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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  June 14, 2016 7:00am-9:01am EDT

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everybody. have a great day. >> good morning. it is tuesday, june 14th, 2016. welcome to "cbs this morning." we know now the names of all 49 victims killed in the orlando terror attack. they range from an aspiring nurse to a singer to a couple planning to marry. >> disturbing new details emerge about the shooter. did the fbi miss warning signs in his past? >> and a former marine working security at the club shares his story of saving dozens from the massacre, possibly preventing an even bigger loss of life. >> but we begin this morning with a look at today's eye opener, your world in 90 seconds. >> they're more than a list of names. they're people who loved and
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were loved. there are people who had families and friends and dreams. >> remembering victims and heroes. >> the shots kept going off. i'm just screaming, open the door, open the door. >> too many people died, but you saved a lot of folks. >> i wish i could save more, to be honest. >> there are strong indications of radicalization by this killer and a potential inspiration by foreign terrorist organizations. >> nobody knows why he doesn't have more anger. he still doesn't even use the word radical islamic terror. >> the president is not going to give into them. that's exactly what they want. they want that legitimacy. >> inflammatory anti-muslim rhetoric hurts the vast majority of muslims who love freedom and hate terror. >> if we don't get tough and smart, we're not going to have our country anymore. there will be nothing, absolutely nothing left. >> the historic hotel and casino
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imploded on the las vegas strip. >> irving again from downtown. >> one of the all-time great finals performances as cleveland forces a game six. >> in los angeles, lady gaga delivered an emotional speech sending love to orlando. >> we represent millions of people around the world that believe in you. you are not alone. you are not alone. >> and all that matters. >> let's keep in our hearts the victims and those who act in love and humanity. >> our hearts are broken for you, orlando, and for the victims and their families, but we are with you. >> on "cbs this morning." >> these people in orlando were apparently targeted because of who they love, and love does not despair. love makes us strong. love gives us the courage to act. love your country. love your family. love the families and the victims and the people of orlando, but let's remember that love is a verb, and to love
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means to do something. >> announcer: this morning's eye opener is presented by toyota, let's go places. reflections on the terrible tragedy in orlando. welcome to "cbs this morning." we're learning more about the 49 people killed in orlando and the gunman who stole their lives. thousands of people gathered at a vigil last night in downtown orlando. it was one of dozens held around the world responding to the deadliest ever mass shooting in the united states. >> mourners lit candles in silent protest against the violence, which targeted patrons of a gay nightclub. josh elliott is at the scene in orlando with new information on omar mateen's attack early sunday morning. josh, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to u you, norah. one law enforcement official tells cbs news now that investigators have confiscated
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the tapes from surveillance cameras located all around this neighborhood. they are combing through them as a part of the investigation into mateen and to specifically place whether or not omar mateen had visited this area prior to sunday. video from inside the club shows the moment mateen opened fire just after 2:00 a.m. amanda alvear posted this video to snapchat. she was one of the 49 people who were killed. a gun battle ensued near the club's entrance, where uniformed off-duty police officer working security for the club exchanged fire with mateen. after calling for backup, two more officers responded. >> that forced the suspect to stop shooting and retreat into the bathroom, where he held hostages and shut the door. >> reporter: that retreat allowed dozens of people trapped inside to escape. in one of the club's restrooms,
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mateen held four or five hostages. 15 other people were hiding in another nearby restroom. the gunman called 911, identified himself, and pledged his allegiance to isis. >> how would you describe him? >> he did seem calm, especially for someone who had shot that many people. >> reporter: police received word from surrounding officers and people inside the club that mateen was armed with explosives. in an attempt to free the 15 people in hiding, police detonated explosives outside one of the restroom walls. when that failed, officers rammed the wall with an armored vehicle. >> it seemed like dozens and dozens of people came out. he eventually came out of that hole as well and exchanged gunfire with our officers. >> reporter: mateen was killed in the fire fight three hours after the rampage began. bullet holes along the wall mark that deadly exchange. meanwhile, law enforcement are investigating whether hostages could have been killed in the cross fire.
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thousands of mourners gather to honor the victims at a vigil last night in downtown orlando. a church bell rang over the crowd 49 times, one for each of the victims. now, it's still not clear when the majority of the victims were, in fact, killed. there are also questions this morning about whether police perhaps acted too slowly in making that decision to enter the nightclub and storm the building. and one other note, we have learned that president obama will be visiting orlando on thursday to pay his respects to the victims. norah? >> all right, josh. thank you so much. we know the names this morning of all the victims of the massacre. most of the 49 people died inside pulse nightclub. the victims ages range from 18 to 50. they include a mother who was dancing with her son and a recent high school grad on vacation with her family. another 53 people at the club were wounded. jamie yuccas is at orlando
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regional medical center where nearly 30 victims are still recovering. jami jamie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah. according to the hospital, the patients being treated here appear to be improving. the positive news comes as we learn more about those who were killed. the city of orlando released a full list of names last night. nearly two days after the deadly shooting spree. 49, parents, children, spouses, and friends were killed in sunday's massacre. 18-year-old akyra murray was the youngest to die. the oldest, 50-year-old franky jimmy dejesus-velasquez. amanda alvear aspired to be a nurse. her friend mercedez flores wanted to be a party planner. th . >> they were my life, literally. everyone knows that. >> reporter: luis vielma worked at the harry potter ride at
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universal studios. harry potter author j.k. rowling tweeted about him tweeting, i can't stop crying. these two men had been dating for nearly two years. in an interview, family members said they planned to marry. instead, the men will share a funeral service. >> yo, yo, what up? i'm shane. >> reporter: shane tomlinson sang in the band frequency. >> you don't think you're not going to see that person again the next day. we got to thank god every day for your life. >> reporter: tomlinson's brand mate learned her friend died after an agonizing day-long wait. >> it was excruciating. so many friends and family asking, hey, are you okay, have you heard any news? >> reporter: paula blanco took her boyfriend to pulse to teach him latin dancing. paula survived, cory did not. ryan is cory's older brother. >> i knew if something happened to him, it was because he was protecting his girlfriend. i believe in my heart of hearts that's what it was. >> reporter: later this morning,
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the hospital will hold a press conference. eight surgeons and two victims are expected to speak, gayle. >> thank you very much, jamie. the fbi faces questions about its past checks of omar mateen. agents looked at him twice in recent years and did not confirm any of the evidence of terror ties. the fbi director says there is no sign yet that investigators made mistakes. sources tell cbs news that worldwide security firm that mateen worked for didn't know why the fbi checked him out. jeff is tracking that part of the story. >> good morning. omar mateen worked for a company called g4s. cbs news learned it was actually mateen that alerted the company about the fbi investigation. g4s is did not know about the second fbi inquiry into their employee, which was to determine the extent of his ties to a suicide bomber. officials confirmed that omar mateen worked as an armed
