all across america or here in europe, and that is something i'm convinced we can do, but we've got to get the facts out. >> we're in germany. your favorite, as you have said, your favorite global leader who's been with you longest. what is it about you and angela merkel? and what is it about her that makes you believe that she represents the kind of leadership you need in europe? >> i think that i have an affinity for her, and i like to think she has an affinity for me, because we're both pretty rational. we both try to analyze a problem and solve it based on facts and
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reason and common sense. you know, she believes in free markets. she believes in liberalism. she believes in democracy. she believes in a free press. she believes in pluralism. >> and she's willing to make moral decisions when it may not be in her political interest. >> that's exactly right. she's a good politician, otherwise she wouldn't be here that long, but if you look at what she's doing right now with respect to the refugee crisis, she's making an argument to the german people that, look, we're prospering now because people invested in us in a marshal plan. >> how are you coming together on dealing with migration and refugees? >> what i've said to them is this is not just a european problem, this is our problem too. for two reasons. one is that if you have a flood of refugees and it's disorderly,
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then, you know, these are folks who potentially, if not handled properly, could end up being an alienated population inside europe that is not assimilated, is not integrated and will be resentful. that could have an impact in terms of their willingness to engage us and help us on things like terrorism. more importantly, more strategically, is the strain it's putting on yaurp inting on politics. the way it advances far-right nationalism, the degree to which it is encouraging a breakup of european unity that in some cases is being exploited by somebody like a mr. putin, who says, forget about europe, look at -- sort of reasserting the nationalist greatness and anti-muslim sentiments. >> his goal is to divide europe.
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>> well, you know, i think that mr. putin has generally viewed nato, eu, transatlantic unity as a threat to russian power. i think he's mistaken about that. i've indicated to him that, in fact, a strong, unified europe working with a strong outward-looking russia that is defining its greatness not on the basis of military but rather on the basis of its ability to harness the talents of its people for economic good, then that's the right recipe. so far, he has not been entirely persuaded. >> quick point with respect to merkel. you know, she wins and she wins. some reporters said to him, would you rather that system, rather than being term limited to two terms, he said actually, no, i think it's healthy for us
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that you have a term to have fresh feet coming in all the time. >> really great conversation with the president. >> i think rational. being rational is a good quality in a leader and just in people in general. >> they really do click. >> you can see that. mutual admiration on both sides. >> we're going to get to see more of your interview, right? >> yes, tonight on my pbs program. >> only on "cbs this morning," a spirited revolution. >> i'm ben tracy in charleston, south carolina. one of these rums was aged for 15 years, the other for six days. it's pretty hard to tell the difference. we'll show you how technology could rapidly change the spirits industry and your next cocktail, coming up on "cbs this morning."
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do you think when you are president you'll be paid as... much as if it were a man- male this is one of the jobs where they have to pay you the same. but there are so many examples where that doesnt happen. i'm going to do everything i can to make sure every woman in every job gets paid the same as the men who are doing that job. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message.
8:42 am
ifor all the wrong reasons.gical you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief.
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and zyrtec® is different than claritin®. because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. try zyrtec®. muddle no more®. well, it's still early in the day across the country. you know the old saying, it's 5:00 somewhere. fans of aged alcohol may want to celebrate a big disruption in the spirits industry. bottles of older scotch bourbon or rum can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars. but only on "cbs this morning" ben tracy shows us how one man is changing all that with an invention he claims can produce the equivalent of a 20-year-old spirit inle less than a week.
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>> reporter: charleston, south carolina, is a town that likes its carriages horse drawn, its streets cobblestoned, and its rum barrel aged. >> so this is an example of a rum that we're making up right now. >> reporter: so when alex burns recently opened the rational spirits distillery here, his business plan seemed a little, well, irrational. make rum that tastes old but without any barrels. there's not a single barrel in this place. >> correct. >> the reason no barrels is because you have this. >> this machine, this is our science fair project. >> reporter: he's talking about this reactor, which looks like something you might find in a biotech lab, not a rum factory. >> i came across this article that says guy claims he can create 20-year-old rum in six days. i thought to myself, wow, that would solve a lot of problems. let me check it out. >> reporter: the guy making that
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claim is silicon valley sbep neu -- entrepreneur bryan davis. >> in six days you can make rum that tastes like it's 20 years old. >> yeah. >> sounds too good to be true. >> reporter: when alcohol is put into a barrel, molecules in the barrel's wood called polymers break down over time. this causes a series of chemical reactions that help give spirits such as rum, whiskey, and bourbon complex flavors like smoke, leather, and honey. >> the challenge was figuring out how to make those polymers degrade more rapidly. if we can put a man on the moon, right, we can figure out how to hack a piece of wood. it can't be that hard, right? >> reporter: the answer was enlightening. davis built this reactor where woodchips soaking in rum are blasted with high-intensity light, doing in six days what would take years in a barrel and without any artificial
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ingredients. the end product matches the chemical composition of a decades' old spirit. >> is this kind of frankenstein booze? >> absolutely. yeah. >> you don't mind the phrase? >> no, i embrace that one. >> reporter: and it's not just rum. davis is also using his invention to improve rye whiskey, a spirit so popular with modern mixologists that there's now a serious shortage. bottles of aged rye routinely cost well over a thousand dollars. >> how disruptive do you think this technology will be? >> so the idea is that everybody can get a better bottle of booze at a better price tag. for the booze ageing business, this technology is a tectonic shift. everything just changed under their feet. they may not realize it yet, but it just did. >> reporter: traditionally, only large corporations could afford the millions of dollars in costs to age booze in barrels. now three smaller distilleries
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are using davis' reactors to get similar results. he says 75 more want to do the same. when rational spirits became his first client, it named its rum santeria. which attracted leaders of the santeria religion. which uses rum in its rituals. >> let this rum make a mark. >> reporter: this trio of high priests recently blessed the operation. >> this is good. >> reporter: but it's also become popular with rum aficionados like chef paul yellen, who is about to open rum bar in charleston. it's the only rum less than three years old he will allow on his shelves. >> rums are very much like human beings. age and maturity are two different things. >> reporter: he says even if santeria doesn't quite taste 20 years old, it is certainly wise beyond its years. >> yeah. >> good? >> immediately, very good.
