tv CBS Overnight News CBS May 25, 2016 3:08am-4:01am EDT
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all: cbs cares! kelly hogan removed as head of security operations at the tsa. the agency came under fire because of long lines at the airports. jeff pegues has been investigating a major gap in airport security. >> reporter: cell phone camera video obtained by cbs news recorded workers over the last several days entering a restricted area of new york's jfk airport. employees scan a security card enter a pin number and walk through the turnstyle. their identities are not verified and their bags are not checked. >> i think the flying public is in danger -- endangered and it's got to stop.
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>> reporter: florida senator bill nelson says it shows an obvious vulnerability at the nation's airports. you are not surprised? >> i'm horrified, but not surprised. i think one of the main threats is -- employees of the airport getting on, carrying contraband, possibly weapons, there you have then the potential for disaster. >> reporter: it recently happened overseas. last year, a russian jetliner crashed in egypt, after some one with access to the plane smuggled a soda can bomb on board. and a bomb blew a holen a plane in somalia, it was carried around security in a laptop. in the u.s. airport workers are given key card after they complete a background check and their names are run through criminal and terror databases. but a 2015 report by the
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department of homeland security inspector general's office found tsa did not identify 73 individuals with terrorism related category codes. some workers called the badges the key to the city. because once you have one, employees screening is spotty at best. it is what allowed a delta employee in 2014 to smuggle more than 100 guns through airport security in atlanta. and hand them off to a passenger head to new york. marshal maclean represents an airport police union. >> that person went through a background check. a year after they get hired they could be doing some other na nefarious acts. so there is not a continuing screening process. so it is not sufficient. >> tsa says it screens 17 million airport workers and conducts more than 3,000 tests to reduce the insider threat. charlie it says it is working closer with law enforcement to share information across terror databases. >> thank you, jeff. now, 24 weeks until the election. and the clinton camp rolled out a new line of attack against donald trump. and here's nancy cordes. >> we are not going to let him
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bankrupt america. >> reporter: clinton led the charge from commerce, california. hitting trump on his taxes and bankruptcies as high proe fiel supporters from 11 battleground states backed her up. >> shame, shame. >> reporter: ohio congressman tim ryan accused trump of rooting for the recession. >> perched in the gold plated towers of the trump building in new york city, there was a billionaire saying, i hope this happens. i hope the housing market collapses. >> reporter: referring to comments trump made in the mid 2000s about the looming crisis. >> i kind of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy. >> reporter: in a statement today trump said i have made a lot of money in down markets. frankly this is the kind of thinking our country need. understanding how to get a good result out of a very bad and sad situation. clinton allies also turned up the heat on bernie sanders who
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they increasingly blame for her drooping poll numbers against trump. >> you have the power to choose a new direction for the democratic party. >> reporter: they say the senator's daily criticisms of his own party, like the ones in this new ad airing in california, are dividing democrats. >> no, i don't think i'm harming the democratic party. i think i am invigorating american democracy and invigorating the democratic party. >> reporter: he cites a surge in voter registration here in california the state that has become his primary focus. though he did take the time, charlie, to call for a re-examination today of the results in kentucky. a state that clinton won last week, by fewer than 2,000 votes. >> thank you, nancy. earlier today on cbs this morning, we talked to trump's campaign manager, cory lewandowski about trump's refusal to release his tax returns. >> one way to determine how much, you release your tax returns. >> your tax returns don't tell you what your worth. what they show is what your
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income is. mr. trump has showed what his income is. $557 million. massive cash flow. very, very little debt. less than 2% or 3%. worth $10 billion. look at some of the properties. doral in florida. >> nobody disputes how much property. the question is this -- your tax returns show what you pay in taxes. it shows what -- >> as a businessman to his family, corporation he is going to pay the smallest amount of taxes possible which the american people also understand. >> no one begrudges that. >> not an issue how much he is deducting, not the question. the question is, is transparency on a man one of the two people most likely to become president. >> what you also have. we have been very clear. these are taxes are under routine audit. look, this is the fault of the irs. have them finish the audit. when it is done he'll release his taxes. >> the irs said -- >> there is no legal obligation. the difference when you release
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them, irs scrutinize, and everybody scrutinize. you don't know if they will change or not. let the irs finish their work. >> within a day? >> as soon as it's done. >> an irs spokesman told us today the agency is prohibited by law from discussing a taxpayer it cannot confirm if someone is being audited. do these cars have the muscle to with stand a crash? and which bug sprays protect best against the zika virus? the "cbs overnight news" will be right back.