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security guard at the st. lucie main courthouse prior to 2014. cbs news has learned there is no evidence to suggest that the fbi contacted his employer, g4s, when investigators began looking into complaints from co-workers in 2013. according to the fbi, he was boasting of family connections to al qaeda and that he was a member of hezbollah. fbi director james comey says he also expressed a desire to die. >> he said he hoped law enforcement would raid his apartment and assault his wife and child so that he could martyr himself. >> reporter: the fbi investigated with wiretaps and informants. they also interviewed mateen twice, but he was cleared. in 2014 his name resurfaced in an investigation into an american suicide bomber in syria. that man and mateen went to the same florida mosque. again, mateen was cleared. but the investigation into the mass shooting reveals he had indeed become inspired over the
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years by extremist ideology. >> we are highly confident that this killer was radicalized and at least in some part through the internet. >> reporter: now that the fbi has his cell phone and computer, they can track who he was talking to and what he was reading. law enforcement sources say there is evidence he may have researched disney world as a possible target. ultimately, he chose the pulse nightclub. just over a week before the attack, he purchased the sig sauer mcx assault rifle on june 4th, then a glock 17 on june 5th. gun store owner ed henson says mateen had multiple security licenses. >> if he hadn't purchased them from us, i'm sure he would have gotten them from another local gown store in the area. >> the fbi will conduct a review of its actions in 2013 and 2014. agents working on the current investigation have mateen's samsung cell phone, and law enforcement sources say they are not facing encryption roadblocks as they did in the san
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bernardino terrorism investigation. norah? >> all right, jeff. thank you so much. donald trump and hillary clinton are speaking out about the orlando attack, and op-eds in newspapers across the country this morning are focusing on their words. the strongest attacks are aimed at trump. he is being hit hard for questioning president obama's commitment to fighting isis. "the washington post" also accused trump of a, quote, assault on our values after his campaign banned the paper's reporters from attending campaign events. nancy cordes is following all the political reaction. nancy, good morning. >> good morning. trump and clinton's responses to the shooting could not have been more difficuerent. one proposed banning assault weapons. one proposed banning muslims. >> i can't define it. nobody knows what's going on. nobody knows why he doesn't have more anger. >> in interview after interview
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monday, trump argued the president was mysteriously ignoring isis. >> well, it's true. he has more anger toward me than he does for isis. i don't know. there's something going on. it's a very strange situation. >> he didn't elaborate, but for years trump claimed the president was a secret muslim, born outside the u.s. >> i think what is clear is if you take a look at the president's record. it speaks for itself. that record includes a lot of dead terrorists. >> "the washington post" examined trump's comments, but he didn't like the headline, so trump announced he was banning the nation's fourth largest national newspaper from covering his events. >> if i get in there, it's going to change, and it's going to change quickly. >> in new hampshire, trump argued a temporary ban on muslim immigrants is the only way to keep radical jihadists out. >> they enslave women and they murder gays. i don't want them in our country. >> and he sought payback for clinton's foreign policy takedown nearly two weeks ago, ringing her up 18 times. >> clinton wants to allow
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radical islamic terrorists to pour into our country. she's in total denial. she supports so much of what is wrong. >> clinton didn't mention trump in her address in cleveland but was clearly targeting his proposal. >> inflammatory anti-muslim rhetoric hurts the vast majority of muslims who love freedom and hate terror. >> she vowed to crack down on terrorist recruiting and propaganda online and reach out to muslims in the u.s. >> we should be intensifying contacts in those communities, not scapegoating or isolating them. >> trump's outsing of the wha"t washington post" in good company. buzzfeed and others have also been partially or fully banned from trump events. the executive editor called the move a repudization of the role of a free and independent press.
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this morning, the post editorial board adds, if this is his inclination now, imagine how he mild wield the powers of the presidency. >> thanks, nancy. bloomberg politics managing editor john heilemann is here. >> hi. >> can we determine if there's a political impact from these very, very different responses to the tragedy in orlando? >> i think it's all too early for that. what we know is that in the course of the republican nomination fight, when appealing to a republican nominating electorate, that donald trump benefitted politically by posturing as a strong man in the face of prior terrorist events, whether they were in brussels, san bernardino, or paris. he's asserted that's true. there seems to be ample evidence that suggests those were good for him politically in terms of how he responded. as we all know though, we're now in a totally different world where you're not competing for a relatively small sliver of the republican electorate. you're competing in a much broader electorate. what this is all about now is trying to find people who are in the middle of the electorate who
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have not decided whether they're conservative or liberal. they're not sure and they have to make a choice between hillary clinton and donald trump. whether this kind of rhetoric will appeal to those people, unknown. it's just too soon. >> it's also important to determine what being tough means. >> yes, it does. hillary clinton would argue that the kind of policies and posturing that trump engages in makes the country less safe. that's the argument she's going to make. she made it yesterday. she's going to make it over the course of the next few months. saying some of the inflammatory things he says about muslims both in the united states and abroad doesn't help. doesn't make the country stronger or safer. trump has a different point of view on that topic. >> but that's the problem many people are grappling with. the words are so inflammatory that in many cases it could even make the situation worse. that's what's so frightening. >> there's certainly that. that's an argument that many foreign policy experts, not just
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partisan democrats, many foreign policy experts agree with that assessment. there's another issue, which is the broad political contours it of a debate about is trump fit for the oval office. beyond the question of whether it makes us safer or not to engage in this kind of rhetoric, what secretary clinton is going to say in the months ahead is this is another example of trump being flawed as a character. "the new york times" and others describe the speech he gave yesterday and his whole reaction to this from the beginning, the tweeting thanks for the congrats about being right, then the things he said about president obama yesterday, and the speech, asing with outside what we consider the rhetorical norms of a presidential campaign. >> john, the people are here. he's talking about banning them. the people are here. >> there's also this suggestion that the entire muslim community in america is responsible for not turning this shooter in and that there's kind of a menace
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and a threat in our midst. again, as i say, secoretary clinton will want to make that a character issue. not only is this rhetoric makes us less safe, but he's so volatile and volcanic that we can't trust that person in the oval office with nuclear launch codes. >> has donald trump put forward a proposal to deal with american-born extremists? >> not in any specific way. he is with some other republicans who think there should be much more surveillance of mosques in the united states. that was one of the things he argued in the republican nomination fight. generally, and he hasn't gotten into any specifics, that law enforcement officials should have greater power and authority and more tools at their disposal to do investigations on domestic voile. as with a lot of trump proposals, not a lot of detail so far. >> thanks, john. john will be back at the table tomorrow when he joins us as guest host. and we're following a
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developing investigation in france where isis is claiming responsibility for the killing of two police officials. the president of france this morning called it a terrorist act. a police commander and his parter in were stabbed at their home yesterday in a paris suburb. their 3-year-old child was unharmed. the suspect had a past terrorism conviction. he was shot dead by police. the killer's motive is not known. the wife of omar mateen arrived home last night. you can see her here trying to avoid the camera. ahead, david begnaud is outside the condo with new insi
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one man's bravery allowed dozens of people to survive the orlando attack. >> ahead, how one tour in afghanistan prepared him to take heroic action. >> the news is back here on "cbs this morning."