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i find this very similar to about an eight-year-old rum. >> reporter: and in a business where waiting is the hardest part, that's a shortcut worth drinking to. for "cbs this morning," ben tracy, charleston, south carolina. >> too bad we don't have any of that on the set right now. we could raise a glass to you. >> she just won a big prize down there in washington, d.c. >> yes, we're excited about that. i don't even drink, but i'd raise up a glass. cheers to one of our own next on cbs.
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therwe cannot defeatsay a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. but i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. to a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. an america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. a nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. i know we can create that america if we listen to our conscience and our hearts and not to the pundits and the naysayers. i'm bernie sanders.
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i approve this message, and i ask for your vote. ♪ ♪ ♪
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is it that you think you couldn't win or that you didn't want to run? >> couldn't win. i'll be very blunt. if i thought we could have put together the campaign that our supporters deserved and our contributors deserved, i would have gone ahead and done it. >> this morning, we celebrate our very own norah o'donnell, who's being honored for that revealing conversation with vice president joe biden and his wife jill. keep the applause going. her interview earned the merriman smith award. the judges called it insightful, regarding the vice president's announcement he would not run. >> that's high praise. >> very high praise. the award will be given out dinner. >> the last of president obama's term. what was so great, we remember when you got it, norah. it was like three days after he decided. listen to this, charlie. there's an official press release. please take a moment to congratulate norah. when you see her on the street,
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give her a big hug. >> and call her
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today, lori grabs delicious jimmy dean sausage from the fridge, fully cooked and ready in seconds. it makes breakfast complete, which makes bill feel like completing the gazebo, prompting a celebration in lori's backyard. with jimmy dean,
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good mornings lead to great days. good morning, everyone, i'm jim donovan. pennsylvania and delaware five states across the country holding primary elections today, polls open until 8:00 tonight in both states. so get out and society vote. republicans and democrats in new jersey hit the polls next month. complete election coverage throughout the day, at >> the weather will eventually starting to right back downhill again, jim. if you woke up maybe in the middle of the night hearing some thunderstorms rumbling through, they are once again going to reignite, because we've got new frontal boundery that will be crossing through, at the moment when we look at storm scan3, things generally quiet. carbon monroe county getting in on some showers at this point, but the sunlight we currently is actually going to, believe it or not, help, you know, justin this threat
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for severe storms, because it heats us up at the surface, that can help create the instability we need, first severe weather, gusty winds, possibly small hail, frequent lightning are a concern, mainly through the afternoon, early evening, that the storms will be rumbling through, headed to the polls that's the window of opportunity. meanwhile, looking ahead to tomorrow cold front crosses through, out of here just leaving behind left over clouds through the southern tear of the area, and bring in fresh showers by thursday. meisha? >> what a roller coaster indeed. thanks so much. good morning, happy tuesday, we have disable truck here, the ramp from the westbound vine, to the westbound schuylkill, causing slow downs there, also another accident here, 422 eastbound near oaks pulled all the way off to the right shoulder, might have little gaper delays, people driving by tapping on their brakes there. also, another accident here, 95 north, to off ramp to route 413, one lane is blocked in and around this area, overall, this is not causing too many slow downs, just make note if you are just hanging out to the area, you will have gaper delay here. overall things holding steady
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just major interstates, highs way, slowing down, no major delays at the airport, mass transit looking good. jim, back over to you. >> thank you shall meisha a that's "eyewitness news" for now, join us for complete election day coverage on "eyewitness news" at noon, i'm jim donovan. make it a great day. modres: the cost of living the pay stays the same. i have to work extra hours just to make ends meet. it's a big struggle. one person that really gets this is katie mcginty. she came from a working-class family. she was ninth of 10 kids. she gets it. she'll fight for equal pay for equal work. katie mcginty will protect social security and medicare. that's why president obama and vice president biden support her, too. she'll make a heck of a senator. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. at clorox 2 we've turned removing stains into a science. now pre-treat with clorox 2! watch stains disappear right before your eyes. remove 4 times more stains than detergent alone.
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8:59 am
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new garnier whole blends coconut oil & cocoa butter. >> announcer: in a doctor's exclusive, it's a "vanderpump rules" dental disaster. >> it ate away all of the bone. >> announcer: in today's news in two. the unsensored breast exam video that's going viral for all the right reasons. >> all you need -- >> announcer: plus, the feds issue a warning about the deadliest drug trend to come along in over 30 years! that's today on an all-new, doctors! [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] >> hello, hello. >> dr. travis: guess who is in the house today? our good friend, dr. jim sears! >> yeah, baby! [ crowd cheering ] [ applause ] >> good to be here, man! yeah! [ applause ] >> i want to start with a topic that i think will touch a lot of people out there. i want you to look at this adorable photo. this is a 4-year-oldme


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