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one day a rider made a decision. the decision to ride on and save money. he decided to save money by switching his motorcycle insurance to geico. there's no shame in saving money. ride on, ride proud. geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. and we'll have to use like double! maybe more!! i'm going back to the store? yes you are. dish issues? get cascade platinum. one pac cleans tough food better than 6 pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade.
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high speeds. cars that travel at high speeds can sometimes crash at high speeds. so what happens then? new crash tests out today contain important news for drivers of muscle cars. and here's kris van cleave. >> reporter: they're american icons symbols of freedom and open roads. the need for speed. muscle cars like the dodge
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challenger. what is it about the muscle car? >> i love the sound of the roar you get when you are driving it. when you are riding inside or when it is riding past you it is something you are always going to notice. >> mustang. >> reporter: for decades they begged drivers to go fast. but now we are seeing how dangerous that can be. none of the cars receive the insurance institute for highway safety highest ranking. president adrian lund. >> we haven't tested them before because we haven't thought that this population is necessarily interested in safety. but they should be. >> reporter: ford mustang scored a good rating thanks to collision avoidance technology but has room to improve in small overlap front crashes, 25% of the front end hits a simulated poll at 45 miles an hour.
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the chevy camero, earned a good ranking it lacks technology and struggled on roof strength. the dodge challenger, managed acceptable score, lower marks for roof strength and performance in the small overlap crash test. in that crash, the dash pushed back. trapping the test dummy. >> the damage in the footwell was so bad that the dummy's foot had to be unbolted from the leg. this would have been serious leg injuries for a real person. >> translator: ford is calling this its safest mustang ever, noting it received five stars in the government crash test. charlie, chevy and dodge are not commenting on the iihs report. >> thank you, kris. here is a question -- can you guess who turned 75 today. here is a hint. the answer is blowing in the wind. that's next. ♪ the answer is blowing in the wind ♪
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so-called natural bug sprays get low marks for fighting zika. consumer reports magazine says the natural sprays smell nice, but do not keep mosquitoes away for long. it recommends sprays made with synthetic chemicals including deet. >> actor burt kwouk died today. he starred in the pink panther movies. he would launch attacks to keep the inspector's reflexes sharp.
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burt kwouk was 85. >> 75 years ago today, robert zimmerman was born in duluth, minnesota. if that name is not familiar his music is. ♪ how many years must a mountain exist before it is washed to the sea ♪ >> reporter: the world knows him as bob dylan, music's poet laureate. this peanuts comic strip from 1971, gave us a chuckle. linus remarks bob dylan turned 30. charlie brown says that is the most depressing thing i have ever heard. 45 years later, bob dylan is still forever young. still ahead, lee cowan with the story behind some classic american portraits. >> next, the rockwells you haven't seen.
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100 years ago this month, the first of more than 300 norman rockwell covers appeared in the saturday evening post. we end tonight with a little known story about the portraits. lee cowan tells us between concept and canvas, there was camera. >> do you really remember that day, or not so much? >> you know, hard to say. i remember bits and pieces. >> reporter: a scene pure rockwellian, the runaway is edward locke. 8 years old then. now 65. not many 8-year-olds are immortalized as part of americana. >> here i am. >> reporter: 1958 when ed posed at the counter of a howard johnson's.
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before rockwell ever put paint to brush he called in a photographer. >> what do you think when you look at these now? >> reporter: i'm stunned at how cute i was. >> reporter: each photograph became the template for the final painting. what did your friend at school think when it came out? >> friends at school were okay when you are sitting with a police officer that's one thing. when you are posing with your pants done that's quite another. >> reporter: he is talking about this painting. one of the few that rockwell photographed himself. >> the towns people said i was the kid who showed his butt for $5. [ laughter ] >> reporter: photography a technique rockwell started using in the 1930s to streamline his painting process. >> he really couldn't have somebody stand for hours, too tedious, time consuming couldn't hold the pose. >> reporter: the lead curator at the rockwell museum and keeper of tens of thousands of photos all of which rockwell directed like a movie. no detail was left
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unphotographed. the linoleum floor, doctor's scale, even rockwell himself. when a model wasn't available. >> he really was a thinking painter. there was never anything in a rockwell that wasn't there for very good reason. >> reporter: as for ed his modeling days ended shortly after he turned 9. >> apparently when i was 9 i was over the hill. >> reporter: he never called again? >> never called me again. >> reporter: the emotions rockwell captured stretched far beyond the still frame. >> i remember meeting a number of police officers. and i'll never forget one of the policemen came up and said that picture has hung in our house since i was -- 2 years old. so i felt really very proud of that. >> reporter: for norman rockwell it was story, not paint that came first. lee cowan, cbs news, stockbridge, massachusetts. that's the overnight news for this wednesday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back with us a little later for "the morning news" and "cbs this morning."