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from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia. this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this morning. good mornings i'm brooke thomas, the search is on for the hit-and-run driver police say hit and killed a young woman in lawncrest. the woman was crossing the boulevard, at adams avenue late last night when hit by a white or silver mini-van. police say. investigators also say she was in the pros walk with a green light at the time. >> let's get check on the eyewitness forecast now with meteorologist, katie fehlinger. >> brooke, yesterday we had to deal with pretty decent winds out there, still pretty breezy, but that's starting to really taper off. one of the camera shots we showed this same time yesterday was outside pleasant valley middle and high school. still little movement in the trees, from the breeze, but no where near what we experienced yesterday. the sun is shining and will continue to do so all day low humidity. great day. get outside if you k rain
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returns by thursday, meisha? >> thank you, katie watch we are look at right now video of an accident that happened little earlier, involving, multiple vehicles, on the schuylkill eastbound, before girard, the back up, extensive. so many vehicles involved. take a look at this. not only do we have multiple vehicles, you can see, we have people out of all of these vehicles, kind of walking around, forcing everyone to move around, walk around, so i'll show you a back upshot, backups go all the way to the conshohocken curve take route 23 or ridge pike, brooke, over you. >> next up did a date is at clock 55, right now on cbs this morning, remembering pop singer from burlington county shot and killed after recent florida concertment i'm brooke thomas, good morning.
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the world is paying tribute this morning to the victims of the orlando attack. thousands crowded new york city's historic stonewall inn. the victim's names were read outside the gay landmark. thousands more turned out in london's soho district to observe one minute of silence there. the vigil included the release of 49 balloons, one for each of the victims. >> american and rainbow flags fill the french capital. this sign declared paris loves orlando. the eiffel tower and australia's sydney harbor bridge are among many landmarks around the world bathed in rainbow colors. they're lit up to show solidarity with the victims and survivors of the orlando massacre. >> isn't that beautiful to see the world react that way. >> very beautiful. i just wish we didn't have to have this time and time and time
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again. but it is beautiful that they're paying attention. >> welcome back to morning morni "cbs this morning." we are getting our first look at the wife of the shooter, omar mateen. she returned to their home in ft. pierce, florida, late last night to pick up sop belongings. she needed a lock smith to help her get inside. family members and former friends are painting very different pictures of the gunman. david begnaud is outside mateen's condo complex about a hundred miles from orlando. david, good morning. >> reporter: norah, good morning. this is the first time we got a picture of the wife who showed up late last night, obviously timing her arrival for when reporters had left. she was surrounded by police, left with a duffel bag, got into a vehicle with a child. we are unsure if that child is the child of the shooter. here at the apartment complex, we have talked to neighbors who call the suspect bizarre, and they find it interesting that he was driving a car that had a nasa bumper sticker and u.s. marine corps license plate.
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here's one video of police going through that car. >> amateur video shot by a neighbor shows fbi investigators carefully looking through the car that belongs to the gunman. it was parked in the parking lot of the ft. pierce apartment come pleblgs where mateen lived. investigators also removed evidence from his apartment. we spoke with one neighbor who called mateen socially awkward. >> was there something suspicious about him? >> the only thing i found suspicious about him was when you said good morning or how are you doing, he would just look at you with a blank stare almost, cold eyes. >> reporter: police also searched the home belonging to mateen's father in nearby port st. lucie. we sat down with his father. he admitted what his son was was an act of terrorism but said he was not a terrorist. >> did omar have mental illness you knew of? >> i never noticed that because he was attentive to his work and family and was very respectful. >> had his behavior changed
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recently? >> the whole thing is surprising to me. i don't want you to ask me the same question. i know as much as you do. i don't approve of what he did. especially what he did was inside the united states. that's our home. >> the president of the united states has called your son's actions terrorist. >> that's what i said. >> do you agree? >> that's what i say. what he did was act of terrorism. >> you believe your son was a terrorist? >> no. what he did was. >> reporter: it's important to note that this interview with the father, he initially had the idea that he was going to use it as a pulpit. he wasn't really interested in answering questions. he was a bit evasive and confusing at times, but gayle, we have to remember he did lose a son. another quote he gave to a local reporter was, i won't miss anything about him, what he did was against humanity. >> coming from his father, that says a lot. thank you very much, david. we have details of heroism among
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the attack. people who escaped the pulse nightclub sunday morning and helped carry victims to safety are sharing their experience. mark strassman is in orlando with one story. >> reporter: good morning. for all the horror of that night, there were also moments of heroism. some people saved one or two lives. this is the story of a guy who saved dozens. >> i could hear him coming back. >> reporter: imran yousuf had been working security at the club for less than a month when mayhem exploded early sunday morning. >> he must have literally walked in as i walked to the back staff hallway, and that's when the shots went off. >> shots go off. how many? >> three or four shots go off. you could just tell it was a high caliber. there's no way that would have been a pistol or something else. i saw people start pouring into the back staff hallway, and they
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just start to pack everyone. >> reporter: yousuf could see a life-saving option beyond the crouched, panicky people. two doors. one led back into the club, the other led out to safety. but someone, anyone, had to unlatch it. >> there's no other choice. either i'm going to die right now with everyone else or we could get somebody out. i'm screaming. the shots kept going off. i'm just screaming, open the door, open the door. no one is moving because they're scared. i jumped over, opened that latch, and we got everyone we could out of there. >> how many people went through the door? >> probably over 60, 70. as soon as people found out that door was open, they kept just pouring out. >> reporter: once he got safely outside, yousuf, that's him in the gray tank top, carried the wounded to waiting ambulances. >> stay calm. you have to stay calm. >> reporter: his call under fire came in uniform. the 24-year-old is also a former marine. he says his instincts came from
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six years in the corps and a tour in afghanistan. >> when the day comes, you're going to see what you're made of. i think i reacted the best i could. >> too many people died, but you saved a lot of folks. >> i wish i could save more, to be honest. there's a lot of people that are dead. there's a lot of people that are dead. >> reporter: yousuf made repeated security sweeps of the club that night but never spotted the gunman. in fact, throughout his night of heroism, he never saw the shooter at all. charlie? >> thanks, mark. incredible. >> so great he was there and could do what he did, but it shows you're just not safe. i was at the airport yesterday. people were telling me this was a place where people went because they felt safe. a lot of young people were there. they went there on a regular
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basis because this was a safe place. now we see you're not safe at school, at the movie theater, at a concert, and now at a nightclub. it's so maddening to me. >> as we were watching the young man, he said i wish i would have done more. >> doesn't think he's a hero. >> it's time to show you some of this morning's headlines. "the washington post" reports on how members of congress could not agree on a moment of silence for the orlando shooting victims. several democrats walked out in protest. when it was over, some members shouted at speaker paul ryan, demanding a vote on tougher gun laws. sf >> the clerk will report the title of the bill. [ yelling ] order. order. >> democrats hollered, where's the bill. they say moments of silence following mass shootings are becoming a symbol for inaction
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on gun control. a ryan spokeswoman called the disturbance disheartening. >> "usa today" says the nra is dismissing calls for gun control following the orlando shooting. in an opinion piece, executive director chris cox wrote, radical islamic terrorists are not deterred by gun control laws. the only way to defeat them is to destroy them, not destroy the right of law-abiding americans to defend themselves. >> "the chicago tribune" reports on an apparent head stomping incident involving a police. video surfaced yesterday about this. it appears to show an officer hitting a suspect's head. his condition is not known. two officers were hospitalized for bites. the city's police superintendent is asking for an independent review of this case. "the wall street journal" reports on new doubts that a sudden midair explosion brought down egyptair flight 804. egyptian officials say the jet veered off course may 19th as it headed to cairo from paris. the plane then turned, rolled,
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and plunged into the mediterranean. that confirms initial findings from greece, but it brings crash investigators no closer to finding the cause. and cbs denver reports on the sudden storm that delayed a rock show. fans of steely dan fled floods, rain, and hail last night at the red rocks amphitheater. this is one of the nation's most famous concert venues. a flood also hit last year during a show by the same group. looks very dangerous. >> hopefully the show will be rescheduled. tributes honor the victim of another deadly shooting in orlando. ahead, the search for a motive in the murder of singer christina grimmie and how her show business friends are celebrating her talents. plus, the latest in the orlando terror investigation. homeland security secretary jeh johnson returns to studio 57 to discuss the latest developments.
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♪ sunger christina grimmie is being remembered by her fans after she was murdered friday following her concert in orlando. police are trying to determine a motive in her shooting death. she was a contestant on "the voice." investigators are searching the phone and computer of her killer, kevin loibl. michelle miller attended a vigil last night in grimmie's hometown. >> good morning. christina gri mammie loved her brother. police say he was a hero after tackling the gunman. they say he may have saved lives, but he couldn't save his
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baby sister. christina grimmie's charm and powerhouse vocals made her a rising star, recognized on "the voice" in 2014. >> you were phenomenal. >> thank you so much. >> she loved singing. she loved the lord. and she loved me. >> reporter: grimmie's brother spoke at her hometown vigil last night, describing his sister's last moments after an orlando concert friday. she signed autographs as she met her fans and her killer. >> i missed the very first glimpse, but witnesses say that she was arms open wide, so she had no idea. >> reporter: police say marcus grimmie tackled 27-year-old kevin james loibl before the gunman shot and killed himself, possibly saving many more. an apparent stranger to grimmie, investigators believe he traveled to orlando to confront her. his family taped an apology note
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to their door, but so far no word on a motive. over the weekend, superstar selena gomez broke down on stage during an emotional performance for her slain friend, who rose to fame on youtube. she already had millions of fans before her big break on "the voice." singer adam levine was her coach. levine has offered to pay for her funeral, posting a statement online. christina was a natural, gifted talent that comes along so rarely. she was taken from us too soon. heartbroken friends described her as a devout christian with an undeniable faith in the goodness of people. bobby was her band mate and friend since eighth grade. >> she inspired millions and millions of people. she changed lives.
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she really did. i'll never forget her. nobody will. >> reporter: and police say the orlando venue where grimmie was killed did not have metal detectors, and people were not patted down. >> such a beautiful voice. such a senseless, tragic loss. >> it really is. when you think about it, this happened 27 hours before the mass shooting, just four miles away. makes you wonder how anything so horrific could happen within just miles of one another within just a day. >> and another act of heroism. >> yeah, from her brother. thank you very much, michelle. a las vegas icon gets an explosive sendoff, you could say. the dramatic implosion overnight of a
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a piece of las vegas lihisty came crashing down overnight. the former riviera hotel. decades ago, the casino was a hot bed for mobsters. all right. ahead, the orlando surgeons who saved dozens of lives after the nightclub attack share their stories. you're watching "cbs this morning." i want my blood sugar i to stay in so i asked about tresiba®. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i want to trim my a1c. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. releases slow and steady. works like your body's insulin.
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this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this morning. twenty-one year old driver being interviewed by police after her car went over a curb, the victim's injuries are not life threatening, near third and south street around 1:00 this morning, investigators say it does not appear drugs or alcohol were involved. >> and now a check on the forecast with katie, and it seems pretty perfect? >> yes, and not much more you can possibly say about this. started off with little high cloud cover, that, too, is thinning, looking at storm scan3, totally devoid of any storm, just put that out there. but other than that very thin little vale of clouds, thing are breaking for sunshine, you have got more blue skies than anything, and that will be the story today, so just lovely, fathers day weekend right now not looking bad either. snack dab inbetween that
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system moving in, wettest day looks to be thursday, meisha, over to you. >> thanks, katie. we are keeping our eye on a very major accident this morning, involving multiple vehicles, this is the schuylkill eastbound, before girard, you can see this video that we have for you, you can see, the septa bus, also see these cars again, multiple vehicles, involved, not to mention the fact that people are getting out of their vehicles and walking aroundment the good news is on the schuylkill, right now, all lanes have just been reopened. now, just waiting for it to ease some tension, the schuylkill headlights moving in the eastbound direction, at gladwynn, still give yourselves some extra time, nicole, over to you. >> thank, next update is at 8: 25, coming up on cbs this morning, homeland security secretary jay johnson comes to studio 57. have a great alright guys, we've brought you to this construction trailer to talk about trucks today.