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from the broadcast center in new york city, i'm charlie rose. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> announcer: this is the "cbs overnight news." welcome to the overnight news, i'm michelle miller. over the past few weeks thousands of air travelers missed their flights because of long lines at the security gates. the anger sent political shock waves all the way to washington. where the head of the tsa security operations is now been fired. whether that helps move the lines during the busy memorial day weekend remains to be seen. kris van cleave reports from reagan national. >> reporter: the lines at air ports across this country really became a black eye for the tsa. latest in a series of problems for the agency. one top executive has been replaced as one senior official told me it was time for a change. in the wake of historically long lines at some of the nation's airports that angered fliers and congress alike, the
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transportation security administration is making changes. kelly hogan responsible for security operations at nearly 450 airports nationwide is out. replaced by his deputy. last week, hogan's compensation was questioned by republican congressman john mica. >> the gentleman in charge of all of this program earned in one year an $80,000 bonus. >> reporter: as the head of security for tsa, hogan's base salary was more than $181,000 a year. over 13 month he took home $90,000 in bonuses as screeners failed to detect mock explosives or banned weapons in 95% of tests by the inspector general. hogan was hammered earlier this month during a house oversight hearing. >> since his promotion to the position in 2013. security operations at tsa. >> reporter: in this memo, peter neffenger disclosed a leadership team at chicago o'hare airport.
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one week after 100 passengers were stranded overnight and forced to sleep on cots. nationwide, tens of thousand have missed their flights as screenings have slowed. the tsa blames staffing shortages. tightened measures. and increasing number of fliers. friday, neffenger promised reform. >> you will see crowds. my goal is to keep you moving. can't have a situation like in chicago again. >> on the presidential campaign trail, bernie sanders continues to keep the pressure on democratic front-runner hillary clinton. sanders requested a recanvas in last week's kentucky democratic primary. the first count saw clinton win the state by half a percentage point. a recanvas will only affect one of the state's 60 delegates. meantime, clinton is focusing her fire on donald trump. nancy cordes reports. >> if there is a bubble burst as they call it, you know, you can make a lot of money. >> reporter: using his own words against him. clinton supporters and lawmakers
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in more than half a dozen battleground states will argue today that trump rooted for the housing market to collapse. >> i kind of hope that happens. because, then people like me would go in and buy. >> campaigning in stockton, california, former president bill clinton had this message for democrats. who are worried that polls now show trump pulling even with his wife. >> just relax. in the end the american people are fundamentally fair-minded. they only have so much bandwidth to think about politics. >> reporter: he says he learned that firsthand when he won the nomination in 1992. >> when i showed up at the convention the majority of the american people didn't know that hillary and i had a child. >> reporter: hillary clinton can't shake sanders who predicted monday this year's convention could get messy. and urged her to debate him ahead of the california primary. the clinton campaign said no dice. arguing hillary clinton's time
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is best spent campaigning. and meeting directly with voters across california and preparing for a general election campaign. >> i was disturbed but not surprised to hear a few hours ago that secretary clinton has backed out of the debate. >> reporter: in 2008 when she was trailing clinton sounded a lot like sanders today. >> it is the toughest job in the world. you should be willing to campaign for every vote. you should be willing to debate any time, anywhere. >> reporter: for the republicans donald trump got a big thumbs down from north korea. trump proposed face to face nuclear talks with north korea's leader kim jong-un, the ambassador to britain dismissed the offer as dramatics of a popular actor. meanwhile, trump its holding his first presidential fund raiders this week in new mexico and los angeles. he is making new personal attacks on hillary clinton. major garrett reports. >> reporter: polls are showing most republicans have begun to
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fall in line behind trump why the nominee is attracting more and more support from the party's biggest donors. >> i would rather have policy and issues. policy and issues. >> reporter: trump plays issues and attacks with equal emphasis, he would prefer a policy debate with hillary clinton while foreshadowing more personal attacks to come. >> they are dirty players have been dirty players historically. i have to fight back the way i have to fight back. >> reporter: monday, trump released an internet video highlighting unproven sexual assault allegations against former president bill clinton. the same day, trump sat down with senate foreign relations committee chairman bob corker who acknowledged uncertainty foreign counterparts feel towards trump unconventional and to some alarming foreign policy proposals. >> some of the comments relative to spreading nuclear arms in japan and south korea, i would disagree.
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my sense is that -- that he will evolve. >> that evolution, as trump fumbles with the high profile gun rights. >> gun free zones. we are getting rid of gun free zones. i can tell you. trump friday after landing the national rifle association endorsement. this was sunday. >> i don't want to have guns in classrooms. though in some cases teachers should have guns in classrooms. >> hillary clinton attacked trump as dangerous and radical on the issue. trump is shifting saying he would get rid of gun free zones in some cases. only school resource officers would be armed. recovery teams continue to search for the black boxes of egypt air flight ms-804. it crashed into the sea last week with 66 on board. aviation officials in egypt and greece have different accounts of the final moments. holly williams in cairo. >> reporter: the greek government said after the plane left its airspace it swerved wildly and plummeted before finally falling off the radar
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screen. but now egypt head of air navigation services denied that. saying the plane was flying normally when last seen on egyptian radar. meanwhile, data published by an aviation industry website, appears to show there was smoke on board the plane in the minutes before it crashed. but experts say the smoke alarms could also have been triggered by a sudden loss in pressure. even the plane's flight recorders, or so-called black boxes, may not tell us what went wrong. it depends on the information they contain if they're recovered. this retired general was chief of staff of the egyptian air force. >> we will find what happened. >> god willng. we will find out what happened? >> yes. yes. >> reporter: the egyptian civil aviation ministry has taken dna samples from the victims' fame
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over the past 7 1/2 years, president obama has had four defense secretaries, five chiefs of staff, and six cia directors. but he has had one person with the title senior adviser and best friend. valerie jarrett. norah o'donnell spoke to the president's best friend for 60 minutes. today i am nominating chief judge merrick brian garland to join the supreme court. >> this is probably one of the last big fights of the president's term in office. he can't even get senate republicans to give him a hearing. most republicans won't meet with judge garland. does that say something about president obama's inability to reach across the aisle to have friends on the other side?
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>> absolutely not. i don't think this is about friendship. this is politics. the republicans have made the political determination in this election year, in this very toxic election year, i would add, it is in their political advantage not to do so. >> in two terms, seven years, why isn't the president been able to find a republican that he can call up and say, help me out on this? does he have any republican friends? >> absolutely. he can call them that if want to help him out. the fact of the matter is their leader won't let them. >> reporter: their leader in the senate, republican mitch mcconnell told president obama there will be no hearing on his supreme court choice. despite the fact that garland was confirmed to the d.c. circuit, considered the second highest court in the land back in 1997, with the majority of senate republicans voting for him. >> isn't that part of the president's job? to convince people on the opposite side to do something like this? to get a judge up on the supreme court? >> well, the way you convince them is to try to put enough political pressure on them so they will do the right thing.
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i think that that momentum its building from the american people. and that's where the pressure will come. >> that's the strategy? >> that is the strategy. >> since the president doesn't have a personal relationship with republicans -- you will go to the american people, political pressure on them. a political campaign. >> i have to interrupt you. this is not about personal relationships, this doesn't have to do whether they are chummy. whether they have made the political calculus, raw political calculus it is in their self-interest not to give a hearing to judge garland. when they decide, when they decide it is in their self-interest they will do it. it is our job, yes to launch a campaign to encourage them to do their jobs just as the president did his. nothing to do with personality. nothing to do with schmoozing. nothing to do with whether or not they're buddies. this is raw politics from their perspective and nothing to do with what is in the best
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interest of the american people. >> isn't politics about schmoozing and about friendship? >> politics is figuring out what you think this kind of politics is trying, figuring out what you think you have to do to get re-elected. what we have seen, norah, time and time again, the republicans decide they can't come to the white house and go through a receiving line. they can't show up at a state dinner, because they're afraid of what the consequences will be if they do. >> maybe they don't feel welcome here. >> that's not true. if you ask them, they would say they're more than welcome. they're more than invited. this is absolutely, nothing, nothing to do with the president's willingness to reach out to them. he has time and time again. >> but that was front-page news when the republicans come here to the white house. that shouldn't be front-page news. >> no, they should be here all the time. if they would accept the invitations they would be here all the time. >> this has nothing to do with the president's style of leadership or ability to reach across the aisle?