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which truck brand offers engines with best in class v8 towing or fuel economy? are we moving? where we going? it's the answer to the question baby! silverado. oooh that's cool. it's truck month. qualified buyers get 0% financing for 60 months. plus, find your tag and get $8,250 total value on this silverado all star. find new roads at your local chevy dealer
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good morning. it is tuesday, june 14th, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning." there's more real news ahead, as people around the world come together to lift up orlando and honor the 49 people killed amid the search for answers. homeland security secretary jeh johnson is right here in studio 57. we're going to ask how the government is responding to the deadly attack and how they might prevent one in the future. but first, here's today's eye opener at 8:00. >> investigators have confiscated the tapes from surveillance cameras. they are combing through them as a part of the investigation. >> patients being treated here appear to be improving. the positive news comes as we learn more about those who were killed. >> omar mateen worked for a
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company called g4s. >> trump and clinton's responses could not have been more different. one proposed banning assault weapons, the other, muslim immigrants. >> hillary clinton would argue that the kind of policies and posturing that trump engages in makes the country less safe. trump has an obviously different point of view on that topic. >> this is the first time we got a picture of the wife who showed up late last night. we've talked to neighbors who call the suspect bizarre. >> through all the horror of that night, there were also moments of heroism. some people saved one or two lives. this is the story of a guy who saved dozens. >> i'm just screaming, open the door, open the door. >> too many people died, but you saved a lot of folks. >> i wish i could save more, to be honest. >> he does what every hero does. i wish i could have done more. i'm charlie rose with gayle king and norah o'donnell.
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president obama will travel to orlando thursday to pay his respects to victims of america's deadliest mass shooting. cities held dozens of vigils yesterday to remember the 49 people killed. thousands gathered outside new york city's historic stonewall inn. and in orlando, people from the community came together to support each other. >> it's so nice to see so many brothers and sisters in the lgbt community come together, the camaraderie and just celebrate us. i think it's a time for the world to recognize that we are -- we're important too. we matter too. and really, all lives matter. >> this morning we now know the names of all of the victims killed in this horrible massacre. their stories are heartbreaking. amanda alvear was working at a hospital and drugstore to pay for nursing school. then there's shane tomlinson, he sang in a band called frequency. one of his band members said this. you just don't think that you're not going to see that person
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again. josh elliott is in orlando and has new information on the investigation. josh, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. a law enforcement official tells cbs news investigators are now combing through tapes from surveillance cameras all throughout the neighborhood here in an effort to complete their investigation into mateen and to specifically now determine whether or not mateen had been in this area prior to sunday's shooting. of course, the 29-year-old mateen killed 50 people in the nightclub pulse with a handgun and an ar-15 assault rifle. the investigation into the mass shooting has revealed that perhaps he had become inspired by extremist ideology. he had pledged his allegiance to isis during the massacre and the 911 call he, in fact, had placed. meanwhile, the fbi now faces questions about its past investigation. despite a previous investigation
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by the fbi into mateen in 2013 and his connection to another investigation a year later, he was cleared in both instances. the fbi director has said that there is no sign yet that any investigators made mistakes. but sources do tell cbs news that the worldwide security firm for which mateen worked did not know why he had been investigated by the fbi. norah? >> all right, josh. thank you so much. homeland security secretary jeh johnson is here. he was supposed to travel to beijing for cybersecurity meetings but canceled his plans after the attack. secretary johnson, good morning. great to have you here. >> norah, thanks for having me back. >> let's ask this first. is there any evidence right now that this shooter had accomplices or was working with anyone else that may be a threat to our security today? >> at this stage in the investigation, we know of no accomplices. we do not believe at this stage this was a terrorist-directed attack, as we say.
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all the signs are this was an incident of terrorist-inspired acts, an individual who self-radicalized and committed obviously a mass atrocity here in our homeland. >> what's the most disturbing thing we have found out about him? >> well, let me begin with this. the president's number one priority is protection of the homeland, protection of the american people. all of us in this administration, this is our top priority. we're doing so militarily through air strikes. we're taking out a number of members of the islamic state, al qaeda, the aq affiliated elements of al shabaab. we're going to continue to do that. we're focused on those who are focused on external operations in particular. our law enforcement community is focused on this. in homeland security, we're focused on it as well. in this environment where we have to be concerned about not just terrorist-directed attacks but terrorist-inspired attacks, those who self-radicalize,
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requires a whole of government approach, which includes building bridges to communities, american-muslim communities, encouraging them to if they see something, say something. it is almost always the case when someone self-radicalizes that there is somebody close to them who sees the signs. so we've been at this since i've been secretary. we're going to continue to build bridges to american-muslim communities, not vilify them, drive them into the corner, into the shadows. >> i think that's a question many people have. how many other mateens out there are there today that may have been looked at by the fbi, that are in the process of self-radicalization? >> and the second question is, how do you find them? >> the fbi does an excellent job in its counterterrorism efforts of investigating, interviewing individuals that we suspect of potential terrorist plotting. jim comey has said there are hundreds, if not thousands, of open investigations at any one time. the fbi is very good at what
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they do. they're very aggressive in what they do. i have a lot of confidence in the fbi because routinely they are investigating, interdicting, and taking down terrorist plots to our homeland. >> so you don't think anybody dropped the ball here? james comey said it's like looking for a needle in a nationwide hay stack, he called it. >> but he said they'd look at it again. >> the orlando shooter was interviewed three times. he was auththoroughly investiga. based on what we knew at the time, there was nothing further to pursue. >> but it does raise the question again about gun control. i keep wondering what it's going to take. i was on the plane from orlando. you had a family coming from disney world, all excited with their mickey mouse ears. in another seat, there was a man who had just been at the club. he told me he left at 1:36, right before the shooting started. he was still basically in shock. and it just raised the question about here you're in the
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happiest place on earth, orlando, then within a 24-hour period, you have two terrible shootings. what will it take to move the needle when it comes to gun control? people thought it would be sandy hook. >> well, you're asking me about gun control. i am not anxious to plunge into yet another difficult, contentious issue like the ones i already have. i do believe, however, that meaningful, responsible gun control is now part and parcel of homeland security. it's critical to public safety, but we have to face the fact that meaningful, responsible gun control has to be part of homeland security as well, given the prospect of homegrown, home bound extremism in this country. we've seen this now with orlando, tragically, with san bernardino. it's something that i think the american public and the congress has to face and has to address. >> and if they're on a watch list, should they be able to buy an assault weapon?
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>> well, a number of people have made the point that there are individuals who are on our no-fly list, who are on various other lists who are able to purchase a weapon in this country. i believe that's something that has to be addressed. i think those of us in the executive branch and in the legislative branch have to face this. >> with great respect, mr. secretary, you're head of homeland security. what do you think? >> i believe that meaningful, responsible gun control is part of homeland security. it's something we have to address. >> is this the first time you're saying this? is this a change? >> i have not talked about gun control publicly at this point. i think that we have to face the facts that gun control is part and parcel of homeland security and how things are evolving. >> simply put, you can be on the terrorist watch list, which i've just looked up this morning, there are 700,000 people on the terrorist watch list. you can buy a semiautomatic
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weapon if you're on that list. you cannot get on an airplane in this country, but you can buy a semiautomatic weapon. >> the weapon used in most of these cases, ar-15. >> yes, and you can see the devastation and death that one assault rifle with a number of magazines can bring about. >> that he bought within the past week. >> look, this is something i want to be clear about. >> yeah. >> i believe there are ways to get at meaningful, responsible gun control. we need to do something to minimize the opportunities for terrorists to get a gun in this country. this is now something that is critical to homeland security as well as public safety. >> without infringing on the rights of gun owners. >> without infringing on the second amendment, and without infringing on the rights of responsible gun owners to own a gun. >> i think there's a feeling in the country, and you are aware of it and i know you feel
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strongly, that not to do anything is not the answer right now. not to feel the sense of urgency and to call on all forces of government to come together and try to deal with these problems, and especially the homegrown issue and the gun issue. >> i thought frankly after sandy hook where you have school children murdered in a classroom that maybe finally this was going to be the tipping point, and we were not able to move the needle in congress unfortunately. i'd like to see us continue to go at this. i know the president is frustrated. i know the president is determined. this has become a matter of homeland security. we have to address it. >> the two sides can work together on this. >> secretary johnson, thank you so much. they treated 44 gunshot victims of the orlando attack. ahead, scott pelley's interview with the six trauma surgeons who
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saved dozens of lives. they'll share their chaotic and
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29 victims of the nightclub massacre are still hospitalized this morning at orlando regional medical center. doctors say they are optimistic all will survive. six surgeons who worked tirelessly sunday to save lives opened up to cbs evening news anchor scott pelley. scott is in orlando. scott, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie. the orlando regional medical center, the only level-one, top-performing trauma center in central florida is about two blocks from here. that is one of the twists of fate that saved so many lives. in addition to that, just three months ago orlando regional medical center held a mass casualty active shooter drill.
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so they couldn't have been better prepared. 44 gunshot victims came into the emergency room, virtually all at once. nine of those patients died, but every patient that made it to surgery has survived. >> they brought the first patient in, and then they brought another patient in and and th then they brought another patient in. they said there were possibly 20 more gunshot patients coming in. >> we had gunshot wounds to the chest, gunshot wounds to the abdomen, to the extremities, most fairly severe because of the high velocity projectiles. >> what do you mean by that? >> well, this was an assault rifle. so this is a military weapon. the bullets have a lot more energy to them, a lot more speed, so they cause more tissue entry.
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>> it was very chaotic. there were patients that were crying. >> there's an individual who required multiple operations in the same 24-hour time period because of october iactive, ong bleeding. >> but you saved him. >> we did, yeah. >> they're able to wake up and their families are smiling. it's pretty amazing. >> are these gunshot wounds different than the kind of saturday night gunshot wounds you typically see. >> certainly they're different from what we used to call civilian gunshot wounds, which were typically slower bullets, smaller bullets, but increasingly, we're seeing gunshot wounds from high-velocity military-type weapons almost on a daily basis. this type of an injury is something we see every day. it's just not 44 patients. >> a patient like that has how long to live untreated? >> if you're actively bleeding from large blood vessels, it could be a matter of minutes. >> do you believe that lives
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were saved because the shooting was just two blocks from this hospital? >> absolutely. there were patients arriving not via ambulance but pickup trucks and being brought down here, immediate access to care was paramount. >> were the patients saying anything? >> some of them were crying. some of them were confused. many people were asking where their friends and loved ones were. >> of the surgeries that you performed, does any patient stick in your mind? >> i think they all stick in your mind. after something this horrific, i don't think any of us will every forget this. this is not something that goes away. >> we had hundreds of family members in the lobby of the hospital, all clamoring to know how their loved one was. i think the thing that struck many of us is just the devastation to these families and not knowing for hours and hours because so many of the victims were still inside the club. >> i was trying to put myself in
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their position, just not knowing if their loved one was in the hospital or if their loved one was still at the nightclub. you know, i just want to say that i'm proud that we were there to be there for them. it's very humbling. >> reporter: extraordinary talent. gayle, back to you. >> thank you very much, scott. extraordinary indeed. fbi profiler on the killer's motivations. you're watching "cbs this morning." and like millions of wn worldwide i trust tena. and with new tena overnight underwear i can now sleep worry free all night. the unique secure barrier system gives me triple protection from leaks, odor and moisture so i can keep being a sweet dreamer. tena overnight underwear and pads. only tena lets you be you. mobility is very important to me. that's why i use e*trade mobile.
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>> this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this morning. good morning, i'm brooke thomas. the man accused of throwing a beer bottle at phillies first baseman, ryan howards, faces a judge this morning. philadelphia police say 21 year old sydney smith, of wilmington, surrendered to detectives friday. the university of delaware student was issued a citation, for disorderly conduct, and he could be fined as much as $300. now, let's get to the eyewitness weather forecast, here's meteorologist, katie fehlinger. >> what abut full day it is looking to be here, brooke, we've started off with granted couple of clouds, have thinned out nicely, now we see the solar energy start to warm things up. temperatures are still holding into the lower 60s, in a lot of locations, a tad milder the further south you travel, but regardless, a cool start in mount pocono. only in the low 50's right now, you haven't seen too much movement on the thermometer
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just yet, i promise that will change, it is a beautiful flag day forecast, in the sunshine, low humidity, lighter wind, just gorgeous, june afternoon, unfolding for us eventually, and, you can expect essentially more of the same at least to start our day tomorrow. but, there is a system that is waiting in the wings, system moves along thursday, bringing scattered showers, probably few thunderstorms, too, and by friday, there will be showers that linger but we should start to clear it out for what promises to be a nice weekend. >> sounds like it, and great news in the traffic center, as well, that accident that we've been just waiting to clear on the skewing eastbound before girard has now all since been cleared. great news easing tension for a loft you jumping out on the schuylkill. where it is very slow, admiral wilson boulevard eastbound, do have construction, where the right lane is block, speaking of taking it up to route 38 eastbound, we do have some gas line repairs between route 130 and route 70. so, two lanes are block there until 6:00 a.m. saturday. and yes, that's certainly going to slow you down little
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bit. brooke, over to you. >> thanks, meisha a look at the big difference in an hour made. ahead on cbs this morning, former fbi profiler shows us what may have alright guys, we've brought you to this construction trailer to talk about trucks today.