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or the republicans? >> i want to debunk this notion that if the president were simply more friendly, and outgoing and schmooze this would change. this is simply about the republicans making political calculus to be friendly to the white house is not in their interest. that's the decision that they made when he was first elected. they have stayed steadfastly true to that for the last seven years. to the detriment of the american people. >> there is no stronger defender of the president than valerie jarrett. in a town where power and influence are measured by proximity, few are closer to the president, you can measure her importance by her address in the white house west wing. >> who else had the office? >> the two i am aware of, are hillary clinton and karl rove. >> a lot of history in the office. >> there is a little history. tried to make my own. >> reporter: part of that history comes from valerie jarrett's unique position in the white house.
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different from karl rove's. he was known as president bush's brain and served as his political adviser. she has three formal job titles including senior adviser. but perhaps the most important part of her job description is the role that doesn't get listed, being first friend. >> you are ate senior adviser to the president. but you are also his best friend. i can't think of another example in a white house where there has been that kind of relationship since bobby kennedy and president kennedy. it is a very unusual role? >> it is. >> doesn't that create a conflict? >> no, not at all. not at all. it enables me to do my job really well. everybody comes to the table with different strengths and different perspectives. and so the fact that i have known the president, the first lady for 25 years. gives me a perspective that maybe others don't have. >> reporter: and a relationship that none of his other
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other advisers has either. she is probably the only white house aide who calls the president barack when they're off the clock. she also told us she considers the president and first lady the siblings she never had. valerie jarrett grew up an only child, in an extraordinary family. one of the most prominent african-american families in chicago. her grandfather, robert taylor, built much of chicago's public housing. her father, a doctor, helped integrate saint luke's hospital. her mother, a chicago street named after her for her work in early childhood education. jarrett, a lawyer made a name for herself in chicago politics, working for mayor richard working for mayor richard m. daly. that's where she met michelle obama, who had recently graduated from harvard law and was looking for a job. >> i invited her in for an interview. supposed to be 20 minutes. lasted an hour and a half. about halfway through i realized i was no longer interviewing her and she was now interviewing me.
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a few days later, called her up. what do you think, we would love to have you. well my fiancee doesn't think it is such a great idea. i said, what? and so she said yeah, that's right. but i really am interested. so would you be willing to have dinner with us. >> reporter: at that dinner, she met barack obama for the very first time. they shared an instant connection in part shaped by a world view by childhoods spent abroad. president obama was born in hawaii and lived for four years in indonesia. valerie jarrett was born in iran and spent the first five years of her life there. where her physician father went to help start a new hospital. >> that bond that we had from having lived in cultures very different than our own and how that shaped our view of the world was a bond that we had that day. and i remember being struck by how talented the two of them ere. >> reporter: who impressed you more? >> they both impressed me.
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they impressed me individually and impressed me as a couple. >> reporter: michelle obama took the job with the city and that began a quarter century long friendship. when did they buy this house? the obamas bought a home on the same street as jarrett's family. so your house is like a block away from the president's house. >> a block away, yes indeed. >> reporter: the only white house adviser who at the end 6 of the day regularly joins the president in the private residence. she says she keeps the personal and political separate. nickname nightstalker because some at the white house thought she could influence his thinking. >> you clashed with robert gibbs about the first lady. he is gone. >> that's nearly seven years ago, norah. you are going back to ancient history. >> that's the point. rahm emmanuel, the first chief of staff. you clashed. another chief of staff, bill daly, lasted about a year. you are one of the few advisers that is still here. >> yeah, yeah. >> is your relationship with the president more important than
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any other adviser? >> no. no. as i have said to you man times. >> oh, come on. >> i don't think it is. >> you can see the full report on our web site. the overnight news will be right back. rich chocolate sauce. peanut butter cups. tonight is perfect. can someone read me another story? daddd? mmm coming breyers gelato indulgences it's way beyond ice cream. my son and i used to watch the red carpet shows on tv now, i'm walking them. life is unpredictable being flake free isn't. because i have used head and shoulders for 20 years. used regularly, it removes up to 100% of flakes keeping you protected live flake free for life sir, this alien life form at an alarming rate.