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which truck brand offers engines with best in class v8 towing or fuel economy? are we moving? where we going? it's the answer to the question baby! silverado. oooh that's cool. it's truck month. qualified buyers get 0% financing for 60 months. plus, find your tag and get $8,250 total value on this silverado all star. find new roads at your local chevy dealer
8:29 am
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♪ in london last night, thousands gathered for a tribute to the orlando terror victims. the london gay man's chorus sang "bridge over troubled water." everybody touched by this tragedy. all around the world and the country. welcome back to "cbs this morning." >> we have a better idea this morning of who the orlando gunman, omar mateen, is. but there are questions about why the fbi looked at his background and then didn't act. the 29-year-old security guard told his employer that agents questioned him in 2013. the company didn't know the fbi checked him out a second time. we also know mateen claimed to have ties to several terror
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groups, not just isis, and investigators are trying to figure out if he visited the pulse nightclub before the attack. former fbi senior criminal profiler mary ellen o'toole is here. good morning. >> good morning. >> a lot of important questions this morning. one thing that has emerged today is there are now four different witnesses who were regular attendees at the pulse nightclub that said mateen had been there on many occasions. what does that suggest about him and his motives? >> as part of a mass shooting, especially one that is so well planned, you expect the shooter to surveil the venue before they do that, but what's being described today is outside the realm of surveilling a venue to make sure you pick the right time and the right group of victims. this, to me, suggests somebody that may have had sexual
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identity issues and may have actually been struggling with the idea that he himself was gay. that would add a different motive and a different perspective on the case, but i think there's a distinction between surveilling for purposes of completing the shooting successfully and then actually being engaged in the activity itself that he targeted. >> there were reports that he was on gay apps and he'd asked men out in the past. it was more than just i'm there enjoying the drinks. what do you make of reports he was so calm and so cool when he called 911? >> being so calm and cool is really important. i say that for this reason. it's hard to visualize, but being inside that club, you had all those people crying and yelling and screaming for their life. it was chaotic. yet, he's staying cool, calm, and collected. that goes to his personality. that's not a product of being well practiced or well versed. that goes to him being hypoe notional. it's extremely callous.
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it shows an extreme lack of empathy, a lack of guilt, a lack of compassion. those traits did not just occur the day before the shooting. no, those were personality traits that pre-existed the shooting. >> killing someone like that in a mass way with that kind of power, you asked the question why, because you know you're taking lives. how can you do it? what is in their head? >> the thinking, again, really pre-exists by months, if not years, the actually carrying out of the event. first of all, the individual has to develop the ability to dehumanize other people, to turn them into objects. so he did not see those people inside the club as humans. they were objects. it also requires the ability to be practiced and be comfortable with violence. again, that comes with years of fantasies about violence and violent ideation. violence is how you handle the
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world. it also involves an ability to view the world not as an angry man but as a person filled with hatred. and not just hatred for gays. i've never had a case yet where the individual was just hateful of one particular group, like women or blacks or gays. usually they hate everybody. so it's this compilation of personality traits, but the hard wiring is already there. >> and it gives them power. >> well, power and control. >> and maybe they hate themselves too, mary ellen. is there something about that? i know you can't predict violence, but is there a way you can prevent it? >> right. we're not where we want to be to predict who will act out violently next. but to be able to prevent violence, we look for patterns of behavior. some of the things that we look for are a lifetime pattern of basically being somewhat of a loser, not having accomplishments in life. the other thing we look for is a
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pattern of violent ideation. everything in life comes down to talking violent about how you're handling it or a lifetime of hatred for other people. your role models are groups or people that are filled with hate who carry out things in a violent way. again, so you're looking at patterns of behavior. then of course e presentatixpre actually acting out violent and a fascination with weapons. >> mary ellen o'toole. >> when you all -- add all of these things together and you don't have weapons, you can't act out as violently as we saw. when you have access to weapons and you know how to use them, you have a very deadly cocktail. >> thank you very much, mary ellen o'toole. right now it is time to show you some of this morning's headlines from around the globe. the london evening standard reports on the duke and dutches
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of came bridge sending their thoughts to orlando. they spoke to embassy staff who have worked on lgbt issues. >> the seattle times breaks down microsoft's plan to take over linkedin. they will pay more than $26 billion. that makes it microsoft's biggest acquisition. the company hopes to connect its business products with linkedin's 433 million members. the deal is expected to close this year. and billboard says the "hamilton" album is climbing the charts after the show won 11 tonies. performances by the cast during sunday night's show gave many viewers their first glimpse of the hit musical. "60 minutes" did too. >> i saw that piece, norah. >> the recording by the original broadway cast is headed for the top ten of billboard's 200 albums list for the first time. it hasn't happened to a cast recording since "the book of
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mormon" in 2011. >> if you can't see the play, get the music. isn't the music fantastic? >> and charlie has done four or five different versions of your "60 minutes" piece. you can watch it several times. >> well, they're all interesting and continue to be interesting people. >> good material. >> the story is good. the music is good. the characters are good. everything. >> and we're going to continue the "hamilton" conversation. because guess who's here? leslie odom jr. is opening new doors in his career. he's here for his first tv appearance since his big tony win. did you bring the tony with you? >> i did. >> all right.
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♪ that is leslie odom jr., guys. the cast of "hamilton" performing at the tonys. the production won 11 awards on sunday, including lead actor in a musical for leslie odom jr. for the last year and a half, he's performed as aaron burr on the stage. burr is the show's narrator. the role has certainly opened door eed es for the actor and musician. >> you are extraordinary in every way. >> when leslie odom jr. won the tony for lead actor in a musical
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for his role in "hamilton," he turned the spotlight back on his fellow castmates. >> i thank you for the fidelity of your friendship. i almost didn't make it here. i almost fell. >> if odom stumbled at all, it was hard to tell from outside the room. his road to the tony stage was anything but direct. at 13, odom was mesmerized by a news report on the broadway musical "rent." he made it his life's ambition to be part of that show. four years later, odom scored a small part. after finishing college, he pursued a career in television. >> we both know you're not a man of violence. >> but he did not achieve the success he had hoped for.
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when he was given the opportunity to read for aaron burr at a workshop, odom made sure there was no question of how badly he wanted this role. he memorized the entire part, an uncommon act of dedication so early in the process. today odom is getting his chance to call all the shots. >> i like when he brings it in, but pull it back. >> this month he released his self-titled debut album. it's a deeply personal project where he says he gets to play the true role of a lifetime, himself. ♪ >> drop the microphone. leslie odom jr. debuted at number one the itunes jazz
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chart. he joins us at the table for his first tv interview since winning his tony, which by the way, is here at the table. he said, should i bring the tony? yes, we all shouted. congratulations. your speech gave me goose bumps. i love you paid tribute to your cast, to your wife, you paid tribute to your journey. what was going through your head standing there on that stage in that theater on that night? >> don't curse. don't do anything that's going to embarrass your parents. and thank as many people as possible in the short amount of time. >> could you take in this moment, what this meant to you? >> i'm still taking in the moment. i came here straight from the after party. i haven't been home. that's why i have the tony. i just don't carry it around. >> i read you learned how to sing by playing records over and over and over again and repeating them. >> i was a little obsessive
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about it. malcolm gladwell talks about the 10,000 hours. that's where i spent my 10,000 hours. singing again and again. >> what kind of music? >> marvin gay. it was tebow bryson. later it was ella. and it was sara vaughn. >> and what did you hear? >> i -- that's what it was about. it was training my ear. it was training, you know -- it's quite remarkable actually. there's many things about us that are remarkable, human beings. but it's crazy when you sort of can play your vocal folds. i wanted it to sound like i intended it to sound. i wanted to be able to count on this. >> what was it like being in the same category for best actor with lin-manuel? >> i depend on lin. he's half of my performance. half of my performance i get from looking into his eyes. so i wouldn't have had it any other way. i wanted one of us to take it
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home. >> but here's how he describes you and the reason that you grabbed his attention for the role of aaron burr. he says, what was great about leslie is that in every way, he's a contrast. he's cool, his blood runs cool, he's elegant. this dude makes me look scruffy. >> okay. i'll take that. sure. >> and aaron burr, how have you come to see him? >> i've come to see him in the way that i think lin intended us to see him. i look at him with compassion and humanity. this is a guy who cared -- he cared much more about his family than he did about his political aspirations. that ended up, i think, ultimately being the downfall of him, the same way that converse is the downfall of hamilton. >> when did you realize this was the role of a lifetime for you? you playing aaron burr. >> immediately.
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it was -- you hear a song like "wait for it," if you get one of those songs in a musical, one, it's worth dropping everything to sing that one song. >> and which one was most important here? "in the room"? >> that's the thing -- no. it's the fact i get -- aaron burr gets "wait for it" and he gets to be the audience guiding that way. it's such a tremendous responsibility. >> will you be in the show post-july? >> i do not know. i wish i knew, honestly. >> what do you need to do to make that happen? >> you're in contract negotiations. >> we are in contract negotiations, yes. >> we hope you get what you want. let's talk about your new music. >> yes. >> had you always wanted to do an album? is this a life dream? >> it is. oh, my gosh. >> because your style is so interesting. before you talk about the music, i have to pay tribute to your wife. you dedicated this album to her. i hope you can hear my heart on
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this record. it beats for you, beautiful. thanks for giving me a love worth singing about. she's very loved. she's very gorgeous too. so this has been a dream to sing. how would you describe your style, leslie? >> it's jazz or it's vocal music. you know, we want to pull out songs from the american song book. we want to dust them off and make them palatable for a modern audience. we pitched the album saying we want to make the album -- the music that nat king cole would make today. we want to modernize this sound and make the music relevant and important again. >> we're playing it now. you hear that? you think he can sing? ♪ >> what's extraordinary about "hamm "hamilton" is to many things came together. the right story, the right talent. >> that's why it's a moment worth celebrating.
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it was difficult sort of finding our way on sunday in light of the events that happened, right. i love social media. one of the things i love about it is when it's used at its best, it can be a conversation that's happening with people all over the world about an event like that. so there was a little bit of talk on social media about, you know, they should postpone, they should postpone the tonys. for a second, should we? i think that joy in the face of something like that is in its own way a protest. >> well said. >> music can get you through. >> and a way to pay tribute to those who have passed. the amazing thing, also, was it was pitch perfect. >> thank you very much, leslie odom jr. you're going to do a facebook chat. >> i can't wait. >> i can't
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this is cbs-3 "eyewitness news" this morning. good morning, everyone, i'm nicole brewer. the search is on for white or silver mini-van, after a deadly hit-and-run on the boulevard in lawncrest. a woman in her late teens, or early 20's, was hit as she crossed the boulevard add atoms -- adams avenue about 11:30 last night, in the crosswalk, green light when hit. investigators say that white or silver mini-van likely has front end and windshield damage. >> now, let's get a check on the forecast, and looking pretty good out there, katie? >> it really s we had clouds early this morning, those have since had a chance to thin out nicely, we ends up with beautiful weather here today. already is very comfortable outside. little cool to kick it off. feeling crisp outside though with the very low humidity, storm scan, showing the retreat of the cloud deck that we had earlier on. now, today is still in the
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category of awesome in terms of dew points, very low humidity, tomorrow it, goes a little bit of an up tick here, but still very pleasant. thursday, when it starts to feel kind of muggy. here's y you have is a system moving in, when you will probably want to keep the umbrella around thursday specifically showers, thunderstorms, somewhat scattered granted but still out there pretty much any time. we still have some wet weather lingering friday specially in the morning before skies clear out. as they do, the time something good, right now, it looks like we are in for pretty decent holiday weekend for dad, low 80s, and sunshine, exactly what we've got going on today, meisha. >> beautiful sunday, katie, thank you. looking outside, just quick peak around, right before 9:00. looking still pretty busy on the boulevard as you move in the southbound direction same story ben franklin bridge, moving in the westbound direction, take a look at this, into center city, very, very slow moving there, as well, 42 freeway northbound at creek road. not much better. maybe just little bit. looking all right, though. those of you on the 42 freeway in jersey also disable tractor-trailer, 95 north near
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route 141, two lanes block causing delays on 59 and route one, this is south of wilmington, delaware, so overall still busy morning, over to you. >> all right, meisha, thanks so much. that's "eyewitness news" for now. join us for "eyewitness news" at noon. i'm nicole brewer. have a great day.
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>> wrongly diagnosed and running out of options. >> yellow ooze coming out of my skin. >> can the doctors solve this medical mystery? and-- >> get over here now! >> announcer: a sibling rivalry that endangered both of their lives. >> diy, reactions. >> a wild ride with tom cruise on the doctors! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dr. travis: welcome to the show, everyone. sibling rivalry, we have all experienced this. if you have a sibling. >> audience: yeah! >> the two sisters in this video took it to the extreme. they got into an argument in the midst of a white water rafting trip. >> stop it! stop it! >> you are


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