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...meta appetite control. you and temptation with... clinically proven to help reduce hunger between meals. new, from metamucil, the #1 doctor recommended brand. it has been said that the car is king in southern california. but more people there are now hopping the train at least for the six-mile run from downtown l.a. to the beach in santa
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monica. part of a nationwide revival in mass transit. and ben tracy tells us all about it. >> reporter: when you think of los angeles, you probably think of this. and not this. >> pretty amazing that people think there is no public transportation here. >> reporter: phil washington the ceo of los angeles metro, l.a. county transportation agency. he took us for a ride on the new train to santa monica dubbed "the subway to the sea." it runs parallel to one of the city's most congested freeways. >> we know the 10 is right there. there is a certain satisfaction you get from sitting here knowing other people are sitting in their cars. >> you are zooming by. you are zooming by. and they're in the one vehicle, you know, looking straight ahead.
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>> reporter: in the past 25 years, l.a. county's rail system has grown from 0 to 106 miles of track. its color coded lines extending in all directions. but having spent 1.5 billion on the 6.6 mile extension to santa monica, will the estimated 48,000 week day riders metro projects actually show up. >> people are riding trains. and all over the country. >> reporter: in 2014 americans took 10.8 billion trips on all forms of public transportation. highest ridership in 58 years. driven in part by the millenial generation. >> so much wasted time. we are in our cars. >> reporter: 28-year-old lauren courtney takes the train to get to her job in l.a. she got rid of her car when she found to be more of a burden than a benefit. >> i do think the trend is you have a population of people in the city choosing to live places where there is metro stops. >> reporter: not just this city in the past decade more than 200 miles of rail have opened in
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cities where cars have long been king. from salt lake to seattle, denver's 23-mile long rail line from the airport to downtown is the first part of a planned 122-mile system. it is revitalized union station spurred nearly $2 billion in development. new restaurants, housing, and more. portland built a bridge over the river, that is open to anything but cars. how much of a game changer is this line? >> this is huge. in los angeles, phil washington expects the system to triple in size in the next 25 years. >> do people like public transportation or do they just really hate traffic? >> i'll take both. i'll take both. let me put it this way. if we don't do anything, we are going to be eaten alive by congestion. >> reporter: he knows prying angelinos may be a tough sell
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mark your calendar. september 24th, the official opening of the smithsonian national museum of african-american history and culture. it sits right next to the washington monument. and the first museum devoted to telling the story of black americans. jan crawford went inside what is still a construction zone to have a look. >> reporter: it is hard to even put into words, i mean what it means just to be standing here. i mean this museum is the culmination of generations of work. legislation was actually introduced 13 years in a row before congress finally agreed to build it. now, with the opening just months away, we got a first look at what's inside. when you walk through this space, some of the artifacts feel almost sacred. an actual slave cabin from a south carolina plantation dating back to the 1800s.
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segregated railcar used through 1960. blacks and whites kept separate. it spans the african-american experience. 400 years of history. >> this is the most important demonstration of democracy in the world. >> reporter: architect david aje won a competition to design it. >> it is a building is really speaking about the struggle for freedoms, liberty, the things that are really about what america is. and it's just really profoundly moving. >> reporter: from the painful legacy of slavery and oppression to liberation and celebration of cultural and artistic achievement. chuck berry's cadillac is still under wraps. display cases have yet to be filled. but they're almost there. this beautiful structure looked like this. when we were here two years ago. we interviewed the museum director. >> one thing that worried me from the beginning could be find the artifacts that would move people. >> reporter: that hasn't been a problem. for years, curators have been collecting artifacts. >> the story of the airmen is crucial story. >> paul helped find the world war ii plane. the first black american allowed to fly fighter planes. >> when i saw the first artifacts displayed. i started to cry. we felt a sense of excitement and deep responsibility to the history. 'o beautiful ♪
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>> an american experience through an african-american lens. >> a long time coming the story that has tragedy and hope that should be told and celebrated. that's the "cbs overnight news." for this wednesday. for some of you the news continues. for others check back a little later for the morning news and cbs this morning. from the broadcast center here in new york city, i'm michelle miller.
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captioning funded by cbs it's wednesday, may 25th, 2016. this is the "cbs morning news." >> just destroyed something. it's moved toward that house. uh-oh. oh, no. this about to be bad. >> a string of tornadoes touches down across the plains with stormschasers inching closer to the chaos. hey! >> another trump event, another violent protest. while the presumptive republican nominee gave a speech inside, protesters raged on the outside, launching bottles and rocks at police and police horses. and bill cosby is heading to trial. a judge ruling a jury should hear the sex
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